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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Vrimold Orghel the Prideful, Imperial War Master
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=140627
140627, (CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Vrimold Orghel the Prideful, Imperial War Master
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Feb 7 12:59:20 2021

At 6 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Vrimold perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
140755, Funny how people may think that you're not a jerk...
Posted by a member of the Blade Sect on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Besides all his bla bla bla, Blkdrgn is the kind of player who can:

Ask a Blade 90 gold for a promotion. (wich is perfectly ok, the Emperor spot was vacant and big donations always look better for a Sect Leader)

Once he got the money, donated it and said he can't promote before 3h (dunno if this is true... never got a leader position in Empire) and since we both had a long session, we agreed to take care of the promotion next time we login.

Two days after, as soon as someone else is made Emperor, he goes con die himself without a single word to anyone (in game or on forum) about his incomplete bargain.

If this is not acting like a jerk, I don't know what it is...
140756, RE: Funny how people may think that you're not a jerk...
Posted by Blkdrgn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Promotions can only be once a day, and if it's who I think it is, I wanted to promote you but sadly the time limit was up.

I asked for the 90 gold because I needed to have the gold donated to promote you as well, which I fully and whole heartedly intended on doing. I actually only had you pay the difference of the promotion cost which was 250 gold just so you know.

My char was a jerk IC, but I don't ever try to make this game less fun for others, and sadly invokers and fortress are #### when you have the Macho flaw.

Sadly my con death was nothing against you, or to get out of a deal, and I understand your frustration, but a new warmaster, who was not my choice was made there, and I relayed that intent to at least one member in the 30 minutes I had left on my con death.

Sorry things didn't turn out well for you in that situation but that's what makes CF fun and volatile, also "Help Why"
140759, I wish he had done this on purpose
Posted by Gaspare Gnazzo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I certainly wouldn't ever fault an Imperial who rips off another Imperial, so long as it isn't done in violation of the law.

Y'know why?

Because the Empire is a whole cabal full of jerks. And if one of them isn't a jerk, well, either they're destined for the Anathema heap or they're so good at pretending they're not a jerk that they're the worst kind of jerk.

They don't always keep promises, and they never just pay it forward. There's a reason you have to be orderly and evil to join.

140769, But...but...Team Evil... nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
140770, This is...
Posted by Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A most funny comment I've read in years on officials. Please, post more!
140648, RE: (CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Vrimold Orghel the Prideful, Imperial War Master
Posted by Maeneekoni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our very limited interaction were a bloody affair, but Mae liked them very much. I wish we could've talked more..but you were rather busy being prideful and angry steamrolling your enemies! GLWYN.
140643, Vrimold the manliest of men and was the sin of pride in the flesh
Posted by Blkdrgn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Twice now I have thoroughly enjoyed the roles that Rahsael has given me, and really wanted to make it stand out that basically I was what I was and there was no changing it in both regards of Lyrentia and now Vrimold.

Rahsael - I am grateful for you allowing me to be another character in your play in CF. I enjoy these and even though I was fairly hesitant due to outside forces to participate in this one, I'm glad I got too. I can't wait to see the big plot opening up soon, it's always quite exciting. Sucks life became busy because I'm always wanting more as it always results in upgrading and changing the dynamic of the characters, even though this role and events were f'd up.

Morius - I have followed you for many sins, but pride I have now done twice. While I enjoyed Ogae and pride, I felt like I fulfilled pride on a whole new level with Vrimold. Also, OMG, first tat, best tat, that virginity was taken by you lol. I wish I could have saw you more around the end but, we all have lives outside of CF so I do understand. I just hope I was your pride and joy and the living embodiment of the sin pride. Out of the three fathers I had, you were the Father that actually made me into the man I became.

Tris - Vrimold was grizzled, and hated women with the deepest of hateful passion, because his pride was hurt and broken so early in his life. You managed to be the only female that Vrimold respected and even cared about especially in the end, and the reason why Vrimold became a lot less reckless, because it was something was almost a comfort in his life. Our start was rocky but I enjoyed how it played out.

Dollerveim - You were so vicious early in age, which I got it, I was a bully, and you hated bullies. But it was fun that I could bully you for a little bit at least. We worked together later on, due to our predisposition to order, so that was neat for what it's worth.

Ahrloire - Wish we could have interacted more but, your times seemed to fade a bit but man did it feel good to bully you early on, then you started pushing my #### in lol.

Empire - Ahh, I always love playing in this cabal. It has it's interesting dynamics for leadership and really enjoy the dogma of the cabal.

Zraldar - Glad we could work together late in your life, you seemed to be alone a lot so I'm glad I could help you a bit with the Fortress horde.

Ahinu - I'm not happy that you got Emperor, which leads me to believe I was being played by the other council members, sadly I died before I could handle that in a way only Vrimold could. Wish the best though, assassin Emperor is a scary thing, but I feel like you should try to claw more than go for them one shots. Your char is a beast and do work for sure.

Laq - You was my main dude for all the PK fun we had. We started messing up people when we worked together which was great fun. You had interesting RP too and Vrimold enjoyed what we accomplished for sure.

Phelan - I hope you can accomplish it, you seem like a solid go getter for sure and I hope I helped you a bit. Keep trucking for sure, though I am quite aware of the difficulties of Spectra life.

Vantwiss - Wish you could have been on more, we could have done some dirty things as a healer in Empire is always dope. I feel a little betrayed, but hey, that's Empire for you.

Fortress - Overall, you made Vrimold's life brutal. Your numbers just skyrocketed and I lost a lot of con due to macho and quicksand, or lag.

Ganndretia - My mortal enemy, oh How I wanted you so dead always, but as for metagaming, your build was just brutal against mine! I enjoyed the banter and I when I did get you, oh how the crimson aura of pride shined like a blood star. I hated you so very much as Vrimold, but it was all in fun in all regards. Too bad I didn't put your filthy wench arse in a ditch more often.

Ubekoz - Tough Foe for sure and near the end when you became leader, you were a tough fight, but I enjoyed those last few encounters we had fighting it out.

Umbrand - Vrimold didn't have a father, you were the next father figure in his life, and you were an utter failure in his eyes. So all I had was myself and my pride that I had built up through what I accomplished. Killing you was all so satisfying, especially with how sturdy you were and difficult killing. Having no dad, and then you being someone I could remember failing me as a father just made me want to go after you more because defeating you was even more proof that you were worthless in Vrimold's eyes and like any son, they always want to stand up to their dad especially when they don't agree with them, was a fun dynamic to play out.

Invokers - Ugh, almost as bad as chamo outlanders with insects when trying to retrieve. Just not an enjoyable experience, but I have done it before and I know the appeal, but your class in Fortress is definite a punch to the gut when you are playing a class without a way of escaping/negating dispel, especially more so on a macho flawed char.

Lonfedric - We didn't RP much, but I did enjoy the fights. I was so mad you were just stalking me when I ate that fillet because it always seemed to hit me at the worst times but I'd do the same in your situation.


Kira, Prim and Tris were the ones I really interacted with. Had some fun with trying to kill our common enemies Kira, and Prim your gold early on was so great for fending off those pesky savages.


Nateh - Our language barrier made it kind of difficult to RP with, but for the most part, you were solid and fun to fight, though assassins in trance are always just a PITA to deal with.

Halimar - Tough gnome! I was hoping to just cross you to death, but never really having cursed weapons made you a fearsome little #### when you'd offhand and then wreck my #### lol

Tyll - Fun fights we did have, and it was a big boost to Vrimold's pride killing you when you were commander. Regardless you were a tough battle and pretty sturdy for a wood-elf


Zydeki - After the few fights where I could lash you and prevent you from casting too much, we didn't fight much after. I feel with your paths you could be way more offensive and destroy so much more.

Tissie - You were outlander, and besides being just someone Vrimold was an enemy too, we didn't interact much. But, it's hard to talk with people when they sit in the bushes, so I get how it would have felt forced to talk. I did want to torment you more just to mess with Lonn.

Alendross - Man, you were surprisingly tough even out of the wilds. Your build just wrecked me, so when I did manage to get you those times, it was quite pleasing to Vrimold, bolstering his pride but you have a scary build for sure.

Mae - We didn't have much interaction, but when I heard about some things you were doing I wanted to get you, but we never really quite mixed it up much, so really felt limiting on our interactions.

This was fun overall, and even though there are some trolls out there that definitely make enjoying this game fun at times, I enjoy it and is why I keep coming back, for the most part. Again, Rahsael, always a pleasure to be a character in your plays.

140650, RE: Vrimold the manliest of men and was the sin of pride in the flesh
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When this started, I didn't expect you to go out so fast!

You really did a great job, being an evil jerk without being an actual jerk. You also mixed it up a ton and that's good for the game. It was a pleasure to have you along for the ride, just as it was last time. I figured this would be a 180 from Lyrentia, and it was, to some extent. Maybe next time I'll give you a Herald healer so you'll survive the whole challenge!

I joke, but in all seriousness, well done and thanks so much for making Vrimold such a memorable character.
140653, RE: Vrimold the manliest of men and was the sin of pride in the flesh
Posted by Ahrloire on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were alright, for a prick. ;)

I enjoyed all the times we got to talk and fight. Great job, man.
140656, RE: Vrimold the manliest of men and was the sin of pride in the flesh
Posted by Umbrand on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you wanted that kill bad, and I know I was a hard target to pin down. I took a few extra risks there hoping if anyone got the KB, it was you.

IC, you were probably the most frustrating of the "problem children". I guess because I could see why you went bad, but at the same time there wasn't anything I could do to win your trust. And you were really eager about absolutely hating me, which made it even harder.

I really liked your character though.. you perfectly threaded that needle of being an evil, obnoxious bastard without making the game less fun for the people interacting with you. That's tough to do, so very well done.

I've been legit worried about your con death for probably a month now. Sad to see it happen when things seem to be wrapping up, but I suppose there's worse ways to go.
140660, RE: Vrimold the manliest of men and was the sin of pride in the flesh
Posted by Azorinne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vrimold was cool, a consistent total bastard, but in such a pleasant way it was impossible not to love him for it. Nice work!
140662, RE: Vrimold the manliest of men and was the sin of pride in the flesh
Posted by Blkdrgn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Literally and figuratively lol!
140663, Lion's sin of Pride
Posted by Ubekoz Dawnblessed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job getting out there and mixing it up. I kept seeing your name on the twitter feed, so I knew you were going fast but I didn't realize how fast. Hope you enjoyed the time and you find another to try before long. GLWYN
140669, Well done.
Posted by Dollerveim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did great from what I saw. Always fighting despite some rough odds and unfortunately dying. That macho flaw is extremely rough in a lot of situations. I think people don't get just how bad it can be without the ability to word away. Was hoping to see you finish this out but the brightest stars tend to burn out the quickest. Well done again.
140728, RE: Vrimold the manliest of men and was the sin of pride in the flesh
Posted by Zraldar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed a Vrimold a lot and was glad to see you get a shot at war master after I was gone. I dig your play style and think you are the type of player that makes the game better for everyone
140641, RE: (CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Vrimold Orghel the Prideful, Imperial War Master
Posted by Nalasul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were balls to the wall. No doubt "helped" by the macho flaw, but still. Looking forward to your PBF!
140636, RE: (CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Vrimold Orghel the Prideful, Imperial War Master
Posted by Tissie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You know you were one I really WANTED to interact with, just damn timing. The 2 encounters was always after something bad and I really did not have the energy sadly to pump up the interaction. To that I am sorry :(

The other problem was trying to figure out HOW to start an encounter with you on my side...it felt kind of forced and not organic so I just kind of let it slid for too long and now its too late.

Great job with what I saw, and you were always trucking along!
Good luck on next!
140633, RE: (CON LOSS) [EMPIRE] Vrimold Orghel the Prideful, Imperial War Master
Posted by Tristhana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

How far we came from you threatening to kill me on sight.

It was a wonderful journey and I'm happy I could spend time with someone who burned so brightly. Pride always came first for you and you had your macho antics and beard providing support.

You'll be missed, GLWYN.