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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Quimo the Weaver of the Elements
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=14745
14745, (DEL) Quimo the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jan 30 07:40:57 2003

4 o''clock AM, Day of Freedom, 18th of the Month of the Shadows on the Theran calendar Quimo perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:86% (closer to 100% is better)

14746, Blessed be!
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You bastard :)

We didn't do much talking, but you were a fair competitor and as well the Arial warrior's nightmare.

I never got you!

Good luck on the next.

14747, We did have some fun nights eh?
Posted by Oddjob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ya, you and Blimbali fought alot as I remember. Every time I wanted to make a move on Scion you were there, and invokers defend against a hoarde well. My treant/COW would always be dead in no time.

I thought you had died long ago, guess not. Nice work though, you had a great run.

14748, We did, we did
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Ya, you and Blimbali fought alot as I remember. Every time I
>wanted to make a move on Scion you were there, and invokers
>defend against a hoarde well. My treant/COW would always be
>dead in no time.

You were the first druid which gave me problems. Many problems. Much more problems I could solve at that time :-) The second was Sassmi. I've learned much about fighting druids from you, and our fights were always very interesting.

>I thought you had died long ago, guess not. Nice work
>though, you had a great run.

Hey, thanks!

14749, That's all, folks.
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, it was fun while it lasted. Invokers are great. More versatility than
one could imagine. I've played rather recklessly, and died many times.

I've tried to play a non-aggressive Scion who hunted only those who assasulted
myself or the Chasm. At the end of my carreer I've crossed this line a few
times - I attacked a few of those who were told to be enemies. Not if that
mattered much, but it kept me from attacking everyone and their mother, which
could be fun at the beginning, but will surely lead to a degradation of the
character. Quimo wouldn't go and hunt even a member of the enemy cabal, much
less an independant lightwalker. Ragers were the only exception, because the
whole purpose of the cabal was to kill Quimo, as he eventually realized :-)

It was fun finding wand locations IC. I've used a few tricks, and they worked!

IMMs: My IMMteraction boils down to reporting an illegal name and a hearty
"Thank you" from an Immortal. I hoped to get a special title, but no dice.
Even my last name wasn't approved :-) So much for having a role, following it
and 400 hours of consistent, though not intensive, roleplay while being a cabal
member. I was jealous seeing my enemies I used to kill receive special titles.
Ah well.

Scion cabal: Nice cabal, competent people. A shame I've never got into depth
of the Scion concept. I can say I've tried. I am far from calling myself an
imbecile, but it probably requires a player of higher caliber to get into the
stream somehow. Or just my playing times were odd for the persons responsible
for cabal handling.
As for the purge thingy: I think it is wrong to boot a person who did nothing
really wrong without giving them a warning first. A responsible person could
at least have talked to me. It just shouldn't be this way:

Welcome to The Carrion Fields. Let the bloodshed begin!
It is 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Old Forces.

You feel something changed while you were away.
You have been inducted into None.

Cabal Limbo

The first time I was removed from a cabal in 7 years. Well, it's just a game.

Scions: mostly nice guys.

Aginal, Roktalken: it hurts to see someone of the same race/class/cabal combo
who is just plain better than you.
Opija, Uizare: liked to travel with you. It is the highest compliment :-)
Trajeona: very cute character, enjoyed your roleplaying.
Danaethil: one cocky healer. How much times were you kicked out, huh? Anyway,
it was fun when you were around. You've surely spiced up the boring life :-)
Anith: Well done. You've improved much since Riav.
Khurmen: I like your attitude. Keep it up.
Uzurag: no offense, but I often laughed when travelled with you.
Urden: damn, I hated you IC. I (as a player) understand it was your RP to be
a bit insane and very aggressive even towards your students, but Quimo surely
didn't want even to be near you, much less to speak to you and obey your will.
Fikafas: sorry, I outlived you. But I still remember you. You gave me a few
good portions of laugh.
Thornarcrull: liked you.

Sylvans: my favorite enemies.

Sassmi, you were great. One of the few enemies I've interacted with. Good
luck, Stawberry!
Arehanah, Gwimdorf: also very interesting characters, though I've seen only one
side of your RP :-) Gorgoth, I feel a bit bad for killing you so many times,
but it was strictly dictated by my RP to hunt you relentlessly.
Blimbali, Dharum: thanks for the fun fights.

Warlocks: I hate counterspell :-)

Findunthilas, Picatepty - invokers fight are always fun. Lardovian:
I am proud of killing you that time in Mausoleum :-)
Sloryas, couldn't do anything with you. As well as to other conjies.
Naocryn and Delmuio: it was very low of you to wait for me at my pit while I
try to recover my gear.

Dawn: I don't see the point of the cabal, but I've tried to avoid you, since
our paths were so different and crossed only occasionally (when I retrieved).

Esmi, very well done. An interesting character. The others: sorry if I
killed you during Fortress raids, it wasn't intentional.

Maran: skilled foes, always ready for a fight.
Alnallander: I understand you were just doing your job, but you have no idea
how annoying you were to me. You come, attack nightwalker, I come, you spam
wrath, I prepare, cast different spells, you spam wrath, one of us recalls...
I imagine it was even more boring to you, because I at least had a variety of
spells to cast.
Gasg: interesting fights, thanks.

Battle: as always, many idiots, several decent characters.
Nourn, Grogim: dwarf scout impossible kill damn run recall! :-)
Bryvac: I liked your attitude. A strong leader.
Bronagh: fight more, whine less, and you will achieve.
Drahk: strong, skilled, with Sayangu.
Sayangu: strong, skilled, with Drahk. Well, not always.


Bilau: I am sorry I killed you when you were with Lardovian. Didn't know it
was you.

I know I forgot many people, just remind me and I'll answer all :-)

I'll post some logs on Dios.

Skill list: 100%. Fire mastery, Earth mastery. Whatever.

Other notable characters of late: Calessin, Rio

Contact information: ICQ 78012791 E-mail ibd@orcsoftware.spb.ru

Quimo is out.
14767, Description + role
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

A tall winged figure stands before you. It is not
easy to tell a gender of this creature, mostly due
to its extreme slimness and a hood covering the
features of its face. Upon closer examination,
masculine features are revealed. His whole figure
radiates a strange sense; you even wonder if there
is a soul filling this weird mortal shell concealed
underneath the clothing. His hands rest in his
broad sleeves, and come out only in case of dire
need. Overall, this creature looks alienated from
this world.


Bright flash of light. Darkness. One more flash. The whole
new world emerges before my eyes, leaving all that I knew and
liked far behind. The parts of my body look quite odd, but
my reflexes know how to control them somehow. I don't
remember a single thing from my past. It looks like I am
trapped in this strange new world. It is in my best interests
to find my way through this disguise.

Flows of elements are extremely easy to operate here. You
just have to think of it, and it happens. I know it wasn't
like this in the realms I've come from. At least something
about my past is revealed for now... It's no much, but I'm
not going to give up yet.

Each time I summon one of these... Ccul'Gra, I feel as I
recall a tiny piece of knowledge of the world I came from...
Bit to bit, a picture forms in my mind. People who lived in
my native plane used to summon these creatures. It was much
easier for them. I yet have to figure out why, but my guess
would be relative location of the planes of existance. My
native plane is probably much closer to the demi-plane of the
Shadow, thus making it much more easy. The other enigma is why
did I have to escape my world. I hope I'll solve these... in

...Implosion. Chaos. Mayhem. Feeble, yet desperate cries of
the doomed, vainly trying to escape the inevitable. Shadowy
shapes of Nightwalkers, finally free of all bindings, rampage
the native plane of the creatures who abused their powers.
Obsidian amulet pulses with power in my grasp. Just before
the mighty claw of the enigmatic creature reaches for me,
mysterious force rips the very foundation of existance,
allowing me to slip between its slayers. That's how I
appeared here. That's why I escaped my native plane. That's
why I am called Quimo, the name which would better fit a dog
than a relatively powerful magician. All I held dear is now
lost for me, and lost forever. I have no more hope to return
to the place I once called home.

14765, A scion to respect
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much like Anith and sometimes with Anith you would come for your items and actually bring the fight and that I respect above all else. You fought when odds favoured you, as fiecerly, as when they did not and I enjoyed our fights. There are two that stick out in my mind. The first was when you and Aginal came for the sceptre and I fought you both at the giant, that was an adrenaline pump. The second was a sweet and sour moment outside the chasm after a raid and I will post it if I can find it. It was so so sweet then so very sour.

all the best for future endevours.

14766, The respect is mutual
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am still ashamed of the fight when Anith and me failed to retrieve against you :-)

I tried to avoid fighting in extremely bad odds, which I considered odds when I'll most likely be killed in 2 rounds or be permalagged. All other odds were fine :-)

As for THAT fight, I'll probably post it as well from my perspective. I saw a couple of rounds more :-)
14763, Ahh damn...
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed fighting you. I always enjoyed talking to you. I always enjoyed you being around because I knew sooner or later we'd be talking or fighting. I enjoyed you being willing to fight alone. I did NOT enjoy being immolated by you. I did NOT enjoy catching a facefull of avalanche from you. I did NOT enjoy fighting you when you weren't alone, because at that point it was more than likely me alone, and you with whoever else was around. All in all, I think I enjoyed my interactions with you more than I disliked them. I have one log if I can track it down of you doing a solo attempt to retrieve, and me doing a solo defense, spending half the time sitting in water to cut down on my ass being on fire. It carried over a crash and all, and I think the crash was what made all the difference.

(insert random fuzzy bunny things here so my post doesn't get deleted)


14764, RE: Ahh damn...
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I always enjoyed fighting you. I always enjoyed talking to
>you. I always enjoyed you being around because I knew sooner
>or later we'd be talking or fighting. I enjoyed you being
>willing to fight alone.

Heh, certainly. The most interesting fights are always one on one.

>I did NOT enjoy being immolated by
>you. I did NOT enjoy catching a facefull of avalanche from

Sorry, these are two of three of the most devastating spells in my opinion. Geyser wasn't an option against you, so I tried to use these every time I could. And I did ;-)

>I did NOT enjoy fighting you when you weren't alone,
>because at that point it was more than likely me alone, and
>you with whoever else was around.

Neither did I. AFAIR, all these cases were during raids, because it wasn't my style to hunt a lone Dawn paladin I respected in a gang.

>All in all, I think I
>enjoyed my interactions with you more than I disliked them.
>I have one log if I can track it down of you doing a solo
>attempt to retrieve, and me doing a solo defense, spending
>half the time sitting in water to cut down on my ass being
>on fire. It carried over a crash and all, and I think the
>crash was what made all the difference.

I probably have this log too. Would be nice to see it from other perspective.

Good luck!

14761, RE: That's all, folks.
Posted by Ex_Paladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shame to see you go. Evil always needs a solid mainstay to keep the light in check. I've fought you with a handful of characters. The first time ever, I remember thinking "Gee, I think this guy is new to invokers". Then as the months progressed each fight became harder and harder. So either my first impressions were way off, and you're an old pro at playing invokers, or you learned a heck of an awful lot about them with Quimo. Anyhow, hope to see you back soon.
14762, RE: That's all, folks.
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Shame to see you go. Evil always needs a solid mainstay to
>keep the light in check.

Hey, thanks. That's what I was trying to do :-)

>I've fought you with a handful of characters.

Now you really perked my curiosity. I saw you posting at forums as Ex-Paladin, and liked your posts. Mind telling which characters have you fought me with? If you don't want to post it here, toss me an e-mail :-)

>The first time ever, I remember thinking "Gee,
>I think this guy is new to invokers". Then as the months
>progressed each fight became harder and harder. So either
>my first impressions were way off, and you're an old pro at
>playing invokers, or you learned a heck of an awful lot
>about them with Quimo.

Yes, I've had an invoker about 4 years ago, I was a complete newbie and it was my first caballed hero. Invokers were very different, and that experience isn't too valuable. Anyway, I decided to play an invoker because of their versatility. So at the beginning of my career I was clueless, but I learned from my mistakes and tried not to repeat them. I think 400 hours is a good time to learn about class :-)

>Anyhow, hope to see you back soon.

I am going to take a break, but I'll be back, that's for sure. Us addicts should stick together :-)
14759, Ooooohhh Man!
Posted by Wemnar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Warlocks: I hate counterspell :-)
>Findunthilas, Picatepty - invokers fight are always fun.

Man I got a lot of respect for you. I remember our many fights as Anielle and Picatepty. Heh, funny thing is I was just thinking about the invoker yesterday. You are an awesome player I had a lot of respect for you, major respect. You had me making all kinds of #sub in wintin so I would know what shields fell it was awesome and you were always slippery. Major respect for you.

14760, RE: Ooooohhh Man!
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ohh, both Anielle and Picatepty! The most interesting fights from the learning point of view. I also had to add such #subs :-) Don't get too addicted to invokers!

14758, Well done.
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always out hunting or raiding solo which was refreshing change. I traveled with you with Riav/Anith and though our times didnt overlap as much as Id like, you were always one I could count on.

Take care.
14757, RE: That's all, folks.
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, well. Another of my old enemies turns around the corner.

You fought well and if you hated counterspell... well, being on the wrong side of a capable invoker is not very much fun either :P

As for that time in the Mausoleum...
What can I say? I had did not have the layout of the place clear to me and had no clue where the exit was, else you can be sure I'd be out of there faster than you can blink.
Now it was just a question of when I would run out of mana from countering all those spells and eventually... I did and we both know how it ended.

Well played and I hope I'll see you out there again in one form or another.

14755, RE: That's all, folks.
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were like, the mystery invoker, for me. I'd hear people talk about fighting Quimo, but unless I'm mistaken, we never once even saw each other online when we were in the same pk range. Wierd.

14756, Hi, Mystery Paladin
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You were like, the mystery invoker, for me. I'd hear people
>talk about fighting Quimo, but unless I'm mistaken, we never
>once even saw each other online when we were in the same pk
>range. Wierd.

I can't say anything better than just echo your words. I've also heard much about you, but never got a chance to look at you. I guess both of us have stable hours, and these hours simply did not overlap. Ah well.

14754, Your were the bane of me...
Posted by Dharum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I lost so much con from you it was sickening, and hated you
in character. However personally I had a good deal of respect
for you. Buffet was bitch and half, but it was all fun the
battles we had.
14753, RE: That's all, folks.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
heh i prolly owe a couple of con to you not going after folks who weren't in an enemy cabal, but seeing as you were scion an all, i just had to try to hunt you occasionally. i never was successful.
even had i lost i'd have felt better, i never could catch up to you.
(i lose alot, so if you killed me a coulple of times i doubt it was memorable.. but i don't remember ever fighting you)

anyway after a while i just never saw you again, i thought you were dead already and maybe it was during the 'death not posting' period.
but my playing times went wacky anyway, so maybe that was it.
-dimion (unlike alnallander, i'm the elf paladin that evils seem to think goes well with ketchup and only go out to kill when they need a lite snack :) okay i get lucky sometimes)

14752, Damn that thief!!!
Posted by Nycoe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey that's me. I remember getting those sleek rod from you. hehe. profitable too. jack you at the temple right as you recal. telling tauser where you were and told him to stalk you. Anyway sad to see you go, now I have to find someone new to pick on.

Ps. I still got that staff of your. it is Oh so wonderful.
14750, RE: That's all, folks.
Posted by Thornarcrull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey. Well done, enjoyed character. Seemed to be skillfull, as usual for ex-.ru team. Heh, had no idea that it's you.
Usually RPing and following the role, or character's personality is being rewarded. Not in our case, it seems. Non-agressive scion is something that (as I see it) immortals wouldn't like to see. I, for following my char's personality, even got punished. Which, though, do not trouble my character, but makes me, as a playber, plain sick. Well, more of my char after I delete (which I don't believe will happen anytime soon!) :). By the way, as I know, this is your first underdog (I missed much, though). Did you enjoy it? I bet you did with all these shields,geysers, novas and other nasty spells. :P

14751, RE: That's all, folks.
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Hey. Well done, enjoyed character. Seemed to be skillfull,
>as usual for ex-.ru team. Heh, had no idea that it's you.

I take it as a compliment :-) My intention was not to reveal my identity before this character is gone. This includes the infamous russian team, repeatedly accused of cheating by a mass of slightly-below-average players who can't even cheat well.

>Usually RPing and following the role, or character's
>personality is being rewarded. Not in our case, it seems.
>Non-agressive scion is something that (as I see it)
>immortals wouldn't like to see.

I guess this wasn't a case. Basing on the fact that no immortal replied to my farewell post, neither positive (I consider Quimo to be a successful character) or negative (I added a little bit of whine to the post to provoke that kind of opinion), I suppose that I haven't been watched by immortals who are somehow related to the character I played at all. Hence the complete lack of signs of immortal attention. But it isn't a big problem - as you stated, following the role is a good reward itself, and I tend to agree with you.

>I, for following my char's
>personality, even got punished. Which, though, do not
>trouble my character, but makes me, as a playber, plain
>sick. Well, more of my char after I delete (which I don't
>believe will happen anytime soon!) :).

I am quite curious of this. I'll try to be as patient as possible :-)

>By the way, as I
>know, this is your first underdog (I missed much, though).
>Did you enjoy it? I bet you did with all these
>shields,geysers, novas and other nasty spells. :P

I don't think it would be right to apply the term "underdog" to any of my characters of late. I don't play 24/7, or even close to this, and I don't delete characters too often, so I usually witness several pendulum swings. With Quimo, however, my playing times usually gave me a full range of enemies and none to two allies. I enjoyed it as long as there wasn't a group hunting me which could easily permalag me :-) Rio was much more of an underdog during his low-activity times (after I gave up leadership). Anyway, it's a challenge, and it is fun.