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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Alisani Sanaai the Scholar of Light and Law, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=140331
140331, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Alisani Sanaai the Scholar of Light and Law, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 16 11:49:38 2020

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Alisani perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
140333, Farewell Friends!
Posted by Alisani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's kind of weird posting goodbyes nowadays considering I feel like they already all get handled over in discord. But, for historical purposes, I had a blast on Alisani and really enjoyed all of you. I always have an OOC goal of making CF a better place with every character I play now, and I feel like I accomplished that. I'll respond if you have a comment or are curious about anything, otherwise I will say goodbye to a small handful and exit gracefully :)

Gnimos - I hate that you're unclaimed, but I touted you to everyone as one of the greatest leaders I ever had. I'm kind of blown away by all the negative. But, you were a divisive leader (in a good way) and did things out of the norm and had complete thought processes to back it all up; I appreciated how well you did that. Thanks for all the fun.

Zraldar - Ali had such a soft spot for you. I liked that we set the foundation of respect in our RP and then just started battling from there. I hate that it was always a stalemate, but thanks for always being willing to fight.

Delko - I haven't been assassinated for so long :( I saw you in Thar-acacia that night like 4 times on where (I was assuming you were vanishing) but I had an out of range guy with me. I sanctified a room and was going to word out, but I was like oh well... I'll just rush him and see what happens, and sure enough you smoked me :P grats on that, it's one of the most fun things in CF.

Alendross - I liked that you'd always RP with me for fun banter. I think at first you thought I was being a bitch to you, but we met on Ali's "emotional" week and I think you figured it out :P

Primdella - You were a fascinating wizard of extraordinary magical talents to Ali. She had so much respect for you and I'm so glad with how everything worked out.

Silvia - I knew that we'd be best friends for 3 days and then you'd disappear, damn water shifters, but it didn't hurt any less! Thanks for all our fun.

Jisko - I'd say you were Alisani's best friend in game. We sure had some great adventures and times. I'm sorry I couldn't hang out as much toward the end, I wanted to so badly and I missed you but after Ali saw you with Birbmwn on a journey mixed with you getting wanted, she lost her faith in you.

Itzenxilaatl - Loved the RP. I've known you for quite some time and I'm glad that I am always able to roll with the way you do things... even though I do think you'd shine so much more if thinking about gear punishments were removed from your repertoire (which Ali never saw ever, just speaking generally). When you were RP'ing about turning my courier into a zombie with my research, I was dying laughing at all your comments; thanks for the good times buddy.

Tahjih - I'm so glad you appeared in the Spire to help me! I was so alone as the only goodie for so long. When I realized how quality of a character you were I instantly envisioned us as the bash brothers on D2 mighty ducks and away we went as buddies. Thanks for teaching me those little tricks!

Ishuli - Like I told you... Eshval is my favorite IMM of all time for interactions and you just replaced her for me. You do an incredible job of making who you are come to life. Thank you so much for everything you did for me between rewards, gifts, and interactions. You singlehandedly made Alisani worth it. I'll have a hard time not following you again, but knowing I have to do another research project maybe will make me wait one or two characters :P <3

If I'm being realistic, Alisani reignited a love of CF in me again and there's no way I can stay away, at least for now. So, I will just see you all soon once more. Thanks again!
140334, Rest well Oath-Taker
Posted by Alendross on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sad I didn't get to experience more of Alisani. What few times I tried to get some banter going it seemed to come across not at all how he intended, which is fine since we were enemies. He just took you for a no-nonsense aggressive orderly type that fell in line perfectly with Gnimos' regime. GLWYN.
140335, Impressive
Posted by Prim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was an absolute pleasure to have a chance to get to know Alisani. Primdella thought very very highly of Alisani because of her devotion to scholarly pursuits. It would have been very nice to have gone on a few more adventures, but at least we got the time we did.

Your characters really bring the game to life. It's obvious that you put a lot of effort forth into making the game fun for others. I really hope to see you back soon. Take care.

- Primdella Stormwind
140344, RE: Farewell Friends!
Posted by Ariendil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Alisani very much. She was a very well thought out character. I'm glad to hear you're rolling something new.

See you in the fields!
140436, Sorry for late reply
Posted by Zraldar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Been lazy about finding my login data. We had good fights and good discussions which is a great place to be. Sorry to hear about the reasons for your deletion and I have missed having you around. Hope you have found your footing with something else.