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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Tanlienan the Ranger Prince
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=15643
15643, (DEL) Tanlienan the Ranger Prince
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Feb 20 23:28:21 2003

1 o''clock PM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of the Winter Wolf on the Theran calendar Tanlienan perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:16% (closer to 100% is better)

15644, Me blabbering.
Posted by Meoilaxenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I learned alot with this character...This was my first major character since Meoilaxenz (some tranny/shifter/Master, when valg was still a mortal lich) I lost momentum with my character about lvl 38 and I plugged him until almost 44. My role was a loner, my decription was a loner, I tried to roleplay a loner. How I did I don't really think well.
my role was this...(more babbling at bottom)
Your role is:
Added Mon Dec 23 07:58:27 2002 at level 1:
Born to a dying maiden in a dark and thunderous storm. He was whisked
away by spirits that had pity and did not wish the poor child to be the
feast of the orcs that sought his mother. They took him far away from
the lands of men and industry. They took him to the deepest forests,
farther west then the Lake of the Storm Giant King, and farther north
than The Great Tower of the Chess Master.
There deep in those forests lay a keeper of the forest. A tremendous
creature that had a very similar look to that of a druid's treant. Yet
with exception this creature had vague human features. It had a beard
made of moss and lichen, hair long and wavy made of willow branches, and
a nose made from the knotted stump of a branch. As half as tall as a
tree and half as round it walks effortlessly on two long trunk like legs.
Two huge branches extend to make arms stronger then that of any giant,
yet have hand gentle enough for a gardener's green thumb.
This was were the babe was raised on locusts and honey. He drank from
the crisp mountain springs. He ate berries in spring, ripened fruits in
the summer, gathers nuts in the fall, and feast upon the beasts that
would not survive winters brutality with the wolves. Year after year,
and decade after decade he lived in this utopia of nature and balance.
The "Tree Shepherd" as he was called by the elf child came by often to
see how the elf was doing. The elf child was nurtured like that of any

other tree in the forest, with patience and guidance. He guided him in
the ways of herbs of the forest, and told of things edible to him (an
elf), and those things which were to be left uneaten. Such as the
freifjes (Frif-jess) tree which bears a fruit only a handful of bird can
eat. He also spoke of how the lands were not all forests but covered
with vast stretches of water as far as the eye could see, large plains of
grass where few trees are seen. He also spoke of mountains the spew fire
and terrain so fierce that only the toughest of creatures would live
Tanlienan, as he was named, ("Spirit found" was its meaning so the Tree
Shepherd has said) more often then not was alone with his thoughts, the
birds, and beasts of the forest. So often, he traveled to the ends of
the forest and back. On one day he sought out the Tree Shepherd, and
told him that he wished to see the mountains the spew fire, and the
oceans as vast as the eye could see.
He left early the next day and began the eleven day journey out of the
forest to the east. When he has reached the end of the forest he noticed
that the world was no longer the lovely utopia covered lands. Large
patches forests had been clear cut to grow a single plant in unbalanced
quantities that was sapping earth of its life giving nutrients. Large
barren rock walled cities, totally void of nature where stung out ever

where. So much destruction and waste left by man kind.
"This destruction and unbalance will not spread any further," he vowed,
"Man-kind will no longer destroy land nor forest or beast that walks."
Are all of Man-kind like this he would think to himself.
A little while later in his journeys he met an old druid who he much
thought of as a Tree Shepherd of sorts. The druid told him this,
"Man-kind is only 'kind' in name, they have long forgotten what balance
was with nature. They destroy more then what they use to build, and
waste so much, never using it to its fullest." This only hardened
Tanlienan's spirit to his vow.

Added Tue Dec 24 05:16:36 2002 at level 6:
The lands are harsh and will take much time to heal. Man-kind has a
stronger grasp on Thera than I had imagined. I must take up Man-kind's
sword and strike back at them. I must master their ways. The old druid
told me that, "If you know the enemey and know yourself, you need not
fear the result of one hundred battles." I have thought on this much.
I will learn the sword and drive these defilers and unbalanced from

Added Wed Jan 1 13:30:04 2003 at level 12:
Sunnyn the storm giant has given me a ray of hope for

Man-kind. He feels much the way I do about the vile ways
of the "Civilized Man". Not all Man-kind is destructive.
Some do earnestly seek to promote nature and make Thera a
green utopia. How far they go is entirely dependent upon
the individual though. I hope to find more like Sunnyn.
What one man can do surely more of us will get that much
Time will tell and the seasons will change. I must be
patient like a spider and ruthless like wolverine.

<100%hp 93%m 100%mv 4464tnl wilderness 5 AM>
The zeal of youth has left me and I find myself becoming a trained warrior when I am in the elements of nature. When I am forced to fight outside of my element I find myself being more deadly. Like a bear trapped between a pack of wolves and a burning forest. I calm down to an almost tranquil state in the calm of the forest. Then if my forests are disturbed by the defiling, that makes me angry, and I seek out the problem to cleans it like you would cleanse a diseased part of a tree. Which is to remove it from the rest of the tree. I have seen blood shed like nothing I have ever seen before in nature. I fear that before Thera can revert to a utopian state there will be more blood shed. It is as Kahosarin the Dragon said “Each side tempering the other, holding them steady within the travels of their life, ever changing yet always balanced in their actions.” I think this is just such a time when Industry and Civilization have tempered at nature, and they have made a sway in the balance. Maybe I can return some of the balance back to towards nature. I wish to speak with Kahosarin the Ancient Dragon one day about the trinity of the soul that he has spoken of, and the perfection of oneself in enlightenment. I truly believe in the last statement I read in a translated writing of his works, “They live in a world of death and destruction in their right hand, and at the same time beauty and peace in the left.” Right now though I feel like I am juggling the two in my hands, yet not being able to hold both of them at the same time. I am either in a state of beauty and peace, or in a state of death and destruction. Maybe this is they way it is supposed to be. So many questions yet no idea where to find answers. I will continue my travels of the world and maybe learn something more. “Patience like a spider, and ruthless like a wolverine,” I once said. It seems ages ago but how true it still rings.

There was a little more added on when bria removed a wanted flag I had gotten. I made the mistake of walking into the baliff and a tribby said I was breaking the law. It was a major thing to the character and so I added it to the role.
I deleted my character before I got the skills but all of them except shieldcleave pen quiet movement lore and dark vision were mastered (100) my spells were not all mastered I only mastered entangle. As I type this I think everyone will be like Tan Who?
The only person I really intereacted alot with was Delamanie the half-drow paladin, and Nurwon the cloud ranger. A
you guys were a fun bunch. Though I didn't do to much with either of you. blah blah blah I don't really have anything to say and I don't think anyone cares.

Meo the lune

P.S. Deploying soon so I didn't really feel the need to keep the character around where I couldn't log on anyway.
15647, man, I can't believe you deleted....
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I new from when you first mentioned about your leaving soon for the forests far to the west, that you were either getting sick of Tanlienan or you had other things to do that play CF. I can't really tell you how much you helped me out with gearing. I didn't even know half that crap existed, and I always wondered ooc why you had no problem taking me at the drop of a hat to get some things. in fact I don't think I ever did ask you to help me get stuff, you always offered *thumbs up* thanks man. I'll post a bit how you char affected Nurwon IC, but I'll just let ya know that your death was kind of a crushing blow to Nurwon's mental state...very few people he'll consider a friend...*coughs* when Nurwon dies I'll go into a bit more detail.
15645, RE: Me blabbering.
Posted by Tavish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go, it was always good to travel with you, I think there was over three hundred owlbear steaks on the ground from me and you, and you almost NEVER got hit. Somehow I got your wooden armor again, I'll try to put it to good use. See you in the fields if you ever come back!
15646, yeah um...
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Somehow I got your wooden armor again, I'll try to put it to good use.

I think it was you that walked up to me when I was in the ruined keep, all that stuff on the ground was Tanlienan's. You showed up pretty much right after he had deleted. So I suppose thats how you got whatever your talking about.