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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectHow..unglorious.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=16115
16115, How..unglorious.
Posted by Kalmah Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope I get my thread soon. I am sure many have been waiting to see my name in big, bold letters, brought to you in part by death angel!
16414, RE: How..unglorious.
Posted by Kalmah Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope my role answered any questions concering motives (especially on Xandrya) my weird behavior and so on, so forth. Please ask any question, I would be happy to answer them. Now on to the thanks/farewell list:

Xandrya: You were a wonderful roleplayer. As I stated, you were just dying way too much and I did not have time to..comfort and speak with you. I knew you were new, but I had to move on with my character. I really hope we interact some more. And e-mail me a lot, too! Sweet Irish lass...well...American lass.

Rizteiqz: You buggering gnome! Where did you run off to? When you heroed finally, I know I was kind of sedentary. You wanted some action, while I wanted to flirt and drink. You stopped come around JUST as I became a bloodthirsty maniac. We could have had a lot of fun, and I would like to see how you reacted to my new life. Even though I was now a Scion ally and not an enemy. That means me and you would have probably ended up fighting. We did stomp each other enough for fun anyway, yes? By the way, you were Kalmah's best friend.

Shil'Uzar: As a Herald you were pretty fun to hang around with, though you were kind of aloof. As a lover and ally you were demanding, mysterious, enticing, and just plain fun. I always wanted you after reading your nice description. And I never thought I would actually get you. A lot more to you character than I originally thought.

Punblinpo: I wanted to travel with you more, but we led two different lives. Excellent RPer. One of my two favorite gnomes.

Queesha: I wanted to travel with you more, but you already seemed to have enough friends. I would feel like an extra wheel. Your knowledge of the land was immense. I wanted to learn some things from you. One of my two favorite gnomes.

Zekasiq: You at first annoyed me to no end. Then I realised, it was confusion. Whoa! A real RPer! You were an excellent RPer and I enjoyed interacting with you. It was truly sad to see you start hating me and following in Thornarcrull's footsteps. I think with some talk and planning, we could have been great allies. Ah, and truly, truly, I did not tell Sylvrin to write any kind of letters glorifying me. She simply asked, "How goes the fighting?" And I told her, "Villagers want to be our enemies now. That is fine, we killed their captain today. A side note, he died bravely. Or, perhaps stupidly." A pity you did not believe me. That, I think, was the straw that broke the drow's back. I see you on still, and we are on completely opposite sides. Let the mayhem begin!

Thornarcrull: You were weird. What country are you from anyway? Maybe somewhere in Mother Europe? I do not understand why you decided to take matters in your own hand. Darmok did tell you when the Empire was to do, yes? And I did tell you, yes? You seemed to make up your own rules and make yourself Emperor. Then you threatened me for the same thing. All I did was follow in Darmok's footsteps. But, in the end you made more allies (other drow of course) and I had nothing. So, good job.

Nurwon: I really don't remember if we were close or not. I am sorry, but we did not interract in the right way enough. We were never enemies, but never friends. All I remember is you always saying, "Snare at the shrine."

Vashka: You annoyed Kalmah. I thought you were some newbie that was just going to sit there and drink. I found it mildly amusing that you always wanted a flute of champagne in your hand. I think as a Herald, I served you the most. The time you landed a rot on me was nice, it seems you have broken out of your shell. If I had been wearing armor, you would have died. *wink*

Cylenthalion: You were a cookie cutter elf, but I enjoyed your company anyway. A good warrior, a good RPer. And you melted the knee's of all the ladies! You elven dog!

Meladori: You were a nice little elf. A bit weird, I thought you were going for an insane character. You always seemed to talk to things, calling yourself the fastest elf in Thera, saying you wanted a pet dragon. Weird, but very cute.

Aneriasha: I did not see much RP out of you. The only times was when your Ilhar was around. And then it was only buttering Shil'Uzar up.

Lynnette: I did not like you. It just seemed you thought you were good, high and mighty because of Arvam. Well, you have the longest bloody title on the game, so I guess your brown nosing payed off.

Arvam: I could tell you didn't like me for some reason. Mutual feelings. I tried to get your mark because I was passionate. In part I think Lynnette ruined it for me, sticking her nose into an interview I wanted with you. Well, my sphere and attributes did not match up. So I understand.

Gastaad: I considered you my arch mosquito. You really were nothing more than an annoyance, but the biggest one in the game. You stole anything and everything from me. It never kept me down or really affected me, but still annoying. I suppose the thing about it was I knew three or four rounds with you would have you dead, but I could never get you in combat. Sneaky bastard. I knew you had RP potential, but you did not argue or bad mouth me in RP. You seemed to almost go OOC. A perfect example is when we were speaking of the world anathema. I told you it meant "excommunicated, or cursed" What was it you said? I am a verbatim reading dumbass? Or something of the sort. What was I to say? I read no dictionary and anyone who knows the word is going to say something similar to what I said. Sebastiano was also annoying, but not worth another paragraph.

Don't think I forgot anyone too important to Kalmah's direct life. I fought the Sylvan's. Powerful when you caught me alone, I admit. I fought the Villagers. Roadkill. I allied with Scions, a bit capricious and dour, but I looked forward to opening a good relationship. I have been playing CF for years. Some notables are: Kaenreav, dwarven BattleRager hero, Ferrali wood-elf Sylvan ranger hero(thought I was almost going to run the Grove, but Feirhuld ended up getting my spot), Azamilanthas dark-elf necromancer high ranker in old Empire, Aerkizei arial assassin hero in old Empire.

Kalmah appears more confident as he shouts, "Erin go Braugh!"

16415, I see,,,
Posted by Nurwon DuRoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah we never were close, nor were we enemies. then again after Nurwon turning on the grove/grove turning on him (see it as you will) any friends he did have he quickly lost.

I liked Kalmah for quite a while, but then that whole empire thing started up and you kept ranting about it (something Nurwon wasn't too fond of) and then you ordering Xandrya's death...bah

though I see the RP reasons for it, it still doesn't seem right. ooc right after she deleted she told me what happened, which kinda upset me more, because I couldn't just feed this knowlege into Nurwon. so I had to spend a bit of time talking to people till between I think a few imperials, and vashka Nurwon had enough evidence to want you dead. but for some reason then our playing times didn't overlap much, and when I did see you on I couldn't find you (slipperly bastid) ah well, well played though I'm not really too fond of hiring a mino mace spec to crush a newbie into oblivion to make them delete :(
16464, RE: A final clarification
Posted by Kalmah Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please, now that we are OOC, let everyone know the truth.
I did not order Yurtag to crush her.
That is true. The only thing that happened was this:
Yurtag tells you, "me thmath you woman"
Kalmah replies, "And your purpose for telling me is, what?"
Yurtag replies, "You no care?"
Kalmah replies, "I really do not. If you think you killing her is hurting me, you are mistaken. I would be used to it by now, I think."
Yurtag replies, (a simple, confused question, hehe) "Why?"
Kalmah replies, "She is no longer my wife. Indeed, not my responsibility. Do whatever you want."

I had no log, but I remember the conversation well. For it became a major discussion in Kalmah's final days. I never hired anyone, never asked anyone, never offered a reward. Not to say that it didn't happen, that someone wanted her dead. I just told her it was over, and I recommended that she end her pain. That her life was nearing an end, and without a vitality quest and a huge stat make-over, she would not survive much longer, with or without me.
16505, I see...
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm actually very glad you posted this, makes me a feel a bit better knowing you didn't deliberately go out and try to get a newbie multi-killed. though I never hated you ooc for it, if all you were doing was attempting to stay in char. too bad Nurwon never got to "Smashum up" Yurtag and Sebastiano for that crap :(
16416, Deleted message
Posted by Nurwon DuRoth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No message
16417, Deleted message
Posted by quiddie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No message
16424, A few things..
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Riz really liked you for the majority of the time... The sparring (and accidental killings ;) at first, and based on your RP then you were like Riz. He was a headstrong gnome that would never hesitate to fight. He also expected the same out of others. The scion deal really came pretty randomly, but it fit perfectly as none of them would fight on any terms but their own - which angered Riz frequently.

You, on the other hand, began to change. All the sudden it was about singing and women and the inn. I don't mean to be rude, but it seemed like you just found some RP you wanted and went with it, forgetting what came before. Riz didn't take it too hard, though he was upset when you became a herald and could no longer fight much. Without battles, life meant nothing, not to mention was no fun. Riz started feeling bad for the 3 total scions out there, who he could no longer expect to fight him because they feared (rightfully at times) that there were others around the corner waiting to kill them. So I deleted.

Then I hear about (and experience with a character of mine) the whole imperial deal and learn IC that you're the head of it all. That came out of nowhere, though I had seen you with Darmok before he went off. That was in the inn anyhow though. I don't understand where that deal came from, though I see you had an rp reason to back it. Is that your life story... or your role? If it's your role, was it written after those events? Because, again, I just saw another complete character change... and I mean complete. It did made sense that you'd like to hang in the gardens in the back of the inn, and all that. Your RP seemed to be better than it was before too. Back before, you said and did really silly things, and I'm not even going to go into the whole beak incident(s). ;)

Anyhow I'm just curious, as I knew you from early in your character to late... which I don't think any others did.
16462, RE: A few things..
Posted by Kalmah Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you are sharp. But the changes were all part of my role. You remembered me as someone who always wanted to fight, to enjoy battle and excitement. Well, in the Inn, that is how I was. Arvam reprimanded me for various things, along with Lynnette. They all seen me, I think, as a ready-to-explode type. I always made Kalmah very edgy and snappy. Only to those that deserved it of course. You only came around when I had to watch myself. Kalmah was always a poet, very moody. That is why he had joined the Heralds, to try and express himself. It was a mistake from the beginning. He began to see it as a matriarchal wolligag where he garnered no respect or admiration. From the very first day, he was an Imperial. I had decided on a "Hitler-esque warrior poet" from the very beginning. And a bird too! I am a huge fan of Norse myth, so I made the Arial loosely after the Valkyrie with Odin's aspects of both warriors and poetry. That is also where his love for drink and women come from. The warriors one day reach Valhalla and spend the rest of days fighting, singing, drinking, and...loving. I chose the Sphere of Combat as a balance between the too, since Kalmah seen Combat as a type of physical poetry.
Anyway, all changes went along perfect as I thought they would. A hotheaded warrior-poet not experiencing the right things, becoming bitter, trying to express himself and comfort himself, becoming more bitter, his natural desire for leadership found an outlet, his desire was "deposed", more bitter, and death. So a sad, sad life, but very fun and a wonderful story! Not all characters should be there to live the good life and kill, kill, kill.
Bugger, I might write a novel was Kalmah's story tied in somewhere.
16430, RE: How..unglorious.
Posted by Zekasiq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kalmah. Well played, and I saw through most of your stuff. Good job with the character, luck with your next. Enjoyed our sessions together, too.
16439, This does answer a lot of questions for me
Posted by Xandrya Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for putting the time into this thread.

It is so ironic the turns both of our characters took. Xandrya was something of a loose woman when Kalmah first met her, but became a devoted and very dedicated wife, while Kalmah seemed to have changed in the opposite direction. I guess they were just star-crossed from the outset. :) (Mainly because I was such a poor player)

I am now actually glad I deleted Xandrya when I did.

My new character is much more fun to play because I know better what I'm doing now.

I'm glad you're having fun with your new one. Whether or not we have any interaction though, I guess I wouldn't really know, since I have no idea who your new character is and I don't really expect you to tell me.

Oh and I did send you an e-mail not too long ago (a reply to yours actually) and I haven't heard back from you. Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll resend. I've been having some trouble with my ISP and e-mail service lately.

16451, RE: How..unglorious.
Posted by Airael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, even though in the end I saw less and less of you I still smiled when I "sensed" you around. Keep up the good work and see ya in the fields!
16460, No, no, no and no!
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Zekasiq: You at first annoyed me to no end. Then I realised,
>it was confusion. Whoa! A real RPer! You were an excellent
>RPer and I enjoyed interacting with you. It was truly sad to
>see you start hating me and following in Thornarcrull's

Bah. No. He didn't follow my footsteps, since I didn't hate you and tried to solve your and Zekasiq's quarrel. But you didn't want it; Zekasiq hated you for what you did (you know what). I calmed him down, but you continued to do very, very, very wierd things. So, we, all together, decided that you are treat to the Empire and casted you out. Sorry, but it's your own mistakes.

>footsteps. I think with some talk and planning, we could have
>been great allies. Ah, and truly, truly, I did not tell
>Sylvrin to write any kind of letters glorifying me. She
>simply asked, "How goes the fighting?" And I told her,
>"Villagers want to be our enemies now. That is fine, we
>killed their captain today. A side note, he died bravely. Or,
>perhaps stupidly." A pity you did not believe me. That, I
>think, was the straw that broke the drow's back. I see you on
>still, and we are on completely opposite sides. Let the
>mayhem begin!
>Thornarcrull: You were weird. What country are you from
>anyway? Maybe somewhere in Mother Europe? I do not

That does not matter. Let's say, I'm from noth lands, past Udgaard.

>understand why you decided to take matters in your own hand.

I didn't. I didn't even try to. But it happened, and I'm glad. I'm back to the city and now I can play again. Hurray.

>Darmok did tell you when the Empire was to do, yes? And I did
>tell you, yes? You seemed to make up your own rules and make

You told me how do you see empire, as well as Darmok did. None of you truly knew, what will it be. Hah. You were mistaken.

>yourself Emperor. Then you threatened me for the same thing.

Most funny, not I. Others did it. But not you, and this is why you are outside. You stood not against me, but against the group which I gathered... but let's keep it in game. Though it's a wide known information, some players might not know this.
16463, RE: No, no, no and no!
Posted by Kalmah Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My love for other cultures carried on into Kalmah. I enjoyed studying the cultures of the game. That is why I ask you out here, not to be offensive. I think it is mostly Americans that play this game and it is nice to know perhaps there is another European out there. Even though I believe this game was originally designed and played by Scandanavians.

Anyway, what was Darmok's title? Darmok, Bloodoath, Imperial Soldier. That means he was-chosen-by-the-Lord. You followed Darmok, not the other way around. The Lord obviously expressed his desires to Darmok. And you turning things around, while it might be fun to you, is not what may be correct. So we all knew what was intended, but you changed it. I wonder, if Darmok never truly knew, why was he a true Imperial and you still are not? Maybe it is that -chaotic- mask? In an Empire of order? Not to say you won't be, the Lord has to grab someone else now. Hehe. By the way, you were fun to interact with before the troubles. I tried to ignore all the expression of hatred against you, because Kalmah indeed liked you a bit. Even though you were weird.
16507, heh
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, I'm not offensive.
Second, we all have our roles. I follow mine. It's simple. Darmok had his view upon the empire, Thornarcrull see it other way (more logical and successful by his opinion).
Third... you are blaming me without knowledge. I won't go into details, but after Thornarcrull die, I'll (probably) post the whole story. You will be surprised.
Mask... and funny, and not. Again, I'll explain later, why did I use it - I had a good reason.
Damn, man, you are so misinformed! :)
Again. I did everything to save you (I am not one to throw members/applicants outside cabals/groups and such if they are useful). But you wished too much (oh, ambitions!) while we strived to build empire.
Good luck with the next.
16504, A glorious plunge into infamy
Posted by Shil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've done a delightful job of infusing your character with passion, spontaneity and fire. He became quite the controversial character that everyone loved to hate, and it was this infamous turn that sparked Shil's interest.

I'm glad you enjoyed their private encounters. If you thought you saw depth in the interaction, let me just say that there is still more that you do not know. Kalmah only managed to peel away the more superficial layers of Shil (well the ones he was interested in, anyway).

Thank you so much for the flattering remarks IC and OOC. As players we appreciate the investment of time others put into our characters. It was really something to see Kalmah put his family/career on the line by making certain decisions that Shil had forced upon him.

16534, RE: A glorious plunge into infamy
Posted by Kalmah Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Indeed was ready to dig deeper beneath your surface, but things took a dangerous turn. I think I could have squeezed some more fun out of Kalmah but I was indeed ready to try out another character. I really hate the fact that good arms and armor is necessary to be of any use at all in the game for a warrior. Most of my enemies were becoming those that could attack me with a super sword or a stick and still get the same results. And I have a feeling Shil would not have been interested in Kalmah much longer after him becoming "anathema" and having everyone denounce him. But yes, I will miss Shil the most, because your character is bloody wicked! Well done and thank you.
16530, RE: How..unglorious.
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No I am not a newbie, just like the Inn and this is my first empowerment char. So I tried to rp a drunk after discovering the wonder of spirits. You and Mel were my first friends and best friends for awhile. A shame things went the way they did.
16546, How could you forget me?
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I can say is, it's very fortunate the whole Empire thing came about after I was gone. I think things would have gotten really REALLY ugly between us if it had been otherwise.
16413, RE: Sorry about the wait!
Posted by Kalmah Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have not even thought to write on the forum because of my new character. I am having so much fun with him!
But anyway, I enjoyed most of Kalmah's life until the very end there. Below contains my full life, or most of it, and I think you all should find many answers within. I had a nice, detailed role written out, but let's just keep it short (well, short-er):

Born on an island near the Aryth ocean to a troupe consisting of arials and cloud giants. Quite the odd mixture for art and entertainment, but they were known and endeared throughout the region. His mother and father were in high standing within this group.
Learning to play the bagpipes from his father and how to read, write, and sing from his mother, Kalmah developed a knack for rousing the spirit with his growing talents. He led stirring parade marches with his bagpipes. His poetry was often dark, a bit morbid and cynical, but very heartfelt. Everyone knew this was how he expressed himself and enjoyed it nonetheless.
In this circus like group was an act of swordsplay. Arials mainly took part in this, while the giants boasted feats of strength. Kalmah watched the sword practice everyday and when old enough, jumped at the chance to learn from the best.
Years he spent drilling, learning not the brutal techniques but the finesse and the true art of Combat. He continued playing and reciting, but his heart soared when a sword was in his hand.
Leaving the island at a tender age, he traveled the lands of Thera for many years. He fought alongside many, learning anything he could about the cultures of Thera. He enjoyed the drink of different lands, the art, and above all the women.
He spent a bit of time at the Inn of the Eternal Star and enjoyed his time there so much, he inquired there for work. His days adventuring did not dwindle, but he had finally come to find a new home.
During his time at the Inn, he became restless. He was held back, his passion flaring but nowhere to go. Due to this, he began to get angry. At himself, at his fellow Heralds, and the Patrons of the Inn. Clashes with the Scion led him on an successful yet ill-fated raid against their Chasm. By the side of his long-time friend, Rizteiqz, Kalmah fought many battles against the Scion. Many trips to Arial City allowed him to see how the Emperor was ruling things. The fact that the streets were run by pilgrims, spouting off their religion, irked him to no end. He decided someday, somehow, he would overthrow this bleeding hearted Emperor. His hatred grew.
His hatred grew, but not his desire for a companion. During his travels he tried to woo the lovely half-elf Glorhiana. Her time in Thera did not last long, so his attentions moved to a light-hearted elf named Meladori. The hatred inside him made him feel acute lonliness and a bit rash. The elf did not share any feelings, though a certain dark-elf Herald had held his eye even before that.
Shil'Uzar was a delight to him, expressing some of the same sentiments as his own. His love for drow culture grew stronger after meeting her. His dark passions grew, also.
Realising that Shil'Uzar was many times over his age and the fact he held her as being above his reach, he only jokingly invited her to be his queen. Though in his heart he desired it.
Still a Herald, Kalmah began to take more notice of a sweet, pretty, if somewhat "free loving" half-elf named Xandrya. He on many occasions had seen her with many different men, and this somewhat disgusted him. On the other hand, it enticed him. At first he wanted to see how an honor-bound elf would handle such a fiery young lover. But as time went on, he began to feel something for her. A proposal was brought to her, and finally, a companion was at hand.
Days turned into weeks, and Kalmah's heart was not filled. He was not precisely lonely, but his cravings were not settled. And then the fateful day came when Darmok the Imperial entered the Inn. Kalmah knew this was his chance to make something of his life, to do what he had always wanted to do. He expressed all of his concerns, ideas, and desires to Darmok. Shortly after, Darmok slew himself, directing all the young recruits to Kalmah. Kalmah knew he had obligations now, but he had no idea where to start. No divine guidance was given, no direction whatsoever. So taking his own personal views and what Darmok stated was the divine's own will, he set about recruiting.
Further and further apart he and Xandrya grew. Every day brought her misery, ruin, and woe. Her life was dwindling and so his love for her turned to pity, and finally to impatience. During this time, Shil'Uzar was often there by his side. She showed strength in adversity and a desire to bring about the things Kalmah fought for. In his past, Kalmah had defended the Sylvan Grove diligently. Now all of his attention was directed againts the obvious threat. The Maran began their own useless skirmishes against him and his allies, and death was brought swiftly to many of the Village. As the rift formed between Xandrya and Kalmah, as did it between himself and the recruits of the Empire. A mad dark-elf began to see himself as the coordinator of the Empire. He began to order all, blindly guessing what the Patron wanted. All things this Empire was to stand for was washed away by the dark-elf, and so others like him rallied. Others in the Empire that held true were soon disheartened by the drow's decaying affects, that they left. Many who had expressed interest in joining soon scoffed at Kalmah for allying with one so against what Kalmah had originally stated the Empire was about. And so the true beginning of the Empire crumbled.
Seeing his dream threatened, Kalmah realised he needed a new standing. Shil'Uzar expressed interest, as always, to help him achieve these dreams. But to do so, he must sacrifice Xandrya for good. Her death was demanded of him, and his desire was strong enough to comply.
Things went better as expected for his new "ally" and Xandrya snuffed herself out like a guttering candle. The flood gate of enemies was opened and seemingly everyone turned on Kalmah. The false Imperial founders cast him in shame for trying to be a true leader. He was labled a betrayer and hunted. None of his enemies made through with their threats, and his anger and hatred grew. He slew many enemies, his bloodthirst rising. He knew his time was short and hoped, prayed, that the Imperial Lord would finally come down and reward him for his sacrifices and his hard work. He knew the other "founders" were to be cast down eventually, but he would not see it. He was losing his mind.
Depair and anger wracked him. He knew the Empire would not rise, could not rise with such a bitter start. He had no allies to help rest control back from the drow. In his mind, the spirits began to call him. Before he was to go, he decided he must fall by the one whose judgement angered him the most. The irony brought tears to his eyes, but he knew this is what the spirits wanted.
And so, in the Imperial Masoleum, where past Anathema of the Empire were mass buried, Kalmah called Zekasiq to duel. Kalmah wore little but a mediocre blade and a motley of shameful armor. He emptied his meagre funds, asking Zekasiq to use the gold to fund the library he had dreamed of when they first met. And the battle commenced.

Strengthened with rage and bitterness, Kalmah bloodied Zekasiq well and sent him running. Kalmah stood his ground, not resting, eating or drinking. Minutes past, the drow healed, and came at Kalmah as sobs wracked the arial. Again, the drow was driven back. Kalmah stood defiant and bleeding, motioning for the drow to finish him. His anger was dwindling, his body giving out. A feeling of peace began to settle over him. The drow circled Kalmah one more time, Kalmah only going through the motions. Lowering his head, Kalmah accepted the slow but poetic death stroke of the drow. Releasing his soul to the winds, Kalmah Eulav left Thera, never to return.
16383, I'll add to the sentiments
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since they have no idea when that kinda stuff will come up, you should post now. I really don't know about others, but Riz has a lot of curiousities he'd like to find out about. It's still unfinished business!
16358, RE: How..unglorious.
Posted by Zekasiq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No Comments, still?
16365, Speak up, Kalmah.
Posted by Quislet on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>No Comments, still?

I think most people are withholding their comments until he actually says something. I personally don't feel right stating my opinions on Kalmah without having something of his to be responding to. I'm sure there are others waiting on him as well. Additionally, he hasn't responded to anything Vashka, Nurwon, or Xandrya have said.

Honestly, Kalmah, the Death Angel thing isn't likely to show up any time soon, so say what you have to say.
16366, RE: Speak up, Kalmah.
Posted by Zekasiq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah that's what I was referring to... No Comments from Him, still. I want to comment, but I won't for the same reason as you.
16219, Some questions I'd like answered regarding your role and intentions
Posted by Xandrya Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh I would love to see your role! :) Do post it soon, please.

Something I still do not understand is why Kalmah decided to marry Xandrya. Was it because he actually loved her or because he wanted to "use" her? (ie make her into a bard war machine?) If it was the latter...why in the world did you pick a newbie to do that?

I'll tell you why Xandrya married Kalmah. It was several things. IC she really liked him from the first time she met him and friendship grew into something deeper for her as they interacted. OOC I figured what the heck..Kalmah seems like a really nice guy and he's a warrior hero so he can probably help me learn the ropes. Which he really tried to do for a while I think. But I had no idea at the time that the Empire was going to affect things the way it did. If I had known I certainly would never have said yes.

Gastaad did his best to warn me IC just before the wedding, but I didn't understand either IC or OOC what he was really warning me about. I remember him saying something to the effect that "Kalmah doesn't really love you...he is just a collector".

Anyway I'm really interested to know what Kalmah was thinking when he did all this. ;)
16167, RE: How..unglorious.
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope your thread comes up soon but anyway...

You were Vashka's first friend in Thera, we had some goods times together. A shame things went the way they did Vashka loved Kalmah like a brother even up to the end when I was forced to kill you. More to come if the thread pops up.

16125, I'll post a reply when the official post comes up...don't want my threads
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
deleted anymore :-P
16128, RE: I'll post a reply when the official post comes up...don't want my threads
Posted by Xandrya Eulav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16200, ok times up, time to post a reply
Posted by Nurwon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
god damn man I never figured you out. you seemed like you could be a god friend up until right before this whole "Empire" crap came about. I remember you traveling with Urzkoo and Thornarcrull or Merzofzyauhn (sorry get you two all mixed up) and suddenly you guys attacked me (well urzkoo wasn't asissting, and he also appologized later even though he didn't even do anything!) kinda got me thinking that perhaps you weren't too trustworthy.

Then I saw you with Xandrya and I figured she was in good hands with you and the heralds/marans/-insert random nice guy helper person-. next thing I know Xandrya is constantly attacked by damned people that are just out of my PK range :-P so I was helpless to really help her, and then she ups and deletes. Nurwon later find from Vashka and a few others that you personally wanted her death, and did everything in your power to ensure it happening.
~~Now this OOC really really really f*ckin pissed me off considering I knew it was Xandrya's first char on CF and she was just getting the hang of it. hell I even sent up a pray when I first met her because she was about to delete after a day of relentless, pointless PK's. hope the IMM that heard me helped her out

~~IC something like this was just about as far against Nurwons beliefs as you could get so pretty much it was a sweet setup to kill you. sadly your login times seemed to change and I would always see you just log on around 4 or 5 am when I needed to desperately get some sleep! *mutters* ended up just fighting Thornarcrull and some others, it got boring and I deleted. ah well

hope that now your gone you can clear a few things up. oh yeah....good job anyway, interested to see your role