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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=143961
143961, (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jan 10 16:18:21 2023

At 10 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 12th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Dvi perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
144045, None of this is correct
Posted by Nygara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I log on and instantly get a message from this thief that you killed a guild guard. I told you that I dont care what the thief says, as he's a thief, a duergar and a criminal 10 or so times. I wanted you to explain to me what happened.

You started yelling at me with tells, insulting me with how stupid I was for believing the thief instead of believing you, and that was after I told you I dont believe him. I know mistakes happen, but I also know the player base will cry to the heavens if they see some kind of mechanical issue going on that they can exploit. That's what I figured the thief was doing. Do you know how many people complain about me after they attack me while i'm on duty? I'M ALWAYS ON DUTY. I"M THE VINDICATOR. That's your fault for striking me. I have four or so notes about that now from people I know are just lying, pierces of crap. That's the playerbase in a whole.

Now, I know I'm not perfect. I have a mouth. I've always had a mouth, but outside of you meeting me in person, text is the only thing I have so I respond back accordingly.

But, you calling a superior an idiot that didn't know something after I told you to write a note to the tribunal and Ishuli was too much. I manage around 52-60 people at a time depending on the job, and if one of them said that to me in front of everyone else, and tried to make me seem wrong after I didn't instigate anything, then we'd have a talk.

Villagers were raiding at that moment. I was busy with everything and you screaming at me. I asked you a simple thing to explain with a note what happened. You then went on to insult me over cabal channel, and just defy everything I simply asked of you. I helped you your entire life and then you say this stuff? You were wrong. All I was wanting you to do was write a note explaining it because I have gang happy villagers on me. You replied, "NO!" then sent an insult to me again over the cabal channel.

I did keep it all IC and gave you the benefit of the doubt for as long as I could, but you just kept pushing. I'm a much nicer person then what you all think of me on here. I dont like to fire anyone, or lay anyone off and I help them in real life as much as I can because that's my problem. This game is also my downtime. You just blew up with something I knew nothing about except from the words of a lying thief. You blew up after I told you that I believed you. I just wanted you to write it down.

Ishuli came to me and asked me if I would go back on my decision. I wanted to. I really did, but how would that look in a military, or law enforcement office? Lower rung people telling off the higher ones and screaming at them?

I think I told Ishuli that I wanted to let you back in, but I didn't know how to and keep being the Provincial and not a pushover. I am a very stubborn person in real life, but not an animal. I didn't want to ruin your character, but you gave me no way out. Your note at the end just reaffirmed it. I believed Ishuli was going to let you back in, because I knew it was heated at that moment.

They always tell me to take a step back, and I am trying to, but I'm also very fiery. To some I'm an evil player. To others in the tribunal I've helped them and I've helped so many others get to where they are, or get armor, or just do something nice for them. I did all this for you but then one instance I wake up, you go screaming to me and just belittle me in front of the 'whole office'

But, yes, I would've been ok with Ishuli letting you back in. Ishuli knows my temper and she made comment of it, but man, why'd you delete? You could've went to the Empire and then back in if you worked at it.

I'm sorry. I didnt want you to delete. I wanted you to look at your actions as if I was a superior, which I was.

144046, RE: None of this is correct
Posted by curious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
why do you full sac people?
144047, He's a manager irl and he doesn't to fire people in pk
Posted by Not Curious Jhyrbian and for sure not Jalim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
so basically if he's on a job and someone makes him mad he sacs their things by taking off their clothes and burning them, then he puts all their tools and supplies in their car and he puts a towel in the gas tank and lights that one fire, sacrificing all that too

these are the issues that upper management has to deal with on a day to day basis. Its why you have to come to officials and talk about how people get upset when you write warrants to get them flagged as vindicator even though you don't have any jurisdiction and can't place flags yourself and aren't allowed to write warrants.

so basically thats why
144049, RE: None of this is correct
Posted by Probably Igsoeh, definitely not Jalim again on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I did keep it all IC and gave you the benefit of the doubt for as long as"

When exactly are you, "in character"? I'd like to schedule time to experience this.
143962, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was about to poof down, talk to you, and reinduct you. But I had to take a work call. By the time I was back, you were deleted. Dangit work!
143964, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Villager tries to kill mage in galadon (me).

Attacks guild guard.

AP in guild preps...

Bit later AP walks out to bash villager...

Before he can bash villager, guild guard fireballs(never knew he did that myself...) Fireball hits Villager, AP, AP's guards and AP kills the guard in 1-2 round due to it being nearly dead after fighting the villager for a while...

Villager and AP fight...

Villager wins first fight, Villager loses second fight, nobody died...

Villager starts making up #### to tribunal leader once he logs in to get him kicked out of guild?

Tribunal leader listens to stupid stuff from known repeat criminal villager who was also a criminal at the time and inducts his tribunal to none...

WTF R U Serious?!

Two questions:
WTf was tribunal leader thinking...

What was the goal of the thief player? Get player inducted to none, watch em delete? Reduce the small..tiny player base even more?! Fast forward a few weeks when they themselves delete due to boredom from having nobody to fight? I don't get the mind set of certain people, but being toxic doesn't help any game you are trying to play. In general it just hurts it. I'm not rolling new characters that was the last character class I hadn't hero'd up in 15-20 years oor so of playing this game.

Nor do I want to keep playing when this stuff happens. Takes too much time to build up some character classes.

This is the second time someone had a character get inducted to none due to stupid behavior by someone in a leader role.

I would suggest taking induct none abilities from leaders and requiring a note to the cabal imms.


I appreciate you becoming vis and talking to me about it, but you gave me absolutely zero indication that you were going to resolve the situation.

"If" the first few things out of you would of been something like " Yeah this is not correct, hold on don't do something dumb" Then yeah I might of stuck around.


Everything out of you was, its not my problem and its a cabal leader decision. Its their decision...

Then I see you reward that tribunal leader with vindicator status and go wizi...

Sent a message to me that this character was pretty much done as a Tribunal. Doesn't help to pop on after the fact here and pretend you were going to resolve it...

Thus DELETE DELETE gets type into all of my active characters.

Thanks for having the mud up and thanks for the people who helped me figured out some stuff I didn't know. It's not something I am going to stick around and play if people if this type of stuff can happen.

143966, I really liked Dvi
Posted by Clodomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were still getting your feet but I could feel you getting more and more confident. The story you describe is messy. And I can certainly understand your frustration. My advice - give it a bit of time before hitting the DELETE/DELETE button. As Clodomir, it would take me a bit of time to piece everything together to ensure that things were as I thought they were. Mistakes are rough in that role. So I would often have people yell at me - why wasn't he flagged already - and I just had to take a bit of time. It's not a justification but perhaps a perspective and an explanation.

I hope you are back with something as fun as Dvi. Much love!

Clodomir, the man of the people, retired
143967, There's nothing wrong here.
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You need to stop looking at the game from a purely OOC mechanical perspective.

The Villager has full motive to lie and try to get you kicked.

A Paladin Provost has motive to kick you (an Anti-Paladin).

Sure the Provost might get punished once it all gets resolved but that's where your job to RP the situation comes into it.

Yeah it can suck, but it can also be a lot of fun if you shift your perspective.

Note: I am none of the chars involved, just my 2c
143968, It was Nygara (the Provincial gnome) that did induct none
Posted by Clodomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not the paladin Provost.
143969, Point still stands
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ultimately you can't read roles and don't know people's motives. Yes it could be OOC but you should never treat it as such.
143971, Plenty wrong here, you just want to justify the ridicul...
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
***You need to stop looking at the game from a purely OOC mechanical perspective.
***Yeah it can suck, but it can also be a lot of fun if you shift your perspective.

This is all in game perspective and not some ####ed up OOC point of view that you seem to think it is

This is "my free relaxing play time" Its not here to be shoved into a direction at another players or imms whim.

Actions of the player in the leadership role was completely inappropriate. Was out of character and just down right broken.
Same type of BS happened with Ravln and another player in Battle.

***The Villager has full motive to lie and try to get you kicked.

This is the only valid point you made and the provincial was too fricken stupid to clue in on things...

***A Paladin Provost has motive to kick you (an Anti-Paladin).
***Sure the Provost might get punished once it all gets resolved but that's where your job to RP the situation comes into it.

That kind of move would be completely unacceptable RP wise due to the fact the Tribunal is a cabal about laws. Not a cabal about alignment. The comment has zero to do with what happened. Its somewhat clear you have no real clue what you are talking about...

The best part of this though was the fast track delete. Ishuli I am assuming since they put the first post. Finishing up the sweeping up the mess under the rug and denying the character the 3 day buffer on the delete.


Maybe you can fast track my other characters I deleted today as well? Least that was I can say thanks to the people I played with on them and not have to come back.

143976, What
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nobody fast-tracked your deletion. I think that only relates to rage-delete and/or non-heroes, which yours wasn't associated with - hence why it just says "Deleted". So nice conspiracy, but not true - and I'd appreciate you not lying about me. Thanks!

Otherwise, only comment I really planned to comment on was:
"That kind of move would be completely unacceptable RP wise due to the fact the Tribunal is a cabal about laws. Not a cabal about alignment. The comment has zero to do with what happened. Its somewhat clear you have no real clue what you are talking about..."

Which is completely false.

In Tribunal history we've had Paladins who limited the cabal to neutral/good only.

We've had Provosts who were harsher about off-duty responsibilities, and some less so. We've had drunkards and dweebs and everything in between. That's the fun of the cabal!

So your statements are a bit off. Both about me, and about the cabal.

Again, please avoid spreading misinfo about me, thanks!
143979, RE: What
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I delete and the character is on here within what 15-30 minutes of me doing a delete delete...

I have several characters I deleted and oddly this is the only one that shows up instantly...

You or someone other imm nuked the 3 day undo period, sure as heck wasn't me.
143980, You're just mistaken
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you are below level cap and haven't recently been killed by a PC or an NPC your deletion is automatic.

A level 51 character or one that mob died or lost in a pk before the deletion command is given the 3 day undo.
143982, I deleted several characters
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My other mid 30's character didn't insta appear on the graveyard...

Guess we'll wait to see when they show.
143985, No.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You deleted a level 26.

That isn't even high enough level to get a graveyard thread, so it doesn't apply.

So now you've gone from lying about me to lying about your deletions. I don't understand what the point of this is.
143986, RE: No.
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To ask some questions about hey where are these other characterss?... I didn't play that shifter for a long time and actually forgot what level it was. Thanks for answering those.

It's also the internet... and the point of the internet is to do whatever...

To also show just how wonky weird you are.

You are CLEARLY bothered by being falsely accused of something that ultimately has no impact on you...

Based on my recent experience it seems accusations is all that is needed to make something a reality. I guess that is the trend though both in game and the real world.

Was the call you had to take was for your toll free 1.800.Deleted hotline? Better snatch that one up before someone else does...

Imagine as a player, you invest tons of time in characters... Then get falsely accused about something if a weird messed up absolute stupid role play way.

Unlike you were it doesn't matter it ultimately gets a character nuked, because they become pointless.

The player is left with the notion nothing is going to change as the person they were talking to goes wizi and kills replies.

The player who clearly did something stupid with epically failed role play common sense gets rewarded in the end...

You didn't fix the actual problem first... Most normal people would of done that...

Fun game!

143988, RE: No.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In one situation, I'm being accused as the administrator of a game of abusing my power in a way to specifically cause problems.

In the other, I'm an in-game character in a RP situation.

I've been accused in-game of things on my mortals I didn't do. I've been uninducted for it. I've been fullsacced for it.

Those don't bother me nearly as much as having you purposefully lie about me as an administrator, and then have you lie about your character's level so you can continue the ploy of trying to make me seem evil.

While I appreciate the point you're trying to make, I don't think it hits the mark. Though I fully admire if your investment in your character's reputation.

No joke, I fully planned to reinduct Dvi. I sent you a tell indicating I was the sole administrative head of the Tribunal given recent events. Then I had a work call, so I went wizi so I could handle it for the 20 minutes or so it required. Then I came back and you deleted. I did not speed up your deletion.

I really liked Dvi. I really don't like you. If you lie and get called out, just fess up to it and move on. But if trolling me was your righteous revenge, I hope it satisfied.

143991, You set the initial tone, I am just going with it.
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry but...

First post on Dvi's graveyard thread was from you... "I was going to reinduct you but you deleted too fast"

I am taking that very first post on DVI's thread as you trolling me with a lie... I just don't believe you had intent to.

Another post in here asked very simple question of "why didn't you just induct him". The reason, you had no intention to. That's how I perceived it. You had plenty of time.

A lot of time actually passed...

This is why I think your comment was an asshatted troll at me. why I think you are the liar. Why you are getting my attitude.

Forgive me in my retelling of the events isn't exactly and completely perfect, but to summarize. This did take place over a reasonably long amount of time.

I note you the situation.

I asked to talk to you when you become visible...

You spent time telling me it was the leaders decision and never once mentioned what they did was "actually wrong", or most importantly being changed.

It was this it was that... but again never said it was going to be changed.

That was my impression of what you said, or how I interpreted it. My point of view, my perspective... Sorry no quotes.

Nothing was changed with my character.

Roughly 10-15 minutes later.

I then see you promote a player character... One who just in my mind epically failed to role play a tribunal. My perspective.

Roughly another 10-15 minutes later I think.

You tell me something along the lines of "Oh hey I am leader now!!" Nothing changed. Sorry not a perfect quote...

Then you vanish...

If you were going to reinduct the character then its hard to understand why you didn't just do it right then or even earlier...

So from my perspective you showed me you weren't going to change anything. You were not leader and could do what you want.

The confusion regarding the deleted character and unfamiliarity of the graveyard requirements. I did ask questions about it and got no quick answers. I was expecting to see a 3 day wait...My mistake. Also mentioned I forgot what level that shifter was.

There won't be anymore nexts...thanks though.

I also can theorize why imms don't want to reinduct after something like this. They don't want to deal with the drama in the first place. They most likely don't want to deal with the new drama of a player being put back into a cabal with a person who just uninducted them...

Just a theory...

>In one situation, I'm being accused as the administrator of a
>game of abusing my power in a way to specifically cause
>In the other, I'm an in-game character in a RP situation.
>I've been accused in-game of things on my mortals I didn't do.
>I've been uninducted for it. I've been fullsacced for it.
>Those don't bother me nearly as much as having you
>purposefully lie about me as an administrator, and then have
>you lie about your character's level so you can continue the
>ploy of trying to make me seem evil.
>While I appreciate the point you're trying to make, I don't
>think it hits the mark. Though I fully admire if your
>investment in your character's reputation.
>No joke, I fully planned to reinduct Dvi. I sent you a tell
>indicating I was the sole administrative head of the Tribunal
>given recent events. Then I had a work call, so I went wizi so
>I could handle it for the 20 minutes or so it required. Then I
>came back and you deleted. I did not speed up your deletion.
>I really liked Dvi. I really don't like you. If you lie and
>get called out, just fess up to it and move on. But if
>trolling me was your righteous revenge, I hope it satisfied.
143992, Have you considered
Posted by Ungobungo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That it wasn't as much of a promotion as it was a sidegrade so they can be an idiot on their own time and not have the ability to uninduct people.

I liked Dvi but chill out.
143994, RE: You set the initial tone, I am just going with it.
Posted by Bubthegreat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seem like you’re typing while angry and it’s spiraling a bit - your handle your choice but most people on here won’t do something that would legit ruin your day on purpose - give it a break, and when the itch comes back, come back to us and try something new.
143996, RE: You set the initial tone, I am just going with it.
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I treat people the way they treat me. There is hidden BS in Ishuli's first post. That's how I see it anyways.

That's actually what happened in game with 2 people in the player base. People in game screwing people's characters over.

Your missing key details and probably don't have the full picture, but you are not experiencing it from my perspective where I did absolutely nothing wrong and then get screwed by 1 player fabricating bs they think is in line with RP for their character. Then another falling for it and then nuking my character.

Then the imm trolling me...

Epic waste of my time.

I'm only here responding because I've been looking for the other characters I deleted to pop up. I'm done playing.

>You seem like you’re typing while angry and it’s
>spiraling a bit - your handle your choice but most people on
>here won’t do something that would legit ruin your day on
>purpose - give it a break, and when the itch comes back, come
>back to us and try something new.
143997, RE: You set the initial tone, I am just going with it.
Posted by kbd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But why, what would Ishuli have to gain? If he wants the game to himself he can just play on the test copy. The delete mechanism is just how it works.

Sounds like waiting 5 more minutes would have avoided this entirely.

Anyway, if it's not fun take a break until it can be that again. Glwyn.
143999, RE: You set the initial tone, I am just going with it.
Posted by Bubthegreat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been on the receiving end of IC lies causing consequences like this - so I guess I'm just saying this from a position of having experienced it in the past, I know how frustrating it can be, and how it can color my experience here at CF. We want people to stay, even if it was a frustrating experience, so when you get the itch for deeply immersive RP experience and some risk of PK or active PK, come on' back and we'll enjoy the fighting. :D
144003, response to Kbd and bub
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Makes no sense to play in a game when another player can just nuke your character.

Either fabricating stuff...

A leader just having a bad day...


Doesn't make sense to keep doing it.
144004, RE: You set the initial tone, I am just going with it.
Posted by Shtenzz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please stop saying that it happened with two people. Ravln was a total ass and screwed me over, and perhaps that what happened to you, too, but your posts have long ago left that topic and landed on Normandy fighting Ishuli, essentially saying he's lying. Obviously nobody can know for sure, we aren't telepaths, but you are way too quick to accuse, and nothing he wrote in fact suggested trolling.

Be angry at the person who deleted you. Don't be angry at Ishuli. And please don't use my experience with the scumbag as support that somehow the imms are doing something wrong. The only silver lining of what happened to me was that it was NOT the imms doing it, it was a piece of #### player. You can avoid players. You can't avoid imms.
144091, Ish has spent hours helping the game
Posted by Jeremiah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
not one time have i ever been or personally seen ish abuse his admin powers. Stop accusing the one of the few coders of ####.. tis why the good coders leave because they had enough of it if anything I have seen ish help out so many and take so many hours of its time to check bugs and stuff i doubt it has the time to give a flying #### what you think about it... I also highly doubt that there was a conspiracy to #### you. sounds and reads like you ####ed yourself... and it was going to side with you... Vindicator is not a leader in a way not a really good reward either... so... shut your trap be humble roll a new ap and eat everyones soul the end
144000, You know how in real life people are kind of repulsed by you?
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's how you're coming across here. Just stop, man. It's the internet, you can trash that name, get a VPN and start over. What you really need to understand is we are all sitting in the corner at the party wondering wtf is this weirdo going on about.
143981, RE: What
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since I'm still getting called a liar, here it is directly from my buffer.

<The Temple of the Divine 1200 inside><10 AM><Alias:Off [] 51> (16:18:20)
Dvi% delete
Dvi deleted in Room 3016 .
Permanent Graveyard updated: Dvi
Dvi has quit.
Dvi has left the game.
> Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...
Your victim has lost link or left the game.

That line about the permanent graveyard updating doesn't happen when it's a rage delete or hero. Instead it goes through a waiting period, then pushes through updating separately.


Autodeleting Anighel (Lvl 51 Rage Delete > 3 days), Last login: Fri Jan 6 19:42:32 2023
Permanent Graveyard updated: Anighel

I'd fess up immediately if I did, but I didn't and nobody else did.
So let's stop the lying about me, that'd be appreciated. Thanks!
143974, Wrong no, questionable yes
Posted by kbd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
RP is one thing, OOC consequences is another. "Yeah I know it's not fun, just suck it up" why play a game that's not fun.

Also just my totally not involved in-game 2c.
143984, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by mackle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate to say it man, but was sort of obvious you would get back in. I certainly believe Ish would have done it. The only uncertainty is how long and if any hoop jumping was required.

1) You didn't do anything wrong, while this doesn't matter to the provincial who can claim it fits his roleplay as he sees it, it will matter to Ish.
2) You were booted by, well lets say someone that has a bit of a mouth and is a safe assumption not a favourite of Ish :).

So you probably jumped the gun on that one.

143989, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No not from my perspective... It was actually very clear they weren't going to do anything to change it.

I talk to ish... Explain what happen.

They tell me its the leaders decision.
I was kicked out by a superior etc..
That is the way it was going to be... They can do that etc

Told she does not step in where there is leaders etc etc

That is a summary of the first discussion and first impressions are a bitch. I am in clear understanding or believing that she is not going to do anything based on it after talking to her.

There was no indication that the un induct was wrong...

I notice a bit later...

Rewards the provincial with vindicator...
You could say that its not a reward, but its very clear that person likes to PVP. So it is... Its a HUGE reward... It's a huge step up from provincial or even provost in terms of pvp power.

I found it odd because they very clearly failed to tribunal in that situation, so seeing a reward just threw me...

Few minutes later tells me oh hey I'm leader now... Then vanishes.

That right there reinforces that she was not changing this... obviously could of inducted me back at any point.

So writing a first response of hey I was going to induct you back but you deleted is just them being the ass they are. Unfortunately that has been my experience with Ishuli...

>I hate to say it man, but was sort of obvious you would get
>back in. I certainly believe Ish would have done it. The
>only uncertainty is how long and if any hoop jumping was
>1) You didn't do anything wrong, while this doesn't matter to
>the provincial who can claim it fits his roleplay as he sees
>it, it will matter to Ish.
>2) You were booted by, well lets say someone that has a bit of
>a mouth and is a safe assumption not a favourite of Ish :).
>So you probably jumped the gun on that one.
143970, How dare you work, we are your job
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And we love you for it
143977, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Possible to flag all guild guards in protected cities as members of Tribunal so that their area spells/songs don't hit Trib PCs? Or would that come with unintended consequences?
143983, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Tribo-Rama on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why not just re-induct him when you spoke to Dvi previously?

>I was about to poof down, talk to you, and reinduct you. But
>I had to take a work call. By the time I was back, you were
>deleted. Dangit work!
143987, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Why was the problem causes rewarded and the victim left hanging in limbo...

**Why not just re-induct him when you spoke to Dvi previously?

>I was about to poof down, talk to you, and reinduct you. But
>I had to take a work call. By the time I was back, you were
>deleted. Dangit work!
143990, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't get to talk. I sent him a tell, he didn't respond immediately, I got a work call.

I can't do a work call and RP at the same time, so instead I decided to take care of it afterwards.

As to even BEFORE that - I don't overrule existing Tribunal leadership decisions unless they break law or rule.
It didn't.
So I wouldn't.
But then there were NO leaders.
Meaning now I'm not overruling anything.
Meaning I'd make the call.

That is how I roleplay Ish, and I'm pretty consistent with it!
143995, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you answer the persons question regarding why Dvi wasn't inducted back? Did you? *shrug* You said you had intent on the graveyard but in game actions contradict it from my perspective.

You gave an example of your thought process.
How you rp the character.
How you evaluate the situation.
It aligns to the events in game.

So the question of why did you not induct the character back? Why did you make a graveyard post that you were going to, but literally gave no in game indication you had intentions to and most importantly never inducted the character back. There was plenty of time.

In game...
You never once said you were going to change the outcome to me regarding Dvi. Not once. Never. Did not happen.

A simple message saying you were trying to clean up the ####show Nygyra created would of gone a long ways. I never got one. All I got was justification that they are leader and could do what they wanted. Loooong silence as you then promoted them to vindicator.

After a while...
I got was a message that was something along the lines of "I am now leader"
I didn't get a message that was " I am now leader and can make changes, we should talk"

You understand the impact of the two statements yes?

While I am not using the exact words you sent they are close enough to illustrate that you are willing to change stuff vs you are not.
I was left assuming you are not. That is reinforced by the fact you went wizi and killed replies.

That is the key here and the pivoting thing that was missing from the interaction with you.
What I saw as the player and how I interpret it was something along the line of you saying " I am now leader" and I am not changing what happened to you.

I was logged in for a really looong fricken time.2-3 hours maybe? I don't recall the entire duration.

There was plenty of time to prove or show in game that you were planning to change things.

How long does it take to type induct dvi?
How long does it take to type we need to finish talking, but I need to do something.
You could of just transferred me to the realm of the dead and left me there until we talked. You didn't

So many simple quick options but you didn't do any of them.

Again I was logged in for a long time.

I couldn't respond because you went wizi and killed the reply ability.
Again to me that is saying this conversation is over.
I interpreted that as you saying you aren't coming back to tribunal.
Again, since you never said at any time during our entire interaction that you were changing the outcome.
I assume case close when you vanish.

So I delete... There is/was now no point left for me to play that character. I also don't want to play a game where someone in the player base can just nuke my character on a whim because they are having a bad Monday. Some people here think that's an acceptable norm, there's valid rp reasons etc. I don't. I don't accept that. I don't want anything to do with it. It happened with Shentzz and now Dvi.Sure its happened in empite countless times. http://www.qhcf.net/phorum/read.php?3,1127379,1127379#msg-1127379 The player base is tiny and it just keeps getting smaller.

I'm a game dev myself and have been for 20+ years. I've worked hard on games and had people #### all over them and can emphasize with some of your emotional reactions. Nobody wants to deal with ####shows. There were soo many easy things to do to at least imply you were going to change the situation for my character. I would of been happy to sit and patiently wait which I was doing anyways. I'm busy, I know people are busy etc.. However, you never did anything with me to make me think otherwise. I can't believe any level of sincerity in your first post here on the graveyard that it was nothing more then a troll post. Its a troll post from you, a dev in the game. I was actually the innocent person here and got #### on. Thx...

>We didn't get to talk. I sent him a tell, he didn't respond
>immediately, I got a work call.
>I can't do a work call and RP at the same time, so instead I
>decided to take care of it afterwards.
>As to even BEFORE that - I don't overrule existing Tribunal
>leadership decisions unless they break law or rule.
>It didn't.
>So I wouldn't.
>But then there were NO leaders.
>Meaning now I'm not overruling anything.
>Meaning I'd make the call.
>That is how I roleplay Ish, and I'm pretty consistent with
143998, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I get that you value OOC over IC.

I don't.

I handle things like that IC.

To you, this is an administrative issue where an admin should step in and OOC say "NO, DVI STAYS IN!" and does INDUCT DVI TRIBUNAL.

That isn't how I see it at all.

Like I told Dvi via tell, I don't overrule administrative decisions unless it violates law or rule.

But if there is no decision to overrule as there is no leader, then I'll be more active in my decision-making. Which became true after there was no remaining leaders.

I am NOT going to induct you back, ignore RP completely, not RP the event out, justify it, etc. If that's what you wanted - I am 100% glad I did not give it to you, and would NEVER handle a situation like that the way you want.

I WOULD do what I planned to do though. RP it out with everyone involved, with you being reinducted at the end of that interaction. Which was what I thought was going to happen until you started deleting, in which case there's nothing I can do for you at that point.

Your post here makes it clear we have completely different thought-processes about the game. And that's fine. But it helps explain why we have such a disconnect on this. You want parenting-admins that make sure all outcomes are "good for me" and "how outcomes should be". Which is very obvious from the fact that you think this is a realmofthedead situation, which is reserved for OOC things, not IC things.

I instead want admins that facilitate in-character interactions, but otherwise let organic things between characters occur - both beautiful and tragic, happy and sad, fair and unfair, just and unjust, etc. I think that's what makes CF CF.

I get that you want something else though, and this post went a long way in helping me understand why you started lying/arguing the way you did. In your mind, I'm the enemy because I didn't handle it how YOU wanted it handled, and IC Ishuli is OOC Ishuli. I look at Dvi separately from you, which is why I really liked Dvi but find you, in contrast, very unpleasant.

As to your last paragraph, the ONLY ####show that has bothered me here at all is you lying. I get WHY you did, because you're hurt/upset and so you should hurt others, but that's the only issue I have with this whole thing. Dvi could swear off the Tribunal and aim to destroy them, and not only would I have not been bothered, I'd probably have given immxp for it. So really, the only ####show to me is your OOC response. It isn't my job to put your in OOC ROTD to OOC comfort you for an IC occurrence. It's your job to be able to handle those things in-character the way Dvi would.

Whereas before you'd be innocent and uninducted and multiple people (me included) would be like "That sucks bro, loved your char". Now instead you've managed to be the openly unreasonable liar. High tier shapeshifting skills.

I do agree with you that CF isn't the place for you if "someone in the player base can just nuke my character on a whim". That has been the essence of CF for its history. You CAN be uninducted, pk'ed, full looted, and more. That risk, that consequence, is what lends to the intensity.

Hope you find a more friendly game to your sensibilities. Again, thanks for this post, as it actually explains the disconnect.
144002, RE: (DELETED) [None] Dvi the LightSlayer
Posted by Itham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Again you seem to be missing my point...

Your first post on my thread was a troll move saying you were going to induct the character back. You had no intent of inducting the character back. That's my perspective and what was reinforced in game in character with all the tells.

"Like I told Dvi via tell, I don't overrule administrative decisions unless it violates law or rule.

But if there is no decision to overrule as there is no leader, then I'll be more active in my decision-making. Which became true after there was no remaining leaders."

There were no leaders. The last message you sent was along the lines of " I am now leader"

It was not " I am now leader and we can talk about this"

Your last statement to me wasn't a conversation starter it was just a statement and it reinforced that you weren't changing anything.

Then you vanished.

You gave every indication in game that you were not changing this.

Spin and deflect more...

I have no clue what you think I lied about either...