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Topic subject(DEL) Yhorian Adethusal the Planewalker
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=14700
14700, (DEL) Yhorian Adethusal the Planewalker
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jan 26 09:45:33 2003

4 o''clock PM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of the Frost Giant on the Theran calendar Yhorian perished, never to return.

Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
PK Ratio:43% (closer to 100% is better)

14701, Pushwance scampers about your feet. Isn't he just so cute?
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, had to toss in the towel. Yhorian got low on con and frankly conjuring takes too long for my now diminished patience to last long enough to make use of em.

Well, with a big hp+ set I could rip apart anyone stupid enough to stick around (he he, helga comes to mind. Duergar vs lesser arch-angel is hopeless). Most villagers seemed smart enough to run and gang bang me and mad props to both Drahk and Sayangu. Not only did I catch snippets of angry roleplay from you, but you also both were smart enough to kill me without assists! Although its arguable I wasn't 'ready' to have you both kill me, we all know the big prepping argument so you both deserve the 'thumbs up'. Also, Grogim got a nasty kill solo in a raiding situation but me with a cheap demon is way underprepped to count :P

On the quick subject of preps, I made Yhorian to explore and test out rift powers for a conjurer. None to speak off unfortunately and I had the worst exploring luck possible (from my point of view).
Total barrier wands found - more paws than pushwance has.
Total aura/shield sources found - 0.5 (I swear, I found half a wand!)
I don't know how I did it, but thats how it turned out. Since Thera is such an awesomely large place I doubt I covered more than 3/4 solo. Conjurers are great explorers, just a good solo class and that brings me to my personality. Love Thera, its just so interesting sometimes to walk around reading room descs and that was the BEST way to explore. Even if I found nothing of use I got a happy picture of what a place looked like in my head.

Well, Yhorian was a prick, yes. He was designed like that because he was just... well, no, he was a bitch on the inside too. He did care about the rift but constant swaying of balance left him bitching at everyone except his soul mate, pushwance. This was my one major RP outlet, since yhorian shrugged off everyone. With about 5 gnomes in the rift at one time it was near impossible not to laugh at their antics so i designed a special emote I'd spam out when ever they did something funny. Gave me time to laugh and re-focus plus made yhorian look really boring and mean. Thought it worked well.

PUSHWANCE - The mad lithe shadowcat of the rift! I constantly used him to interact with everyone I met, rolling my eyes at his cute scampering and shamefully hanging my head as he begged for food. Familiars are SOOOO under-used. As far as I know everyone who talked to me got a load of Pushwance and for all you other conjurers out there, I would SERIOUSLY start looking at your Familiar for rping. They're not just sharing your metaphysical energy, they should share your social life too! Hope you all enjoy my cat, if it was possible I would create a character based solely around a mute cat. It would kick ass :D

Nexus - Many of you passin on, heres the ones I remember to post about.

Kragnar - Damn, had to leave didn't you? Well, you were strong but you pissed me off a bit giving Nexus a bad name. I had sooo many people bitch about you to me or attack me because they though the balance swayed. 'Kragnar attacked me, I attack you.'. Not your fault though, you did alright.

Kelnur - Another crazy gnomy person. Svirfs make alright warriors and with your brains behind those daggers you did really well. Shame you burned yourself out SOOO quickly. Next time, please take it slow :P

Kierning - Kick ass invoker, shame you didn't study as many paths as you could have cus i swear it would have helped SOOO much. You really were good, that one time when I was drunk and you worded me... had to really take 5 minutes to calm down. That was HILARIOUS!

Kyeila - You did really well and if graelnik hadn't dissapeared at such an odd time you would have been prime choice for elder magus. Glad your still enjoying the Nexus. Thanks for feeding pushwance something other than Pumpkins!!!

Mernon - You had a nice combo but seemed to use it a bit wrong, practice makes perfect though and you did have your moments. Scouting air-forms are damned useful when you have something like a conjurer to aim at solo people!

Bazhans - Nice accent but a little overused ;) Your a good warrior and keep at it.

Cusip - Still have to hug you old shifters, you. Orangutan kinda made me laugh when i saw it.

Angelita - Nice singing voice, didn't see you much after I deleted my last Nexun

Erinphalis - New-age singing, new-age leadership! If my next char doesn't last long perhaps you'll find me under your command once more. Sorry I didn't stick around longer but from what I saw you can make the rift go places...

Other Nexuns - buz me if I forgot you!

Ragers - 3 have my respect, and possibly Darmok but we didn't fight much. Grogim, Sayangu and Drahk. Medals for all of em! The rest... you need to really re-think how you follow village rules. As far as I know conjurers servitors don't mean your allowed to gang-bang and those were the only real times I died. Others were in raids.

Scion - Nope, I was the anti-scion-bitch guy. I'll talk to ya, but kill ya if the balance is ever close to great. Still liked a lot of you, especially Vortigern. Loved how close our views seemed dsepite me removing much of the evil aspect.

Others - Hell, lots of people I just had to kill and couldn't talk to.

Elrys and Dimion were nice to talk to, but Elrys... give your dragon a name!!!

Imms - Thanks for the last name, I tried my best! Sorry I didn't do more...

Kahosarin - If I wasn't so new at mages, I would have loved to help you make the rift more interesting with my bitching and my cat. Well, not all plans can be carried out as we wish. I know you did quite a bit that seemed to go unnoticed by some but I appreciated it. Thanks for giving rewards where they were due, not just to me but to others too. I noticed quite a few!

Divox - You gave me some GREAT immteractions with my last char and I was gutted when Yhorian saw you leave. ack...

Last heroes (okay, sorry for this but...)
Hernendo (thief none)
Ademusian (bard sylvan)
Hycteran (dawnie warrior)
Yhorian (scion assassin) - yeah, re-used name. Sorry, I liked it.
Anduin (Nexun druid)
Yhorian (Nexun conjurer)

See you all in the fields.
14717, RE: Pushwance scampers about your feet. Isn't he just so cute?
Posted by Omran ar-Ghazi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Curse you for stealing my mask and saving your friend from me... the one you forgot to mention.
14718, Who did I forget? Wouldn't mind if you gave me a name... nt
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
14712, Hey
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I liked Yhorian, but Guenrayn was many times a finesse kind of killer. He didn't do major damage right away, it took a little more time, which, against a cnojurer, doesn't work so well. I'm sorry I wasn't a good rager in your book! :) just kidding, can't win them all, and we didn't interact as much as you did with others I'm sure. Good job though.

14713, question for you Guen
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you ever try dirting the archon, redirecting to it and stunning it?

Based on past experience, this would probably ko the archon, but it would auto-wake if the conjie left the room. However, it might let you stop the healing on a conjie. Ever try it?

Conjies & other h2h specs: any comments?
14714, Not Possible, you can't stun them, I tried it n/t
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
14716, yeah, it was changed
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
after a few kills came from me stun conjurer;stun elemental;stun archon. wield polearm;charge conjurer;legsweep;!;!.


14715, Well, some things did impress me about you...
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One time I logged in to raid and this was one of the times we actually managed to get the head. I tried gaunting you but couldn't for secret reasons (damned old ragers) so we waited for you to raid the rift. I come in all prepped with 2 others Nexuns ready to ambush you and try to slow down the younger ragers. You managed to stun 2 of us and the third got stuck somewhere, you then proceeded to raid solo while we floated along the river. Well done! Very impressive raiding tactics overall.

Yhorian Adethusal.
14711, Hrmph
Posted by Erinphalis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner, but I didn't know you were gone. Well what to say about Yhorian. The first impression I ever had of you left a sour taste in my mouth since it was on a different character. However I enjoyed your RP with pushwance and am sad I didn't get to see more of it. Hope you find your way back home *wink wink* Have fun as always

Erinphalis Kraolin, Lord Elder of Nexus
14710, RE: Pushwance scampers about your feet. Isn't he just so cute?
Posted by Kierning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Kyeila: Thanks for feeding pushwance something other than Pumpkins!!!"

HEY! Screw you, man! Pumpkins kick ass :) I have to restrain myself from buying pumpkins with my characters now, because it'd just be too damn easy to peg me. Nobody loved pumpkins like I did :D

And in a RL aside, my sister's 180 lb Mastiffs eat pumpkin guts. It's really a strange and unnerving sight.
14709, One nexun I forgot - Lurdonis!
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn your a great bondmate, good pk skills mixed with some average rping. I tried hard to get you a funny title like 'mushroom gatherer' or something similar once. He he, loved that time we raided that guys tomb and got stuck, i'm still glad you didn't suffer TOO much because of it. Can't believe I forgot you either, you really were a good nexun. We need more warriors like you, smart specs and knowledge of your weaknesses. Love that legacy, even when ghosted I could walk around helping you by picking up weapons :P.

14708, Damned!
Posted by Vortigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, it is always fun when someone tells you that he liked your char! Too bad you are gone! I had an ally coming to help you but then...guess he auto-deleted. Loved the talk in the underdark and wondered when you and I would fight...could have been fun? We did slay many ragers though many times you refused to help me slay some Maran and Warlocks which ooc I agreed with but angered me ic.

See ya in the fields eventually.
14706, Damn you were a fun bondmate, and coo Char.
Posted by Bazhans on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea well i like the accent, its fun and once i started using it i started to enjoy talking like a giant with no brain, heh. But anyways i was hopeing id get to bond with you again but a shame that you deleted before i got the chance. but you were fun, crazy at times when you were hearing things in your head. but we had some fun times. I miss all you old seekers hope i get a batch of seekers like i had with bazhans some day. but anyways well played character and way to keep your cool at times. but at the end i thought it was possible you'd become a Elder of nexus but a shame you didn't make it. but anyways man write me an email: Farleyman600@hotmail.com ... Great char, good luck with your next. Late.
Bazhans, The good old Cloud giant
14707, Ah yes... the day I lost my mind. I remember it.. er.. well?
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I got driven insane by a downside of one of my spells, so I rped the hell out of it. Ran about crazy and had the entire rift after me :P Shame no-one tried to seek out pushwance, I had him figdeting nervously by the guardian for hours. He he. I quite enjoyed playing an insane conjurer almost as much as those giants you make, keep on killin'!

ps Please, try some new legacies... don't think I can stand another Bazhans. It was just too scary... (bash bash bash... eep!)

14704, RE: Pushwance scampers about your feet. Isn't he just so cute?
Posted by Rustanviel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah! I didn't think you would lump me in with the "Bad Villagers" group... I don't think I ever ganged you, but I sure did have fun that time that I killed your familiar with one hit, then you with the next... I saw you work some other villagers in logs... but I don't think you ever took the time to prep up when I was around.
Good luck on your next.
14705, Your right, your another one I wouldn't lump with bad ones.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I forgot about you already! Yeah, your the reason I started running around seeking resist mental preps. Thankfull me and Kelnur had a few but the times you got me were almost a complete surprise.

The one that springs to mind is when we had Darmok sieged in at the destructor and he was fatigued. We were preparring to run in and drive him out when suddenly... "Ah! HELP! Its got big... teeth??!!" or what ever it was we were all yelling moments later. God damn, I hit 'where' and 'who pk' and two seconds later you logged in, ran in and sung fiend to end up killing all but one of us. Damned giants... need to be faster.
- Well done on your battle bard, I imagine bash happy enemies like Bazhans and Kragnar can't have been easy without fiend.

Yhorian Adethusal.
14702, Your apprentice misses you
Posted by Elik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You never gave me a chance to learn from you...oh well. Now im on my way to being the exploring nexii conjuror..if I can ever get to Hero without being crippled by all the cloud giant rager beasts.

A tip or two for killing them?

Elik..Yhorians Apprentice.

14703, Ack! Responsibility... thats pushwance's job.
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tips for a conjurer vs rager? DAM(N) REDUX! Lowers the amount of 'damn's you'll be uttering over the cabal channel.

Just look at their conjie fighting tactics and try to find ways around it. One thing I will say is once you get good with archons, get training. Any hits you can stop will be a big bonus. Hope them new conjie powers your getting are some help, I myself didn't get to do much and didn't get the best ones :(

It can be said, I almost always succeeded in 1 on 1 rager fights if I was prepped. The only thing you have to worry about is how DAMN fast they run! I swear, Thror makes them do 20 laps around Thera every time he logs on because I can barely keep up with them when they start sprinting for the village. Must be a hard coded fast walk when ragers get hurt :P Good luck, and spank that monkey! He's cheeky.

Yhorian, Pondering the perverted possibilities of Familiars.
14719, Damn, did you take Pushwance with you?
Posted by Kierning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interesting character. I liked how you used your familiar to rollplay, and vent the frustration of being a stodgy prick. While I didn't see much of the stick-in-butt side of Yhorian with Kierning, I definately saw it with other characters of mine who stumbled into conversations with you. I was absolutely floored by the sheer magnitude of 'prick-dom' that this character had in him. You're a beast for being able to keep that up with myself, Kyeila and Mernon all hopping around in the same room as you. And I do mean 'hopping.' heh heh heh Sorry to see you go.