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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Del)Rhandax the Toy of the Gods.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16187
16187, (Del)Rhandax the Toy of the Gods.
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is probably my last in a long chain of unsuccesful villagers. It is too bad that they are the funnest part of the game for me. Regardless, what I did to the elfs, using them to train, was roleplaying. It was not bad roleplaying, I was actually trying to get him to be turned grey, as the war took it's toll upon his heart and soul. It did not work out so well.

Immortals: To a certain few. If you are purposely trying to get me to stop playing, your doing a very good job. I spent two weeks without my weapon specilizations and legacies. Being a battlerager like that is death. Did I stop? No. I pushed on no matter how many hopeless deaths I encountered. Regardless, you fuc*ed me good, and you seemed to like it. Hope you had fun at the expense of me.


Gre: Your a good commander. Be better for the village if you were around more often though.

Dalayr: Thanks for the sponsor. I didn't see you in action too often, but it looked like you had things under control.

Broxx: Tough bastard. Stern and a good character overall.

Rhomelanthos: Liked you also. First time I've ever liked all of my "superiors." Hope you make the tablet.

Rugokar: You and I were the same in many respects. I can honestly say I would never think you could get exiled. Keep it up, if you think it's worthwhile.

Keovraib: I did not like you at all. But when you defeated me at the circle I bit the bullet and accepted the fact that I did not like you, but still treated you with respect. Having several villagers over the years, I could tell you were relatively new, and your conception of brotherhood was awful.

Konrad: You had your moments. But for the most part I disliked you as well. I cannot even put my finger on it, you just had an air of arrogance about you that you had no right to have.

Gevrarnak: I liked you alot, hence the good recomendation. I think you'll do well in the war.

Can't think of many others I spent a significant amount of time with or even interacted with much.

Sargon/Konnal. War On.
16269, RE: (Del)Rhandax the Toy of the Gods.
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had that once, played some ragers, ####ed up royally. Blamed Thror, other Battle imms, everyone but myself. Then one day i played a solid rager and guess what? I didn't get ####ed with. OMG! IMAGINE THAT??

Didn't know your char, from what i'm reading i'm glad i didn't.

Grow up. (If i can, so can you.)

16234, My Brief Thoughts
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Immortals: To a certain few. If you are purposely trying to get me to stop playing, your doing a very good job. I spent two weeks without my weapon specilizations and legacies. Being a battlerager like that is death. Did I stop? No. I pushed on no matter how many hopeless deaths I encountered. Regardless, you fuc*ed me good, and you seemed to like it. Hope you had fun at the expense of me.

Well, I did have fun with you, but that was because you were fun to interact with. I didn't realize it was, nor intend it to be, at your expense. I was very impressed with your character's attitude, the fact that you pressed on and continued to make a really good show of things despite the odds. I was stoked when I was able to come up with a good enough, a challenging enough, quest to get you back on your feet. I was even more stoked with the amount of thought you put into your response to my challenge; I thought to myself, 'Here's a guy who really has something going for him. Let's get this moving as soon as I can.' We got the first two parts of your 'redemption' knocked out, which took a goodly amount of time, but then I had to split. RL called, and I answered. Sorry about that, but I figured (by interacting with you in the first place) I had already let you know that something was in the works, that you had made some progress and that we'd finish it up when next our paths crossed. Sadly, here on the Battlefield is when that happened.

A few related issues: 1) I had no idea you only wanted your specs back; that sort of information would have helped a lot in designing the quest. I was working on getting your alignment restored. 2) I had no idea we were working under a deadline; for the life of me, I never even considered that you would delete, based on the fact that the quest had been started, and was progressing fine. It was only a matter of time before we crossed paths again, and finished it up. I was actively looking for you so we could do so. 3) I had no idea who you are in RL, I had no idea what past characters Rhandax had played, nor would I even be able to find this information out (if I cared, which I don't). 4) The fact that you think certain Imms have something against you, and include me in that bunch, makes me laugh. I treat all characters the same: based on their merits and RP as a character. Always. I could give a hoot who you guys are in RL, and that's the honest truth.

Anyway, I'm disappointed in you. You were the first Honor follower of mine, and I was really looking forward to more discussions with you on that subject. Those interactions were a lot of fun.

Gre: Your a good commander. Be better for the village if you were around more often though.

Gre is around plenty. You assume he plays the same times as you, and if he's not on when you're on, he's never on. You're wrong.
16238, Addendum
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Immortals: To a certain few. If you are purposely trying
>to get me to stop playing, your doing a very good job. I
>spent two weeks without my weapon specilizations and legacies.
> Being a battlerager like that is death. Did I stop? No. I
>pushed on no matter how many hopeless deaths I encountered.
>Regardless, you fuc*ed me good, and you seemed to like it.
>Hope you had fun at the expense of me.

Sadly, I disagree with Kastellyn here.

I also had no idea who was playing this character and I really didn't
interact with you at all except for the moments before you deleted.
What I did see, spelled out who played the character.

You were punished for being a good dwarf who killed elves. You were
then given advice that killing Ludan, a dwarf, while being a dwarf
was probably not in your best interest if you were attempting to
redeem yourself. You responded with the childish, "That's #### and
you know it," before deleting.

You logged out, various times, when things started to look rough
during raid situations and you then came to this forum, once again,
crying, "poor me."

It's getting old. You'd think by now you'd realize what standards
the BattleRager immortals have. No one is ruining your experience
here but yourself. I suggest you think long and hard about your
approach with another character before you ruin and give up on him
like you did this one.

16251, RE: Addendum
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"You were punished for being a good dwarf who killed elves. You were
then given advice that killing Ludan, a dwarf, while being a dwarf
was probably not in your best interest if you were attempting to
redeem yourself"

I killed one damned elf, it is not like I was actively seeking their demise constantly like a bloodthirsty orc. I also did this in hopes that I was ROLEplaying well, considering a good dwarf in the village will not keep onto his core good heart long. I've seen countless dwarfs slay other dwarfs, and they have not been harrassed. I was not attempting to redeem myself, that is where the confusion IC comes into play. I was merely attempting to regain my specs, and if the only way I could do this is by redeeming myself to the elfs(Which is what it seemed like to me) then I would do it.

"You logged out, various times, when things started to look rough
during raid situations and you then came to this forum, once again,
crying, "poor me."

Your cheap attempt to label me a coward is rather humorous, considering I defended alone five times for every one time I HAD to leave when there were bad times. Wouldn't you think someone who fights a hero cloud with a invoker without his specs/legacies and fights until he must retreat, is sort of antithetical to what you are labelling me as being? In the eyes of the Immortals, you place a bias on certain actions, namely, you seem to create your own subjective responses to actions of certain characters based on your own whims and what you see. Which seems relatively correct if your a God. So actually your roleplaying well. I'm sorry if I don't believe in holding up my emotions and thoughts on things until they turn into something else, more bitter. I'd much prefer to work them out from where they first arose from, that being the game, and certain things about the game, it is only logical to work out one's frustrations with the same way. I could spin into a long psychological and philosophical debate about why I'm "crying," as you call it, but your ignorant lazy labels only inspire me more so to vent my frustrations at the source. I'm not sure at what point you turned into a hellish inferno dwarf that is rigid and likes to fling demonfire at the characters in this game, the Thror I knew a few years ago as a co-mortal with you(darlyal) is completely different.

16253, Not just Thror that saw it
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But there were numerous times that I saw it also and I asked a few others and they were of the same opinion. Seems you lost your edge when you lost your specs. Looks like you got worried about wether you could handle the fights. Just an observation.
16255, RE: Not just Thror that saw it
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That could be to some small degree; obviously I'm not going to be able to fight some opponents without losing with the tactical options I had. However, if you were one of the youngers around that saw me slay an armadillo and straklaw alone, as well as fight three shifters alone, you would not be saying these things.
16256, Dont want to go into a flame war but
Posted by Syithar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you say you slayed straklaw and dillo alone is not the truth, it was at the destructor and you had a defender(not in pk) with you.

Later when they fled out from their you had called(I presume it was you)a arial warrior to help you fight at the giant and everyone dies but you. So you was not alone, but you did good I must say.
16266, RE: Dont want to go into a flame war but
Posted by That arial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He did call me to defend the at the Giant, but we were going to be meeting up to discuss hit giving me a recommendation for the village. The really funny thing about that situation is, I ended up dying and lose'ing a few items that I could go request back, so while I was a ghost I wnet to grab them quick, he berated me because equipment doesnt matter to a true warrior. But every single time I spoke with him after that day it was, hey want to help me go get "some piece of equipment".
16267, RE: Dont want to go into a flame war but
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will realize in time, that armor does not matter much. But until you do, let me explain to you that I asked you twice to come with me and explore some. I did this to test your fighting ability and tactics, especially in the high lords keep, where you needed to show good tactics to defeat the creatures there at our rank. Do not assume so many simple minded things about a few actions, it will do you no good.
16270, So when the Mondurian Axe wasn't there
Posted by Konrad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't really annoyed you were only testing the tactical strengths of bitching about it's absence? And after we repopped the mob and retutrned only to find it STILL didn't have it's axe and you got annoyed more - you were just reevaluating bitching as a viable art?
16250, RE: My Brief Thoughts
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well thanks. In a game where what I look for the most is immteraction, I was not let down. I had a ton of fun with you. Yes I liked the quest, too bad you misunderstood that I had no desire to return good. And too bad I had to get such immteraction because of my alleged bad roleplaying a good dwarf. And yes you did let me know we were working on it, but it felt like you were just stringing me along at times. Especially when I misstook you for Thror which led to my deletion.

"It was only a matter of time before we crossed paths again, and finished it up. I was actively looking for you so we could do so."

Shucks. Now I do regret deleting like that. But you should realize how tough it is to relate IC desires by means of using only IC actions and words. Namely, the fact that I did want my specs/legacies and not some glorious return to the light.

"The fact that you think certain Imms have something against you, and include me in that bunch, makes me laugh. I treat all characters the same: based on their merits and RP as a character."

I did not mean for you to construe my ire at the Immortals in general towards you. You and Thror have always been my favorite Immortals, just for the fact that your characters are solid and fun to interact with.(When your both not being so damned harsh!) And yes, I wanted also to learn more of honor and such, but it looked like a very large chunk of time and ingame time to even get back my specs, and after two weeks of fired dedication my fruits got me yelled at even more(By Thror).

Anyway, thanks for giving me the chance and the quest and a shot at your religion; it is not easy by any means.

16233, Well, I got the shaft!
Posted by Alarin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Rhandax, and I liked his dedication. Too bad about what happened. Killing the elves, role or not, is bad if your good. I know you were thinking about that as part of being in your role, but even that is going to cost you, ya know? Don't let the hard times put you out, just make a neutral neutral battlerager next time! Anyway, I liked Rhandax even though I didn't get a shout out.

Alarin Tisenlit
16245, RE: Well, I got the shaft!
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When it comes to goodbye posts I'm not exacly too rememberful. I forgot you too! You were one of the villagers that made the village what it was while I was playing. You had some interesting character flares that added some coloring to the already rich village. Good luck in the war kin.
16222, Thought you were a good villager
Posted by Dharvaron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you as Konnal and Rhandax and contine to think that you are a great player and well roleplayed vilager...listening to your commentary on the drunken dwarf party was great.

Take care

16232, RE: Thought you were a good villager
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah! Forgot about you kin. It's actually very ironic that I got to be in the village with you with this character. Since I remember you always training with the harpies alongside one of my attempts at an assassin. Regardless, thanks for the holler, it means alot to me. For what it's worth, I thought Dharvaron was a great villager with a good solid head on his shoulders. All the best to you in the war.
16212, Let me make this very simple:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you want to play a neutral dwarf warrior who doesn't have to spend any time missing his specs, pick neutral when you roll him up.
16217, RE: Let me make this very simple:
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess it's impossible for someone to be born a certain way and be raised a certain way in a certain environment and then change their outlook on life? This is what I was trying to do.
16220, Not impossible:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But also not free.

Once upon a time, almost every character who didn't have to be neutral or evil because of their race or class started out as good, levelled up that way, then changed to what their "real" alignment was going to be. I'm never letting things go back to being that way.

You were good for, what, 40some levels? You got to have groupmates that couldn't really stab you in the back. You got to level as good, which is much faster/easier than the alternatives. You got to request gear (maybe you didn't, but you could have). In short, you got to enjoy a lot of the good of being good.

For the game to work, changing alignments has to be hard enough that no one would make a character planning for it from a powergaming perspective. If that's what you were trying to do, obviously you've learned it doesn't work out. If you were doing it for roleplaying reasons, then I'm sorry you had a rough time of it, but not every role can be equally easy to play. We'd have 50,000 good dark elves if being one was easy, and I don't believe the game should be that way.

I'm not sure if that's coherent or helps you understand any, but there you go.
16221, RE: Not impossible:
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very clear. I understand and agree with you. But no, I did not purposely plan on doing that. I do not like easy characters. Almost every one of my characters since the third age has had trials of various sorts, mostly self-imposed to make it more interesting. Aside from that, I did have a rough time of it. Which led to the frustration deletion.
16225, RE: Not impossible:
Posted by Karithia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The problem comes in that you had nothing indicating that you wanted to change in your role. How do you expect a wandering by immortal to know why you are doing what you are doing. Make sure to cover your role-playing angles.

If you want to do something like that, make sure it is in your role, further, perhaps write a note to the Immortals. There are several things you *COULD* have done but didn't.

16227, RE: Not impossible:
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was pondering the note-writing part. But I thought that would be way to OOC, I was trying to do this all in a format of a role-playing angle, as you suggest. How would any Immortal react to a note requesting that they change their alignment? The fact that someone would ask for it directly makes it almost impossible to attain. I thought if I role-played well enough in character you would get the idea.
16228, RE: Not impossible:
Posted by Karithia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally think an OOC note is better than nothing. First of all, any passing immortal might not realize whatyou are trying to do, which certainly does happen. The problem is you need to insure that any Immortal might realize what you are trying to accomplish. Your best and safest bet is put it in your role.

Do something like.


Eventually turn neutral.
Become Commander

That way any immortal can see what you are trying to do and has an idea as to why.

16229, Side comment, mostly just a brief rant.
Posted by Quislet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being afraid to go OOC at all, even to explain things to immortals.

This is precisely what I've been afraid would happen when people began refusing to break character for any and all reasons. Clarify a command for someone in character? Ask if their role of changing classes was simply their background or actually done by an Immortal for them? Such simple things get an immediate blank. People don't respond to you ever again in any way if you say something like that. Why? Because they think Imms will smite them for breaking character in any way, even if they made up an IC-style response to an OOC query.

If they do break character, even briefly, it's usually just to yell at you for being OOC. I agree, OOC things aren't necessary between two mortals, but it's been necessary at times when speaking with an Immortal, and it does help clear up confusion sometimes between mortals.

(no, saying why you were disconnected isn't necessary, but apologizing for blacking out should be fine. Saying how about many of the enemies you're fighting will get you a level is still a little un-realistic, but very handy when someone's trying to help you out of a hole or to get a certain spell. And definitely, if someone doesn't know a command that they need to use, like gaze or crawl, you should be allowed to tell them what to do. IC hints and references are often unclear to relative newbies)
16230, I fail to understand.
Posted by Evil Geniuss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Ask if
>their role of changing classes was simply their background or
>actually done by an Immortal for them? Such simple things get
>an immediate blank.

"Hi Mr Jones, why are you such an evil muthafunker? Is it because an God did it on a whim or is it because beneath your smiley facade you really are a cold hearted beyatch."

Why in Gods name do you need to ask them if they _chose_ to change align? Their alignment is different, pure and simple - it is not a burning beacon on their head, it's a state of mind.

>People don't respond to you ever again in
>any way if you say something like that. Why? Because they
>think Imms will smite them for breaking character in any way,
>even if they made up an IC-style response to an OOC query.

>And definitely, if someone doesn't know a command that they
>need to use, like gaze or crawl, you should be allowed to tell
>them what to do. IC hints and references are often unclear to
>relative newbies)

So which areas or circumstances have you had to explain how to gaze or crawl to a newbie that you couldn't use the newbie channel for? (or pray 'force newbiex to read the gaze helpfile please')
16239, RE: I fail to understand.
Posted by Quislet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>Ask if their role of changing classes was simply their background or
>>actually done by an Immortal for them? Such simple things get
>>an immediate blank.
>"Hi Mr Jones, why are you such an evil muthafunker? Is it
>because an God did it on a whim or is it because beneath your
>smiley facade you really are a cold hearted beyatch."
>Why in Gods name do you need to ask them if they _chose_ to
>change align? Their alignment is different, pure and simple -
>it is not a burning beacon on their head, it's a state of

I didn't say alignment, I said class. I was trying to be as clear as I could without getting the person I once asked to complain, but if you must know, I ran into a wannabe Battlerager once who claimed he had been a mage who changed professions. If I wasn't so tired (when I asked them, when I wrote the rant, and right now) I might realize just how stupid it was to ask about something that was so clearly part of their role and not part of game mechanics. Instead of brushing off the question, that person refused to speak with me ever again.

>>People don't respond to you ever again in
>>any way if you say something like that. Why? Because they
>>think Imms will smite them for breaking character in any way,
>>even if they made up an IC-style response to an OOC query.
>>And definitely, if someone doesn't know a command that they
>>need to use, like gaze or crawl, you should be allowed to tell
>>them what to do. IC hints and references are often unclear to
>>relative newbies)
>So which areas or circumstances have you had to explain how to
>gaze or crawl to a newbie that you couldn't use the newbie
>channel for? (or pray 'force newbiex to read the gaze helpfile

Again, I was trying to not give the details to avoid the other person, but this time because they could give away my current character (if it wasn't obvious to anyone who cared to know already). I was quite upset with someone who didn't know the difference between glance and examine. When I simply said that you see things differently when you glance at someone or examine them, they went completely out of character to swear at me for thinking they didn't know the difference. At the time, I knew of no other way that they could get their information wrong. Now I've heard that a bard spell could have been the cause.

Regardless, people do go out of character sometimes, and it's almost always handled poorly. The poor handling appears related to the fear of Immortal retaliation both for going OOC and for talking to someone who's said something OOC.
16231, RE: Side comment, mostly just a brief rant.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've got the role command to explain things to immortals.

No one has ever been punished for going out of character as necessary to explain commands etc. to a genuine newbie.

Beyond that, I don't see the need to break character in some of the ways you describe. Anyone who RPed well enough to earn something as monumental as a class change sure wouldn't tell you "Yeah, I levelled up as a paladin, but then Shokai turned me into a necromancer." Anyone who says 'Well, I'm sure I'm going to get a level in three more arial prisoners' is going to make me sit down figure out the command to dock them enough XP to make that statement false.
16240, RE: Side comment, mostly just a brief rant.
Posted by Quislet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You've got the role command to explain things to immortals.
>No one has ever been punished for going out of character as
>necessary to explain commands etc. to a genuine newbie.
>Beyond that, I don't see the need to break character in some
>of the ways you describe. Anyone who RPed well enough to earn
>something as monumental as a class change sure wouldn't tell
>you "Yeah, I levelled up as a paladin, but then Shokai turned
>me into a necromancer." Anyone who says 'Well, I'm sure I'm
>going to get a level in three more arial prisoners' is going
>to make me sit down figure out the command to dock them enough
>XP to make that statement false.

That last part about them advancing in a certain number of kills is something I see all the time. Especially when someone in a group is planning on leaving soon and someone else wants them to stay long enough to level first. I don't find it good RP, and I try to ignore when I gain a level myself unless others mention it, but it does happen. I'm guessing you take it quite a bit more seriously than I have.

As for the rest of what I said, you can write off some of that to my being half asleep when I wrote it. I fail to see some of my own logic now, though I'm half asleep again. I really shouldn't post while tired.
16242, RE: Trying to get across an OOC point IC? Is there a way?
Posted by Xan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see this a lot too...and because so many people do it, I didn't really know it was frowned upon. So I've done it myself.

Let's say then that you're out with a group, your are very close to that next title and your leader says they have to leave shortly. Most of the time I will just wait till I get another chance to go out before I get that 250 exp needed to reach next level. Grumbling to myself OOC because I am so close.

But a lot of times I'll get a gt from that leader asking how close I am to my next title, so they can determine whether continuing to play for a few minutes will benefit their group or not. Sometimes I simply say that I am very close. I understand that this is poor roleplaying, but how exactly would you answer a question, like that? Or would you? Do you ignore it and pretend you never heard them ask?

REALISTICALLY speaking even WE would never know how close we are to gaining a title. You don't know how much experience it takes before you are handed the next title by your guildmaster, right? Or do you? Maybe your guildmaster has a list of requirements to be met? "Kill x number of ugruks and I'll reward you with x title?"

Can this situation be handeled in a way that is still IC without upsetting the Immortals?

And what about those times when you are in the middle of a battle and something happens to you as a player pulling you away from your computer immediately? Many of us have families, husbands, children that literally DEMAND our attention sometimes and I have found myself getting in arguments with my husband sometimes because I can't just drop connection and leave the game when he wants me to. I usually tell my group in that situation that my mind is wandering...meaning I am afk. Is this also a big NO NO?

Being fairly new to CF I really don't know what the restrictions are regarding things like this. And it would be nice to know. If these kinds of things are frowned upon by the Immortals then I will probably have to spend less time playing to avoid family conflicts.
Actually I should probably do that anyway.
16211, Sad to say this but
Posted by Syithar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
thought you was a little to careful, often hesitating before defending even if the odds were pretty good for us. And often was the first to run.

But besides that I thought you were decent, and well. When you are getting a align change it will hurt.
16218, RE: Sad to say this but
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only because I have much experience with War and the Village. The Lords dislike it when you stay and die in the village when you can retreat. So do I.
16205, Sad to see you go.
Posted by Rhomelanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I understand you, gotta be dizzamned boring to play without specs. You looked promising though.

-Rhomelanthos, just deleted his mudstuff folder. Hah.
16209, Damnit
Posted by Graham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was about to email you to ask for your wintin scripts.
16203, RE: (Del)Rhandax the Toy of the Gods.
Posted by Konrad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Konrad: You had your moments. But for the most part I
>disliked you as well. I cannot even put my finger on it, you
>just had an air of arrogance about you that you had no right
>to have.

Most likely because my character thoroughly disliked yours. You were a betrayer of alignment and thus were more likely to betray the Village (in Konrads eyes).
That and he thought you were a coward.

All in all, Konrad is thoroughly depressed right now, he's not fun to be around.
16202, What more do you want, I play over 4 hours a day?
Posted by Gre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Geez. Just can't please anyone can I. Anyway, you were very good at what you were doing and I praise you for taking a different path than most warriors in the village. I don't know much of what happened with the elves but was pulling for you to get your specs and such back. What happened now that caused you to delete?

Anyway, good luck. And what times do you play, 3 am game system time?
16215, RE: What more do you want, I play over 4 hours a day?
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Depends on what your time zone is, and if you live in japan or america, I guess. I live in central time US, and I usually play in the afternoons to early evening. Guess I must have missed you.

Different path in the village? You mean a scout?
As for why I deleted: I set a date for myself if I did not get my specs/legacies back by a certain time I would delete. It was originally this wednesday--tomorow. However, after putting forth so much time and effort on my role, on seeking my Lord to help me constantly in prayer, on spending literally all of my free time trying to solve the problem...and then right when I thought I had earned it...I was in the middle of a long quest in which I was nearly done with. When all of a sudden the Immortal guiding my quest stopped it. I waited another three days and thougt when we were both around at the same time he would continue, he didn't. Hence my irreversible frustration.
16201, RE: (Del)Rhandax the Toy of the Gods.
Posted by Broxx on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damned, you looked like one of the most promising of the new generation coming up. I thought you would make captain for sure. Though I know how tough it must have been with no specs. What happened exactly, when we talked you had 2 out of your 3 tasks completed? Did you finish them or give up? Well good luck with your next one.
16216, RE: (Del)Rhandax the Toy of the Gods.
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. Well, in the middle of my quest, I died of alchool poisoning. Then after that the quest just stopped, the Immortal guiding it left or stopped. Regardless...I waited another three days to finish it up...and when I did...I got more dirty words for wanting to slay Ludan for his axe. I guess I just cannot think like a "goodly dwarf" But I was not trying to get turned good again, but rather stay grey and regain my specs. Oh well, tough luck. Good luck, you'll be a key to bringing the village to victory.

16192, You know I owned you :D (kargon, drunk again)
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But that aside I knew in an open fight where I didn't think alot about tactics I would loose. Sargon is old, far older than I am, but I recommend you to play an invoker. A class where what you as a player do is all that matters much the fight.
16194, HAHA. I ment Karnif (doh)ยด. nt
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16195, RE: You know I owned you :D (kargon, drunk again)
Posted by Sargon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried playing an sylvan elf invoker once, Solstar. I got him up to rank 33 through patience alone. But I got my elven ass handed to me by Lohrn a few times...(dwarven captain at the time) and I had enough.

Besides that...you only slew me once, I wouldn't call that owning me. I had you near death many times, and have slain many of the invoker class. But yes, you were one of the more skilled wizards I fought, especially in terms of tactics. Well done.

16197, You too were actually *very* good, and all of our fight...
Posted by Adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry if I did appear er



you were good anyway. :D the scout tactic of first going for critical, and then that out of the blue unexpected weaponspec to lag you or keep you from fleeing (beccause word is for wimps!) is a devil, but it's the best. too bad I never got to fight you with the quicksand/rain of stones combo. best of luck with your future characters.
16188, Damn!
Posted by Braoldan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually liked speaking with you that one or two very short times. I always like when I talk to a rager and he actually talks back to me and it's not this "you dumb mage lover you, die!" Anyhow, I was looking forward to interacting with you more in the future, but I guess that ain't gunna happen now is it? Anyways, you showed balls the couple of times we fought and I admired that, so good work. If you decide to play again, good luck and all that jazz.
