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Topic subject(DEL) Simbach the Master Historian, Servant of the Da
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14355, (DEL) Simbach the Master Historian, Servant of the Da
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jan 18 17:15:35 2003

12 o''clock AM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of the Shadows on the Theran calendar Simbach perished, never to return.

Cabal:DAWN, the Servants of the Dawn
PK Ratio:0% (closer to 100% is better)

14356, Well I'm gone.
Posted by Simbach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun when I wasn't dying 5 times a session. I knew alot of people, so reply if you care, and I'll respond.

I wanted to try something different than what I normally play, so Simbach was the type of person who didn't ever really want to kill anyone. In his mindset, making someone flee was every bit as much a success as landing a kill. Also, Simbach would never (or at least RARELY) turn down a call for help (including raids). So I died aplenty.

So long, folks.

-rant warning. skip this if you don't want to read it-

I died. Alot. But that was fine. What annoyed me was people (like who JUST killed me), full looting a bunch of gear they could never possibly use. Especially when I go in and put up a fight I could never win. That's just tasteless. And that's why so many people refuse to defend or raid, when the odds are not squarely in their favor. I don't have a problem with looting stuff you need. But why does a scion mage need a good only harp? It's #####.
Sorry for the rant, but that's why they call it a rage delete.

-rant is over. that was painless, wasn't it?-
14376, Too bad
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Also, Simbach would never (or at least RARELY) turn down a
>call for help (including raids). So I died aplenty.

You went on raids? Interesting that we never heard of this... I guess you're lucky in that regard.

>Sorry for the rant, but that's why they call it a rage

I disagree with your rant, but I'm not going to argue it as Elrys.

Simbach was cool I thought, but I didn't see you all that much. Oh well. Too bad you couldn't handle your temper.
14378, Let me clarify..
Posted by Simbach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, I never raided anyone, and Simbach certainly thought of Servants as non-aggressors.

What I meant was, I would almost always go and help others defend, usually against scion, usually resulting in my death.
I died defending the Grove several times, battle once, warlock once, and the fortress ALOT.

But yeah, we never interacted much after that one conversation. Too bad.

And I controlled my temper for a long time. I was just having an all around bad day today. Oh well.
14379, NOooooo
Posted by Subov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun having you around, it seemed like you were a ton of levels higher than I..... But that changed. Well at least we went to organia. NO SLEEPING....dam ranger.heh see you around

14380, RE: NOooooo
Posted by Xandrya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of the Bards I looked up to and hoped to become like, Simbach. We didn't get to Rp a lot, but when I would see that you were in the realm, it gave me encouragement to continue my own training as a bard. I too get killed a lot and I even considered deleting after a particularly disheartening day. Thanks to Airael, Nurwon, and the encouraging words of an Immortal, I didn't. I'm glad now that I didn't. I'm new to Thera, but one thing I have discovered is that Bards seem to be very much appreciated in most groups. That alone helps me keep going. I know there will always be those people like Nurwon around who will help me should I really need it.

So, while your presence will be missed, and I understand completely why you decided to end it all, I do hope you feel good about the inspiration you have been to new people like me.

14377, Dawn
Posted by atila on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You went on raids? Interesting that we never heard of this... I guess you're lucky in that regard.

I haven't had a Dawnite in over two years, and I am aware that things have changed since then, and if this (as most probably is the case) is not the place for this kind of discussion I apologize. But:

They focus their energies on saving the Light rather than destroying the Darkness. The main goal of the Servants is to keep Faith and Hope alive in the people of Thera, as they know that even the darkest night ends in a Dawn.

Now this as we all know is from the help files. I for one think that this still allows a Dawnite to raid. Helping others take the Scepter will severe the power of Darkness, thus making dakness less powerfull. Hope and Faith.. damn, I think people get more of that "eaven the darkest night ends in a Dawn" feeling if they see a paladin trample a necromancer to the ground, then from a healer running around healing till he is out of mana. Although I beleive that a Dawnite should always help evryone that asks for help, and that they should always give another chance to the evil, but still they should be able bite those that still bring pain to the innocent.

Ofcourse I might be mistaken.. and once again I apologize if this is not the right place for this discussion.
14375, RE: Well I'm gone.
Posted by Derexal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're a bard with fiend, and you're bitching about odds? Come on man, use the tools you have to get the job done, or give them hell and get out. I guarentee you could have picked a few off. Maybe not so much on a raid, but on a defense, definitly. Bards to me are one of the greatest classes out there for fighting multiple opponents, just be a sneaky bastard or something. Good luck on your next.

14372, *mutters something*
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*slashes another ally off his list* ah well you were fun to be around, and always willing to go ranking/titling/leveling. Wished I could have actually RP'd more and perhaps had discussions but eh, it never came up. and please don't tell me you deleted because you lost that nifty harp you showed me..we could have gotten you another *sighs* ah well good luck on your next

--walks off into the forests disappearing into a faint blur....--

14373, Heh.
Posted by Simbach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you. You were about the only neutral that I really trusted. Yeah, we travelled together alot, but it seems like we always had bad luck together.

No, it wasn't because of the harp. Although that was damn annoying. It just got old. I was ALWAYS hunted. I think I was on the Scions 'most wanted' list or something, which was weird, because I was never hard to find (on purpose, more often than not). I'm still curious why that was. I had several people tell me in-game that the chasm was hunting me in particular. Anyone shed some light on that?

Getting PKed that much, without any IC way of handling it kinda got old. Especially since Simbach wasn't the type to go get revenge.
14374, yeah...
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I heard about that faintly as well...the fact that bards can't hide/camo was probably another factor on top of the "Easy to gang" factor. I was planning on getting up to at least around level 45 and then actually start gettin revenge for people I knew that were havin a hard time..but all you damned people keep deleting on me! how can I group with you to help if you don't exist! heheh.

and yeah that whole bad luck thing only seems to happen with me and non-paladin lightwalkers. I think one other storm giant I can think of can vouch for that in specific *winks*
14370, The one time I got ya
Posted by Malinran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, I thought your character seemed like a solid dawnie. If you hadn't died to us in galadon, I'm sure I would have returned htings. Kinda sucked where you died. Good luck with the next one.

14371, I remember that..
Posted by Simbach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That fight annoyed the hell out of me for two reasons.

1. Flight fell just after you blackjacked me. If it didn't, I would have escaped pretty easily. I got real good at running.

2. The assassin who helped you kept telling me he was a friend, then attacking me again. Sucks to play an optimistic Dawnie, sometimes.

But yeah, I didn't expect anything back then, since it was Galadon. But (I think) that was about the only time I had any worthwhile gear. Damn.
14363, RE: Well I'm gone.
Posted by Aginal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The harp is anti-evil, not good only, and it went back to the person who had it before you. And I did not JUST kill you, not that day, or the one before. As for putting up a fight you cannot possibly win...well, that's what I call dumb. You want to put up a bit of resistance, more power to you. But if you're going to bitch because you decided to stick around when it was perfectly obvious I was going to chase you all around the fortress, your death was just as much at your hands as mine. Did you happen to notice the fact the two other people from the fortress never showed?
14364, Umm, yeah.
Posted by Simbach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I came for a fight I couldn't win. You call it dumb. I call it roleplaying. You attacked the Maran and the Knight. They yelled they were being attacked. I came to help. Maybe you've forgotten, but roleplay is for more than just getting inducted.

Yes, I noticed there were some Maran that didn't show up. You know why they didn't show up? Because they knew they would die and you would loot them. So which side of the argument are you on, anyways?

And, you JUST killed me, about 5 minutes before I deleted, that's all I was saying. Idiot.
14369, Yah! Idiot.
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
14367, let me rephrase for both of you....
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In Maran, marans are expected to defend...supposedly according to simbach marans do not wish to defend because they fear that Aginal and other scions will full loot them if they die (bad roleplaying on Marans part)

Now Simbach is upset because he/she ((forgot heheh)) he goes to defend solo because everyone else wimped out, and you didn't have the common decency to leave some things that were atleast unusable to those of a dark heart.

Now in reply to simbach, yes it is EXTREMELY annoying to have this happen but you have to understand that it may be Aginal's/other scions role to be utter ass's like that and loot/sac everything. Though I can understand what you mean.
14368, RE: let me rephrase for both of you....
Posted by Aginal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright. Let me try to run through this. Not to defend myself, because quite frankly, I could care less if someone rage deletes because I killed them and took some things, but to put a bit of perspective on this. Gasg defended, or tried to, while I was retaking the scepter. Sung his fiend get slapped around a bit and quaffed. Now, the outer guardian is dead. I check around, make sure Gasg didn't just slip by. Now I see Simbach at the knight. Well, one bard gone, the other will do. So I walk in and geyser. What's he do? Flees and walks back into the knight. Three times. Three geysers. Then, wonderful change of tactics, let's go to the maran inner guardian and try to heal. The knight didn't make me pause, but surely the maran will right? So now there's a corpse. I do a get all corpse, which I would say was about half his things. Didn't drop anything I took to get more or better. Recalled. Dropped everything but the harp at my altar, and gave the harp to another bard.

Now, it may be duty to defend, but even the village doesn't say stay and die...although they tend to if the destructor can't finish off everyone for them. As for the guardians screaming, of course one is going to scream if I am trying to retrieve what is mine, and the other only screamed when Simbach did. I'd like to know what his role was, other than the obvious suicidal.

As for looting...yes, sucks to be looted. Everyone has done it, and has had it done to them. Always has been, and will always be like that. The only time I'll actually carefully pick through a corpse is when I have the time to. That doesn't really apply to raid situations. Besides one person, the "common decency" has never been extended to me. And that one person had the treatment returned, despite the grumbling of a few other scions. I had nothing personal against Simbach. I wasn't trying to be spiteful, mean what have you. Grow thicker skin and learn to bounce back quicker, or take a break sooner. What you lost was nothing to what I lost about eight hours earlier. Go beat on some mobs, or people, and get back in the game. Do onto others as they would do onto you.

14365, In all fairness to Aginal...
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The one time he killed me alone, he took maybe 2 things from my corpse. Aginal will show you a good bit of respect if you show balls, and intelligence and make it a good fight for him.
14366, RE: In all fairness to Aginal...
Posted by Aginal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That pretty much nails it, except I pretty much have to be alone, because there will typically be someone around ready to loot otherwise, although if I fell someone should have things returned, and it's scions that took it, I'll do my best to make them cough it up. As yet I've only done it once.
14361, You will be missed...
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed having you in the Haven. You were always around to defend, help others rank or whatever they needed, and seemed to be someone who would go the distance and be a stand out member. This is a blow to the Haven, and one I'm not going to enjoy. Why did you delete? You had a good strong character going for you.

14362, Nice to have a little positive feedback..
Posted by Simbach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun, Esmi. A good apostle and all that. Keep it up.

I wanted to go the distance with Simbach, but his role just stopped being fun to play. It's really hard to play a role that includes basically being suicidal, and keep it up. I died too much, regeared too much. It gets old. Fast.

I got fed up before hitting 40, really. But that last thing was the excuse I wanted.
14360, Hrm yes
Posted by Omian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fully agree with you on the looting, and I try to make a difference. but some keep full looting, in spite of me telling them not to (*cough* certain sylvans *cough*), of course they may have valid reason for doing that, or multi killing someone (*cough* OTHER sylvans *cough*)

so you see I have alot of work to do :)

other than that I'm sorry to see you go, too bad that ranking episode didn't last long and all that, we should've gone underwater.
14359, RE: Well I'm gone.
Posted by Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well, I remember meeting you in the Inn and talking a little bit about you in hopes of finding out why you choose the Servants and how it would affect me in the religion I had been following. I must admit that I felt that you were a person that I could eventually have a good time talking to because you cared more about roleplaying then you did about gear and pk percentage. I had thought that everything was going well after I had spoken with you and Elyrs (who I also appreciate talking with) and believed that the Servants was the path for my character to go that would also enable him to further reach out with his faith to others who wanted to listen. What I hadn't anticipate was your abrupt deletion from the game. Oh, well, it happens sometimes, but I hope you will return with the same mode of thinking and with better luck.
14358, RE: Well I'm gone.
Posted by xevfiutyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That sucks that you deleted man. Yhijut did too heh. We always had good interactions, Never traveled, but i think you are one of the VERY VERY few i dind't screw up RP on.

Oh well...
Start another, and do it all over again. It's an endless cycle.

14357, Hrmm, I kinda wondered about you
Posted by Vasikar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never really did rp with you, would have loved to hero you but ever time your on, Im chasing evil so I never do..
Anyway Good luck on your next