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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDeleted (WANTED) Eclinsan Sriseth
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16698
16698, Deleted (WANTED) Eclinsan Sriseth
Posted by Eclinsan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God. Eclinsan was a fun character. But I was down to 5 con, and I got sick of being rotted. Towards the end, I'd say over half of my deaths were due to rot. The ganging slowed down, and I found a few good fights, but the character just didn't have the momentum he did earlier. After 350 hours.. it's time to move on.

Well, it was alot fun. I think bards are an amazing versatile class, capable of fighting anyone in the higher levels. Wood-elves are also a very strong bard race, though they pretty useless when it comes to orcs. Frightful fiend is overrated, and wild west wind is underused.

Well, how about some goodbyes.


Sassmi - A real fun captain, even if you did induct anyone who could spell sylvan. You made the cabal strong, and when you left it gradually weakened over time.

Griimbling - by far a great captain and a great character. I always thought you were Dharum.

Starkad - I didn't really care for you too much, but you're solid and you'll be a strong leader. Good luck with the Lich.

Gillasn - Ah, the great bard Gillasn. Good luck, people hate bards almost as much as they hate sylvans.

Cardiel - Another great sylvan. You stick around through thick and thin, and didn't complain when I had villagers help us. Sorry about that. What a tough little gnome.

Selenquey - You're a good ranger, but I always seemed to get spotted on our hunts. Sorry about that, I know how you
like to be sneaky.

Corthy - Good luck getting that sorted out, I won't go into it but you should have some interesting times coming up.

Tavish - Where'd you go?

Mhreia - Felar rangers are sick, but it's hard to land the kills because you can't lag.

Prendac - I really wish you showed up more often and played for the kill. You seemed a bit timid. Even if your pk skills weren't great, your roleplay was. Just wish you were around more.

I know I'm forgetting a few, but Eclinsan was an old character and people stopped showing up once the Tribunals grew. If I forgot anyone, let me know.

The village really helped end the shapeshifter Tribunal invasion. Thanks to you all for odd situations (I was just talking to the mage, honest) and help with pesky mages. Aidamo, I hope you follow through on that pact.

I don't want to start a flamewar, so I'll apologize to Tardern for what I did the other night, and Orein, who still never got flagged. Jamain, you scared me at first, but then I found out the fox is pretty weak. Not much you can do as a shapeshifter though.

Jhaelryna, you scared me. Good work, and I loved how you stoneshattered almost everyone in a raiding party a while back. That made me giggle.
Darian, you must have hid in some odd corner of Thera all the time, because I only saw you in raids. Good fighting when you were around.
Hvetlin - Good character, solid work.
Alvoroiz - You stopped showing up, that's a shame. You always made mundane tasks interesting.

What a cheap "cabal". Sakard, if you didn't rot me I'd have tooled you both. Competant fire giant shamans are rare, good luck.

Narissa, very well done. I didn't really see any roleplay from you, but you acted like a drow.

Thornarcrull, even though you're an ass, you're still a competant healer. Good luck making the Lich lackey list.

Maran: Thanks for all the help and all the big hunts. I don't want to get into certain characters, especially because I never
knew if people were in it or not.

Warlock: I didn't like fighting warlocks unless they were conjurors. I can see how that creates problems. Good luck Jhard.

Have fun in the fields,
16822, RE: Deleted (WANTED) Eclinsan Sriseth
Posted by Corthy Wick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A pity I was not a Sylvan longer. You were one of my favorite people, indeed. I think we could have had a nice relationship. As for the situation, I do not think I can deal with it. I would have to stay on twenty four hours a day, roleplaying (to myself) just hoping you know who is watching and is pleased. Ha! But, enough about me! Well done and good luck!
16820, I hope you'll be back with another
Posted by Sylvrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are the only bard I have had the pleasure of traveling with and it was very educational watching you. I began to have a little more confidence in my own skills as I realized that I used the songs and skills much like you did in fighting mobs. But there were also a few tricks that I learned from observing you.

There are some things I'd like to tell you one day when Sylvrin is gone, but it wouldn't be wise right now.

You will definitely be missed. :)

Roll a new one soon :)

16738, Heh
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Acted like a drow? I could be worse - actually. Was trying to interact with you after your rot death. But then, had to battle another. Next thing, I had to leave. Sad that you finally made it till hero and then go delete.

You were playing Siacla? Hahaha... this is going to be even more ironic and amusing! I can't stop giggling.

Anyway, farewell and the best for your next.
16732, This makes me happy and sad both...
Posted by Selenquey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hooray!! My cover won't be blown as much when I'm hunting!! Tee hee.

Man, you were a trooper. Always in with full force and not lookin back. Too bad your gone. Now who's gunna fiend all the big giants stompin on the flowers? Take your breather and get back in there man. peace

p.s. thanks for helping me get my boots back
16710, RE: Deleted (WANTED) Eclinsan Sriseth
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

We fought many times, but only a few times you fell. Quite competend bard you've played. Why deleted all together, though?

And... why am I an ass?! I'm not.
16821, RE: Deleted (WANTED) Eclinsan Sriseth
Posted by forum reader on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>And... why am I an ass?! I'm not.

You do come here and talk sh1t about others characters, and make excuses for your own a lot.
16708, Its a shame
Posted by Gillasn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, I thought your time might be up and coming. But you were always really helpful and friendly to me. For that I am ever grateful. Thanks for understanding when I was too "deep" in studying songs to respond to you giving me things :) I always enjoyed the time we were with each other and its a shame we never really went hunting together. We would have made a damn fearsome duo.

If you want I would like to get in touch with you. Im at who_cares_inc@hotmail.com

Thanks again for the help and I really enjoyed the times we were together. Good luck and all that mojo
16705, RE: Deleted (WANTED) Eclinsan Sriseth
Posted by Darian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Darian, you must have hid in some odd corner of Thera all the
>time, because I only saw you in raids. Good fighting when you
>were around.

You don't know how true that statement is! I've had to get really good at it. Oftentimes that's all I can do when I log on to find I'm the only scion, or worse yet only evil, versus a whole horde of enemies of one type or another. Hide and try to pursue other goals, while I wait for some sort of reinforcements or chance to do something.

As far as fights, to sorta pick up on a thread we discussed IC, yes, more one on one fights would be fun, but while I run around solo a lot of the time, I'm also not going to pass up grouping/ganging when I can, or especially when I have to do it. There's far too many people out to try and gang me, and at least as a warrior I can't always avoid it.

Anyway, good luck in the future.
16704, very nice
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of my more interesting encounters. I kinda expected you to always run up to me and fiend me with Iell's sunrays. But you never did and actually seemed interesting in talking with Nurwon. Sorry if he seemed loud or insulting but that was the stage he had gotten to, that he just had it with the sylvans. Talking to most of them was like talking to a brick wall *wink Griimbling* :)

AND you were Nhernin too!? hehe, nice man. As him you taught me a bit about ranger skills. I forget if I was Quid or Nurwon when I spammed him questions but thanks for answering them :)

-Nurwon Du'Roth
16701, Not sure if it's a compliment or sarcasm...
Posted by Sakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I think it was time for you to move on...the way you spoked to me just showed it. You seemed to do well and yes, 350 is a lot.

Good luck with your next.
16707, I meant that as a compliment. I want my road too.
Posted by Eclinsan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wish you didn't full loot me. I understand the roleplay, but the whole gang/full loot thing gets to me. I usually returned gear to people who haven't full looted me, even Tribunals untill they gang me. But I suppose that's not the point, fire giants aren't nice people and sometimes it's alot of fun making people mad.

I would have tooled you if you didn't rot me, and if I got a fiend off.
16700, RE: Deleted (WANTED) Eclinsan Sriseth
Posted by Dacheal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't believe you forgot me, I was with you so much towards the end. Glad to know that you enjoyed the cabal and bards, I've played one or two myself and liked them as well. Don't know much else to say, just good luck with next, well done, and thanks.

16706, Terribly sorry
Posted by Eclinsan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know how I could forget about you. I was really looking forward to hunting with you, you know what you're doing.

Anyhow, it was nice to have a wood-elf around. And it was especially nice to have someone around who wasn't afraid to fight and lose his gear. Not that gear whoredom is a problem in the grove.

Well, good luck. Wish I could have fought with you more often, we would have made a sick team.
16699, My role
Posted by Eclinsan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok.. I didn't expect much from this character, but at level 49 I figured it might be time for a role, seeing as how I had a philosophy.

My name is Eclinsan, and I don't like to write, though I was told keeping a journal keeps the
mind sharp.

Where should I start. I suppose my first memories.

Instinct drove me to food. Scavenging and picking my meals is hard on the body and spirit. But
what must be done, must be done. One can not pick his food in the winter months, they must
eat what comes along. So, I ate food hard on the stomach, nose, and eyes. It made me strong.

I don't remember how I learned to survive. I don't think I did. Many things come natural to me,
but that is for the better. I learned much from the wilds. I saw how the bears would eat large
amounts of food before the snow. I saw how the sheep would sit on the calm side of the

Food is but one thing up in the foothills. Shelter is quite another. I suppose I would have
been welcome to winter in Darsylon, but my blood makes me anxious around elves. I've been
told I'm a feral elf, but I don't think I am. My ears may be pointed, yes, but elves are loud
and arrogant. They also know nothing of balance. I suppose my point is, wintering in the
foothills is tough.

One day I found a small grove of trees, with a few fallen over. A few branches and leaves, and oddly
the snow didn't come through the leaves, and it didn't melt. It actually made my little den cozier.
Shelter was a tough thing to come by. Nothing taught me to make it, nothing but the thoughts in
my head. But alas, food and warmth came to me. Now, for the long months of boredom.

It's not so bad, being alone. I learned swiftly that humming a little tune is a great way to make the
time pass. And it seems to keep me warm, or at least take my mind off the cold. So with that
knowledge, I've learned to live for.. what must be about four hundred and fifty winters. But
it's not so bad. It's rough living in the north in the snow, yes, but it has balance. The fall gave me
great reserves of food. The spring brought lush edible foilage.

But then I decided to leave for the winter. I don't know why, something told me the coming snow
would be bad. I went away from the mountains. And after a confusing search for home, I found
some trees. Sadly, they were near a city, and not just any city. This wretched place makes
Darsylon look like home. Odd creatures roamed the paths, the stone and wood stolen from the
earth were everywhere. There was even walls, to keep the wretched folk inside it. I suppose
that's for the better, though.

A few paces around the weald revealed an odd thing. I'm not naive, I know some trees are culled
for lumber, but I saw many stumps. They were most everywhere, some stumps burned and
others cut. I didn't know what to think, there was plentiful food but it seemed some were intent
on moving it's life into the city.

Then, I saw a halfbreed. Why, I'll never know, but he decided to chop at a tree, while I was
right in front of him. Such anger overcame me.. I lost myself. I screamed, and the next
thing I knew, I held a mutilated, eyeless head in my hands, with the sharp taste of blood
on my tounge. A few twitches, and a half-hearted scream later, he seemed to collapse.

With that, I fled. I don't know why, but taking his blood was making me think an awful lot. It
wasn't like the hunt of the bear. It was for victory. It was for.. purpose, purpose other than
food. I retreated to the foothills, and wintered in the same grove. The winds were especially
fierce that year.

In time, I learned of the fight. The battle to protect my home. I still don't understand the
reasoning of the wretched. I don't know why the farmers must rape the earth, or why the
dwarves must chip at it's soul. But I do know, it disrupts the balance. And once the
balance of the wilds is gone, neither predator nor prey prevail. All is lost.

It's been many years. I've grown older, and wiser. But the truth is yet the same, and I still
allow my instinct to drive me. Many words.. many foolish words and treaties and rules
and wars. I do consider the grove home, but they seem to be losing sight in what we
fight for. They seem to be preoccupied with personal battles, while the very weald we
travel through many times is being lost. They have lost sight of what we fight for. Their
apathy for the wilds they live in is growing. They make many enemies, they make many
allies who will soon be enemies. I don't know what they fight for. But I do what I think is
right, and I don't take orders from anyone who's not seen a true winter, bitter cold, and
gnawing to the bone.

But I suppose, with the songs I've learned in my days, I'll continue. As long as I can hum
something when the winter comes, I should do well enough. Afterall, life is all I have,
and it is all I can fight for. I do want little else.