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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Sabrian the Hand of the Unseen, Sounder of
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=15227
15227, (DEL) Sabrian the Hand of the Unseen, Sounder of
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Feb 10 22:46:52 2003

9 o''clock PM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Dark Shades on the Theran calendar Sabrian perished, never to return.

Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
PK Ratio:36% (closer to 100% is better)

15228, Hope you had fun
Posted by Sabiene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Sorry to hear you had to field so much information meant for me. Funny thing is, no-one ever told me locations of mages and such. They did accuse me of being a Maran though. I wonder if they had us reversed? Heh.

Believe it or not, I had never heard of you when I made Sabiene, so this was in every way accidental.

Here's to less name-confusion in CF, anyway.

- Sabs
15229, Can't believe you forgot about me...
Posted by Arowyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never failed a blackjack on me. It always seemed that you were at the inn just waiting for me. It could have been my deluded mind but it always seemed that when I was on you were out to get me. I don't know if it was because I was always walking solo or your character had a personal grudge against this particular evil bard.

15230, So yeah....
Posted by Alnallander on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"So yeah, I have (X) knocked out". I started picturing the boss from "Office Space". Always gave me a chuckle.

Impressed me how often you'd pop up next to me wherever I might have been wandering. Much nicer having a thief in the fortress so that, regardless of what you're actually up to, the baddies have to be wary of the shadows.

Grew into your role as Maran rather nicely.
15231, RE: So yeah....
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I can't believe I forgot you...You are a damned beast. Heh, it always amazed me too, that wherever I went, hey, there's alnallander. The fight that sticks out most in my mind is the one against aginal at the fortress. Man we almost had him....almost. Anyway, good luck on being an Imm, I tried it once, and it didn't work out for me. Hopefully you'll do better then I did.

15232, Ack
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

No more comic relief in the Fortress! Yaofhil does a pretty good job of it at times, but its not the same. I thought you were great at lightening up the Maran/Fortress channel. I find that I have a LOT more fun when I work out a role and a character in advance, but rarely, on occasion, the fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants character can be a blast, and thats the impression I got of Sabrian. So make sure that rollers alignment is set to "good", work out a big, involved role, then come back and start bugging me for an interview with everyone else. :P

15233, amateur. nt
Posted by adrigon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
15234, Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Derexal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a fun ride, my first non-dawnie like character, and It was a total blast. Maran is my new favorite cabal(though I'm limited to it, dawn, and entropy). This character was initially rolled to check out the new thief paths, and to actually play something different then my usual bard, warrior, assassin tendencies. I had no role, but I tried to RP with everybody. It just got stale after awhile, my lack of offensive options was really dragging me down, the fact that my bindings would be torn away by the first level 1 who walked by alot of the time, and at the end, it was my waning con and old age the really did me in. Either way, I still loved most every second of it, and I'll will definitly run another maran soon. I mean, come on, a cabal that has everything. Killing, some phat RPer's? Its the total package.

I guess its time to thank those I remember(if I forget you, just holler, I'm still kinda regretting hitting that delete button for the second time, but I'll get over it.)


Vynmylak - You were a stud when I was an Apostle with you, you were a stud when I was a Hero-Imm with you, and you are still a friggin' stud as my patron god. I hope I did alright by you, I really enjoyed your religion, and I really enjoyed the times you stop by and chat for a second or two, giving me words of encouragement, or just saying well done. I feel another vynnie in the near future, and I hope to expand on him with an actual role so I can hopefully make it more enjoyable for you, and yeah, I won that damn drinking contest. Don't let yaofhil or kayloni tell you different.

Shokai - The Few times I got to see you and talk to you were fun. I don't know what it is about you, but whenever you're around, I seem to shutdown on the RP side and just be quiet. Its all good though, because no matter how mean and fiery the old bird comes, I still know he has a soft spot for michael bolton somewhere deep in there, and it makes me laugh. Stay strong, President of the Bolton fan club, I know you will. Btw, slipknot is not gimmicky. :P

To the Imm who did the jauldhe village thing - Thanks for including me in it. I don't know if we let you down with our performance, but it was fun while it lasted. I just hoped it would go somewhere in the following nights, or maybe weeks. Anyways, thanks.

To the Imm that gave me that dream - Thanks for that, I always love dreams, kinda makes you feel special? I don't know, maybe standoutish for a moment or two because you were lucky enough to get a dream.

To the Imm who did the Vampires, Orcs, and Mages at the Fortress - Now thats what I'm talking about. Balls to the wall, fun fighting, enemies messing you up at every turn, real chaotic, real fun. It was a total blast. I think I spent maybe 100,000 copper healing myself, but it was totally worth it.

And finally, to the Imm who did "Little Pixilian" the forest pixie - Thanks for that, It really made my day stand out. Any type of Immteraction is always appreciated. I just had wished she would have held up her end and come around more often. I know it was aimed more towards sassmi, but I had fun none the less. Thanks.

Now to the Mortals....

Fortress and assorted goodies...

Aislynn - You know where you stand with me, I was there at the beginning, and there at the end. You really stood out to me as one of the best RPer's I've seen yet, and I really wish you would have stuck around to play some more, but I understand how it is. I also wish you would have gone for maran a bit harder. My fondest memory was us tearing up Mirdulad and Melkorath in the Battlefields.

Ulthur - I hated you as Sahvik, Loved you as Masaryk, and really loved you as Sabrian. Old Grandpa, dust of the Light. Man you are a really cool cat, and I hope you stick around a little longer so I can come tear some more ##### up with you. Whether it was fighting, talking, or just joking around, you were top of the game man, keep it up.

Khalazid - Had a blast man, I grew up with you too for the most part. You are extremely well RPed in my eyes, and a beast in combat. I hope you had fun :P and I hope you finally pick out a date so I can come to a wedding when I roll up my next lowbie.

Lynnette - I'm putting you here because of Khalazid. I grew up with you too, and we started out pretty cool, but drifted as things go. I thought you played well, but I gotta admit, You really really know how to use the *shrug* emote. Damn, talk about a pet peeve of mine. Its like a non verbal "whatever" and it really gets under my skin sometimes. Other then that though, I loved you, and I'm glad you got High Herald.

Yaofhil - My dwarven drinking buddy, my brother. You sir, are fantastic. In all aspects, just plain old fantastic. I've never laughed so hard at this game as I did listening to you bitch on the CB or just yelling when we raided. Real fun man, thanks.

Cuvitar - Hope you enjoyed those presents I gave you. Nothing like stripping a power voker like aginal of all his precious One piece limited items. Hehe, we had some decent fights as well, I just wish you would have stuck it out a bit longer, we could have gone places.

Aliera - I feel the need to say something here. Even though we barely knew eachother as Sabrian/Aliera, I still had plenty of experience with you as Sahvik/Masaryk, and I don't care what oaken says, You were the top cat in my book, glad I got to experience your character. It was always fun.

Denissa - Now that I'm dead, will you please explain to me that "We" stuff? Man was that confusing. You are pretty much the ##### though from what I saw. Keep it up.


Coraelm - Glad to see a dawnie with a head on his shoulders. Also glad to see someone with the open hand. Not many people have what it takes to play one, and I know you'll be great. Everything we did together, or spoke about left a lasting impression. Wise beyond your years, young elf-kin. Take care, and good luck man, but I know you don't need it.

Esmi - Good to see you finally coming around. I mean crap, didn't I induct you with Derexal like maybe a year and a half ago? Either way, your tough, and caring. A great servant if you ask me, and I know you'll do some stuff. Take care, and good luck to you.

Elrys - Fun fun, always liked your character, but yeah, I hate secrets. Anyways, I knew you as a few people, Sahvik/masaryk/sabrian, and all of them were top notch, your play was constant, and always fun to be around. Thanks.

Almaola - You are a cool cat too. Thanks for taking my comments in stride and hanging out with me some. It was always fun to have you come around.

Kayloni - Heh, quit leaving tainted crap in the fortress Damnit!! *fistshake* Thanks for that talk at the end. If I wasn't so bummed out, I'm sure we'd have had more fun talks in the future, but hey, can't win them all, huh?

To all you new folks in the fortress, and to the ones I missed. I like the changes, they are decent, and I like the idea of a unified fortress. Keep it up. I'm half tempted to roll something up and just spend my whole life as a squire, that looks like some fun stuff, but I'm not sure I can deal with Ulthur's discipline on things. Heh, I'd be telling some folks to go piss off pretty quick. Thanks for all the fun.


Sassmi - The Strawberry! woo! I loved Sassmi, had a total blast with you, thanks for helping me regear so many times, and thanks for all the fun talks, and just messing around. I can't believe Vyn was listening to that debate about war between us. I feel like a dork now who didn't know what he was talking about, but it was fun anyway.
Someone tells you "BOO!"

Akrenetai - Silent, and Deadly. Yeah, I totally forcasted that raid to you guys, and yeah, I went in with a blackjack and dagger against two axes. I figured if I was killed quickly, I wouldn't have to fight such a stupid fight. And it worked. Of course, I'd have been deleted weeks ago if I wasn't standing at the Ranger when I tagged that second delete. It wasn't safe or some stuff.

Iell - Had fun with you. That stuff on the docks in Seantryn was probably way against what I should have done, blackjacking that dockguy, but, I figured what the hell, I'm a binding rogue at heart, might as well revert back on some primal training or something. Don't know, that didn't make much sense, but it was fun. Take care.

Griimbling - If I see you lick one more turkey drumstick, I think I'm going to vomit. Hehe, Cool character, take care.


Gre - Man, for real, you are a beast, and no, I didn't mean anything bad by posting that log. Just live with the fact that you are a certifiable(sp?) badass, and drive on with your badass self. Good luck.

Eodid - Damn the acrobatics. Damn them staight to hell.

Sabiene - I wish you hadn't been a lightwalker, I would have jacked you up quick on that little skirmish where melkorath and kulmortuk pretty much ate my lunch. Maybe then I might have survived another round or two. You played well though, I remember you asking me for advice earlier on, and to be honest? I hadn't the slightest man, I was as new to the class as you were. And If I had a friggin' copper piece for as many times as I had rager applicants speaking to me, or giving me mage locations, I would have retired long ago from CF and been living the high life somewhere tropical. I just told them it wasn't my fault your parents weren't very creative when naming you. Hope you don't mind :P.

Melkorath/Broxx - Nope, I'm not going to fight you one on one. Nope, uh-uh, not a chance. Got you both, melkorath, you got me later on. Had fun, and yeah, I was semi-honorable, but nope, dual axe wielding berserkers against a little thief? ##### that.

Kulmortuk - Seriously? I can't believe you ever got inducted. Worst RPer I've ever had the pleasure of speaking to. Reminded me alot of valarath.


Jhard - You sir, are the only cool warlock around as of late in my book. Keep up the good work, and I hope you didn't mind when I'd pass you occasional preps and stuff. Thanks for expressing what you did after that sylvan thing. Kinda made me feel important or something. Good luck to you, that shark is badass.

Caysh - I didn't like you wish any of my previous characters, and I still don't like you now as Sabrian. Anyone who resorts to trying to guilt others into fighting their battles is bad in my book. And for what its worth, your own warlocks sold you out on the fact that you stated that the sylvan declared war on the fortress.

Other thieves...

Gastaad...You are one stealing mofugga. Heh, damn if you don't have the lightest touch out there. It was cool meeting you and speaking when we did. Good luck on kingpin or whatever it is you're after.

Nafae - Yeah, I thought the mercenary knife tactic was alright. I figured it out pretty easy, but it seemed effective, and damn if you weren't quick with the blackjack. Oh, and damn acrobatics. Damn it all.

Sebastiano - Only had the one fight with you, figured I'd give you at least a small shout out. Good luck.

Nycoe - I heard all this crap about how badass nycoe was, but for the life of me, I didn't see you until about the last 60 hours of my guy. Wish you had come around earlier, we could have torn some stuff up.

Bhagavan - Dude, for real, pick a side. And show up more. you are a pretty badass fighter, but I was always wary about being on your side. Never, ever trusted you.

Killag - Knew you as masaryk, and sabrian. Still going strong. Keep it up, you need to show up more. You wouldn't believe the amount of tells I get when Killag is spotted.

Sazia - I had a total blast with that whole dancing thing. Thanks for that, you were a pretty badass fela who was all about blood. Hope you're still out there somewhere.

Jramur - Hehe, you sir, are pretty nifty as well, I dug the talks, and trying to get you two cats to laugh at least once. Damn if you didn't always turn my jokes back on me.

And now, to the badguys. The scions...

Aginal - Tough as nails, and yeah, like I said. I had dirt kick, trip, cheapshot, disarm, and that one thing that I did to you three times. Three of those you were immune to. Did you really expect me to stand toe to toe with you? Well, as you see, I didn't. I'd blackjack, steal your preps, and arm the ones who could fight you with your own things. I figured thats how I could be most effective.

Anith - I had fun, my fondest memory was blackjacking you at the merchant in the chasm only to have half the chasm come in with area spells/communes blazing, and the merchant engaging them all. Of course you caught me later on the road and I died promptly. Guess when I get ballsy, I better have a potion of some sort on me.

Tarragain - Good fights right at the end, I think thats all we really had. Would have enjoyed future endeavors I know. You have it rough right now, but stick it out, and ##### will swing back your way again.

Jhaelryna - Nope, I'm not coming in those mountains. My mountain invoker tactics were spoiled by aginal, so I wasn't about to try them again, especially with all that stuff you like to lay down. Keep it up, I'll be damned if you aren't one hard chick to find.

Darian - Dude, for real, you are a decent player. But please? Just one time for me? Please do something other then bash. I would fight you and be waiting for that massive flurry that humans are capable of, and no go. Bash Bash Bash. Its viable alot, I know, but man, I was begging to be entwined and flurried by you just once, and it never happened. Anyway, it was fun, take care and good luck.

Cleredel - Well, at least you died to the vampire in the keep. I guess its worth losing all my clothes over. I guess.

Thornarcrull - Yeah, I felt foolish during that big assed raid. We were getting maledicted out the ass by the archmage, with not a single way to heal them. Weaken, soften, slow can be devastating without proper healing channels to take care of them.

Merzowhateverthehellyournameis - Man, talk about getting the award for the most annoying name to set your targetting macro's to. You were tough, it was fun, hope everything turns out well for you, you deserve it.

Desialia? god I hope I spelled that right. I liked you alot, and we had some cool talks and stuff. Too bad I never got my shot. You deleted to damn quick. Evil bastard!

Panir - Yeah, I'm not doing much against a duergar shaman. Yeah, I don't know why I'm going to fight you again, I can't do #####, hell, lets go. Okay, I'm fleeing, here we go again. Was fun, take care, knew you when you were that maran paladin who's name escapes me at the moment.

Helga - I kept thinking of some nordic duergar drinking ale and scratching her beard. But yeah, you were tough, but not as tough as panir. I felt like I could do a few things against you.

Deveskrius - Thanks for teaching me the finer points of one of the Maran powers. Damn if that power didn't get me killed like 6 times. Resting a few rooms away from a battle for HP's only to have you pop up outta nowhere and run by causing me to do that thing that certain power does was quite annoying. Especially when I was sitting strong at 100 hps.


Lachis - I don't like goodie tribunals ever, so its nothing against you. I just can't stomach it. Guess I'll have to try it sometime to get the full feel for it. You were cool otherwise, thanks for returning my things when I turned myself into you those couple of times.

Farnsworth - I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I guess that means you're playing a downright evil dirty bastard really well. Good Job.

Nirumas - Yeah, your scourge got me, but I'll never admit it. :P

Bouwlrin - Guh, no comment.

Anyway, thats all I can think of for now. I don't usually take the time to prep(even though I think I know just about everything there is) I'm hella lazy, and I don't take the time to practice. It seemed like a 76% blackjack worked just as well as a 100% blackjack did. So pretty much everything you see if from just using it over the 350 or so hours I had. I'll be damned though if it didn't take me forever to hero this thief. Maybe like 150 hours. Finding a group was murder at times, and I'd just run around trying to pk people. Overall though, it was a fun ride, and I fully expect to be back in the fields soon. Hell, my roller is going while I'm typing this. If I missed anyone, give me a shout, I'm sure I did. I knew quite a few folks. Here's some stats for you all...

<544hp 543m 770mv 21600tnl> prac
detect hidden 92%( 92%) dagger 100%(100%)
mace 100%(100%) spear 75%( 75%)
sword 100%(100%) backstab 77%( 77%)
dirt kicking 92%( 92%) disarm 100%(100%)
dodge 100%(100%) enhanced damage 100%(100%)
hand to hand 87%( 87%) kick 1%( 1%)
parry 99%( 99%) trip 100%(100%)
second attack 100%(100%) fast healing 100%(100%)
haggle 90%( 90%) hide 100%(100%)
meditation 100%(100%) peek 100%(100%)
pick lock 75%( 75%) relock 75%( 75%)
sneak 100%(100%) steal 100%(100%)
scrolls 77%( 77%) recall 100%(100%)
circle 100%(100%) xxxxxxxxxxxxx 70%( 70%)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 92%( 92%) xxxx 99%( 99%)
xxxxxxxx 100%(100%) xxxxxxxxxxxxx 72%( 72%)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 75%( 75%) drag 75%( 75%)
lore 78%( 78%) blackjack 100%(100%)
dual wield 100%(100%) knife 95%( 95%)
cheap shot 100%(100%) rogues awareness 98%( 98%)
pen 1%( 1%) nimble fingers 87%( 87%)
bind legs 84%( 84%) gag 77%( 77%)
blindfold 76%( 76%) bind hands 77%( 77%)
sleeping disarm 76%( 76%) tie 77%( 77%)
truss 75%( 75%) push 75%( 75%)
weapon butt blackjack 76%( 76%)
You have 2 practice sessions left.

The "xxxx" are maran cabal powers, I wasn't sure if shokster wanted these posted or not, so I went without.

Sabrian the Hand of the Unseen, Sounder of the Clarion
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : human
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Good Class : thief
Practices: 2 Trains : 0 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 438900 To Level : 21600 Sphere : War
Age : old, 66 years old (338 hours)
Hit Point: 448 /676 Mana : 543 /543 Move : 770 /770
Str : 17(17) Int : 20(20) Wis : 20(20)
Dex : 21(21) Con : 9 (9 ) Chr : 19(20)
Carry # : 0/33 Weight : 0 lb 3 oz (Max 307 lbs)
Gold : 0 Silver : 0 Copper : 0
Wimpy : 0 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Sleeping
Hitroll : 2 Damroll : 3
AC pierce: 94 Defenseless AC bash : 94 Defenseless
AC slash : 94 Defenseless AC magic : 94 Defenseless
vs Spell : Not protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Not protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You are affected by:
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 46 hours.
Skill: 'sneak' for 45 hours.

Not much, but it was all good.

Oh, and I am not going to forget one last person...

Amaelamin - I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but thanks for making my last couple of hours, days or whatever so enjoyable. I look forward to seeing how your character progresses and I must say, you impressed the hell outta me from what I saw. Thanks for taking pity on me in my old age :P, and good luck to you.

See you all in the fields,
Akashia the Assassin Heroine, Strengthener of the Status Quo
Braiden the Assassin Hero, Apostle of the Dawn
Derexal the Ancient late Midsummer Disciple
Sahvik the Stormcrow, Apostle of the Dawn
Masaryk the One-Trick pony, Servant of the Dawn *I figure with the good comes the bad, though I thought he was pretty damn cool*
And finally,
Sabrian the Hand of the Unseen, Sounder of the Clarion

15270, What a cheap way to get out of a rematch!
Posted by Yaofhil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now Kayloni is going to harrass me for the rest of my days. Hey man, just wanted to say it was great hanging with you. Now who's gonna give the announcement that there's a thick dwarven sweat-stink coming over the Fortress every time I log in? Anyways, well done,
15271, I smell a dwarf n/t
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
15268, Har! So you finally bit the dust?
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Darn, no more poking my nose into shadows thinking when a certain Sabrian is going to make my life hell. Narissa doesn't like you at all. Any chance, she'll rush into battle with no wimpy against you. She remembers those who gang on her well eversince the one time you kicked her ass with Bhavagan. She'll repay many folds back.

As a player, I think the new thief path is cool and you did well. If not for other commitments, I'll be running somewhere with a thief now. Who knows, I'll be team goodie with you next time round. Farewell and best for your next.
15269, Ugh, the bleeding...
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm still kicking myself for that fight with you and mirdulad. I wish I had known impalement bleeding woke a blackjacked person up. Guess you learn something new everyday :P. I had a blast fighting you even though I felt damn near worthless fighting shamans for the most part. It was still fun to get in a few good licks then run away. I'm pretty much a goodie for life. Not sure I have it in me to play something evil, so I hope you do come hang out with team goodie sometime. Take care, and thanks for the fun.

15265, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Caysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Caysh - I didn't like you wish any of my previous
>characters, and I still don't like you now as Sabrian.
>Anyone who resorts to trying to guilt others into fighting
>their battles is bad in my book. And for what its worth,
>your own warlocks sold you out on the fact that you stated
>that the sylvan declared war on the fortress.

It wasn't like I was trying to guilt you into fighting my battles for me, I was hoping you would help us out. In my mind I basically lumped you into the second part of the Maran, who preferred to help neutrals over goodies. And if I knew you had tipped off the Warders that we were retrieving I probably would have hit the Maran as soon as I unghosted. As for the second part...

Whoever told the Fortress that, had either already be deleted or pray I never find out IC.
15267, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And if I knew you had tipped off the Warders that we were retrieving I probably would have hit the Maran as soon as I unghosted. As for the second part...

That would down right hilarious.

Whoever told the Fortress that, had either already be deleted or pray I never find out IC.

15266, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can tell you right now that the person is still active. And I can also tell you that when we went to fight at the grove, half their side was lightwalker, and thats the part that left bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention the fact that you kept bringing jhard's death and hanging it over my head like I had to help you or it was on me. Thats where the bad taste came from.

15264, Kinda funny
Posted by Gastaad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Last time I saw you I was about to give you the coinage to join
the guild, but then I had connection problems, and that with the combination of the most recent "vengeance" I exacted from some of your fortress allies....well lets say I thought twice about meeting you face to face again.

We never once had a negative physical altercation but I was wary of you ALL THE DAMNED TIME. Mostly because it is hard to trust a thief who you have no ties with, secondly because you were able to scout for your maran buddies about my location.

Anyhow, have fun with your next.

Gastaad Gaophan
15263, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Denissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Give me an e-mail address and I'll make it as clear as I do for most that asks ic. Since you did ask, I was just too busy stalking someone at the time to step out. Then a bunch more fighting broke out and well, you get the picture.

And it really is a shame I didn't get to know your char better. He sounded pretty funny over the cb.
15261, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Bhagavan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hmmmm... MAQ ATTACK!

remember that?
15262, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I very much remember Maq Attack! One of my fondest memories in CF. I've always wondered if you were still around. Glad to see you are.

15260, heh..
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't remember that far back.. but I'm guessing Boulwrin cussed you out or something..? Telling people to "Mind yer own fuckin' business!" That was the best.

Anyways.. great list.. keep them coming!

15259, Ha!
Posted by Desialia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I find it ironic how I only played two hero healers in my time here and you hated the first one when you were Derexal but loved the second one as Sabrian. What’s even more ironic is that you liked the one that killed you more then the one that didn't. I will give you bonus points if you can guess who my first healer was.


15258, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Amaelamin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really surprised you mentioned me. We didn't get a ton of time to interact, but I enjoyed every minute. I am going to miss you, old man. You rock. I got a huge smile on my face every time you logged on. You roleplay with the best of them.

Amin Mela Lle
15257, Erm...
Posted by Vortigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You speak of Panir but what about the real thing? Me! You never won I think against me...though I really hate thieves...still remember that time we raided and you jacked me just to steal the hammer...bleh. Though you seemed like a solid guy in a world of darkness. Good job!
15256, RE: thanks
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
thanks for the knifing of straklaw. :)
i don't know if i would have lived or not without it.

15253, You never understood me
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My first interaction with you, other than watching you jack other scions when you were out of my range, was when you died at the fortress when I was raiding with a few people. You died, not going to rehash circumstances, and came back and sat there talking about how Aginal was so pathetic, totally useless and obviously the worst scion Anith had. Soon as the watcher was dead I remember Anith unshifted to say something to you, but as I was leading we were half way to the knight and you never heard it. That is what really set my impression of you. Talking out your ass, when your actions spoke louder. No, I never expect a thief to stand toe to toe with an invoker. Then again, for someone who didn't want to fight an invoker alone you tried to jack alot. And don't exaggerate what you stole. Three things, that were in my inventory and not worn for a reason. Been listening to you yap about it from that day forward like you stole the crown jewels and it was your greatest achievement ever. Mention I got them all back within about a week and a half?
15254, If you think back really hard...
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will realize that those cheapshots of me you took after a failed jacking in Hamsah came before my words to you in the fortress. I said them out of anger because of what you said to me about never fighting you straight up. It was a good try though. I've come to the conclusion that you are just an angry person overall, and its all good man. I've got no hard feelings about anything. I had a blast.

15255, RE: If you think back really hard...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just in case it isn't apparent, I suffer from major short term memory. If something isn't...I don't know, interesting, unique, special or whatever, it is unlikely I'll remember it long. The Hamsah situation you mention...don't remember it. I'll take your word for it, assume you have the correct order of events. I will say this. There is only one reason I ever made comments about fighting me, alone or more than steal and run. If someone started talking crap about how I was always with someone, or how they were going to kill me over and over, or the you're so weak thing. Not sure what you mean by cheapshots...after all, aren't just about every thief fight a cheap shot? Hey, he's fighting someone, see if I can't trip him. *shrug* No, I wouldn't say I'm an "angry" person. I rarely get angry really. I'm more of low patience, easy annoyance. Maybe it ammounts to the same thing, but seems different to me.

On another note, I remember that fight you were talking about with Alnallander. I ended up fleeing with I think 17 hp after I watched my last spell take nine rounds to cast. That sword of his lagged me twice, and I think there was two shield bashes in there that did too. Must say, was an unending source of frustration that no shield protected from shield bashes. I mean really, I can protect myself for a 400lb giant hurling his whole body against me, but not the same giant swinging one arm with a shield at me? And for a skill that alot of people say is unreliable and all that, the majority of them landed and worked in my rather unfortunate experience.
15251, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Nefarmatan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, can't say I'm sad to see you go. You were a royal
pain in the ass. I still can't believe I lived when you found
me in a certain place. What amazed me even further is you had
your eyes of the flame up. Was certain I was going to get
blackjacked and ganged by the two or three sylvan's hunting me too!
*got away from you and died to Brahaid, very embarrassing*.
You were a good adversary, just a shame you went away before I
could actually fight you on a more... even level. As for next
chars, trust me, expand out, don't play the same cabal twice in a
row as you lose alot of the experience of the game and don't get
to interact with all the immortals possible (And believe me, each
is unique in their own way).

15252, I know the fight you are talking about...
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And thank god for rogues awareness, I was blind as hell and thought for sure you were going to sleep the living crap outta me, but I figured what the hell, lets go for it. And yeah, eyes were up, I was hoping to just get a drop on you and cheapshot you to death, but you were all about flying in that particular fight :(. Either way, I sat there for what seemed like an eternity surrounded on all sides and I wasn't sure if you had seen me or not, so I just sat. Talk about boring. I was cheering out loud when I finally caught some movement on your end. Good luck in heroing/liching...or whatever you decide to do with the char.

15249, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn good job.

I remeber back when there were like 5 paladins in the fort, I can remeber thinking "Sweet, a thief, now atleast were not a giant force of spaming wrath". Its always nice to have a thief in the cabal, and you played a good one. I think we both died the most out of anyone in the fort, which I don't see as a bad thing at all, I just think we pushed our limits the most. That time you stole all that stuff from Aginal was priceless. I also enjoyed Shavik and was amazed at how many people you killed as Masaryk. Keep up the good work. And thanks for busting my curent lowbies balls :P

15250, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keep up the good fight abthalok, I'll be joining you shortly pal. I'll guarentee that one at least. Take care, and thanks for everything.

15248, I remember that...
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was laughing to myself thinking....how the hell did this bugger get inside my chasm. The outer was there and *wham*, im jacked....I dont think a raid had taken place for a while....cant remember. I barked out over the Cb 'Fog Sabrian'...once I woke, I knew you were mine. Sabrian was an annoyance.....always had people handing me stuff before raids so you wouldnt steal everyone blind...*chuckle*

Ive like all your charactors. Do you remember traveling and fiending the hell out of my Warlock drow Yazaulyzt? That was fun as well...fighting *cough* along side you.

The only charactor of yours I disliked was Sahvik. I met you with Wasarbre and you were damn hostile to me...for no reason!!!! It was hard trying to play a 'Paladin' and not chase you down and start whoppin....*grin*

ANyhow, take care.....
15247, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Darian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Darian - Dude, for real, you are a decent player. But
>please? Just one time for me? Please do something other
>then bash. I would fight you and be waiting for that
>massive flurry that humans are capable of, and no go. Bash
>Bash Bash. Its viable alot, I know, but man, I was begging
>to be entwined and flurried by you just once, and it never
>happened. Anyway, it was fun, take care and good luck.

"Roses are trip, violets are bash."
Ah, poetry :P Sometimes bashing is just the best thing, especially for someone who can get away from you just by fleeing and hiding. Entwining is nice, but that means dropping my weapons for what can be some very critical rounds in a fight. Flurry I do use, but that's also a late-fight thing to try to get the kill, because if I try it and lag myself senseless, well, bad things can result. If I'm already winning, I'd rather use bash, when fighting someone that's reasonably bashable (like you). I've actually got a very big bag of tricks, many of which no one expects me to pull out on them. In our last fight last night, I actually had some new stuff to try, but as it so happened, it was just better to bash you senseless. Believe me, I know very well how there can be many fights when it's a bad idea, I've seen it happen to other people firsthand. There are reasons why I fight the way I do, and use the skills and tactics I do. One reason is that keeping a decent set of whips/flails on hand with all the thieves running rampant these days stealing everything that isn't nailed down, stuff that's in my inventory has a very short life expectancy. However, most of the big reasons I'll keep secret until I die, or at least not discuss them here until then.

I'll also echo what a lot of other people have said - play a bunch of different things, it's more fun that way. I've played mostly evil of late, despite the fact that I usually prefer good. The main reason is, I don't like playing goods when there are so many of them around. You have no one to really fight except the few evils who actually dare poke their heads out. I'd rather be the plucky underdog, even if that means being a bad guy.

Anyway, good luck in the future.
15246, Well done
Posted by Lysrieal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well done. You seemed well played and fun from my perspective. Wish you continue strong and best of luck!


Sidenote: I inducted Esmi :P

15243, Heh..
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm still getting inspired by that raid. Wish I know how to fight same successfull against other combos, such as last that I encountered in the chasm.
Hated you, hate you, and will always hate.
Despise you for the your 'everchoosing' the strong side.
Respect you for the troubles that you gave me.
Never will forgive you my staff of striking. How long did you wait outside? 20 minutes? 30? Lol, when you jacked me, I've been laughing, realising your effort and patience. :)
And even more despise your for your yells concerning the 'dishonored dogs' or like that - you always been with someone - or sylvan, or battle, or maran, or warlock.
My cowardly opinion.
15244, RE: Heh..
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If being cowardly means coming to fight in a raid with others, then yeah, I'm guilty. I'd like to see you take a binder thief against the archmage and a healer solo. Other then that, I took you plenty of times(read tried) solo. I wasn't always the most honorable guy around, but I did try to even out dishonor with honor for the most part. Like if I fought a two on one, I'd go fight a one on two, that sorta thing. And yeah, even though it may not have been against you, I did do it. Often times leading to my demise, but hey, I learned alot about fighting and thats all that really matters to me.

15245, RE: Heh..
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree that binder thief shall not come raiding alone, or shall not come to fight foes alone at all - it's just not their work. Here I'm trying to say, that healers not supposed to fight hordes alone as well. :P
But you tried to play a honorable thief... should I'd try to play honorable healer, I'd die no less than Trajeona did, I bet.
15242, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Jhard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you, were fun to play with, i really felt bad after that one incident that happened. good times, good job, good luck on the next one.
15241, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Sazia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame too see that you're gone too, you were one of Sazia's few
actual friends. Taking up on the offer to dance was brutal, though,
but that won some respect in Sazia's eyes a "mere human" wouldn't
have gotten otherwise... ;)

Thanks for the bit of fun.

15240, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Aislynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some very interesting times. Sabrian was always fun to be around, whether we were fighting verbally/physically, talking, exploring or hunting. I think that the few fights we had spiced up Aislynn's life and even though she didn't appreciate them, the player behind her certainly did. I thank you for that. Good luck on your next.
15239, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Esmi - Good to see you finally coming around. I mean crap,
>didn't I induct you with Derexal like maybe a year and a
>half ago? Either way, your tough, and caring. A great
>servant if you ask me, and I know you'll do some stuff.
>Take care, and good luck to you.

Esmi sat on the back burner for a while while I did some OOC things, and played out a character I had going beforehand. I always was glad to have you around, and felt safer knowing you were watching my back.
15238, Punk A$$!
Posted by Arigil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I wished we could have traveled together more, I didn't even meet you until I had gotten hero and we spoke like we spoke as if we were life long friends the joking and all, You'll be missed.

15236, Heh, It was you or me...
Posted by Killag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Each time I spotted you in my pk I went after you..then..when I saw you,I got ready to blackjack and hopped to hit you first..there were only two options..1.You hit me and you stab me to death or 2.I jack you and stab you to death. And what was the most fun of it all, we both couldnt trip ourselves..:P

Its a little tough being an old kind of thief with no special skills besides blackjack and backstab, but its always fun to be a sneaky annoying thief ;)

See you around!
15237, Ohh..and..
Posted by Killag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ohh..and yeah I was a scion all along till the few last encounters we had. (NT)
15235, RE: Alright, so here we go...
Posted by Vynmylak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, old man. Good to see you still up and around. Great job on the character. As indicated in Sassmi's farewell, one of the most memorable occassions was watching you two discuss the tenets of faith in the shrine; it truly was one of those moments I felt I would have done more damage in intruding than sitting back and watching. Great understanding and I hoped you had fun with the RP-angles.

The other very memorable situation was watching you attempting to balance the Sylvans in Seantryn Modan. Poor dockmaster. You came close to crossing that line, but never did. Good save at the end. :P

Man, this'll teach me to take a small break while doing home repair and illness. Everyone ups and delete's on ya. I know you'll be back, though, in some form or the other. Good luck on the next!

-- Vyn
15272, Aww
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sabrian was cool, I always liked interaccting with him. Sorry about waking people up all those times... what was it you meant when you said you owe me something? More binding?
15273, RE: Aww
Posted by Sabrian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I owed you a smack upside the head. hehe. Nah, for real, maybe it was more bindings. Who knows? Guess we never will, huh? :P
