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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Lachis the Weaponsmistress, Magistrate of G
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=15320
15320, (DEL) Lachis the Weaponsmistress, Magistrate of G
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Feb 12 16:39:52 2003

2 o''clock AM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of the Great Evil on the Theran calendar Lachis perished, never to return.

Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
PK Ratio:76% (closer to 100% is better)

15321, It was fun, mostly.
Posted by Lachis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well. This has to be the most mediocre attempt at a hero I have ever done.

Rp was bland, role was bland, Pk total was bland, sitting in town was bland.

There were a few bright spots. Bouwlrin, a few others.

I really wished I could tell people exactly what I was thinking like Bouwlrin did, Boy was a jealous of that role. It was hard being nice to some people. Others who I didn't have to be nice to...it was hard not breaking down and telling them what was what.

Sabrian. Due to some things in Lachis' role, she had a mixture of fear/respect/hate for anyone who could Hide. My favorite memory of you was ...maybe mid-late 30's in Arkham. I knew you were maran or maran wannabe, and you were a good 6-8 ranks up on me, so I went into the warrior's guild in Arkham where a Fire giant axe spec who had 5 ranks on me was. I yelled out "This is for you, Sabrian" and impaled him. He broke my spear like I knew he would. but I fled out to where you were for you. Too bad he got away.

**Trust me, I understand the irony in what I am about to say**

Esmi, Jhalstruvv, a few others. I have zero respect for your players. You have shown a complete inability to separate ooc from ic. And I think that (although I did) posting logs on the other log board is the worst thing anyone can do in this RP game...because of people like you who have zero faculty in understanding that it is a game and people that play it are different than the characters they play.

to esmi the character. YEs, I made two mistakes as a magistrate. One, was because of HORENDOUS lag that hit me...where my command went through a good 3 mins after I input it. The second was because of momentary brain fart. Yes, I was punished. I was booted from tribunal for some time actually...as I should have been. But you, as a lightwalker, just have no idea what the words sorrow, or forgiveness mean. You carried a grudge against me the rest of my life...fine. but when I, as a fellow lightwalker, expressed concerns and commiseration about an unfortunate occurance that happened to you, you responded with utter contempt for me. That left a sour taste in my mouth.

Farnsworth. As a provost I think you probably know how many people hated you *smile*. Your interview style was extremely close to Dugruain's. Except for one small and VERY annoying difference...You actually cared what the answers were. Hardest I've ever had getting into any cabal except ragers.

I'll reserve my comments for certain sylvans for the sake of not turning this into TOO much of a flame-fest.

My legacies. in an ooc sense, in a number crunching sense, pretty much 100% wasted.

For rp purposes, I rolled the char thinking of picking legacies that had to do with "shadows" of some sort. After reading the help-file on Dio's, I chose "flow of shadows". Of course, Dio's didn't have a certain sentence that exists in the real helpfile. For a felar (and yes, I actually did make triggers to keep count...lame I know) it worked half way on average once every 200 rounds of combat...and it worked full way on average once every 9 times it worked half way.

I then picked striking the shadows footfall, mainly because of the shadows part, but it also mentioned staffs. At first, I found the echos that I would recieve in pc combat REALLY cool. And I admit, they look cool. But in a number of sparring and pc fights...

Let me put it this way. The first spar with bouwlrin, we both would get to a certain number of hp before fleeing. When we fled after our sixth spar, we both had the same number of hp.

I may be wrong, I may just have never seen it, but in my pk's and spars, Striking LOOKS pimp, but has so little effect as to be non-effective.

Riechensal. I lied to you when I deleted. Heh. I just couldn't think of an IC way of saying ....

"I have a different character coming up with a role that I actually WANT to play and enjoy playing, and two weeks ago I told myself I would play until I died to a pk with Lachis without doing REALLY stupid things to suicide in pk. Mainly because I am just SICK of gathering preps for warriors. Sure, it was nice fighting hasted/flying/aura'd/stoneskin'ed/ironskinned/protectioned/shielded...But that one fight blows two+ hours of gathering preps.

I just don't have as much fun with warriors as I do with other classes, and I think it showed in my mediocre effort with Lachis. so I am deleting"

So I told that lie to you to get it over with. Sorry. But it is just a game, and I don't think anyone should waste energy on a hero that they aren't having fun with when they have a low-ranked character that really excites them. I'd rather see everyone in that situation delete than just carry on and on dividing their efforts.

Many others. I wish I could have been more active, but I just felt as the Only magistrate logged on for the majority of the time, I needed to be in town.

If I missed anyone, or if anyone wants clarification on what Lachis was thinking when she did/said something or what Lachis thought of you, I'll be happy to clarify.

Lachis the Weaponsmistress, Magistrate of Galadon
Level : 51 Sex : female Race : felar
Ethos : Orderly Align : Good Class : warrior
Practices: 25 Trains : 1 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 518008 To Level : 19242 Sphere : Creation
Age : mature, 41 years old (180 hours)
Hit Point: 509 /1069 Mana : 268 /448 Move : 776 /776
Str : 17(17) Int : 17(17) Wis : 20(20)
Dex : 23(23) Con : 23(23) Chr : 17(17)
Carry # : 0/35 Weight : 0 lb 0 oz (Max 307 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 622 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 9 Damroll : 3
AC pierce: -10 Well armored AC bash : -10 Well armored
AC slash : -10 Well armored AC magic : -10 Well armored
vs Spell : Somewhat protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in spears and staffs.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You retaliate against strikes through the Flow of Shadows.
You see your foes better than they do through Striking the Shadow's Footfall.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 59 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 59 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 8 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 32 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 32 hours.
Skill: 'vigilance' for 32 hours.

Your description is:
Short, thin, lithe. This diminutive fela is covered with a thickness
of fur and undercoat fuz that is rarely seen, even in the felar
that live in the wastes of the south. Mottled grey, brown, black and
red, she gives the impression of a sort of feline version of a
mutt with parts that resemble the lion, parts that resemble the tiger
parts that resemble the jaguar and others the bobcat. Where some
fela can pass as other races with minimum of concealment, it is
obvious that this Fela would require full coverage, and still the
feline bearing and method of movement would be evident. It is also
clear, partly from her open and friendly expression, and partly from
her mode of dress, that she has no desire at all to hide her lineage.

**I debated whether to post my role, as it really was just a half-assed and mediocre attempt at one from the get-go, but decided it wouldn't hurt anybody to read it**

**Real past, abridged**

Born near the north pole, Lachis' parents Lacha and Hienlis died of old age
when Lachis was very young. On his death-bed, Lachis' father changed her name
from her birth name which she does not remember, to Lachis, a male name, and
convinced a cousin to take in his "son" to a near-by human settlement to
raise "him".

Lacha did this because in that society, females were either property, or
shunned. And to this day, Lachis has trouble remembering to use the female
personal pronoun.

when Lachis was old enough, she escaped from the oppressive human society
that she was raised in to these swealtering south lands, in the hope of
becoming strong enough to change the world into a better place, where others
in the future would not have to suffer the same sadness she did in her youth.

When she first got to Thera, she thought that she could make the most impact
by being a Maran. And she trained and trained for this. Until one day while
still young in her guild...a spear she wielded all of a sudden burst out in
lightning that struck everyone...and the result was a dead lightwalker.

She was despondant. She knew now that she could never be a Maran, and she
turned to searching for other ways she could make a difference in the world.

She turned to the Law, and spent much of her middle life studying the law, to
make sure she could in good conscience actually enforce the law and work with
those who were evil. By the time she was convinced that she could, and
applied, she was convinced that she should have chosen the law in the first
place, and it was a much better place to make a difference than the Maran.
Although she admits in her heart of hearts that she is not sure she thinks
that because she "HAS" to, or because it is actually true.

Because the vast majority of her life so far has been either hiding something
(her femininity) or searching in the shadows for those hiding (Many dangerous
assassins, as well as he normal duties)...she has always felt a very powerful
pull and attraction to the shadows, and she has been strongly jealous of
those who can spend time in the shadows, and this probably accounts for her
choices of studies in the Order of Macalla, although she recognises this
jealousy streak and really does try to keep a tight reign on it.

It is because of this past and her early seperation from her family, that she

has no idea of what her last name is, and she has not been active enough in
Thera as yet to earn one.

**Alternate past, abridged**

This is the past she has told the Provost Farnsworth and any others who have
asked. She knows she has lied, and this is really the only thing she will
knowingly lie about. The reason for the lie is that she feels her real past
is just so sad, so instead she tells people her past is how she wishes her
past was.

That her elderly father and mother raised her well, and lovingly imparted to
her the concepts of right and wrong and the desire to change the world to
make it better than it has been in the past, and that she left her home sadly
but purposfully because the best place to help change the world was down here
in these sweltering climates where most of the Therans lived.


She has a deep down desire to worship, a thing she had hopped to fullfill by
joining the Maran. And although she is not totally conscious of it, she feels
mostly incomplete because of the lack of an over-riding Diety to worship and
Glorify. She feels like half a person without a religious life.

Because of this, as she has grown older, her normally bubbly and friendly
demeaner has grown increasingly sad and relaxed and reserved...even as she
has thrown herself more and more into her Duties as a Magistrate, as a
subconscious attempt to fill the void that she feels.

15325, Last minute, short, addenda
Posted by Lachis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Note I had a bard publish to all.

That was pretty much a last ditch (if half-assed) attempt at spurring a few rp interactions to maybe bring some spice back to Lachis before I gave up and turned my energies to a new character who's role I had literally dreampt up and was dying to try out.

It was as succinctly as I could put Lachis' view on the light using Lachis' ways of talking.

It took a week, but finally SOMEONE talked to me about that note. You know who you are, and I thank that person for trying to converse about it.
15324, RE: It was fun, mostly.
Posted by Riechensal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! no one respect a old gnome this days... kids

luck in your next char.
15322, Ms. Pot? Hi there, I'm Ms. Kettle...
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Esmi, Jhalstruvv, a few others. I have zero respect for your >players. You have shown a complete inability to separate ooc from >ic. And I think that (although I did) posting logs on the other log >board is the worst thing anyone can do in this RP game...because of >people like you who have zero faculty in understanding that it is a >game and people that play it are different than the characters they >play.

Uhh, oh she who posts logs of her current character and selectively edits them, really shouldn't go saying things like this. You bitch about other people posting logs of current chars, but YOU do it too, so in a nutshell STFU. Also, my OOC opinions about you have zero to do with my IC opinions about you, and I think it is YOU who cannot seperate the two. I really can't stand twits who think because I play a paladin IC that means I ought to be tolerant and godly OOC. I'm not.

>to esmi the character. YEs, I made two mistakes as a magistrate. >One, was because of HORENDOUS lag that hit me...where my command >went through a good 3 mins after I input it. The second was because >of momentary brain fart. Yes, I was punished. I was booted from >tribunal for some time actually...as I should have been. But you, as >a lightwalker, just have no idea what the words sorrow, or >forgiveness mean. You carried a grudge against me the rest of my >life...fine. but when I, as a fellow lightwalker, expressed concerns >and commiseration about an unfortunate occurance that happened to >you, you responded with utter contempt for me. That left a sour >taste in my mouth.

You really don't get it. When I tried to talk to you about the mistake you made, you refused to accept the responsibility for it. Your exact words were "I don't think I made a mistake, I was not in town". Thats being unrepentant, and if you don't repent how are you supposed to have forgiveness? You mention sorrow, but never showed any to Esmi about what looked to be a huge breech of your vows as a Tribunal. You compounded this by asking me for favors, still without making the slightest noises of apology for what Esmi considered to be a gross crime against the thing you had sworn to uphold, the Law. Esmi has no sympathy for oath breakers, or people who want favors but don't repent their poor actions.

On the other side of the coin, there were several times after this that you were fighting criminals in town, and Esmi sanced and healed you. You conveniently don't mention that. No she never ever spoke to you again, just ran in, sanced/healed and ran out, but she never once let her disgust for you and your actions get in the way of her duties. Just because she didn't tolerate you, and act all chummy towards you, doesn't mean she would let you die. THAT is what being a Servant is about. Not just saving the lives of people you are close to, but saving the lives of even those you can't stand. You seem to think just because you were (claimed to be) a lightwalker, Esmi should be your best friend. Thats just not how it works.

Just some stuff for you to think about, and good luck on your next.

15326, Ack! You were resting so you didn't do something rash remember?
Posted by Femsilsol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aw well hell. Sorry to see you go, I thought you were tough as nails and had a great spirit, always willing to dive into a situation regardless of the odds. I hope you enjoyed your time in the Spire, and good luck on whatever calls to you next
15327, Thanks!
Posted by Lachis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have no idea how many times lachis would think to herself how much easier life would be with you as a Magistrate of Galadon.

As to the always willing to dive...Well, I tried. Mostly only when I was Prepped...but the hours of sitting in town on duty did lend to making me anctious to jump out of town after someone (as long as I thought I had a chance).

You have a great combo of forms and I wish we could have rumbled together against those bastards more often.