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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectFull on pissed off...rage delete/reactivated/deleted...Goodbye
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16972
16972, Full on pissed off...rage delete/reactivated/deleted...Goodbye
Posted by Ledauna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The role:

role + Born barren, Ledauna was one of the few young human girls in
role + Seantryn who went relatively unmolested by minotaur advances.
role + It seemed the minotaur had a nose for human fertility and, as
role + such, they focused their attention away from her. Most often
role + they would make loud snorts in her direction, as if appalled
role + by her. Her treatment at the hands of non-minotaur was not
role + much better.
role +
role + She was at once envied and pitied by the other women. She was
role + able to walk freely, day or night, through the city with little
role + fear and many would have given anything for that type of freedom.
role + However, she was also ignored by every male, minotaur or not,
role + and was unlikely to ever be married. She was all but a total
role + outcast; taunted by most and totally ignored by the rest. She
role + found refuge and peace in few places.
role +
role + The swamps offered solace. Once she made her way past the minotaur
role + piling trash in the shallow waters she was greeted by the swamp's
role + natural creatures. The deer, moths, and dragonflies did not judge
role + or mistreat her. The same was true of the druids, who solemnly
role + watched their home being destroyed by what they called the
role + atrocities. They welcomed her into their groves and attempted to
role + teach her the ways of nature.
role +
role + One thing always nagged her, though, and blocked her from truly
role + devoting herself to fully embracing nature. She was angry that "the
role + Mother," as the druids called nature, had robbed her of her ability
role + to partake in one of the most natural processes; procreation. Her
role + rage bubbled through as she was being taught, but the druids took
role + pity on her and kept trying to instill their own values in her.
role +
role + She learned enough to survive in the wilds before leaving the
role + druids behind. She lived there, in the swamps, for several years
role + in wonderful solitude. She would venture out into the swamps at
role + night to watch the minotaur piling the city's trash, at times
role + catching them pulling a scantily clad female behind them. On rare
role + occasions she caught them while performing their dark rites;
role + polluting the womb of yet another innocent young woman. It was at
role + those times she saw opportunity for retribution.
role +
role + During those years of solitude her anger had grown to rage, rage
role + to hatred, and hatred to detestation. She believed that she had
role + been abandoned by nature and its cycle, punished for being born,
role + and discarded like the trash in the monstrous piles the minotaur
role + created. Society had discarded her too, casting her away like a
role + broken dish. She would study every aspect of child birth and the
role + dark rites of the minotaur. Armed with that knowledge she would
role + guide the minotaur to world domination, allowing them to crush
role + nature and society in their massived fists.
role +
role + Ledauna fashions her existence after nature's parasites. Of all of
role + nature's creatures she appreciates fungi, disease, rats, locusts,
role + tapeworms, and the like the most. She will often attach herself to
role + stronger factions and individuals while working behind the scenes
role + to further her own goals. She may ally herself with people who
role + otherwise, if they were fully appraised of the situation, might
role + hunt her into extinction. She is a liar, a manipulater, and a cheat.
role + She feeds her own strength on the strength of others, slowly
role + weakening the resolve, strength, and will of her host. Ultimately,
role + like most parasites, she is an opportunist and when an opportunity
role + presents itself she is likely to take it.
role +
role + As years passed, the moon waxing and waning, Ledauna grew in
role + strength. She allied herself with various forest protectors and
role + lightwalkers for they provided sanctuary from those like herself. She
role + could trust that they would not put a dagger in her back and they,
role + like fools, believed the same of her. She tested their trust, saying
role + things to breed suspicion, but time after time they defended her
role + against interrogation. She had attached herself, like a leech, and
role + soon she would begin feasting upon their life source. Even as she
role + was preparing to slip the dagger into one back she was sowing the
role + seeds of new relationships elsewhere. It was her hope that one of
role + these relationships would blossom and spread its own seeds and that
role + soon, if the correct seed was sown into the correct field, that she
role + would be welcomed onto a bigger host, perhaps the Warders, or the
role + Nexus. She would not actively seek them, however, for that is not
role + her way. Much like the tick she prefers to bide her time, laying in
role + wait, until the right host brushes up against the plant upon which
role + she has perched herself.

The empowerment:

pray Swirling powers of the heavens, I ask you rise! Rise and spread your spores, your eggs, your seeds of life! Let theme rain down upon me as insight into your ways! Grant me the power to will nature's denizens into aiding me!

Ledauna thrusts her engraved staff into the ground and then raises it to the heavens, her arms spread and face lifted upward.

A roaring wind swirls around the rocks, whipping your hair violently around your face.

You yell 'Rise! Rise! Rats and locusts! Toadstools and tapeworms! Rise and heed me!'

A swarm of rats suddenly emerges from the rocks, scurrying furiously around your feet, squeaking and clawing chaotically.

Lightning flashes in the sky.

Ledauna kneels to the ground and opens the bag at her hip. A small rat scampers out to join the others.

You say 'Lrukloor, join them.'

The rat blends into the swarm, a throng of rodents clawing and climbing on top of each other in a filthy mass of chaos, fighting, killing, fornicating with each other.

You say 'Yes my pets, spread your seeds. Spread them wide. Grow in numbers! As an army with me at the head we will rule over those who are unsuspecting, the trusting many.'

A voice emerges from the wind, whispery and indistinct. You are unable to determine its source.

You say 'You, me...minotaur and orcs! All of the forgotten, those cast aside, the feared! We will spread our rule like a pall over these forsaken lands.'

"And what will become of the land, will you forsake nature too, druidess?"

Two rats suddenly squeal loudly, hissing as they battle each other.

You say 'Whisper of wind, nature is my tool. To forsake it would be as letting the edge of my blade dull to uselessness.'

A mosquito stings you and you swat wildly trying to kill the pesky bug!

Ledauna grins at the mosquito.

You say 'Your sting invigorates me.'

With a fierce bite, one of the rats kills its foe, climbing over the dying carcass of the defeated as is clambors towards a squealing female.

You throw back your head and laugh into the night.

Lightning flashes in the sky.

You say 'The strong will survive, but as parasites we will rise to the top of the food chain, feeding upon those who feed upon others.'

You say 'Our seed, our spores, our kindred spirits spreading our will unto the unsuspecting!'

The wind groans in chaotic laugther all around you. "Then you engulf the cities in the fire and wrath we grant you? Bring the squallor to its knees, let the rats and serpents that have been sequestered to the dark corners.."

You say 'Rangers will make us steaks, Warders will protect us against rabid wolves...already it has begun.'

"Rise up and take back what is theirs."

Ledauna cackles, an insane glimmer in her eye.

You say 'Yes, what is ours! We will take it! Rising from the sewers, from the swamps...we will take it all back as well as that which was never ours!'

You shiver and continue to shake uncontrollably for a few moments.

You whisper 'Yes, spread the disease my pets. Take it on the wind!'

A bloated female rat squeals violently as she writhes around on her side, pink hairless young emerging form her womb, trying blindly to evade the stampede of the other rodents.

Ledauna shivers with disease, with energy, and with madness.

You say 'Yes, grow with strength!'

"Then go. Go with our blessings and our curses, but fail and we will devour you even as you seek to devour."

You say 'Feed upon her teets! Grow!'

You have been empowered by the gods!

You throw back your head and laugh into the night.

Ledauna kneels and beckons Lrukloor back into his bag.

You say 'Come my pet, we've conquering to do.'

The wind swirls around in a violent frenzy as the rats rise and with a squeal, scurry back into their hiding places, save Lrukllor who scampers towards you.

Ledauna tears a whole chicken into tiny bits.

You say 'Feed!'

You say 'Feed my army!'

The goodbyes, I'll keep 'em positive:

Ramstin: Thank you for powerranking me through the hard ranks.

Raccidos: Probably my best friend, thank you.

Gurgudu: My orcish liason, I had a lot of plans for Grinning Skull.

Minotaur: I wish there were more of you, a large part of the problem with Ledauna is that "an army" of minotaur is friggin' impossible.

Amaranthe: I've a feeling you empowered me since the last "Horned Priest" version went to hell in a handbasket. The bonus-exp for my role in the single digit ranks was sweet and gave me the motivation I needed.

I'm sure I'm forgetting people, but them's the breaks.

I whipped ass for a long time, but today on Saturday April 19th things went to hell. I died to Yanacek and Morchata in Hamsah because the goddam gates were down and Yanacek hit me with the forget poison and stole my spare boat and potions. I died to Yanacek's poison after he gave me my axe back (poison affecting ghosts is cheap and I hope it gets fixed). I died to Navarro, Morchata, and Zhekril as I was looking to exact revenge on the bard. Then I died to ####ing Jaragh while I was trying to get his plate after my typical dirt-kick/treant rescue tactic failed. You knock out a druid they're going to die unless they just put up their communes. Stacking sleeps is annoying. Get blackjacked...then a few hours later while you're still asleep you get knock-out poisoned or cold be sleeped...gay.

Not being able to hide is not something I like. I typically play thieves and assassins, but had this role idea for a druid. Maybe if I had pursued getting into Sylvan and been able to chameleon, but Ledauna would not have sent a note or anything so I just had to hope somebody offered me a position (it's happened before).

I hardly ever log so I've none to post. Not sure what is next, maybe nothing because my frustration tolerance level is too low for this game now I think.

Young Nastyman
17132, RE: Full on pissed off...rage delete/reactivated/deleted...Goodbye
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yup, that was me. I'm glad you enjoyed the empowerment! Too bad you gave up the character so quickly - I would have liked to see how she turned out in the long run. I
16990, Well hey...that's life
Posted by Raccidos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun running around with you and messing people up. Normally I play the "hard-on" char, but this time I had fun letting you run the show. It was interesting being a lackey to Ledauna, especially since everyone and their brother was begging me to jack you at any given time. I never completely trusted you though--and I think with good reason--which is why a lot of the time I hung back until I could be clearer what your intentions were. I did enjoy my little role as the Ledauna spy--oh well. Take it easy bro.
16977, RE: Full on pissed off...rage delete/reactivated/deleted...Goodbye
Posted by Morchata on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What's with all the hate, man? Where's the love? I'll miss you. *sniff* *sniff*
16975, Cool empowerment. n/t
Posted by Random Thinker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16973, Son of a gun
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, from what I heard from other warders, I definately would have asked you why you didn't seek us out. Unfortunately, our interactions were basically limited to earlier today. As far as not sending a note, when someone like you has been an ally for awhile, it is not always necessary. Deeds show a lot more than words anyway. I would have liked to have heard your minotaur/orc opinions ic. Ahh well.
16974, Ultimately I would have betrayed you of course
Posted by Young Nastyman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rode the fence a lot. I put out fires (I think that's actually when our paths first crossed), but I only did so to make ranking there (FoN) easier on me. I ranked almost exclusively with goodies. But, I had an alliance with various orcs, duergar, and minotaur. When I ranked with any of these I tried to do so in areas where I thought I wouldn't be found out.

I never wanted the lightwalkers and warders in my life to know I was allied with duergar/orcs/minotaur and I never wanted the duergar/orcs/minotaur to know I was allied with the lightwalkers and warders.

My goal was to make hero and then start turning stuff upside down. I had thoughts of getting into Warders and then making deals while chameleoned, or letting people know where Warders were while chameleoned, and then noreplying so as to never be found out. I was sphere fertility, but I was trying to get Niryaza's tattoo. Unfortunately she never answered any of my prayers.

Ultimately I wanted to play a deceptive, manipulating, betrayer character without being like all of Aether's (was it Aether?) lame attempts.
16997, Yes I know, but....
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have loved to have been part of it. IC I would hate you, but, OOC, you would have added to why this game can be so great. So many people are into the hunt, kill, loot, repeat as necessary mode, that those of us who are more into the rp and and getting everything out of a character get frustrated with the same daily grind. Good luck with your next.