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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON) <BATTLE> Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1660
1660, (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 28 00:17:57 2001

5 o''clock AM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Sun on the Theran calendar Armand perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:66% (closer to 100% is better)

1661, We Seekers
Posted by Majzetsch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am pathetic, what else to say? By the time you said to me you were about to die I should be expectin you here soon, as a good rager usually con-die....
At least I saw it and can pay my final respects, huh?
I was remembering the few meetings we had. First at the shrine, with Annalena and Anastrianna... I was wondering if you were going to attack them or not.
And after our second meet.. HAHAHA that was ... painful. You were bloodlusted in the forest and I appeared. With the best gear I ever had we were hitting each other like pretty much the same.. and both with maces.. (greeeat parry of ours, huh?) what was that? 800 hp damage to each other in 2 rounds? OUCH!!
After that I guess we had met only two other times, one you preached up my head against the warlocks and I tried to reply you as best as I could and the last one a few before you die, when I got my room-desc changed and I wished you to know a bit more about me. I wanted that cauz I wanted us to hang more together but unfort was too late.. you were about to die already...

I have been readin ALL notes here and they all say way better than I could about your char, this interesting rager-waterpriest-storm warrior I had the pleasure to get to know. Just sad we could have find the time to discuss our ways of the water, yours and the death-cold one of mine.

Sorry if I can't say see you soon, cauz I really need a break
1662, Also, check Bessian's post (15 more mess there) And more on battle/seekers.
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well.. I thank you for remembering me...
I do too remember the first few meetings
we had within the shrine.... I think the first
time I met you I was about level 20 or so.. And
really had little danger of fighting with Annalena..
Then about 5 or 6 days later I was in hero range...
And that is when it really became interesting.. It
was very difficult to raid at times because I could
not kill the seekers of the tower...But the challenge
of Armand is what really made him fun.. taking on
tons of foes kicking some ass and watching in disbelief
as two ragers take on five warlocks.

I was planning on making another rager.. but With
Intronan as leader.. they would grow to powerful.. .and
it wouldn't be as much fun anymore... So. I decided
to play another underdog.. now that ragers really
arent' anymore...

As for our little tiff in the forest. I had about 300 hp's
when I ran into you... I took about 100 hp's of damage
and got you to convulsing from perfect. :P

As for interaction, I did interact with you as a different
character and I do say you held true to your roleplay...
but I think Armand's dogma was so powerful that nothing
could really change his mind on certain issues.. while
the one I interacted with you with.. was more open to
discussion and so forth.

A pity that you won't be making another lightwalkin
duergar.. since you like em so much... hope to see you
in the fields soon!



P.S. Check Bessian's post on more of the seeker/rager
thing.. There are about 15 posts about it in his farewell.

>I am pathetic, what else to
>say? By the time you
>said to me you were
>about to die I should
>be expectin you here soon,
>as a good rager usually
>At least I saw it and
>can pay my final respects,
>I was remembering the few meetings
>we had. First at the
>shrine, with Annalena and Anastrianna...
>I was wondering if you
>were going to attack them
>or not.
>And after our second meet.. HAHAHA
>that was ... painful. You
>were bloodlusted in the forest
>and I appeared. With the
>best gear I ever had
>we were hitting each other
>like pretty much the same..
>and both with maces.. (greeeat
>parry of ours, huh?) what
>was that? 800 hp damage
>to each other in 2
>rounds? OUCH!!
>After that I guess we had
>met only two other times,
>one you preached up my
>head against the warlocks and
>I tried to reply you
>as best as I could
>and the last one a
>few before you die, when
>I got my room-desc changed
>and I wished you to
>know a bit more about
>me. I wanted that cauz
>I wanted us to hang
>more together but unfort was
>too late.. you were about
>to die already...
>I have been readin ALL notes
>here and they all say
>way better than I could
>about your char, this interesting
>rager-waterpriest-storm warrior I had the
>pleasure to get to know.
>Just sad we could have
>find the time to discuss
>our ways of the water,
>yours and the death-cold one
>of mine.
>Sorry if I can't say see
>you soon, cauz I really
>need a break

1663, So you forgot me....
Posted by Brueno Al'Sifar (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am sad to see you go. I loved talking to you and LOCATING stuff for you. Always had fun with you and Sargon and couple other Ragers. Ragers are kewl. Aleast they dont tell me that I can be "lightwalker" like the Servants. I hope to see you make another char.

Later Priest.

1664, RE: So you forgot me....
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I am sad to see you

I'm still here!

>I loved talking
>to you and LOCATING stuff
>for you.

*hehehe*.. So... know anyone
who has gauntlets of ogre power?
Oh? Really? Howd you find that out..

Always had
>fun with you and Sargon
>and couple other Ragers.
>Ragers are kewl. Aleast
>they dont tell me that
>I can be "lightwalker" like
>the Servants. I hope
>to see you make another
Hehe.. I had fun with you as well..
I'm not sure who it was.. but I was dying
of poison and plague.. and some healer walked
by and I told them if they healed me, I would
kill them.. and they healed me.. Was that you?
Look forward to interacting with you!

As for ragers being alot of fun.. they are.. and I
especially had fun with this one because of my role...
And I've had alllooooot of ragers.. as for rolling
a new one.. I don't think I will.. Ragers are on the
upswing armand created..*wink* Don't want to be part
of the scion bandwagon to follow. I think I'll hang
around the dawnie geeks.

>Later Priest.
See you in the fields, Brueno

1665, Making Captain
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thror: Been thinkin.

Armand: Bout what good Thror?

You are Armand the Knight Hero, level 51, 210 years old (131 hours).

Thror: Bout this filthy bard I once knew.

Armand: *laugh*

Thror: Feller had a tuft O' hair that was matted like the hair on en orcs arse.

Armand: Kastellyn?

Thror: Aye lad. Filthy fella.

Armand: *laugh*

Armand: What of him, saw him bout today..gave this fiery fellow a hut.

Thror: Breath smelled like what comes frem en orcs arse, but surely I won't go there eh

Armand: *laugh*

Armand: You certainly have a thing against orcs.

Thror: When I was a wee lad...

Thror: This fella had used magic te make emself look good en smell even better.

Thror: Villager spoke te em...told em that there was more te bein' a man en findin' a good woman.

Thror: Said ye kent enchant the whores.

Armand: *laugh*

Thror: Many times we are forced te put down our weapons en listen.

Armand: I think I understand your point.

Armand: What made you tell me that story, Lord Thror.

Thror: Lately I've been seein' ye listen a good deal lad.

Thror: Listenin more then yer off warrin. Surely te listen is te learn.

Thror: Te learn is te forge the path O' knowledge...

Thror: En ultimately, knowledge is what wins wars.

Armand: I agree compleatly with you, such is the path of water, Lord.

Thror: It is said...

Thror: that water adapts...

Thror: If there is somethin in the way, it wades about it

Thror: Water will seep through the cracks, though too much will break down barricades.

Thror: but always it adapts.

Armand: Yes, as water faces new challenges, it learns from the past, and with this knowledge can develop new tactics. It would adept to any situation..

* Storm * (PK) Armand the Crest of the Rising Tide, Captain of War

1666, My Descriptions..
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The hulking figure of Armand Ti'Silind stands before you.
He does not carry nor look like most civilized giants do.
His deep sea emerald skin has a dull glossy sheen to it.
His shiny hair waves about the top of his head like
Tendrils of seaweed underneath the ocean waves.
Armand stands nearly four average humans high, quite
big, even for a giant that hails from the wilds of the sea.
On his shoulder is a enormous steel spike, it appears
to be strapped onto his body by straps of hardened lizard skin.
On his elbow, opposite the spike, is a long shard of steel
also strapped to the body of Armand by slithering straps
of hardened lizard skin. His deep eyes reflect nothing
of the purpose of these attachments, but the blood does.

Your description is:
The hulking figure of Aramand Ti'Silind looms over you.
He does not carry himself nor look as most civilized giants do.
His deep sea emerald skin has a dull glossy sheen to it.
Various scars and marks marr his face, several look as if
they are fresh from battle. His shiny hair waves about the
top of his head like tendrils of seaweed underneath the ocean
waves. It looks to have been burned and damage from hard warfare.
Armand stands nearly four average humans high, quite big,
even for a giant that hails from the wilds of the sea.
On his shoulder is an enormous coral spike, it appears to be
strapped onto his body from straps of bloody hardened skin.
On his elbow, opposite the spike, is a long shard of jagged coral,
also strapped to the battle hardened body of Armand by
slithering straps of hardened bloody skin. HIs deep eyes reflect
nothing of the purpose of these attachments, nor the
origination of the skin he used to strap them down, but
the hardened expression he wears, and the blood certainly does.

1667, Got the log of our duel? nt
Posted by Bladjix (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1668, I got a few million Armand Logs.. I'll post them eventually n/t
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Great playin with you... What a difference
cursed hammers makes.

1669, And so... the waters turn brown.. heh
Posted by Arkayvorak (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun CW... when we first started... at like level 1... man you SKYROCKETED fast, damn you hero quick. Neway... always poked fun at your little, be like the waters thing. But all and all a job well done... and dammnit I cant believe you forgot me in your note!!!
1670, BAH!
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your right! I can't believe I forgot you
either.... you were blowing through con
faster than I was! We started our journey
together it is a shame we could not finish
it together... but yes.. I tend to like to
hero fast.. I guess it comes from playing too
many mages.. sub level 30 your rager meat. and I
didn't want to level sit at 41 like so many
other people. The village had no consistant
hero except for Sargon at the time.. So I
went for it.. But yes.. we had alot of great
interaction I really enjoyed your character..
Kinda like an old school berserker.. charging
groups of three and beating the ##### out of them,
and winning or killing one and escaping.. nice job.

I laughed my head off the way you got your title...
That was hysterical... "I want to talk to you"
"BAH! I changed my mind!" .. Arkayvorak, deceptive
combatant of war or something.." Good luck next
life.. see you in the fields.


1671, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Braiden (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well armand, what can I say, we didn't interact all that much with the exception of exchanging greetings, and me coming to watch you raid warlocks. I thought you did a great job, and I am kind of bummed that we didn't get to talk more, but most of the time you showed I was wearing a piece of two of magical gear and didn't know how you would react to it, so I usually just hid and left. Anyways, well done, and good luck on your next.

1672, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by A PO'ed warlock (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Well armand, what can I say,
>we didn't interact all that
>much with the exception of
>exchanging greetings, and me coming
>to watch you raid warlocks.

I just love this part.

"to watch you raid warlocks. "

I think it speaks for itself. Funny, I thought we shared an outer guardian.

1673, Funny you brought that up...
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Well armand, what can I say,
>>we didn't interact all that
>>much with the exception of
>>exchanging greetings, and me coming
>>to watch you raid warlocks.
>I just love this part.
>"to watch you raid warlocks. "
>I think it speaks for itself.
> Funny, I thought we
>shared an outer guardian.

Part of Armands struggle was to show the
servants and maran they had a greater evil
behind their walls.. and rather than fight
another of the light to protect this evil, they
should shun their weakness sorta thing. Most
servants and maran that messed with Armand wound
up dead.. They got tired of defending the warlocks
most of them told me so themselves...


1674, This stings
Posted by Kribli (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have spent some time with Anastrianna and Annalena but Armand and myself seemed to have much aligned paths as far as the religion and role goes. We didnt get to spend near enough time together unfortunately. Ironic that I showed you how to get to the shrine when I was young and then you ended up being a high priest and speaking with me at that same location. I hope I manage to carry on the outlook on the sphere that we both seemed to have, and do it justice. I was really hoping we could spend alot more time on the platform together but things dont always go as planned, I guess I didnt realise your con was so low. Wish you luck with your next incarnation and I hope you come back to the twin mysteries.
1675, AHH! I knew I forgot someone!
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I have spent some time with
>Anastrianna and Annalena but Armand
>and myself seemed to have
>much aligned paths as far
>as the religion and role
>goes. We didnt get to
>spend near enough time together
>unfortunately. Ironic that I showed
>you how to get to
>the shrine when I was
>young and then you ended
>up being a high priest
>and speaking with me at
>that same location. I hope
>I manage to carry on
>the outlook on the sphere
>that we both seemed to
>have, and do it justice.
>I was really hoping we
>could spend alot more time
>on the platform together but
>things dont always go as
>planned, I guess I didnt
>realise your con was so
>low. Wish you luck
>with your next incarnation and
>I hope you come back
>to the twin mysteries.

I really enjoyed speaking with you at the platform..
You are right.. I wished we had more time.. I gave you
a quest to complete for Ilraeth and didn't hear back from
you for quite some time.. I really enjoyed your roleplay
however.. good luck with it! And yes! I remember meeting
you at the inn when I was <10... Your interaction with
Ilraeth decided what religion I would follow and how I
would develop my role! :P You are right.. starnge that
I would be the high priest many years later you are right.

Overall.. Loved our interaction! Thanks again and see you
next life!

Armand Ti'Silind

1676, Sorry to see you go :(
Posted by Serniae Kordeav-Hall (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I had fun talking with you. Great char, nice roleplay. Sorry that our talks were not the greatest nor at a great quantity of time. Thanks. Best of luck.

Serniae Kordeav-Hall, the Heart of the Hummingbird, Servant of the Dawn
*May the wind of faith guide you and keep you always!
1677, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Mithuna (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interesting character, full of contradictions. And I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm sure you thought Mithuna was a complete wimp for taking so long to respond to raids, but you always seemed to hit when I was without servitors. By the time I could conjure, wand up and walk to the fortress you typically had the sorceress half dead already. At least I killed you the one time. What was the deal there? Why not flee earlier?
1678, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Interesting character, full of contradictions.
>And I don't mean that
>in a bad way.
>I'm sure you thought Mithuna
>was a complete wimp for
>taking so long to respond
>to raids, but you always
>seemed to hit when I
>was without servitors. By
>the time I could conjure,
>wand up and walk to
>the fortress you typically had
>the sorceress half dead already.
> At least I killed
>you the one time.
>What was the deal there?
> Why not flee earlier?

Because I could have beaten you still...
A deathblow here.. a cranial there...
Longest fight I had with you was when I killed
your elemental and it was just you and a transplendant
almost had you before you worded... You had a fairly
good roleplay.. I enjoyed our interactions.. Good luck
and see you next Char Mithuna...We had a couple of real good


1679, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Satinka (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God, I will miss you!

Armand was someone I could always count on to have fun with.
Thank you

1680, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>God, I will miss you!
>Armand was someone I could always
>count on to have fun
>Thank you

You were one of the only servants I really had respect
for In character.. Your farm cracked me up.. and I love the
whole doll thing... Tinka Farm.. oh god...But I really liked
how you did not mess with the ragers when we raided you stayed
totally ouf of it.. alot of Servants didn't quite get it.. and
wound up dying... Glad I never had to kill you. Good luck
and see you with the next!

1681, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off, I've had nothing but fun with Armand... A blast
from start to finish.. I can't think of a character in the
past few years that I had as much fun playing, and developing.

I think the major difference was a cool religion.. having a faith
and roleplaying a faith... being the Priest of Water was a huge
part of Armands Roleplay. I can't thank Ilraeth and Thror
enough for their great interaction with Armand thoughtout
his life.. all the challenges... the gifts.. the titles...
You really made Armand fun to be, and brought life to the char.

I will really miss Armand, and I'm POSITIVE I'm going to forget
people I wanted to mention.. but here goes...


Intronan: you and I made an unstoppable combo...I really enjoyed kicking your butt in the rites without taking a scratch. You were great to travel with.. and I'm sure you will make an awesome

Sargon: Thanks for all your help from basically the time I was
inducted until I heroed.. I wished you coulda been around a bit
longer.. but our timelines of life just didn't mesh.

Kraern: I loved your character, even if Armand couldn't stand
you. And I really admire the no glowing/humming items thing..
You are the only rager I've seen that started with that.
And actually stuck with it.

Fulgor: You will be a great leader in the village one day, I know it.

BOULVIEGN: Damn man, you need to log in more.. your character CRACKS ME UP.

Thror: Thanks for the Position as Captain, and the titles..
And even throwing me out of the village.. I think getting
throw out was one of the best things that ever happened to
Armand...I'm glad it was something 'small' instead of major.. so it didn't reflect so badly on his roleplay...

I'm really Glad I got to see the rites.. I've had a rager since Rio got inducted, I think I've seen Rio/Sharisalk MAYBE five times collectivly in the last five months. Bout time we got a damn leader.


Iiljin: You personally took about 4 con. I hate invokers who know what the hell they are doing. Quicksand is a giants worst nightmare.

Tikar: Almost got you at the destructor, deleted you wimp.

Reddyn: I'm up on you still.

Asitrath: We had a few good fights.. Thanks for returning my armor that time. I really hated rearming sometimes.

I pretty much annhilated the rest of you....

Maran: Not many of you really made an impact on Armand
except Bessian.. Garenth and Shokai, Thanks for the interaction
you also had a big impact on Armand. Especially when
Garenth said I've slain more warlocks than half the scion army.


I've killed so many of you, I tried and tried and tried
to get across that killing mages could be seen as a 'good' thing
and while in your eyes.. it was a lightwalker attacking a lightwalker... in Armands eyes.. it was A villager destroying magic.... When I was hunted down by Warlocks.. I tried
to make them realize that it was *NOT* their place to hunt those of the light.. and used this to say that magic was further
corrupting them, for they feared yadda yadda yadda. was always
hard, but still rewarding to roleplay.

As for Multi-killing.. I don't consider a naked offensive
transmuter who can turn into a panther NOT a threat..
In fact.. I'd be more scared of the naked mage.. hes willing
to take more chances since he has no pretty things to lose.


Satinka: You were awesome, great roleplay.. really
really enjoyed what interaction we had.


Iriogam: Pwettiest Ohc Eva! I still owe you 20000 copper.


Bladjix: I had fun with you.. I've learned to fear whip specs while raiding.


Serhanin: The only one that comes to mind, was fun walkin around with ya sometimes.


Zieth: Thanks for your help.. numerous times.. you too Malcore.

Special thanks to Annalena... A great job overall on
your interaction with Armand.. Armand kept a distance from
you for most of his life... and slowly and slowly became..'nicer' to you.. I REALLY enjoyed the tension between
our characters.. and between our beliefs.. it made for
very interesting roleplaying.. and very interesting roles
in general.. keep up the great work.. I'm sure you will
be an immortal of somekind...someday.. Perhaps!

I'm sure I've forgotten someone.. and I'll prolly remember when you yell at me for not putting you in my note... but... here it is.. the role from hell...

Your role is:
Added Sat Jun 9 19:09:24 2001 at level 15:
Born of the waves of the deepest Oceans, Armand Ti'Silind
seeks to be as pure as the water of his homeland. He feels
the spirit's of the walkers to be tainted and unpure
for they abuse the power of the gods, and must be purified.
As water seeks to become untainted, Armand wishes
to cleanse his soul, and as water seeks to flow, Armand
seeks to flow himself in battle. To have the hilt of
his weapon an extension of his being. So as he swings with
each crushing blow, he is flowing, as smoothly as
untainted and crystalline clear water over mossy stones.
Armand feels that if he searches for this taint, and
utterly destroys it, he himself becomes pure, for he is
acting upon the wills of the gods. He feels that in facing this
challenge, he becomes more acute and keen in his abilities,
and actively seeks them out, placing aside all emotional and
ethical feelings, for pure logical action, that must be done.

Added Mon Jun 11 01:44:44 2001 at level 19:
Armand had returned from the waves, to pen a scroll to his Goddess Ilraeth
to his surprise, she stood, clear as the water that bore him

for all to see. He contacted her, and greeted her as he would,
and spoke with her of a many things, most of all, how water
was his being, and how he sought to emulate it with every
pore in his body, every part of his soul and mind. They spoke until
she appeared to him in the inn of the eternal star, where
Armand has rest. Armand politely asked to gaze at Ilraeth, and
when he had, his face went cold and hard, much as ice would.
For he had not seen such beauty even in his days being within the waters
of the deep. She asked him to seek her out in her shrine, a resting
in the clouds, high above the hills. There she said, they would
speak more of his future.

Added Sun Jun 17 20:30:02 2001 at level 46:
The journey of Armand has become as a river would be, winding and
treacherous. He has met and spoken with Annalena, the Oracle of
Ilraeth, on several occasions, and they have spoken of the path he walks.
Ilraeth's place is one of peace, and he has respected his Lady
by not bringing blood upon her shrine. It is there and only
there he has so far met with the Oracle, or any other of Ilraeth's
followers in peace. He speaks only of his unending desire
to be as water would be. Pure of spirit, clear in his mind

and to move only as water would, with great easy and strength.
One day he came to pray to the lady Ilraeth, and the oracle was about
speaking with a duergar of the light. Armand decided to leave his
libations, pray to the Lady Ilraeth, and return to meet his brothers
of the village. It is then Ilraeth appeared to him in the flesh again.
The first he had seen of her since his youth. They spoke of the path
he has travelled, and had made him aware that he only sought to
understand one half of the world about him, for he knew nothing
of magic. Armand agreed with Ilraeth, and has made efforts
to learn all he could of the taint he seeks to destroy, for knowing
of ones enemy and their tactics would give him the knowledge
he needed to succeed in his battles against the walkers who bear
the impurities he seeks to drive from the world.
He has met with the Oracle again, and this time with another seeker,
Anastrianna. They have spoken with Armand of his past, and of his
desires to be as water would be, and his path as a seeker.
Their views vary GREATLY upon the ways of the world, allthought they
both travel the same path to clarity. It is this journey he finds himself
on that he reflects.

Added Sun Jun 17 20:48:14 2001 at level 46:
Armand feels that his quest to become as water would, has brought him
to the village. As he seeks the purity of his home, and within his soul, he
shall continue to do as the gods would bid, and slaughter the magi.
For they represent the great evil, the taint of the world, from which he
seeks to remain pure. He shall continue on his path to clarity, and seek
as much knowledge as he can in his travels. For when the final moment comes
he wishes to have gained the icy cold clarity of pure thought.
He will continue his path of war, and learn all there can be of tactical combat.
He understands he will never be as clear as the waves, if his spirit is
tainted with the magic of the world. The world will never be as the waves were
if the taint of the walkers who aer unpure, continue to polute it. Just as
water would seek to become pure, clear and flow with grace, so shall Armand.

Added Wed Jun 20 20:59:42 2001 at level 51:
Armand has spoken again with Lady Ilraeth in her shrine. It is been found
that the force which has bound him to Ilraeth, is the same bond
that holds all seekers to her. If he to harm another seeker, it would
in turn be an assault upon the Lady Ilraeth herself. Armand feels
that this would be devestating to himself, for to harm his Goddess
for whom he is linked, would likely to do unspeakable things to his body.

Armand shall continue upon his chosen path, seeking to be only as water
would be. To be pure of spirit, and slay those whom bear a taint,
to have increasing clarity of his mind, as to improve his tactical
combat and to flow as water would, to grow strong as water does
and move with the fluid grace of the waves.
Armand has also been spending alot of his time speaking with the
applicants of the village. He sees the growth of the village part
of his responsibility, as to help it grow would in turn
aid Armand in his quest. He has thought about applying for
a position as general of the village. He is unsure if
he would be prepared for such an undertaking, and dose not
want to injure the pride of Sargon, the oldest General of the village.
It seems that Sargon has stepped down from General of his own
will, but wishes to regain the command. Armand does not wish
to make his brother Sargon feel inferior or lesser a warrior
if Armand was to be rewarded the position. He feels that
in his journies an answer will display itself, for as water
flows in it's adventures and seek challenge, it also seeks
purity. This will build upon the strength of Armand, and upon his Character.

Added Fri Jun 22 21:30:31 2001 at level 51:

Armand reflects upon the course of the village, and upon the deaths
of his good friends Sargon and Xenostill. At first Armand was
concerned, for Sargon had not said his farewells to Armand.
Then he was worried, for Sargon was the only hero Armand had seen
rouse from his hut, and Xenostill one of the few besides Intronan
(the newly appointed General), Destial the Gizzard Gobbling Warrior,
and another new villager or two. Sargon was a good friend,
and he was sorely missed from the village. Armand saw him
as a bit of a mentor, for it was him he most sought to for aid
in battle and tactics. Armand realized that in his journey to be
as water is, his path has led him here.
It was then that for the first time, Armand met another hero
Rio, the previous commander of the village. He spoke with Armand
of a great many things of the village, and it's ways. Armand
realized that the pressure he had felt when he found Sargon had passed
was that of responsibility. His quest for purity of his spirit, and
for the clarity of his mind had prepared him for this, and when
he realized his new role within the village, as it's only
hero that awakens from it's huts, he has embraced it. Taking
personally the resonsibility that has been placed before him.

He shall be needed in the coming years, for the village will need
one as pure as the waves to guide it, and one with the clarity
he seeks to possess, for it will prove useful in tactical combat.
He will do his best to speak with all whom seek the village
and help teach them the true path, so they may be prepared for when they
enter the village. Armand feels the most effective way of destroying
the impurity of the walkers is to aid in the growth of the village.
As he continues upon his path and search for Clarity, his
adventures take Armand to yet another challenge he is to overcome.
As usual, all of his previous encounters and expieriences learned
will prove to be vital in his gaining of knowledge. For this
is the way of a seeker. He has fallen many a foe of impurity
in his quest to be pure himself, as water may be. He hopes
to gain the title Disciple of Water, so others may follow his
path, and lead from the err of his ways, so the cycle may
continue once Armand reaches the crystal clarity of icy pure
thought. He hopes to be sought out by those whom seek the same
path of purity he does, and be guidance for those of the village.
For none other besides a handful of stout villagers stand against
the hoard and obliteration of their ways.

Added Sun Jun 24 23:20:09 2001 at level 51:
A great day of war has come, Armand alongside many other villagers defended
against an army of magi. The first time in a longtime the village has
withstood an attack from the warlocks attempting to regain their grimoire.
Armand has been appointed Captain of the village, as well as being honored
as "The Crest of the Rising Tide". His efforts in aiding the village grow
have started to finally realize themselves as it now grows rapidly, life
and villagers building their huts as rapidly as they can, teaming throughout
the village, creating excitement and a sense of brotherhood. No longer
do the magi enjoy the freedoms they have had. Living blindly with
not a care in the world. No longer can they abuse the powers of the gods
tainting their souls and the lands we walk upon. No longer shall this be
the way. Much as water would seek out it's challenge, Armand has continued
to seek out his challenges, facing each and learning, gaining knowledge.
His spirit writhes in purity, and his mind becomes closer and closer
to the clarity he seeks. He travels the lands, searching challenge.
He shall goto his Lady Ilraeth soon to speak of things as they come, it has been
a long time since he has spoken with her of his path. He looks forward to it.
Armand has also penned a scroll, for all of Thera to reflect upon.. He had wrote..
I declare that the overcoming of clinging to the impurities of the

world is possible for a person who knows and sees and seeks, but not
for a person who does not know or see. In this person who knows and
sees and seeks, the crystal clarity eye of truth arises. Seeing the truth,
he sees things are they are. Seeing the truth, the eye is born, knowledge
is born, tactical combat is born, light is born, and the purity and
clarity of water shall flow within you.
Armand was proud of this, for he hopes it brought reflection of the
spirits, and hopes in doing so, knowledge shall be sought, and
clarity found. He sees this as part of his journey, in aiding others.

Added Tue Jun 26 22:07:38 2001 at level 51:
In Armand's path, it seems he has ignored what he should not have.
He had been cast from the village, the lords kind enough to warn
him once, he had disobeyed a second, unintentionally. He has been cast
from his hut, for his ebb within his path. Much as water would do
Armand sees this challenge as a learning opportunity. As water would
do. He learns from his mistakes, and grows stronger with the passage
of time. He has not betrayed himself, but the village, for
him to be an example as he was, yet to make such an err was foolish.
He continues on his path for purity and clarity, much as water
would do, and only grows closer to his goal with this new challenge.

Added Mon Jul 2 17:25:25 2001 at level 51:
Armand awakens from a deep slumber, and finds a scroll next
to his bed. It is from Nuriel, the bard whom had scribed to the
Therans his scroll of the ways of water. It was simple in it's ways
but had great meaning to Armand. It said,
Often through the window, a tower can be seen,
at the top of this tower, your eyes must be keen.
Follow the trail, around the hedge, you'll soon make your way there.
And once you're there, make sure you stop and see if everythings fair.
For there comes a time when you can see, everythings amiss,
Which way is forward? Where am I? Did I just receive a kiss?
Remember who you are, and the paths that you have chosen
For it all comes from within, stand up, don't let your water become frozen.
Now while Armand has been cast of the village, he fears that all will
feel he has abandoned it's ways. That he does not still walk the

path he has chosen. Armand feels he will have to redouble his efforts
to grow and become clearer, much as the water would, and to retake
his position of Captain within the village, restoring his path, and
standing strong against the challenges and the hecklings of the masses.

Added Fri Jul 6 12:30:00 2001 at level 51:
Armand continues on his path, doing just as the waters would
do in their journeys. Armand has faced many challenges
since being cast from his home. He feels confident that
he will soon be living in his own hut again. He has
gained in knowledge, and from his challenges, and it has
brought him strength. He had had his friend bad Nuriel
pen another scroll to the masses of Thera, speaking
a bit of his journey, as he felt it. As with every challenge
new understanding comes about, new knowledge, greater
clarity can be sought, and impurity fought. He penned...
Life is easy to live
for someone unscrupulous,
cunning as a crow,
corrupt, back-biting,
tainted and unpure.

But for someone who's constantly
scrupulous, calculating,
observant, courageous,
pure in his livelihood,
clear in his pursuits,
It is hard.
This is his challenge, his path
and his strength.
Armand felt a greater understanding into the lives of the magi
and why they do the things they do. For it would be easy
for Armand to give up his path, and turn to the ways of magic.
It would be far easier than to stay true to his path, and
the ways of which the waters flow. To do so would taint
his soul and cloud his mind, and he would never find true clarity.
He Continues to stay true to his spirit, and to the ways
of the waters. The blood of magi has flown still much as the
waters of a quick moving river would. Many magi have perished..
They seem to feel that because of his exile he would be

weaker, or less an opponent. For they do not understand
that to give into the lives they lead, of the taint and
corruption, he would be. But because of this challenge, and
his courage in facing that challenge, and learning all
he can. He does not grow weaker, In fact, quite the opposite.
growing stronger in resolution, and in his command of tactics
and war... For it is not the goal that is most important,
but the journey, Armand feels. He wishes so to be of his village again.

Added Tue Jul 10 00:23:18 2001 at level 51:
Armand has again returned to his hut, being seen worthy by
both the Dwarven Sapper, Thror and the Bard, Kastellyn.
He has not yet been granted the mantle of captain, but Armand
strive to regain a position of leadership within the village.
He has penned yet another scroll to the masses, extending
his methods of war farther, for not all wars are fought
with weapons and bodies, but can be fought in the mind.
Armand had Nuriel pen once again,
The one who is very attached to the cave of the body of which
the waters flow, The one who finds deteachment very difficult.
Those who constantly crave for the easy way, are hard to liberate,

and certainly cannot be liberated by others, only themselves.
It is only death, that brings a realization of endings to the weak.
A person would then shout, "What will happen to me when I die!"
If they had sought the purity of the waves, the clarity of the
waters, they would already see their path.
The way towards liberation of your soul, and your mind, is
to train yourself to live with purity, and to seek
the deep crystalline clarity of the waters. Give up becoming
this or that, corrupting this or that, crave not the ultimate power
of the gods, but the iltimate purity of your soul, the clear
clarity of your mind. Let the waters run over your spirit, giving
you what it is you truly seek... And you shall not fear death.
Armand had also spoken with Yazaulyzt in depth. This young drow
has decided to turn his back on the magics that had tainted him
and sought the twist sister of Ilraeth, Savraeth. She had blessed
the drow by cleansing his body of his impurities, wiping clean
the slate, destroying his taint and corruption, thus
bringing him into the light. Armand is trying to guide him
to a path of purity and clarity. To not seek to avoid

the challenge placed before him by turning again to magic
but yet to face the challenge, much as the waters would, and
grow strength where there was none. Become pure of his
spirit, and of his body, and he shall be stronger than
he can imagine. For his strength shall come from within.
And the crystalline clarity of pure thought shall be his.

Added Tue Jul 10 02:10:51 2001 at level 51:
Armand has travelled with the maran quite oft, to slay the magi
of the scion hoard. Recently, He raided with the warrior Johan
and the Paladin, Bessian. Armand has seen many villagers
travel with the priests of the land in their efforts
to eradicate magic. In this particular raid however, Armand
struck out against a lich that was summoned by Bessian.
Another lesson has been learned by Armand, that this
not the best path in developing stratagy for warfare.
The Thane had given him yet another chance, plaging his body
and striking him over the head with his blunt hammer.
Armand feels the blunt end of the hammer did some permenant
damage, for he doesn't quite feel the same. When he speaks
next with the Lady Ilraeth, he will be sure to ask her
what she believes has happened. And hopes that she

might be able to aid him in his path in recovering what he feels
he may have lost.

Added Sun Jul 15 02:04:34 2001 at level 51:
The waters of the deep are indeed of the greatest purity, and
clear... oh so clear. Armand has been blessed as it were by
the Lady Ilraeth. Placing him upon the position of High Priest of Water.
In his path she has been satisfied and impressed, for not only
did Armand walk the path of water, and remain true to his path
but has taken steps to spreading the ways of water, for all whom
would seek the purity and clarity of the waves. Lady Ilraeth
had warned Armand that his pride not stray him from his path
and that he should be more cautious in his wars, for his life ebbs.
In his path Ilraeth felt he deserved a bit of vitality, and
he was granted such.
Another challenge has faced Armand, much to his blessings, as it were.
Just as the waters would do, Armand faced the challenge, stood
fast in his faith, and learned from the ways he had traveled. Becoming
stronger and wise yet in his faith and resolution of path.
A maran by the name of Bessian attempted to slay Armand by

summoning him into a room with the deadly enforcer of galadon within
it. When Armand questioned him, Bessian declared he was not
truly of the light, for he had slain many of his brothers.
Armand had spoken with Lord Garenth, for he not wished to
battle with Bessian, nor any other maran. Shortly after
Garenth had spoken with Armand, chastizing him for his actions,
the great Lord Shokai approached, and calmed Garenth, nearly
as he was to swing his axe at Armand. They discussed
a great many things of Armands path, and he was quite wise
in the ways of water and in the paths and challenges
that Armand has travelled. Of a main concern, was to be truly as water
would be, and to flow as it would. Armand would need to
avoid battle with those whom did not truly bear a taint.
Mainly the Maran. For if he were to strike swiftly, and move
much as the waters do, about his foes, instead of over them...
the bloodshed of many maran would be avoided...Shokai
told Armand a story of a guildmaster and a student, and spoke
of wars and of victory. He spoke then that sometimes the best
way to win a war, is to avoid it compleatly. Armand understood
the lords words, but still wondered how to truly avoid
war with the Maran, for he did not see it with them himself, but
only with the Warlocks the had been marked to protect.

Armand thought deeply of his words, and spent many days in the
shrine of his Lady Ilraeth, reflecting upon his words and
for a way to be true to his path of the waters, which
include the striving of purity within his soul, and of the
world, and the clarity of his mind, without slaughtering
the Maran who unknown to them, protect a greater evil than
they can possibly imagine. As usual, Armands path is
beset upon all sides with struggles and challenges.
Much as the waters would do, Armand continues upon his path, gaining
only in strength and conviction as he moves foward in his quest.

Added Wed Jul 18 10:26:10 2001 at level 51:
Armand has taken Shokai's words and did all in his power
to adhere to them, and in fact he did. He was assaulted by a
servant of the dawn and while totally in his power to slay
the servant Taranthes, he did not. Armand was unsuccessful in
speaking with the shaman, for he simply continued to chase
Armand around the world, summoning and plaguing him while
he tried only to speak with him of the ways of water. In a moment
of reflection at the glacier in the shrine of Ilraeth, while
recovering from the plague caused by the goodly Shaman, Armand

penned the following scroll.
When others of the light, ment to
defend the light. Strike out in fear
against the light. What are those who
seek the purity to do? When you are
chased by a servant, with those of
evil. One tries to bring clarity to
the minds of the tainted, so they may
see the clear and true way.
For truly the actions of a servant
would be to question, to help to
understand the acts and deeds, and
to see the taint for what it truly is.

Cut down, the forests of the impure,
from their desires and passion for power
come fear and a cowardice. The very thing
they come to covet destroys their spirit,
tainting this world, and the wills of
others whom are beset to aid them to

defend their dark desires. Such as those
of the servants and maran.

Once cut, let the purity of the waters
feed the souls of the newborn, let them
be taught by those truly ment to teach.
Let the shield of the light harbor and
embrace this newfound life. Let the
sword truly stand to defend those whom
would seek to corrupt it. For only then
shall true clarity come to those whom
serve the light, and only then will
the waters be pure. Minds be clear.

May the true war against the darkness
be fought, without the taint that
stands within. Corrupting the souls whom
against the pure must then fight, seeking
to eliminate the evil that is harbored
unknowing, unseeing and destructive right
before their eyes, hidden and obstructive.

I only seek to teach the ways of the water to
those whom shall learn, let knowledge be your
true guide to the purity of the waters and your soul.
Let it be your path to icy clear clarity of thought.
I ask those whom I speak of to question their actions,
is truly what they do good. Is their battle truly with
the purity of the waves, or is a greater enemy standing
within, goading you to destroy what it fears.

A good servant of the light, questions.
Secrecy is the mark of a false doctrine,
and is the begginings of the dark and deception.
Along with the outer teachings, there must be
inner teachings of the light, to truly discover
where your battles should be fought.

Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Armand hopes this will bring the clarity of the waters upon
those of the fortress whom house a greater evil within then

what comes to destroy it outself. And in hopes of doing so
in bringing purity to their own souls, they will seek to eliminate
them from the fortress. So not to battle others of the light
whom seek only to save them from their own misguidings. In teaching
the path of water, this may be accomplished. And a greater
purity found. For Armand only seeks to be as the waters are, and
as the waters may move in many different pathes, so may wars be
fought from many different ways. Both from the inside, and out.

I had a last part I wanted to add.. but never got to write it..

If you wish to email me.. feel free at battlearmand@yahoo.com

Thanks! And See you next character!

1696, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Aylkar (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, knew you were close but didn't know it was that close.
You were the one that I first interacted with outside of battle and our conversations were always fun. Good luck with your next char.

1694, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Derexal (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man do I feel like crap, I had no idea that was your last con. It seems kind of cheesy to go out to a fiend, assuming thats what got you, and not zeoydoeph. For what its worth, I am sorry, but I guess thats life, and can't say I didn't ask you to leave twice.

1695, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Armand (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Man do I feel like crap,
>I had no idea that
>was your last con.
>It seems kind of cheesy
>to go out to a
>fiend, assuming thats what got
>you, and not zeoydoeph.
>For what its worth, I
>am sorry, but I guess
>thats life, and can't say
>I didn't ask you to
>leave twice.

Usually I was able to take fiends.. but Thror
lowered my int to 10 after making a few mistakes.
:P So I was super vuln to fiends.. and I haven't
been fiended since my int was lowered.. :P But I
was kinda pissed that we were just standing there
and not slaughtering you.. and you fiended me :P
Oh well.. such is the way of war in the fields...
But yes, I wanted to kill zeo :P


1692, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Sargon/Fulgor (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's one hell of a long role, son. I remember speaking with you when you were merely rank 20..then you had such great motivation and spirit within your limbs you had it in you to skyrocket up to my range...almost as good as I was at doing that. I didn't totally understand the whole ilraeth thing, but Im sure it worked out. You sure could swing your maces, and you were a hell of a brother. Sometimes your stubborn-closed-minded ways annoyed me but everyone has their two cents. Think I'm doing with ragers for a while, I just tend to get whalloped lately and for what? Maybe if I had an assassin or thief I could hide all the time..but nah, thats not my style anyway. See you in the fields hopefully.
1693, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That's one hell of a long
>role, son. I remember
>speaking with you when you
>were merely rank 20..then you
>had such great motivation and
>spirit within your limbs you
>had it in you to
>skyrocket up to my range...almost
>as good as I was
>at doing that. I
>didn't totally understand the whole
>ilraeth thing, but Im sure
>it worked out. You
>sure could swing your maces,
>and you were a hell
>of a brother. Sometimes
>your stubborn-closed-minded ways annoyed me
>but everyone has their two
>cents. Think I'm doing
>with ragers for a while,
>I just tend to get
>whalloped lately and for what?
> Maybe if I had
>an assassin or thief I
>could hide all the time..but
>nah, thats not my style
>anyway. See you in
>the fields hopefully.

**Tries to act surprised**
You were FULGOR no #####! hehhee..

Well.. any fanatical preacher of a religion
is going to be closeminded.. and hell..
battle ragers and closeminded to hand in hand.
Armand wasn't close minded to learning things..
but he was 'set within the ways of water'.. sorta
close minded..

As for my maces.. yah.. Armand was brutal at times..
I remember killing shifted transmuters in one or two
rounds when I had my 'set' ... Mace and Axe wielding
giants are just.. well... trucks..

As for the whole Ilraeth thing.. not many people
understood it... hell.. I wasn't sure if *I* understood it..
but I gave it my best.. and roleplayed my ass off..
had alot of great immortal interaction.. I mean.. ALOT of
great Immortal interaction.. Ilraeth you are awesome.
Everything seemed to work out. And it was a very rewarding

As for being wholloped all the time.. Armand didn't have
a hard time rearming himself...go request some hammers
kill the serpent request more armor.. get a poncho instant
dam roll of 50 in under 15 mins.

Great char.. good luck with the next.. sorry to see you deleted.


1690, Heh Irony and scorn
Posted by Orc (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fulgor: You will be a great leader in the village one day, I know it.


Asitrath: We had a few good fights.. Thanks for returning my armor that time. I really hated rearming sometimes.

Aren't you notorious for full looting and sacing?

Anyway Greeat character. I think the Imms were wrong for giving you that Tat. But Nice role.

For some reason I was thinking you were some one else don't ask me who.
1691, RE: Heh Irony and scorn
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Fulgor: You will be a great
>leader in the village one
>day, I know it.
>Asitrath: We had a few good
>fights.. Thanks for returning my
>armor that time. I really
>hated rearming sometimes.
>Aren't you notorious for full looting
>and sacing?


>Anyway Greeat character. I think the
>Imms were wrong for giving
>you that Tat. But Nice
>For some reason I was thinking
>you were some one else
>don't ask me who.

Chris Warren?

1688, oh bah!
Posted by Sharisalk (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You saw me damn more than 5 times, or rather I saw you more than that. I stepped down close to a month ago when it became obvious that I didn't have time to play a leader. Rio stepped down for the same reason...quit yanking the chain over it, you'd think you could a small bit of credit to the fact that we didn't try to hang on the the leadership and drag out the process.
1689, RE: oh bah!
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> You saw me damn more
>than 5 times, or rather
>I saw you more than
>that. I stepped down close
>to a month ago when
>it became obvious that I
>didn't have time to play
>a leader. Rio stepped down
>for the same reason...quit yanking
>the chain over it, you'd
>think you could a small
>bit of credit to the
>fact that we didn't try
>to hang on the the
>leadership and drag out the

You did hang on a bit too long :P
Intronan is a damn good leader.. hes around
ALL the time.. thats awesome...I really enjoyed
your roleplay.. same with rio's.. I hope to see you
next character!...


P.S. I really just wanted the 1000th post on this forum. *HEHE*

1686, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Serhanin (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the last time Armand, I am not nor was I Sylvan. Just because I wasn't a Dawnie doesn't automatically mean I am Sylvan. You aren't the only one to think that though. It was fun running around those few times, and I was glad you said I was able to see the purity and all that stuff. Made me feel special that my char was still open-minded. Well-played and a good deal of fun. Hope to see you in the fields.
1687, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>For the last time Armand, I
>am not nor was I
>Sylvan. Just because I wasn't
>a Dawnie doesn't automatically mean
>I am Sylvan. You aren't
>the only one to think
>that though. It was fun
>running around those few times,
>and I was glad you
>said I was able to
>see the purity and all
>that stuff. Made me feel
>special that my char was
>still open-minded. Well-played and a
>good deal of fun. Hope
>to see you in the

Thanks! Yes.. Armand liked your character.. and we talked
about a few things in my religion.. and he felt that
you could be one of the ones to understand.. wish
we would have developed that more.. but everytime we
did.. A fight would break out nearby.. you know battleragers..
I hope to see you in the fields as well.. and uhm..

oops on the sylvan thing.. coulda sworn you were.


1684, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Intronan (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gotta admit, we did kill a lot of people together. There was a lot about Armand I didn't like, but that was IC. And there was a lot I did like... and wasn't that the point? He was a confusing fellow, and that only made him more interesting. Good luck with your next, and I hope he'll be as memorable as Armand.
1685, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Gotta admit, we did kill a
>lot of people together.
>There was a lot about
>Armand I didn't like, but
>that was IC. And
>there was a lot I
>did like... and wasn't that
>the point? He was
>a confusing fellow, and that
>only made him more interesting.
> Good luck with your
>next, and I hope he'll
>be as memorable as Armand.

Yes, we were awesome together... I really wished
you would have been around when Illijin was rippin
apart the village... And of course there are alot
of things you wouldn't like about a storm giant
follower of Ilraeth.. *snicker*... As for him
being interesting.. I'm glad you thought so.. Thanks
for your opinion...

Armand had a good deal of respect for you.. even the
way you handled some of the matters of the village, you
were always focused on the war, and that was good.. He
was hoping you would make leader... Anyway.. great character
I love our interaction.. I'll see you next time.. :)


1682, RE: (CON) Armand Ti'Silind, Warrior of the Rising Tides, High Priest of Water
Posted by Gerandin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was beginning to have this "flushed out" relationship with the village, and you had to go and die on me.

Gerandin the character didn't know what to make of you. Our first encounter was you smacking me over the head in the middle of a Scion raid. After the Scions retrieved the Sceptre, you and your buddies attacked the Fortress so I returned the favor. I think I attacked you and Sargon during that whole mess. Gerandin was pissed.

Our next encounter was when me and the two Apostles pulled you out of the Elven Vaults. This gave me an opportunity to see you up close, and Gerandin was leaning toward liking you.

Seeing you as a high priest, Gerandin thought you might understand that it is a part of his faith to defend the Fortress against *anyone*. It didn't seem to matter.

As Gerandin's player, I thought you did a kick ass job with this character. I thought Armand was excellently played. A good rager has a lot to deal with from the beginning. You threw becoming a priest of Ilraeth on top of that, and I was impressed. You did an excellent job.

Gerandin Silverbeard
1683, I really thank you very much...
Posted by Armand Ti'Silind (Guest) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was beginning to have this
>"flushed out" relationship with the
>village, and you had to
>go and die on me.
>Gerandin the character didn't know what
>to make of you. Our
>first encounter was you smacking
>me over the head in
>the middle of a Scion
>raid. After the Scions retrieved
>the Sceptre, you and your
>buddies attacked the Fortress so
>I returned the favor. I
>think I attacked you and
>Sargon during that whole mess.
>Gerandin was pissed.
>Our next encounter was when me
>and the two Apostles pulled
>you out of the Elven
>Vaults. This gave me an
>opportunity to see you up
>close, and Gerandin was leaning
>toward liking you.
>Seeing you as a high priest,
>Gerandin thought you might understand
>that it is a part
>of his faith to defend
>the Fortress against *anyone*. It
>didn't seem to matter.
>As Gerandin's player, I thought you
>did a kick ass job
>with this character. I thought
>Armand was excellently played. A
>good rager has a lot
>to deal with from the
>beginning. You threw becoming a
>priest of Ilraeth on top
>of that, and I was
>impressed. You did an excellent
>Gerandin Silverbeard

Thank you very much.. I appriciate your reflection
on my character... I wish I would have gotten to know
your character alot better now.. As for the smackin on the
head.. I had to get you out of the fight.. healing
the warlocks is a nono.. *snicker* But I thank you for
helping me outta the vaults.. was fightin the lich when
it crashed.. *grumble*...

Being a rager and a follower of Ilraeth was a very big challenge
and I'm glad you think I handled it well.. I tried my best.. or
as Armand would say.. "I did only as the waters would do"

See you next character.
