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Topic subject(DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah blah
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16985, (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah blah
Posted by Lynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, 471 hours, a lot of which were fun, but a lot lately just weren't. I was having a hard time finding reason to log on, an even harder time finding a reason to stick it out in Herald. I'm going to keep goodbyes short because I probably won't remember a lot of people and I don't want to step on toes.


Arvam - Wow, what can I say. After seeing everything that went on between you and your followers, I had to try one for myself. I wasn't disappointed, and you're one of the best out there. I hope you come back soon and give Heralds hell, because I think some of them need it.


Darch - Love the character, but there really were times when I wanted to strangle you! Sorry for bailing on you, on so many things. I hope you stick it out though.

Ash/Misha - Sorry about ditching you for the ceremony. I hope you can find someone else.

Darian - Aislynn warned me about you! Lynne was suspicious of you at first, but I think she came around to trust you eventually. Cool character, don't let Battle/Maran get you down.

Khalazid - Ugh, where did you go? You promised you wouldn't sleep for an eternity again! Oh well. I really enjoyed interacting with you from the beginning - even way back to ranking with Aelrik! I hope you come around, it's a neat character.

Disclaimer: I forgot lots of people and some I just couldn't think of anything to say to, but feel free to respond if you want.

17145, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah blah
Posted by Quislet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for showing to me, however briefly, that the Herald cabal can be fun. Now that you're gone, I don't know of any current Herald that makes just sitting and talking anywhere near as fun as you did.

Anyway, remember to enjoy life and have fun, especially since you're good at it. ;)
17115, Ah, Captain...
Posted by Gorthalon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess I've been pulling a Khalazid in that I haven't been around. I had a lot of fun interacting with your character, and I just recently remember the poetry contest (too much OOC and IC stuff going on at that time to remember everything). You helped me a fair bit and I appreciate it greatly. Well-played character, and have fun with the next.

17007, Hmm...
Posted by Dex on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We butted heads I think, or didn't get along, or did, then didn't. Enjoyed your character when we were together, but damn could your use of the "Shrug" emote get under my skin. Other then that though, everything was golden, had some fun, had some not so fun, overall good experience, thanks.


Oh, btw, did you play tinuthiel as well? Just curious to see if I player spotted as well as I think I did.
17087, RE: Hmm...
Posted by Lynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We did butt heads. Lynne's first impression of you was that you were a creep. I don't think Lynne ever really trusted you fully, even later on, but ah well. There were some fun times in the beginning and I think we just mostly annoyed each other later.

As for whether or not I played Tinuthiel, the answer is no. I take that as a compliment, however, as I think she is the better roleplayer.
16999, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah blah
Posted by Darian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say? You were a lot of fun to interact with, and added a lot of depth away from the whole cabal wars mess for Darian. There were a few storylines going on that I wish we could've played out a bit more, but it's not your fault they were left hanging. Darian definitely started out with far more selfish and ulterior motives towards you at the start, but after a while those sort of gave way to caring - but I'll wait until he dies to really discuss all that in detail.

Good luck in the future, and keep up the good work.
17086, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah b...
Posted by Lynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess they say the best characters are the ones that evolve over time, and even better if they can make others change. I hoped Lynne was one of those, but I didn't really expect to change anyone's character in any dramatic way. She really was about breaking down walls and opening people up. I hope you can stick out through all the enemy hoards! Good luck.
16998, Taking a step back from it all...
Posted by Darch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It became clear to me that if not for your impact on Darch I wouldn't even have gotten past about rank 30 or so. You saw something in Darch that I didn't see even as I was playing him. I guess it was potential to do a bit of good roleplaying if nothing else. It's characters like Lynnette that ignite sparks of roleplay and fun in folks that make this game worthwhile to dedicate way too much time to. I'm really glad you decided to take me aside and initiate that first talk, every positive aspect of Darch branched off that one experience. So anyway, thanks for everything, I'll definetly be hanging in there. No need for the apologies on bailing, thats just how stuff works sometimes..as I was noticing you getting more and more frustrated with stuff I was just sort of shaking my head wishing there was something I could do. But oh well, I agree that when a character becomes more of a chore then fun, its time to move on. So anyway, thanks again for everything.

17085, RE: Taking a step back from it all...
Posted by Lynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, I really had no idea that Lynne made that much of an impact. I just really assumed that you would've joined Herald with or without me asking. I'm flattered really, and I hope there's more people out there that can make it fun for everyone. The last couple weeks really were frustrating, and I was pretty much just logging on out of habit. I didn't intend to delete for another few weeks but I logged on and I really couldn't stomach doing it the next day, or the day after, or the day after that. We had some fun times though, I think. Good luck with everything.
16989, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah blah
Posted by Cercanopuno on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
thanks for the help back then, hope your next char is as fun as this one.

16988, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah blah
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heya, Lyn. Man, you were one of the first people my char ever met. Is a shame the last conversation we had was so harsh Vashka saw you as a good friend and was a little taken aback when you did what you did. But my char has changed immensley since I first talked to you about trying to join Herald way back when and you had to turn me down :P. I remember I was telling my story and every five minutes you would jet out and come back. *chuckle* Ah well, I am sure you will be back in another incarnation. See ya round.

17084, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah b...
Posted by Lynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you way back then, you were so hopeful and I really liked how the character developed. You weren't the only one of the Fortress that I ended up at odds with near the end, and while the arguments were at times frustrating, they were still good. After that last conversation I really realized how much your character had changed from back then, and I hope you get tattooed - you deserve it. Good luck with everything.
16987, aww gone?
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
didn't talk to you that much but few times were pleasant. You never got the time to explain to me what the heck was with that "Diamond watcher of squirrels" or whatever title was about. Every time I saw you on you had me scratching my head heheh :)

did a good job from what I saw and thanks for all the drinks!

-Nurwon Du'roth
17083, RE: aww gone?
Posted by Lynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Diamond Captain of the Squirrels! I tried to explain it to whoever wanted to know, but I don't much feel like doing that anymore. I think we ranked together once (or tried to) around 30 or so, but other than that I usually just saw you around the inn! You were always friendly from what I remember, but I think I was usually invisible - sorry about that! Good luck with whatever you're playing.
17088, hahaha
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You think I couldn't see you? heh I would never go anywhere without being able to see invis. Seems like suicide to try and do that. So could you explain now about the squirrel thing? or is it a long long story that you don't wanna post? :)

16986, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah blah
Posted by Airael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well damn... I didnt even know it was so bad for you really. I always thought you were off to some neat adventure most times since you were out alot.. Airael DID like you by the way and alot. I just always thought everyone liked you so you were busy seriously. I didnt mean to make you feel bad if I did. *sigh* Very well played as far as I had the chance to see... Airael is just a bit quiet due to stuff that happened to her. I am sorry if I angered you in any way to make you delete or leave I really didnt mean it. Greatly played, I hope you have fun with your next character and you WILL be missed by Airael believe it or not.
17082, RE: (DEL) Lynnette the Free-Spirited Gypsy, blah blah b...
Posted by Lynne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I was on some neat adventure but most of the time lately I was bored out of my mind and just trying to keep from being idle. I don't know why you think you were the reason for deletion or played any part in it - you didn't. I don't really feel that Lynne and Airael knew each other well enough for that, heh. I'll be on a break for a while, so maybe we'll see each other around in other forms someday - just not soon.