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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16635
16635, (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Rockbiter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I totally lost all my passion for playing this character and since he was sphere passion it was definately time to draw him to
a close. Griimbling was first made with the intentions of becoming
a Baron of Entropy right about the time before they were disbanded.
However when he befriended a bluebird he sought out the grove to
show his own since of love for nature. I remained with the ideal
that the wilds were the epitomy of all that is chaotic in nature.
Griimbling was also a bit of shadow of my old druid Dharum and also
became rather ironic when I became the Protector of Turkeys, for
when I was Dharum it was always CHOMP!! CHOMP!!...Then it now became
Gobble!! Gobble!! This was my first leader besides being a Lieutenant and I learned alot and also bittered me quite a bit in Griimbling's latter years. Most of my inductions as many of you might of noticed
were short and sweet, because I didnt expect "Joe Druid" coming to
me with book-like answers and the majority of the time if they didn't
know the answer I would help them along with it. Don't know if I did
all that well as Captain like those before me, but it was a blast to
say the least. After all that time licking the turkey drumstick I got
leader weapon in its image, never got an added power and that sort of
made me think I wasn't doing to well. Griimbling faced a hell of alot of adversity for long time and never till then end cared about dying as long as I had my turkey drumstick I was fine. However towards the
end there I really didnt even bother that much with regearing. When I
heroed I sort of had the intentions to IMM, but I came doubtful it would ever come to pass. I think I became a bit of doomsayer in that matter and thought of the worst cause I don't to fail in alot of things. You Immortals do a hell of job on a many of things and I commend you on bringing us a way of entertainment away from the banter of reality.

Arvam: Thank you so much for the empowerment and tattoo and our interactions it was quite funny. Especially when I tried to get
you to eat those "creamies"...

Saldradien: A great Imm and a blast to talk and liston to. Thank
you with your patience with me and granting me leadership over the
grove and every opportunity you gave me to have fun. You definately
are the heart and soul of the Grove.

Intronan: Thanks for not slaying me all those times I passed through
your shrine gathering herbs. I tried to pay hommage each time by feeding the little raven, and I guess he became a bit of a friend when
he would show up when i was without my turkey drumstick and drop it in
my hands.

Amaranthe: Glad to see you back wish I could of interacted with you a bit more, but you missed a majority of Griimbling's life and growing..

Thrak: Bah!! You and those damned Undead Orcs..

Straklaw and Karakan: You two were fun to battle with...


Sylvans: What can I say I loved you all save for a handful of bad apples in the bunch. A good majority of you have either gone into
hiding or don't show up anymore and sort of became frustrating to
fill in the pieces when we had a good deal of heroes for awhile.

Starkad: You were great to have around and travel with. And a good
priest to the Storms..
Cardiel: Always fun to be around..Was fun that time when we went
after the Rod of Conquest in Dream Land.
Arduarn: Your a beast with those axes, but start showing up a bit.
Eclinsan: Your Perserverance and like myself giving no quarter to the adversities we faced was quite commendable.
Dacheal: Your doing great..Keep up the good Work..
Blachmianan: The best damned Interrogating Healer I have ever met...
Brahaid-Gabeidi: Brahaid was my best friend in my younger years and
Gabeidi was blast to be around as well..Keep up the good work on what your doing now and it will pay off Im sure of that.
Mhreia-Zaelfar-Gillasn: Where the hell did you three go?
Others that stand out in my mind..Berdiff, Grumby, Farbuil, Sandoria, Selequey, Gevanter..All enjoyable...
Gyois-Up yours buddy....

Dalayr, Rhomelanthos, Gre, Broxx, Alarin, Grogim..All of you were great...

Jhaelryna, Darian, Sakard and a few others it was fun...

Jhard, Crimthann, Kalindar, Sao, and the rest of you it was fun opposing you.

The only one I respected even the least was Jesrelres..The rest of you
were either loud mouths or opportunists..

Fortress and goodies-
Lruthlor, Tarnyxil, Yaofhil, Sabiene, Ulvhamn, Ulthur and the rest of you were enjoyable.

Thornarcrull and the others..Ill just keep my thoughts to myself because I care care not for any flame wars to began..

Others that come to mind though I probably missing alot...

Bhagavan, Nurwon, Malinrin, Itrasin, Gastaad, Jhalstruvv, Moligant, Purlota, Hvetlin, Narissa, Aneriasha...All of you were fun to interact with...

Thanks also to Oddjob for all his advice and help with the druid class...
Its late and if Im missing anyone feel free to post and Ill respond.
Especially Immortals who might have took notice and would care to critique the good and the bad of Griimbling..

PS. A very fond farewell to my little Bluebird and my turkey friend Gobbles..Ill miss you both...Its time for Griimbling to take a long and overdue bath...

My Description and Role that will explain a bit and how and why he acted certain ways....

Your description is:
Before you floats a massive cloud giant, his very presense towering
well over 9ft in height. He has a thick hide almost similar to that
of a pachyderms. His body is a bulky mass of muscles that bulge out
to the point that he appears to have no neck to speak of. His anvil
like head is flattened and void of any sign of hair. Long arms form
out from his wide shoulders dragging along the ground below kicking
up dirt and debris. His hands bare knife-like yellow claws that are
quite unusual for his race. A wide jaw with a massive underbite and
fixed in a grin, seems accustomed to gnawing on some poor sods arm.
His tiny squib ears seem squashed back towards the back of his head
as they constantly wiggle with delight. His large bright green eyes
practically shine with intelligence and craft,continuously scanning
his surroundings with a look of curiosity and whole hearted passion.

<386hp 374m 736mv waxing wilderness outdoor 11 PM> role
Your role is:
Added Mon Dec 9 01:17:58 2002 at level 11:
Griimbling is and odd sort amongst his race, as he comes from a tribe of cloud
giants that have forsaken the major populaces of Thera and chosen to live a
live of seclusion deep within the jungles of the Ysigrath. His tribe lived daily
life amongst the wonders of the wilds and embracing its beauty and even more
its horrors. For his people were the gardners of all that is chaotic in nature. His
people tendered the wild vines that twist and turned within the jungles. They
made it their mission to kick up the earth and expand the streambeds so their
raging waters would grow and engulf what lie ahead. They saw duty in pulling
the young saplings of the mighty oaks out from under their parents shadow
and bring life a new to desolate regions. For centuries they have worked to
optimize and evaluate the variety and vitality of their woodlands, and do so
without the bother of the outside world. This is where the story of Griimbling
begans, as he shared all the values of his people, yet longed to experience the
wonders that remained hidden from him up to this point in his life. His tribes
elders taught that the outsiders of the jungle were in fact demons and woe to
those that leave the sanctuary of their people. However Griimbling wished to see
these demons himself and his constant curiousity kept him up many a moonlit
night peering above the starlit treetops dreaming of the wonders that may lye
beyond. So one day Griimbling gathered up some fruits and water and some
personal belongings and started along his journey. making his way through
the village various members of his tribe yelled out in their native tongue in a

demeaning manner, "Griimbling-berk!!! Where go you!! Griimbling-berk is
fool think he make way to demon lands!!!" But Griimbling was so lost and
focused in his endeavors he heard not a single word and kept moving along
in a constant stride grinning from ear to ear. Creeping up the edge of the jungle
he pushed past through thickets thick as fog and came out upon a sandy beach.
There before his eyes was vast ocean of raging waters, as storm brew above
bringing forth flashes of lightning upon the waters waves. Looking out upon
the horizon he saw a grand city past a dense weald and could only wonder
what it could be. With a leap of enthusiasm he bound forth and road aloft the
winds of the storm to the marvelous sight ahead, his passion boundless to
the new world that was just in his reach.

Everything is completely new to Griimbling, just as if he was a babe straight out
from his mothers womb. Witnessing and taking all in from surrounding events
and happenings will lay a new path for Griimbling just as a child learns from the
start. He still retains a oness with the chaos that is nature and the wonders it
holds, but is eager to learn of the outside world and all it has to offer. This tends
to become confusing at times with those that share his company for he learns
from each encounter that he has and takes a little in each time. Once he was
traveling along the countryside and happened upon an orc gnawing on and
elves arm and took it upon his self to waylay the next person he happened upon

and ripped his arm off and began chewing on it like it was a normal occurence.
His teachings that all denizons of the outlands were demons has him greeting
people as demons. He has picked up various words from the different races
patterns of speech and have jumbled them together in some unsual form of
dialect that can be confusing at times. His every action can lead one to believe
that his is borderline insane or completely dimwitted and out of the ordinary.
To this day he continues to grow and learn and even pass along in his own
way the wonders of the untamed wilds and keep a steady grin of all the wonders
that may lay ahead of him....

Added Fri Jan 3 08:05:44 2003 at level 30:
Griimbling's learning continues, as he has reached the plateau of
discerning the ills that plague the wilds and its pain has reached
deep into his heart. Over the years he has witnessed willful and
utter defilement of various forested regions of this new found
land of his. Remembering his bondage of his former life, secluded
deep within the Ysigrath, the one constant of that former life was
to protect and to nurture the "untamed ways" of the wilds. He has
traveled with with the orc and drow in his younger years to learn
of there ways, and what has been learned has left nothing but and
utter sourness upon his tongue. Constant attacks by these same
demons upon his person is attack on the "untamed wilds' themselves

in his eyes and deserves no quarter in retaliation for this vile
atroscity. Griimbling sees the wilds as his own playground in his
childlike eyes and so many have disturbed his playing so to speak.
So now he must draw upon his passion and feed his hunger upon those
that would invade his right to frolic and play.

Added Wed Mar 12 14:06:42 2003 at level 51:
Griimbling continues to stand strong against the plights that
plague the wilds and continues to learn a plenty of his place
among the trees. He has been granted the task of leading the
wolves of the grove to the eutopia they so long to seek and
teach younger cubs the beauties and horrors of the wilds. He
stands firm in his war against the Tower of Warlocks those of
the Tribunal of the Spire, and will not waiver in his thoughts
and convictions that they are too deeply part of the poisons
that bring cries to the nature. As priest to the Lord Arvam he
holds true to his passions and even his overindulging, as he
has become quite fond of his creamies and other sustenance that
he so wishes to devour. Doing so he has become quite obese over
the years, and at times takes the brunt of many a joke over it.
However his childlike intellect suggests he sees it as a sort
of companionship amongst the wolves and dismissed it lightly.
His stench and filth is an entirely different story to say the
least, as he has become a bit afraid of the waters and has not
bathed in many moons. He has become a haven for an odd sort of
lice, fleas, tick, and everything imaginable. He refers to them
as his "Creepy'en Crawler'uns", and though they bring him a bit
of agitation, he puts up with them granting them a home. He has
become constantly sick with the common cold because of his very
unclean habits, his nose constantly red and running with snot.

*Various things asked...Many things answered...*
His greeting to his friends has posed many questions from various
sorts, the only plain answer would be a confusion of meaning on
his part. When he was young in his village he was always called
the name Griimbling-berk by the villagers. Young Griimbling asked
his parents the meaning of the term, but to not hurt the feelings
of their child they told the meaning of "berk" to be friend. Yet
its real meaning unknown to him even to this day, however means
"Village Idiot".

Two little ones the wilds he holds bountiful friendship with is
a beady bluebird, he likes to call Mischief. Seemingly always
popping up out of nowhere and pecking at his head, He loves his
little friend, as he gives him a rich source of creamies. These
creamies however, would turn the stomach of less hearty indivdiual
as the creamies are in fact bird droppings of his friend. But no
matter how many times he is told by others, he cannot comprehend
that its not food. The little bluebird has been known to retrieve
Griimbling's turkey drumstick on occasion when it is being lost.

His second little friend is turkey he named "Gobbles", as he made
friends with this turkey when he saved his family from butchers
that were slaying them upon Western Darian roads. Griimbling became
known as, The Protector of the Turkey Nations. He continues to this
day to keep and everwatchful eye over his turkey friends safety.

Lastly but not least is his turkey drumstick, as it has posed a many
a question amongst his friends of its meaning. He sees it as symbol
of the horrors of nature kind, what can happen if his passion falls
lost. Yet his passion still tells him that with loving care, perhaps
just perhaps he can bring the fallen turkey back with new life and
vigor. His constant licking is sort of caressing, yet over the years
the turkey drum has become nearly hard as rock and quite so can be a
most formidable weapon if he so chooses.

Griimbling has taken on the name, given to him by his wild-eyed
friend Gillasn, Griimbling The Huge. Most likely due to the fact
that Gillasn constantly teases him over his large girth, but as
always Griimbling sees the teasing as form of friendship, and so
he continues to go by such name.
17125, I have a short question
Posted by A sylvan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always wondered what you had to do when you dropped link on different occations, suddenly and without warning. Sometimes it was a bit inconvenient because it was in the middle of fighting, but I knew it wasnt because you were affraid to die next time the raiders came. Care to explain?
17878, I can explain this quite easily...Two Reasons...
Posted by Dan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First one....
My Girlfriend hated with an extreme passion that I was playing Cf and when she would come over with out telling me...Zap!!

Second one....Towards the end there my server was acting like #### and continued into when I started up Onar...Onar was even worse to the point I had to tell Starkad in a roundabout way what was going on..

16883, *growl*
Posted by Nycoe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
BLah not even honorable mention for all those time I spent in the wood. Always fun hanging around with druids. Miss you
16764, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Brahaid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah I am sorry to see you go, I loved Griimbling he was the coolest, growing up with him and seeing him develop was the best, Luck to you with your new characters in whatever they may be.
16734, I knew you were Dharum! Good job though man. Rest up and come on back now! nt
Posted by Selenquey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16711, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very constructive.

You believe we shall just sit and wait for your hordes to pick us alone? Nonsense. Flame war will not begun, since none of us are interested in that.

So, you are throwing insults not only to me (mainly to me, since I kinda symbolize empire at the moment :) ), but to many many other players, who are, to tell you truth, might be far better than you are. Sorry, no offense. ;P

And... bah. You will see soon.
16712, Don't start your crap here Thornarcrull...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please in all of your infinite wisdom that stretches beyond all mortal men and women, point out anywhere where I called myself the end all be all of a roleplayer or PK'er..Please!?!? Show me? And when did I inherantly insult you in my posts? Please!?!? Show me?

Enough Said...
16713, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Zepachu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't want to start a flame war but I just could not let this go past.

1) Saying you "symbolize Empire at the moment" is not something that should be stated on this forum, that's assuming it is even true.

2) "You will see soon." is not something that should be shared OOC, either.

3) You also state that these 'other players' might be 'far better' than Griimbling. I don't know what criteria you're basing that on, but please, don't force me to make a thinly veiled comment about your eloquence. (Oops, I might have just did.)

4) You can't say "Sorry, no offense." after you round-aboutly insult someone. It means nothing.

5) I have seen all your replies to the recent deletes and such, and you always have some sort of "I'm on a high horse" comment, so here's some friendly advice:

a) Keep it in game. Comments you make here, no matter what the rules say about people "not having knowledge of the Otherworld or Other characters" you know they do. If you insult people here, they'll find a way to hunt you in CF. It's that simple and it's human nature.

b) It is obvious English is a second language of yours, and while that may have no bearing on your RP or your accomplishments in game, you need to realize that that is a 'faulty' trait of yours, and everyone is entitled to them. Come down off your soap box here in these forums and stop insulting people. It only makes you look bad and tarnishes your current character since you're posting with that name.


16823, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by BloodnAshes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You do not symbolize the Empire, Thornarcrull. Zekasiq does. I think you should look around yourself, and see if you really garner the respect you think you do. Zekasiq is the only one worthwhile, and you know it. Bah...you will see soon.
16709, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Dacheal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks Griim. I'm glad I got a chance to be in the Warders under you. I might not be there long, but who knows what will happen in this game. Again, glad to have interacted with you, and good job.
16702, Nice one..
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, you were funny as hell to watch...in the good way. The creamy thing was just priceless, and I remember early on how it was fun kinda easing you into the 'real' world. You did a real good job with making it seem like you were really foreign to everything going on. I also really liked how you blended speech. You'd say some things in felar, some in stormish, and kinda mesh the languages we had together. Sadly...as things grew on I couldn't watch as much, and didn't interact with you as much as I would've liked, but every moment I did was pretty golden. Good luck with the next!

16781, Thanks..
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for everything...It was fun having that growing up period and the "funny" part of you having to explain a few things of what I was doing that was odd. One thing I wanted to ask you...I lost all my logs from my computer and the one I really wanted to save was the one with You, the bluebird, and I in your shrine..Is there anyway that can be retrieved by chance? I would appreciate it..

My email if its all possible to do...


16697, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gonna miss getting smacked in the head with that drumstick. I really enjoyed interacting with you and watching you do interviews. I have to admit, I like to challenge applicants a little harder, but, I find it is for their own good, not to be a hardass. Any more explaination should be ic.

You attitude during good times and rough seemed to be on an even keel most of the time, which is something to be admired in a leader. Even if you didn't open the rp with those you didn't like, I can even see that as part of your entropic past playing part.

All in all, I am glad that you were around to induct me and that I got to spend quite a bit of time interracting with you.
16674, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, we ranked up together when I played Omian and even camped some on eastern :) good times, good times. Even later when I played Karnif we interacted, though not as much. I enjoyed your character just like everyone else. best of luck with your next thang :P
16673, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Tavish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sent my scroll to sylvan just as the strawberry died, and I watched you go from lieutenant to captain, to dead. All around you had a very strong character and I enjoyed talking to you, even if we often were not on at the same time. I am sorry towards the end of your life I stoped showing up. I got killed several times in one day and decided to take a couple weeks off from Tavish. I am back and playing strong now, I hope Starkad does as good of a job as you did, Good luck with you next char, see you in the fields
16671, Neat character, but
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to admit I was disappointed that the RP you showed to your cabal and friendly characters was a lot of times so completely lacking with your enemies. I have to admit I wondered more than once if you had your client set up to just gag their tells/says/etc. because for all the response I saw to many of them, you could have.
My thread on gameplay has my view on that.

Other than that, great job. I have to admit I was skeptical when I saw a Entropy app go to Sylvan but you did much better with it than I expected.
16693, That advice is good...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I understand what you mean with playing one side and ignoring the other. I can at times as a player get into the mindset..Oh he is the enemy and why should I be happy and go luck with him. I see what you mean though. Some I think I did interact with, for example Straklaw and Narissa before she began running around with Thorn. And Ckroeg and I had heated words to each other alot..I think towards the end there I got frustrated with the jabs or annoying tells I would get from people. No I didn't have gag on my client or anything. A person who comes to mind that borderline drove me crazy with his tells was the invoker that got mad we began hunting him. He was going around setting fires to forests and just barraging me with tells of his every action and dozens of insults. So to try to get the point across I was getting annoyed by all the tells, I would just reply, "Ye so funny!!" Then when certain younger Tribunals would spout trash to me and if I felt it was crossing a line of roleplay and annoyance I would reply in the same matter...I understand what you mean in certain aspects and I appreciate you for pointing that out, so I can better myself characterwise in those situations..

Thanks Nep..

16787, I was wondering how you justified your actions IC... here is how I saw it.
Posted by That invoker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From my perspective, I had made every attept to be at peace
with Sylvan, as my real intention was to fight Tribunal. I had
been given the etched dragonscale pendant by a Sylvan because I
absolutely refused to fight Sylvans. I went to greet two Sylvans
who jumped me, but I continually fled, though they hunted me down
because I was in the shadow grove.
Here we have the situation that I cannot fathom. I'm not criticizing,
but I just don't understand how you could have reacted this way.

I say I'm willing to forgive the transgression, if you admit it was a
transgression, and give me my things back. You say no. You know I am an invoker, an the powers that I have that can be used to harm nature. Finally I say, give me my things back, or I will set the world on fire. Still, you won't give me my things back. So, to illustrate my powers, I set an incendiary cloud outside the rangers and said give me my things back, or the world will burn. You attack me at this point, so I set the grove on fire. My justification was thus... my 'allies' attacked and killed me, if they were willing to apologize, I'd let it go.
From what I can see, this is your POV.
Invoker has the power to be a deadly force against the wilds, but he does not wish to be. We just killed him because he has travelled with an Orc to kill Paladins (who are not our allies) on two occasions. Now, we can piss him off forever by not apologizing, or, we can get him to not destroy the wilds by appeasing him. We will decide not to return his things.
How do you, as a character justify the burning of (my incendiary cloud is up to 90%, mostly from usage in the wilds) thousands upon thousands of trees and forest creatures, just because I travelled with an orc on two separate occasions (which I has permission from Sassmi to do as long as I didn't attack Warders). Hell, I even killed Straklaw once. (Which I told you) Personally, I saw this as bad RP on the Warders part, and I have had three. It is my new opinion that Warders are worse for attacking non-caballed non-enemy people for kills than villagers are. I really tried to see how you could justify the whole thing, but I was at a loss, so please explain.
16816, How many times did I explain this to you IC, and yet you still dont get it...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now that you can see Griimbling's role, you can see a main part of his personality. Taking that in consideration, he had spotted you on
several different occasions traveling and hunting with Straklaw and other known defilers. We will use you hunting with Straklaw for and example first. Griimbling saw this as a way of you helping to preserve the Straklaw's existance, helping him to grow stronger and
gain in power. Further more by doing so willfully admitted he had a right to continue on existing. The fact your clothes were looted, not by Griimbling but other warders, didn't matter squat to Griimbling.
You stood at the ranger believing you wanted a appology for your death and the clothes being taken, but were dead to hear the reasoning by it. Your main excuse was....But..But Sassmi gave me permission to travel with the orc, as long as I didnt hunt any warders. What in the hell? Am I moron? A previous Captain basically told you it was alright to help an orc gain in strength, which as a sidenote was one of many reasons Griim thought Sassmi was too soft.
My reply to you, Do I look like Sassmi? I think not...So to further twist the dagger so to speak, you go out and set the forest ablaze outside by the ranger in spite. That was the last straw in Griim's eyes, as it was basically a gesture of you spitting in his face.

I hope this helps to better explain it one and for all..
And next time if you go that route which you did..
Do take in consideration the barage of tells your relaying to another player and when starts crossing the line of RP and utter and complete spam...Give it a rest for bit...

16828, Ok, that part I understand....
Posted by That invoker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My point is, even if it's true, look at it from a logical
standpoint. How many orcs are there in Thera? We'll say thousands as a round number. Your willing to trade thousands and thousands of trees, entire wildernesses, and countless wild creatures just to get this guy who isn't even an orc, but travelled with an orc on two or three occasions. Does that mean you'd be willing to destroy all wilds on the face of Thera just to not even kill an orc, but to kill five people who have travelled with orcs? This was the point I was trying to get across to you. A good sylvan should be there to protect the wilds, not just wreak vengeance upon those who kind of might hurt the wilds a little bit. That is why they do not let evil people be Sylvans, and that is why they took away the Sylvan's uber-powers. I was in Sylvan when it happened. Sure, you got this one guy who travelled with an orc, but look at what the cost was. Unless it was your intent to play a character who had no actual love for the wilds, and only hate for those who actually sort of, in a way might be considered defilers, your character was being poorly played. Sassmi saw the threat that an invoker who is pissed off at the wilds holds, and saw that the threat of making me an enemy was greater than letting me travel with an orc.

PS. I didn't start the fire until after you attacked me, I started the incendiary cloud to show you that I had the power to start a fire, but rather than protecting the trees, you attacked me, forcing me to carry through on my threat to start the fire.
16829, What your implying is no way logical...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically what your stating is The leader of the Sylvans should turn a blind eye to you aiding in orcs survival and growth in power in fear of retribution on your part based on the powers of your guild. Ill give you and example from a different view. Say and and invoker like yourself was aiding a necromancer in finding his ingredients for his elixir. Should I inherantly let this pass blindly and take no action. I would think that would be a poor show of devotion to the wilds to allow that invoker to "aid in the necro's survival and ultimate growth in power to become a lich" if I were to sit idley by in fear of some sort of retaliation. What your saying is basically I should cower under your potential power, as your character uses that as a sort of leverage, so that he can work both sides of the fence so to speak. As for you setting fires in retribution and thinking Griimbling was wrong in not turning a blind eye...
In doing so you solidified his belief that you were in the same league as any other defiler..For why would one with even a remote sense of care for nature use there power as a means of leverage...

16670, I hate to be the lone sour voice...
Posted by permanewbie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

And I am sure you did well and all, given the imms who liked you.

But to me, in my interactions with you through Lachis and a few other characters...

You're rp and emotes were the culmination of "carbon copy" "stupid-funny" barons and baron wannabe's that I have had the displeasure of interacting with for the past 7 years.

I am probably wrong, but the kind of rp that I saw in my interactions with you were EXACTLY EVERYTHING I saw that I thought was wrong and stupid with the Baron cabal. Yes, I have had barons before. Two. One of them was actually a "stupid funny" after a run of 5-6 characters who weren't but couldn't get inducted. At the end, I just couldn't bring myself to do the "stupid funny".

There *MUST* have been more to your rp than that utterly moronic annoying licking of the turkey drum...otherwise I would have to re-think my respect for the imms that gave a Baron wannabe the captainship....but I never saw it in any of the interactions I had with you.
16692, Both of your characters...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Were on the other side of the fence and never got to truely see some of the things I was up to. To better explain it if I were opposing you and we were enemies Im sorry but Im not going to frolic with you in a sense of kinship like Griimbling had with many. It be like putting Bush and Sadam in a room together..But I do understand what Nepenthe said, and by the time Lachis was getting older I was bit grizzled towards any Tribunal..

16750, RE: I hate to be the lone sour voice...
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hated stupid-barons as much as the next man... so much, that I helped destroy the Barons. Griimbling was more than that, sorry you didn't see it, but I watched him a good bit. Stupid? Yeah. Funny? Yeah? stupid/funny? No. Sylvan imms seemed to agree as well, as did his patron God, and we all watched him a good bit.
16666, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Duegalauth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you know that hurts really dose, was never opertunistic, loud mouthed to the extreme but Rp ;) anywho you got really jumped when jamain got his form that could find you camod, I still dont get your ideas for the WAR against the spire thing I mean, Id rutinly kill three or four warders a day, dosent seem liek a leadrly thing to not surrender under any conditions even when your grove was getting burnt to the ground, ohh well, Guess i got less courage or more brains ;) Luck to you and I was never an opertunist I fight 3/4 of the warders in the city without my guards no matter the situation... even if they were wanted so HMPH!
16691, See my reply to Farnsworth....nt
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16664, Damn..
Posted by Eclinsan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good captain, and your character had funny roleplay to keep spirits up. Just a shame you became captain as the tribunal grew in power, and now the lich is about. There's going to be some hard times for Sylvans.

But you were a good captain, and you were always fun to interact with and hunt with.

Have fun with your next character, and I thought you were Dharum.
16690, It was good to have you along with me...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun traveling around with you and hunting with you. And even more fun when you would approach me when you had your moments of questioning certain things we opposed. I hoped to have helped and cleared certain things with those matters in your mind.
Who were you playing when I was I Dharum?

16663, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Luriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go, it was fun to hang around gobble-gobble- griimbling.. Btw, were you THE 'rockbiter' too, some freaky druid some time ago. Anyways, well done, good luck on your next one.

Luriel aka Tarnyxil
16661, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by The_Prendac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Farewell, Griim-berk. You were a blast to have around. Many good times. See ya in the fields.
16659, NOOOO!!!
Posted by Sandarina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why you had to go? I liked you much, still you lick
almost everything you find in the forest, and that orc
head, yak! :P take care and we hope to see you soon :)
16689, Poor little Jaguar...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn that had to suck on your part when the other jaguar showed up to raid and here I am sporing and thornhearting you to death..

I liked Sandarina alot

Griimbling holds up the severed head of Straklaw and licks it feverishly, as he pokes the eyes out and begans eating them.

16658, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's a shame. Not sure how you saw me as either a loud mouth or opportunist in our dealings, but I thought Griimbling was a solid sylvan character and a fine enemy. I hated you, as I should, and there was more than just silence between us, which is less common than one would think.

I do remember you begging for the turkey headdress back after the first or second time I killed you. Having never heard about your turkey roleplay I had no idea it had some special value and I'd destroyed it already I think. When you died all those times later you either didn't have it or I wasn't going to return it anyway. I did feel a twinge about that, since rp items I like to return, but it just wasn't going to happen - an evil vindicator returning to a high profile criminal and cabal enemy during a cabal war.

Good luck with the next.
16688, Those comments were not directed towards you...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hated Farnsworth as a character, but that was obvious and I respected you as player because you would never have been a Vindicator if you weren't doing something right. The only thing I didnt agree with what you did was..

1. When we would raid to get the Sapling back we would become wanted..
2. You would use your guards when we had no criminals to raid..

Those two things soured me a bit, but its always easiest to point fingers from the other side of the fence. And I probably dont know the whole story on the thing..But anyway you were fun to oppose, and no when I say loudmoth and oppurtunists..Its directed to a just few that our in there now. Loudmouth as in sending me a barrage of tells calling me a ####, old man, whore, and anything borderline annoying just to get a rise out of me..Opportunist as in well...Two people come to mind there..*blinks*

16657, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, my first mention in the "Immortals" section of a farewell. You were fun to fight with, since we beat on each other a lot more than most other druids I fought...other fights tended to be either the druid or me dying really quick. Course, I enjoyed irritating you even more than the fights. I came closer to dying more than a few times just because I was rolling from running up, regurgitating a dozen or so turkey feathers, then running, or spinebreaking you and doing that.

Hopefully I'll cya around soon enough. *coughs up one last turkey feather*
16687, Damn regurgitating orc...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was priceless when you did that in front of me...

As a player I was like..No he didn't....
As a character..Thats one dead orc.....

I think if I remember right I slayed you later on for that and gave a steak of your corpse to Thrak. The funny thing was you never caught that Sandarina metioned was with the Orc head..You had been slain and you head was cut off and doing some sick things with it...

16655, So long Turkey boy!
Posted by Lruthlor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lruthlor always has affinity for oddballs, and those who others might call misfits. I always had a blast interacting with you and coming to stomp on evil people who violated the Shaw (yes that's Lruthlor venacular for Grove). You definitely played a great druid, looking forward to see what comes next.
16654, Feh!
Posted by Sakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm first you putted me with Scions? Heh. I wanted you dead so much! I hated the goddamn hunt and had some trouble trying to fight you other than fullmoon since it was either raids or either gangs on your or my side. You got me good at Kiadana-Rah since I did not expect you to kill me nor loot me but that's life.

Good luck with your next.
16653, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, W...
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you sure were an amusing character, though I often wondered how a character like Griimbling could ever very effectively lead! I think you did a fairly admirable job of attending to your leadership duties while still keeping your quirks intact, even though those same quirks sometimes made your job more difficult. Your use of Blachmianan as your "interrogator" to make up for that was great.

I did interact with you a bit more than you realize. The turkey drumstick was my doing, though, you can thank Alsyrith for bringing it to my attention that you never did receive a leader weapon up until that point. As for any other acknowledgements, well, I know how close you've been to deleting for a while, so much so that I'd jest about changing your sphere to "Rage". *grin* So for next time, you may keep in mind that if you are looking for more acknowledgement up from our end, teetering on the edge of deletion isn't precisely the best way to motivate us. :)

Still all in all, a good character. I regret that I wasn't around earlier to see Grim-berk become the crazy little giant he turned out to be.
16686, Yes my rage was getting obvious...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Red faced at certain things didn't help a whole lot. I can remember a good deal of times when I got slayed there at the end just swearing like a madman and in character..*chuckles*
Griimbling says, "God damnit"!!
Griimbling says, "Im tired of dees ####"!!
Not good...
Thank you for turkey drumstick it did boost my morale for a bit there. And yes I loved using Blachmianan in that sense and just wished he would of got titled for doing so. It would of been quite fitting, but now I see he got something even better. Thank you for the critique it helps to understand so to improve on with what ever comes next...

16652, Gobble! Gobble!
Posted by Oddjob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well what can I cay man it sucks to see this since I really want you as a character, as well as you as a player to succeed as much as possible. I think you deserve it. I loved Dharum, Caviezel and of course Griimbling, and had the pleasure to interact with each one with different chars. One thing I am rather happy about is the fact that you listened to me about not charging in headlong into every fight when you are the captain. You are much more important to the cabal when you arent con-dead. Leaders should lead and command and not spam die, they are no good then. That said I am still surprised you lasted this long, though I know your CON was waning. In so many ways I am jealous of you as a player because you DO the things that I dream I could with characters. I always start out characters with some unusual and prominant RP in mind, yet it always fizzles away after about 25 ranks and it all gets stale. Yet you, with every character, keep it up right untill the end with unwaivering consistancy. On top of that you have pk skill.

Good luck with your next Dan, I dont doubt it will not only stand out but be successful. Keep in touch.

16685, Man that brought tear to my eye...
Posted by Dan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You helped me alot with many things with advice and what not and I appreciate that. You have disected the druid class and I myself am
proud to be one those you have schooled in a sense. Ill always keep
in touch..Thank you so much..

16648, Chirp!
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked watching you, you were on a good bit in my timeframe. Amusing character, good job. The bluebird will be very sad. Glad you enjoyed him!
16684, Creamies!!!
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The whole bluebird thing was great...I figured it was you..The one time when you came when I was talking to Arvam at his shrine and I tried to get him to eat the "creamies" was hillarious. I was laughing so hard I was crying..Thank you so much...Maybe you will see me around as follower here in the near future cause your great..

16646, Nice job
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I only got to interact(fight) you once with a warlock shifter I was playing, Ceane. (Hyena/Anaconda). You showed up to defend your grove and gave me a good fight. Nice job all around.

16645, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Saldradien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn you, you dirty whore. What can I say? From turkey, to undead turkey, to undead orc, to whatever else I interacted with you as in some form or another, I dug griimbling. I knew it was you (the player) though, the rp followed dharum and that other guy pretty close. That being said... Hell of a character! Sorry I didnt toss you any cookies a while back, but I been in and out these days trying to get a grasp on the game again lately. As far as leadership goes, you did a fine job as Captain, and were generally just fun to rp with. I almost peed myself when I read that first response to Jamain I was laughing so hard. Unfortunately alot of people got missed or overlooked by me this past month or so while I've been dealing with the treachery of real life. Generally I'd say if you hadnt heard anything about your leadership style it's usually a good thing. There are a few characters here and there that make interacting fun for me. Characters that I think... what if a turkey followed him around. Or, what if I sent a random nonsense dream to them how would they react. Or... man they're talkin trash to Thrak, maybe Thrak gets even. So my point, I thought I had one, is I enjoyed this character on several levels. I'm hopin to see you again in some form or another down the line, because Griimbling was fun. Fun for me, fun for other imms, and I'm hoping fun for you. Best of luck on whatever comes next.

16683, You made it really enjoyable....
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every little interaction I had with those said things was blast. And I sure as hell knew I was going to get my ass thumped when I was talking trash to Thrak, but as Griimbling charcter suggested he was too dumb to understand it was a no..no..Talking to a Orc lord like that. I know what were talking but with me replying to Jamain and it being funny, but I can't for the life of me remember what the hell I said. What the hell was it..

16644, Ugh!
Posted by Starkad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Starkad loved Griimbling untill the day you made peace with the tribunals, after that moment he got a bit disgruntled at you. You were a great captain to be Lieutenant under(thanks by the way), and you kept the grove in healthy condition.

I noticed a drop in the YAY!!'s when you were around, and I noticed a large drop in playing hours. So I kinda knew this was coming quite soon, either as a con death or delete. In a way I expected con since I got a tell from Jamain when it was at its worst, that you almost instantly died of rot.

Good luck on your next creation!

16682, Your going to do well....
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Starkad alot and I wish you all the best in your new duties as Captain. And yes it did come a bit obvious on your end and the IMMs end with my morale being a bit beaten.

16641, Finally gone eh?
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah you were probably one of Nurwon's closest friends in the younger/middle years and then came down to us fighting each other :-P I really tried to keep my role from having Nurwon turn on the warders but it was inevitable. ah well it made it all the more interesting if you ask me. I'm pretty impressed how you kept Griimblings personality going 24/7 like that. Theres no way I could keep talking like that and responding to everything with "YAR!!" every waking moment :). very nice and good luck on your next turkey king!
16681, A shame...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a shame we had to come to blows like we did, but it was inevitable. Griimbling just couldn't get in his head that you
would befriend a drow and saw that as a stab in the back. On talking the way I did, I had a bit of practice with Dharum doing that and at times when you have been playing hours on end it can do hell to the way you talk in real life.

16640, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Gillasn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn man, you were a complete blast and a great captain in my eyes.

Well yeah I know I havent logged on recently but im kinda losing intrest, ive lost my drive to rank and play as Gillasn......Im hoping that having a short break will give me more vigor ro play. If not then I will end up deleting too.....:(

I had been hoping to see you lately to make fun of you/try and get you to have a bath/poke your big fat gut/warn the bear not to let you sleep near it lest you roll over it *wince*

Who would have thought what I named you owuld become your title :)

Well at least I impacted you in away, cause you sure did to me. You were so fun to be around and apart from getting those herbs I learned alot from you. For that all I can say is thanks.

Its people like you that make me want to play more sylvans. And I most likely will :)

If you want to contact me my email is who_cares_inc@hotmail.com

Keep well
16679, It was fun...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun poking jabs at you and Griimbling's character was a bit dimwitted to understand your jabs were making fun of him, but he shrugged it off as a sort of kinship between the two of you.

Now you can never give me a bath!!!

And PS..

Griimbling says, "Gillasn-berk!!! Wut duh hell ees dees een da pond'um!!"

Griimbling yells, "I said'um no pee pee een pond'um Gillasn-berk"!!

16639, Sigh...
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why are people deleting on me? You another one, do I have to keep saying goodbyes? Well played and you stuck to your character and as a good warder in spite of all those jabs I made at you. Truly fun when either you and sylvans were hunting me, or we were hunting you. In spite of odds, you still came around and survived. Nicely played. Will miss you, gobble gobble.
16677, RE: Sigh...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun to look for and hunt, and think I got you by surprise that one time when you were at the entrance of the scarab temple. I wished I would of got to interact with you more, but in my eyes you went from a solo hunter to hunting with Thorn and his band and I sort of lost a bit of respect for you in that matter. I always imagined you as a rogue of sorts.

16638, Gobble Gobble
Posted by Gastaad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh besides stealing "the mask" I always considered the theft of your headdress and "sceptre" one of my greatest heists.

Good job
16676, Hehe
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man that pissed me off when you stole that and like a true thief would you made me pay to get it back...Well done..

16636, RE: (DEL) Griimbling Griim-berk, the Force of Nature, Warder Captain
Posted by Zekasiq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Griim, well played character. Wish we would have talked more, and, fought more in fact. I recall at least two times that I gated to you half a dozen times to catch up to you and finally finish you over. You're a decent runner, and it seems a nice tactician. When you were in, the Grove seemed more organized in their defense/offense... whereas without it seemed to become a little more haphazard and such. Well anyway, good job, good luck with your next. Glad to see you deleted before the character became a chore and you grew annoyed at it rather than enjoying it.
16675, That was fun...
Posted by Griim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember that, both you and Thornacrull were gating to me like madmen as I was running. Probably out of the three drow healers I was
always facing I respected you the most.
