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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Veldren Aumundre the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=141011
141011, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Veldren Aumundre the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Apr 6 19:17:04 2021

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Veldren perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
141094, Veldren's character sheet
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Posting this here because I really enjoyed reading Umbrand's. Hope you don't mind Rah.


Veldren Aumundre

Race: Half-Drow

Gender: Male

Class: Warrior, thief, assassin, ranger

Ethos/Align: Neutral alignment, any ethos


Sphere: Any

Religion: Nalasul or none

Role Guidelines: There once was a small orphanage run out of a private
home in Seantryn Modan called Ardenwood Manor. It was an old place
with expensive things that you were not allowed to touch and cots for
maybe fifteen children. You spent much of your childhood there growing
up, but your memories of the place are scattered and hazy.

There was an event outside of the orphanage where multicolored motes
of light snowed down from the sky and faded just before touching the
ground. Some of those lights touched you. The orphanage is gone, now,
having burned down in a fire that claimed the lives of four children.
You survived the fire but hardly remember it.

Your childhood dreams and reality seem to mix and mingle, and you find
yourself having difficulty at times distinguishing the two.

You arrived at the orphanage at a very young age with few concrete
memories of your parents. You generally recall them to be preoccupied
with books and magical objects and they always seemed annoyed by the
presence of you and your older brother. There was a magical explosion,
and you vaguely remember sitting outside of your home and people
trying to comfort you. Then you were taken to Ardenwood. Your brother,
whom you called Vizz, did not go with you and you aren’t sure what
became of him.

You used to dream about being back with your brother, playing in the
woods outside your home. You aren’t sure whether the woods were real,
or which woods they were, but you dreamed about playing ridiculous and
imaginative with Vizz.

However, ever since you left the orphanage, you have not had dreams.

After the orphanage fire, you ran away and tried some mercenary work
for a while. After suffering a near-death experience of your choosing,
you decided to train in earnest and become an apprentice to a martial
guild. Your bad experiences and associations with magic have made you
easy to radicalize; you might start off somewhat indifferent to magic,
but you will find the arguments of Battleragers to be extremely

DO NOT: Add any details about any of the other children at the orphanage.

Motivations: You want to make something of yourself, and perhaps you
crave some attention that you never got as a child. In fact, you
really want to live rent-free in other peoples’ heads. You really get
off on that.

Description Guidelines: Completely up to you; how do you envision this

There’s a certain smell that comes from magical objects and people,
and it reminds you of your parents - and repulses you and makes you
feel irritable.
141012, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Veldren Aumundre the Legend of ...
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I’m both happy and sad to see Veldren go. Happy because I felt ready to move onto something new but sad because I had built up some quite significant relationships and really enjoyed the char challenge experience.

In a nutshell, Veldren believed that no matter what you did, things would always end poorly (based on his childhood experiences). He therefore lost any long term ambition and adopted a live in the moment philosophy. This extended to others and relationships, which was he was a bit of prick - Veldren would rather troll someone for his own enjoyment than build a relationship of any significance.

As for the build: Some time ago Umiron threw a challenge out on Disc asking for the best Spear / Whip (least popular warrior combo) using legacies not currently used by anyone. I decided to pick up this challenge with Veldren and go Scout which I’d never played before. The build was definitely less powerful than it could've been but I quite enjoyed learning it and the challenge of winning what fights I could. I also pulled off some pretty cool kills which ONLY this build (or something very similiar) could achieve. I'll post this logs to qhcf.

I absolutely loved being involved in the char challenge. Ranking up with everyone, the interactions, drama and having pre-existing relationships you need to find and evolve was a blast. I’d recommend it to anyone (so long as you’re willing to commit).


Trist: Definitely my favourite and standout character of Veldren’s life. I always looked forward to seeing you online and had a blast tormenting, tricking, pestering you, etc. even if I wasn’t always successful. Despite what I said above about not building significant relationships, you were the one exception and have several mentions in my role. You’re also a brilliant RPer and hope you stick around so I can interact with you again!

Burner: Amazing, unwanted father figure. Your patience, commitment and restrained frustration came through so clearly in such a well RPed char. You were always willing to trust me and give Veldren another chance, even though I’m sure you the player knew you shouldn’t.

Vizz: Although the challenge has ended, I’m hesitant to say too much here as you’re still active. I believe our relationship could have gone one of two different (and quite extreme) ways and the direction it did take is something only a char challenge like this could bring out. I only wished we’d had more overlapping time - I was more than willing to really push the boundaries as a Villager and was looking forward to navigating the drama that unfolded.

Butcher: Probably Veldren’s favourite character to torment, although you stopped reacting in the end. Lots of fun fights and interactions, I just wished you lasted a bit a longer.

War Mistress: Same as above but what more can you expect from the Bulkdragon with the Macho flaw. Our banter was always fun, the fights felt a little one sided but I still enjoyed them.

Egg Head: Fun fights and banter. That gorilla is brutal - I think the only chance I ever had at killing you was if the eagle staff perma lagged you in crit spam, which wasn’t going to happen. As soon as you became Vindi (and only having 4 CON) I definitely wasn't going to commit any crimes!

A boulder hawk dives down out of the sky at you!
As consciousness begins to slip, your survival instinct rages, snapping you back to your senses!
You stagger as a boulder hawk crashes skull-first into you.

Ahrloire: Like Veldren, Ahrliore was not a perfect character and I liked that. You really pushed the boundaries and paid for it with IC consequences which you owned and lived with. I have a huge amount of respect for that. It was fun drinking / chatting.

Kira: Fun fights and chats, I was actually surprisingly effective vs. you (even if my chances of killing you were low). That one time the eagle staff nearly killed you surprised me as much as you. I didn’t blame you for avoiding me after that.

Nalasul: Thank you for your time and interactions, I know Veldren was not the perfect follower (and far from the perfect Villager). I loved the religion and felt like I went into it with a different understanding of what it was, which was then a bit tricky to fit to Veldren. I’m definitely keen to come back with another char and do it properly.

Morius: I was blown away by your Church, in game presence and RP. Also on top of my to do list as a future follower.

Rah: Last and certainly not least, thank you for choosing me to be a part of your challenge! I know I probably took the char in a different direction to what you had in mind but I loved every minute of it. Thank you as well for all your time and commitment in setting it up and running it - I know it must have been a massive amount of work.

I know I’ve missed people, I always do. Please feel free to respond and I will too.
141013, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Veldren Aumundre the Legend of ...
Posted by Tristhana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Burner: Amazing, unwanted father figure.

How do I retweet a battlefield post?? :)

I've got to keep some of what I want to say until Tristhana dies, but I can still talk about how big of a fan I am of how you played Veldren. The RP was top notch, and the fact that Veldren thought things would end poorly was a common thread that came through in all the encounters we had. I think there are a lot of ways to play that mindset out and it was inspiring to see you not simply opt for lethargy and moodiness. There was depth there, and it was amplified by the fact that you have a brother who is a mage. (The alcohol amplified things too!)

Velden knew things were awful for many of the orphans and he always had something witty and cruel to say. Your Nalasul rp was great, and you definitely had Tristhana fooled a few times.

P.S. Fighting you was a pain - can you blame me for running?
P.S.S. The interaction with you at the end was heart wrenching OOC, but as Trist said... they survived.
141014, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Veldren Aumundre the Legend of ...
Posted by Egg-Head on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Veldren always made me laugh. Surprisingly tough given, on paper, the build isn't very desirable. I knew there was more to it than just your thick skull, hah! That legacy seemed to work better than I thought it would.

Gratz on seeing out the character challenge to the very end *thumbs-up* (I'm banned from Discord for some reason so I can only post here)
141022, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Veldren Aumundre the Legend of ...
Posted by Umbrand on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC, you drove me absolutely crazy. You gave just enough hints that you wanted me around to keep stoking Umbrand's hope, but you managed to rip it out from under me every time just when I was feeling optimistic.

I really wish I knew what would have happened if Nal showed up there at the end.. I had a bad feeling it wouldn't end well for Umbrand. But I wanted to know!

Overall, really well done. You hit the perfect mark of a flawed, obnoxious drunkard perfectly, without going overboard or slipping towards "evil". It seemed like a tough road, but I was impressed.
141024, I suppose I can share it now as it won't impact anyone
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Plus it's mostly revealed in my PBF.

I was down to my last CON (ended up using an edge to get +1 con) and honestly didn't think I'd make it to the end of the challenge, so I took up Trist's offer to visist the Church. When there I ask for more CON, Morius said he'd give it if I gave up on Nalasul.

Being sphere Deception, I agreed with Nalasul in advance we'd invite Trist along and we'd put on an act where I'd pretend to give up on her. I'd say all the right words, Nalasul would get angry and smite me into the ground (or something equally unpleasant) and hopefully Trist would believe it then tell her Lord what I'd done. But then Trist bailed (grr), so you were my back up.

I'd ask you for protection prior (without context), you'd get to watch the show live, realise what I was doing and hopefully you'd maybe step in to help at some point. I was then hoping you'd tell Trist what happened, who would then pass it onto Morius that way.

Veldren knew he couldn't trick Gods (he tried this on Panmorne very unsuccessfully) so the aim was to deceieve their followers. Would've been fun but alas it is hard to align time across multiple characters. Perhaps I should've organised a date via a note.

Still, it was fun all the same.
141025, Also from my role:
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

- Veldren plans on stringing Umbrand along, letting him believe
he can 'save' Veldren but will simply be messing with him

Glad that came through!
141051, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Veldren Aumundre the Legend of ...
Posted by Azorinne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Veldren was always entertaining. I was constantly going: "omg he's so mean I love him." It seemed like you were having tons of fun with it. Really great job being a belligerent bastard.