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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject[CON] Krathrael the Weaponmaster
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=17759
17759, [CON] Krathrael the Weaponmaster
Posted by Krath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, its finally over. Had a lot of fun with this character, Only my second hero, I had hope to do a little bit better.

First off, comments about the character. Picked polearm for a spec because I knew how good it can be in combat, and picked felar because I liked the idea of claw attacks to augment the polearm. Have had two other polearm specs, and this one was ok in comparison to the other two. As for my second spec, dagger, I chose it because I thought it would be good to augment the polearm with something that coudl cause str loss and bleeding wounds, then keep them there with cutoff. Only flaw was that cutoff did not seem to work at all, only once out of every 10 flees. Did better against invokers than I tought I would, but still they poved to be a pain in the butt.

Will respond to those who post.

To the Beasts: Gre, Sayangu, Alarin, Aidamo, Wiglaf, Wakachacha, Brogg, Ramstin, Drahkul, Grogim: All of you I considered heavy hitters. Going into a raid with one of you, I knew we would fare ok againt most opposition.

Defenders: Sgiathach, Sabiene, Miradur (I am sure there are others, sorry if I missed you), was handy having you around. Wish there were more defenders around to help out. Sgiathach, hang in there, keep going. You do the village good as a bard.

Scouts: Jehegical, Stampar? (Also some more here, sorry) Jehegical, you are a very good ranger. Just wish you would show up more, but that could be due to hours. Stampar, keep workin on those mages.

The rest of the village I missed: Alan, Dalziel, Findlebisk, Gevrarnak, Ghellik, Grjarincx, Khajezeh, Nalwarf, Nhystia, Siktar, Viremis, Vorsolic, Zylundak: Keep fighting. Wish I was there to help you all.

Kastellyn: Never did catch up with you oh well. Did not think Krath was worthy of a vitality quest, though I never asked until it was too late. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Thror: Never did see you much, cept a few times where you offered a few good words of advice. Liked you a lot too.

Grogim, Sabiene: Well done, and thanks.

Other friends:
Karun: Lots of arguments, wish we could have gotten together more. Saw a lot of Krath in you, and I think we would have done good if I would have been a maran.

Lost of people I am missing, sorry

Enemies: There were a lot of them. Sorry if I missed you.

Gherian: Thanks for the fight. You are one of the tougher invokers around. Had a lot of respect for you, and liked fighting to you.

Parcan: Had fun with the few fights. You are also another tough one.

Jhard: Chomp chomp! Another tough fighter.

other warlocks: Sorry if I dont remember you, there seemed to be quite a few of you. You all were good to me, even though I was a villager.

Alarn: One of the few that I did fight. Good fighter, tough with just the axe spec.

Jolerag: Few fights, one with you kicking the crap out of me, and one of me sending you packing. Guess it goes to show fights can go either way.

Other scion: Where were you?

Erinphalis: Tough bard. Only got you once, while you sent me running more than an few times.

Other nexuns: Lots of fights, lot of new clothes. Got better towards the end.

Tribunals: Fought with a lot of you. For the most part, Krath hated you all, for killing all of the good guards. A few of you, I liked, because of the dedication and hard fights.

Others: Sorry if I missed you. Lots of people to remember.

Immortals: Darn game is too addicting. Thanks for the work you guys up into this game, and thanks for the fun times. Keep on rocking!

Description, score, and role:

Standing 5 feet tall, Krathrael stands before you. He seems
to be scanning the area with his eyes. Those dark eyes, with
large pupils, and just a thin edging of brown around the pupils.
His face is like his cat ancestors, short broad snout with
a pink triangle nose, two large fangs jutting out from the
upper lip, augmented with small sharp teeth on the upper and
lower jaws. His lips, amazingly enough, are small, thin and
black. His face covered much like the rest of his body, with
the tigerstripes of fur that alternate between black, dark
brown, and the light tan colors, seemingly giving him
a natural camouflage.
His body is much like is ancestors again, small, lithe, without
hardly an ounce of fat. The muscles ripple underneathe his
fine fur coat, as he holds himself lightly, ready for anything.
Krathrael, a male felar, is convulsing on the ground.

Your role is:
Added Sat Feb 8 09:00:08 2003 at level 22:
Like the sphere he follows, Krathrael only seeks what he
believes is to be pure. To lead a pure life of his own
making. He does not believe that others can tell him how
to live, nor will he use magic due to the revelations that
had occured early in his life that magic will make you
weaker. He has no family, so he only strives to life
for his friends.

Added Tue Feb 18 08:53:22 2003 at level 25:
A scene from Krathrael's past comes to mind.

A young fela and his fater head out into the woods, carrying
axes and ropes for wood cutting. The father pulls out
something from a hidden pouch, and then eats it. Instantly,'
the father appears to be larger and stronger, and then he quaffs
a potion, and beads of sweat form upon his brow. The work
begins. A few hours later, while the father is lifting a log
to be cut, the magic of the pill he ate wears off unexpectedly. WIth
the log above his had, he is no longer able to hold it up. The log
falls, crushing the father underneath. The son runs to the father,
who is still under the affects of the haste potion, which
accelerates the hidden bleeding.

Added Thu Apr 10 08:30:58 2003 at level 51:
Krathrael is denied his first rites of war. Even though
he is disappointed, he attends to show his support to the
combantants that are entered, and to see who will be the
next to lead the village as commander.

During the rites, he is attacked by a mob of people from
Galadon, sent after him by Jamaine for a supposed crime.
The mob is beaten of with some help of the village's
only ranger.

Krathrael looks upon the corpses of the fallen mob, and
curses Jamaine for sending it. Innocent people have died
where there should not have been. All because he attacked
an accursed mage, seekin to help the world with his death.
He does not blame himself, but rather the person that
sent the mob.

Krathrael the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : felar
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Good Class : warrior
Practices: 0 Trains : 0 Hometown : Hamsah Mu'tazz
Exp : 512900 To Level : 24350 Sphere : Purity
Age : middle-aged, 56 years old (296 hours)
Hit Point: 108 /977 Mana : 406 /406 Move : 827 /827
Str : 17(17) Int : 17(17) Wis : 20(20)
Dex : 23(23) Con : 3 (3 ) Chr : 14(14)
Carry # : 3/35 Weight : 42 lb 15 oz (Max 307 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 11 Damroll : 3
AC pierce: -20 Well armored AC bash : -20 Well armored
AC slash : -20 Well armored AC magic : -20 Well armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in dagger.
You are specialized in polearm.
You have found health and resilience within Harmonious Equilibrium.
You move from one strike to the next with the speed of the Whirlwind of Steel.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 41 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 41 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 24 hours.
Song: 'resisting' for 4 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies save vs spell by -5 for 3 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies hit roll by 2 for 3 hours.
Song: 'shield of words' modifies armor class by -10 for 0 hours.


17783, Liked Krathrael alot.
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Right from the start it was quite plain to see that you were newish to the hero ranks and possibly even the village. The main thing that stood out was your willingness to take advice and learn, which most of the more experienced players dont do, even if they could do to. You stuck in and took your deaths well and that is a true villager trait. You got up, got suited up and got stuck in again. If you had hoped to do better with Krathrael, I dont know where you wanted to but for a solid performance and staying IC, you did pretty damned good in my book. Hope you enjoyed the village and come back to us.

17794, RE: Liked Krathrael alot.
Posted by Krath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for the encourging words.

Krath did look up to Grogim, and I did think that I had a lot to learn from you. Especally the time you gave me the map to the warlocks tower. Since then, I did learn an easier way to get there.
Grogim was also one willing to give advice, and Krathrael was always one to ask for it.

As for being a newbie to hero ranks, I think its more due to lack of playing the last couple of years. I have been playing since '98 off and on, and have had a few characters in the hero ranks. Breaks down like this:
(Sylvan) Piemur the Ranger Hero Half elf
Cerventaes Half elf warrior Tat Shokai (Con died at rank 42)
(Sylvan) Cylandrex Cloud giant Ranger (Rank 47)
A little Svirf Warrior rank 42, cannot remember his name(con)
Various little characters all throughout
(Battle) Krathrael the Weaponsmaster

Again, thanks. See you in the fields.


17770, RE: [CON] Krathrael the Weaponmaster
Posted by Gherian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry once again that last fight wasn't more...epic. Knowing it would be your last one, wanted to make it something of at least a fitting end, and it just seemed...eh. You were a good one to fight, although oddly enough most times it was during a village raid, and rarely where you around when I went to retrieve. Just to be clear, I am not trying to say anything other than it was an odd relationship, with me typically on the defensive, rather then wandering around or something. I always tried to be fair with you, leaving everything but coins, and I think on one occasion I took your weapons too because it was the third raid in like an hour or two and I saw no point in encouraging a fourth. Overall, a good opponent, not the heaviest hitter, but tenacious. Luck on the next.
17781, RE: [CON] Krathrael the Weaponmaster
Posted by Krath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were defnately one of my more respected opponets. On a regular basis you could make me run quick, and the times that I sent you running, I was dumb enough to try and finish a raid, just to have you come back and finish me off. Krath was never ment to be a heavy hitter, but I did try to make up for it by being what you call tenatious. Sometimes I did good against invokers, other times I did crap.

As for being fair, that was one of the reasons I liked you more than other mages. You did leave me things, which stopped a boring hour of gathering new things. I tried to do the same for everyone I fought and killed, or had a hand in killing. I felt it made the game that much more fun, due to the fact those who died I knew would be coming out swinging sooner, and thus more fights. You were always one to come out swinging no matter what the situation.

As for the last battle being more epic, I was happy with it, due to the fact I felt I did good against you. I made you flee once, though it was because you were not totally prepared, but the rest of it I felt good.

Good luck to you, hope to see you soon again.

17767, So Sorry...
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm so sorry that I didn't place you within my note. You were a good friend to Alarin, just I think our times didn't match up as much til the end. I hope you had a fun time with Krath, and that because of your experiences with ragers, your next one back will be huge. I'm sure it will be. I had a great time fighting with you, luck on the next!

17769, RE: So Sorry...
Posted by Krath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, dont get me wrong, I had a blast with Krath. I did learn a lot, both about places and fighting, and had lots of fun. Thats mostly why I kept upbeat about a lot of things, including dying.

As for Alarin, yes, he was a good friend, and yes, our times just did not coincide all that much. I thought we could have made a great team, with me tanking and you making sure they went nowhere. Too bad we could not cause more havok.

As for my next, I hope he is. Thanks for the comments.

17765, RE: [CON] Krathrael the Weaponmaster
Posted by Jehegaciel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Gah! no more smash far ya!... was good fighting at your side, but it seems that the pain of all the ragers got you,(con). take care yourself, and see you in the fields.

Ps. smashing time! :P

ps2. what happen if you pull a felar from his tail?
17762, Hrmz no good bye for the bird that gave you a feather.....
Posted by Gieldon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go, was fun. Helped me rank and stuff. Thanks for the help, seems like you were always on my side.

Hit me up
17763, RE: Hrmz no good bye for the bird that gave you a feather.....
Posted by Krath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, one can only write so much. Sheesh, it seemed like it took me a good half hour to get this much up.

Oh well, here you go. Goodbye. Liked helping you rank, though I wish I could have helped you out a little bit more. Keep plugging away, eventually you will make it.
