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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON) Iomyndor the Menkyo
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=15669
15669, (CON) Iomyndor the Menkyo
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Feb 23 19:36:05 2003

3 o''clock AM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Heat on the Theran calendar Iomyndor perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:32% (closer to 100% is better)

15670, A shame
Posted by Erinphalis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been waiting to test my mettle against you. Good luck in your next endeavor.
15671, RE: (CON) Iomyndor the Menkyo
Posted by More goodbyes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to do this yesterday and my terrible connection went to hell after I did the whole thing, so bear with me. I'm going to forget even more now.


Rhomelanthos- Good work with the Captain thing and all, keep having fun.

Drahk, Tessaron- Good work and all, didn't know you all that well.

Derd- Hey man, I never would have gone after your family, Iomyndor was into humans anyways.

Trylartin- You died right? Good work in any case.


Deveskrius- Nice work and all, lots of fun fights, even though you smoked me alot. Mad respect for your character during his life, not so much for your actions after death, a little childish if you ask me. But all in all, lots of respect for you as a player and for Dev as a character.

Deirtan, Mirdulad(not an enemy), and that damned annoying gnome- That whole thing with Deirtan, well I was fired up on the sauce and well, you heard what I had to say. But thanks for the apology and damn good work with Mird. I liked him alot. It makes sense that you were that gnome, always bothering me. See you around.

Yaofhil- Lots of respect, two fun fights, even if I did get my ass handed to me. Keep on going you filthy filthy maran.

Carzolian- My favorite maran to mess with. Take it easy and good work. Lots and lots of good fights.

Ghuljun- Besides the very first fight where I ran you off, you pretty much owned me, for some damn reason I could never pull off a tiger claw on you.

Nirumas- I chased after you so much because I asked Saldradien for some simple info on wood-elves, and he decided that I was supposed to kill you first. Needless to say, I never got the info. Take it easy you cowardly magistrate. *wink*

Nexus, Scion, Warlocks- Never had much interaction besides the ones I already mentioned. All you invokers beath the hell out of me alot, the rest of you, I hope I was almost a worthy opponent.

Friends(sort of):

Airael- Lots of good times, a damn fine character. At first, I was going to make you fall in love with me and then make you ditch Ilraeth, but, then Iomyndor started liking you more, and was feelin real conflicted about the whole thing. Have fun, hope you got the flowers. *goose*

Aneriasha- Good character, lots of fun, I got mad at you for throwing me out of the Inn that one time, but hey, thats the way it goes. Take it easy.

Jhalstruvv- Mad respect man, you kick ass. I feel I let you down that time at the Fortress. Hell, I let myself down, whole bunch of stalks, missed three different times. Keep smoking people.

Gastaad, Malinran, other thieves- I always liked the thieves guild, kind of like having a bunch of "informants" and stuff. Lots of good times, and Mal, it didn't matter, I was dead to rights anyways. Four nexans on just me? No chance, it was suicide.

I know I'm forgetting people, yell and scream at me and all that. Sorry in advance. I'll reply if you want me to.

I tried to play an "evil" battelrager. I know I seemed rather neutral, even good at times, but that was all just a ploy, there were ulterior motives behind all benevolent actions. I'd like to know what people thought of my roleplay, as my PKing was obviously sub-par. I should be back soon, need to get back to my cable modem though, this dial up is killin me. Might post my role if anyone's interested, gotta transfer it between two computers, so we'll see what happens. All in all, great game imms, everyone just remember, this is just a game, a place for us all to escape to and have a good time. Peace and hair grease.
15675, RE: (CON) Iomyndor the Menkyo
Posted by Nirumas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Coward, heh. Ya I came out of town after you once and nearly got my ass killed when the sylvans came out of nowhere and attacked me right as I attacked you. After that I never trusted you again. I knew every time you were stalkin me in Galadon. I had my own "network" to tell me where you were. There's a reason I've never been assassinated. I'm sure I was quite frustrating for you. I must say I am quite surprised that Saldradien took enough interest in me to put a death mark on my head. I must be doing something right. You were always an annoyance to me, making me look over my shoulder constantly. So you must have been doing something right too.
15674, Just lumped in with the rest?
Posted by Kucerael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always looked forward to fighting against you. There were a couple of occasions where I had to beat you away from the Sentinel three or four times before you either died, ran away, or the little ones with you were able to peck it to death.

It sure was fun fighting something OTHER THAN a cloud giant warrior berserker, or the occasional arial warrior in the village. You landed two tigerclaws on me. Once, I had a healer to keep me going until the tick, the other time, you weren't brutalizing me, and the tick came quick enough. Oh well. I could always count on you to be camped out at the Sentinel pretty soon after we got the head. I enjoyed your character.
15673, RE: (CON) Iomyndor the Menkyo
Posted by Airael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Airael liked you alot I will admit. It was always nice to see you around the Inn when everyone else was out doing something. (Hey I know I could be doing more too but no time lately!) As for making Airael fall in love with you, I believe shes over that and dont think she would have fallen in love with an Arial, (Ya know, beaks and stuff just seem to weird at times), but she saw you as a very good friend. A well made character. And for the record, theres also no way she would ditch Ilraeth ;)
Anyway, have fun with your next character and I hope to see ya again in the fields.
15672, RE: (CON) Iomyndor the Menkyo
Posted by Rogedax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you and I had a whole bunch of battles I must have atleast
three of them in my log compilation. cant leave me out... Really
good to see a villager con die, with all of mine that is the way
I went out, you get mega points for that one. I hope ya play
another villager one that I am around to be by your side instead
of the other side of you... because from what I see you have a ton
of potential for becomming a killer pk, but dont let all this go
to your head I will post a couple of your big mistakes on the log
board on dio's page.
15676, Hrm
Posted by Romanul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No offense, but damn man while working with you once or twice I swear I could never tell that you had played a hero assassin before. Props for sticking it out and getting back into the village though. If you don't mind me asking, what sphere were you?

15677, What a ride.
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that was fun. I'm downright surprised with my ratio, twice as good as I thought it would be. I've been on the verge of deleting for about a week or two now. Figured it would be better to go out with a condeath though. Had a lot of fun with this character, as well as a lot of frustration. As you can see, I'm not so good with the PK aspect of the game, but I tend to enjoy the more violent roles so I kind of set myself up for dissapointment, but oh well, its just a game. Not to mention I despise ranking. I probably only spent about ten to twenty hours past rank 41. Well, lots of people to mention, so I guess I'll get started.


Not a whole lot of interaction, inducted by Intronan, who inducted my only other successful Villager, and almost inducted one when he was mortal. Anyways, if any of you other villageimms got anything to say, I'd appreciate the input. Mostly on how to get better at PKing. Sorry I never put in a role until the end, I had about ten different stories kicking around on my computer, never could figure out which one to use. Anyways, good work with the game and the Village, lots of fun.


Kiyhruus- Really Iomyndor's only friend, maybe Gre and maybe Rulghum were friends, but you definetly were, lots of good times for me. You were a monster.

Gre- We disagreed from time to time, but you get respect both from Iomyndor, and from me as a player. Good work leading the Village. Have fun and keep slaughtering people.

Rulghum- Had some funny ass chats with you on the CB, you were a beast, sorry you died on my last death, I just wanted to go down in a blaze of glory, and I sort of did. Mad respect.

Kulmortuk- You betrauin son of a bitch, Iomyndor liked you a lot too. Oh well, thems the breaks. Good work, haven't seen you in a while.

Sabiene- I remember you and I being the only defenders for a while there. You were so ready to help everyone, definetly played a "good" battlerager, where I tried to pull off an "evil" battlerager, which I sort of did. Anyways, good work and keep going.

Darmok- Iomyndor never really like you, but I have tons of respect for that whole honorable ranking thing. Iomyndor would get kind of mad at you for bringing up that ##### during raids and stuff. But, well played all in all, I was always happy for the Village when you were around.

Senimar- Thought I was gonna forget you, didn't you. You weren't around too much after I first got in, good work though, keep going.

Rodonar- My first sponsor, you were dead by the time I got in, good work from what I saw, take it easy.

Maelfezuul- Do me proud, you were my only sponsor.

I got some stuff I gotta go do now, so I'll finish these later, I got a bunch more, so I'm not forgetting anyone just yet.

15685, RE: What a ride.
Posted by Maelfezuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for being my sponser, we didnt get to know each other too well.

I've never con died a char, congrats on doing that, youll be missed.

See you in the fields.
15684, Gah!
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had to be my favorite enemy on Rizteiqz. I respected you a whole lot, especially since most of our fights were with me having a heavy level advantage... Not to mention the facts assassins don't know maces and I had a mace of water for quite a while.

Oh, and on another character more recently, thanks for the bandages when that assassin with backup was attacking me and I was starving and blind. Damn paladins. I was almost going to roll a villager just to actually be on your side for once after that.
15682, hrmmm.....evil?
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
first time I saw you I was like "ok here we go, time for the little rager assassin to try an' take me out. got my lightning axe ready...3 backup axes in wieght order...str gear on...no attack despite all my magical crap...next time I see you same thing...saw u numerous times, never came after me....then apparently you were friendly with Airael which got me to loosen up around you. Other than inn interactions didn't see you much but from what I heard you did a good job, see you on your next man.

-Nurwon Du'Roth
15683, RE: hrmmm.....evil?
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seeing me in that guise was part of my clever deception. *wink* It was in my role, every benevolent action that ever came out of Iomyndor had ulterior motives, at the Inn, there was a lot of me decieving people. It changed with Airael towards the end, but heh. I was never sure if you were a Sylvan or a Nexun, so I never attacked you. Take it easy man.
15681, Wild ride with a rough ending, but all together a good ending.
Posted by Gre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed our interactions and secret meetings discussing this and that. You and Sabiene were dramatically different in the ways you do things. The good/evil conflict always gave me a laugh and kept stuff spiced up in the village.

You were one interesting assassin and fun to be around, although you were not very deathful. Not every assassin has to be deathful.

Good luck.
15680, Lots of love, man
Posted by Yaofhil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess Iomyndor had a big impression on me as a player since he and Yaof were a sort of enemies since youth. I think we battled twice, total, once at rank 15 and again at 51. But for a long time, we were separated by ranks enough to just have to resort to taunting each other.
I really was impressed with your version of the 'evil assassin rager', I liked the way you did it a lot. Anyways, assassins have a hard time with dwarven axe specs for the most part. It was obvious and expected for you to hate me ic, I just hope it wasn't too much ooc.
15679, Hum just curious
Posted by Malinran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was i the one who cause you, the last death? I think i was but im not sure. I walked into the room just as you dusted, i was going after another assassin dual wielding maces, frenzied, and hasted. You died in 2 rounds before i had time to flee. An accident really sorry about that. :(
15678, Whew, my children and wife are now safe!
Posted by Derdhuin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, good job with Iomyndor. Derdhuin didn't enjoy him much--I actually asked people to make sure you kept your distance from my hut when the family was there.

I was pretty confused when I saw you in ghost form, but you have been around for a long time. Hope you had fun with him, the Birds O Prey are getting down there in numbers!