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Topic subject(Del) [TRIBUNAL] Cole the Sensei, Magistrate of Tar Val...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=17209
17209, (Del) [TRIBUNAL] Cole the Sensei, Magistrate of Tar Val...
Posted by RealShea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
DISCLAIMER: There's going to be plenty of spelling errors in this. Sorry right off the top.

Well, Cole was a pretty fun character at first. After playing my last character, I thought I'd try playing something with a bit more RP set up from the very beginning. Went through a couple of throwaways until I hit on the idea of Cole. (Sorry no role posted here. Had one, but forgot to get it at deletion time. Any Imm whose bored and can grab it or my PK ratio: feel free to post it.) Premis was an ex-bounty hunter whose last kill went sour and caused him to lose his nerve, hit the bars, and wind up a washed up drunk. Threw in a hick accent (attempt at one anyway) and tried to picture a mix of Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven with Gary Cooper in High Noon.

Original goal was to get into Tribunal. Was actually hoping to have the interview process take a while but Jesrelres ended up inducting me immediately which, while consistant with his role, wasn't exactly helping me out with mine since I wanted to RP through the struggle of getting back into shape, laying off the bottle, etc. So I figured I'd take it a different route right there and keep him addicted, sneaking drinks most times, and downright drunk others. Was planning on having it interfere with his duty with the Spire, get him kicked out, and then try to work his way back in. Never ended up exploring that because I got bogged down in the 'hunt criminal' mentality darn it.

Tribunal was alright at first. Sylvan war kept things lively right away, being a TV magistrate that could hide meant that I could always pick off lowbies that fought around the white tower, and being near the junction for a few cabals meant that criminals always wandered through. Was sphere justice, so it seemed to me to make more sense for Cole to hide out and wait for crimes to be committed than to sit around visible all the time. Probably frustrated a bunch of lowbies like that, or anyone else when I'd be fighting in the white tower and they'd attack me, I'd move out to the city and then flag them when the continued the attacks.

Being with the Tribunal of course, I found myself fighting Ragers more than any other group, whether at hero level or just below. My role dictated that I'd only go after criminals and because of the proximity of the rager cabal to Tar Valon, it was really easy to run down there to check and see which criminal at the moment was around. Luckily for me, there were only two in the village that could see hidden, Alarin and Sayangu. Half the time I was around, they weren't so you had a bunch of Rager warriors, mostly wanted for some reason, running around the ruins that I could try picking off. Sometimes it worked, often it didn't. I wasn't very good in the assassination bit, so most times I even attempted that, I'd get smoked. Got a couple.

Unfortunately, I wasn't around at hero range when most of the Warder wars went down, so I didn't get to fight many of them. Toward the end there, I ate a death to a few of them, but that's how it works I guess.

Full Looting: Always tried giving back what I could except for one instance. Almost always was full looted when I died, though never by the person that killed me in most of those cases, but by some lowbie looter. That's what happens when most of the times you're killed your standing in front of either the eastern road, or someone else's cabal. I still think Nep that we should open up PK to anyone that loots you :P (As per that post on the ASK AN IMMORTAL). Toward the end there, just didn't want to go on to my standard re-eq routine with this char which just got pretty tiresome. Especially since the one item I tried to have as much as possible (water bottle filled with whiskey) was from Arial city and a pain in the ass to get after ghosting, and every lowbie that looted me always seemed to take it too. My one RP item and it kept getting ganked: I think I made the trip to Arial city about....oh, 20 times or so just to get a bottle of whiskey.

That's why, the tediousness of the character, the fact that Jesrelres deleted (my only real RP person in the cabal to be honest), and my lack of direction on where to take him, I deleted. Not direction from the Imms or anything. I didn't ask for any interaction with my play and didn't really expect any. More where I thought I could take the character. Just didn't see anything concrete on where to go.

On to the individuals:

Apla and Zhekril: Couldn't believe my luck that time I unghosted, walked into your quicksand only to eat two ANNIHALATES from two cones of cold cast at the same time. I know they were meant for the Battlerager, but I could not believe my luck.

Caillach: One of the best battles I've ever had. We both busted out almost all of our skills and went through at least four areas of the past fighting that one time. Neither of us died, but that's what made it so good really. You were really close though. That one call lightning had me down to 4 hps.

Crodus: Good interacting with you.

Navarro: Same, good thief who from what I could see was pretty knowledgeable.

Jegreal: Very cagy. ;) Half the time we were going for the same people and it ended up being a race to see who could attempt the assassination first.

Adrikith (sp): Owned me. couple of deaths I was totally lagged out due to your bashes. No other character I've fought with Cole was able to bash me like that on their own. Well done. Still can't believe at the time you were getting charges off of me.


Dacheal: Don't believe it for a second that you 'forced' me into hiding ;). Good fighting you, wish I would have made it a bit more interesting. I mostly tried fighting alone (trying to work on the PK skills a bit with this character too, which was a lot easier pre 36th level actually). Don't know what legacies you had, but your specs were good against me having whip as the other spec. Unfortunately, the only interaction we really had was Tribunal vs. Sylvan type and probably not all that substantial. Char seemed pretty good. One thing was that of all the Warders, you're the only one that actually spoke to me. All the rest would sit out in the woods and do god knows what. Right before you bet me for the last time, I had stalked you from Seantryn Modan, to the Frozen Wastes, to Whistlewood. Wonder if you knew, heh.

Starkad: Hell of a Tribunal killer I'll give you that. Unfortunately, that's all I really saw of you. Got me once with Brogg at the Spire with the old summon technique, but all we had.

Corthy: That time out on the eastern road was really pretty funny. We're trying to bring Corina (another druid) in when you show up and I figure your trying to aid her so I get it in my head to go after you. You had a lynx and treant at the time, and then right in front of me, commune plant growth on the eastern. Couldn't believe my luck. Still almost got me even while totally command dead because the treant kept pounding me. You were the 'full-loot' I mentioned above. After I did that, which was sort of breaking role actually, I got it into my head that this char was done for.

Rest of the Grove: Elrios, Zuou, ummm......


Faerin: Didn't really write into your farewell note before, but thought you were pretty funny. Twice, I got both you and Soloegal together after you tried double-teaming me in the Spire in both Galadon and Tar Valon. Next thing I know, you were a rager. Scratched my head on that one.

Brogg: Great speaking cadence, hell of a power ranker too. I remember when you were yelling outside the white tower at some lowbies while you were in your teens I think, and the next thing I know, you were heroed and fighting the lich. Very odd. Probably one of the only ones in the village that didn't want to always kill me.

Findlebisk: Again, no speaking at all from you. Only thing I ever got was telling me that you wouldn't let Satic and I attack Faerin who was wanted at the time (although only I was at the time, Satic was just around not assisting because Faerin and I had such good battles usually). Got you twice though, the first time being something I was hoping to spring off a good bit of RP with you with as perhaps an enemy, but got nothing.

Wiglaf: Apparently, you've been around a while, but I got you once, you definately got me. Here's what I love about ragers, and you're no exception: The Role of a Rager is the one that tells someone to fight like a man and then curses them out when they don't. Pretty funny, considering as a Tribunal assassin magistrate who is not in his jurisdiction doesn't really have anything going for him when going up against an axe wielding berserker. I think I was pretty smart avoiding the direct confrontation.

Zylundak: Good fighting the few times we did. Got you once, you got me a few times. Did I surprise you outside the city like that with the assassinate? I'm not sure how close to death you even were.

Aidamo: Hits VERY hard.

Sayangu: Brazen against the law, which I found really refreshing. Didn't have to wait long before you'd show up in Tar Valon, waiting for me either for manacles (and criticing me on how quickly I got them on) or attacking me. Absoultely destroyed me at the Crossroads that one time. From 720 to 0 hp in one round (Of course deathblow isn't overpowered! Heh heh heh, teaches me not to try anything so stupid again.) Brogg will attest, one of the worst rounds I've ever witnessed, considering I initated the attack. Yeah yeah, even attempting the assassination in that case was suicide, but what the hell, out of the city like that there was probably no way I was going to beat you without some serious backup, which I never really had.


Parcan the only one I interacted with ever, and that was ranking.

Fortress: Didn't see any of them other than Karun. Still have no idea why Karun would greet me all the time.

Empire: Just started, so I never met any of them unless I knew them from before.


Asin: Good grouping with you. Seemed pretty competent as an invoker which is always good.

That transmuter that killed me in Aridhol. Wow, I couldn't believe you didn't attack me sooner. Sure, we were grouped, but I was horrid in taking those footmen at the time, and glad to see you RPed the eviltude/take out my frustration on the ineptitude of this stupd assassin. I won't include your name here, but that was solid.


Orein: Holy power ranked batman. When I first started Cole, I got you your first form. Kept on about it, but it seemed that you really got annoyed at my char, so stopped right after that. I could swear the next day I logged on, I was still at level 17 and you were at like, 35 or something rediculous. Then probably less than two days later you were heroed. WOW is all I can say about that. I was 146 hours and going and only at 46 Heh. Good working with you, I could tell you knew what you were doing with the shifters, since you really seemed to know how to hunt with your forms extremely well. You and Jamain were nutty when together and going against the Warders.

Jamain: That fox form must give the Warders the fits. Seemed solid at the job. I wouldn't want it personally, that's a whole heck of a lot of note writing. You could tell you were destined for a leader type position though even before you were named Provincial just because of the way you handled yourself.

Quintilyn: Good working with you through those slaughterous times when Starkad and Dacheal would show up. It seemed like you got mauled a lot just being in the city at the time when no one else was around. Stay strong there.

Thrawn: Thank god someone was watching Tar Valon when I wasn't around.

Oblain: Unfortunately, grouping with you wound up getting me killed more than I'd like, despite your intentions :). "Cole, attack that horseman." Uhhh.... Heh heh heh.

Jesrelres: Said as much in your farewell, but again: Solid char and really a great sounding board to work RP off of. Did as much as I could anyway.

Hargej: No idea what happened to you, but we did some good ranking there for a bit.

Sorry if I forgot anyone, I'm posting this from work, so...respond if you like, or don't. Either way, see you with the next char.

17231, RE: (Del) [TRIBUNAL] Cole the Sensei, Magistrate of Tar Val...
Posted by Dacheal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good fights and often enough, you suprised me with things I didn't expect. I don't play assassins very well and have never had one near hero, which hurts me a little because I've played most other classes. Good character, you were also one of the only Tribunals to somewhat interact with me besides Jamain and Orein. That last fight was... I don't know... sick? I've got the log if you want it sometime. Again, good job and such. Well done.

17223, Cole...
Posted by Oblain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well what can I say now ?
Its been really slow a past few days, I've been trying to put forward
an RP dimension to the tribunal but *fistshake* no body seems to be reading their notes.

As for Cole, great char. Was fun and confident the few times I had you around, too bad Oblain doesn't agree with the war or the village thing so I try as much as possible to stay away from villagers.
Sorry about the deaths man, its really tough to tank the mobs in aridhol but I thought you'd last out one. Wanted you to hero quick so we could do out bit together, since you were the only one who was regular and up there in the hero ranks to run about with (specially since Jamain,Orein,Hargej just stopped showing up for a bit).

Keep at it then,

For Fire...Spire...Forge and Fame.
Oblain kun Quinslin.
17222, Not even a mention of your dire enemy? nt
Posted by Wakachacha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
17219, RE: (Del) [TRIBUNAL] Cole the Sensei, Magistrate of Tar Val...
Posted by Jegrael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I Noticed that, we alwasy seemed to be stalking the same person, rather enjoyed the race for the strike. At first when you tipped of that one person about my stalking, I was sort of unsure about you, and what you would do outside of town when we saw each other, but well your goals turned out to be the same, so I growed to respect and breath a little easier around you. Great Job on that character, can't wait for the next. See you around.
17214, Was looking to fight you more
Posted by Elrios on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping to have that fight last night outside the grove be just one on one... but then Selenquey showed up... and then Corthy... and then it turned into a gang bang. Sorry about that. Then when I said to leave his things... Corthy ordered his treat to take it all. I really was going to try and return a few of your things. I saw you around a bit, but never knew you were a trib until I asked about it, and so I attacked outside the grove.

Sorry we could not have more and fairer fights

17211, hehe
Posted by Gnarsh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone told me you were really tough (forget who though, but it was a few people), so I thought it would be funny to kill you in Galadon market square with 4 other tribunals in town at the time.

I didn't actually manage to get the killing blow, but you did die. I'm guessing no one full-looted you on that occasion, given there were several tribs in the room at the time!

I always wanted to cause the death of someone when a town was full of tribs.

Anyway, the wanted flag I got for that did eventually lead to my death, owing to the attrition (of potions, money and bloody skins) suffered at the hands of the citizen mobs and Tar Valon patrollers, so you were ultimately avenged.

I did think the bands of citizens are overpowered though. I think it would be better if the provincial had to say which area he was sending them to, and they only worked if he got that right.
17216, ummm ouch? (log of fight with a comment or two after)
Posted by Tlarkian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<100%hp 87%m 36%mv 239tnl>
Gnarsh leaves east.
You follow Gnarsh east.
Market Square
This bustling square lies at the intersection of the High road and the
Trade Road. Traders from every city have come here to try to convince you
to buy their cheap wares. None of it is even worth a second glance. The
High road continues to the north and south and the Trade Road continues to
the east and west.

Gnarsh the orc is here.
Cole the human is here.
A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
A special guard from Galadon is here, enforcing the Law.
Achirath the human is here.
Ossrian has arrived.
Gurgudu has arrived.
Kartof has arrived.

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl>
Gnarsh sends Cole sprawling with a powerful bash.
Gnarsh's bash mauls Cole.
Cole yells 'Help! Gnarsh is bashing me!'

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl>
Morxdronyss fades into existence.
Morxdronyss's cleave wounds Gnarsh.
The gods protect Cole from Kartof.
The gods protect Cole from Gurgudu.
Ossrian's slice DISMEMBERS Cole!
Ossrian's cleave DISMEMBERS Cole!
Cole parries your flaming bite.
The gods protect Cole from Kartof.
The gods protect Cole from Gurgudu.
Cole is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl> trip

Kartof looks at Cole.
Ossrian sends Cole sprawling with a powerful bash.
Ossrian's bash wounds Cole.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Cole while he's down.
Morxdronyss utters the words, 'magic missile'.
Morxdronyss waves his arm in a wide arc, sending forth a cluster of projectiles of pure mana towards Gnarsh.
Morxdronyss's magic missile grazes Gnarsh.
Morxdronyss's magic missile grazes Gnarsh.
Morxdronyss's magic missile decimates Gnarsh!
You trip Cole and he goes down!
Your trip grazes Cole.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Cole while he's down.
Cole is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 75%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl> bash

Cole's wrath DISMEMBERS Gnarsh!
Cole's wrath EVISCERATES Gnarsh!
Morxdronyss's cleave devastates Gnarsh!
Cole dodges your flaming bite.
Cole parries your cleave.
Your flaming bite misses Cole.
The gods protect Cole from Kartof.
The gods protect Cole from Gurgudu.
The gods protect Cole from Kartof.
The gods protect Cole from Gurgudu.
Ossrian's slice DISMEMBERS Cole!
The gods protect Cole from Kartof.
The gods protect Cole from Gurgudu.
Cole is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl> bash

Someone has arrived.
Cole is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl>
Morxdronyss utters the words, 'magic missile'.
Morxdronyss waves his arm in a wide arc, sending forth a cluster of projectiles of pure mana towards Gnarsh.
Morxdronyss's magic missile devastates Gnarsh!
Gnarsh leaves north.
Kartof leaves north.
Gurgudu leaves north.
Gnarsh has fled!
Morxdronyss's magic missile devastates Gnarsh!
Morxdronyss's magic missile devastates Gnarsh!
Cole is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl>
Cole parries your flaming bite.
Your cleave MUTILATES Cole!
Cole is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl>
Ossrian sends Cole sprawling with a powerful bash.
Ossrian's bash wounds Cole.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Cole while he's down.
You slam into Cole, and send him flying!
Your bash scratches Cole.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Cole while he's down.
Cole is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl>
You parry Cole's wrath.
The gods protect you from Morxdronyss.
Cole parries your flaming bite.
Cole dodges your cleave.
Cole dodges your flaming bite.
Cole is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<100%hp 87%m 35%mv 239tnl>
Someone shouts 'Guards! Guards!'
Two guards come to someone's rescue!
Cole is gushing blood. (30% - 50%)

<100%hp 89%m 41%mv 239tnl>
You dodge Cole's wrath.
You parry Cole's pierce.
Cole's wrath MASSACRES you!
The gods protect you from Morxdronyss.
Cole dodges your flaming bite.
Your flaming bite SEARS Cole!
Ossrian's cleave DISMEMBERS Cole!
Cole is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

<87%hp 89%m 41%mv 239tnl>
You are now WANTED!!!
Cole is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

<87%hp 89%m 41%mv 239tnl>
Ossrian sends Cole sprawling with a powerful bash.
Ossrian's bash wounds Cole.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Cole while he's down.
You slam into Cole, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Cole.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Cole while he's down.
Cole is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 15%)

<87%hp 89%m 41%mv 239tnl>
Cole's wrath MUTILATES you!
Cole's wrath misses you.
The gods protect you from Morxdronyss.
Cole parries your flaming bite.
Your cleave misses Cole.
Ossrian's slice DISMEMBERS Cole!
Cole is DEAD!!
You hear Cole's death cry.

<79%hp 89%m 41%mv 239tnl>
Achirath shouts 'Guards! Guards!'
The special guard says 'What? I'm not good enough?'
Gnarsh tells the group 'him dead?'

<79%hp 89%m 41%mv 239tnl>
Achirath gets a pair of armguards from the snow worm from the corpse of Cole.
Achirath gets a feather of levitation from the corpse of Cole.
Achirath gets a cowhide knapsack from the corpse of Cole.
Achirath gets a necklace of moonstones from the corpse of Cole.
Achirath gets a long, dark, leather cloak from the corpse of Cole.
Achirath gets a charred leather bracer from the corpse of Cole.
Achirath gets a pale white skull ring from the corpse of Cole.

<79%hp 89%m 41%mv 239tnl>
Jesrelres's lieutenant yells 'Tlarkian is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
The beggar yells 'Why don't I ever get any protection?'
The beggar yells 'Why don't I ever get any protection?'
Jesrelres's lieutenant *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Jesrelres's lieutenant misses you.
Jesrelres's lieutenant MANGLES you!
Jesrelres's lieutenant misses you.
Jesrelres's lieutenant yells 'Tlarkian is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
Jesrelres's lieutenant MANGLES you!
Jesrelres's lieutenant DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The special guard yells 'Tlarkian is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
You dodge the special guard's pound.
The special guard yells 'Tlarkian is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
You dodge the special guard's pound.
Jesrelres's lieutenant's slash MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Jesrelres's lieutenant's slash MANGLES you!
You have been KILLED!!

grrr. i was in the midst of typing say you sure you wanna do dis den boss? mebe we wanna git him l
*oh no backspace... alot. damn oh well go with it* spam bash, hope for the best.*
guess i needed to make my sentences shorter, i was an orc after all.
after the constant regearing with another char, i was just so tired, i deleted tlarkian,(and the other chars i had at the time) later of course i told myself i was an idiot and i realy liked that char, i thought he had gone into hiding, but guess not. was fun though. we had a hella run that day :) and cole i posted this so you could see some of your vengeance gotten. jesrelres's guards though, BLAM! hehe wasn't even enough time to reach the keyboard and type flee (and as slow as i am with other words, flee i can typre pretty damn fast. :)
lesson learned though, target dead, wanted flag, quaff then regroup. hehe. have fun man, with another char i rather liked cole.
17218, My comments....
Posted by RealShea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My comments at the time on the cb channel went like this:

Cole: Damn, that was the worst ass-whuppin I ever had.

What was really funny was that the second Gnarsh bashed me, I hit flee. Totally command disabled due to all the bashing you all were doing. I was pretty pumped in that I almost had Gnarsh dead before he fled out. As soon as it started though, I knew I was done unless someone worded me out. Jesrelres said later that he was there to word, but was duoed and therefore didn't pop back quickly enough.

No hard feelings of course.
17220, you probably would have killed me if it wasn't for orc wimpy
Posted by Gnarsh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was trying to bash you again but the magic missile sent me three rooms clear, at which point orc cowardice kicked in.
17227, RE: yeah man no hard feelings.
Posted by Tlarkian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i'm sure i have gotten more than my share of beat downs. (this was one of the first evils i have played past say 15th level or so. i have trouble staying evil i think. so i delete.)
i really thought you had gnarsh too. :)
no offense der brudder. but meh tought youz dun fer. glad yer made it.
17228, oops forgot.. one for your ego here.
Posted by Tlarkian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know about the others, but i was in on ALOT of killing that day, and i don't remember any of the other people. not-a-one.
so kudos for standign against the storm long enough to make an impression that has lasted, what how long ago was it?