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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=15548
15548, (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Feb 19 18:10:57 2003

6 o''clock PM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Ancient Darkness on the Theran calendar Farnsworth perished, never to return.

Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
PK Ratio:89% (closer to 100% is better)

15549, Coumadin, Farnsworth...enough (n/t)
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
15550, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by thedrunkard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hrm... Dont know what to say, ive been watching and admiring the rp of your character through several of my last, and mostly the one i hold now.. Just wanted to say, you have truly instilled in me at least, from watching and interacting with you a whole new grasp on CF, and ooc and ic, player and character, its been pretty much an honor. Well well played. I only regrest not learning more from you, Thanks for everything....
15551, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish you had signed a nick or name I could recognize so I might know with whom I interacted to deserve such praise, but regardless, thank you very much. That was very kind of you to say and I feel honored. I'm glad I helped enrich the game for you.

Of course, there is a tiny little part yelling that you were being sacrastic, but I'll pretend not to hear it....
15552, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by thedrunkard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would like to stay nameless for i do have a current character going that i dont want to bring on the forums, and a past one i got in a LOT of trouble for one drunken night when i got pissed at you a few months back.. nameless necro whoms rp has no link whatsoever to what im playing now, and a few high powerd shifters.. But no sarcasm intended, your char personally has seriously helped me in gaining a far deeper grasp on cf, rp consitency, in game honor, all that good stuff. Even nameless characters way back when, that have had nothing to do with you, but just from your specific type of hard core, i am what i am, and walk the walk, dont like it eat ####, and being able to put action in words, time after time is impressive. There are a lot of rp'ers out there that are no doubt good, but only when someones looking. In any event. continued grats for well played, thanks again.
15553, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, not a rage delete. I got to the point where I had done everything I had planned to with this character. I wanted to see what Intronan’s religion was like, and what interacting with him in a non-rager way was would be like. I think I did that as much as I could, certainly in an ic way. Though our times were not often the same so I think I got less immteraction from him than I would have otherwise (not faulting you, Intronan, you were great in every way!).

I wanted to see what the new Tribunals were like, and see if I could rise in the ranks. I think I did that as much as I could, going from magistrate to provincial to provost to vindicator. Along the way I got to interact with some great people, both mortal and immortal, and had a lot of fun.

I wanted to see Hell, even though it was closed. I did that, though not as much as I could I suppose, but still. I don’t know if anyone else has ever done what I did, Scara, in just praying for you and asking for you to open the gates for me and a party of my choosing, but I appreciate your not only not outright slaying me then and there but actually letting us go. It was in some ways even harder to do it than it was to become Vindicator or Voice, what with all the deletions along the way. :P

I wanted to hero a shaman. I did that. A shaman can be very powerful but also has some serious drawbacks. Which I suppose is exactly how game balance works.

I wanted to play an evil. I was, I think, quite the asshole to some. So I think I did that. :P I was not a real deep dark evil take over the world murder everyone kind of evil, but more the civilized “I don’t think I’m evil” kind of guy. Farnsworth cared for what he cared for and if you didn’t, ##### you. If you crossed him, ##### you. If you couldn’t be at least civilized, ##### you.

So, once I had accomplished all these things (the last was the hell trip last week) I began to think about what the hell was going to keep me occupied for the next two hundred hours. And other than the sylvan war, which was ok, I couldn’t think of anything. Sure, I figure there would be the next round of questy things or some more war or maybe going back to Hell, if Scara would let, but for the most part it would be a lot of sitting in town watching. Dying now for the first in a long long time just seemed to be a good time to call it quits for Farnsworth.

Let’s talk about Tribunal and Farnsworth. Farnsworth never, not even once, cheated or looked the other way or did anything corrupt at all. Never. I don’t care what any of you say, you’re just wrong or not in possession of all the facts. There was only one time when I was in fact even tempted, and while I considered not flagging the person at that time (Aginal, in hamsah, against like five maran/sylvan people) another tribunal there flagged him and made it no longer a problem for me.

What I think a lot of you don’t understand is that when you are a magistrate you pretty much have to actually hear the yell to flag. If I step out of the city – into the copeham in, onto the outskirts, into the Spire, into the graveyard, the sewers, the docks, whatever – then I don’t hear a yell. I can step out for just two seconds, and you can get attacked, then I come back in and you do a “where” and see me and then you start yelling about why I didn’t flag the person, and it doesn’t matter. I was outside when it happened and didn’t hear it. Until you play a tribunal you just don’t know what it’s like. And once you start yelling at me to tell me to flag someone, for a crime I did not witness or hear, what should I do? Just accept your word for it that you were attacked? Of course not. But most people just walk around with that sense of moral indignation that their attacker didn’t get flagged and harbor the anger to me, not the attacker.

Yes, sometimes there is enough evidence to flag without actually hearing the yell or seeing the crime. But not often. And it’s a judgment call. I am sure there are some people out there who if they were playing a tribunal might have flagged some people that I did not, or not flagged some people that I did. But that’s how it works. And only in situations without real direct solid proof. For those there wasn’t really ever any discussion.

Also regarding Tribunal, I was always amazed at how many people would come asking me for help, aid, food, whatever. I was, for all intents and purposes, the mortal embodiment of the dark side of the spire. What are you people thinking? Usually I’d either ignore them, or tell them to welcome death, not fight it (I was a Raven, remember?) or tell them to find a dawnite who might care, because I sure didn’t. But inside, the player was just laughing.


Intronan. What to say? Very cool. And I mean that in the temperature way as much as the slang way. Very icy. Very dangerous. And a whole lotta fun to have as my patron. I think I “got” most of if not all the Raven religion, and I hope I didn’t take too many liberties with your beliefs. As a player I have always wondered why people who play shaman never seem to feel directly tied to their god. From the start I wanted to be a shaman of Intronan, of the Raven. I think I was, though more in the first ¾ of life. I got the feeling that the last fifty or so hours I was more vindicator shaman who happened to be Intronan’s follower than the other way around. But when we spoke – rare as it was – you seemed happy enough. Either way though I almost always had it as a conscious thought to consider what a Raven would do in any situation. I hope you liked having me as much as I liked having you.

Bria. I said it elsewhere but I’ll say it again. You get a bad rap. You supported me through thick and thin, through what I am sure were many notes or prays about how awful I was behaving or failing in my duty. You listened when I had suggestions or concerns (I still think you should change the rule that we spoke of the other night, by the way, even though I am no longer a Tribunal. I did mean it when I said I wasn’t just thinking as a tribunal) and you almost always acted on it promptly. Few people can say that about their cabal imm, at least in my experience. I think you do an excellent job of letting the cabal run itself for the most part, and not enforcing your own roleplay’s desire for a more ‘lightwalking’ or ‘touchy feely’ type form of justice. Especially for the months you were alone after Astein but before Nezraya. (Who I never saw or spoke to even once after being a Vindicator. Oh well.) Anyway, you have my respect and I think you do a fine job.

Kastellyn. You get a mention because when I was level 44 or something I was the very first mortal to come to the north of thera and see you come back. If you remember I fought the big baddie alongside the other ragers, eventually getting you back. I am not sure but I might be the only non-villager or villager applicant who ever got bandages from a defender. I thought it was cool that you told them to do that and to help me. Not much more to say, just a good solid roleplay experience that I never forgot.

Scarabaeus. Thanks. That’s all I can say. All the other stuff about how great hell is and all that has been said before. So, just, thanks, a lot.

Well, I started to write farewells to mortals but there were over 35 that I wrote down on a little list of people I had more than a basic interaction with, and to be honest I just don’t feel like typing all of that at one time.

Sooooooo….. if it’s alright with all of you (and you don’t really have a choice :P) I am hoping anyone who cares will post and I promise now that I will respond with my memories and thoughts (good or bad). I had some absolutely great interactions and relationships with people and I hope some of you enjoyed spending time talking or interacting with me.

Just because I know they will be hurt if I don’t, I will mention one or two who played particularly large parts in Farnsworth’s life: Noldruk, Futaleufu, Anith, Aginal, Trajeona, Merzo, Thornacrull, and lately of course the sylvans. Anyway, I hope to hear from all of you here and I will surely write individually once you do.

Lastly…. I know there is going to be a hue and outcry once the next information is read. I tell you now that I was scrupulous about not sharing information between characters. In fact there were two times that stand out in my mind where I actually hurt myself even though I knew it would work out differently because of the other character’s experience. So before any of you complain, no, I didn’t switch or log one off to bring on the other because of the timing of things or the enemies or friends. I am guessing I’ll still get a lot of flack for it, no matter what I say, but believe me when I say neither character ever benefited from the existence of the other.

Good luck to all of you and thanks again.


15599, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Jesrelres on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well....Farewell. I don't have too terribly much to say. I do think we worked well together, though I'll admit I personally had something of a distaste for you. I do think its a shame you left, we're not exactly at a strong point, and I do hate losing wars. But anyway. I can't offer much in criticism, we didn't hunt much until the end, and I was generally quick to leave as soon as the matter was done. Anyway, congratulations on reaching all your goals, rarely done anywhere.
15598, Well well...
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a good time with you, as Merzo... seeing who I am now.. you might understand how I hunt criminals as well as I did. And why I liked it! *smile* Those were some good times for me. Thrill of the hunt, without the burden of Tribunal duty.

Also, had a good time getting things with you. Heh, that time in Tharacia was a blast. Just wish I had gotten an invite to hell. *pout* Sounds like you could have used some experience down there.. and a decent healer. :P

Well, I was Nerylana as well.. funny you were Loborguz. HA! And Darmok. Sucks what happened with that... I was trying to get some Empire loving there at the end.. but sucks I was with Straklaw when he attacked you. Owell.. good luck with your next and WELL DONE with Farnsy.

You inducted me, as Bouwlrin as well! :P

15597, I'm sure you don't remember me.
Posted by Yuber on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Either as Yuber or Vortigern, had a blast with Farnsworth and Lob. I still remember those times when Ragers were honorable...Now about Farnsworth, he was strong and kinda felt weak each time you'd look and say not again but Vorti's life was not quite easy and yes, I wanted to have fun, not bother of deaths. Was fun speaking to you or helping you get some stuff (Stoneform amulet) and even pk! Late!!!!!!!
15596, Damn i hated you as a player
Posted by Anxor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really did. I know the feeling was mutual. Especially that argument we kept having about the law and order. I still think you were wrong :) From an evil point of view i could understand your behavior to Anxor. Especially since you flagged a few people on my word alone, when i was not a trib anymore. That quest you gave me to get back in pissed me off to no end, i kept buggin you to forget the damn thing but i had to do it :) Good rp of not letting up on your beliefs or the law.

When we talked about the quest, i knew you werent going to make it easy, especially knowing how i was. I hate being right with that. If i didnt have a chat or two with bria and a few other tribs who wanted me back in, i would have done everything in my power to assassinate/kill you, even as a trib, even as a vindicator (or die trying)...but i had to follow my role and do what you said to get back in.

Nicely done job

15594, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell....I started off liking your charactor, though at times, his condescending attitude grated on me a bit...Wished I wasnt so busy all the time, and never really got to travel/hunt with you. It seemed like whenever you were about, I was in the middle of something else. I used you in my role to explain my interest in the Raven philosophy, late in life. I was realizing I needed to incorporate some semblence of role-play/relign, instead of being a numbers PKer. You helped me with it, so thanks.

In regards to your trip to the Inferno you had worked so hard to get. Might as well tell you now that we are both dead....I was going to kill you the soon as we entered. *chuckle* It was a plan amungst a few of us involved, since we agreed that a shaman would be holding us back...Sheesh.....

Actually I probably would have backed off that route, knowing IC how much time you put into it....I think that would have been even too cruel for me to do.

Anyhow...you did a hell of a job...great roleplay, great Raven.

Take care,

15595, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no inkling you planned to kill me. That would have been very upsetting indeed. And I think you're mistaken as to a shaman holding you back, but that's for another day to discuss.

Anith was a great character and I thought a terrific Raven. I'm glad we got to interact. Thanks for your kind words.
15593, Fantastic Job
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I truly regret that my hours didn't meet yours more. However, when I was able to watch you, or interact with you, I was highly impressed. You were what a devoted priest of a religion here should be about (in my opinion)... your God, and beliefs come before everything, and you let those beliefs affect almost everything in your life. Religion never seemed to take a backseat with you, and I found that very cool. You were zealot, preacher, and truly a warrior of the faith. I gave you great responsibility in being my mortal representitive, and you delivered quite nicely.

I happened to be watching your last death (ouch) and I said to myself 'That's it.' Sadly, it was. I doubt you would have had trouble keeping interested in the next 200 hours, as you said, as, of course, I have a few things stirring in the pot. My plans usually take a while to boil, but when they do, I like to think that they're pretty interesting.

Good job all around.
15592, Quick things I forgot
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always thought people wasted roleplay opportunities when they have mobs or charmies. Early on I decided to treat my special guards as people. I would say "good day, gentlemen", in group, every time I called guards. Special guards or later lieutenants. I would emote for them as often as I remembered. And then as Provost when I got lieutenants and through being Vindicator, I had Robert and Thomas. I had dreams of some imm actually naming them that somehow - not sure if that's possible - but I always enjoyed it. I had a few emotes that I liked a lot, like the one about one of them picking his nose during an interview or something, but I would have them do random stuff all the time. Acting like lieutenants and bodygaurds. I hope people enjoyed that.

I also decided that if I was going to be a badass guy - true or not - then I wouldn't cower in the guild. So, like Astein, I stood in the market. Interestingly, I very very very rarely got attacked there. People just wouldn't attack me. Well, except for the random paladin or something. But mostly not. Not that I blame them, I wouldn't attack a tribby in town either unless I had a really powerful reason. But I found it was a much greater deterrent to crime than standing in the guild, since much crime happens in and around the market.

And I also made the decision early on that I wouldn't do much hunting of noncriminals. In fact I can remember virtually all the times I actually went after someone who wasn't wanted by the law, and there are only about six or seven. One was Trylartin, who insulted Farnsworth's faith (and caused thror, wrongly in my opinion, to send drahk after me. He didn't succeed of course. :P), and another was that elf paladin whose name I do not recall. But for the most part I stayed scores of hours in town and waited for a criminal to kill.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Sorry to do this piecemeal.
15591, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Farnsworth cool! Darmok sucked. :P

You've had some sweet ass characters. Unfortunately we always seem to be at each others throat no matter what we're playing.

Krivohan the Vindicated, Dead Chancellor of the Inferno
15590, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Queesha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think I liked Farnsworth at first,
but the more I interacted with you, the
more I liked you. I think I even got a
pretty good hold on Intronan's religion
by seeing you. Good Character, Hope vindicator
was fun. Hell was great. Thanks for bringing me.
Good Luck on the Next.
15587, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Bria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It always happens that those who are part of a larger plan/quest delete before we get it going. Sorry to see you go just now, if you had waited a week or so, I think you would have been so busy you wouldn’t have time to think of going.

About what we talked about, I am thinking still on it, we will see.

I think after all the times we talked you know that I felt you did a good job and earned the respect of the Spire. I felt you were always well role-played, god I laughed my ass off with some of your interactions with your guards. I suppose we should have a post for Robert and hmm... forgot the other guard’s name. But it was those little touches that made it fun to watch you, even if I didn’t always agree with you or what you did.

15589, Robert and Thomas
Posted by Almaola on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got demoted from acolyte for discovering that, so might as well share it.
15588, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It always happens that those who are part of a larger
>plan/quest delete before we get it going.

Perhaps that suggests something beeing flawed with many imm-run quests/plans?
15585, Hey man, well done
Posted by Yaofhil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed our infrequent talks and enjoyed having you come after me those couple times when I was wanted. I always knew that if I didn't let you find me fast enough, you were eventually going to just come to the Fortress and beat on the maran till I did. Did you happen to log that fight where Benasth and I killed you at the Fortress? Or actually, any of the fights? Anyways, I interacted with Loborguz and Alghorval with other characters, and just wanted to say that you seem to always have quality roleplay. Well done.
15586, RE: Hey man, well done
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, sadly I didn't log anything with Farnsworth. I should have. And that time I came to the fortress to hunt you was the first time I'd ever fought anyone as a Vindicator. I had a quite a learning curve before me and it showed. Had we met a few weeks later I think it would have been a different outcome. But you were very tough and fun to fight. And you didn't kick and scream and complain, you just did what you thought right, which got you points in my mind.

Thanks again.
15584, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by BattleCharmed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well played, you did an extra-ordinary job. I had a feeling I knew who you were from your play. But I was very impressed over all with Darmok and with Farnsworth. Its too bad you took my axe in the mountains, I was nearly crying LOL. But as they say, we learn from our mistakes and next time I will remember to pack food and water for a journey so far away from home. Especially with I am wanted.

15583, Damn, Graatch still kicking around? (n/t)
Posted by Gabe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You should include your other characters too..:P
15581, Damn, you were Darmok too, and Loborguz, damn.
Posted by Gre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say, you did a great job with Farnsworth Jones despite how much I hate bloody shackles and you constantly interfering with raids on the village, siding with the massive number of Nexus. You always showed up when none of them were wanted and we were wanted, adding to the already ugly odds. But that is your job, to bring people to justice, such is life.

This is the second time I have been around and people have used bloody shackles on my characters. Each time I hated it and each time I learned something new about them. I think when Bria busts them out again on someone, I'll know how to deal with them. Unfortunately took me a few times experimenting (and dying to them) to learn it. Trial under fire is always beset I say. But the path to getting bloody shackles must be rough, so I can't complain too much and you deserved them.

I always respect a tribunal for how much crap they put up with, but I must admit, your job has become amazingly easier with the adding of all those damn guards. Galadon is now like fort knoxx.

I am not a fan of the playing two heroes at one time thing, but you had your reasons. Good luck and take care.

15582, RE: Damn, you were Darmok too, and Loborguz, damn.
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I am not a fan of playing two heros at the same time either. In fact I don't recall ever doing it before. And it was not my plan here. What happened was that I rolled up Farnsworth with big intentions, big goals, big plans. (Which were fulfilled, happily.) But Intronan and I just don't share log-on times. It took quite a long time to finally get to him. So, one day while I was just doing nothing waiting I logged off and rolled up a warrior who would not need to wait around for anything and could just be played. That was Darmok. I'd log on with Farnsworth for a while, pray, level a little, practice stuff, pray more, etc., and eventually get nothing. I'd log off. My standard practice was to wait between a half hour and one hour between characters. I'd log on Darmok and play a bit. (We're talking late night or over weekends.) I had to have some goals for Darmok and so he developed as we all now know. Once Farnsworth got empowered eventually, I had two mortals who had gotten some immteraction and some interesting roleplay, and I didn't want to throw either one away, so, I played them. But I was very careful about it (contrary to what at least one person is saying on another forum *cough*) I never used info from one to aid the other.

Anyway, Gre was great both from Farnsworth's perspective and Darmok, though the former didn't like him, just respected him. Glad you enjoyed our interactions.
15580, Goodbye, Mr. Jones
Posted by Alnallander on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jones. That still just makes me chuckle.

At any rate, I felt you played the evil tribunal very well, and I hated you for it. Well, hate is a strong word. How bout despised? Nah, at any rate, I knew that since I rarely stopped into any cities that I wouldn't often have any run-ins. The few times we went back and forth for awhile was enjoyable. Was making me laugh. We'd fight, I'd flee and come back to try a certain tactic and you'd tell me "Well if you wouldn't always flee...", so we'd fight again and I wouldn't flee, "Well, if you wouldn't...". Each of us got awful close to a win there and I enjoyed the opportunity.

I think the only time I've just fumed is the incident with Bouwlrin. Knowing it was doomed from the start I chose to take the matter up with you and damned if I didn't get exactly what I figured I'd get from you.

Well played.
15578, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Noldruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah.. no mention. Isn't that nice. :) Either way, I liked you from the day I inducted you. You helped give an edge that I couldn't pull off being who I was, so because of that, I did what I could to make you get exactly what you wanted and am glad you listened to the advise I gave. Good luck in whatever else you end up doing.

15579, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
HEY! I did mention you!! You need to read more carefully, old mentor. Farnsworth wouldn't have gotten very far beyond an empowered shaman had you not helped him along the way, so thank you very much. I kept (or recovered) that troll amulet you gave me for pretty much all of Farnsworth's life. It was the only thing of sentimental value he allowed himself. I even referred to it that way to a few people. You were great as a mortal to hang with. As an Imm you are being judged differently and you were very quiet so I didn't really get to speak to you much, but what little I did led me to believe you were still doing a fine job.

Thanks again for all your help and good interactions.
15574, Was there any reasoning behind....
Posted by curious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you and Anith having the same last name? or was it just a coincidence the IMMS allowed?
15575, RE: Was there any reasoning behind....
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a complete coincidence. I actually think I had it first because Farnsworth was rolled before Anith, but he got his last name put up before me (damn tribunal titles!). But we were in no way related and we didn't know we shared a last name until I saw his and told him it was the same as mine.
15576, That was funny
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I picked Jones just to be an ass. I was planning on just killing lots of people, not roleplaying, ect.

Then one day I get titled and it was a total coincedence that we both had the same last name. Sheesh, we were both ravens too. I thought to myself, they must think we are OOC friends. But that wasnt the case....

I want to have the last name Smith for my next charactor.
15577, RE: That was funny
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had EXACTLY the same thing happen to me. I rolled Enbuergo to be a throwback to the little-roleplay crazy-pk days of cf (the days that I remember most fondly). I don't write a role, I don't especially try to roleplay...next thing I know I'm Kingpin of Galadon. Go figger.
15571, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Couldn't you think up anything more original than Jones?

For that reason only, I couldn't focus past that and look at your merits and I only felt that you were just making fun of something or someone.. Hrmph.

Not only that you were just a complete jerk :) An awful choice for Provost I think. Great choice for Vindicator. You just weren't a people person.

Lots of criticism here, but it's all perspective I suppose. Good luck on the next Mister Jones.

15572, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A big part of Farnsworth's role was that he was raised in Galadon, the son of a brewer (hence his hatred for beer and alcohol). He was a middle class kid from a no-name family. Just your average city "Joe". What better last name than Jones? He was so damn arrogant because he raised himself by his own bootstraps up from such humble and base beginnings to the pinnacle both of his religion and his work. So sorry you didn't like Jones, but it was intentional and not making fun of anyone.
15573, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hm.. Interesting.

Maybe I was mistaken.

So much cynicism, sarcasm, and negative attitudes by CF players that it's easy just to fall in with the crowd sometimes. My mistake.

15570, A question, and a really long sentence
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First thing, Whats with the last name? You related to Anith or something? Second thing, I fought you a few times in galadon out of boredom, not sure how the bloody shackles thing works, but I'm pretty sure I didn't have to fight you after you became a vindicator as I spent 90% of my life wanted, wow this sentence is long.
15569, Good job
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another mold breaker.
It was hard for me to IC hate and distrust you, while OOC loving your character.
I understand the stagnation part thought having gone through a similar evolution, but I always managed to find a previously unexplorered facet of Uels character to keep something new. Wish you could have done the same I really liked Mr Jones.

Anyway I'm sure the next will be of the same caliber.

15565, Few things
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's pretty impressive, keeping two heros going at once with very different roleplays. I have a hard time doing that... I can play one in-depth character, and one really shallow lowbie or something. Otherwise I start mixing up attitudes, and emotes, and speech patterns, and such.

Ok, now let me see if I get this right... I don't know who Borglin was, but weren't Loborguz, Alghorval, Martinian, Darmok, and Farnsworth ALL within Ulthur's lifespan? My god man. How much time do you have to mud?!

Anyway, I found Farnsworth very frustrating, both as a player and a character. I thought it was crap that Tribunal's could raid into the Fortress after criminals, but no one else was allowed to raid into the Spire. Basically it forces the player to bend over and take it, weather it fits in their characters roleplay or not. The alternative is to make Fortress people go raid the Spire, after which they all get flagged, then they all die. Frankly, it isn't fun for anyone. As a character I couldn't justify complaining about it, beyond expressing my disgust with such a hypocritcal policy, which I did to several Tribunals. If you don't see my point here, as a player, I'll try to elaborate.

You also didn't mention anything about Farnsworth's penchant for flat out lying when it served his goals. Really a good job, I think, since it fits the role of an evil Tribunal perfectly. I heard about several instances from other people, but the one I delt with specificaly was when you threatened to flag me for attacking you while you and several other Tribunals were raiding for Yaofhil. I ofcourse attacked all of you, and didn't get flagged for it. My initial reaction was to just roll my eyes in disgust, but then I realised how perfectly that fits for an evil tribunal.

We didn't have very many fights, since by the time you came around Ulthur's con was into the single-digits, which isn't very condusive to fighting shamans, and I was also beginning to roleplay being old. That last time I was trying to die to you. I'm still very bummed that my plan was foiled. If you want to email me, I'll tell you about my plan. It would have been good. If it had worked. Oh well.

Bloody shackles. Ouch. If the bosses say they're not too powerful, then it must be so. :P

15566, RE: Few things
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, thank you for backhanded compliments. :P

As for the rest, here's a my quick response. It's not the Spire raiding the Fortress. And it certainly was never anyone taking the maran hammer, or later orb. It was going after an individual who was seeking sanctuary in a place. Once someone decides to get flagged - and please agree with me that it's the criminal's decision, nobody forces someone to break the law - then they have decided to put themselves in the position of being hunted if there is a Vindicator or Justiciar in the game. They know what's going to happen. If they choose to bring their cabal mates and guardians in, that's their choice. I, as a player, don't say whether that is right or wrong, it's a choice the character needs to make. But you can't blame the tribbies for doing their job. It would be like saying "You can hunt evil, but not in their cabal." And unlike you, tribbies don't take items. Once the criminal is dead, tribbies leave. So no, I don't think it's unfair in the least and I don't think it's hypocritical. And as you can see from my past characters, I've been on both sides of that.

As for lying, I think you are mistaken. I didn't really lie, almost never in fact. And had you attacked me while I was fighting Yaofhil but not at the maran, I would have flagged you. You are allowed to defend your cabal if I am attacking it, but if I am not and you interfere with my hunting the criminal, you get flagged. I meant it when I said it. You just decided to stay at the maran and not come out, so it didn't come up. The only time you did attack me was when I was at either the inner or outer gaurdian, and you're allowed to do that. And attacking other tribunals isn't a crime because they aren't "Tribunals on duty" when outside the cities. Only a Vindicator/Justiciar.

I'd be happy to email you but you didn't provide an address that I can see. Maybe I'm missing it. In any event I can be reached at darmokcf@yahoo.com or, of course, Loborguz@hotmail.com.

You were, of course, a fine paladin and Algorvhal had good words for you when you were young and he was old. Good luck on your next.
15567, On laws. (longish)
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, thank you for backhanded compliments.

Sorry, they weren't meant to come across as backhanded. It was supposed to be a compliment, then a seperate complaint. :P

It's not the Spire raiding the Fortress. And it certainly was never anyone taking the maran hammer, or later orb. It was going after an individual who was seeking sanctuary in a place. Once someone decides to get flagged - and please agree with me that it's the criminal's decision, nobody forces someone to break the law - then they have decided to put themselves in the position of being hunted if there is a Vindicator or Justiciar in the game. They know what's going to happen. If they choose to bring their cabal mates and guardians in, that's their choice. I, as a player, don't say whether that is right or wrong, it's a choice the character needs to make. But you can't blame the tribbies for doing their job. It would be like saying "You can hunt evil, but not in their cabal."

Let me see if I can clarify. There is a big difference between raiding Tribunal, and raiding anyone else. You say to agree with you that it's the criminal's decision to get flagged. This is true, in the same way that it's an evil persons decision to be evil. Nobody forces them to be evil, and they put themselves in the position of being hunted if there is a Maran in the game. The difference is not something you can justify complaining about IC, it is simply frustrating to me as a player. Being flagged is a death warrent, no matter the character. Maybe not right away, and maybe some few classes (healers) are better suited to keeping flags for long periods of time, but eventually it is. As a Maran Shokai follower, I have to watch you raid the Fortress, then I'm in a bad spot. From my characters standpoint, ofcourse, I should just run in with the troops and hunt an evil tribunal down. From a player standpoint, that means I, and everyone with me, has to die every time I want to do that. It seems like they're saying the roleplay of a Tribunal is more valid than any other roleplay, by setting up additional punishments for trying to strike at a Tribunal in the Spire. However, I think that would be acceptable, IF Tribunals were not allowed to raid into other cabals. Otherwise, it shouldn't be flaggable to strike at Tribunals in the Spire. That's the hypocricy. Keep in mind that I KNOW what it's like, I played an Arbiter for near 1800 hours. I didn't like the policy then, and I didn't like it before that, when I was playing Delyn and took the Knights to war with the Arbiters. I'm also fairly sure that this is all pointless, since the policy has been the same for as long as I've been playing, but there's my frustration. It was accented with Farnsworth, since you were evil and agressive. Hope the long ramble makes some sense.

As for lying, I think you are mistaken. I didn't really lie, almost never in fact... The only time you did attack me was when I was at either the inner or outer gaurdian, and you're allowed to do that.

I guess I was confused then... I heard several people report to me that you had threatened to take the orb if a criminal was within the Fortress, and figured that was a lie to further Farnsworth's ends. There was another instance as well, though I've completely forgotten the details now. As for raiding, I also didn't realise things were broken down that much. I also don't agree with it. If you're in the cabal, you're raiding, it doesn't matter if you're striking one of the guardians or not. You're saying if I attacked Farnsworth one south of the Watcher, I would have been flagged, but at the Watcher, I'm fine? That, with no disrespect meant toward you as a player, is crap also. Is that a Tribunal policy?

If you would like to reach me, it's ulthur88@yahoo.com

15568, You're taking an overly pessimistic view of a Wanted flags
Posted by Young Nastyman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you raid the Spire or kill an on-duty Magistrate you will get flagged, yes, but why is that any more of a death warrant than say "Hunted by the Village" or "Anathema to the Empire" or "Deathmarked by the Drow?"

I hope you're not suggesting that every time you get pk'd with a Wanted flag you got pk'd BECAUSE of that wanted flag. If it's your roleplay to storm into protected cities to hunt evil even when you're wanted then it's your roleplay that's getting you killed, not the Wanted flag.

I view Wanted flags as a nuisance more than a death warrant. It just mens I have to buy food from Vincent or summon Petrom rather than go into Galadon or some other city.

Of course, I often ditch flags using various shady means too, but hey, what are you gonna do?
15563, Well done
Posted by Uncle Bob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some interesting talks, and I was looking forward to the Hell thing, too bad it didn't work out. Maybe next time, eh?

Well done. Another time.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Hm. She hasn't TOUCHED her manwich."
15564, RE: Well done
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry, but who are you? You didn't use a name of a character...
15562, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Lobengula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much have been said yet i will compliment you on a few things.

The laws of Thera have grey areas, within these the law can be used as a weapon/tool for a smart charachter. You did this in a delightfull way that pleased me as a lawyer to see. Even though you flagged me a couple of times.
And of course it made it even sweeter to know that you were raven, knowing well how calculating Father of Ravens wants his children to be.

The few times we spoke were interesting. Yet it was cut short because you always logged out whenever i declined any request you had. Still the condescending tone was neat. Darmok had the same eloquence with words.

Good luck.

15561, RE: Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindicator
Posted by Suibhne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nicely played. You roleplayed well enough to make the game immersive for those with whom you interacted, I appreciate that. I also think it is likely you sold all but one ity bit of your soul to get that group across the river, and it is entirely possible deleting was a means to retain possession of said ity bitty bit. Anyway, thanks for the fun, and good luck with the next.
15560, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Funny, Loborguz and Martinian.

Your assassin and my warrior got into it, your warrior and my assassin got into it. When egos collide. Next on ABC.

Don't worry about what other people think, if i did i'd never get to sleep at night.



15559, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job, all around. You played the arrogant evil priest to near perfection, and I only say near perfection because I do not believe anything can ever be truly perfect. Had some good times with you, although truthfully I don't think our characters really "meshed" well. Too strong of personalities. One of us though our ##### didn't stink, the other that he never needed to #####. Regardless, it was enjoyable. Happy to hear you got to go to hell finally. That trip was the only thing that was keeping me interested in Aginal, and in a connected manner, Vizzial. Just seemed with all the people not showing or deleting, it would never happen. So I deleted. Ya, flawed thinking. Anyways, luck on your next.

PS You pulled off the dual heroes much better than I did.
15558, Grudging respect
Posted by Anonymous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not hate Farnsworth.I liked the rp,the style of functioning.I thought it was authocratic and I am sure people who had any egos had trouble functioning under you.
And in my newbie days I did play a tribunal and had all the things you said,not flagging,not being in town.And people get pissed off.It is because they thought the situation was in their control,and suddenly it wasnt and they are on the floor.All the screaming and yelling at the tribe is just venting frustration.
Whoever I am,doesnt mean a bit to you and you are probably looking at me when I reveal my name as an enemy {One of those yellers :P},underneath I liked the character.THough I would never say that to anyone.

The highest credit I can give you is I was just preparing to roll a hardass tribbie to work under you but now I will have to rework it major.

You did well.Suffice to say.Whatever my buddies think.

And if you were to mention you are quitting cf,I am going to strangle you.
15556, semi-random comment
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime I saw you and Anith around, there was a Talking Heads song that went through my head:

"Mr. Jones
Put a wiggle in your stride
Loosen up
I believe he'll be alright
Changing clothes
Now he's got ventilated slacks
Bouncing off the walls
Mr. Jones is back!

Bulge out
And wind your waist
Tight pants
Got curly hair
Drinking cold beer
From metal cans
And Handi-Wipes!

Mr. Jones is back in town
it's his lucky day
Hold up your hands and shout
Jones is on his way

Pitter pat
Mr. Jones is back in town
Aces high
Now his pants are falling down
He looks so fine
In those patent leather shoes
Mr. Jones, you look tired
I believe you'll be alright

Sales men
Some rock stars
With tambourines
Short skirts
And skinny legs
Selling bibles
And real estate

It's a big day for Mr. Jones
He is not so square
Mr. Jones will stick around
He's everybody's friend

Fast cars
And motorbikes
I'm sure glad
He's on our side
The Jones Gang
Down at the bar
Watch out, this time
They've gone too far

They call for Mr. Jones
They put him in charge
Mr. Jones will help us out
He's a lucky guy
It is Mr. Jones' Birthday party
For another year
In his hotel room Party favors
It's a holiday"

"Mr Jones"
-Talking Heads

I'd comment on Farnsworth, but for the most part you were kinda outside of my radar. The fact that you were off my radar, yet I knew who you were and even a decent amount about the character though, is probably saying something good though.
15557, RE: semi-random comment
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know that song and I only wish you'd mentioned it to me months ago. Instead anytime someone called me Mr. Jones I was sadly sent to the alternapop boys of the Counting Crows. Not nearly as good. Oh well.
15554, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Niryaza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Especially for the months you were alone after Astein but before >Nezraya. (Who I never saw or spoke to even once after being a >Vindicator. Oh well.) Anyway, you have my respect and I think you do >a fine job.

Perhaps you should first learn to spell my name right. I watched you many times and tried to get you attention but you didn’t seem interested, or perhaps just missed all the echos. People will learn that I am a quiet goddess and if you don’t pay attention you may well miss out. You did well as the first Vindicator and I was pleased with your work, and clearly if I had felt otherwise you wouldn’t have stayed one.
15555, RE: (DEL) Farnsworth Jones, Voice of the Raven, Vindi
Posted by Farnsworth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I only misspelled it here, I don't think I did in game ever, but either way sorry. I might know it better if I'd seen it more, of course. :P

I only ever once saw echoes that were something that looked like an immtype echo and not just a room echo. That was when my shackles seemed to be dull. I then spent the next ten minutes talking with Robert and Thomas. I assume that was you. But you never showed up and never came back again. Like most people who play immteraction is craved. Had I seen echoes I would have acted accordingly. Maybe they weren't something different enough from the general surroundings? I don't know. In any event I'm glad you approved and I wish we'd interacted more.