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Topic subject(DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=14986
14986, (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Feb 6 15:30:45 2003

10 o''clock AM, Day of Deception, 2nd of the Month of the Winter Wolf on the Theran calendar Rizteiqz perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:36% (closer to 100% is better)

14987, Attention pissing-match participants:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I deleted some flame-y posts. I also deleted the portion of the farewell post that was provoking flame-y posts. If you've got nothing constructive to add, don't post.

This goes doubly so if you're accusing active characters of things.
14988, RE: (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dimion thanks you for the jump in that day :) was a pretty damn good fight sorry ya died, i'd have thrown a heal your way but i flubbed typing your name and was a bit busy trying to do some damage before i died. i just knew i was gonna die. heh.(it was really close)
14989, RE: (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what can I say? Things just got really boring... not as in character wise, but because of the fact my role was more limited than I thought pk wise. I had immense fun playing Rizteiqz, and I hope it showed. Before I go on I want to say that I really really wanted to con-die, I just didn't die as much to mobs at hero as the rest of the levels... I had 19 con still so that would have been a while. I thought of reactions Riz would have to things at the end, but all that came out was him drinking in the inn, looking for spars and feeling a bit silly attacking the scions alone all the time. I mean, they had everyone after them, in groups for sure, and I'm sure they were choosing not to fight me partially because they could get waxed and full looted in a heartbeat if there was someone else near.

Read my role here ---> http://www.qhcf.net/cforum/char/vpost.pl?504 and a lot of this will make more sense to some of you. You can find my icq and such on dios too, gogogo.

This might get long....

Well, this was my first hero, and my second character over 30 (Coumidin 40 gnome warrior). The versitility in warriors now is even more amazing than before. I had gone mace second with Coumidin, and wanted to see it's real power, so I went mace and hand to hand. I rarely needed hand to hand, as I never had a lack of strength gear. Legacies are so great, and the ones I picked were both very useful:

Autumn Harvest helped a lot... from the moment I got it, I could tell the difference, even on dwarves in mortorn. I can safely say I would not play a gnome/svirf warrior without it.

Cry of Thunder... oh this one is fun. Short duration, better warcry was great beside the fact you don't get that extra svspell out of battle most of the time. The damage though... oh my. I still regret I never landed a full drum with it going and a vuln (wrath weapons in shadar). With berserk and warcry up I believe I had about 45hit/60dam, which for me is godly. ;)

I killed some, I died some, and until hero ranks I died more to npcs than anything. My pk ratio was just about what I expected.

Thanks to all of you who interacted with me as Riz slowly lost his grasp of any language (mind you, not as badly as some giants and paladins out there that leave you saying 'What the hell did he just say? Was that something about my mother or do you want to go learn?'). Regardless, it was funny. Now for the goodbyes...

Scions: Ooh, I hated you. Pre-purge a few of the scions made the mistake of taking and sacrificing my statue I'd had for 30+ ranks (again, read my role if you don't get this). Some of our talks and fights were good however. I still have no clue what this new scion deal is, but oh well.

Jhaelryna - You were the first to try to talk to me about the scions and try and figure out why I attacked you. That whole incident in Hamsah was great, I hope I had you unsure of whether I was an enemy or not at that point. I still can't believe you pebbled me to death at the archmage, I had to have failed fleeing 4 times or so. You seem to be doing well, keep it up

Merzofzyauhn - I finally got used to typing your name too, were you even a scion at the end anymore? You and Jhael must have died at the archmage many times defending. It seemed one would unghost as the other died that one time at least.

Darian - I'll save most of the talk until you delete, because I really want to see what your role is before slinging #####. I hated you as much as any other (I was sphere courage. =P) and really hated how no scion would give an even fight, there always had to be some little (or big) advantage. That's one reason I said the scions didn't change.

Deveskrius and the other pre-purge scions I fought with, good fights... you always always had other scions right around the corner, ugh. I'd knock one of you out, get ready to kill you, then be summoned.

Tribunals: Well I was chaotic, so I knew some sparks would fly...

Lachis - We had some good duels... outside the city.

Jesrelres - Keep up the good work, thanks for listening to me.

Sylvan: I raided with you a couple times against the scions, but didn't know many of you too well. You seemed to be doing a good job however.

Dawn/Maran/whatever you are now: There were too many dawnies around, yeesh. The paladins from both always were around to help though.

Almaola - Thanks for sticking around to hero me, it was fun.

Battle: I attacked some of you, to mostly nasty results on my side, but I did respect you more than hate you. The annihilate/unspeak deathblows got really nasty though, and I'll make my case now that I've deleted - how about toning ragers down against warriors and up against mages? It just seems to make sense since the real reason they con die isn't warriors, it's mages.

Iomyndor - Get someone to help you level a bit, eh? All of my weapons seemed to hate you, and you knew it. Not to mention they were maces.

Broxx - You got the best of me, and you got away the one time I landed a boneshatter, it even made you drop both axes. You took my things from a mage's kill when you were a wee little one, that didn't look good to me.

Herald: Good job, though a few of you could work on your rp (that's all I'm saying!).

Kalmah - Ah, for most of the time we were best friends. I didn't really like the turn in your rp toward the inn though. You didn't do well singing and such at first (you got a lot better than you were). Riz was in it for the battles, there was no courage to be found singing and froliking around. You just seemed to turn right around. At least you still would duel... god we accidentally killed each other so many times. I know you had an idea I was going to delete, as I overheard you saying something to Meladori on my current character. Good luck with the women, seems you (might have) found one. Sorry I won't be there.

Gorthalon - The cinnamon was a nice addition to the cider, which was all I drank. Don't let those scions sweet talk you! ;)

Lynnette - I'm really jealous of your title... that has to be my favorite I've seen.

Nexus: I can't tell you how many people asked me if I was a nexun... yeesh.

Punblinpo - keep reading, under gnomes.

I don't think I knew any warlocks at all...

Gnomes! All of you guys were the best, just how gnomes should be. I fought the scions, a lot of you sometimes fought on their side. It never came between us.

Queesha - Thanks for heroing me, and for everything else. I'm sure a few people would like to thank you for getting me that mace of water. :D

Punblinpo - Hah, you were great. I'd love to see how daggers and your legacies work out at hero. Oh, and I think I was even in the group when you heroed. Thanks for a lot of things as well.

Coople - Thanks for showing me the best piece of gnome only equip ever.

Other friends and enemies (in no order):

Cylenthalion - Took a bit for Riz to trust an elf... icq me or whatever though, I have something to ask/talk with you about.

Ilados - That last deal was fun... and we even killed some people!

Jhalstruvv - First person ever to assassinate me... how many stalks? I was stupid enough to sit in my guild for that long though. Oh, and 35 hours of befuddle from a failed assassination is #####.

Kulmortuk - You got me once badly, I got you once even worse. So is life when we're both using vulns.

Straklaw - Good ol chieftan, I regret never fighting you alone. You're doing great things for orcs.

Dylerion - I think you're the only non-rager warrior that ever beat me soundly. Only time I ever even had a chance was if you used swords and didn't flurry.

Immortals: I don't think I had any interaction with any of you other than the few times at the inn when Iunna was around. I hope some of you watched me and can comment though, I'd like to know how well I did. Good job with legacies, and since I've been opened to it, the few pieces of gnome only equipment are great.

Well, I think that's it... wow that took a while to write. I already have another character going, so I'm around. Ugh, there are too many goodies out there. See you in the fields.
15010, good job...
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
never really understood what was goin on in that little svirfs head but you were always friendly and willing to help Nurwon. thanks for tryin to save my ass that one time against Jhalstruvv near the inn. too bad your gone, good luck on your next man.....oh and get stronger wings!! you'll fly one day!! *wink*
15011, I did learn how to use the wings.... (s.txt)
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..much to the dismay of thieves and assassins everywhere. I loved those things.
15005, RE: (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Darian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Darian - I'll save most of the talk until you delete,
>because I really want to see what your role is before
>slinging #####. I hated you as much as any other (I was
>sphere courage. =P) and really hated how no scion would give
>an even fight, there always had to be some little (or big)
>advantage. That's one reason I said the scions didn't

I won't say much either until I'm gone, but as I say in game, I'm sworn to tell the truth, so that should give you an indication that there's good reason behind most of what I say. No, I never saw the point in trying to prove anything by fighting, duels or not. It did usually irritate me to no end to have some little guy running around saying that he wanted to fight me, meanwhile I have somewhere between 5-10 people in various cabals that are looking to kill me, most of the time (or would if they found me). Even last night, when I was chasing you down after you came after me, I had to break off pursuit because I was getting chased (albeit separately) by Yaofhil and an elf warrior... and that's mostly the story of my life in terms of how fights go :p Note I'm not whining, in fact it makes things exciting to play the underdog. I just hate it when people fault me for doing whatever I can to survive and maybe even win against the odds, as an (ostensibly amoral, just on pure alignment terms) evil character.

And yes, there are a number of differences in the attitude of Scion now - but that's something which is best learned in the game. I will say that Scion has nothing to do with honor or courage, from everything I've seen, and I doubt you will ever see a Scion particularly care for those things outside of personal preference. I mean, come on man, it's evil! :P
15009, Yeah I really disliked you at first, but...
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...when you're an evil and a scion when so many people kill both just for the sake of killing you... well, I understand at least partially.

After I saw those two I knew it was pretty much it. I was tired of that happening.. and as I said, there are too many goodies out there. It's just not interesting when things like that happen all the time.
15006, Darian DOES LIE!
Posted by Xandrya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I mean, come on man, it's evil!"

Hmmm...That isn't EXACTLY what you said to me IC in-game, Darian! :P Perhaps another in-game discussion is in order? ;)
15007, RE: Darian DOES LIE!
Posted by Darian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just remember, Darian, like most true bad guys, doesn't believe he's evil. He thinks everything he does is perfectly justified, and in his world view, it is.

I, the player, however, am free to judge it much more impartially ;)
15008, RE: Darian DOES LIE!
Posted by Xandrya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I know that's how he is. Thinks he's just ok with the world. He's way cool to Rp with btw and I hope we get to do more of it.
15004, RE: (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Broxx on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For what it's worth I liked ya. I respect any warrior class who is willing to go one on one with a rager berserker. Especially an uncaballed svirf. It's rare anyone will these days. I think if you prepped more the fights would have been more even, it didn't even seem like you ever prepped at all. I still don't remember the incident where I looted you, but Broxx is abit of a bastard so I'm sure it could have happened. Good luck with your next one.
15003, Sad to see you go
Posted by Vashka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I know I am still young but I had fun talking with you in the Inn and watching you spar Kalmah. Good luck on your next char. You will be missed at least by me.
15002, Oh Darn, I liked Riz a lot!
Posted by Xandrya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go Riz...I never could spell the rest of it very well, which is why I didn't talk to you a lot. I would get frustrated trying to type your name :P But I really liked seeing you in the Inn I was looking forward to having you come to the wedding. (But since you already rolled a new guy, he can come instead.) Oh and there are no maybe's about it, Kalmah definitely has his woman! But that's all I'm gonna say about that.

Oh and I read your role. I don't think it was silly at all, I thought it was kind of cool actually.

See you in the fields.

15001, ahem. Booh!!
Posted by Nycoe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess I didnt scare anyone. Maybe I scare you to death. hehe

Nycoe, the Mummy
14997, One or two comments:
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>(I was
>sphere courage. =P) and really hated how no scion would give
>an even fight, there always had to be some little (or big)
>advantage. That's one reason I said the scions didn't

This is probably one of those matters of perspective.

I remember watching Rizteiqz attack the Scion cabal again and again with gangs consisting of significantly more members than the entire Scion cabal, both online and offline. I thought to myself "Man. For sphere courage this dude sure loves ganging. What's with that?" Then I read his role and thought "Well, his role says he wants to fight Scions, and he's fighting Scions all right." After that I liked the character a lot better.

I'm not going to say you didn't play your role (you did a good job with that) and I'm not going to say you ganged or ran every fight of your life (I doubt I saw more than a fraction) but I'm not sure you're in a position to throw stones. You remember most strongly the times Scions ganged you, and I'm sure they remember all the times you ganged them or ran for it when you didn't have one. That's just the way it goes.

>I'll make my case now that I've deleted - how about toning
>ragers down against warriors and up against mages? It just
>seems to make sense since the real reason they con die isn't
>warriors, it's mages.

To make a long story short, that hasn't been my experience playing a Rager. Play one at hero for a while and I think you'll see that probably most deaths are a combination of mages and warriors. That could be one mage summoning you for a bunch of warriors to gang on you. That could be one warrior bashing you while a bunch of mages go to work. It could also be one lone warrior deciding to be sassy and trip you as you run your ass down Eastern Road away from the necromancer who beat you to writhing and cast crimson scourge on you.

14998, Agreed on most.
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought scions at every chance possible... I rped it as if riz really was neutral in most affairs and the scions just set off a time bomb when they did what they did (which actually happened). Having said that, I only raided scions with others three times. Once with a full sylvan force - most likely the one you refer to, once with a sylvan, maran, and one or two others that didn't directly raid (sanc whores yay!), and once when it was me and Ilados against Darian and Desialia.

I'm sure those raids are when you most saw me... as I'm sure as an imm that would be most interesting. I seriously doubt any player could say I didn't play my sphere out. I was almost always alone, especially from 49 on. Many days I killed the nightwalker solo and sat in the scion cabal hitting things, wondering if any would actually come. I can't say I actually killed many of them, especially when riz was hard headed enough to let people like Darian bash him at the archmage, at the nightwalker, etc... but I fought. When I spoke of scions using advantages, I didn't mean gangs, I meant they used any leverage they could get. If one wasn't readily available, they always waited until one opened itself. Of course, half the time I was stubborn enough that I would open one up for them. Riz wanted to fight, what can I say?

At the end, I felt to bad for them and realized my role was getting kind of stupid. It's hard to be courageous when so many others are trying to kill the ones you are after.

About the rager thing... I can understand how hard it is to think of a possible solution, and I'll give it a rest. Broxx is right. I'm off to find out where all these fabled preps are. =P

Regardless, thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
14999, Awww!
Posted by Punblinpo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of Punblinpo's favorite people. I tried to get you involved with stuff I was doing from time to time, but it seemed like your favorite pastime was attacking Scions, and Punblinpo doesn't really hunt without reason, and Punblinpo rarely has reason to fight Scions.

I wish you hadn't deleted, I was planning on showing you a few small things you can do to better help you fight Ragers.

Worst of all, you're missing the little people revolution.

So long! Have fun!
15000, Gnomes own your face!
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahhh, yeah I kinda wish I'd have gone the nexus route just to hang with you gnomes all the time, too bad. You were probably the most like how I envision gnomes to be.

Too bad, too bad.
14992, RE: (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Deveskrius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Forgive me if this wasn't you, but weren't you the one I summoned into Kobold warrens and killed? If so, that was solo and it only happened once, and I don't recall lootin ya. Think we had some sort of tangible alliance deal goin on after that, don't really remember gettin into the grit with you too much.
14993, Nope...
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The one fight of ours I remember most was when you summoned me in arkham, I knocked you out with a cranial, was about to kill you... then I got summoned and killed by a necro and someone else, might have been a shifter. I believe Ckroeg was involved in that somehow and I think you got him solo (before he was a rager) after I was summoned. That incident went a whole lot different than I had planned, even with landing the cranial.
14994, RE: Nope...
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh yeah, I'm thinking of that ex-rager turned Nexite. No offense, but the likelihood of you actually solo killing me by simply spam-cranialing was remote, given that Ckroeg couldn't find where we were. That was a rather interesting turnaround from 2-v-1 to 3-v-2 in a matter of moments. I believe you wound up getting necro-summoned and ganged while I solo-slew Ckroeg whom I had slept on Forest Road (for some reason he never made his save vs sleep that I recall prior to induction to village).
14995, Well I was planning on...
Posted by Coumidin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cranialing you when we found you, so I hit it in reaction and it worked. I was going to kill the nightwalker then we'd kill you but then ckroeg arrives the exact second I'm summoned. I guess you caught him trying to run to where I was...
14996, RE: Well I was planning on...
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, I see. Yeah you would've had me it seems, that would've been sweet vengeance for poor Ckroeg who for some reason never seemed to resist my attempts at sleeping him.
14991, RE: (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Gorthalon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A very enjoyable companion. I'm sure you could tell my skill-level in the numerous times we traveled, but I think I've picked up on a few things. I told you you'd get to hero, and you did before me, even with that death around 49 or 50, whichever it was. We ranked a bunch of times, and I owe my getting to hero to you a great bit, because you would always travel with me. Thanks for that.

As for RP-type things, it was definetly a lot of fun. I still drink the cider all the time, and don't worry about the Scions. Maybe if I would have used maces, I would have beat you in a duel. The polearm just didn't work, and you always swung a lot harder than me when I used axes. I learned a few things though.

Sorry I was gone for that last week, some stuff came up irl that had to be dealt with and I just couldn't find the time to log in. Oh well though. Good luck with the next one, and thanks again.
14990, RE: (DEL) Rizteiqz the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Almaola on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for the late response, but I hope you check back.

Liked Riz, Yep Yep. Sorry to see you go so soon after getting heroed. I knew you when you were Coumidin too, as several of my characters (man he lived a long time) Definately did better this time around, congratulations on the learning curve.

Was always good to see you around, and was glad to help you rank up that last bit, even if my eyes did start to glaze over at times of non-stop undead slaughter.

I never did get the full story out of you on those wings either. damn.