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The Battlefield | Topic subject | (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tylluan the Legend of the Battlefield, Commander of Battle | Topic
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140518, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tylluan the Legend of the Battlefield, Commander of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jan 18 11:50:35 2021
At 5 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness on the Theran calendar Tylluan perished, never to return.Race: | wood-elf | Class: | warrior | Level: | 51 | Alignment: | Neutral | Ethos: | Neutral | Cabal: | BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic | Age: | 463 | Hours: | 314 |
140523, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tylluan the Legend of the Battlefield, Commander of Battle
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks everyone for a great experience again. Tylluan was primarily rolled up to explore, and test out a less suicidal build and playstyle. There were so many times I was like, man bloodthirst here and let's just see what happens, but I couldn't. It was spear/mace fluid/space defender. Incredibly survivable in most situations, and I surprised even myself at how well I did in certain scenarios. I was generally able to defend against 3, 4, 5, or even 6 enemies inside the village fairly easily, and I somehow managed to escape a number of gangs outside the village as well. I did a much better job of being aware how bad manacles crushes your dex than I did previously, so I'm sure that helped alot. The roleplay was a lot different as well, and I enjoyed it, but wish I would have been able to develop certain parts more. It's just tough once you get into the flow of raiding/defending/gathering veil items, but all in all a lot of fun. Thanks again everyone, you're all awesome.
IMMS - Once again. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are all awesome, thanks again for all the time and effort you put into this game, even you Nalasul.
Panmorne - What a blast. I wish I would have been a little more needy and maybe I could have gotten you to offer that substantial step BEFORE I started a big holy war. I was really stumped on what I could do. I had an idea, but it would have been more "Tylluan's legacy" than specific to the war I think. Thanks again, it really was a lot of fun to interact and playing the thoughtful leader as opposed to Graevnik's "do what I say or I'll kill you" was a nice change of pace.
Nalasul - No you may not have one of my eyes. Thanks for being you, and entertaining my ideas of sneakery. You're a great presence for the village and the game generally.
BATTLE - I hope I made it fun for all of you, I really tried to give a completely different vibe as a leader, I tried to be encouraging, caring, etc. Like I real-life leader should be. It was really close to breaking over the line into being the "power cabal," then we had a few key deletes. Oh well, still lots of fun. Thanks.
Majrin - Really sorry to hear about the family stuff, I was so excited to have someone to drag me around to explore, as a big part of the reason I rolled Tylluan was to explore more. Hopefully you can get back in the fields sooner rather than later. Great job.
Nateh - Good luck with the pack of savages. Keep up the mage killing. We started to get to fight together more as things picked up, I think we could have done big things. Great work.
Halimar - Always fun rolling with you and your third leg. Wish you had more time to be around more consistently.
Dinrehle - I hate you for deleting. Thanks for helping push this character at the right time, really helped with the development.
Feldscren - Great job, a lot of fun, especially realizing that no one had ever given you the birds and the bees talk. You did an amazing job of playing a wide-eyed kid kind of thrust into the world.
Veldren - Excellent job, really enjoyed the role play and great job winning the tournament.
Ansellus - Also a really good job, wish we would have matched up a bit more to learn more about your backstory and stuff.
Sroic - Really wish you would have been around more and we had more interaction, enjoyed it.
Rhayze, Guib, Taroond, Bryn, and anyone else I'm forgetting, really stand up group, lots of fun to play with.
Zraldar - Great work, a lot of fun political stuff and some good fights, especially defending the village against you and the horde.
Kithervroy - What a bad matchup for me. Great work, tough fight.
Dollerveim - Good on you for getting out and mixing it up. Piles of fun fights and it could always go either way right up until the end.
Tristhana - Got you once I think! Really tough to nail down, hope to get to fight you more in the future.
Kira - Really glad to pull that kill off on you in the sewers, other than that just fought you in groups, nice work.
Asaigai - Fun fights, really had to stay on my toes fighting you.
Derrideigh - Lots of fun running around and exploring, our times rarely matched later in life and I think we were both pretty busy. Great work and keep it up!
Ckhjorh - Funny that we were so friendly after you and Graevnik were at eachother's throats from the jump. Great work and I hope you are able to stick out your new path.
Ubekoz & Easlzo - Both mid-rank travelling buddies where things again fell off later. Hope you both have fun and do well with your goals going forward.
I know I'm forgetting people, so just holler and I'll respond. Thanks again for all the fun.
See you in the fields.
Igsoeh Darkstorm Aelisoc Venator Jeir Govanion Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin Kale Jast Kyrilos Divumarchos Zaahir al-Salil Hraustr Halvard Isidoros Ironwing Odrallag Ashhorn Uhgtohg Raazmik Amahrohtar Hleowloran Olethros Oleuni Graevnik Uor'Luja and now Tylluan
140530, Wanted to fight you
Posted by Neajess on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You looked like a badass. I wanted to get a fight in but our playtimes didn't line up this time around. I saw you come to the weald one time but I was fighting Ckjorh and I think you just walked off for parity?
See you with your next rager? 😉
140524, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tylluan the Legend of the Battlefield, Commander of Battle
Posted by Zraldar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It feels much more amusing to me now that you finally accepted the deal I offered to Graevnik when I was trying to build my anti-spire alliance.
Anyway, I got to fight against you for pretty much the entirety of Zraldar's life and enjoyed all three incarnations I encountered immensely. See if we ever end up on the same side.
140531, In my opinion
Posted by Kith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tylluan was much tougher than Graevnik
140539, Well done, may the Light guide your next.
Posted by Ubekoz Dawnblessed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our interactions and thought you did really well as Commander. It's very refreshing to meet another player who doesn't play as conservative as many others do these days. Keep them coming and pumping life into Cabal Wars. GLWYN.
140540, Thieving bandit!
Posted by Panmorne on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell, didn't have a damned clue you were so close to dying! Far as I'm concerned, dying is a substantial step so you can consider that quest as damned well completed.Spose one good thing is now my tomatoes won't be stolen anymore but I'll miss you all the same. Swell job with your war and with the Village, had a hell of a time watching you in the rites.
140542, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tylluan the Legend of the Battlefield, Commander of Battle
Posted by Socrag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never once got you, a very annoying but great defender. Good job
140520, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Tylluan the Legend of the Battlefield, Commander of Battle
Posted by Nalasul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thumbs up!
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