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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16851
16851, (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, I knew this was coming .. 622 hours and 1190 years old, not too bad.. pk of 63, not too bad either for an elven bard.. Anyways, I'm tired as hell, but I'd still like to say some 'thank you's and some other stuff..
First and all... yes, I was Gorach (former leader of the drakes and all).. I think that most of you who knew Gorach could 'somewhat' recognize her in Tarnyxil. Tarnyxil was the same non-conformistic, burping and swearing bard as Gorach. (To Nepenthe: I was reading your rp pet peeves or whatever you want to call it, and I was thinking, dude, number seven, I'm guilty of that, both Tarnyxil and Gorach were rather the same; but that's what I am good at, making fun and stuff, you know, that's what I LIKE to play, and I assure you, most people who traveled with Tarnyxil HAD fun - as did I :) -). Anyways, Ilmora, Luriel and Liandrumiel were other elven bards of mine.
Secondly, if you wanna flame about me being a one-trick pony, I can assure you, I'm not.. although there are situations where starting with a fiend is necessary/appropriate/preferable (f.i. fire giant= immediate fiend)..(just wanting to explain why certain people didn't really get anything else but fiends for started).. Anyways


Shokai - Thanks for inducting me (it must have been you - see Vynmylak) and giving me these awesome powers (you have no idea how well Maran powers go together with elven bards), too bad I didn't see you around. Please feel free to comment
Vynmylak - Well, you inducted me, even though I had been a Maran for two weeks already; were you drunk or just not paying attention :) ? Thanks for talking me from time to time, even a simple 'You're doing good', even a one second immteraction makes it really nice to play, and I think I speak for many of us. See Vynmylak please feel free to comment
Alanallander - Dude, where the heck are you, you were around like days in row and spent hours and hours together with the young Tarnyxil (although I got the feeling that in the end you kinda got bored of being playing my bodyguard/protector).. Or perhaps you ARE around, but we don't get to see you very often ..
Imms who did the Green-snake-attack-Grove, the strange island and the vampire-at-the-fortress quests - I had SO much interaction with various nps but it all lead to nowhere, I never heard anything of it, what happened to the 'goal' of those quests ? Or was it just to entertain us ?
Intronan - Hehe, sorry about that in the game, had no idea, but you can spit it all out now :)
Anyone else of the Imms who might have watched me, please, some input would be great .. or you'll create another swearing, drunk, and farting (female) elven bard.

I have been wanting to join the Fortress my whole life, and finally.. finally I managed.. in a rather peculiar way.. Anyways, it was a cool ride, and you're all cool people.
Yaofhil - Fatty.. you can't possibly believe how much fun I had, how I was laughing my ass off while traveling with you, so much different than Karhon.. I kinda felt sad when you deleted; I didn't expect it at all, on the contrary, YOU were telling ME not to die on you.. Oh well, you reminded me of my time from Gorach and Ulthur/Landroval: constant (friendly) bickering-contests(which I lost most of the times).. And your note to the fortress about you finally drowning in your lake of ale: that was just superb ! See you around..
Esmi - He, don't know if you're still around, but if you read this: I haven't forgot the good times we, two women, had together..
Khalazid - You stiff mofo :) .. No, seriously, you have a major rp going on there, makes me think of Alnallander.. but didn't I travel with you (as Gorach) together with Alghorval to the pyramid ? I seem to recall something like that.
Siorgriend - Feh, we were the last of the Maran, remember ? We spent hours together doing this and that, running around for clothes and all, doing nothing, just hanging out. I outlasted you, though sad that is..
Ulthur - Hey, sorry for spoiling the surprise, you MUST have known I was Gorach .. We didn't interact much, but still had some fun for old time's sake..
Lruthlor - Dude, you're funny, too, the whole faith-and-steel/strength-and-honor was really cool, I felt really honored you told me that stuff .. by the way, I started with Faith and Steel just before I deleted - I forgot the 'Honor'-thing :), sorry about that..

To those I forgot, sorry, it's just that I'm tired and I want to go to bed, feel free to past, I'll surely answer.

Tarnyxil started out as a sylvan-would be, but turned into a second Gorach very soon, Anyways..
Sassmi We had some fun times together, be it dying or killing, or just hanging out together .. just don't use that wall of thorns and those briars NOT when I am not with you in a group and when I am hunting a slipppery scion who seemed to find pleasure in running me into them time after time after time.. The 'elfie'-thing you always said was cool, but what was the thing I called you again ?
Starkad - I told you IC, you know what you're doing and you got balls.. keep them
Griimbling - All I ever heard from you was Gobble gobble, strange ass :).. I must say I liked Rockbiter more, but that's probably because we traveled more together
Cardiel - From the Sassmi-time; I noticed fairly quick you were not really all into pking.. still, I tried to get you in the company as much as possible, it's so good to have those invoker shields, under any circumstances
Names that bring back memeries : Phylantorin (paladin - I had to help you a lot :)), Nunchyk (ranger - That was you i was fighting on the Volcano, right ?), Iell (druid - strong druid, you got Tarnyxil's respect), Omian (druid - that accent was just hi-la-ri-ous !!)

Before my time as a Maran, I tried to leave the evil ragers alone; when I was a maran, there we none around anymore..
Sayangu - You proved a good ally at times when I needed someone to see hidden, thanks for that..

Jamain - You're a fair guy, a real tribunal if I can say so, you're honest and put the Law above anything else.. well done, indeed
Orein - I was SOOOOOO incredibly pissed when you killed me while I lost my link - most of the times I sent you fleeing, and then all of a sudden .. oh well .. thanks for not leaving me butt naked, I really appreciated that.

There were tons of you in the end, and that made it very much fun to play..
Ghuljun - I'm starting of with you, because I was reaaaally proud that *I* sent you fleeing 5, 6, 7 times, you know.. Eyes of flame is a cool power .. But then again, you probably don't have all that much phylacteries yet, and you never seem to take time to get your zombies ..in the end you probably have my phylactery, and that is what it is all about, no ?
Anith - Everyone was complaining about how strong you were, I just sent you packing everytime .. I probably say this because I know you were Wasarbre, and so, bickering is permitted.
Jhaelryna - I just HATE invokers; they're my bane.. you seemed to know what you were doing, but then again, you wouldn't have made it to Chancellor if you didn't
Zharaluzar - You never get to kill me !! I hate healers too, I can't lag them, I can't hurt them fast enough, blablabla .. I can dirt you, though :) .. many people underestimate the power of a simple dirt kick .. they shouldn't ..
Thornarcrull - I hate you, too :).. I really would have liked that conversation with you about the Empire and all.. you're playing the 'mysterious' guy and all, and you're succeeding in that .. (that's what I thought, that is)
Sakard - 'A life for a life'.. as I said, fire giant = fiend
Narissa, Nazira: Rot just sucks, escpecially when you flee and teleport and leave me die ! Jerks :) .. no, you two proved powerful enemies, I really enjoyed the fights..
Jolaerg - See Sakard; only duergar = fiend most of the times .. sorry about your being looted by that lowbie .. should have been me :) juuust kidding

Darente, Nycoe - Thanks for all the help

I spent 622 hours on this character, I MUST have forgotten some of you (probably those I met earlier on in tarnyxil's life), please don't feel left out, the more comments I get, the happier I am.. so whatever it is you ever wanted to tell me .. go ahead..

I'm feeling very strange and very empty.. still, that was all folks

Tarnyxil aka Gorach
16933, Tarnyxil kicked ass,
Posted by Yaofhil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all the fun we had travelling, and the friendly bickering too. Really really enjoyed our time together. Can't wait to see what you come up with next,
16924, *chuckle*
Posted by Gastaad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hardly ever saw you around but know this.

90% of the stuff I gave away as prizes for my contest
were from you and Lruthlor about 5 hours before the contest.

You guys were running back and forth on the eastern road
and I picked you both clean.

16936, Oh man !!!!
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So it was you !!! I have been wondering about who took all my good stuff for a long time; Faerk was almost never around, and he didn't have a reason to steal fro me, Moligant seemed rather harmless and Aneriasha doesn't do it either.. I forgot all about you though; You know, at one moment, there were lying heaps of x on the ground, and I was like 'put all sack', 'get all' ... HAAAAAAANNGGG ON ! Since when is it possible to put a shield of boiled leather in a sack, same for a shield of darkness.. and where the f*ck is my staff of wonders !? (I really needed that to fight invokers).. OH MAN !!! Jerk :)

Tarny aka Gorach
16920, heheh
Posted by Lruthlor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah it didn't take me to long to figure out you were Gorach, having travelled extensively with you before. (Heheh now you are wondering who I was, but if you figure it out Shhhhhhh! Don't tell! =0D)
As always RPing with you is a delight. I was cracking up when we had the SuperSquire routine going, and was glad when you let me work some of my role and history together with you. I have it all logged.

Good luck on the next Gorach incarnation ;0)
16904, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Imms who did the Green-snake-attack-Grove, the strange island
>and the vampire-at-the-fortress quests - I had SO much
>interaction with various nps but it all lead to nowhere, I
>never heard anything of it, what happened to the 'goal' of
>those quests ? Or was it just to entertain us ?

Some of the above was my responsibility, and you didn't see much more with my bits because

1) I, personally, got busier with some things and

2) I was really boggled by the fact that at one point I had handed a clue / what to do next kind of thing to Alnallander and Tarnyxil... and, you had even said: "Oh, I know what/where that is, that's X" (and you were correct) and then just... never did it. Al I can understand because we jumped on him and immed him, but I was never too sure why Tarn never went further with that, and then I got more caught up playing with other mortals I had gotten wee things started with.
16937, Heh !
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew I was right :) (juuust kidding).. Well, when Alnallander was still a mortal, I was playing like 10-12 hours a day, and I did go to x, and did some stuff, trying to get attention, but nothing ever happened.. I went back three times or something, but after that, I 'gave up'/it slipped my mind/got busy with other things .. still, those 'questie things' were really cool; although I was kinda disappoited that Darente got the 'the determined' stuff behind his name, while it was me who was leading and (trying to - on the strange island is was almost impossible for several reasons: there were many small interested groups, there were sylvans and warlocks there that needed to get held apart, some member of our group died and had to return, our invoker was unable to uphold his shields for more than five seconds, and-so-on) coordinating; same goes for the green snake things; at first it was just one of them, and Sassmi and I lead the attack (he attacked and I coordinated, healed, when-you-don't-see-me'ed, that kind of stuff); same with the attack of those four (or was it five) snakes, although our group included Alnallander and Cardiel too.. I did get my last name to appear on that quest though, that was REALLY cool.. Tar'nindel.. cool, cool.. anyways, now that I can thank you.. thank you very much for all the fun, I had a blast ..

Tarny aka Gorach
16897, I understand, that was a well timed kill and valid tact...
Posted by Jolaerg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I managed to recover quickly from that particular death.

Never got to RP with you though, sound like you too like your beer.

I know that empty feeling too, best luck with the next.

And dammit, Gorach was the bane of my last character too.
16881, Blah!!
Posted by Nycoe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love having a competant bard around.}) Seen you around long times, I think you would age any moment. Miss seeing you around. Oh yeah you forgot Taninthel, elf paladin. Good luck with whatever you go next.

Ps. stop attackin so fast cant type that fast with such long ass name opponent. :*
16888, Hmm.
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell, Nycoe, you' ve been around for a long time, I even walked with you as Gorach. It's cool to have a thief that doesn't steal from you, but always GIVES you stuff; I tried to return the favor as much as possible. About attacking that fast, there are times you just have to spam (sure, I did it too), and times you have to pick certain targets from a group (when the situation doesn't REALLY require to take them down one by one in which case I sing them asleep, or when you are protected well enough and just need to scare them off) and then I work with macros (I use Gmud: just put muder x under f6, dirt x under f7 and trip x under f8 and you'll be fine); and ok, I CAN type rather fast as well, I have been typing the same thing for a couple of years now :)..
Anyways, keep on scouting and sneak attacking those bastards, you're a good ally.

Tarny aka Gorach
16876, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by Zekasiq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not even an honorable mention! Pfft! :-)

You were real competent in battles, though it is slightly easier for a Healer with certain protections, but even still you would sometimes get through those. I can recall at least two times specifically that I would say to myself "Don't do xyz, don't do xyz, you little bastard, DON'T DO XYZ!" and in you would come and sing fiend, or fire and ice, or SOMETHING that would have been the worst possible thing for me to endure at the time.

Good job with the character. Would have liked to speak to/argue with you more.
16878, Yeck yeck
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I heard that before, that I could really be a pain in the ass from time to time.. I'll take it as a compliment :).. Rememeber you dying at the Whitecloaks ? I hope you weren't too mad with me with taking all that good stuff, but I have always been a mule (you can ask Ulthur or Wasarbre) that carries around nice presents for her friends.. You can ask others though, on most occasions I only took what I or my friends needed.. sorry that is was rather much in your case .. oh and btw .. that was exactly my plan of pulling your group apart at whitecloaks, I didn't expect anything else from you then to gate to me and tell the others where I was .. I was hoping they didn't know the area all to well, or the things that would happen and that DID happen (but which I obviously knew :)).. I do admit that luck was on my side as well :) Anyways, as I said, I hate healers, although there is a simple trick that makes them completely useless to a group.. Oh well.. 'Good luck' to you, and should you encounter another pain in the ass, remember me , huh ? :)

Tarny aka Gorach
16872, Brilliant.
Posted by Nazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Narissa, Nazira: Rot just sucks, escpecially when you flee and
>teleport and leave me die ! Jerks :) .. no, you two proved
>powerful enemies, I really enjoyed the fights..

First of all, I can't believe you would confuse us. She is the half-elf with the largest breasts you have ever seen. I am the more slender, less endowed dark-elf. Second, I am hundreds of years older than almost all of the the other females whose name begins with "N".

In fact, I had the honour of facing Gorach and the drake/maran/sylvan crew (I might be one of the last few living characters she fought). The meetings were often unpleasant but I learned from my deaths. Gorach was the most prominent bard at the time and really gave me a good throttling.

So it's funny when you came back as Tarnyxil. I instantly remembered Gorach. Gorach taught me to be a real pain for bards, both in killing them (rot or otherwise) and resisting them. Drow shaman are solid bard-killers if you play to their strengths - but I would never have bothered to uncover them if I hadn't died a few times to Gorach.

I'm rather taken aback that you would label me a tough opponent, since you were more of a teacher. I owe a lot of my improvement to you.

16875, Weeew !! Ulthur, Wasarbre read this !
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You should definitely read the post above.. hehe.

Anyways,Nazira, I owe you too.. you taught me how to deal with Shamans (being a bard that is).. it was rather hard because I always had to find you, but I watched and learned.. The stupid thing about Bard-Shaman (and Bard-bard fights) is that you never really have to be afraid of dying in a melee fight, because neither of them has a way to avoid the other from fleeing (roundhouse only partially works, and trip is easily overcome), and I knew the chance I was facing a rot was something like 100 %, but that was something Tarnyxil did.. Anyways, I'll repeat what I said before, we had some interesting fights, and I was happy to do something in return.

Tarny aka Gorach
16871, Oi !
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ya fargin fat ass!

You age deathed TWO elven bards in a ROW? Now that's impressive. I was overjoyed when I figured out who Tarnyxil was that time in the Coral palace, although you didn't seem to be around very much during Ulthur's old age.

But then I find out that you got into Maran, and didn't even talk to your old pal Ulthur about it?! I'm hurt! Not that I would have ever unleashed the "Essence of Goarach" upon the Fortress, so I guess it's probably better this way. :P I got to interact with you a little bit with my current character, but I wont say how or when or where, since that is top secret. It wasn't as fun since you didn't call me "fat ass". *sigh*

By the way, I think having english as your second language barely shows. Some people... it shows a LOT, usually compounded by their inability to use things like capitalization and punctuation. Are you an english teacher, or an english student or something?

Anyway, great job. If you play another female elven bard to age death, I'll be truely amazed. :P Nepenthe might be disappointed though. Try a... shaman. If you liked using bard maledictions, you should have a blast with a shaman. Plus, in big raid situations, people wont always bash/crainial/pincer you to death right from the start just to keep you from fiending them!

16873, Surely..
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is no one that goes through the coral palace as smooth as me, that's for sure ! And uhm .. I don't think that unleashing the 'Essence of Ulthur' would have done the Fortress any good.. I can see it right before my eyes all of them fat and lazy .. that would be no good, and certainly nothing against the supersquire I was .. So .. I should try a shaman, huh ? Is that a hint perhaps ?
Anyways, no I am neither an english teacher nor an english student.. I do like America and (sorry, no offense) Canada.. in fact, when I was studying in Germany I met some Americans from Michigan.. they're cool .. canadians are cool, too... oh well.. since you're from Michigan .. I like canadians more :) .. Btw, I'm not at all curious as to who you are, not at all ! Not even a tiny winy bit !! hah ! :)

Alright, mr x, was nice to see you haven't forgotten about me .. see you around.
16877, RE: Surely..
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"in fact, when I was studying in Germany I met some Americans from Michigan.. they're cool .."

Hah! You're right, people from Michigan ARE cool! I'm surprised you didn't ask me if I knew the people you met, that's one of my favorite things. "Oh, you went Michigan State University? Do you know Bob Smith? He went there too." It's like... "Well sure, never mind the fact that there's a good 43,000 undergrads that go here, ofcourse I know Bob! Everyone does!"

I don't know what the population of Michigan is off the top of my head, but whoever you met, I'm sure I know them.

Don't worry about liking Canada. Everyone in Michigan likes Canada, especially from the time when they turn 19, up until they turn 21. Windsor is only a two hour drive... it's all about the lower drinking age. That and they help fill our hockey team. Go Wings!

"Btw, I'm not at all curious as to who you are, not at all ! Not even a tiny winy bit !! hah ! :)"

Oh, well, I'll tell you who I'm playing anyway. The name is

(A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail?


16879, ABORT ABORT ABORT !! }( nt
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16869, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had fun with you in the limited time i spent with you.
***slaps on his crown***
"yes My Queen!"
16870, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, the first time I met you I was like 'Ugh ! This is the Leader of the Tower ? What a wacko' (No offense).. But I got to know you better, and I must say, the King-Queen thing was very funny; btw, having a shark as bodyguard is most reassuring :).. Be good

Tarny aka Gorach
16880, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tend to not be so firm and stiff with non tower members, among warlocks i am a little less fun to be around, as i think it is necescarry to keep good order and discipline
16858, D'OH!!
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some fun when we got a chance to travel. The most memorable was defending the fortress against Treklarn and Darian and whooping their asses while the Maran was writhing the whole time and they still couldn't kill it. Thanks for the gear when I was naked. A shame you didn't get into the Fortress till way later in your life. I am sure we will cross paths again in the future.

16866, Oh..
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't seen you around for some time.. show up some more, the game's rather balanced for the moment, and the fights are very enjoyable .. I remember that defending, that was really cool, yeah.. I think you're going to find me in the Fortress as soon as I got some more time to play.. In the mean time, enjoy

Tarny aka Gorach
16886, RE: Oh..
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have been showing up like 3-4 hours a day usually. Just not overlapping with your times I suppose.
16857, hullo dear,
Posted by Dimion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
well well. what can i say? i got to where i put you in the same class as lardovian about just never thought about that you would die one day. kind of a shock. at least with lardo coming first i don't have to re-arrange my brain and go oh yeah chars in the game have a limited lifespan :) i don't recall a time running with you that i did not have a good time.

had a few interactions with you other chars(also with gorach), and the later ones you seemed a bit harsher, but that is to be expected with the maran thingy .. course the latest char i interated with you was a rather more 'harsh' than dimion ever could have been. :) well luck to you on your next.

you make me want to read my logs of dimion.. hehe i never have gotten around to that.. maybe i will learn to find my way around now haha.
take care.
16867, RE: hullo dear,
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a pity we weren't able to travel more, it was nice to be around you, but you kinda stopped showing up, or our playing times changed, or whatever.. I think I have an idea about who you are at the moment, now that you mention it .. I'll see when you delete .. Be good ..

Tarny aka Gorach
16868, hehe
Posted by Dimion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
deelete? hehe did that to all the other chars i had in the wings. nad its con death fer me.. *grin* anyway yeah it was too bad we didn't hang together more. toward the end with dimion playing times changed plus he was engaged and had promised to try to live til the wedding. hehe couldnt do it though. :) got married as a ghost. in a rapidly contrived ceremony. hehe.
16856, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by Fahnrore on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn! I really didn't want to see you leave! I didn't really get to know you, but you were a hell of a bard. You were be far ahead of everyone in the running for Captain. Wish you could've gotten it. I don't know if you even liked me. There are some accusing me of Yaofhil. If I rubbed off on you like that, sorry. Nice character and well done.

See you in the fields.
16854, Heh, nice one...
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you a few times as Anith...I just didnt have the heart to hurt you because I knew you were another Gorach clone. So I let you beat on my mongoose a bit to keep your morale up. Then I fled everytime you starting fire and icing me.....just to keep you happy..


You play a mean bard.
16855, Damn I forgot this is Gorach im talking to...the above is a joke...n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16853, What, don't I get a mention?
Posted by Darian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After all the talks and fights even?

I feel hurt ;)

Anyway, well done, though i have to say at times you seemed like you were more just a Maran 'because', and not so much for any core reason, but that could just be my biased take, I never got a chance to know you quite so well.

And yes, attacking me in the Inn while I was trying to interact and pursue other devious schemes and such was always annoying, but at least you were willing to do the whole in for a penny, in for a pound bit. I just hate doing that with any of my characters though - Inn interactions are usually just too fun to miss out on to make killing in there worthwhile. But that's just me.

Anyway, good luck in the future, and maybe try something other than elf bard, or other than good period ;)
16864, You're right..
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could I forget you ? As a player I really longed to interact with you and hear your story, and how you became a warrior with those ap-spells, what knowledge you're after (I might have even helped you).. I almost felt guilty every time I came after you, and after that time on the old path where I killed you, I got the feeling that you didn't really go 'all the way', if you get my meaning.. you xx and xx as specs, but all you did was bash, you didn't even try to flee.. or was I just THAT great :P.. anyways, this was my first Maran, and although I now understand more what 'being Maran' means, I can't 'express' it (yet - I do know how to say it, but that's just what everyone says, you know)in words very well (English is not mother language), so I thought I'd go and kick some ass instead.. Anyways, I wanna hear all about you when you're dead, so .. die quickly }( ..

Btw, team evil ? Tried that, doesn't work, you're all so ... evil :)

Tarny aka Gorach
16852, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistres...
Posted by Sakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep....damned fiends! But yea...knew that rot was one thing that'd finish you so I'd try and rot you each time I'd get you. That's a lot of hours you played! I only wish to have as much with Sakard!

Good job and all, that's only good for the Dark side!
16865, RE: (AGE) [FORTRESS] Tarnyxil Tar'nindel, Grand Mistres...
Posted by Tarny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you were trying to deceive me, and that your words were but words, when you spoke about peace with bla-bla-bla (won't spoil the fun), still, if you would not have done all the rotting from the beginning, I don't think I would have kept on fiending you as a start of the fight.. I change tactics and stuff according to my enemies, perhaps that's what kept me alive for so long.. Anyways, I'll be back, hope you will be around still, then.

Tarny aka Gorach