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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Almaola the Planewalker
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=15492
15492, (DEL) Almaola the Planewalker
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Feb 18 01:22:27 2003

4 o''clock AM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Battle on the Theran calendar Almaola perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:0% (closer to 100% is better)

15493, Farwells
Posted by minderbinder on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Real life calls and its time to kick the habit again. This was my third dawnite conjurer (Fleurise/Aegion), and was basically made to be an exploration character. I really like this combination, as much for the indestructibility factor of a fully decked conjurer, nothing like wading into battle or lingering in front of enemies without fear, to their capacity for helping others: sending, familiars, altruism, and archons make for a very useful acolyte.

Almaola was basically a pacifist, she didn’t look for a fight and avoided most of her enemies when she saw them about. But if you attacked her or her friends, she could be fairly tenacious. Most fights she would run people off, but being a conjurer, closing the deal can be pretty hard. Besides low level rager-type deaths and one as a lass to Ghuljun, I can only recall two- a cloud giant rager sword specialist in the frozen wastes, and one to a Druid with beasties on Eastern, I was dead before my servitors arrived.

My biggest complaint was that conjurers aren’t a 24/7 fighting class, about 15 percent of your time you aren’t in a position to be able to head into combat at a moments notice. Succoring back to Straklaw and a scion horde, with no archon or one imminently leaving was something I just could never bring myself to do. So I apologize for being tardy to fortress defense at times, although in my heart I always wanted to be there. But when she was ready, she could turn away a whole party of raiders by herself, or could heal the Maran and entire fortress of damage and maledictions.

I really like the new direction of the fortress and was excited to be a part of it but political differences and real life reflections lead me otherwise.

A few good byes:
Esmi- my favorite Acolyte, was a very solid character and could be depended upon in any situation. Was always good to see you in the realms, dear. (by the way that always reminded me of Fleurise, to whom everyone was dear)
Elrys- My other favorite, I believe I knew you with Aegion in the past. I am glad you got a leadership position, I always trusted your judgement, your thinking was very much in line with Almaola’s.
Sabrian- Just started to get to know you when you left, but I liked having the Alamaola Rager Alert Network with you.
Subov, Kerswae- Strong fighters, good to have you around, was always looking to help you out.
Ulthur- you made an excellent captain, was glad I could be around for your passing.
Coraelm- Well we never saw eye to eye. From our first meeting, you rubbed me the wrong way and it never seemed to improve. I tried to keep my personal feelings hidden but was disappointed when I saw you had become the prophet. I don’t blame you for my demotion, but still find it petty that my eavesdropping was even an issue. Almaola held firm to the Acolyte Oath and to her interpretation of it, and I was sorry that it caused friction with your own interpreation.
Caldradian- I can only assume you were responsible for my demotion to scribe, since you were always hostile to Almaola. Our only intereactions were always negative (the gauntlets of devilry, Nashyr’s grave- you never would even explain why you took offense at that, and finally eavesdropping on Farnsworth) I always suspected you had a grudge against her from the start for not having a role, don’t know if that true or not but I would be interested to hear. I still maintain that Almaola followed the Acolyte Oath perfectly, and was very disappointed at the demotion. You’ve always been much more reasonable in dealings with my other characters so I found your animosity towards Almaola curious.
Thelios, Kalodorn, Torellios, Kayloni- good heart, but the execution leaves a little to be desired. Was often frustrating fighting alongside you guys because your tactics could take me by surprise sometimes.

Only interacted with you in defending-
Jhaelryna- You got the better of me in our first run in out in the Shire, but it taught me most of your tricks. You didn’t like to stick around after your shields started disappearing, so was always fun to drive you off. And as fas as your favorite party trick- immolating goes it doesn’t really pack much punch against a conjurer. Enjoyed the fights.
Straklaw_ throwing you in here because I never fought you besides with a scion raiding party, of which there were many. You play an Orc very well, can dish out sick damage and much face rending, well done.
Merzofzyauhn- I hate enemy healers. Well done.

Other friends:
Shay- good ranking with you, were a very dependable warrior.
Rizteiqz- yep yep, can’t resist a svirf with gossamer wings.
Nurwon- Always glad to see a ranger who doesn’t attack you on sight.
Jesrelres- One of my oldest friends, wished we had gotten to explore together as we had talked about. Between your job and me defending never seemed to get much exploration time.
Femsilsol- my other lawman friend, was glad to help you get your forms.
Keilliston- loved the dillo, you were always there to help and for that I thank you. Never saw you much after joining the fortress, not even sure if you are still around.
Tarnyxil- enjoyed bumping into you the few times we did.

Other enemies:
Ghuljun- you killed me with a scourge when I was young and then never ranked enough to allow me to repay the favor. Bastard. My only regret is that I had a brain-fart that you could locate my corpse so you got to loot me.
Gastaad- you showed benevolence in the tower of sorcery when I died right before your eyes. (stupid) and for that I thank you, however later robbing me blind and me not realizing it for days wasn’t so nice. An excellently played thief.

Sylvans- Almaola never had a philosophical problem with you, I never burned down a forest, and just tried to avoid you since I wouldn’t stick around to fight you anyway.

Battleragers- besides dying three times to rager wanna-bes when I was young (two were my fault for sticking around to try and win) never had more than a few scuffles with Gre and rholemanthos. Can’t recall the name of the giant that took me down in the frozen waste, but I was quite surprised, was hanging around just to amuse you and run you off but things turned out otherwise.

15501, Confuddled
Posted by Calradian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hrmm...From my recollection, I did not demote you. The only issue I ever had was the "gauntlets" thingy. I dont remember the Nashyr's grave conflict, so I dont think it was me. (Could be wrong, my memory does have issues at times.)

I am sorry that you thought that I had a grudge against you, on the contrary actually. I did follow you around quite a bit, and just watched you. For the most part I was really impressed. I saw you do a lot of exploring and gathering, and you always seemed really helpful towards others. I guess part of my "problems" with you was more on the lines of being hard on those who have the most responsibility. Remember, that I as a player am MUCH different than Cal as a character.

As much as it may have seemed otherwise, I did not, nor do I have a grudge against Almaola. Roles are optional, but highly recommended. I would never hold something like that against someone. So, all joking aside, I didnt have a problem with you. If I seemed harsh, or rough around the edges, I promise that it wasnt intended. I do look forward to your next incarnation, and hope we get to interact more then.

Have fun pal,

15502, apologies
Posted by minderbinder on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, i'm sorry for blanket accusations then. That wizinvis stuff makes things a little shady at times. I had assumed it was you all three times because the tone was similar to our interaction over the gauntlets. I really had enjoyed talking with you as different characters and was sad that we seemed to not have a good rapport this time around. Thanks for everything. (and if i have any willpower this will be my last character, im graduating medical school, starting residency and really need to apply my time elsewhere)

And if the true imm would care to come forward I do have two questions. One, why would Nashyr's grave be taboo (consider I nor my character know who he was). Two, My demotion was it on the grounds of listening in on Farnsworth (which i find no fault with as an acolyte) or disrespect by arguing with the prophet about the virtue of action versus intention (which is why i think I truly got demoted, and tried to ask the heavens in character but got no reply) Curious.
15503, Bah, No worries
Posted by Calradian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its all good man,

Kinda the nifty thing about CF is that you never know who is watching you, or paying attention to your actions. Just do your medical school thing, become a doctor, give me some free visits, and remember, CF is not an addicting game...it is a wonderful education tool that teaches expert level typing skills, and literacy awareness.

15499, So...
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did a good job from what I saw. The night we got hero and tried to explore that swamp was fun, though it was like 6am when we were through, hah. And during that you did burn the forest a little bit, though you put it out. ;)

So who did you know Coumidin with? I wonder if I even remember.
15500, RE: So...
Posted by minderbinder on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember seeing him with a couple characters he was so long lived, cant recall who it would have been though, probably Marquez, Luzphorous, Fleurise or Aegion
15498, Go gently, into that goodnight...
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well #####. You were someone I always could count on when I was Apostle. You were always there when I needed you, and you were a good reliable friend. I was pretty damned angry both IC and OOC when you were demoted, but sadly there wasn't a thing I could do about it. You played a great character, and I think you deserve better than you got. You were a really good friend to Esmi.

15497, RE: Farwells
Posted by Gastaad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Other enemies:
>Gastaad- you showed benevolence in the tower of sorcery when
>I died right before your eyes. (stupid) and for that I thank
>you, however later robbing me blind and me not realizing it
>for days wasn’t so nice. An excellently played thief.

It wasn't so much me being benevolent as it was me not wanting to burn
too many bridges. I had so many enemies at that time that I figured
I wouldnt try and make too many maran/dawn enemies until I at least
got a stones throw from heroing. Because I really wanted to keep it
and sell it.

And I didnt rob you blind later ;)
15496, wow..
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you actually mentioned me in your post *smiles and feels special* heh. Yeah I was scared that time I snared you by accident, that I was about to be jumped by all the storm giants/lightwalkers that were with you. Not that Nurwon woulda tried to kill you anyway, just that I was certain I was gonna die there as soon as I tried to let you out *smirks* (guess they all proved me wrong)

anyway nice job, and hope that you don't have the strength to stay away long *winks*
15495, Doh. One of my favorite companions...
Posted by Trayner on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Love the dillo. Its a curse I tell you. to bad we didn't get to finish off that conjurer. I wanted to see what he had. And why am I under others? See ya around.

Keilliston Nezins.
15494, RE: Farwells
Posted by Kerswae on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, had fun interacting with you. Sorry I usually needed to get an item. Other than that, if I heard you callin, I came a runnin like I do with everyone of the fortress. Last RP before you left for good, I enjoyed extremely. Dont think cause I headed off after someone being attacked that I wasnt interested. well done.
