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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [None] Tamazin Truy'Quiqall the Demolitions Expert of the Cadre, Aspiring Master of Many Things
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=143530
143530, (AGE DEATH) [None] Tamazin Truy'Quiqall the Demolitions Expert of the Cadre, Aspiring Master of Many Things
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Oct 5 13:26:47 2022

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Tamazin perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
143541, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tamazin Truy'Quiqall the Demolitions Expert of the Cadre, Aspiring Master of Many Things
Posted by Azus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I killed a lich, I killed a lich! :)

OK, so it wasn't alone, and it was luck and I think you were getting tired and taking risks you wouldn't normally take, but still.

All in all, you were a class act, and a beast. Played against you in a few characters, and even when you were beating the snot out of me you were always decent as a player. Much appreciated that, and I'm sure it led to more fights for you which is always a plus.
143533, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Tamazin Truy'Quiqall the Demolitions Expert of the Cadre, Aspiring Master of Many Things
Posted by Mezai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you got your wish of not having a book written. I'm still peeved about that. Your rp was top notch, but that isn't what stuck with me. You were always so helpful to me and to others. I'm not sure why you pulled away IC, but I noticed it and it sucked. Still wouldn't trade it for anything - they were the most memorable chats I had on the character, and you kept me from deleting multiple times over. Best of luck with your next - you deserved everything you got on this character (including the awesome death echoes), and I hope you can take the time to savor the accomplishment of a job well done.
143531, Thanks all,
Posted by Tamazin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was an amazingly fun character to play, even before the whole becoming bones thing.

Lich is -incredibly- cool. Ritual of abominations might be the most fun spell in cf, that moment of not being sure what you'll get then getting something completely new is just fantastic. I feel very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to experience it, so big thanks to everyone who made that happen. That moment when I drank the elixir was probably the biggest adrenalin moment I've ever had in the game.

There are far too many people to mention, so I'm not even going to try.

Joihe- my amazing boss. I know people say religion brings the character to life, but you really did (then to death too*). Your style was completely different to anything I've seen/experienced religion wise in cf before and it was awesome. There are so many positive things I could say here, but I don't want to give anything away about the religion since its still so new and I felt like you wanted people to figure a lot out by themselves or through natural growth and what not. So I'll sum it up with 10/10, would do again, and I'm going to really struggle not to come back straight away. I'm sure getting that quest arranged was probably a massive pain, so thanks a ton (and I'm sure there were some laughs at my expense trying to crack a certain riddle). I think I dropped the ball with that herald guy but I thought you wanted him gone so misinterpreted that a bit, though I did get him eaten by Tiamat so I guess it worked out. Sorry that I faded towards the end, a combination of it being much harder this last month or so to carve out consistent long 3-4 hour sessions reliably and most of my toughest enemies deleting. I can safely say you made this my most amazing cf experience.

Ishuli- we didn't interact much, but this wouldn't have ever happened without corpse contamination going in. So its at least partly your fault (thanks, pretty slick edge). Also appreciated that you let me have leader - I assumed going in I'd not get it due to my role, I knew you'd not give me Provost with that in mind and some of the shady things I did as a Magistrate but I had to try!

Twist- dude Twist storytime was so good. That induction tale was great. Thank you so much for doing that, it really did get us super psyched up as a group even if ultimately we couldn't get anywhere (which was p much expected).

Arleshi- I loved your character so much, I hope you enjoyed the interactions as much as I did. Ended up as my best friend and one of the only people the character genuinely trusted, even if you pk'd me in the red lare. For like 5 seconds I was like wtf raaaage then just started laughing. We came a long way from dissecting devils in the Spire's Memorial hall.

Mezai- distancing myself from you was one of the tougher rp choices of the character. You were just such a fun person to interact with and we had some fantastic times. I hope you enjoyed all the nonsense as much as I did,, and I'm really excited for what you're doing now.
Coqui- really enjoyed our dynamic. It was nice having someone I could talk to who had fundamental disagreements with me but still saw eye to eye on some things. I will take a certain experiment we performed in the Lodge with me to my second grave, I still can't believe you did it.

Thokran - so much respect for this character and player, whoever it was. Next level resilience.

Nyandrah- my toughest post becoming enemy for sure. That crazy fight around the destructor was a highlight for me, even with the facepalm ending (that probably made it better tbh). Such a cf thing.

Svahlfang- you were my only regret with this character. Felt really bad how that went down, you were awesome and probably my favourite enemy over the character's lifetime. I know you get a lot of criticism thrown your way on discord etc, but I universally have found your characters to be excellent as both an ally and enemy (even the ones that inconvenienced me). So yeah, felt I owed you an apology for not getting on top of that faster - wish I'd had you around post becoming.

Thanks for the fun.
143534, Well of course you loved me!
Posted by Arleshi! on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I so so wish some things could have come together for us still. In spite of some obvious pains in the Spire, at least it was safe to do things with you. That incident in the red lair had a lot of fallout reflections for me ic and ooc in knowing that I was quite limited in what I could do with you close by when we didn't have trustcabal. I was starting to get clicking using devils more, but then things like that could happen and I didn't have any way to keep them from throwing a wrench into working close with you. If there would have been any cabal option for us at all to go for other than spire, I think I would have age-died the char. I sort of felt like I was an anchor for you as well and thought you might jump at some other things if the little pip-squeak wasn't in the picture and unable to go placed you could. My devil and elementals with your legion and bag of tricks may have made the CF skull raise an eyebrow.

The conversations we had were hilarious and we could always just evolve any topic that came up into new things where the end of one talk had absolutely nothing with what we started talking about.

Great job
143535, RE: Thanks all,
Posted by Fang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Svahlfang- you were my only regret with this character. Felt
>really bad how that went down, you were awesome and probably
>my favourite enemy over the character's lifetime. I know you
>get a lot of criticism thrown your way on discord etc, but I
>universally have found your characters to be excellent as both
>an ally and enemy (even the ones that inconvenienced me). So
>yeah, felt I owed you an apology for not getting on top of
>that faster - wish I'd had you around post becoming.

Totally well deserved lich - well done. No need to have regrets over what the AP did. I'd spend ages hunting you down only to find you were somewhere I couldn't get to - made me laugh IRL. I had all the advantages pre becoming, you would have wiped me post becoming. Age dying a lich is going to be hard to top. Good job bro.
143536, RE: Thanks all,
Posted by Tomias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you and Thokran sure helped me grow up in CF fast! Very glad to have fought against you, you seriously accelerated my learning curve, and were always clever and classy. To be a Joihe follower and a lich, I can only imagine how many nuances of this world you know.

Btw, if you would have just died in azuremain when my rager-wannabe failed to get you (and almost died himself), I never would have rolled Tomias, so thanks for that too :)
143537, RE: Thanks all,
Posted by Nyandrah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A super fun enemy indeed! I've been playing CF on and off for about 15 years, and there's been far a few opponents that I had so much fun fighting. We had some crazy epic battles (including you "luring" me into the galadon graveyard, which was exciting). There were a few times I thought that you were bored from a pk standpoint so glad I could lighten up your time! Amazing character :)
143542, Surprise.
Posted by Orenby on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That time at the Palace you surprised me so much. I was like... I have a big 1300 mana archon, easy day. Nope... Just Wow. I was dumbfounded.

Well done. I thought you did great regardless of your role and hope you have fun doing something similar in the future. GLWYN