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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=14191
14191, (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jan 11 23:39:54 2003

12 o''clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Shadows on the Theran calendar Laries perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:50% (closer to 100% is better)

14192, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Laries on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, thanks all. I have a moment on my soapbox and I'm going to take it, whether anyone cares or not, heh.

I haven't played CF for a long time, but the changes I saw to the assassin class intrigued me so much, I fantasized about running around stalking people, so I took the first stats presented to me and went for it. By the way...stalking people IS as much fun as I thought it was going to be, I'm just sorry I only had two free weeks in my life in which to do it - things were getting interesting at the end there.

I half expected someone to give me the title, "Mostly Harmless" somewhere along the line, and if you ever grouped with me, while I was lost with no food or water, you know why. I suppose the fact that I've almost mastered stalk, but only had one successul assassination is the other reason.

At least I don't think anyone wanted me dead - being harmless has it's advantages, and as my only claim to fame, I say that I felt completely safe sitting visible on eastern. Helping everyone will do that, I suppose. Not that anyone but me cares, of course, hehe.

Oh yes, all I wanted to do was assassinate someone, and I'm glad I achieved it, thanks for putting that code in Nepenthe, it was awesome. I'm suprised anyone at all sits in their guild in a major city anymore.

Ahh, finally, Laries (and I) was a sucker for talking to people, and I messed up quite a few hunts holding philosophical conversations with people. No, I really didn't have any idea where anything was, and to the thousands of people who asked some form of, "What path do ye walk?" I AM NEUTRAL. Thanks. Anyway, here are some names that I can remember, and to those I forgot...well...you know.

Kedovudd - Sorry I didn't realize what you were saying until too late, or I would have stuck around.

The assassins that I met in the guild - Just assassinate, it's much more fun, and I'm sure it'll keep people alot more scared of you. Thanks Burrosum, and Sucerian.

Sandarina - Thanks for the grouping at the early levels, and introducing me to all of your goody friends.

Thelios - Good luck getting Bria to notice you. I enjoyed our conversations, but you seemed to be a bit self pitying at the end there, and from my reading of Bria's help file, I don't think she'd go for that. Still, I'm amazed you got to where you are, and couldn't have done it myself.

Kaje - The only person I ever lied to, sorry, I did have the dagger.

Broxx, Zenguk - Thanks for the cool interaction at the end, sorry I forgot myself and hid.

Warl - I laughed my ass off every time we grouped and you spoke. I love orcs.

Kalmah - You showed me how much fun the Inn could be, thanks, keep it up.

Elrys - I think thats your name, heh, thanks for the talk at the end, sorry I never got to follow up on anything. Amusingly, talking to you increased the rate of, "What path do ye walk?" tremendously for a short time.

Nurwon, Rerrilies, Leviathe, and everyone else I ever spoke to or talked to, thanks for making the game fun.

I'm sure there's a million things I'd want to say, and people I forgot. But, Adios, and thanks for reading this!


14201, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Simbach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were kind of an important person to Simbach, even though he never really talked to you about it (I planned to.. really). You were, in his slightly-slanted view of reality, his first real conversion from the dark side, so to speak. Even though -ooc- I knew you didn't consider it like that, if you even remembered what happened. (You helped gang me, at the start of a very bad day. Then you read my poem. Then apologized, etc.) Made Simbach feel like he actually accomplished something.

Oh well, we never travelled much or anything, but you weren't supposed to delete yet. Damn.
14202, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Laries on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, if it matters at all anymore, you really did make me decide not to stalk Dawnies. Sorry I had to go,

14203, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Kaje on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you had that damn dagger. Coincidientally, I was just able to solo obtain that dagger for the first time last night.
14204, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Laries on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, sorry - you scared me, and the opportunity presented itself. So I felt extra guilty, both IC and OOC, when we met south of Eregion that time in the past. I had since talked to simbach and tried to act a bit nicer, hence the IC guilt. Whatever, it doesn't matter. Congratulations on getting it back, heh.
14199, why?! :'(
Posted by Sandarina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Laries, I remember the first time I met you with that
dwarfy paladin. you helped me much in the begining ranks
as many others did. I thank you for that, is hard to the
shifters to get a group without any form...

Take care :)
14200, Sorry :'(
Posted by Laries on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see now you have a very nice form, however, heh. Would have definately liked to see that in action on my side - After you started pulling waaay ahead of me in ranks is when I decided it was time to start ranking a bit faster, and following people around a bit less. Good luck :)
14198, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Elrys - I think thats your name, heh, thanks for the talk at
>the end, sorry I never got to follow up on anything.
>Amusingly, talking to you increased the rate of, "What path
>do ye walk?" tremendously for a short time.

Conjurer Servant of the Dawn? We did talk, so probably. Yeah, I enjoyed our conversation. It was kind of late at night for me so I should have been getting to sleep, but oh well. I'm sorry to see you go, I was looking forward to seeing you around. Laries was the kind of person Elrys would enjoy talking to I think.

As for the "what path" Yeah, I think the default assumption for an assassin is evil, or neutral. Then you talk to a servant and it's all up in the air. I didn't realize so many people passed through the inn while we spoke though.
14196, Damn you!!
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not another one gone! I have no one to trust anymore IC *snaps fingers* ah well. I have to say your char kind of intrigued me..seemed all assassins either wanted me dead or didn't want anything to do with me. I was always waiting for you honestly to try and assassinate me heh. sorry but never really trusted assassins and you always being rather vague about (yes!) "what path you walked" (heheh yes I asked him that repeatedly) kinda kept me wary about you.

that time you told me you had a belt and plate of protection for me I was really really suspicious..all I was thinking was "why would he just give me stuff? he's an assassin" and "why ME? of everyone out there why would he ask ME for those 10 seconds I was uncamoed". in the end I thought..well if he attacks me at least I know who my enemies are and if he doesn't I get some nice things so ah well, it all worked out (didn't attack *winks*)

wished I could have interacted/ranked with you more, good luck on your next...(your making a next right???)

14197, RE: Damn you!!
Posted by Laries on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Not another one gone! I have no one to trust anymore IC
>*snaps fingers* ah well. I have to say your char kind of
>intrigued me..seemed all assassins either wanted me dead or
>didn't want anything to do with me.

I suppose trying to assassinate your groupmate didn't help the situation any either, eh? :) My feeling is that assassins realize that they are pretty much safe - between heightened awareness and detect hidden, the only people who can sneak up on them are Tranny types (not too scary of a thought) and Rangers. At least it bothered me... I always tried to keep a ranger marked.

>wished I could have interacted/ranked with you more, good
>luck on your next...(your making a next right???)

I had a blast, but, no :( Classes started today, and if you notice that I averaged ten hours a day playing time, CF wouldn't be a good thing to add to the mix. Heh, also, the emotional pain of deleting indicated to me that it was a good idea too. Look at me, I still read the CF boards and I'm not playing!

Adios, good luck, try talking to people more,

14193, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Warl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You pretty much got me to where I was heading with my first and only orc, savage feeding. That skill is quite possibly the coolest skill in the game next to greeting the avalance bashes, but orcs just plain suck. They can't do any tanking and and one on one usually just plain get rocked. It was fun and hey thanks for the hours taking elves and its true orcs are hilarious and fun to play but the just suck skill wise.

Warl the Orc Pissed He's and Orc.
14195, Then you're not doing it right
Posted by HarveyHamster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Orcs aren't designed to be one-on-one fighters (though they can be now and then) nor are they the uber-tanks you want them to be. There's a reason your wimpy is set at 50%. You're meant to hit and run (heal) or fallback behind others that aren't as hurt as you. They've got a great variety of skills, clan channel, etc. It's definitely a different style needed than other classes.
14194, RE: (DEL) Laries the Student of Owaza
Posted by Laries on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keep at it, if spinebreaker works nearly as often on PC's as it did on those elves, I figured that you and your other orc buddies would be able to rip apart equal sized groups. One round of elf combat...combat ends...one round of combat, combat ends...It usually slowed us down! Besides, nothing relieves stress like an orc-led smashing hoard... :)
