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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
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16714, (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cardiel Adreu Invoker Sylvan

There were so much things I wanted to do with this char, only some I could do. Cardiel was not a pker and that’s why I didn’t run around killing defilers, I was against war with tribunal, war with warlocks and ragers. I just wanted to fight defilers. I got killed about 18 times, 8 of which were in the last week I would like to know my pk ratio, I think I killed about 30-40 maybe some more. I invested lots of hours to him.

I Don’t like how “funny” or “rare-speaking” characters get all the attentions from immortals. I personally think following a role always should also be rewarded. Sure I got title, and last name, even a little boost to my spells, when I was a 530 hours old gnome “yay”. When Nunchyk made captain, I wanted leutenant, when he deleted, I wanted leutenant, when sassmi was captain, when she deleted, when akrenetai deleted, when blah blah blah…. The last ones I understand, how can you place a 430 hours gnome in a captain position, even if he has his Con maximized. I know sylvans lots, I told few tricks to my cabalmates, If anyone had a doubt about a belief, they asked me. But I never got leadership position, why? Well to me it is almost crystal clear. I was not a “funny” character, I didn’t speak like a giant, or a strange language, I didn’t try to tell jokes, and I wasn’t liking turkeys. Sorry I just think any character that has a good role, and follows it shall get immortals attention.

When the character looses its goals, or achieves them, it becomes boring, so Cardiel has no much goals left, I was about to die any second now. Even reequiping seemed worthless. The last fights I fought careless that’s why I dyed so many times.

To me its amazing how balance things are, I have played different sides, and not one of them seems to have very strong powers, not as cabals used to be. Only one cabal power I dislike is MANACLES, damn manacles, when a out of range lowbie can just deafen you it sucks. Manacles is a “Kill target invoker/transmutter” even if he is out of range. Amazing how worthless a hero invoker can be against a rank 20 tribunal. Manacles, and guards will kill the invoker. Not to mention when manacled you loose mv points faster. After the first manacles I had, I went to luck for wand to use while manacled. I found a rank 51 firebreath wand, and when I used it and it made one single MASACRES, I gave up. Id like to be able to call beast on a rank 20 tribunal, make him feel what its like to be killed by someone out of range.

Immortals, grats on a great mud. I’m just figuring out what my next character will be like, hopefully I can achieve more goals.

I love Sylvans, by far the best cabal, with the strongest ideas.

airshield 100%(100%) armor 100%(100%)
avalanche 100%(100%) buffet 100%(100%)
cancellation 86%( 86%) channel heat 100%(100%)
charge weapon 100%(100%) conglaciation 71%( 71%)
controlled fireball 100%(100%) create spring 100%(100%)
create water 100%(100%) cyclone 100%(100%)
detect invis 100%(100%) detect magic 1%( 1%)
dispel magic 86%( 86%) earthquake 100%(100%)
earthshield 100%(100%) faerie fire 73%( 73%)
faerie fog 96%( 96%) fireball 100%(100%)
fireshield 100%(100%) forked lightning 100%(100%)
frost fingers 100%(100%) frostshield 100%(100%)
geyser 100%(100%) iceneedles 100%(100%)
iceshards 100%(100%) identify 100%(100%)
immolation 88%( 88%) improved invis 90%( 90%)
infravision 1%( 1%) invis 100%(100%)
lightning bolt 100%(100%) locate object 100%(100%)
pass door 100%(100%) teleport 100%(100%)
word of recall 100%(100%) dagger 100%(100%)
mace 91%( 91%) whip 100%(100%)
hand to hand 93%( 93%) parry 92%( 92%)
second attack 100%(100%) lash 1%( 1%)
fast healing 100%(100%) haggle 77%( 77%)
meditation 100%(100%) scrolls 71%( 71%)
staves 78%( 78%) wands 83%( 83%)
recall 100%(100%) trance 100%(100%)
cone of cold 100%(100%) wind wall 100%(100%)
spellcraft 100%(100%) wall of fire 100%(100%)
tsunami 100%(100%) drown 100%(100%)
icicle 100%(100%) engulf 98%( 98%)
bioempathy 95%( 95%) harmony 78%( 78%)
preservation 79%( 79%) trepidation 78%( 78%)
windwalk 100%(100%) beast call 70%( 70%)
chameleon 100%(100%) strengthen 74%( 74%)
nova 100%(100%) shield of flames 100%(100%)
shocking touch 100%(100%) pillar of the heavens 94%( 94%)
lightningshield 100%(100%) shield of electricity 78%( 78%)
shield of winds 81%( 81%) shield of waves 89%( 89%)
shield of ice 91%( 91%) vortex 100%(100%)
quicksand 82%( 82%) pebble to boulder 100%(100%)
stoneshatter 100%(100%) shield of earth 74%( 74%)
watershield 100%(100%) incendiary cloud 77%( 77%)
noxious cloud 74%( 74%) iceslick 71%( 71%)
siltscreen 71%( 71%) dig 75%( 75%)
pen 1%( 1%) grease 100%(100%)
acidic secretion 100%(100%) adhesive web 100%(100%)
gel 100%(100%) vitriolic stream 100%(100%)
oozeshield 100%(100%) shield of slime 71%( 71%)
rain of stone 71%( 71%) earth ripple 88%( 88%)
whispering wind 100%(100%)
You have 5 practice sessions left.

As you can see, not much of the “necessary" was perfected I didn’t intend to fight much. I think I got improved invis when I had 445 hours of play.

1024/1375 607/1293 800/800 24900tnl %wcp (wilderness) (outdoor)

Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : gnome
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Neutral Class : invoker
Practices: 5 Trains : 3 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 527700 To Level : 24900 Sphere : Protection
Age : old, 580 years old (525 hours)
Hit Point: 734 /734 Mana : 1058 /1058 Move : 665 /665
Str : 15(15) Int : 23(23) Wis : 25(25)
Dex : 17(17) Con : 11(13) Chr : 17(17)
Carry # : 0/28 Weight : 0 lb 0 oz (Max 277 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 30 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 8 Damroll : 1
AC pierce: 80 Defenseless AC bash : 80 Defenseless
AC slash : 80 Defenseless AC magic : 80 Defenseless
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 28 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 28 hours.

Great, one more immortal for sylvans, but better yet, you seem to be someone willing to do things, like give griimbling the weapon and doing quests, excellent we always need more immortals with time to do extra things. Thanks for the little chat we had, I understand what you said, no worries there. I could stay the last few hours, its just that knowing I will die I didn’t like requiping, and a naked invoker gets killed a lot.
You I’m sorry we didn’t interact enough to my liking. But thanks for the title. And Thanks for the quest and other things.
Alysrith we talked too little too. But I liked you.

Great healer, first person to have different views on sylvans beliefs, mainly about half-drows. The firsts time I died, you were besides me, I remember you casting farie fog on the assassin, when I was getting beaten, I thought heal please!, but nope. But after that, you become better a lot, and I could see you giving good fights. Too bad you immd, few before I got to hero, could interact much.

Thanks man, You inducted me after a second chat, after you, induction was now so easy, I was like hey! I needed to kill a defiler, get like ten food, and find lots of springs, and now lowbies just chat for like 40 min and “welcome Blah, to the grove”. Anyway, great druid, Too bad you didn’t like istveola, I liked my invoker a lot.

Amazing, a paladin in sylvans, I know it took a lot of effort, but hell, congratulations on that. You help Cardiel a lot, got me through the hardest ranks for invokers, power ranked with your help about 13 ranks, Thanks a lot. It was with your help and roleplay I decide Cardiel was to be there for a long time, It was then when I deleted my other chars, hero Tribunal, Hero scion, and one more lowbie, I decided to play just one char at the time. You were there good or bad times, and somehow showed me that’s what should be done, with time it proves to be worth.

Man, you gave up pretty fast, you lasted for about 1 week, and you complained about not having leader powers, anyway, You were alright, maybe if you had kept leutenant you would have stayed longer, since carrying the leader position made you target even greater.

Great char, I remember you were inducted after me, when we were ranking on arial city, I remember bimblali teaching you things about druids. After that I didn’t see you until you were leutenant, I was like, hmmm I remember that druid, yep I did. You were fun, and a great captain, dying little and getting respect from our enemies. Too bad you lost interest, but then again, we all do.

Damn, you were a bloodthirsty pker. But you kept it in roleplay. Because of you we started war on ragers, on warlock, on tribunals. You where there almost always, That I did like you were responsible for your wars, and stick to it. Strong druid, but if you would had been a bit more carefull you wouldn’t have died that many times you did. And you didn’t even care been naked, I don’t think you ever tried to reequip on your own, instead of killing someone else and getting his cloths. I’m glad you never left your roleplay. I think you did a great you, but I still hate you for it.

You proved me wrong, when you were made leutenant, I was thinking, “how can someone so chaotic” have a captain position, and even after been leutenant for some time. You where all just chaos that’s why I wasn’t convinced you could be a captain. But hell you did great, you proved me wrong. And you grab matters firmly. You had to left some of the Chaos behind, but managed to kept some. Grats on your job you did good, although we do have different points of view on some wars. I respected your views, mainly because their were backed up by the acts of our enemies.

Why did you do that? Power rank to 51, become leutenant and delete. ? I mean there were lots to be done, and you just feel you had to leave… to bad, but I guess some people just don’t like it when they become heros. I personally don’t like the long walk before you become one.

Hey, stop throwing mud. Oh well, earthshields for everyone. You are fun, and a great shifter for exploring. Too bad you got the jaguar, I’m sure anything else would had been a great combo. Anyway, I hope you stay there, the grove needs you.

What happened to you? Why did you leave, gnome invoker rank 49, you were almost there, and would had mad a strong combo.

Strong ranger, to bad you never made it to hero, and as many, you gave up in the way. I know how hard it is to rank with a cloud ranger, and even harder when you keep dying 2k from rank heh. Well, you where one of the few sylvans when we were the underdogs, but you where rarely there. I just wish you would had been there more.

I didn’t get to see you lots, but I remember you, strong druid. Should had deleted, there were bets on you.

EXELENT you were by far a newbie, but hell a great one, you lost your cloths, and you didn’t care, you liked exploring and you did. You found lots of things. I can just say grats, you were great. What happened to you, same as all, just lost interest and disappear into the void…..

You joined the grove when you were rank 51, I was surprised about that, but latter found out why. Too bad, you could have been a good sylvan if you had intended that since the beginning. Don’t really know why you got booted, but hell you should had tried to come back.

Lagendary ranger, you where like a beast who awakens every now and then, too feed on the corpses of defilers, and then fade into the woods. I don’t like people who are never there, but you made an exeption, when you were on, you made up for all the time you weren’t, strong up until the end. That wither did surprise you eh? Too bad all your cloths disappeared, you sure had nice cloths.

What the hell! Damn, I should had made leutenant instead of you. If you counted more than 3 hours a week I would be surprised. And I remember saldradien told you “you got to show up more” and your answer was yes I will. Nope you didn’t. three captains went pass you, and you were just there, occupying space.

Yep you were a good sylvan too, we missed you when you left….

Mongoose, and you don’t like it? What’s wrong? You would had helped sylvans a lot, but you didn’t seem interested. Too bad. And I still regret not warning you to be a mongoose whe Kamande got us in the underdark.

You gave up already? Why haven’t I seen you lately… anyway, don’t give up. Stay there.

Why did you delete? You had a shaman y sylvans, it’s a nice combo…. You could had gotten very strong.

Nice healer, strong decisive, You will help a grove a lot, good thing you are almost up there. Really, the grove will grow strong with you.

I hope you get what you need real fast and return. Good luck

Where are you? you got to start showing more, you are turning into one of those sylvans that show once every now and then, just to keep the character from autodeleting. I could be wrong about you but I have seen you little.

Are you still there? I guess many of the grove are loosing interest. I just don’t see all of those in the grove much lately

Same with you, strong ranger. You showed lots some time ago, but now.. it’s like once a week.

And what happened to you? deleted? No delete note. Damn the graveyard down does suck. I hope death angel recovers. You were a nice character to explore with and sometimes hunt, whenever there was anyone to hunt.

CONGRATS, you change your ethos, and joined us, nice invoker, excellent roleplay, and I wanted to find some sheep I could give you, but nope, there are no sheep you can carry in the inventory. Whenever we hunted together we did great, two invokers are a killer combo, I wonder what 3 will do.

Nice ranger, missed as many others.

Nice, too bad your gone we missed you when you left.

You are a strong bard, centered and clear head. You will do great to the wolves. And keep up the good work.

Show up more, you have no idea how important a ranger is to the grove. SNARE SNARE SNARE! If there is a ranger in the grove, there is a group that fears him. You are doing a great job, but it shows that your morale is low. Find something to do and raise yours and the rest of the wolves morale.

We missed you when you left

You did Captain postion, now, remember staying alive is very important for a Captain. You have to show strenght and conviction. I’m sure you will do a fine job. This early days are very important, it will be the lasting impression on the your wolves. Good luck.

The rest of you, grow up, and do something outstanding, or just delete, but don’t just log in on occasions.
Some of you are doing good, some are probably gone now… Good luck to you all.

Trelekren, Berdiik, Ildiko, Zaelfar, Ehlonna, Thorel, Cedria, Farbuil, Forsin, Leguas, Thoavel, Elrios, Elell, Grumby, Cnoth, Varimou, Lotharian, Delorfin, Elanithulian, Johanas, Sierron, Jagherlub, Phloardiain, Prosivil, Agrilenth, Krauterius, Verkall, Senithriel, Tetricus, Dacheal, Kalvalker, Grum

Other Allies.

Great bard, I’m glad I met you too bad after sassmi died, it was rare we saw each other.

Same as Tarnyxil, once sassmi was gone, we didn’t travel much together.

Met you in my last years, you are a fine shaman, keep it up. Now you have lots of enemies, or targets depends on how you look at it. Good luck.

I wasn’t sure how a ranger was hunting sylvans, and wasn’t a scion. You hunted some, some you didn’t it was just odd. I’m glad with chatted a few and explained the groves point of view. I guess you understood and agreed.

You were a great invoker, hoarding nice equipment, too bad for what happened to you. I hope you Come over it, if you haven’t deleted yet. I don’t know exactly why that happened to you, but I feel it was not just for you to loose what you did.

Who are you, or what are you?
You were there almost always, had no enemies, had an uber set of gear and had a lot of allies. I think only ragers were after you. I guess we both were expecting our bodies to give up faster. You never know how much a gnome can live.

All other Allies
Thanks a lot for travelling with me, leveling with me killing with me, or whatever.


What’s with you? you died to me, slowly….. you never fled. Was it roleplay, anyway, you did fine. One of the reason we started the war with the ragers… you must had been happy when the war started.

Arial, warrior, rager…. Yes.. you gave the second death to Cardiel, I was practicing damit! I casted
C icshards
c iceshards
c iceshards
When I saw you in the first whe, I was hoping to get a chance to word, nope, you got to me very fast, and killed me one round before word. I let you live twice, I so you naked on ruined keep, you told me you were reequiping and I let you go, I didn’t like hunting ragers, although some of them thought of my hide as a greater trophy.

The most aggressive rager I met, you were just unspeakable, and how stubborn does one can anyone get? Ask gre.
You killed me once in aridohl got me ranking and naked, grats. After that good luck catching me heh, I was never going to let you fight me again. Oh and tag team with the other rager thanks to sassmi and esmi, I wasn’t going to die, but how the hell can I kill the both of you.

Ranger Rager, Scary, good thing I kept my distance. But damn you for your snare.

I liked you… odd, but you offer to speak some. I liked that there is a rager who actually acts like the amount of intelligence he has. I hate see elves and humans speaking like dogs…

I loved when you both died in the mountains, it was just fun. Hehe, too bad my to groupmates died too.

I Tried to be pacific with you, I reserved myself to defend. Rather than attack ragers. Some of you see it ok, some of you didn’t care, and some of you got angry at me for this.

Krathrael Aidamo Alarin Rhomelanthos Dalayr Kaje Broxx Trentilsh Kavuul Grogim Sayangu Trylartin Drahk Melkorath Darmok Namuzi Vihltar Gholrhun Zenguk Eodid Jadirjeke

Scions and other enemies

Damn Ap, you got me once, for trying to help Caerragon I think, got me in udgard, you and some necro. No doubt you were a strong Ap, but we didn’t fight much, you deleted very quickly.

Damn, you hit hard. And maces, ouch, everytime we fought I had to run in like 4 rounds, I just could handle that much hurt. You got me once in the grove, damn snare, I never thought I found one there. After you were removed from the village I wanted to kill you but I never got a chance.

Massive raven in the skies, number one reason no to be walking around Thera, Damn you made lots of sylvans stay hidden. Strong character. I remember when I interviewed you before you were a scion, you were offering me cloths, and help to get the recommendation, my words to trajeona were “She is eager to learn, and proves to be able too, but she doesn’t know much about “scions”. of course it was just after the “revamp” in scions, so neither did I.

Damn hard healer, gate, nightwalker, staff of striking great combo. And against a hurt gnome, ouch. Good thing I got away although it was not easy. I thought you were going to be hard trouble when you heroed, but you deleted.

You are always there, and yet I rarely see you, where the hell do you hide? And, defending? You defend once every three raids. You are doing a good job scions are growing. I think I would had liked knowing you better. We fought so little.

We never fought but I saw you a few times, I know you made ragers run. I wish I could had fight with you.

jaslana….. a necromancer right? A spectre right? Damn what happened you where NEVER there. Scions would had liked you being there more. I’m sure.

Fire AP, I spected a lot more power on your side, but you were easily beaten down, except ofcourse when aginal was besides you. Fire AP is a powerful combo, don’t know why it didn’t work for you, I guess being hunted by paladins is bad, since when I played a Fire Ap, was before paladins revamp so there were not much of them.

I didn’t get to fight much with you, but you sure pose a problem for the gorve.

Not a powerful healer, but a damn good allies maker, heh, you never fought alone, and never posed threat for me, but your groupmates did. I think your group got me once when I was linkdead in the grove.

Strongest warrior in a long time. And what does that achieve? Dependence. You lost your gear and delete delete. Hey I know in contrary to major beliefs, gear does makes a pker, but you have to give other chance to kill you many times, you have done it to them.

We fought about twice, don’t remember much about you, except you were enemy. You were a scion, when scions had power, it was hard to have the sapling, we rarely did.

Felar warriors, I just love burning them. Again you were in the ends of scions powers, but you alone were not much trouble.

Virinahn was never there, and aginal was always there, Damn you gave lots of power to the scions, but our fights were only dispels on each side, if you loosed earthshield, you fled, if I loosed earthshield I left. And
that was it, all of our fights were like that.

You were a pain to sylvans grats on that, But the one time I killed you, it was just nice…

Amazing, you were very good assassin, I’m glad you never got me. Nice done, you had skills.

We didn’t fight much, but I can tell you this, You are annoying. Well done.

Grats on liching, before that I killed you once I think, but I never did saw you. where did you hide?

Nice healer, too bad you are always grouped with 6, no skill in that.

A thief… played like a thief… talked like a thief… hell… you were a thief.

It appears you are doing a good job, keep it up. I always liked killing you. hehe, you and the chancellor stayed on the worst moments, I admire that.

I liked killing you, not always do you find an assassin that’s not hidden all the time.

I wanted to kill you, but its just not easy to kill shifters, specially if they just shift, fly.

Never alone…

Never alone…

I expected more of you, since we first talked, I thought you were a nice character. But after that, you were never alone, and if the group was no smaller than 4 you never step foot on the grove.

who? ….. oh yes That DAMN thief who kept bugging me. Hell you were the reason too spam fireshield. And just when I got it, you delete. I’m glad you never got me. And I should have killed more than I did, lots more.

Good job, you are there in the good and the bads. Keep it up.

worst tribunal I have met, sorry, its just true.

I see you on rarely occasions, just one thing. You have got to watch those tribunals you induct, some are making many mistakes.

You have been there since a long time, I hope you get a quest. But then again, I don’t even know your roleplay. You got me twice damn you.

Kalnatok, Uizare, Urentac, Nefarmatan, Rerrilies, Mithra, Hanjamar, Leviathe, Merzofzyauhn, Zharaluzar, Brock, Ryaskyth, Lynorlimna, Sakard, Gramukzul, Thulrah, Zaraz, Ckoebael, Azakoth, Haazira, Vortigern, Dwelakath, Kallionne, Tharek, Hammad, Blasdhemius, Zhangzhou, Helga, Ashloch, Minlexyat, Mihput, Kratilaire, Dakiyah, Frostagor, Vizzial, Latiola, Burrosum, Filetine, Kelin, Kisitaitid, Shalizar, Samira.

Not much I can say, besides I didn’t like fighting you. but anyway, there are little of you who did had skills to fight back. No really… must of you do the basic mage things, not much of skills. And I must say your powers did pose a problem.

Tasfiel, Caysh, Sao, Namadu, Meryn, Jhard, Delmuio, Jarold, Usalar, Aiyaka, Akriam, Uirautr, Llyrnea, Brethok, Kalindar, Crimthann.

Sorry if it is a bit out of date, I had made the farewells a few days ago.

PS: Cardiel, the mortal has died. Not me. hehe }(
16824, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think our views were very much the same. I disagreed with the war wholeheartedly. That is not what Sylvan is about. They might as well call themselves something else. I mean, to fight a war you have to enter cities. And one is spending as much or more time in the city as in protecting the virgin wilds. I thought I did well by begging for peace, and when we got it, I was very content. But, then Jamain and Griimbling had to ruin it all over again. So, if I do get my powers back, I think I will stay away from the Grove until things change.
16782, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Sassmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cardiel has manage to impress me in a way whereby he keeps pulling out new tricks / learning how to handle situation better. You were in consideration when she was asked who to make Lieutenant. But Prendac is "older" so she thinks he sorta deserves the title for hanging in there so long. Akrenetai got it, 'cos he was around more than you. Just that, else you would have gotten it. Another important point is that, they didn't ask to be recommend to be Lieut, you did, which sorta sour the impression of you for Sassmi. Anyhow, over Cardiel is a great character. THanks for the shields and fun you have given to her. Take care.

16776, But we did!
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>We never fought but I saw you a few times, I know you made
>ragers run. I wish I could had fight with you.

I logged the only fight we've had. It was a short one.

<1360hp 371m 739mv 4 AM>
A thunderous roar shatters the air as a rain of boulders pummels this place!
The gods protect Krauterius.
Your storm of falling rocks DISMEMBERS Sassmi!
Your shielding against earth cushions some of the impact.
Your storm of falling rocks scratches you.
Your storm of falling rocks *** DEVASTATES *** a cloaked ranger!
You fade into existence.
Your burning touch RAZES a cloaked ranger!
You parry Sassmi's magic.
You parry Sassmi's magic.
A cloaked ranger's slash hits you.
You parry a cloaked ranger's slash.
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1349hp 371m 739mv 4 AM> c gey
Cardiel has arrived.
A cloaked ranger says 'Welcome, thing of the wild.'
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1349hp 371m 739mv 4 AM>
Sassmi leaves.
Sassmi has fled!
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1349hp 371m 739mv 4 AM>
You feel a burning sensation on the inside of your skull.
You feel solid again.
You feel a tearing pain from within as the thorny plant's growth continues.
Your thornheart scratches you.
Boulders stop raining from the sky.
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1355hp 354m 790mv 4 AM> You create a geyser aimed at a cloaked ranger!
Cardiel yells 'Die, Quimo, you sorcerous dog!'
Your geyser >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Cardiel!
Cardiel leaves north.
Cardiel has fled!
The gods protect Krauterius.
Your geyser >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a cloaked ranger!
You fade into existence.
Your burning touch TORCHES a cloaked ranger!
You parry a cloaked ranger's slash.
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1355hp 317m 790mv 4 AM> c gey
You fade into existence.
Your burning touch TORCHES a cloaked ranger!
You parry a cloaked ranger's slash.
A cloaked ranger thrashes around screaming as it is consumed by fire!
A cloaked ranger's immolation roasts it.
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1355hp 317m 790mv 4 AM> You create a geyser aimed at a cloaked ranger!
The gods protect Krauterius.
Your geyser >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a cloaked ranger!
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1355hp 280m 790mv 4 AM> c gey
Sassmi has arrived.
A cloaked ranger says 'Welcome, thing of the wild.'
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1355hp 280m 790mv 4 AM>
You fade into existence.
Your burning touch RAZES a cloaked ranger!
A cloaked ranger's slash grazes you.
A cloaked ranger's slash hits you.
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1340hp 280m 790mv 4 AM>
You yell 'Die, Sassmi, you sorcerous dog!'
Sassmi narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
Sassmi burns you with the light of the sun!
Sassmi's sunray mauls you.
A cloaked ranger is convulsing on the ground.

<1316hp 280m 790mv 4 AM> You create a geyser aimed at a cloaked ranger!
Your geyser mauls Sassmi.
The gods protect Krauterius.
Your geyser >>> ANNIHILATES <<< a cloaked ranger!
A cloaked ranger is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You receive 350 experience for a successful counter-raid.
As a cloaked ranger falls, the Ebony Scepter returns to the Scion Cabal!
You feel a shudder in your Cabal Power!
You hear a cloaked ranger's death cry.
The gods give you 6 copper coins for your sacrifice of the corpse of a cloaked ranger.

16780, Oh
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now, you cant call that a fight. And why the hell wasnt I having a watershield.....


good one, Im just so old, I cant even remember some fights.
16769, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah. We had some fun hunting. A shame we didnt get more pokes at the new lich, those fights would have been fun. Ah well, see ya in the fields. Good luck, it was fun.
16762, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Brahaid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gabeidi/Griffith/Brahaid ; Well i hate to say it but I got bored with each of them, I try to play only one character at a time, and well Griffith was fun, but just was not the same as Brahaid , I would have to say Brahaid has been the most fun I have had with a character in a very long time, is just too bad that invokers are just so hell of a long time to get spells and such. But as you can tell I was always around just in diffrent ways..
Well I hope you have fun with your next character
16753, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, we had very little time spent together, and for you to say that about me makes me feel good. Even though we usually played at different times, when I did see you log on, I always felt a little better. Part of it was having a hero invoker around, but the rest of it was definately your attitude. Its characters like yours that make a cabal successful. There are plenty of pkers in almost every cabal that will stand out, but, very few who are made for pk, yet do not do a whole lot of it and still stand out. As far as leadership positions go, only the imms know who and why someone gets the position. But, from what I have seen, when there are a lot of wars going on, like now, I think it is almost more likely that an aggressive player will be given a leadership position. Of course, that is not always the rule, but, like you stated, you agree with the current leaders. I wish I could have gotten to know you better as I have some of the other warders, because, it is players like you that make players like me better. Good luck and keep playing, you make CF stronger when you are about.
16749, Cya, and some logs for you.
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, congratulations with the quite successful character. I'd tell same to Griimbling if I hadn't have fun on him. ;)

Without you, grove will be much weaker - shields helps a lot. Perhaps you should wait for Blach to hero up and make a team like I and Aginal (for these twisting retards: should read 'Aginal and I') were. Skilled invoker and skilled healer (I suppose Blach is a quite skilled, _since_ he didn't hero allready).

Anyways... you are mass deleting bastards!

Second, I fought you alone many times, and many times you fled (and many times I had to ;P ). That doesn't matter, though.

Some logs for you (no, I'm not an ass).


Word spreads throughout the land that your victory over Cardiel has forced him into hiding!


<887/887hp 1013/1013m 570mv 16494tnl>
Aginal leaves west.
You follow Aginal west.
A Woodland Trail Leading Through a Forest

A carrot has been left here.
(Invis) (Translucent) (Solid) (Body of Stone) Aginal is here.

<887/887hp 1013/1013m 565mv 16494tnl> co sanc aginal

Salazar tells you 'Got hit a bit'
Aginal leaves north.
You follow Aginal north.
A Split in the Valley Trail

(Invis) (Translucent) (Solid) (Body of Stone) Aginal is here.
(Invis) Krauterius is here.

<887/887hp 1013/1013m 560mv 16494tnl> You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Aginal.
Aginal is surrounded by a white aura.
Cardiel has arrived.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 560mv 16494tnl>
Cardiel leaves south.

Aginal leaves south.
You follow Aginal south.
A Woodland Trail Leading Through a Forest

A carrot has been left here.
(Invis) (Translucent) (Solid) (White Aura) (Body of Stone) Aginal is here.
(Translucent) (Pink Aura) Cardiel is here.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl>
Salazar tells you 'Come to tar valon'

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl>
Cardiel yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Aginal utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
Cardiel misses Aginal.
Cardiel misses Aginal.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl> ;shields
You tell your group 'shields'

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl> murder cardiel
lash cardiel
Cardiel yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Thornarcrull!'
Your crush MUTILATES Cardiel!
Your crush MUTILATES Cardiel!
Your hammer unleashes a bolt of lightning!
You thrust your hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches toward Cardiel.
Your lightning bolt MASSACRES Cardiel!
Aginal fades into existence.
Aginal's burning touch TORCHES Cardiel!
Cardiel's punch misses Aginal.
Cardiel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl> kick

Aginal utters the words, 'szbbrz ha bajroculof'.
Aginal tosses a small pebble at Cardiel.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Cardiel is knocked down by the huge boulder!
Aginal's huge boulder === OBLITERATES === Cardiel!
Cardiel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl>
A mongoose has arrived.
Cardiel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl>
Your crush EVISCERATES Cardiel!
A mongoose's bite MUTILATES Cardiel!
A mongoose's bite devastates Cardiel!
A mongoose's bite devastates Cardiel!
Aginal fades into existence.
Aginal's burning touch RAZES Cardiel!
Cardiel's punch misses Aginal.
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl> You must wield a flail or whip to lash.
Sandarina has arrived.
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl> Your kick DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl>
Aldon has arrived.
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl> wear flail

A mongoose darts around quickly in front of his enemies, distracting them.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Cardiel yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES Cardiel!
The Nightwalker's claw MUTILATES Cardiel!
Cardiel is convulsing on the ground.

<887/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Aldon!'
Aldon's frigid chop EVISCERATES you!
Cardiel is convulsing on the ground.

<841/887hp 964/1013m 555mv 16494tnl> lash cardiel

The Nightwalker's claw maims Cardiel!
A mongoose's bite maims Cardiel!
Cardiel dodges your crush.
Aginal fades into existence.
Aginal's burning touch RAZES Cardiel!
Cardiel is DEAD!!
You hear Cardiel's death cry.


Jhaelryna: Cardiel and Aldon right southwest of the chasm

<942/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Aldon has arrived.
Cardiel has arrived.

<942/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Your blade barrier MASSACRES Aldon!
The whirling blades around you disappear.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<942/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Someone whacks Cardiel on the head with a blackjack. Ouch.
Aldon parries your crush.
Your shield blocks Aldon's frigid chop.
Aldon's wrath decimates you!
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl> st
murder cardiel
You are already fighting!
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl> You do the best you can!
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
A shadowy Nightwalker says 'Greetings, Scion.'
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Aldon yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw hits Aldon.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Aginal has arrived.
A shadowy Nightwalker says 'Greetings, Scion.'
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Cardiel yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Aginal utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Aldon parries your crush.
Aldon's frigid chop is powerless against you.
You parry Aldon's wrath.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 799/998m 657mv 16424tnl> co curse
You narrow your eyes and glare in Aldon's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 793/998m 657mv 16424tnl> co curse

A shadowy Nightwalker says 'Greetings, Scion.'
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 793/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Cardiel yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Kallionne utters the words, 'zabrahpbuie'.
Cardiel yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Aginal utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Aldon parries your crush.
Aldon's frigid chop is powerless against you.
You parry Aldon's wrath.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 793/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Salazar steps out of the shadows.
Salazar stuffs a gag in Cardiel's mouth.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 793/998m 657mv 16424tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Aldon's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<915/942hp 780/998m 657mv 16424tnl> co curse

Aldon parries your crush.
Aldon parries your crush.
Aldon's frigid chop is powerless against you.
Aldon's wrath decimates you!
You parry Aldon's frigid chop.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<888/942hp 780/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Aldon stops using a twin-edge battle axe called 'Arctic Fury'.
Aldon wields a sword with a wickedly serrated blade.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<888/942hp 780/998m 657mv 16424tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Aldon's direction.
You lost your concentration.
Aginal utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
Jhaelryna giggles with pleasure.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<888/942hp 774/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
The Nightwalker's claw hits Aldon.
Aldon parries your crush.
Aldon's slash wounds you.
Aldon's wrath decimates you!
Aldon's wrath mauls you.
You parry Aldon's slash.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<818/942hp 774/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Kallionne utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<818/942hp 774/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Salazar looks at Cardiel.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<818/942hp 774/998m 657mv 16424tnl> co curse

Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<824/942hp 798/998m 657mv 16424tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Aldon's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Aldon yells 'Die, Aginal, you sorcerous dog!'
Aginal utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<824/942hp 785/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
A shadowy Nightwalker moves to block Aldon's path.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<824/942hp 785/998m 657mv 16424tnl> co curse

Your crush wounds Aldon.
Aldon parries your crush.
Aldon's slash misses you.
Aldon's slash decimates you!
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<797/942hp 785/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
A shadowy Nightwalker moves to block Aldon's path.
Aldon has some small but disgusting cuts.

<797/942hp 785/998m 657mv 16424tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Aldon's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.
Aldon yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Aginal utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
Aldon leaves south.
Aldon has fled!

<797/942hp 772/998m 657mv 16424tnl> co curse cardiel

Salazar tried to steal from Cardiel.

<797/942hp 772/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Kallionne utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.

<797/942hp 772/998m 657mv 16424tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Cardiel's direction.
Your curse failed to take effect.

<797/942hp 759/998m 657mv 16424tnl>
Jhaelryna looks at Cardiel.

<797/942hp 759/998m 657mv 16424tnl> co curse cardiel

Aginal leaves south.
You follow Aginal south.
Wandering in the desert

A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Invis) (Translucent) (Surrounded by Flames) (Body of Stone) Aginal is here.
Your shielding safely protects you from the quicksand.

<797/942hp 759/998m 654mv 16424tnl>
The Nightwalker has arrived.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<797/942hp 759/998m 654mv 16424tnl> They aren't here.

<797/942hp 759/998m 654mv 16424tnl>
Aginal leaves north.
You follow Aginal north.
Above the Chasm

A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Invis) (Translucent) (Surrounded by Flames) (Body of Stone) Aginal is here.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(White Aura) Kallionne is here.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Jhaelryna is here.
(Bound) (Translucent) Cardiel is sleeping here.
(White Aura) Salazar is here.
(White Aura) A Nightwalker defends this place without question.
A shadowy Nightwalker says 'Greetings, Scion.'

<797/942hp 759/998m 651mv 16424tnl> n
co curse cardiel
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<797/942hp 759/998m 651mv 16424tnl> Kallionne utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.

<797/942hp 759/998m 651mv 16424tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Cardiel's direction.
Cardiel looks very uncomfortable.

<797/942hp 746/998m 651mv 16424tnl> co 'faerie fire' cardiel

The Nightwalker has arrived.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<797/942hp 746/998m 651mv 16424tnl>
Aginal says 'He is not flying'

<797/942hp 746/998m 651mv 16424tnl> You narrow your eyes and glare in Cardiel's direction.
Cardiel is surrounded by a pink outline.

Aginal says 'Trip'

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl>
Looking directly at Cardiel, Jhaelryna's eyes narrow dangerously.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> nod

Kallionne utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> You nod.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> wear chain

Salazar says 'hold'

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> You stop using a black hammer.
You wield a blackened iron chain.
You feel quite confident with a blackened iron chain.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> lash aldon

Aginal utters the words, 'szbbrz ha bajroculof'.
Aginal tosses a small pebble at Cardiel.
In mid-air the pebble transforms into a huge boulder!
Cardiel is knocked down by the huge boulder!
Aginal fades into existence.
Aginal's huge boulder === OBLITERATES === Cardiel!
The Nightwalker's claw DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
The Nightwalker has left.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl>
Salazar stops using a blackjack.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> They aren't here.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl>
A shadowy Nightwalker says 'Greetings, Scion.'

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl>
Salazar trips Cardiel, sending him to the ground.
Salazar's trip scratches Cardiel.
Salazar kicks Cardiel while he's down!
Salazar's vicious attack DISMEMBERS Cardiel!

The Nightwalker's claw EVISCERATES Cardiel!
Aginal fades into existence.
Cardiel's poisonous bite grazes Aginal.
Cardiel's poisonous bite misses Aginal.
Salazar's acidic bite MASSACRES Cardiel!
Salazar's acidic bite MASSACRES Cardiel!

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> lash cardiel

Kallionne utters the words, 'eugfjsh baiz'.
Cardiel's skeleton bends unnaturally as his body is wracked with agony.
Kallionne's disruption >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Cardiel!
Cardiel is DEAD!!
You hear Cardiel's death cry.
They aren't here.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl>
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> nod
You nod.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl>
Aginal gets a Talisman of Strength from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets the obsidian eye amulet from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a pair of armguards from the snow worm from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a mithril ring from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a pitch-black ring from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a fist-sized ellipse of marble from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a pair of leather pants from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a pair of tight leather gloves from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets the Great Crown of the Svirfnebli from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a shield from the hide of a snow worm from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a sleek silver staff from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a topaz encrusted bracelet from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a potion of flight from the corpse of Cardiel.
Aginal gets a potion of flight from the corpse of Cardiel.

<797/942hp 743/998m 651mv 16424tnl> exa corpse
Severed chunks of Cardiel are scattered next to a corpse.
The corpse of Cardiel contains:
(10) a potion of flight
blood beast tartare
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) the dagger of betrayal

--- ( This is what you were speaking about, perhaps ) ---

Duharan tells the group 'I could use some protection'
At the Base of a Small Pond

A magical spring flows from the ground here.
A large pile of greenish plates lie on the ground.
A pitch-black parka is lying here.
Cardiel is here.
Futaleufu has arrived.
Dakiyah has arrived.
Duharan has arrived.
Huestus has arrived.
Bouwlrin has arrived.

<1230/1128hp 889/1107m 773mv 10 AM> Cardiel yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Thornarcrull!'
You fade into existence.
Your crush EVISCERATES Cardiel!
You parry Cardiel's stinging lash.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
Your crush EVISCERATES Cardiel!
Bouwlrin's flaming bite CHARS Cardiel!
Bouwlrin's flaming bite RAZES Cardiel!
Huestus's slice MANGLES Cardiel!
Duharan's burst of energy maims Cardiel!
Your ring flares with a small lightning bolt!
Your shocking grasp decimates Cardiel!
Bouwlrin's flaming bite CHARS Cardiel!
Bouwlrin's flaming bite RAZES Cardiel!
Huestus's slice MANGLES Cardiel!
Huestus's slice MASSACRES Cardiel!
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<1230/1128hp 889/1107m 773mv 10 AM> say strike for the seas!

The edges of Duharan's being stretch and twist and he becomes a grizzled ram.
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<1230/1128hp 889/1107m 773mv 10 AM>
Huestus sends Cardiel sprawling with a powerful bash.
Huestus's bash hits Cardiel.
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<1230/1128hp 889/1107m 773mv 10 AM>
You parry Cardiel's stinging lash.
You parry Cardiel's stinging lash.
Dakiyah's punch DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEVASTATES *** Cardiel!
Cardiel is DEAD!!
You hear Cardiel's death cry.

<1230/1128hp 889/1107m 773mv 10 AM> You say 'strike for the seas!'

<1230/1128hp 889/1107m 773mv 10 AM> get coins corpse
get all corpse
put all magi
You get 35 gold coins from the corpse of Cardiel.
You split 35 gold coins. Your share is 10 gold coins.
Bouwlrin gets a thin black belt etched with crimson runes from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets a pitch-black ring from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets the cape of lightning from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets ice blue colored robes from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets some leggings from the snow worm from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets the girdle of endless space from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets a pitch-black ring from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets the Great Crown of the Svirfnebli from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets a bracelet of golden chain from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets a bracelet of golden chain from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin gets 1171 silver coins from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin splits 1171 silver coins. Your share is 195 silver coins.
Bouwlrin gets 1942 copper coins from the corpse of Cardiel.
Bouwlrin splits 1942 copper coins. Your share is 323 copper coins.

--- (And your last death) ---

Sparkling brilliantly, a large crystal dome floods the room with shining light.
(White Aura) Sakard is here, fighting an ancient grey bear.
(Grey Aura) (White Aura) Fedhiob is here, fighting an ancient grey bear.
(Pink Aura) An ancient grey bear dozes here, its body blocking the trail.
(Purple Aura) (White Aura) A grey-haired elf rests here, meditating silently.

<942/981hp 861/1026m 914/914mv 6 PM> Thornarcrull's group:
<48 War> Fedhiob 87% hp 100% mana 50% mv 467993 xp
<51 Sha> Sakard 88% hp 86% mana 99% mv 586900 xp
<51 Hea> Thornarcrull 96% hp 83% mana 100% mv 586900 xp

<942/981hp 861/1026m 914/914mv 6 PM> Sakard narrows his eyes and glares in an ancient grey bear's direction.
You do not see that here.

<942/981hp 861/1026m 914/914mv 6 PM>
Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave MANGLES an ancient grey bear!

<942/981hp 861/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Sakard narrows his eyes and glares in an ancient grey bear's direction.

<942/981hp 861/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> co heal fedhiob
co heal sakard

Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's wrath DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
An ancient grey bear darts towards Sakard with a sharp seed in its hand!
Sakard's cleave DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave misses an ancient grey bear.

<942/981hp 861/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Fedhiob.

<942/981hp 821/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
An ancient grey bear shivers and suffers.
An ancient grey bear's poison decimates it!
Your shield fades away.

<961/981hp 859/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Cardiel has arrived.

<961/981hp 859/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> co 'protective shield'

Sakard narrows his eyes and glares in an ancient grey bear's direction.

Fedhiob's wrath DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's wrath DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
An ancient grey bear burns Sakard with the light of the sun!
An ancient grey bear's sunray MASSACRES Sakard!
Sakard's cleave EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Sakard.

Someone utters the words, 'djuqtgaie'.
The ground before someone softens into quicksand.
Sakard yells 'Help! I'm sinking in quicksand!'
Fedhiob yells 'Help! I'm sinking in quicksand!'
Fedhiob's wrath DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite misses an ancient grey bear.
An ancient grey bear's slash mauls Sakard.
Sakard's cleave DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!

<961/981hp 819/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> co 'faerie fog'
You close your eyes and hum for an instant.
You are surrounded by a protective shield.

<961/981hp 749/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> co fly fedhiob

Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite MUTILATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!

<961/981hp 749/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.
An elven rejuvenator is revealed!

<961/981hp 737/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> co fly sakard

An elven rejuvenator closes his eyes for a moment and nods at an ancient grey bear.

<961/981hp 737/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Sakard tells the group 'Flight'

<961/981hp 737/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Sakard yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone calls upon a huge grey wolf to help it.
A huge grey wolf moves in to attack Sakard!
A huge grey wolf's pound injures Sakard.
A huge grey wolf's pound wounds Sakard.
A huge grey wolf's pound decimates Sakard!
A huge grey wolf's pound misses Sakard.

<961/981hp 737/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
A huge grey wolf's pound injures Sakard.
A huge grey wolf's pound injures Sakard.
Cardiel steps out from his cover.
Cardiel fades into existence.
Fedhiob's wrath DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite MUTILATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite MUTILATES an ancient grey bear!
An ancient grey bear conjures up a cloud of spores, but it harmlessly floats away.
Sakard's cleave EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!

<961/981hp 737/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Fedhiob.
Fedhiob's feet rise off the ground.

<961/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Sakard narrows his eyes and glares in Cardiel's direction.

<961/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Cardiel utters the words, 'ozlgzf'.
Cardiel creates a geyser aimed at Sakard!
Cardiel's geyser *** DEVASTATES *** Sakard!
Fedhiob yells 'Die, Cardiel, you sorcerous dog!'
Cardiel's geyser *** DEMOLISHES *** Fedhiob!
You yell 'Die, Cardiel, you sorcerous dog!'
Cardiel's geyser EVISCERATES you!
A huge grey wolf's pound injures Sakard.
Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave MASSACRES an ancient grey bear!
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
Your wrath EVISCERATES Cardiel!
Your hammer pendant grows warm.
You feel better!
Cardiel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<935/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Sakard starts aiming at Cardiel.
Cardiel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<935/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Cardiel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<935/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Sakard narrows his eyes and glares in Cardiel's direction.
Sakard calls forth the demons of Hell upon Cardiel!
Sakard's torments *** DEMOLISHES *** Cardiel!
You can't concentrate enough.
A huge grey wolf's pound mauls Sakard.
Fedhiob's wrath DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's wrath MASSACRES an ancient grey bear!
An ancient grey bear burns Fedhiob with the light of the sun!
An ancient grey bear's sunray MASSACRES Fedhiob!
Your wrath EVISCERATES Cardiel!
Cardiel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<935/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> Cardiel utters the words, 'ozlgzf'.
Cardiel creates a geyser aimed at Sakard!
Cardiel's geyser *** DEVASTATES *** Sakard!
Fedhiob yells 'Die, Cardiel, you sorcerous dog!'
Cardiel's geyser *** DEMOLISHES *** Fedhiob!
Cardiel's geyser DISMEMBERS you!
Cardiel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<882/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> co rejuv fedhiob

A huge grey wolf's pound misses Sakard.
A huge grey wolf's pound injures Sakard.
Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Sakard's cleave misses Cardiel.
Sakard's cleave MANGLES Cardiel!
Your wrath EVISCERATES Cardiel!
Cardiel is gushing blood.

<882/981hp 702/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Fedhiob.
Cardiel is gushing blood.

<882/981hp 637/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> Cardiel utters the words, 'ozlgzf'.
Cardiel creates a geyser aimed at Sakard!
Cardiel's geyser EVISCERATES Sakard!
Fedhiob yells 'Die, Cardiel, you sorcerous dog!'
Cardiel's geyser *** DEMOLISHES *** Fedhiob!
Cardiel's geyser DISMEMBERS you!
Cardiel is gushing blood.

<822/981hp 637/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> co rejuv sakard
co rejuv fedhiob

Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
The thorny plants spring up around Fedhiob, entangling his legs!
An ancient grey bear's entanglement hits Fedhiob.
Sakard's cleave MASSACRES Cardiel!
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
Your hammer pendant grows warm.
You feel better!
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<842/981hp 637/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> You close your eyes for a moment and nod at Sakard.
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<842/981hp 572/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> Cardiel utters the words, 'ozlgzf'.
Cardiel creates a geyser aimed at Sakard!
Cardiel's geyser *** DEVASTATES *** Sakard!
Fedhiob yells 'Die, Cardiel, you sorcerous dog!'
Cardiel's geyser *** DEMOLISHES *** Fedhiob!
Cardiel's geyser EVISCERATES you!
Cardiel is writhing in agony.

<790/981hp 572/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM>
Sakard narrows his eyes and glares in Cardiel's direction.
Sakard calls forth the demons of Hell upon Cardiel!
Sakard's torments MASSACRES Cardiel!
Cardiel is convulsing on the ground.

<790/981hp 572/1026m 914/914mv 7 PM> kick

A huge grey wolf's pound wounds Sakard.
A huge grey wolf's pound injures Sakard.
Fedhiob's wrath DISMEMBERS an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's poisonous bite EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
Fedhiob's wrath EVISCERATES an ancient grey bear!
An ancient grey bear causes a stinging swarm of insects to descend upon Fedhiob!
Sakard's cleave DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Cardiel!
Cardiel is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your wrath MASSACRES Cardiel!
Cardiel is DEAD!!
You hear Cardiel's death cry.
A huge grey wolf slowly fades away.


Well... i won't post our other battles, since it would be too long to read.
16752, this almost looks like intentional flamebait
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You post a log, saying that you are a skilled healer, and then show several massive gangings?
16783, I was thinking the same thing. n/t
Posted by Astillian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16761, RE: Cya, and some logs for you.
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt remember the first log, the other three yes.
And yes the third one I was link dead. The mud freezed before you attacked the ranger, and hunger scratching me is what got me out of camo. I saw it all when I was dead, it all just apear in the screen I was ofcourse surprised.

I liked your healer more when you were a scion, after that it was just plain trouble. And good luck with the empire thing.
16746, My constructive criticism.
Posted by Gevanter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all let me commend you for your vast memory and the fact that you mentioned me in your goodbye note. I'm an easy char to not notice, for many reasons.

There were so much things I wanted to do with this char, only some I could do. Cardiel was not a pker and that’s why I didn’t run around killing defilers, I was against war with tribunal, war with warlocks and ragers. I just wanted to fight defilers...

Now this is fine. Its the type of Warder you were. Yet it bothers me that so many sylvans are this way. Long gone, since the powers change, are the "wolves" of old. You see them here and there, and I'm by no means the Zorzaul of the woods, but Sylvan is a pk cabal. By their nature, they have to do some fighting, some killing and some general nasty things. You as a character can choose to not enjoy that part of the job, but in general I've been disappointed by the lack of...gumption...that sylvans have had. Sylvan's always had a group kill, pack mentality. I enjoyed this aspect of Sylvan, its one of its more appealing traits. Yet if you wonder why perhaps you weren't chosen as Captain/Lieutenant, this might be it. It is possible that the Immortals frown on the discouragement of these wars, especially when Sylvan has the numbers and skill to do "some good" out there. We've had some peaceful leaders, there was an (extremely) brief cease-fire with Warlock...but Sylvan speaks to me of barbaric pride. Tracking, hunting, killing...using what "the mother" has given us to protect her by force and act as her scythe against the defilers. All that jazz, is much more where I'd like to see the cabal going and a tad bit further away from middle age Greenpeace. And while it isn't my role per se to be a diehard balls to the wall Sylvan, I also have no expectations of leadership.

As for me not being around a ton, I've been around a lot of recent. Its all about RL things interfering and how little I can cause CF to inferfere with RL things. Also, my playing times vary extensively. I don't think I've logged on at the same time in more than 2 consecutive days in the last month. Its the nature of the business I'm in.

Either way, sorry you didn't get out of the character what you were hoping for, but we enjoyed your char and hope you did as well.
16745, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kalnatok, Uizare, Urentac, Nefarmatan, Rerrilies, Mithra, Hanjamar, Leviathe, Merzofzyauhn, Zharaluzar, Brock, Ryaskyth, Lynorlimna, Sakard, Gramukzul, Thulrah, Zaraz, Ckoebael, Azakoth, Haazira, Vortigern, Dwelakath, Kallionne, Tharek, Hammad, Blasdhemius, Zhangzhou, Helga, Ashloch, Minlexyat, Mihput, Kratilaire, Dakiyah, Frostagor, Vizzial, Latiola, Burrosum, Filetine, Kelin, Kisitaitid, Shalizar, Samira.

*** Hehe, three of my chars there, just tells me how old you are... Good show.. ;)

16742, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Sabiene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I liked you… odd, but you offer to speak some. I liked that
>there is a rager who actually acts like the amount of
>intelligence he has. I hate see elves and humans speaking like

You mean "she" has, hmmm? I saw you around a fair amount a while back, but not so much lately. This has to be the biggest mass-delete I've ever seen. What gives?

I'm glad you liked your interactions with me. As for the rest of the village, I'd say less than half have an accent, I think... ok maybe not, but not all do for sure...

As for having trouble with the way-out-of-range Tribbie, about .34 seconds after Nepenthe commented there was something you could do, it occurred to me what (one of the things at least) was. Has to do with a certain powerful spell. You know which, right? *grin*
16743, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by ATK on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My guess is that all the sylvans deleted lately has been semi-dormant characters, or so it seemed atleast.(Except Griimbling)
16736, Farewell
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I expected more of you, since we first talked, I thought you were a nice character. But after that, you were never alone, and if the group was no smaller than 4 you never step foot on the grove.

Nice fighting with you that one time, I can even remember our interactions. Invokers are tuff if you cannot hold more than 3 rounds. Their spells just blasts you apart if used correctly. Immolations are overpowered! Juz joking...

Anyway, I am uncaballed and it does not profit me even to raid. So if you see me with a big group, it's more like a raid. Ask Griimbling or Eclisen - fought them alone mostly. Even you. Still alone most of the time. Don't mistake raids with pk. Anyway, if I am with a group, I don't assist and leave out most of the fights and stand watching.

Would have interacted more if allowed the chance to. Sometimes things just cripple your character, both within and outside game, drawing your full attention. 500+ hours is a bloody long time. Good playing too.

Anyway best for your next. Looks like the Grove is taking a big hit on the downside.
16739, RE: Farewell
Posted by pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hey sorry about you and the others I said that were always in large groups. My intention is not to critizise any of you. It was just the way cardiel so from his said. If I was in any of your positions I would have probably done exactly the same.

In character Cardiel laughed about the empire. Out of character, I hope the greates lucks to you all. We do need something else evil besides scions. Now everyone says that evil is in power, but Ill can tell that must of the evils in power are not scions. so yes Id like all of them to fit into another cabal.

It might even get to join the empire, who knows...
16740, Pini bonks himself for being so foolish.
Posted by pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
side not said!
16735, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Think you meant Vizzial, he was the other one I played...occasionally. Invoker fights can either be the most entertaining or most annoying. I remember earlier invoker fights of just hurling iceneedles at each other until one had to flee. But ya, now it's dispel, dispel, oh, got his shields...but he recalled. It was fun however. Everyone on your side got a shot in the arm when you were there to give shields...and then there would be a warder camp right outside the chasm with some briars and a few angry individuals. I have to agree with ANith on your improvements. Early on you'd be a bit easy, and you just got better from there, maybe more "aware". By the way, the manacles...yes, annoying for pure spell characters, but everyone should always have a potion or two. Except ragers anyway.
16731, No offense, but you seem _-_extremely_-_ self-centered IC and OOC...
Posted by Selenquey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was almost a burden to ask you for a shield or two. And it did seem like you liked your gear ALOT(especialy your rod fo conquest). And one thing I must get off my chest, that voice on the wind speach was more annoying than other "funny" talks that are in the grove. That aside you had a strong will and always helped when you could. I know the time was up but it's sad to see ya go.

As for me being around I have one word for you. College. Once this term is over the #### is hittin the fan, that is if I don't lose interest in the ranger class *coughsRANGERSNEEDAREVAMP*. I just miss the old bears and ranger staffs. *sniff* *sniff*
16737, RE: No offense, but you seem _-_extremely_-_ self-centered IC and OOC...
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Before I got hero I didn care much about gear but when I made it to hero. I remeber I last about 6 weeks without dying, thats when I got my best set of gear. The rod of conquest thing was just the one item I missed. thats why I wanted it so much. It does about 4 differnt things in combat, but they happen not too often. What I really liked is the hp and nodrop thing. I hate teleporting around getting disarmed and teleport again, I think I lost like 13 white sceptres that way.

I never said no to someone asking for shields. I always though if I am in his place, I would be asking for shields too. So shields for everyone, the only times it was a pain to give shields is during raids, whenever the group was larger then 4, it takes a lot of time. And one thing others might no notice is that when anyone that I shield gets hit I loose a bit of mp. so after shielding 5 groupmates and they all having the shields working my mind power was drained from 1000 to 400 in just a few rounds.

I didnt wanted to say anything about the whispering wind, but The intention was to get some change in the way I casted the spells, I explained a little to saldradien, but im guessing its hard to code something like what I wanted. At the end I had a great excuse to roleplay it back to normal, but I was expecting to die of oldage very soon, I lasted about 40 more hours that I though I should.

I did what I could to help others, and I didnt do as much as I wanted, but how things were evolving is how Cardiel was changing.
Good luck, and good in college. See you around.
16747, Rangers need no revamp.
Posted by Anonym Ranger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A ranger who does what a ranger is built to do well, will do well. A ranger who doesn't grasp what a ranger is good at, or one who tries to make them good at something they aren't, will probably feel disappointed. I know you were (hopefully) joking, but the tendency to want everything revamped because it hasn't been messed with in 2 months is starting to irritate me.
16751, I'll go a bit further...
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rangers, if played properly, an powerful from the moment they hit pk, til hero. Few classes are like that, to the extent rangers are, in my opinion. They've had a major revamp that makes them to this day, an excellent class, and a few tweaks along the way that made them even more interesting.
16729, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed you as Omian, but I was bored of the overpoweredness of druids :P which they fixed with sunray, mind you. Beeing a leader would most likely have been alot of fun (poor newbies trying to decipher "vat I vas talken to dem 'bout, ja") but well. I longed for my favourite class :D and yours too, perhaps? I too observed how you got the hang of things with the class, but trust me, it's not till you've done your third hero of them (or so) that you really know the way of things :)

I think, and with no offense intended what so ever, that what you somewhat lacked as Cardiel was the charisma required to lead. If you would've assembled and lead groups more often I am sure you would eventually have gotten it. Organizing things is what leaders do, eh?

Well done, and best of luck to your next one.
16728, aw, you actually mentioned me?
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe, first of all, no special querky speech!? Every time I saw you it was "the voice on the wind says..." I don't think I ever directly talked to you buddy :P.

Well I guess you didn't read my goodbye post and some of my replies to other dead sylvans cause I thought I explained it :)

Basically Nurwon was a very loyal friend to his allies. Problem was many allies he made didn't well...get along. Hence defending Aneriasha and warning her when the grove came around the inn. He tried to stay on good terms with the grove when finally he came to realizing that many of them just followed suit and slew what they were told to slay and didn't put any thought or compassion behind it. To him that was the worst crime of all.

He never saw you attack anyone he was friends with so he never bothered you. In fact he only REALLY had a problem with Iell. But then Arduarn and Griimbling decided to help her and slew me even after Nurwon told them while camoed that I meant them no harm. Then one thing led to another...yadayada. Basically he saw that if a drow could be kindhearted that was all that mattered to him (showed they had a heart), the rest could die but not ones he befriended.

Ironic how he ended up dying in the end with nearly no friends at all for everyone turned on him for having affiliations with another.
16727, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Sahannara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
a beast who awakens every now and then, too feed on the corpses of defilers, and then fade into the woods.

Heh... I like how it sounds, I remember the first time I saw cardiel, a small gnome invoker that saved me from that horde, near the chasm, I remember very well that Scenario, I was like you want me, you will feel my axe(one on one), then suddenly the rest of sciones showed up, I was like, ####!, and without saying nothing, you worded me... you said that you had a tribunal hero, I wonder if I ever got you :P
Anyway you made a good strong character... good luck in your next.

and yes, I had a nice gear, but to be honest, the only thing that was like my treasure was the sword, Spirit Braker, Alysrith gave that sword to sahannara, and it was like the captain that gave me this sword and I will wear it proudly and fight with it until I die... and I did it, I died at old age with that gift of my old captain.
16726, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Zekasiq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your observation is untrue about the "never in a group less than 6" thing. Truth be told, when you were around, usually at least one other was... and to face an Invoker (with your obvious competence) would be foolish without some serious backing and competence on one's own side, so maybe that's why you had that impression. At any rate, nothing but good things to say about your character. Would have been nice to maybe learn more and RP but an unfortunate truth is that people rarely RP with their "enemies" a truth that I personally try to undo.
16719, You did well.
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you as Anith. When I first started fighting you, I wrote you off as 'just another clueless invoker' who is going to get tooled. You died a few times, but always seemed to improve and actually gained some tactics as I was on my way out. Sylvan invokers are scary in the right hands and you certainly came into your own as you aged.

I hated camo...I lost count on how many convulsing warders escaped from me with that power. Nice job anyhow, and well done with sticking it out. You would have made a good leader.

Im curious, which Scion were you playing that interviewed me. Id like to think I know what Scions are all about, and was surprised you didnt feel I knew what I was talking about...*chuckle*

16722, hehe you were a great enemy
Posted by pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, Cardiel was my first invoker, so I was getting the grasp of it at the begining.

You hate camo, I love it.
But now scions have ways to make sylvans think twice about camo. DAMN PLAGUE.

I played a necro who I dont like to remember couse it was one of the worst chars i have done. But you can probably remeber, we spoke south of the desert. I dont think you got interview by more scions, if I remember right it was just me, then you spoke to trajeona.
16723, Now I remember...
Posted by lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really disliked that Necromancer. You were smug, condescending and cold....(nice job by the way)....I told myself, Im going to powerrank myself to hero and leave this bastard sitting in his rank 30's for speaking down to me...since I was a defensive shifter afterall. I was ticked off that I was asked to get a recommendation from you...

Heh, thats funny.
16724, RE: Now I remember...
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And thats what you get for playing a evil role to the core.
Thats why when I see someone being a selfish bitch I dont judge them couse it can very well be its role. Like one elf invoker said to me once Im a selfish bitch and so what!

Heh dont worry I disliked the necro and thats why I deleted him. only part I liked of him was killing ragers.

On the "knowing" scions beliefs I dont. After the revamp I didnt get the idea clear. I guess I will be needing to know since I turning to the evil side. And maybe I will try to join scions. altough one thing that boders me, is the recent flood of evils, its nice for ranking, but not for being a hero. I hated those night when all my range was the grove and marans. nothing to do.

And this is to anyone who will think, I'm jumping in the wagon. You are wrong, I play my chars acording to role ideas, not cabals, and not who is in power.
16733, Heres some advice.
Posted by lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
WHen I roll up something after a break, I always look at who is holding power. If there are tons of evils, roll an evil. By the time you get up to hero, most of them have deleted from boredom and you will actually have some foes.

16718, 525 hours...not bad.
Posted by Sakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I considered you competent...last fight was much a surprise since I forgot flight but you still fell ;). You slayed me and I regret it happened since my group teleported after I went north and came back with this

Cardiel's cone of cold does UNSPEAKABLE THING TO YOU!
and died...heh.

Well done and come to the darkside brother!

Sakard Yvesowaru the Bane of Warders!
16721, I probably will
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After lots of hours I spend much time thinking what is the best race and alaingment to wear the best equipment for an invoker.

Found out evil was the best.

Maybe in some weeks you find yourself traveling with an invoker trying it's to speak better english. }(
16717, The irony kills me.
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As far as I know, the ONLY cabal that can affect out of range people without that person having made a choice (such as manacles where the person has chosen to break a law) is Sylvan. You complain that some out of range person can kill you or affect you, and yet Sylvans are the only ones, with bioempathy and the rest, that can affect and harm anyone, pk range or not.

The rest of your post seemed a bit self-serving, but so be it. When we tangled you did as expected and I suppose so did I. You died once or twice I believe and escaped once or twice, which is better than most mages after I'd manacled them. So well done for that.

Lastly, I would think Farnsworth is a good example of someone who did not talk weirdly or tell jokes or in some way act bizarre and yet who still received imm attention. Just my point of view.
16720, Grats on a well played character.
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do have to say Farnsworth changed much since he was nothing and the got the positions you did. I remeber how you were asking my tribunal for small advices, and other things. From that to a trash talking vindicator was a big change. Look the same person can be a hell of a great player to his allies and the worst whining looser to the enemys. Belive me I was by your side, and I was on the other side. Same goes for many other chars who you meet and he is just try to insult you. then you get to be by his side and get all the worshiping.

Yes bioempathy can kill a newbie, but only if the newbie is stupid enough to keep hitting the creature.

Bioempaty does nothing to anyone above rank 25. Manacles on the other hand can harm a hero same as a lowbie. Bioemphaty has a saving throw, manacles dont, bioempaty has lag, manacles no. bioempathy can hurt you a little if you harm one of the few natural creatures in thera, manacles can kill you if you are a criminal.

If you really want to know what I speak of... be in my shoes for a while, role a mage sylvan see how the war with tribunals gets you wanted a lot, and see how manacles ruin the raid. look how your low ranks can't get the sapling and see how the lower ranks of tribunals can kill the ranger laughing at your bioempathy.

Ok, You can have potions to scape, I dont care about escaping with manacles, but when you are on your way to recover the sapling, and get manacles after casting the first spell, and having to wait 15-25 hours to cast another spell. just makes it imposible to get the sapling back.

some people are lucky to get the attention with out being funny and talk rarely. You did it, grats. I only got title, last name, and spells boost. I guess I just want more!...

16730, Do me a favor:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Remember that at this point you were saying that you didn't feel like a wanted hero invoker had any answer to an out-of-range tribunal with manacles.

When you find the answers to that mystery somewhere down the road, grasshopper, only then will you be ready to snatch the pebble from my hand.
16741, Here is a shot....
Posted by Pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When war with tribunals started.I put a lot of effort to vortex. and when I got improved invis I though it would save me from lower tribunals but it didnt. Im not sure if what you mean was this but even with improved invis, lower tribunals can manacle me when I cast a spell and fade into existance.

If this is not it, which im thinking its not. Then It could be that there is something to cure manacles. or I'm just missing something like acid secretion disolves the chackles, or grease on my self to avoid beeing manacled... dont know, but Ill try to find out.
16748, RE: Here is a shot....
Posted by Bolderethism on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's referring to the fact that you're telling Farnsworth that only stupid newbies stick around to die from bioempathy, when you can likewise just run away from manacles. Whether or not bioempathy is comparable with manacles is up for debate, but he's right in that its hypocritical to knock one person for complaining about OOR cabal powers when you use them freely yourself. There's an assortment of things you can do in combat while manacled, but even more importantly there's a bigger assortment of ways to avoid getting manacled or at least live through the experience.

16771, If you had read my response
Posted by pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You would had noticed that scaping from manacles is not what I was complaining I got manacled for like 20 times, got killed twice couse of it.

Part of the complain was couse cabal wars. During a war you cant just hide from the tribunals, you HAVE to actually go fight them. That is the case that manacles is the worst, couse you can cast any spell for like 20 hours, making the rading party has one les memeber. And in case of retrieving one less was almost always, all less.

If you are retrieving from sylvans and you are above rank 25 you can laugh at the bioempathy. and even then, you can have a healer taking care of the hp. If you are a invoker-transmutter raiding for your items against the spire. There is NO posible way you are going to succed, doesnt matter what rank you are.
16715, RE: (DEL) Cardiel Adreu the Weaver of the Elements, the Patient Whisperer
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, I manage to solo kill you in Galadon, and I don't even get a mention? Lucky for me, that trick taught me one of the best tactics to kill Sylvans. Didn't have many other fights alone with you, but some of the group battles were entertaining. Hopefully you'll be back soon enough, and this time you should come back as an orc.
16716, sorry, here is why.
Posted by pini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had trigers for diferent colors depending on cabal
since it was easy to say you were an enemy, I didnt put a color for your name and I forgot it at the end.

Yes you killed me, but not becouse I lost fly, you killed me becouse I logged in there. and invokers log without shields. so yes you triped me to death. I think beeing shielded would had just made the fight longer, but dont know if I had got a chance to flee. or maybe farnsworth got there in time.

I solo kill you in the harpys once, so I guess we are even.