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Topic subject(DEL)[MARAN] Siorgriend Hargland the Avenger of the Righteous
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16934
16934, (DEL)[MARAN] Siorgriend Hargland the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Siorgriend on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Decided to delete this character because things were just getting a little boring for me. Sorry to the rest of the fortress. I know Maran are slim enough as it is. This was my second Paladin, first hero, first Maran. It was a great learning experience for sure. I was a two hand dedicate, I only just started working Templars defense out towards the end:P, with the Temperance and Fortitude virtues. Temperance rocked, Fortitude also rocked but to a lesser degree.


Thanks for the empowerment and the virtues. We didnt get to see each other much because of the stuff you had going on. But ah well, such things happen. You're a cool imm and I hope you noticed the improvement from my last Paladin. Kialanon...ugh. Anyway...

Vynmylak and Shokai
Thanks for the Maran position. Took me a while to get it:P. I dunno if you guys watched me at all. If you did any feed back would be good. (Apart from get some PK skills. Im working on it!) Cool cabal. Ill be back. Oh and thanks for that thing with Aiyaka at the inn that time Vyn.


Very cool. Thanks for teaching me about everything. Places, fighting, the Maran. Everything! We had some fun times. I got you killed a few times which probably werent as much fun...:P Still, I saved you once when you were bleeding to death! That makes up for the two or three times you died because I didnt heal you...ahem. I hope you come back to the Fortress! I know I am.

Another experienced player who taught me stuff. I liked your unelfish ways. Always a laugh. I was hoping you'd get Captain so you could stick it out a bit longer. I guess its a bit hard seeing as you were already ancient:).

Sorry to run out on you. Good luck man. You're gonna need it:PElrys

I enjoyed getting to know you towards the end there. You've got a really well RPed character there. You always seemed to be nervous or something:P. Hehe. You and your big words...

Other Squires, Maran, Acolytes, Scribes I may have met. Some of you were cool, others not as cool:). I can say this though, if you wanna get promoted stick it out! It'll happen.

Didnt get to know of you very well. Jarold I ranked with a bit. Kalendar(sp?) traveled with a bit and raided/defended with.

Didnt get to know any of you well either. But the fortress and sylvan have a cool stance on each other. Kind of stand offish but allies all the same.


You were great man. Always softly spoken and diplomatic. But willing to what you had to. Siorgriend respected you, even if he didnt understand you.

Same as Jesrelres except for the being softly spoken bit:P. You were a real bastard sometimes. But always following the law. The thing with Fahnrore would have tipped you onto my bad side somewhat though. Ill never forget the time you killed Zekasiq right after he raided us. That was cool.


The Chancellor
I cant remember how to spell your name:P. You were a good drow I think. Only looking out for yourself. There arent too many truly evil drow. But you are one of them. Im kinda dissapointed I didnt stay around to see what youd do about that staff.

We had some alright fights. But a warrior couldnt really stand up against a Paladin with my virtues unless he was doing massive amounts of damage. I think your RP suits the new scion very well. About that time I didnt return your flail, I wouldve given it to you if you came to me. But I couldnt see a Maran going out of his way to return it to a Scion.

Had some good conversations with you. I think the ganging aspect of your RP sucked a little. I dont mind fighting two or three on one. But five or six is a bit much. I like a challenge, not a forgone conclusion.

Had some fun fights and I thought you'd be a thorn in my side at hero. Too bad you didnt stick it out. I dont think either of us ever got the other did we?


The only person I really feared alone. I've still got no idea how I could win a fight against you. Even when I geared for svs so that I was divinely protected it didnt make a lot of difference. Oh well. The time I took you to Arvam's shrine was fun.

Had some fun fights and conversations. Seeing as you were being "honorable" to me I tried to show you the same. Thanks for trying to teach me how to fight shamans;).

You were a wierd one. Didnt see you much at the end of my days really. The dark preacher thing was pretty cool. I remember once you were preaching in Galadon and I came and started beating on you. That was fun:P.

Probably my most hated enemy. But having hated enemies makes it fun to play a Maran. You were a decietful little bastard Ill say that much.

Anyone else Ive missed Ill reply here if you want to post. Siorgriend out.
17034, Goodbye Siogriend
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Decided to delete this character
>I enjoyed getting to know you towards the end there.

Damn, that's too bad. I saw big things in Siogriend's future, or at least hoped for them. From what I saw of Siogriend he always seemed solid and had a share of that certain something I've come to associate with quality paladins.

I liked getting to know Siorgriend as well, though I didn't yet feel that I really had a good sense of him. There was something you said (though I can't remember exactly what it is) that made me realize you were getting a little bored, so I was hoping to try and do something about that. Oh well, good luck with your next.

>You've got a really well RPed character there. You always seemed to
>be nervous or something:P. Hehe.

Thanks, I really appreciate that. What you saw isn't nervousness exactly but I'm actually glad that's one way it comes across.

> You and your big words...

Yeah... I try for archaic, but sometimes I have trouble making it work right, and it just ends up being wordy.
17044, RE: Goodbye Siogriend
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the things that was keeping my interest at the end was you:). Im glad you enjoyed my character. I had hoped to get to know you a bit better as well. Ah well. Maybe I'll still get to;) Have fun!
17004, RE: (DEL)[MARAN] Siorgriend Hargland the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Fahnrore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! No too many Maran around left. I was hoping you would stick around long enough to get Captain since Tarny left. Well done character.
16969, Pity
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were doing well, I know, fighting shamans without the right virtues can be a pain; but hey, you've been hanging there to uphold the light. I'm glad you did pretty well and formed your own character niche after the main Fortress people were gone. Many tend to follow others around and be 'predictable.

Good talking with you; you were a rigid one and Narissa finds you quite absorbed in your beliefs, something she aims to crack open and show you more of yourself and herself. Enjoyed the conversations, and best for your next.
16971, RE: Pity
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah sorry. Things were just getting interesting with you. But you have to know you never would have cracked him:). Siorgriend was a Maran Paladin to the end. Even with you and Nazira trying to tempt him:P.
16952, Waitin for Sioggriend2
Posted by Jarold on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Good job. I had fun interacting with you, we had a few good fights against them evil bad guys. You were a good friend to have. Look forward to seeing your next char in action.

16951, Forgot me too :P
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, why did you go an do that? Cause Arvam has been a no show for so long? Gah, you were on of Vashka's best friends. Sad to see you go man. We knew each other all the way up. See ya in the fields.
16967, RE: Forgot me too :P
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was part of it I guess. I liked your character towards the end. But early in life I just though "Oh great, another goodie playing a neutral." You really picked it up though. Well done.
16949, RE: (DEL)[MARAN] Siorgriend Hargland the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Darian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That may be fine and well, but you have to understand that getting ganged on by all the random enemies wandering around as much as I do, walking out to the Fortress alone naked when I'm just unghosted or about to isn't high on my list of smart things to do ;p What surprised me most though was that you threatened to try and destroy my weapon even after a God intervened to give it back to me the first time. That just seems kinda bad for a Paladin, to go disrespecting on the Gods in general, but that may just be my take on it ;)

But yeah, overall you're right, a lone human non-battle warrior just isn't all that suited to running around solo fighting off half the world. But I try anyway! Anyway, keep up the good work, and good luck in the future.
16965, RE: (DEL)[MARAN] Siorgriend Hargland the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah fair enough. But I thought my point was valid to. And I probably wouldnt have sacced your stuff. I was just annoyed they didnt make you walk for it:P.
16947, Sad loss ....
Posted by Nazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought Siorgriend was so beautiful *sigh*.

I enjoyed our outing, as I don’t normally date marans. For some reason you had a serious problem with keeping your sword up. I was rather disappointed that your weapon frequently fell limp during our engagements.

If things grow a bit flaccid, the right kinds of seafood, oils, and herbs can help you stand at attention. Or so I hear.

Other than that, I relish interactive marans. I have logs of the shrine excursion and other affairs that transpired if you want to review anything from my perspective.

16948, I'm not even sure
Posted by Forum Reader on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I want to know what the hell you were talking about there
16964, RE: Sad loss ....
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliments on the RP and sorry about the lack of battle ability. But er....you didnt play Xandrya did you?
16946, *Pout* Hmmmm
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not even a word for me?

Beleive it or not, Sylvrin had great respect for Siorgriend at times while at other times she thought he was way off base and more violent than he needed to be. She respected his zeal and strong convictions, she just didn't agree with his point of view. Had you stuck around longer you might have been able to convince her of a few things, since she is still developing and changing. She loved talking about things with you and arguing her viewpoint. One of the most fun experiences for me so far was the time you and Vashka took her to the Fortress and talked with her...and the time in the Imperial Tower after she died to Drugadath.

You played a very strong Maran Paladin role. Well done and very impressive...at least from my perspective.
16963, RE: *Pout* Hmmmm
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you had respect for me as a player thats one thing. But Sylvrin didnt;). One of the interesting things I found as a Maran is a lot of Lightwalkers and neutrals really didnt like me. I dunno if that was just me:). I did enjoy our interactions. But I thought in the early days of your character you bordered on playing a neutral in a goody suit. And nothing pisses me off more than that. Towards the end you became a bit more "good" I think.
16966, RE: *Pout* Hmmmm
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually Sylvrin respected you more than you thought. There were things you did that she didn't like though. And you should see her now. Things have changed quite a bit for her...or are in the process of changing anyway. She was just saying tonight how much she misses you. :)
16943, Hell.
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who of the Maran will be around when we were :).. We had rather similar playing times, and it was cool to do stuff with you, be it hitting stuff, getting stuff or just hanging out .. I'm happy to have tought you some stuff, I hope you'll be able to use it in the future.. just make sure you'll return to team good eh ;)

Tarny aka Gorach
16962, RE: Hell.
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dont worry, Im already back. Ill keep my eye out for rude drunken bards.
16941, You were MY bitch!
Posted by Sakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea....shaman vs paladin is always fun. Too bad we were never able to get a duel since it was either my side or yours who would interfere (Or the law ;) ) Was fun fighting you, good luck with the next.
16961, RE: You were MY bitch!
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nah, I was only Nazira's bitch. I wanted to fight you one on one as well. For me they're the most fun. I was finding as much svs stuff as I could to fight you Shamans:)
16939, RE: (DEL)[MARAN] Siorgriend Hargland the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Zekasiq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh the Irony of who you are as a player is amazing. You'll find out when I delete.

More importantly, you were a true "Maran." Close-minded, focused on killing the dark. Real simple. I still can't believe that I was ever able to kill you, and I think I did so twice. Once with Kalmah, where I chased you and he stayed behind... still don't know how I caught up to you the few times after you fled... and another time at the Fortress itself when I had spike-toed boots, those helped. I never really feared you, you just annoyed me and I felt you had "better things to do." But the Hate thing is definitely mutual ;-)

Well played.
16960, RE: (DEL)[MARAN] Siorgriend Hargland the Avenger of the Righteous
Posted by Sior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No one feared me:P. Yeah, you got me a couple of times. But I got you as well sucker;). Anyway, thanks for the compliment. I tried to be narrow minded. Because thats what a Maran is in my opinion.
16935, Well done,
Posted by Yaofhil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the fun, don't worry about getting me killed. Yaofhil was known to be a bit wreckless. You kicked ass because you never gave in. You never let your faith get weak. Enjoyed your character through and through.