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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16509
16509, (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been putting this off too long, waiting for the Deathangel. Well it was a blast. I havn't really played a rager since the days of Dhaevor. Alot has changed, mostly for the better. It took a while to get used to, can't tell you how many times I typed quaff return out of habbit. I tried to play Broxx as an old skool rager, one who had no concern for his own saftey. I would get into many fights that I had little chance of winning. That to me was fun though, because sometimes I'd actually come out of those in one piece. Of course showing up to defend everytime someone raided and jumping groups of three helped to eat up all my con by the time I hit hero. Once I got General I tried to play with abit more concern for living. The tweaks to the axe skills were great, especially disembowel. For legacies I had fist of the titans and mercy of the typhoon. Fist was great, Typhoon on the other hand was horrible. It was broken for the first 50 hours or so I had it. Then when it was fixed it wasn't much better then it was broken, especially for something that only kicks in when your being ganged.


Kastellyn - I can't thank you enough for the great interactions and the mini con quest. The amount of time and effort you put in really shows. My only regret is that I didn't pursue your tat more at the end. By the time I heroed I was hurting on con and I let it keep me from pursuing it like I should have. The rites were some of the most fun I've had in CF in years.

Thror - Thanks for the title when I was younger, that kind of thing really gets me enthused about my characters. I guess your on a haitus now though, as didn't see you around much later in life.

The Wind - At first I thought you were Kastellyn. It was only later on that I realized I was totally off. I was really really tempted to take up your offer, but it would have gone totally against Broxx's RP. I should have just done it anyway. :)

Intronan - Thanks for the compliments on my courage. Was a shame to see you leave the Village. I'm guessing you have big things instore for the future though.

Gre - You kill stealing bastard ;) you were everything that I wanted Broxx to be. One of the better leaders of Battle that I've seen.
Dalayr - From practicing as youngins to fighting in the rights we sort of grew up together. It was a shame you became so scarce later on. Well played though, I enjoyed your great use of tactics.
Rhomelanthos- A shame you went through your con even quicker then me. You were a force to be reckoned with.
Sabiene - The quasi-pacifist rager. You were the best defender I've seen in terms of defending. Thanks for all those times you bandaged me up just in time.
Other ragers of quality - Sayangu, Derdhuin, Trylartin, Alarin, Tessaron, Graklan(what happened to you?), Greshnak the new bard(sp?). All well played.

Punblinpo - Had a huge amount of respect for you. One of the very few nexuns who would fight me one on one and that would return gear. You kicked my ass pretty good a number of times, your combo was great at fighting me and your skill was top notch. I always felt like a jerk when I'd beat you and other ragers or lowbie looters would take everything.
Braodlan(sp?)- The felar warrior with an Ehren's sense of honor. Your another one who I not only had a lot of respect for but enjoyed fighting. Wish more players were like you.
Tysla and Erinphalis - God did I hate fighting bards, especially uber prepped bards like you two. Learned alot about how sick bards can be from you two.
Nexun invokers - Made me regret not playing a cloud giant, damned unspeak cones and deathtrap quicksands.
Sokoerker and Urzkoo - A pain in the ass to say the least. At least SOkoerker would fight me solo when I didn't have the head. But Urzkoo I never saw you fight alone once, and the one time I caught you alone I cackled in joy at housing you. You might be skilled, but only fighting me with a healer, bard, and invoker aiding you was most unimpressive.

You guys were pretty non-existant during Broxx's time. It's only recently you started to get it together again.

Griimbling - It seemed like we always had a strange respect for each other. Very well played from everything I saw.

Jhard - while we didn't interact that much, I liked the ones we had. Felt bad that you always got looted when I'd win a fight.
Akriam - I was impressed with your guts fighting me solo, and then fighting me and Dalayr.

Annoying Imperial Wannabe Healers- You were annoying ;) Seemed like you and your lapdogs all loved to abuse the rager policies as long as you could.

Paladins - Most of you were refreshingly paladinlike, and tough as nails. What I found interesting was the most dishonorable of the bunch were almost always marked with the Clarion, wierd.

For those I'm missed, sorry about that. Well I tried to never full loot unless I hated you, and only ganged when it was by accident. I have a new found respect for ragers. While they can lay waste to solo newbies at will, they rarely fight anyone solo. I would say 90% of my fights were me vs a gang. So next time you scream overpowered, play a hero rager and know their pain. :)

Back to someone with word of recall,

16542, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by The wind on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I wont lie, I had plans for Broxx. Big plans. I liked this character. I grouped with you as a mort when I was younger, and from there I just completely thought Broxx was the shiznit. While I wont go into exactly what my plan was, in a nutshell it prolly woulda secured that tat you were lookin for, but would have also posed some very real rp conerns. Concerns I was confident the player/character could overcome. Now I shall have to find a new pawn for my dirty plan. Great character though, from watching you as my imm, to grouping with you with my short lived mort. First class character all the way around, can't wait to see what's next.

16540, You suck.
Posted by Dallevianish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great character. I hated the name, it wasn't Orb enough...but I loved the character. Anywho, there goes another Orb fire giant...so sad...
16539, Fun times.
Posted by Braoldan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed fighting you. Hell, I even enjoyed the little smartass comments you'd make after we fought. A really well played character all around, thanks for the interactions. Sorry it took me so long to get around to answering this, I've just been tremendously busy with a plethora of stuff in real life and haven't had much time for cf. Again, badass character.

Braoldan Snubtail.
16537, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah same sentiments here
I felt bad whenever i would get you as well and someone would loot, always seemed to catch you on eastern then outside the cabal the one time, when i ordered your gear returned, i got a lot of crap from the people that wanted it, but i felt it nescescary to keep that going, after all if you were going to fight me honorably i was going to do the same with you.
16536, Statement from one half of the Nexun Invokers
Posted by Kaavraus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Geez, can't even say us by name? When I first joined the
Nexus I saw a ton of Gnome/Neutral Invokers, but it turns out
nearly none are in the Nexus, so it's really only me and
Kucerael, since I haven't seen Valtariq in ages.

Anyways, I liked Broxx a lot. Of course, like Kucerael
said, it was refreshing to have someone that quicksand
could be used against, and that could be part of my reason
for liking your char :).

Luck with your next one.
16533, Extremely well played. txt
Posted by BattleCharmed1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While Cerophin didnt live that long within the village I wanted him to be the best even though I knew I wouldn't be. Thats what was with the cockiness. Cerophin looked up to Broxx second over Gre. Gre was the man, and Broxx was the man in behind. I liked travelling with Broxx in Aridhol, it was great getting all that learning. Thanks for the experience, I have one more trick up my sleeve, hopefully you will be on my opposite side this time so you can kick me around.

16529, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by Kucerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed fighting against Broxx. It was really really nice to fight something OTHER than a cloud warrior berserker. I had almost forgotten that I had quicksand in my arsenal for a while.

We had only two fights that I can remember, and while you didn't beat me into a pulp like Gre or Rhomelanthos did, they were definately very close. I just wish we had some more opportunities to squre off together.
16528, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by Punblinpo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, Broxx definitely grew on me. I enjoyed the fights. I'll also echo what some of the others said about Broxx coming off pretty nice. Broxx seemed a lot less evil than most of the cloud giants in the village. Oh well. Toward the end of Punblinpo I learned most Ragers can't handle massive str loss. Then one time after I hit you with hurl/artery/poison and you didn't drop your weapon, I was so surprised I forgot to do vital area. Good job, well done, and hope you had fun with it.

See you in the fields.
16521, Good char.
Posted by Rhomelanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And damn, you did keep those last points of con going for quite some time. Good luck with your next one.
16519, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kastellyn - I can't thank you enough for the great interactions and the mini con quest. The amount of time and effort you put in really shows. My only regret is that I didn't pursue your tat more at the end. By the time I heroed I was hurting on con and I let it keep me from pursuing it like I should have. The rites were some of the most fun I've had in CF in years.

I enjoyed our interactions as well, and thought you were a fine Villager across the board. Good leader, good fighter, smart tactician. Yeah, you were a bit reckless in your younger years, but I don't really have a problem with that.

You did an excellent job in the Rites, both with the interview and in the fighting portion. Had you managed to take out Gre at the end, you would have gotten the nod. That's how close you two were in my eyes.

Great job, keep up the good work, its guys like you that make this game a lot more fun for everyone. Good luck with your next!
16517, Two things...
Posted by Erinphaliss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Low level as a bard vs broxx....Spam directions to the village to get what, if any, is left in my corpse. High level bard vs. broxx. Get coins corpse;get coins corpse;get coins corpse. Bards ate you alive. However everything else you tore to shreds, well done man. I always like ORB's chars, drop me an email some time. Solarknight@hotmail.com
16515, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by Sabiene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sabiene - The quasi-pacifist rager. You were the best defender
>I've seen in terms of defending. Thanks for all those times
>you bandaged me up just in time.

Thanks. I wanted to be a "defender's defender" and I think I've suceeded in that part. I recall how you were always very happy with my help, and that was good of you. In fact I think we always got along well, you were one of my friends for sure. I just wish I could have been around more for you in the later days... I'm still alive but my playing times have been warped lately, so much so that while I can log on to CF, it's at times that make it almost useless to play Sabiene. I hope this changes soon.

I only have one question, actually... were you actually trying to RP evil or did you just not care? You seemed nicer than most villagers, and that's a part of why I managed to get along so well with you.

- Sabs
16516, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by Broxx on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Part of my RP was that I was a follower of Kastellyn. Because Broxx wanted to remembered he sought the respect or fear from those around him. Therefore he didn't act like a #### just because he was a fire giant, he was above that and didn't seek to be hated. He also believed that if he was nice to the defenders they would be more apt to bandage him first in a battle.
16514, RE: (Con)[Battle] Broxx Threkurdauth, General of War
Posted by Akriam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Akriam - I was impressed with your guts fighting me solo, and
>then fighting me and Dalayr.
-My thanks for the compliments. I always had great respect(and only heard such from other Warlocks) for you. Only wish that I could have met you again to see if I could have gotten even with you. ;p
Maybe I will either see you as friend or foe before this character is gone.
Good luck and good hunting.
16513, Good job
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From what I saw, you had big brass ones, buddy. Looked like an old school rager with new school smarts. Didn't see much, but liked what I saw.
16511, Loved Broxx
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alarin loved Broxx, liked to joke about only knowing what your knees looked like. It was fun living beside ya, killing with ya, and all that other jazz. Good luck with the next, you were a great General.

16510, Bah!
Posted by Sakard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First time I saw you since I heroed and bam, you're dead! Heard some good stuff about you, being badass and all. Keep up the good work!
