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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=18017
18017, (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I had a lot of Fun with this guy and hope the people i interacted with did too. 490 hours of my life and about five months were put into him. I rolled him up as a vindictive lightwalking mage, who completely hated evil mages due to his father's death as an assassin of Shokai, and though his father died in the line of duty, Jhard still couldnt stand it, and blamed it all on the evil magi.


Karithia- thanks for all the interaction, especially the ritual with Delmuio that made the char fun. If it werent for the hope of you starting to show up again i would have prolly died sooner.

Savraeth- Thanks for the chance at Preceptor, I hope i didnt dissapoint you, Warlocks are starving for imm interaction, and I know you can do some cool stuff, please give em a little more eh, i know you're busy ooc so i didnt hold it against you.

Illraeth- only saw you once, still like you

Straklaw- heh ORC you were a well played or, tons of fun, always felt bad for you.

Karakan- good job fighting there, I think i fought Minotaurs more for the yell than anything else
*Karakan yells 'Helb! I amm beinng addacked by a huge whide thark!'*


Delmuio- you are #1 the perfectly roleplayed warlock, you had rp better than any I saw in the tower, you had thier purpose perfect, you were dedicated and you were so knowledgeable you amazed me somtimes, Great job with the char

Sao- You were prolly one of those I fough with by my side more than about anyone else, we had a lot of fun and I was highly dissapointed when you deleted and didnt fight your way back in

Galial- A well played warlock invoker, you had the mechanichs down and a nice mix of RP and PK

Gherian- Carry on man, rip open the forest and burn the sylvans out, dont ever give up on protecting your brothers and sisters, I hate to sound like a muskateer but "all for one and one for all"

Tasfiel- thanks for the induction, well played

Caysh- Delmuio didnt like you ic but i thought you did a good job ooc

Parcan, Chasillia, Vael, Seakrau, Akriam, Kyore, and many others
had a lot of fun with you guys and hope you continue to have fun

Karun and Lruthlor- Two well played paladins and mainstays of the Maran
well played and keep it up

Gasg- the one maran i could count on to be there for me for anything, great job and well player, you didnt let the light take any crap from anyone.

Aemelius and Erethell- didnt know you too long but you did a good job

rest of teh fortress was a blur, sorry but over six months you dont remember all of your wishy washy allies.

Gre- good times man, good times, an awesome villager that seemed to be played with no fear

Ckroeg- the BEST villager, you never shied from any fight and never showed and fear, you were also extremely lethal, my hat's off to you.

Brogg, Wakachacha, Wiglaf- Wakachacha I swear you lived just to annoy me, Brogg sorry but tang and shark are brutal on gnomes Wiglaf didnt get to fight you a lot, but neither of us seemed to get the other.

Aidamo- well played char.

Darian- well played, and on a side note, why would i have accepted the fact that yer magic might not be too bad, you were evil, a scion with the scion purpose, and therefore any magic you used would be for dark purposes and needed to be stopped.

Jhaelryna- you were too timid, you could have been a lot more feared if you would have not been so timid

Starkad- well played sylvan, stuck to the sylvan role well.

Sassmi- I hated you and took every chance i got to try to kill you. well done

Grumby- felt bad every time i beat you up, gnome versus my forms was so wrong

Jesrelres- well played you were a good friend to jhard and a good allie

I know i left a lot out, just give me a shout and i'll get back to you.

<472hp 944m 745mv 490hrs> desc
Your description is:
A man of about average height stands hunched over before you dressed
from head to toe in the white robes of a mage of the light. You can tell from
the bulges beneath his robes that he wears some armor about the vital areas
of his body, as though to protect him from some blows of a sneakier person.
From the shape of his body you can guess that he was once well muscled
and as you look at him a bit closer you notice that he has a handsome face
which seems to be wrinkled with age and the burden of an enormous weight,
his face is framed in a mane of grey hair with large streaks of white seeming
to be creeping in, that is neatly brushed and straight. He has a pair of deep
green eyes filled with sadness and worry sitting and underlined by dark
black circles atop a shapely nose. Below the nose you note a pair of thin
lips topped by a thick grey mustache interspersed with white whiskers and
below them a jutting cleft chin. As he smiles you notice that he has a dimple
on each cheek barely visable beneath all of the wrinkles in his skin. From
the look on his face you can tell he his burdened by a great sadness,
though you cannot tell what...

<472hp 944m 745mv 490hrs> sc
Jhard Oakenstaff the Fierce Devourer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : human
Ethos : Neutral Align : Good Class : shapeshifter
Practices: 1 Trains : 0 Hometown : Seantryn Modan
Exp : 438900 To Level : 21600 Sphere : Passion
Age : old, 68 years old (490 hours)
Hit Point: 472 /472 Mana : 944 /952 Move : 745 /745
Str : 17(17) Int : 23(23) Wis : 20(20)
Dex : 18(18) Con : 13(13) Chr : 13(13)
Carry # : 1/30 Weight : 0 lb 0 oz (Max 307 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 9 Damroll : 3
AC pierce: 70 Barely protected AC bash : 70 Barely protected
AC slash : 70 Barely protected AC magic : 70 Barely protected
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' for 24 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 43 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 43 hours.

<472hp 944m 745mv 490hrs> forms
You can shapeshift into the following:
Level 17: Deer Confident
Level 26: Scorpion Confident
Level 32: Ostrich Confident
Level 38: Seal Confident
Level 44: Orangutan Confident
Level 51: Shark Confident

had a 68% pk rating which i dont consider too shabby
18508, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Precep...
Posted by Synbendorial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really wish I had a chance to have gotten to know your charater, being a shifter myself. Oh well I thank you for the opportunity you gave me, though the blood thing upon my introduction was a bit odd *smirk*. Take care
18411, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Delmuio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe... sorry about waiting so long before replying
I have Finished my finals and got a job, so it
has reduced my time infront of the computer.

Well cool that you think I had good RP.
But hey I think I sucked bigtime Rp wise, And i know I did PK wise..
but hey I had fun most of the time. I will See if I have the logs
of my Quest...

I think you did well as a Leader, One who could do more within
the tower than I could.

Well... thats that I think.
18641, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Jhard_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
find the log man!
heh that was some good fun
18200, A huge whide thark!
Posted by Ckroeg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jhard was tough and always willing to battle despite odds. If he wasn't a bleeding magi, I think Ckroeg would of liked him. I remember logging on one day and seeing your "Devourer" title and thinking, "Poor villagers, that must have been a bloodbath." I think I did manage to get you once, but that was only after using Trylartin as a meat shield. Happen to have that log? Anyway, good luck with the next and all that.
18261, RE: A huge whide thark!
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sorry dont have it, had a lot of good fights with you though, you were one of my favorite enemies, logged by cutting and pasting. so if a fight was out of my buffer i missed it.
18169, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Karun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rest well my friend. And luck with your next!
18143, Haaaiiiil
Posted by Chasillia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heya there Jhard. You'll probably get more conversation out of me here than you ever did in the game, in fact, this note alone in wordcount to this point probably is higher than the amount of words I talked to you. *chuckle* Anyhow, I came to warlocks with an OOC reference that you were an idiot from an idiot who was more than a little wrong, and I had planned to find some reason or another to attack you (probably failing to kill you because I'm just not good at that) and get kicked out of the cabal, but, well, I eventually grew to like you, (even with my 20 level wait to be inducted *glare*) and negative predisposition towards you. Good char. Liked the bloodlust (It's fun, ain't it) And I've been rambling since word one so I think that I'll go buhbye now. Buhbye.

PS Obey the scary lamb and cattle, Obey or fall before their might!
18145, RE: Haaaiiiil
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh yeah i could tell you wanted to hate me, cause you came in acting all unfriendly and stuff even in your interviews, that's why you took so long to get in, jhard didnt trust you. you were reliable in the end though i think, jhard kinda respected you cause you fell a lot and kept chugging along, he took himself kinda as the father to warlocks, and tried to take care of each of his children in his own ways, you're was to let you learn from your own mistakes. You seemed to take that as jhard not giving a damn about you, the only warlock i didnt care about and could have cared less about the whole time was Karnif i was ten seconds from kicking him, when the sorceress did it for me
18083, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Fahnrore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn Shark! Glad I never had to fight you. Loved just sitting out there and the great reef and saying nothing to each other. Good luck on your next. Well done.

18085, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
heh at least you knew someone had your back when you were out there...
18058, Liked Jhard the fish.
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Jhard alot because he was a mage that liked to fight and did not always bring an army. It miffed me no end to log on one day and see your title as Devourer of Barbarians or something to that effect and I wondered how many villagers you must have gotten. I cant recall if I ever got you but I am sure you never got me but I did enjoy fighting the sharks, walrus and manta rays from time to time.
There have been a few good gusty warlocks of late and I am glad to see it.

18060, RE: Liked Jhard the fish.
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I preffered to fight alone if i thought the fight was pretty evenly matched, or if i had a chance of winning, i wasnt big on trying to take on groups of five, but didnt shy from three or less, and with tang liked to try to fight ragers and others one on one...ganging just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth, so does being a coward...leaders get extra con for a reason...they are expected to take risks and set examples, and that's what i tried to do
18050, whom will be my teacher now?
Posted by Seakrou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dang, so hoped I could convince you to become my teacher...
Luck with the next one.... Just dont hope I am at the end of its "stick" or pike for that matter...
18054, RE: whom will be my teacher now?
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're one thing the tower really needs right now, more shifters and more conjurors, the tower needs it's tanks and that's what the shifters and conjurors do for it. You had an interesting choice in forms and hopefully they turn out.
18049, No mention of me? I feel hurt
Posted by Trylartin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh well, I probably did do much for you except bump up your pk ratio :(

And I never got to get my shark fighting plan to work properly, even tho it was mainly a "What I need to do if a shark starts biting my leg off" And entailed eyejab, whirl then flee

Oh well, I dont think I ever fought your orangutan, but I would have liked to, and I think the tower at least had solid leadership with you.

Well done and all that
18053, RE: No mention of me? I feel hurt
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
had some fun talks with you, I thought you were a well played villager who showed a lot of guts, forgot a lot of names as it's been a few months.
18039, Warlock vs. Sylvan
Posted by Starkad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Starkad never liked the warlock-sylvan war, but certain things made it impossible to have a peace. And I cannot see a peace being made in the near future.

Things changes when warlocks started lightning forests on fire, something that starkad hated, much.

I think I have interacted with Jhard for about..three characters now...so he is quite old. Nice work.
18055, RE: Warlock vs. Sylvan
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
like I told you IC i didnt like the war either, and I dont see a chance at rp if both cabals stick to thier fundamental RP, If there was a peace it would mean that one or both caba;s would be neglecting one of the purposes and ways of thier codes of ethics and thier purposes in thera
18038, your farewell makes it sound like you were Delmuio?
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was Delmuio your previous character and the Delmuio references a joke, or are they serious?

>Karithia- thanks for all the interaction, especially the
>ritual with Delmuio that made the char fun. If it werent for
>the hope of you starting to show up again i would have prolly
>died sooner.

>Delmuio- you are #1 the perfectly roleplayed warlock, you had
>rp better than any I saw in the tower, you had thier purpose
>perfect, you were dedicated and you were so knowledgeable you
>amazed me somtimes, Great job with the char

>Caysh- Delmuio didnt like you ic but i thought you did a good
>job ooc

What's this last line about? Do you mean Jhard didn't like you ic but you as player thought he did a good job, or Delmuio didn't like him ic (the relevance of which is what?). I'm confused.

PS: I feel sorry for minotaur warriors when a warlock shark is around.
18046, RE: your farewell makes it sound like you were Delmuio?
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i wasnt Delmuio it was a typo
18032, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Karithia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Jhard,

I was hoping to see you age die in the end. You didn't have to much longer to go in all honesty. You did a great job, and I apologize if it seems I disappeared, but I got busy with several things. I did keep an eye out for you and watched you alot. I enjoyed our interactions and I am glad you enjoyed helping Delmuio with the Vitiality Quest. I wish you well on your next character. Feel free to post any interactions we had if you wish.

Karithia El'Feanor
18056, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont have any of the logs of my rp stuff, I was usually too into the RP to remember logging it...kinda one of my weaknesses, I never log anything but fights becaue i just go back and cut and paste those after the fact if they are still in my buffer, I really wish I had logs of that whole quest for delmuio, you did a great job with it, Warlock could really use the lift of seeing you more when they have the chance, It helps keep the hopes up and the fun factor up, you always made the cabal less mundane during the slow times. You're a well played imm and not to take anything away from Sav or Ill because I like them too, you really do the best Imm interaction in the Warlocks.
18031, Dead leaders and invisible peepers.
Posted by Ilraeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You may have only seen me once or twice, but I was there a lot more often then you might think, and although "I" didnt speak to you much at all, there were several occasions when we interacted.
18025, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Gherian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish you had waited for me one last time at least. Oh well. Was grand when you were around. No one wanted to come screw with a shark and invoker standing together, although it proved to be boring sometimes hoping people would try to raid. Luck on the next.
18057, RE: (DEL)Jhard Oakenstaff, The Fierce Devouerer, Preceptor of the Golden Tower
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really wanted to lead the cabal with you but I just wasnt having fun with the char anymore, I decided it was time to call it quits when all i did for almost an entire interview was nod, I just wasnt into it anymore.