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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=140692
140692, (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Feb 12 17:30:35 2021

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Primdella perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
140695, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
General Thoughts:

Thank you all for, almost certainly, my most fun and rewarding gaming experience of all time. It was a true pleasure from beginning to end. I must have engaged with well over 100 characters and I can only think of maybe 4 or 5 that I didn't care for. 3 of which were played by Funnyone, so they barely count as characters at all. ;)

I rolled Primdella for a few reasons. First and foremost, I wanted to play Ishuli's religion. Ishuli has been a constant awesome presence for CF for a while now and I wanted to get in on what she's been up to. I wanted to see what all the Ish was about. (I'll see myself out :) ) Second, after the... regrettable... ending of Leitha, my Conjurer itch wasn't scratched so I wanted to give it a true go from beginning to end. Third, I really wanted to try neutral Conjurer because it has always been interesting to me. Thus, Primdella was rolled. She was going to be an age-death from the get-go. There was never a doubt in my mind.


Primdella was a book worm. A nerd. Poindexter. If they would have had pocket-protectors in Thera, she would have one. She cared about BOOKS. Knowledge. Education. Science. Sorcery. Anything and everything about furthering our understanding of the world, art, science, you name it.

Prim was a Svirf of culture and decency. She believed you should dress well and maintain proper hygiene. She would often chastise new recruits because of their look if they were disheveled or improperly dressed. She felt that things should be refined and proper or at least working towards it.

She was born in Lower Cragstone, but her parents were poor and they wanted a better life for their daughter. So they shipped her off to school in Upper Cragstone. They worked hard in the mines, to ensure that their daughter's education was paid for. When she was in her early adult life, her parents died in a mining accident and all of a sudden her funds were cut off. Therefore she was out on her own and forced to become an adventurer to continue to fund her education.

She spent her early life traveling Thera's great Libraries. In the end she found 46 Libraries, studies, or bookshelves and spent time at each one of them going through them for as much time as she could.

As she grew, she still maintained her love of books, but she became a different Svirf when it was all said and done. Before she knew it, she was in a position of leadership. She had Magistrates who looked to her to be brave, strong, and confident. She didn't have as much time to spend weeks in a particular Library, reading as much as she could. No, she had responsibility.

In the end her life became devoted to others. To building up other magi, scholars, artists, and academics. To maintaining Order so that these people could have time to further their areas of study. When all was said and done, I believe she was successful in her endeavor.


As I stated earlier, after Leitha I simply was not done with the Conjurer class. The class has such nuance and intrigue. I love that the class has the ability to do anything. If you want to explore, you're one of the best solo explorers in the game. If you want to PK, it'll be a bit frustrating at times, but your power level can be SERIOUSLY high. If you want to RP, you have many tools and resources at your disposal.

Yes, I think Conjurer's are my second favorite class behind Invokers, now. I simply love the powers and abilities so much. Neutral Conjurer's are their own special breed of frustrating, but they can be extremely powerful and resourceful.

I think one thing about Conjurer players is that they can focus too much on bringing the most powerful Archon, Devil, Demon, or Angel and forget about what truly makes a Conjurer deadly.

Between Clairvoyance, Clairaudiance, a flying familiar, tesseract, and Nightgaunt there was no place safe on the surface really. And even underground, I would still know where you are. It just becomes a game of do I want to go crawling around the underdark or wherever. If I wanted to, I could find someone within 5 or 10 minutes from the safety of my guild. Quite frankly, I really took it easy on my enemies. If I hadn't been so interested in RP, I could have made life truly hell for them. But who wants to be that guy?


To whichever IMM coded the Conjurer class: Thank you sooo much for familiars. The dynamic of a familiar is so cool. It's such a unique thing that it's hard to describe. It's one of my favorite aspects of CF, so to whoever coded it I want to thank you for your hard work.

In my long line of Conjurers I've had Faerie Dragon, Monkey, Cherub, Coyote, Upgraded Djinn, and Raven. After having Phase Wasp, I can say Phase Wasp wins in a landslide. OMG. Not only can this bad boy fly, but it can also tank, poison, regen super fast, and most importantly: REJOIN. It's absolutely astonishing just how helpful the rejoin command is. Anyone who understands the challenges of a familiar will understand how awesome it is to have the familiar called back to you with one command. I can't understate how awesome rejoin is.

I would use my Phase Wasp for all sorts of things. It's the best familiar I could have ever asked for. If anyone was wondering how I would gather all that gear for the newbies without leaving my guild: Phase Wasp. How would I keep an eye on the village from the comfort of the Spire: Phase Wasp. How would I slowly whittle down a really tough mob while reading about the Law: Phase Wasp. I couldn't have asked for a better ally, and that's before the upgrade. I don't want to go blabbing about the upgraded Phase Wasp, because it's clearly something the IMM's give out on their own, however... Let's just say: "Praise Ishuli!". :)


Prim was my first Tribunal or Arbiter ever. I'm sure it showed in many ways. It took me a long time to understand the dynamic of fighting at the Captain. I.E. who is allowed to fight there, and when is it a crime. I struggled with finding which law would apply to many situations. To the very end of Prim's life, I still had to type 'help law' before flagging someone, unless it was for murder. And for the life of me, I still can't use those goddamn pillars *fistshake*. They are simply beyond my comprehension.

However, my eyes have been opened to how many misconceptions there are when it comes to Tribunal. First of all, many of you don't understand what Tribunal leadership means. So many people would complain that I, Provost, wouldn't follow them wherever they ran when they were a criminal. They don't understand that it's the Vindicator's job to go chasing criminals outside the cities. The rest of the Magistrates, including the Provost, are ONLY concerned with the city itself. So if you leave the city, under no circumstances do I have to chase you anywhere. Ragers were the worst offenders of talking my ear off on why I didn't follow them into the underdark. That's just one, but I don't feel like ranting, so...

A few other things I learned: Lieutenants are awesome, getting paid for sitting in the city is very helpful, some resistances and vulnerabilities of guards, just how helpful manacles can be, how Tribunal leadership powers work, which leaders can see which hidden or camo'd players, and I'm sure I'm leaving out a bunch.

In the beginning of Prim's career, she didn't think she had a chance of becoming Provost, but when the time came to decide who would be Provost next, Prim surprised herself. She threw her own name into the hat. She didn't expect to be chosen, but she was. As Provost Prim tried to build a Spire of scholarly pursuit. In the end, that turned out to be a BUNCH of mages who applied and became Magistrates. That wasn't the intention, exactly, but it also wasn't NOT the intention. As such, the Spire became a place of study, sorcery, and learning. I felt things went very well as to the direction I pointed the Spire, and I couldn't be happier in my recruits. To the next Provost, you have some fantastic Magistrates and you should be set up for a long and illustrious career.

As for my hardships as Provost, I struggled with setting policy. Weirdly, for the most strict and Orderly of cabals, Tribunal has A LOT of stuff left up to interpretation. I was a bit overwhelmed with some of the things I needed to set policy on. In the very end, I got a handle on it, but then I croaked like a day later so... :(


Wow. Where to begin.

I rolled Primdella because of you, specifically. I've been a fan of yours for quite some time. Your efforts and hard work for this game have not gone unnoticed. I wanted to roll a follower of yours for a while now, but I was intimidated by the writing aspect of your religion.

When Prim first met you, she was a being of logic and science. The world of religion was so silly to her. Then, all of a sudden, she was face to face with a God of Knowledge. She was so intimidated, she was nervous and barely could get her words out. After that, she became sort of a groupie of yours. I even had Prim, intentionally, steal some parts of your style. When she met you the first time, she felt you weighed and measured her. Prim would then use this when she interviewed applicants. She also stole your logical approach. Theres a few other mannerisms that Prim directly and intentionally copied from you that I can't remember right now. But she did it out of love.

After playing over 750 hours as your follower, I wouldn't suggest a better religion for anyone! It's very complex, but also extremely simple. Do your work. Focus on your area of study and write your work. It's straight forward, but also very difficult because you want to do good work. Prim really wanted to please you, so she (and I, the player) stressed over what she would turn in to you. You were a true saint and patient advisor throughout the whole thing. I'm so glad I had a chance to provide something to your Library, and It was an honor to be trusted with your tattoo.

You also challenged the Provost in me. I greatly appreciate the time you spent debating law with me. Pushing me to become a better Provost and protector of the Law. You were also patient and understanding. I expected each mistake to be met with the iron fist, but you were far more than a punisher. You were a mentor and confidant. Thank you so much. You are Prim's Lady Ishuli, always. And from me, the player, you're the best IMM in the game. Easy.


Kira: Wow. I remember when you were just another young A-P trying to make it, and look at you now. Of Primdella's accomplishments, helping you become the A-P you are is one of her most cherished. You never backed down from any challenge. Not one! When Neajess had you easily beat, you figured out a way to fight back. When ragers were giving you trouble, you didn't give up, you fought back. You've managed to become the strongest A-P in the game because of hard work and diligence. You never back down from a fight, and you're strong in death or in victory. That's your strength. Your inability to be broken. Never forget it, and no matter what you'll be unstoppable.

Tristhana: Oh Tris. First and foremost, I'm sorry for my failure in understanding Tribunal Law when I chastised you. You didn't deserve my finger wagging. You weren't perfect, but you were a good Magistrate. I wish things had turned out different, but you've moved on to bigger and better things now, and I couldn't wish better on anyone. You're one of the best RP'd characters in the game, and your PK chops are coming along nicely. Best of luck.

Dollerveim: Wow. When I first inducted you, I thought you would be just a throwaway character. A nobody. I could never be happier to be wrong in my life. You turned into one of the strongest and most deep characters I've interacted with as Primdella. You're one of my heroes, so you know. Your ability to shrug off a death and keep trucking is a constant source of inspiration. And when you log on, there is a palpable shift in the game. Let's just say: People take notice.

Hikadata: Much like Dollerveim, I didn't expect much when I inducted you. And it took a while to understand the RP that you were going for, but now, OMG you're amazing. Very well and consistently RP'd and probably one of the top 10 PK'ers in the game right now. I wish you the very best.

Neajess: After playing against so many Shaapa A-P's, it was such a breath of fresh air to see a Fire A-P with RP and depth. You were one of my hero's, even though we were enemies. Thank you for the good times and good conversations. For a second, I thought you would be my true challenge in PK but our times never matched up. May your time as IMM prove fruitful. I'm rooting for you.

Gnimos: I wanted to shout you out again, because Prim took up some of your leadership style. Not a lot of it, but your strict nature and firm hand rubbed off on Primdella.

Nulgha, Burzbog, Zodslag: You orcs were a very fun and interesting bunch. We had an interesting and mutually respectable relationship. I wish you the best.

Englemaris: I'm so happy that Prim's final act was to help you find a powerful magical item, and then to go pray to her IMM and die looking over documents. I don't think there was a better way for Prim to go out than that. You clearly have a great understanding of the Invoker class, and I can't wait to see what you do with it. I wish we had more time together, but thems the breaks.

Ahinu: I wanted to go to your lecture, but I was busy. Please forgive me for that. You seem like a competent leader, and I believe the Empire is in good hands. Please try to work WITH the Spire. There are some awesome Magistrates out there. Best of luck.

Alendross: I really really respect Alendross a lot. You were always down for a fight and never backed down. You make Outlander's proud. Well done hunter.

Jormyr: Thank you for not killing me when I can to talk to you. I had hoped for more from us, but it was not to be. You made my book, by the way. I hope I did your religion some service. I meant it to be respectful not mean.

Ganndretia: You and I got off on the wrong foot, but by the end, I felt we were friends or at least acquaintances. Best of luck to you.

Socrag: I'm pretty sure I know who you are. If I'm right, we've interacted in many reincarnations of various characters. As always, your presence is very much appreciated and respected. I'm happy we got to hang out and enjoy each other's presence once again.

Asaigai: You are such a help when it comes to PK and scouting it can barely be overstated. You are an excellent Magistrate and I hope you become Provincial soon. I tried hard to get you there.

Karnver: You have a lot of excellent ideas for Tribunal. I hope you stick with it.

Sqrebik: Thank you for taking over as Record Keeper. Please stick with it. You are doing great, I promise.

Seraxan: You're going to become the next great Necromancer if you keep it up. Best of luck!

Galathaniel: I'm so glad I inducted you. You are such an excellent resource for Tribunal. I really appreciate the conversations we had, and I won't forget them.

Phelan: One of my biggest regrets is that I won't get to see you reach your full potential. I think you can do it! I'm rooting for you sooo hard. Give 'em hell.

Umbrand: Thank you for being an interesting and fun to talk to member of the Fortress. After playing so many Fortress characters, from the outside, Fortress looks kinda dull. But you, Umbrand, were anything but dull. Well done and best of luck.

That's it. If I missed you, please reply to this comment and I'll respond.

To all IMM's. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. What you do here may not be fully appreciated, but there are many of us who know how hard you work.

-k-b, aka Onya Stargaze, Parandalia Amberfoot, Eudessa Frostborn, Leitha Ar'Er, Cheyerre Page, Yanni Sunburst, Svelgurd Thickbeard, and many many more.

140696, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My favourite K-B character to date. Well done, you really added to the atmosphere and damn did you sustain some impressively long sessions!
140738, Thank you.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really pushing myself when I was close to age death because I didn't want to be one of those players that either putters out at the very end, or plays like 2 hours a week and lasts another 6 months. No, I wanted to go out with a bang so I was putting in like 10 hour sessions at the end.
140697, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Englemaris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I've played this game for many years, and you are one of the best leaders I've ever played with. Thanks for your help with you know what. As for the other characters you played, I knew Yanni the best. I am actually really rather oocily sad to see you go!
140739, That's high praise.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My leadership style, as Prim, was to help everyone around me in as many ways as I could and in as many different forms as possible as well. From helping to rank, to helping to understand law or policy, or gathering gear or wands. Prim felt that by building up those around her, not only would it benefit knowledge, magic, science and all that, but it would also benefit her as well.
140698, Age Death Impressive
Posted by Zydeki on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Between Clairvoyance, Clairaudiance, a flying familiar, tesseract, and Nightgaunt there was no place safe on the surface really. And even underground, I would still know where you are. It just becomes a game of do I want to go crawling around the underdark or wherever. If I wanted to, I could find someone within 5 or 10 minutes from the safety of my guild. Quite frankly, I really took it easy on my enemies. If I hadn't been so interested in RP, I could have made life truly hell for them. But who wants to be that guy?"

Think underestimates what guy was. Strong as hell, kept rabbit more than wolf.
140740, Our Characters didn't understand each other.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure I fully understand the rabbit and wolf comment, which is probably a great microcosm of our relationship. Prim just didn't get you, but that's ok. Best of luck. I'm sure you make a great impact on your allies.
140700, Very well done! (nt)
Posted by Kith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
140741, Thank you Kith.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our characters didn't interact much, but I felt there was a mutual respect. I was a bit frustrated when you would murder Magistrates in the skies, but when they're off duty... *shrug*.

Keep up the good work and make sure to keep those damned barbarians in check. :)
140703, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Socrag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this sucks, thanks for being a great friend, was awesome interacting with you. Great job, gonna be missed.
140742, Fun character
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always up for a good explore trip. Thanks for that and keep on being awesome.
140708, You were amazing, many will miss you.
Posted by Sqrebik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just would like to congratulate you for an amazing and well played character. I am glad I joined the Tribunals and had the chance to interact with you as an ally.

Great attitude in the game, great presence and very cool professor role.

Again, thanks for all.

140743, You're very welcome.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like your attitude. You've taken a few punches on the chin, but have gotten back up thus far. I hope you can keep it up. A-P is difficult with the big target on your back. I'm rooting for you!
140720, Had to go and step through that portal
Posted by Alendross on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could have at least fed Thar-Eris to make up for all your fighting against Her, ha! Very well done. You made things terrifying when you were on and I have seen a lot of positive things said about you. It's impressive to age die anyone, let alone a leader. I appreciate the kind words. GLWYN and we look forward to having you back in the fields.
140744, Thanks
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alendross was one of my favorite enemies. Best of luck.
140749, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Primdella was an outstanding scholarly persona who truly went out of her way to RP it. I loved watching your numerous little emotes as you read through library submissions, or as you wrote your own Tribunal notes – it all added a liveliness to her that was entirely first-rate. I pretty much never tired of listening to your dialogue with others, or catching you calmly looking down at your notepad while flipping through pages to read something, so outstanding job with dialogue and emotes.

Your study was a really interesting one – at first I was worried given how difficult it can be to “delve” into para-elemental things, but you hit the ground with insight and intelligence, including everything from places to creatures to gods. Huge props for being creative!

Debating law is one of the most fun parts of being Provost, and I actively tried to push you into the nuance of the law and considering the depths beyond outcome/consequence alone. I could feel at times you were cautious, or thought that I would just dictate and tell you what things “must be”. I liked feeling your exploration into the topics, and your development over time as you became more comfortable with it.

I sincerely enjoyed Primdella on multiple fronts. Great job on the amazing character from religion, to cabal, to personality.

Some random Prim-bits for fond memories:
Primdella looks down at her notepad, flipping back a few pages to look something over.
Primdella says 'Don't worry. I have a lovely memory. What I don't have written down is locked away up here.'
Primdella says to you 'I wish to be made Provost. I believe my neutrality on the issue will bring unity within the Spire.'

140752, Thanks a lot Ish.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've gushed enough over you, so I'll keep it simple.

I'm glad you liked my emotes. Emotes are my way of keeping invested in my character's surroundings or mindset. So instead of having my mind drift into the run around of CF, I use emotes to slow myself down and force myself to focus on where I am and who is around me in game.

The research was difficult because I didn't want to throw something together haphazardly. (I don't know if I spelled that word right. It feels right.) I wanted it to make sense and be as comprehensive as it could be. So I really tried to seek out ALL references to para-elements that I could and get it in there. There are still a few out there. I didn't touch on invokers and their abilities with para-elements because how old I was getting. I left some thoughts on other paths that the para-elements could open up, so who knows. Maybe someone else will finish what I started some day.

Thanks again. You the best.
140694, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Tristhana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Primdella was such a wonderful character and I'm so glad you stuck around for as long as you did. Your scholarly rp was always on point and your leadership skills were top-notch, and believable. I can't really speak to the decisions I made while in the Spire until Trist is dead, but I will say I have the utmost respect for you as a Provost.

You always made time for interviews, impromptu chats, and helping out others within the Spire. Primdella was a professor through and through - always willing to share her knowledge and pushing others to excel and embark on research of their own.

Bravo - you added so much to the game for so many people. Enjoy those drinks and some much needed rest, you've earned them.
140745, Thank you fo the kind words.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Prim really thought highly of Tris and wanted to see you succeed in any way she could. I would have liked for us to work together on the PK side a bit more at the end because I noticed you were branching out a bit more on that front. Anyways, I'm sure you'll keep on being awesome. You can't help it! Take care.
140693, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Primdella Stormwind the Para-Elemental Professor, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Nalasul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Will repeat what I said on Discord: I liked Primdella. When you started handing out "starter packs" to low-level mages, that was especially cool.
140746, Thanks Nalasul
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really fell in love with the 'sending' ability somewhere around the 200 hour mark of Prim. (I think it was somewhere around that time-period anyways)

I liked sending the crates because it felt like a special touch that a Conjurer could have that no one else really could. To have a package full of goodies just arrive out of nowhere. Even if most of the stuff went to throwaway characters, I'm sure I still reached a few who made good use of it. In fact, I ended up inducting a few!

I'm glad you noticed, and thanks for the kind words. I'll have to give your religion another shot one day. It was fun, but I didn't have the right character for it, I think.