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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectFarewell
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16755
16755, Farewell
Posted by Drugadath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had fun with Drugadath. But it got boring. Everyone simply ran and ran and it became more difficult to get any charges.

Thanks for the Tattoo Scar. It took me three months to get it and over 170 hours. I was proud of it. A word of advice though. Do not mention that you may open the Scarab cabal to any of your followers if you do not follow through with it. It really took the wind out of my sails. I know it wasn't a promise, but I really got my hopes up because my entire goal with this character was to try and get the Temple opened again. It wasn't about charges or power, it was about the Scarab and I tried to be a good Scarab, but not a dink to the players here (i.e. didn't full loot at all and fit it into my role that material possessions did not matter to me, the essence of a person is what I was after).

Then when you sent us the note that you would be gone for perhaps a long time, that was the nail in the coffin. I knew then, I will be going as soon as I lose my weapon, if not before. I seriously thought numerous times of going to your shrine and sacrificing my weapon for you and ending my life since I felt my work in CF was done (I put it all in my role). But Malinran talked me out of it. Thanks Mal. I lasted a couple weeks longer.

One question here, I thought about taking a long break with Drugadath to let things get refreshed in CF and to deal with some things OOC. I didn't though because I didn't know if my unholy weapon would crumble along with my equipment. Can you let us know now if the weapon will crumble along with other limited equipment?

Oh, Valguernera (sp?) and Yanoreth, I can assure you the charge average is certainly not 1.1-1.2. My average in my lifetime is 0.6 .
I have every kill logged and calculated it myself. A pity, my weapon could have been almost twice as powerful as it was.

I posted a few issues/bugs about unholy blessing, hopefully they get resolved.

Thanks again for a mostly fun time. I may or may not be back, but not any time soon.

16798, RE: Farewell
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>One question here, I thought about taking a long break with
>Drugadath to let things get refreshed in CF and to deal with
>some things OOC. I didn't though because I didn't know if my
>unholy weapon would crumble along with my equipment. Can you
>let us know now if the weapon will crumble along with other
>limited equipment?

I assume you are talking about dying with an unholy blessed weapon that is over its maximum limit. Yes, it would disappear if it was overmaxed, we have done nothing special for unholy blessed weaopns in this regard. Of course...you still do have to die for it to be lost, but if you die, chances are it's lost anyway.

16763, RE: Farewell
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, Valguernera (sp?) and Yanoreth, I can assure you the charge average is certainly not 1.1-1.2. My average in my lifetime is 0.6 .
I have every kill logged and calculated it myself. A pity, my weapon could have been almost twice as powerful as it was.

That only proves that the average ratio of people you killed is 0.6. See Nep's comments on this topic.

A long time ago, Zulgh built a little 'AP charge-o-meter', which calculates the mean charges/kill of the current population at the proper ranks. I check it often (it's in with a bunch of other useful statistics), and the numbers I previously cited are correct.

16759, RE: Farewell
Posted by Khelednala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe. while beating me was no chore. ouch. did just just know armor prot and aura were about to fall or what??!?!?!?!?! :)
well i am still learning the sword pally skills and would have fought ya again maybe have kept some interest in it for ya,(more likely just died horribly boringly) but naturally just when things get interesting ooc things like that dreadful four letter word... 'work' *shudders* comes along.
hehe but for an evil bastard he was a decent fella. don't know about ooc how ya are. but hey who cares. take care. try a pally next time *wink*
16778, short pally comment
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
by sword pally I assume you mean two-hand dedicant. You should try out the maces too. They have some different effects to the swords.
16792, RE: short pally comment
Posted by Khelednala on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah keep meaning to never have time to hehe. i just say sword as opposed to shield. just habit is all. :)
16758, RE: Farewell
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Had fun with Drugadath. But it got boring. Everyone simply
>ran and ran and it became more difficult to get any charges.
>Do not mention that you may open the Scarab cabal to
>any of your followers if you do not follow through with it.

May, the last I checked, meant that he might, or might not.

>Can you
>let us know now if the weapon will crumble along with other
>limited equipment?

I haven't looked at the limited item and insufficient playing code in a long time (if ever) but I doubt it treats unholy weapons any differently than anything else.

If you were worried about it I suppose you could always leech over to a non-limited weapon for the hibernation, than re-get a "real" weapon upon starting to play again, bless it and leech over. I can't imagine an A-P with enough savvy to build a weapon worth worrying about losing would have much trouble managing that.

>Oh, Valguernera (sp?) and Yanoreth, I can assure you the
>charge average is certainly not 1.1-1.2. My average in my
>lifetime is 0.6 .
>I have every kill logged and calculated it myself.

I'm sure you did, but your lifetime was also lived (sans a brief period of distention) outside of the hero range. I'm sure if I sat down and did the math on a level 40 A-P's range the average would be significantly lower than 1.2. Heroes are not inherently worth more charges, but from what I've observed it tends to work out that many of them are worth more than your average lower level character.

I paid a moderate amount of attention to Drugadath's kills and the charge status of his victims, because, and I'll give you props for it, he was the first A-P in a while to really get rolling on a weapon. I'm not saying you killed/fought only unskilled opponents (because that wouldn't be true) but you did kill a number of very bad people several times. No, not in a row multi-kill style, but still. One guy who was worth the basement minimum chance to gain a charge you killed 8 times, others in similar situation 4 or 5 times. These are people who, while I'm sure many of them have other strengths as players, couldn't win a PK it their real life depended on it. I'm sorry, but I can't consider a system that doesn't as strongly encourage the repeated slaughter of such weak and unchallenging opponents to be broken or in need of change.
16760, feeling the need to defend myself
Posted by Trinthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah I'm one of those people he killed multiple times. Thing was he was one of the few people I've even fought at all. other than random assassins/thieves trying their mettle against me, only Drug, an assassination and a thief come to mind of those who have killed me..maybe a death or so at lower levels trying to rank up. Anyone else either fled or worded that I've fought. So losing unprepped to a bashing giant dualing axes means I "couldn't win a PK if my real life depended on it" then well.....*mutters* :)
16765, RE: feeling the need to defend myself
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Losing does not mean you couldn't win a PK if your life depended on it.

Losing eight times to the same guy? Well, it's not indicative of you being the closest CF equivalent of Sun Tzu, that's for sure.
16767, yeah well
Posted by Trinthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
at least 3 of those were him somehow finding me and sleeping me while I was already sleeping, one was me at the inn with little or no mana and just getting bashed. basically every fight was him bashing me so I couldn't move and I ate axes. yes there was many things I could have done but they involved "being ready" :) which I never was for him except for one time. But he had one trick up his sleeve that I didn't count on and it cost me another death. and yeah I suck with bards, first one, but hey I'm learnin. (at least I tell myself that)
16777, Don't be gay, Sparky
Posted by Bring_The_Pain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heed the Nep.
Love the Nep.
Fear the Nep.

Listen to me carefully, grasshoppah:

If the same character killed you 8 times... you couldn't pk your way out of a wet paper bag.

If anyone caught you by surprise 4 times(I'm counting the inn - if you hadn't have been surprised, you wouldn't have been bashed)... you couldn't pk your way out of a wet paper bag.

If the same character surprises you 4 times, "has a trick" one time, and just bashes you while you 'eat axe' another 3... guess what? He surprised you. At least seven times. If the same character surprises you 7 times... you couldn't pk your way out of a wet paper bag.

If he caught you by surprise 8 times... you couldn't pk your way out of a wet paper bag.

The first step towards a cure is admitting you have a problem.

Stop making excuses.
Stop explaining.
Repeat after me:
"I cannot pk my way out of a wet paper bag."
"I suck."
"I'm not worth a single lousy charge."
"I don't know how to avoid being surprised."
"I don't know how to defeat a bashing axe wielder as a bard."

Then start thinking about what you can do differently. The last two of those 'repeat after me's' are my gift to you. Think about them. Think about what you can do to avoid being surprised. Think about how to defeat bash. Think about how to defeat an axe-wielder. Think about how to defeat a bashing axe-wielder.

Do not whine about preparation. Preparation is not THE answer.

Short and sweet:
A bard is one of the meanest things for a fire AP to fight. If you don't put a dent in a fire AP as a bard you've got Issues. When you have Issues you need to admit that you have Issues, and work on your Issues. When you have Issues it is NEVER the skill of the opponent, nor is it the circumstances - it's the Issues.

At this point, you're not worth a charge because... you're not worth a charge!

Work on it.

PS. One of the handiest ways to find a clue, other than a severe beating from big foam clue-bat, is to play what beat you. To play what beat you the way you saw it played... and see what beats you. Then turn around and play that. Eventually you'll start figuring things out.

Heed the Nep.
Love the Nep.
Fear the Nep.

16779, Ok first of all
Posted by Trinthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
shut the hell up. With that being said a few points to what you said...

>Heed the Nep.
>Love the Nep.
>Fear the Nep.

Good advice ;)

>Do not whine about preparation. Preparation is not THE answer.

part of preparation is being ready even if I'm not prepared. Which is why I died, couldn't get the hang of it quick enough

>Short and sweet:
A bard is one of the meanest things for a fire AP to fight. If you don't put a dent in a fire AP as a bard you've got Issues. When you have Issues you need to admit that you have Issues, and work on your Issues. When you have Issues it is NEVER the skill of the opponent, nor is it the circumstances - it's the Issues.

So I've been told. But you know what? Drugadath was no ordinary AP, and I am by far not an "elite" player. Couple that with this being my first bard and what do you thinks gonna happen buddy? No I don't got issues, I just need to play more and get the hang of things. So again, shut the hell up and stop trying to act like you know what your talking about.

>PS. One of the handiest ways to find a clue, other than a severe beating from big foam clue-bat, is to play what beat you. To play what beat you the way you saw it played... and see what beats you. Then turn around and play that. Eventually you'll start figuring things out.

ya think!? why do you think I'm playing a bard?? I got hosed by a few bards on my last char, so now I'm seeing how it is from the other side of the fence. I can't play 4 chars at once every time someone kills me, I actually have other things to do in life and don't have that kinda time.

So all in all I think the only useful thing you've said was to respect Nepenthe, but ya know I already knew that too. So please refrain from wasting forum space because you feel the need to sit on your high horse. Thank you have a nice day ;)
16796, Ramblings from Beyond...
Posted by Amlaruil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Losing does not mean you couldn't win a PK if your life
>depended on it.
>Losing eight times to the same guy? Well, it's not indicative
>of you being the closest CF equivalent of Sun Tzu, that's for

Just my 2 coppers worth, semi on and off topic...

In the last 8 years of my CF time I've proven that I'm one of those that can't PK my way out of a paper bag on most occassions. That's not to say that I don't *know* how to do so, just that I either sincerely suck at it or it's a classic case of 'their kung fu' client is stronger than my NETTERM skills. But even so I like to think my RP is at least at or slightly above the average player. If not for a bit of roleplay my characters now and then would have been pretty much worthless (and some would argue they were anyhow). I've enjoyed them all though, because I made them interesting to me and not just 1 dimensional.

At any rate, more people need to just back off some and realize that while CF is a Player Killing MUD it's a LOT of other things as well. Here lately I've seen a lot of people whining and throwing their hands up to quit at the first sign of trouble, losing that limited ubber shiney bubblegum wrapper they have had forever, or any other 'every day life' type occurrances on CF.

If you are that anal about everything, you're missing the point of the game. If you just want to be ubber-god all the time and can't stand losing, there are a number of other games out there you can play that have cheats to set yourself up for just that. Chances are you'll learn in the end that it's much more fun to play when you aren't always at the top of the food chain though and that the game is just an empty otherwise.

Point to all this? If something bad happens to you or things start getting slow, rather than DELETE or gripe and moan, why not either take a break or do something IC about it.

I'll go back into hiding now...
16775, RE: feeling the need to defend myself
Posted by Dafeb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>yeah I'm one of those people he killed multiple times. Thing
>was he was one of the few people I've even fought at all.
>other than random assassins/thieves trying their mettle
>against me, only Drug, an assassination and a thief come to
>mind of those who have killed me..maybe a death or so at lower
>levels trying to rank up. Anyone else either fled or worded
>that I've fought.

Don't forget me.
16770, RE: Farewell
Posted by Drugadath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I'm sorry, but I can't consider a system that doesn't as strongly encourage the repeated slaughter of such weak and unchallenging opponents to be broken or in need of change."

I don't need it changed, a good ap does not depend solely on his weapon though it is certainly a set back when you lose it. I'm just saying that I am not going to adjust my roleplay because I might not get a charge from an individual, that's all. If someone is a Maran and I am a Scarab, I'm going to take him down charge or no charge. I cannot help it if half the fortress did not give me a charge, so be it. I won't multikill you but I don't want people getting complacent on me and stroll in front of me after I just killed them 15 minutes earlier and expect me to do nothing because I might not get a charge. I don't think that is right. But for me to lose 40% of my charges because I was trying to roleplay, well, it would have been nice if there was some kind of reward for me but so be it. Like I said, ap's would certainly seek out the weak and unchallenging if they could because that is just the despicable type of person they are. It's not too big an issue, in my case, it just encouraged me to kill more in hopes of getting charges as I am sure it will all future ap's. I guess we'll see how it turns out.
16773, RE: Farewell
Posted by Evil Genius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A: You said on the other forum you avoided people that were too challenging (invoker shields etc).
B: You say it's all about bash bash bash and letting your weapon do the work.

Sorry to bring up 2 contradictions in your story.
16799, you didn't lose any charges for roleplay
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just didn't gain many charges for killing the weak. Fact is, you probably gained at least one charge for this roleplay.

You may have dropped your ratio by doing it, but that's to be expected. Otherwise you could just keep multi-killing the same pk-weak guy and gain charges as if you were going after victims who represented the full spectrum of possible charge gains.

You killing them isn't wrong, per se, but it not being reflected in your charge ratio would be. Your rp was to kill people for certain kinds of behavior, whether they were strong or weak. That should not yield as high a charge ratio as someone whose rp is to kill only the strongest. At the end of the day, you probably come out with more charges overall, just a lower ratio per kill.
16757, hrmm what to say, what to say...
Posted by Trinthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Trinthos: At first when Trinthos first encountered Drug he was scared out of his mind. Never had anyone defeated him so easily and quickly. He then grew to despise you as he saw you slay many across the lands and repeatedly came back for him without so much as a reason why. Eventually he grew comfortable with his abilities and challenged you to a fight. You did something he never expected and beat him but Trinthos was far from surrendering. You death was something that he willed from the moment he met you and he didn't care how it was accomplished. and since it seemed many lightwalkers avoided you, he felt obliged to step up to the plate even if it meant his own death....then you killed yourself :-P

As a player: Much much respect to your skill and talent. Made me think twice about how strong AP's really were. much of the negative things I would have to say I just posted on Dio's if you wish to read it there. But to sum it up, post less, tone down your pride a bit, and relax.

16756, RE: Farewell
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always hate to see a good Scarabite delete. Even though I've only had one myself I've always thought the Scarab was by far the most well thought out and interesting cabal. How Scar could go from thinking about reopening it one day, to back into super dormancy the next is odd. Anyway enjoyed your logs on Dios, hope you return yet again one day. I'll be looking for another D-named scarab. ;)