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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Sandoria the Grand Mistress of Shapeshifting
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16978
16978, (DEL) Sandoria the Grand Mistress of Shapeshifting
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, my first ever mage above level 30-something. I'm a cleric type, with the occasional warrior type thrown in. This character was rather flat... there was nothing interesting about her what so ever. Wanted to delete a while ago so I could focus on my new idea, but I just couldn't delete a character with that nice a gear, so I decided to play till I died and lost it all. It took forever! Finally died to Mufasaw, Apla, and Shazelyx when I jumped them at the volcano... you guys lagged me out the entire fight between pebble, cranial and misdirect. Yeesh! Lucky I didn't catch you while you were on a storm giant. Never underestimate the power of LAG!

This character was really rolled as more of a time-filler, but human mages can hero REALLY fast, and I flew my way up. Going for the Fortress was in my role, but I didn't play on actually doing it. A good opportunity came up though, so I did. What the hell is with all the shifters?! I was on once and there were 7 shifters in hero range. Oh well. My biggest gripe by far is that shifter fights are BORING. flyto;murder;jaguar;bite;bite;bite. Not for me.

My forms were golden jaguar and osprey. Osprey seemed to kick some ass as far as air forms go, while the jaguar... didn't. The jaguar grew on me a little bit after I used it for a while, but it's still pretty darn inferior to the other major offense forms, as far as damage goes. And guess what... most people pick offense because they want to do damage :P It was certainly nice several times to be able to dodge though... having spent time with a few lions, those things get lit up comapred to the jaguar. The stackable bite for bleeding and strength loss was the biggest plus, really. I only ever used forestblend to hide from people, and I don't think I ever ambushed anything other than a mob or two. My pk ratio was 56%... not bad I guess, for my first ever mage. Wands were one of my biggest frustrations... you can find sources, but they're never freaking there! I did have luck finding shield wands usually, and there at the end I found some aura. (thanks Ylare!) Never did manage to find any barrier.

Anyway, poor Sandoria had big shoes to fill, and her feet were too small. Hopefully now I can really get into my next character. Thanks to everyone I interacted with - I'm going to skip all the individual goodbyes for now, since I've got to hit the highway for the weekend. If I think of it when I get back, I'll post some.

17003, RE: (DEL) Sandoria the Grand Mistress of Shapeshifting
Posted by Fahnrore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whoa. Had no idea that you were Ulthur. Nicely done.
17001, Ugh
Posted by Jhanderin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well damn. You and Briessa were super helpful for defending the fortress, I thanked my lucky stars every time there was a defensive situation and we had a flappy with us. And why do you need barrier wands when you have me?! :P

Good luck
16994, Some individual mentions
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yaofhil: Thanks for the induction. Your induction cerimony was hilarious!

Khalazid: Come on man, whats with this poor showing? I think Sandoria saw you twice in her lifetime. You rocked when Ulthur was around... better step up or step down. Or maybe I'm just missing all of your log in times. I was SUPER disappointed during the quest with the death knight, after our argument over the CB and everything.

Elrys: Well, it was fun seeing you around again! Hope you're having fun on vacation, you seem to be doing good with the Fortress. Just like I said you would :P

Tarnyxil: It just wasn't the same when you didn't call me fat ass. *sniff* I didn't even know you wanted to be a Maran when I was playing Ulthur!

Fahnrore: I got the impression that you were a little bit new (notice I didn't say a newbie), and I think you're doing pretty darn good. I wager my first character or two in Knights were a mite bit worse than Fahnrore, so don't let the forum critics get to you. :P

Ylare: Always liked seeing you around, you were probably one of Sandoria's best friends. Thanks again!

Jesralies: Or however your name is spelled. I wish we had been able to finish our conversation. I fail to see how you can get away with what you're doing without paying some concequences. But I'm biased, I'm sure.

Jamain: Damn you're a cocky one! After I caught you at bad times twice, and would have killed you each time if you hadn't worded back to town (once at convulsing), you still talked ####! Seems like a good role for a Tribunal to me, but Sandoria didn't much like you. I was getting ready to attack you that time you called me out north of Galadon, when everything went down with a couple criminals in town and you had to leave. Sorry we didn't get that fight.

Darian: Slippery! I don't know how many times I almost had you. Then you would quaff something, and disappear off radar. One of these days I was going to prep up and come get you in the Inn, but I never got around to it. Anyway, a different kind of Scion. Good luck.

Brock: We had quite a few good fights. You almost had me once, off the eastern road. It's tough to finish a kill on an air major though, without a certain combination of specs/circumstances/people/etc. Sandoria never full looted anyone, although I did usually take your weapons. Pincer, blech.

Shazelyx: You seem to really know your stuff. Every time we fought, you did pretty much exactly what worked. I always made sure I was prepped out the tail anytime I was going after you. I think I got you a couple times, but never alone. *mutter* You got me once with your bleeding, because I didn't have enough money to heal up at the healer. After that time, I ALWAYS made sure I had coin!

Anyway, I'm sure there's others, sorry I missed you. See everyone around.

17035, Cya
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Elrys: Well, it was fun seeing you around again! Hope you're
>having fun on vacation, you seem to be doing good with the
>Fortress. Just like I said you would :P

Heh, thanks, I do my best. Didn't talk too much to Sandoria, she seemed a pretty reliable maran, but that was about the extent of what I knew about her. We didn't really talk ever, but like Jhanderin said, it was nice knowing you were around. You may not enjoy playing shifters, but an air/offense shifter is a pretty reliable defender. Good luck with the interesting character your non-interim character
16984, Liked your RP.
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially at the end when my shaman got booted from the Fortress. Way to stick to your RP even when the cabal leaders is different. Wish we could have interacted more.
16991, Your uninduction and Tribunals
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially at the end when my shaman got booted from the Fortress

That was a tough one. I could sort of see both sides. I mean, on one hand, it is an organization and you are supposed to follow the leaders orders. But on the other hand, I think your character was right from a role-play standpoint. Ulthur would have sided with you, but not for the same reasons exactly. Ulthur took the line that anyone that raided the Fortress, got raided in return. Heck, when Ulthur age died, I was getting ready to raid Nexus after they struck at us... Shokai stopped me so I could age-die in the Fort though, since he knew it was coming up quick. Thanks boss :P At other times, Ulthur had raided both Nexus and Tribunal in persuit of individuals that had tried to raid the Fortress after Maran criminals. Sandoria wasn't a Captain though, she was just a Squire, so I kept my mouth shut and followed orders.

It's also a personal OOC pet-peeve of mine, the whole "Tribunal can raid everyone else, but no one can raid them." If Tribunal starts raiding a cabal first, then that cabal should be able to raid the Spire without getting wanted. Seems like I'm the only one annoyed by it though, so I try to keep it to myself.

Anyway, from what little I saw, I think you had the right idea for a Shokai follower, and I think I've had enough practice to be able to offer a pretty good opinion. Didn't know your character well enough to say anything about the rest of your time, but I was impressed with that one incident.

16982, Good riddence!
Posted by Sakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes...that Osprey who kept coming at the bad time. I think I fell perhaps only once to you...shamans can beat shifters with a good tactic usually. Had some good and funny talks too! Now go roll one for Team EviL!

16992, RE: Good riddence!
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yes, we had some good fights... there were a few times when you should have had me, were it not for the timely intervention of a healer. I deleted with 20 con and one extra train though, so your rot was more of an inconvinence due to the movement loss than anything else. I usually carried around some +con gear anyway, just to be on the safe side. Shifters tend to make for long fights, especially against opponents with weapon resi, protection and sanc. Shamans thrive in long fights. Not a good combo for a shifter.

Keep on trucking! If I can stay motivated long enough to get through the lowbie ranks (my biggest problem since Ulthur died), I'll be back at Team Good most likely. Stay on your toes :P

16981, It was fun flapping around with you.
Posted by Briessa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our hunts. The jaguar is pretty deadly if you stack the bites. Most foes wont be able to hold any weapons. Utility forms are better though!

Cant wait to see your next.
16993, RE: It was fun flapping around with you.
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought it was something to have TWO air majors in the Fortress. I dont think there has been even one shifter in the Fort, at least since Ulthur was new, although I know I've seen logs of a shifter in the Fort in the past. Talk about scouting power... we had good forms too. Good luck, maybe my next character will rank fast enough to take advantage of your scouting :P

16979, RE: (DEL) Sandoria the Grand Mistress of Shapeshifting
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, you will be missed. It was fun interacting with you while you were around. I wish you could have stuck it out a bit. You knew what you were doing and it was always fun to talk to you.
