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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=17315
17315, (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, thats it for a second rager in a row. I need to do something different, having two Generals in a row was kinda annoying, and I wanted Commander so bad, but I couldn't even be at the rites. I liked Findlebisk, but I didn't see him as the best Commander. I wish Sayangu had been it, but he wasn't around enough. Anyway, after over 260 hours or so, I decided I wanted to do something I like a lot, so I deleted the annoying little thief! My time was also very limited lately, and i felt like Battle needed more than that, and they were at a place where they had a lot of ragers and a lot of good players, so I wasn't worried about leaving them.



General - I wish you had given love to H2H specs a lot sooner, I think Guenrayn would have lasted a lot longer and killed a lot more with the changes that have been made. Who knows, there may be another one for me in the future. Hand/Flail is a nice nice combo IMO.

Kastellyn - I'm not sure why I never heard from you after I became General, but that was certainly a part of why I deleted. I think I went to your shrine about one every two days if not more, and i prayed, but you never responded, and I tried to do it when you said you would be around. I don't know what you thought about Alarin, but I guess i wonder how much more noticed did I need to be to earn your approval. That was the goal of making Alarin, maybe I just deleted too early, but I felt like I was getting nothing back for being General or for being committed. Maybe my role just wasn't big or worked on enough, only you can tell me that answer. Also, one more big one. I was pissed about being logged into Thera for two hours and not hearing one stinkin thing about the quest you told us all to be there for. You said be there at 8pm or whatever, and I was there from 7:30 til 9:30 without one thing happening, aside from Kahosahrin leaving nexus. I know life throws a curveball sometimes, but there should have been an explanation, even a stinking sorta apology to those who wanted to be involved but couldn't. Ah well, I'm not trying to be rude, just stating my frustration with that whole scene.

Thror - With Guenrayn I liked you, with Alarin, the few interactions i had with you were bad. I feel sometimes like you only pay attention and reward the warriors of the village. Honestly, and this goes to both rager imms, I think all four officers should have a weapon, or a skill or something. I tried and always try to bust my hump for whatever I'm involved in, and I don't think Alarin fell short of this in any way. I was upset the night you ran that little quest to find Sabiene, she is a thief, but yet, you only wanted warriors looking for her, what is that about. Also, in the not you posted for Guenrayn's death, you said some sappers would be adding his name to the pillar, but that never happened. I'm probably killing my chances just by asking, but I want to know what happened there if yo uwill say. Maybe you would just email me aborton@attbi.com

***With Guenrayn I kept a list of names, with Alarin I didn't. So if I don't name you, I'm sorry, but if you post anything other than, "liked the char." I'll probably write back.***

Sayangu - I have to start here. You were Alarin's closest friend, and you reminded me a lot of Tobeldest. He and Guenrayn were close. You were by far the most skilled rager around from what i encountered and minus the lip you gave to Thror (which I think he needs every now and then) you were the best villager I knew. Thank you for all the times of helping me with stuff, or just hunting together. That time we trapped Jesrelres was perfect. Trapping thieves are dangerous to arcane muters, thats for sure. They suck however, against Invokers and shifters IMO. Keep clawing them for me, and die a rager!

Aidamo - Alarin's second favorite rager. Now, I'm not sure how new you are to ragers or how new you are to warriors, but you seemed new to some of the skills you had. You were a great partner, and i trusted you a lot more than others because you were calm and cool about fighting. However, we lost a few different fights against groups because of wrong skills being used, or wrong weapons. Alarin wanted to protect Aidamo with his life constantly, and I'm pretty sure you saw that.

Findlebisk - Liked you from the moment I met you, thought you handled the situation with me and the duergar well. Think you are a good commander in many senses, but then you dropped off the face of the earth for a bit. I hope things are ok, and that you get back to being around more often.

Wiglaf - You are crazy, and Alarin never liked being your "wingman" because he couldn't trust you to be smart about killing. I think that is how you are trying to play him though, actually, I'm sure you are Mr. "fearless." Anyway, you do great work, and you are scary when you do it right. Just remember this, Disembowel is ok, but doesn't do anything like a pincer for lag. Also, remember to keep those eyes open in fights and if you see a thief throwing down "cheap shots" from trip, start tripping their butt too. It only happened like twice, but Alarin was pissed.

Brogg - or "Dirty Gnome" as Alarin thought of him. I like ya, I think you will be and are a great battlerager. I hope you get an officer position from the next rites. Stay strong, keep killing!

Wakachacha - I throw you into the class with Wiglaf, a little too "I'll do it on my own" for my taste. Now, yes, Ragers do need to be strong on their own, but we all know hardly anyone comes to fight a rager alone. There were times when you ran off ahead of us that I was ready to strangle you and demand you be thrown out of battle. However, for some odd reason, Alarin saw you as basically his little buddy, almost like a little brother who he needed to protect the reputation of. I'm not sure why it seemed that way, but it seemed like I was always pulling for you even when I was mad at you.

Sabiene - Well the whole Kara Chal thing throws me off. I don't see how Battleragers and Kara Chal can ever ever go together, but then again I had a tattooed follower of Bria within the Warders, so I guess a lot of things are possible. If you knew that char, you would understand how "odd" that was. You were very competent, but the most timid fighter in all of battle. However, someone up there must really like you! :) Anyway, Alarin liked you, and liked how you pulled for him with the thieves guild and with battle.

Drahkul, Ramstin, Stampar, Miradur, and all the other youngsters I'm blanking on right now. I really liked you guys, like you a lot. I'm glad you all are ragers, and i know you will live up to my standards! Just kidding, I'm not even sure what those are! You guys are great though, write to me about anything and i'll respond. I've played "a lot of villagers" (about 20, maybe more) so I know a thing or two about them. I will answer any question, just write the email I gave above and let me know who you are.

Nexus -
Kaavraus - You are part of the reason I'm deleting. I think you were their most competent of regular players, and therefore with you gone I wasn't worried about leaving. Good fights, the few we had.

Kucereal - You don't seem to care nearly as much about your own welfare as others do, and I like that. We need more players who are ballsy. I tried to leave clothes for those who were.

Erinphalis - You fell off the face of the earth too, what happened? You were fun to fight and talk to though, good work as a leader, just show up more, they need you.

Trentaka - What can I say, I think you are another bash bash bash nexan, who does know a few others things so you hold your own well. Seriously though, I think the whole nexan cloud giant axe spec with crashing or whatever it is, is getting old, but thats just me and I was on the recieving side of it all the time!

Jelomar - Couple of fun fights, keep it up! You should be taking more risks as a healer though against us, you seem to not get involved as much as yo ucould.

Can't think of others right now, right if you want.

Warlock -
Jhard - I have huge respect for you, I think you are dangerous, and you know what you are doing. We had some cool fights, and cool times going after one another. Good work.

Galial and the other invokers - I can remember all of our names, but i do remember Galial well. YOu were always prepped and I stole a lot of crap from you. Good work with him, good defending and all of that. YOu stayed alive a lot more than others do! I need to try an invoker sometime. They are tough to fight. I don't think I ever died to an invoker solo though, and I sent many running. For invokers, I would have gone a different route with thieves, because traps do nothing to you guys.

Tvaric - You ticked me off so much, and I'm not even sure you are a warlock. You are good with the air form, thats all I will say.

Akriam - We had a couple of fun fights, I've learned how to fight conjurers better now, and I look forward to doing it in the future.

Jhaelynra - SOmeday I hope you explain to me if you were just trying to bait me with that mask comment, or if you really meant it. You were cool, but Scion in my opinion is really on the downswing of things. You guys just don't seem to care.

Darian - Fought afew times, you didn't mention me though, so thats your loss! :) Thought you were a strong fighter who sat in the inn a lot and missed out therefore on a lot.

Apla - You couldn't kill on your own if your life depended on it. You got me, but with three others helping you, so don't feel all special.

Annette - I was so ticked at myself when I stepped out of the shadows after all that happened. You guys should not have gotten me, instead you did and almost completely looted. Great work. BTW< that was the night that all the other ragers were questing, and I couldn't participate, but instead I killed two invokers and another person, and I got NOTHING out of it, not even a "good job." I was fighting groups of four, sorry bout the rant, it was annoying though.

You know, this is more whiny than it should be, i'll tone it down some.

Thornarcrull - You stick to your roleplay well I guess, but Alarin hated you, and thinks you are worthless. Healers aren't known for killing, but you tried to think you were. Have fun in your mega-gang groups.

Zekasiq - You were a lot like Thornarcrull at first, but then you wisened up IMO. You were more fun to fight and talk to. Thanks for the fun I had out of it.

Cassougi - We had our times, people cry about me stealing stuff, I don't think you ever did, and people should learn that thieves fight htat way! :) Anyway, keep giving my underlings hell, but tone down how badly you gang them ok? :)

Ghuljun - Should have been in scion, but its not. I heard you got ganked bad the other day, sorry man. I liked our even fights, disliked you coming at me with six people total, when we had four.

Gaastad - Liked you, but disagreed with who you booted out of the guild.

Moligant - You are a pretty good kingpin, though I'd echo what Malinran said about him being a top dog, not a leader persay. Good work though

Theaus - Yes, I think you are in battle now, but you were Alarin's favorite thief friend after Sabiene.

Poti - Echo Malinran's statement, the times we interacted or I saw you on eastern, I was laughing about it. You caught all the wrong people sometimes.

Nycoe - My lightwalking friend, we had a few fun oens didn't we? :) Keep it up.

TIl next time,

Alarin aka Minyar
17525, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Rogedax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured I would let you know this after you were gone so you couldn't
get a big head. But you were one of the very few villagers that actully
made me regret leaving a little. Not many people were brave enough to
face me one on one, even if I was just a little warrior. I still had to give you respect especally for stomping me a time or two, made me really really really miss deathblow. All in all, it was a good time, I am sure
I will get to see you again in the future anyway.
17485, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Aidamo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, good job. You were definetaly one of my favorites.
I just wonder why you didn't stick around and compete in
the next rites. Anyways, I always enjoyed hunting with you.
We worked well together, and it was always such a blast. You
were very competent, and I trusted you fully.
17517, thanks
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I got shafted out of two Rites, and I didn't feel like sticking around. I was tired of being around and trying hard with nothing to show for it. Its ok, I don't mind, I just thought it was time to move on. Ditto on the comments about hunting and trust.

17458, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Akriam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Akriam - We had a couple of fun fights, I've learned how to
>fight conjurers better now, and I look forward to doing it in
>the future.

-Heh, actually one of the reasons I choose to play a conjurer. A definite weakness of svirf thieves are conjurers with an earth elemental. But I never killed you and that is most definitely props to you. Very fun fights. Maybe next time we will be on the same side. Good luck with your next.
17390, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by _Sayangu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ugh. Sorry to see you go. Back in the day Sayangu had a total of about zero friends within the village, and there at the end you were his oldest and closest. You had a style of play with Alarin that matched very well with my own, if not a bit aggressive for my tastes at times ;) Who's going to drag me on all those raids I don't think are a good idea now?
17519, I like Brogg a lot, get him to go with you on crazy raids! :)
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You knwo what i said, you were the best. Great work, good work getting back in/

17383, Nice one
Posted by Lruthlor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was interesting being enemies with Guenrayn on my last char and relatively amicable with Alarin with this one. Alway some tense moments when you would come after Lruths mage friends, and then the opposite due to his regard for you when they would go after you.

I'm interested to see what comes next.
17380, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Moligant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well there goes another of the guilds top thieves, I did notice you werent around much anymore. At any rate, our few interactions were always pleasant, and im glad the thieves guild and rager thieves have found a way to coexist unlike back in Rio's days.

See you in the fields,

Moligant Gapverdi

17379, You did good.
Posted by Dafeb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never could land the kill on you, even being immolated and in quicksand you always managed to get away. Good job taking me down with Yilish. I typed "quaff flight" the instant you entered the room and it didn't take effect until after your trip went through. By then, it was too late. Unlucky break for me. Good job!


17375, Man you did great.
Posted by Xaannix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially that time in galadon when you were wanted. Me trying to give you a hand and tring to jack the tribs, goodie mages and other mages, and you with your traps. Knocked me out and knocked yourself out a couple of times. In galadon i couldnt do too much against all those shifters with tiger/vulture/osprey and couple of goodie warriors. I was really impressed with how you handled that, slept em all with traps at the guild and i proceeded to rob as much as i could right in front of Tuamotu (sp?) and that arcane.

Great job
17518, Yeah, it was that stuff that I thought made me worthy of Kasty's tat. n/t
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
17366, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Kucerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alarin never frightened me, like other char's of yours did...namely Minyar with his double deathblowing backstabs. Ow! And let me thank the good Lord above for you not having 100% cheapshot. That's got to be the gayest way to die. Ever. Wish I could have been around to fight you more.
17368, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Minyar didn't have 100 cheap shot, I'm not even sure if cheap shot was around back then. HOwever, with Alarin I had almost all of my thief skills perfected. THe only ones that weren't were circle (which I got as a hero) and the trap skills. Some of those were in the 90's though. Cheap shot perfected must not work as much as it used to.

17553, No no no, you misunderstood me
Posted by Kucerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was referring to two different things.
1: Minyar whooped my ass with his double deathblowing double backstabs
2: Alarin lacked 100% cheapshot, which most NEW thieves I've fought have. It was nice to not be permalagged by possibly the gayest thing ever. :)
17360, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Sabiene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Sabiene - Well the whole Kara Chal thing throws me off. I
>don't see how Battleragers and Kara Chal can ever ever go

If you haven't visited Selric's shrine yet, go ahead and do that and see what you can see. It becomes easier to understand then.

but then again I had a tattooed follower of Bria
>within the Warders, so I guess a lot of things are possible.
>If you knew that char, you would understand how "odd" that

Unfortunately, I don't.

>You were very competent, but the most timid fighter in
>all of battle. However, someone up there must really like
>you! :) Anyway, Alarin liked you, and liked how you pulled
>for him with the thieves guild and with battle.

To put it in a nutshell, Sabiene was my first new path thief. I did what research I could on the skills and put together a sensible set, but I didn't understand the implications. Given my situation, I did not have the right skills to effectively PK, and so I eventually defaulted back to blackjack and basic fighting tactics.

The funny thing is, even though the skills were improper for my needs, they ended up being the exact best skills for my role. That's why I persisted with Sabiene despite a lot of frustration over the months, and managed to complete my goal of imming her. I've always been more of an RPer than a PKer anyway, so it wasn't that much of a sacrifice as I make it sound. I had originally planned to be more pk-active in my habits, although that probably would not have changed the situations in which I wanted to fight much.

I'd like to know though... looking back, do you regret choosing the skills you did? All through your life, I was constantly wondering if I gave you a bum steer. I didn't know that weapontrip was stopped by bash shield, you see. Beyond that I am fairly sure my advice was good, given what I know of the thug skills. Anyway, a lot of people felt that you were a very effective pker, giving credence to the notion that thieves can make effective berserkers (although I do think you would have done better as a scout, especially in dealing with the invoker/shifter problem).

Lastly, sorry about my imming busting your plans to Imm. To be honest, when Grogim immed, I was myself worried, but it didn't stop me :) See you in the fields. BTW, I wish I had known Guenrayn. I always heard good things about him. It would have been wonderful to have had an defender elder than myself to look to in the village, but that was sadly not to be. I hope I managed to be what I wish I had had myself, though.

- Sabs

P.S. Great character :)
17354, Woot
Posted by Alarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You don't know how many times people thought I was you.

I've been impaled because of you, held in-depth conversations with people who thought I was you, and even interviewed applicants to the village.

But hey, besides that, you weren't bad.

-Goes back to studying for finals-
17358, RE: Woot
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you suck, name stealer! Just kidding, we had some fun fights, you could definately be a challenge. Glad you got impaled a few times because of me though! Was that Braoldan?

17353, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Battle
Posted by Annette on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were so ballsy when you attack the guild with three shifters in town. No one wanted to fog you out because they were afraid of getting killed. Finally, I did, took a big backstab from you and fogged you, but unfortunately, didn't have enough hp to continue chasing you. You were far the most annoying rager to deal with. The two times I managed to kill you was pure luck....see you in the fields
17357, Thanks
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment. That time was awesome, I had so much fun that night. I actually killed that tribunal twice I think that night, or maybe just once. I remember there were actually four shifters, but you had flown off. I had three of them slept with traps, and I had that tribunal slept too. Traps can be the bane of arcane muters, because you can make them seen. Got that tribbie and Jesrelres because of glowing traps. With the other chars I've played, I know you are a smart fighter, and you know when to "fly away." It was fights like those, that I thought would get me some kind of recognition from the heavens, but alas, not this time!

17348, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Bat...
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kastellyn - I'm not sure why I never heard from you after I became General, but that was certainly a part of why I deleted. I think I went to your shrine about one every two days if not more, and i prayed, but you never responded, and I tried to do it when you said you would be around. I don't know what you thought about Alarin, but I guess i wonder how much more noticed did I need to be to earn your approval. That was the goal of making Alarin, maybe I just deleted too early, but I felt like I was getting nothing back for being General or for being committed.

I can only claim bad timing for all of this. Had I been on when you prayed, I would have come and interacted with you in some way, shape or form. That's always been my promise to mortals, and I'll stick with it. Unfortunately, I can't be on as much as I'd like to, so timing definitely plays a part. I liked Alarin just fine; I thought you were an excellent Villager and General from what I saw.

I will caution you against setting goals for your characters that involve interaction with Imms, and then being disappointed if that interaction doesn't occur. It's not always going to happen with the frequency and/or regularity that you (and I) would want. The bottom line is, you get back from your character what you and you alone put into them.

I was pissed about being logged into Thera for two hours and not hearing one stinkin thing about the quest you told us all to be there for.

Yeah, I set that quest up, but knew from the get-go that I wasn't going to be on that night. A lot of players were involved, and a few of them got there a bit late, mostly because Easter Sunday was a bad choice for a date. My apologies to any and all who didn't get to participate.

Also, in the not you posted for Guenrayn's death, you said some sappers would be adding his name to the pillar, but that never happened. I'm probably killing my chances just by asking, but I want to know what happened there if you will say.

Once the stuff going on with the Village right now is resolved, there will be some changes to the Village that might involve an updated pillar. The sappers may be slow at times, but once they are assigned a job, they get it done eventually.

Sorry this time around wasn't as good as your last run, but you still had two really solid, really good RP'd characters with positions of leadership in the Village, back to back. Regardless of what goals you set for yourself, that's a feat to be proud of.
17350, RE: (DEL) Alarin the Hand of the Unseen, General of Bat...
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks Kasty! *wink* Seriously, I'm not truly upset anymore, I just felt "passed up" to a point. I think the Officers of battle should get a little more than a title, you know? Especially the higher up they are. Now, Aidamo I know has recieved things, and Wiglaf too, but that is probably what frustrated me the most, just seeing things go on for others and not seeing one word. Just a word from the Destructor probably would have uplifted me enough to keep going. However, I was also intrigued by following a new path, so thats part of why I quit, and I had accomplished so much with Guen that its hard to beat that. You and THror are cool imms, and I actually wanted to Imm Alarin, but when Sabiene immed I decided I didn't want to try, seeing as If I ever imm I want to be involved in running Battle. With two Hero IMMS ahead of me, I don't htink my chances were any good. Plus I can't code anything, but I am creative.

17369, Oh, and PS
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope someone posts the new pillar when it happens, especially if I'm not a rager. If not, I'll just have to make one when I hear about it.

17340, Sheesh, and I thought I was around just enough...
Posted by Krath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
....to even get a mention out of you. I remember helping you rank a couple of times, mostly in Ahridol and once on skeletons. The time with the skeletons was nasty. Anyway, I liked Alarin, and thought you did pretty good. Better than I am doing anyway. Luck with your next one, and see you in the fields.

17344, RE: Sheesh, and I thought I was around just enough...
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, I'm really sorry. YOu were around quite a bit, and i liked your char. I have a bad bad time with names, in RL and in game. Keep strong, take over for me eh!

17339, Didn't expect this!
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow. Didn't expect to see this! I hate thief waylay, you little punk :-) I really liked fighting you, especially that one time when my fly fell. :) Trip-city! Anyway, good luck in the future. And thanks for separating me from Thornarcrull, I really appreciate that ;-)
17335, Wow
Posted by Kaavraus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, that came out from left field.

"most competent of their regular players"

I -never- thought I'd have heard that about this character. First
'voker and Nexan, didn't know a single barrier location, and only
a one aura and shield stave each. I had to die trying each of my
new spells on Gre to see how well they worked before I knew what
I could handle. I know im very persistent which helps me out, but
anyways, enough of that. Thank you very much for the compliment.

I really didn't get much of a chance to speak with you, though my
characters personality was set that Ragers were to be eradicated
from Thera in any way possible, and I never expect repenters, so
any talks were primarily just to heat up some heads.

Somehow a trap thief berserker didn't seem like it would work. You
never really touched on the pros vs. cons of it, what do you think?

I wish you luck with your next character,
17336, RE: Wow
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, apparently all that dieing to Gre helped you learn some things. Normally, incompetent players don't get special titles. You played yoru invoker well, at least from my perspective. Anyway, pros and cons. WEll, trap thieves need to be able to have their assailants breathe their trap in, Airshield sorta prevents that. I normally would catch anywhere from one to three raiders in a trap if they didn't have an invoker, if there was an invoker, I could catch none. Also, weapontrip is effective, and surprises some people who think flying is enough, but all mages and empowered chars have shields that prevent any kind of bash or weapontrip type attack, so that was useless. However, I held my own against most solo invokers by bloodthirsting and hitting them hard, unless they were fully prepped. I actually killed quite a few invokers which surprised me. So, my take on it is that trap thieves are great against warriors and the like, who can't block weapontrip and the traps. However, they wereen't great against mages. I couldn't stop fleeing. Now, if I had gone my original intention, I think I would have killed more mages, less warrior types. Because I would have had parting block and other such things. I will say, combat steal and waylay are nice. HOweve,r waylay doesn't last long, so I could only steal a few things from someone before losing it. Anyway, I hope those thoughts help you out.

17330, Forgot to mention the Fortress
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, we had some fun interactions. Especially when we first met on bad terms after I killed Broxx and you stole my axes. After that though things got better and we interacted a lot more. Was fun helping defend the village against Scions. See ya round.

17334, RE: Forgot to mention the Fortress
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate to say it, but I did forget you guys, but really I only forgot you. I honestly only interacted with you from the Fortress. Same with Sylvans, I didn't think there were any worth mentioning, tough, you are dedicated to your cuase for the most part Alarin really disliked both Sylvans and Fortress. They meddled in his business at times, and then there were a few times when he was asked for help, and he ended up dieing because they were incompetent and didn't fight their foes. I remember a few times specifically. THen I ended up getting full looted and of course, no help was given from either group. You were a good hunter though, and fearless from all I could see, which is good for a maran. You were cool, not many to mention with the rest!

17316, Left out Tribbies
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hated most of you, but had fun fights as well.

Jamain - Hated you the most, your full-looting was getting very annoying. THe fact that a bloodthirsting rager with a 60 dam roll couldn't hit your fox was getting very annoying. You ahve the best form though for hunting us shadowwalkers.

Jesrelres - I was so proud that time you said "Thats the most damage anyone has done to me in a long time." Thanks for that, it was very special to Alarin, though he couldn't admit it! :)

Lurginlo - Some good fights, good work. I loved catching you in my traps!

Nirumas - I got you booted from tribunals, that was worthwhile to me!

Orein - Same as Jamain, but you were not as skilled as him.

Nobody else really comes to mind. I think that the mobs shouldn't be able to see hidden, unless they have a duergar in them. That to me is rediculous. Now, a warrior can probably stop them, but a thief has a bit more trouble taking on four mobs that are skilled. Oh well, such is life sometimes.
17337, RE: Left out Tribbies
Posted by Lynorlimna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was not sure what to think around you. I knew you probably wanted me dead...so I kept my distance at times...and some times chanced it. Was fun having Sayangu after me for a bit...and it was fun helping the village the few times I did as well. Interesting character.
17338, Ditto
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be honest, I didn't know what to think of you either. But, since you weren't hunted or a known member of another cabal, I didn't touch you. I did not like or trust the char though, your actions were confusing. However, we did fight once or twice, was kinda fun.
