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Topic subject(DEL) Abthalok the Maran, Steadfast Crusader of the
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14292, (DEL) Abthalok the Maran, Steadfast Crusader of the
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jan 15 15:23:55 2003

8 o''clock PM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of Nature on the Theran calendar Abthalok perished, never to return.

Cabal:MARAN, the Holy Brigade of the Phoenix
PK Ratio:26% (closer to 100% is better)

14293, Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn. Abthalok was at times real fun, and at times really boring, but over all I enjoyed the char alot. Paladins are a real well rounded class, I had little trouble with most classes save shamans and invokers. Looking at my Pk ratio, I'm not real suprised, Somewhere after urden I stop gathering preps. I'm just lazy I guess, but gathering preps for a few hours only to use them all up in a few min just didn't seem worth it. I can't even count how many times teleport potions would have saved my ass, but oh well. I acomplished alot with Ab, and wouldn't have changed a thing given the chance.

Thanks to Shokai and Vyn. At times I was real pissed about not getting a virtue until 48 or so, but I knew if I stuck it out, It would be worth it in the long run, which it was. I see alot of posts about people giving up on getting your empowerment/tat/induction/virtues and Ab just goes to show if you stick it out long enough, everything you seek will come your way.
Vyn, thanks for the talks and advice (althought I still think I would have been better off saving those 2 pracs for champ stance than for call lightning!) And thanks for the quests, they were alot of fun.

Karhon: You were like a brother to Ab, and damn we could beat some heads in together. Thanks for taking the time to speak to Ab when he was coming up in the ranks. I missed not having you around the past 2 months or so.

Ulthur: Another person I'll be missing. You got inducted a little after I did, and from then on I was always hoping to see you around when I logged in. That time we were helping Yaofhil rank in SL was just plain nasty, We had alot of laughs(enven thou ab might never have laughed, I sure did).

Yaofhil: Always good to have a dwarf around, and you play a damn good one. We never got to travel as much as I would have liked however, keep up the good work.

Alnallander: I'm going to miss you to. I'd always find you a step or so ahead of me, weather it be getting the scepter, or blademasters gloves. I kinda got the feeling you were a bit competative in getting the scepter, like you would just up and go in alone, ab was pissed when you died to the ragers when we could have gone together and beat some ass, but I understand completly, because I do it alot too.

Sabrian: At first I thought you might delete cause I saw you log out once or twice right after you died, but as is usually the case, you started to take them better. Good job, and keep up the good work, its damn nice to have some diversity in the Fortress finally.

Cuvitar: Sucks you deleted, having an invoker in the fortress helps beyond explination, especially since there are so many scion vokers around.

Tynnyn: Your an orcs worst nightmare. Keep it up, and go out with a bang.

Hazkal: Missed you after you died, guts bastard.

Aliera: You still around? Log in more! And thanks for Heroing me.
Lysrieal: We started a nice friendship, although I wish we could have sooner, sucks that you deleted, I really liked your char.

Prendarid: Missed you after you deleted also. Was always fun to travel with you, and nice to get a healing sleep when I got roted and such

Esmi: Keep up the good work, and congrats on the apostle thing.


Blimbali: We had some fun hun? I like to think we are responsible for the strong alliance of the grove and the Fortress, but I'm probably wrong, heh. Was always nice to think I'm outnumbered 6 to 1 or something, and then have you and 4 others uncamo, willing to help out.

Strawberry: Damn, I'm glad I made you laugh so damn much, I'll get used to keepreply one of these days... Thanks for the help with the scions and gearing aswell, keep up the good work, I like where you continue to take the grove.

Phylanthorin: Was good traveling with you, altho I always found it hard to sit back and wait for your traps to work.

Astaria: Best damn invoker I've travelled with, shame you deleted, missed having an invoker around to gear and kick in some heads with.

Gwimdworf: Congrats on the Imm'ing. Always nice to have a healer willing to mix it up.

Nunchyk: Started out shaky, when I found you on the valcano killing storms, but you make the right choice and we became friend thereafter.

Aldon: Basiclly the same thing as Nunchyk, only you made the opposite choice and attacked me.. After that one time on the mountain, I never realy wanted to or actually did speak to you. Real butthead move if you ask me.

Noldruk: Man, I really hated fighting you. I'd load on preps and you would still beat my ass. Although I faught you that one time after you lost your sick suit and did a shitload better. My plan got you killed that one time except I died before you did and then Instinct took over and I ran to the freaking fortress instead of the lake and missed the loot by like .2 seconds. Good luck on the Imm thing..

Uelveyye: Well, I'm not going to lie, I actually enjoyed fighting you. You played a Tribby the same way I played a maran. I always full prep when wording now because of you and Noldruk..

Farnsworth: Never seen you out of town once, but I guess thats your job hun? I basiclly gave up on fighting you, because it was never just me and you, it was always me, 2 guards, the enforcer, and a few cityguards, and you fleeing and trying to dispel or rot, and me spaming wrath and or redirect. It got old real quick..

Lardovian: Was fun traveling with you the few times I did. Seems like you died so damn long ago..

Caysh, invokers, random shifters, Had fun with you guys too, names escape me.

From Byrvac to Rustanviel to Kulmortuk Lots changed. I went from fighting Byvrac and crew like everyday, to helping you defend the scepter, to getting assassinated in the ruins for hunting one of you. Overall, it was fun I suppose..


Urden: Good fights, taught me lots about fighting vokers.

Agnial: On par with Urden, Never had a voker buffet me out of champ stance into some people waiting, you always seemed to think up good plans to get me killed, and 9 times out of 10, they worked, bastard..

Anith: Always made it a royal pain in the ass to raid/defend. And the freaking raven flying to TV after I word to delay me until others come always made my pulse race.

All the other invokers: I hate fighting invokers

The Healers: Royal pains in the assess

Vortigern: I knew I would die when I raided vs you and a voker, I hate dispell, and I dispise rot. I also hated that I could never do a damn thing to you alone. You would just walk off freely once I saved vs enough dispells and you were hurting some.

Gorach: I still think you got off way too ease for causing so much bloodshed. I traveled with you a few times, once where you died in the Elven vaults and then went apeshit on one of our groupmates, Ab kept a close eye on you after that.

Kragnar: Bashing mofo, I hated fightin you in groups, loved it one vs one.

Tarnyxil: Damn nice to have a good bard to group with. Thanks for all the fun times getting gear and beating people up.

Nwayreth: Always good to have a scout about, especially one who can beat some ass. Thanks for cluing me into your corpse when you were going to delete.

Well, I think thats it. I rolled Ab like a year ago, played him to about 20 then on and off for a few months, then went back to him and he was decked, so I made him my only char. I have a few decent logs I'll be posting once I clear them up a bit. and I'll be back damn soon, Go team Golden Aura!


14320, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So another of the oldies beat Ulthur to it :P

As you said it, from the little we traveled, I liked Abthalok too.

And as for me dying a long time ago... yes, it does seem like it. You get used to it though, it's nice that people still remember you out there.

Good luck with the next and bla bla bla

I know you will be back. So far few persons have been able to tear themselves from CF :P

14319, Darn
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well brother, you were a good sight to see around the Fortress consistantly. We did have some great times back and forth... talk about a bunch of dusty old farts, eh? That just leaves Tynnyn and Aliera, and those two wont ever die I think. I'll roll up a Maran sometime in 2006 and those two will still be brushing the dust off themselves. *wink*

Wont be the same without you around... hurry up and come back to Team Good!

14318, CAW!?
Posted by Prendarid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell yeah, the golden aura team rules! Heh, anyways thanks for the fun. A really well played charater from what I saw.

14315, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Aginal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Finally, less paladins. You people are like a plague, spreads before it starts going away. Overall, I'd say we weren't a very even matchup, and the only times you caused me some worry was when you were with other people, just because shield bash can delay me just long enough to be real bad. Like with a bard and trannie jumping me with you. That rather pissed me off. Not at you, just myself. Sitting here talking to someone I just killed, allowed my shields to go, and next thing I know, shield bashes, roundhouses and neurological disruptions. I think I've paid all of you back for it at the least however. And screw the goodies, go evil, we have all the fun.
14316, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The same thing happened to me when I managed to kill Uvellyne, sat there and talked, and then wham, I get jumped by an ap and a paladin. And your a bastard for always stone shattering me, heh.
14317, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Aginal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate when invokers stoneshatter just to be spiteful, although I have done it to a few people for that very reason. However, for you and the other paladins, I usually really feel I'm just not hitting as hard as I should be, so I figure stoneskin. I seem to usually be wrong about it however. Sorry...next time use less jade and coral eh?
14314, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
what i saw of you kicked ass. i have had funky playing times for a while now so i hardly see anyone anymore. but come on back. :)

14313, You got that right, well done
Posted by Karhon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you for a long time as Karhon, and then pretty well with recent characters. I never was let down by what I saw in you. Very well played.
14312, Hell and damnations...
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed fighting you, as you always pressed the attacks. A typical raid where we got the upperhand entailed.....Group fighting, all target abthalok...abthalok recall....shift raven....go try to catch the bastard! You were hard as hell to keep hurt, moved fast, and kicked my ass when I wasnt able to delay you for someone else to finish....*snicker* There were alot of times I came at you but couldnt finish you because I couldnt flyto anymore and had 0 movement. *chuckle*

Well done and all that....
14311, *big middle finger* loved you too!
Posted by dwimmerling on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job though, between you and arharah, two of my favorite non-imm/balrahd paladins, myself excluded of course.

Dwimmerling Gunther Grollaski Engledinger, I think I met you with all those guys...
14308, Bah we were a rockin team.
Posted by Blimbali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We used to rip the scions apart. We just seemed to work well together, unspoken communication. We were always thinking the same thing. I know you, as a character had reservations about my neutral align but it was just to beautiful to ignore.

Looks the last of my pals has finally taken the dirt nap.
14309, yeap
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No reservations about your neutrality, so long as Ab didn't know you killed any lightwalkers. And yeah, kicking some scion ass was always great, we did that well. We always seemed to get our ##### pushed in by the tribbies, I still kick myself in the butt for rescue spaming you to death that time on the north road. I worded Karhon and ate the death as self punishment, heh
14310, Uh...ya, that did kind of suck.
Posted by Oddjob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never thought it was possible to be rescued....to death. Guess so.
14306, A question...
Posted by Erinphalis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The one time I spoke to you I got...well for lack of a good way to phrase it...negative energy. Just curious if that was coming from your viewpoint as a maran or personal...I thought you did a great job.

Erinphalis Kraolin, Lord Elder of Nexus
14307, I think I know the time your talking about
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was when you asked me for a sanc to get the link back from the village, and I responded with something like " The supplications of my lord were not granted to me to ensure the cause of the nexus, rather the exact opposite" Meaning that you guys try to preserve the balance, and Ab tries to obliterate evil from the world. Ad to the fac that for the last 2 or 3 months the nexus has basicly been the scions henchmen. I didn't really try to come across as negative, Ab was just dry and had no emotion.
14304, You did damn good man.
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I admit at first you didn't really stand out to me, but as I started watching closer I realised why. You were rock solid and dead on in how you played...but didn't have a lot of flair. That changed as you got older and I watched you even more. I admit fully up front, that you probably deserved a virtue long before when you got one....and I'm glad you stuck it out past that (sorry for being slow, btw...it happens accidently every now and then). Anyway, thanks for the great character. good luck in the future.
14305, RE: You did damn good man.
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, Ab was a giant emotionless rock. Not a single ounce of flair. I kinda figured it would be hard to get noticed, so I understand about the time and didn't really suffer alot from not having virtues early on. I remember fighting Amora with no virtues or anything at like rank 43 and doing rather well against her. Then I got some virtues and ranked out of her pk range so I couldn't see how I'd do with them. I always enjoyed our talks, thanks for the great interactions. I remeber distinctly this one instance when I think Tynnyn or someone was saying over CB about how they were looking for you for awhile and had not had any luck. I responded by saying something like Although you don't often make it known, you are with us alot if not always. Then you coming on the CB saying well put or something. Alot of people think its a bad thing to take so long to get into the cabal but I think it makes Maran the best cabal around. With very few exceptions, I found everyone in the cabal to have a damn firm grasp on the Ideology. Keep up the great work, and thanks

14303, If it helps any, I ceremonially buried you!
Posted by Esmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
##### am I going to miss you man. You were like a giant rock, a foundation the whole fortress stood on. Damn, you being gone, Karhon, and so many of the others who were like big brothers to me, really REALLY sucks lichknickers. Damn. :(

14302, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by TheMaiden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Yes, I wish we could have started our friendship earlier. I enjoyed all the talk we did have. You appealed to me as someone I could always talk to and trust. It is a shame we couldn't go exploring together and really be a team. I cannot recall if we even ever grouped. You had strong dedication and played to the fullest. Well done and I hope to see you again :)

14301, Well played.
Posted by Crimthann on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of all the paladins I've gone to visit the Kua-toa lair with, and there have been several, yours where the only trips that I didn't wind up as a ghost on.

It was nice to keep company with someone who put roleplay over gear in deed and not just in word. For those of you who didn't get to spend time with Abthalok to see him in action heres a small example:

Goodie Transmuter dies to ragers...frequently. Abthalok continually aids goodie transmuter in regearing. On a regearing trip, Abthalok Goodie Transmuter, Goodie Invoker A, and Goodie Invoker B are in an area that provides Goodie Transmuter with a nice pair of boots, some neckwear, and some more neckware. The group kills a big mean monster and lo and behold it has the much sought after 5dam 50hp piece of gear that any melee class would benefit from enormously. Goodie Invokers A & B are slow on the draw in picking up the gear, Abthalok leaves it on the ground, and Goodie Transmuter ganks it. Though Goodie Invoker B repeatedly attempts to convince Goodie Transmuter to give the nice piece to Abthalok, Goodie Transmuter refuses to do so. Goodie Invoker B leaves the group in protest.

Abthalok continues to help the poor fool regear. That my friends is how I think a paladin should be roleplayed.
14300, Bye
Posted by Talin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I feel obligated to apologize for those two attempted assassinates. I was peeved at Maran in general at the time, and kinda took it out on you. I go Maran hunting on/off depending on how often they annoy me. Anyways, I always admired your seemingly perma wanted status, and envied you greatly for this. I also seem to recall helping you get a humansunder with my long dead shifter, and thanks to you I now know that area... kinda. And oh, yeah, your old humansunder is in safe paws now. I promise not t' kill any lightwalkers as long as I have it. IC the angry spirit of Abthalok stops my hand before I slip the blade into this or that elf's heart. Miss having such a stalwart char around. *wave*
14299, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by noldan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sigh Fergot poor ollll, me ohh wellI think I got you umm darn cant remeber ahh recomadnetion forthe maran, Ohh well no maran imms came on anytime I was on, Well im making another and I was hoping to get your recom again darn dindly on, You ask some taugh questions specially that one about the storm gaints and summonin had me raking my brain fer a few minutes there Liked yeh tons hope teh see a reincarnation go GOOD!!!!
14298, Whoa, someone remembered me!
Posted by Vortigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea, I never really had problems to leave a fight against paladins (I did fell to some of them...tried to take a bet or just forgot that wrath is just one round lag...) Dispel is the best friend for a shaman against paladins...and Marans ;) Well done character overall, a good challange and one of those ((paladins)) who dared to battle be alone.
14296, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Vynmylak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job, guy. Knew you were going to go out swinging, and was glad I was able to be there. Nice job on the quests. It's definitely a bit more difficult when you get those virtues that you've waited and worked for, only to realize that you don't have enough practice sessions to make use of them. Between the two skills, yeah, the latter would have been more useful; however, you didn't have that choice when we had that conversation and hadn't gotten into the practice session deficiency. Hindsight being 20/20, I imagine there were several choices you'd probably have made different to utilize those virtues a bit more.

Again, great job and good luck on your next.

-- Vyn
14297, RE: Didn't feel like waiting out the con-death hour....
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was only teasing really, I was always greatful when you gave me tips on fighting, hence the reason I wanted to go to you for my quest. You don't know how many times I'd kick myself in the ass 5 min after I failed to chase down a foe for not remebering call lightning. I only remeber a handfull of times, and it just so happened to be good weather all 3 times, figures :P

Thanks again
14294, Heh..
Posted by Tarnyxil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sleep tight big guy .. it was fun traveling with you, although it seemed you were 'absent' at some times .. answering slow, granting sanctuary just a tad 'too late', that kind of stuff.. Oh well .. Heh, I will miss the 'slowly dips his head in acknowledgement' thing .. See you around,

14295, RE: Heh..
Posted by Langston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, probably my only complaint about storm giant paladins. Its a bitch keeping up all your sups. Mana regain is horrible, and towards the end my hp regen made my mana regen look impressive. I'd often times sleep and then alt tab over to a website, or a program I was working on or something and almost forget I was mudding. It was just way too booring to sit there and stare at the screen, ab wasn't the most conversational person...
14321, See ya, old man
Posted by Alnallander on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a pleasure to be a Maran with you. Always noted your charity as well as your drive and conviction. Assuming this is basically an age-death.

Though I still groan having followed you into a deathtrap I think I'll get over it. Taking a look at your hours, I imagine I'm not too far behind you.
14322, Naw.
Posted by Charlie Sheen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are an elf, you'll be around awhile longer.

14323, .....and they all stink.... you missed that part... nt
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM