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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectBlrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18096
18096, Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**I think the forum ate my first post, so Im trying again***

Blrindelfrin the Weaver of the Elements, Provincial Magistrate

Age : old, 474 years old (415 hours)

PK Ratio - 63%

Blrindelfrin was my stab at the invoker class. I either wanted to do an invoker for Sylvan or Tribunal, and at the time I rolled him, I got the impression there were too many sylvans around, so I went with good old tribs. Also, this was just the time Noldruk was promoted to 53rd, so that also went into my consideration - "Hey, an imm who might want to play with the players of his Cabal". //begin minor rant: Tribunal is still, as it ever has been, an Immless cabal. Trust me when I tell you, if you are the kind of player who likes Imminteration, keep 50 feet away from the Spire at all times. (Unless you have an imm you follow, outside the Spire pantheon) The point was further hammered home, when Noldruk was killed off. I don't mean this a knock on Bria, because she does an incredible amount of work behind the scenes, not to mention heading a religion, then add on the Spire stuff.. it's a ton of work. Please, please.. get her some help! //end minor rant.

Invokers, I've fought for years now playing CF and I must say, it's a very powerful class. With such a wide array of offensive and defensive options, I for one am glad the practice resitrictions have not been lifted for them. I did not always feel this way, but I guess you have to have gone through it all, to understand. I was a seven path, all affinities at 5, invoker. I had all the invoker spells, and three path's mastered. Of course, it was not all strait practice, but it took me about 200 hours or so of spam to get there. Worth it? You have to do it yourself to answer that, but I will leave you with this thought.. I wouldn't do it again. (at least not without tome)

Well, I guess on to the goodbyes-

Scarabaeus - Thanks, I'm going to have to owe in my next life. Always a very cool imm to interact with.

Khasotholas - I wished we could have gotten started talking when I was younger, but it seems like I was always having to spend time practicing my spells or sitting in town. From a few interactions we had, I have to say you could very easily be the next Thror. Keep it up, we the players who get alot from those interations really appreceiate it.

Broxxus - Heh, the Ill-Mannered I think I called you. Perhaps its a sad comentary when a scion imm gives more interaction with Tribunals than thier own imms. Any rate, I'm not a fan of the mightier-than-thou Imm, plaguing and smiting people in the name of thier own self-admitted amusment, even if it's within thier role or not... but it was a welcome change. Thanks. You would probably be very cool to follow.

Bria - Well, I felt like one of two things happened (or maybe both) 1. You've been mostly MIA for the last two or three weeks. Or. 2. I really pissed you off at some point, and was getting the cold elven shoulder. Care to comment on which or was it both? Either way, I always have fun playing the Spire, depite my bitching about the lack of interaction with Imm's there. Keep of the good work, The Tribunal will always be my favorite.

Mazauaft - Having a more than competent healer in your circle of friends is always a pleasure. Good luck with life within the Palace.

Gherian - The ying to my yang of being with Mazaufat from time to time. One of the best part of playing neutral characters is the ability to make friends on both sides of the fence. I loved our talks and adventures. Good luck with the Tower and give those sylvans hell!

Jhenderian - Thanks for trying so hard to keep me out of trouble, you are a true example of the Bria priest.. keep up the good work.

Drakul - The whole peace with the Village thing was just a ploy until I could perfect all my spells, so I could stand a chance to defend myself. (After all, I was alone most the time) Early on, without shield of water and shield of ice, fighting you people was getting very annoying. As I'm sure you noticed, once I had gathered enough personal power, I didn't care who struck who and which villagers I killed where. I got real tired of you whining everytime a Tribiunal mage struck a villager... heh.. THEY ARE MAGES, it's going to happen. Anyways.. other than that, you seem to do a good job with the village, and are a solid RP'er. Best of luck.

Well, I'm probably missing some people, feel free to post, and I'll reply or whatnot.

Dugruain Bluebeard, Noldarian Smith of the Spire

My armor, shortly before drowning in a horrible boating accident:

<worn on finger> (Invis) the ring of regeneration
<worn on finger> (Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) the ring of fortitude
<worn around neck> an ivory amulet shaped like a troll
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a brooch set with blue stones
<worn on body> Five-Color Dragonscale Mail
<worn on head> (Glowing) the Great Crown of the Svirfnebli
<worn on legs> a pair of spiked leggings
<worn on feet> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened boots
<worn on hands> the hands of a flame
<worn on arms> a phylactery of fortitude
<worn as shield> (Humming) a shield of Law
<worn about body> a poncho made from shambling mound remains
<worn about waist> (Glowing) a thin black belt etched with crimson runes
<worn around wrist> a bracelet of golden chain
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Longevity
<held> (Glowing) the Orb of the Twilight Lords
18464, not a flame...
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Just potentially poorly worded curiousity. As I watched you I found myself wondering if you had intentionally attached yourself to Empire, or if it was purely coincidental? Or if you just had an IC hatred of anything Fortress. There were several times I'd see you shield up an Imperial raiding party...and on at least one occasion I saw you jump a Fortress group as they were raiding. I don't think you broke your role or did a poor job or roleplaying...since it's decently logical that a neutral tribunal would side more with a group of orderly evils than a bunch of goods who constantly break the law.

Was one of those questions I figured I'd ask when you croaked. I'm curious as to both IC and OOC stuff, so if you feel like it toss me an answer. Once again, I'm not saying you did anything bad or even shady, just was one of those things I was curious over.
18468, RE: not a flame...
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it might have been two things from my perspective.

I for one searched high and low for invoker allies, never a bad thing to have on your side for shields on the fly. And i think it's an FTA thing that they like to ally with the the outnumbered guys, underdogs and all. I call them masochists.

18477, Answers...
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And lets start at the beginning:

You are a gnome. You wanna rank. Who do you ask? A: ANYONE!, that's the whole reason you are a gnome.

Until, some fortress wackos see you ranking with evils, killing good mobs, then you are a "coal hearted duergar". The light then turns it's shoulder to you, and you are foocked from ever playing with goodies again, unless you grovel in the dirt before them.

So who are you going pal around with? Empires, why not? I had NO previous disposition as to where I wanted Blrindle... I just wanted to play an Invoker, cause I never had. Heck, I didnt even put his role into until Hero.

It just worked out, that Erenthell attacked me (well within his bounds) while I was grouped with some evils, and it all landslided from there. Plus, I really liked Navarro and Mazaufat IC. Plus, I followed an Empire god. Plus, I got sick of Goodies breaking laws, RIGHT fricken infront of me... at least imperials would wait for me to log off, or leave town.

So, I think I just became a product of my enviorment. (someone owes someone a dollar)

Hope that answers your questions and all...

18480, cool
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Answers them all, thanks, like I said I was just curious. I'd comment on how I thought you did, but honestly most of the times I saw you was peripherial to Empire or Fortress raiding each other. As such I only know that I heard good things about you.

good luck with your next one.
18513, RE: Answers...
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Plus, I got sick of Goodies breaking laws, RIGHT fricken infront of me...
>at least imperials would wait for me to log off, or leave town.

Why do i feel i fall into that catagory?! ;) Hmmm, damnit, i knew that i should have waiting with the attack when i gated in, was just as surprised to see you stand there as you where to see me attack...

18525, RE: not a flame...
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that Maz actually leveled with Blind from like lvl 19 on. I remember I didnt even have sanc when a gnome invoker and an arial warrior out of my pk asked me to group. After that with all the goodies in pk and all the sylvans in pk I just started hanging out with Blind on a regular basis. We shared a lot of enemies. And I helped Blind fight his and he helped me fight mine. Us following the same god also went a long way in forming a tight friendship.

18454, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Bria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. I didn't mean to blow you off and sorry, my cable company cut the line in to my area and my cable was out for almost 2 weeks with no warning. *long rant on morons who can't replace a ####ing line*

2. IC you had made some questionable choices, we talked some on this, but I had been considering you for more, just our times missed and then I got cut off. Again sorry to you and anyone else out there looking for me.


18478, Bugger. Glad your back up. n/t
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18122, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by sad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I wasn't the one responsible for that "boating accident" but I was told by the person who did it what happened. All I have to say is you where outsmarted but I'm sure you where getting tired anyways it isn't to hard a voker regear but still I love that "accident" and wish I could have seen it happen.
18126, Outsmarted?
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, my house lost power, I lost link, and drown. Yes outsmarted. Go back to whatever OOC ring you crawled out from and stay there.

18144, get the facts duggy
Posted by sad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No OOC ring for this one, "(smart ranger who'm I don't know OOC)cb Blrindelfrin has fallen." see when you in a cabal that promotes killing people like you we tend to gloat heh. and if your power went out, why did the(smart ranger who'm I don't know OOC) say you put up a fight unless your a trigger whore, anyways admit it you died and not the way you want everyone to think, but hey I tried to trip a could giant one time and i didn't say the power went out so I think you just need to calm down, Dugrain did the same thing I remember when a certain ranger who'm I didn't know yet grouped with ambushed you and you ran into the paladins guild, now that was funny remember that?
18455, Its really sad...
Posted by Even Sadder on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its really sad when you are forced to brag about things OTHER people did, isn't it?
18121, I love shields,
Posted by Kheopia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done, I could always count on you for shielding. And I loved watching you rip villagers to shreds. Good luck with your next.
18118, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, a worthy foe gone. It seemed like our fights were always totally one sided. Either I caught you off guard or you totally wrecked me. Neither one of us ever died in our battles, but, I am sure we left each others hearts pounding a few times.
18113, Don't you love rot? (n/t)
Posted by Starkad J. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18115, Yeah...
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only ever died once to rot. (it was your first). It have been so long since I had to deal with it, I forgot how it was calulated. After I saw how much con it grabbed, I made sure I always had the extra con gear on hand. We had some good fights, I'll see what I can dig up, and post it on the LogB.

18117, Rot.
Posted by Starkad J. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the number is twice, the first two times.

And of course that time in holy grove :-)

Yes..I think I got you three times total. That is better than any of the other tribunals. Maybe except Jamain and Tuamato(sp?), that I have..two kills on I think.
18120, Yes..
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All bow to your greatness. *bow*


18112, Bastard. (n/t)
Posted by Crasner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
18110, Thnx for the Advice.
Posted by Selatiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tell you invokers are a pain but i'm beginning to figure stuff out.
I really liked that threat of the bout thingy after i shielded up the sylvans. But that's life i guess. G'luck with what evers on the fire.

Selatiel, Wandering always wandering.
18107, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Mazaufat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well sh00t. You have no idea how irritated I was when I saw you log in and start auctioning your eq off. I was like this sumbabitch is gonna delete. One of the VERY VERY few allies I had in the hero range deleted, and an invoker at that ARGHHH. At the very least all I had to do was run to galadon when the goodies were coming by air land and sea. (And yes they actually did come by air land and sea)
I remember I was just a wee little lvl 19 healer when you and me first got together. And then we worked some leveling magicks. It was a fun ride man, good luck with the next one.

Maz, the Patron saint of evil healer goodness
18104, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Drahkul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Curses! I knew it was all a trick, oh well, I had to try. I have a feeling the war will renew again soon anyway until a real desire for peace is shown by one or a few of your law. Other than that whole war thing between us, I thought you were an interesting character. You seemed to have a lot of ambition, which I can respect. Either way, it was intersesting interacting with you.
18101, Drat!
Posted by Khasotholas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was just starting to get to know you, because, as you say, you came to me later in life.. and you had a fairly busy schedule with tribs and all. All I can say is, I liked what little I saw. Good job, and thanks for the compliment.
18099, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Broxxus - Heh, the Ill-Mannered I think I called you. Perhaps its a sad comentary when a scion imm gives more interaction with Tribunals than thier own imms. Any rate, I'm not a fan of the mightier-than-thou Imm, plaguing and smiting people in the name of thier own self-admitted amusment, even if it's within thier role or not... but it was a welcome change. Thanks. You would probably be very cool to follow.<<

Well, an immortal is more powerful than a mortal, and that sheer power often demands respect, though some people might act different based on their role. One of the things that did annoy Beroxxus is that fact you did not treat him with that respect. Had you, you wouldn't have been bothered again, well most likely. And when I asked who would you prefer that I direct my amusement to, had you chosen someone besides the Wanted Person, I would have. Oh well. Hope you got some minor enjoyment out of it. Good luck on your next.

18116, RE: heh
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was going for borderline disrespect. Always backpeddling when I felt I went too far. Again, it goes back to my dislike, ooc, for imms who toss around plagues and nasties out of the blue. When you first ailed me, we hadn't spoken word one. My way of thinking, you should at least wait until someone has given you a reason.

But, I did appreceiate the attention, and rp value of it. Thanks.

18097, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Navarro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the shields, you were a good guy to have around.

18098, RE: Blrindelfrin, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah yes, the only thief I ever liked, with any character I've ever played. That's saying something.

I liked your no nonsense way, you were missed when you left.
