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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Cedany Talandren the Artsy Chronicler of Engaging Intrigue, Painter of the Eternal Star
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=140227
140227, (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Cedany Talandren the Artsy Chronicler of Engaging Intrigue, Painter of the Eternal Star
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 2 17:05:13 2020

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Cedany perished, never to return.
Cabal:HERALD, the Heralds of the Eternal Star
140229, Some Art Stuff!
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to post some of my paintings here in case anyone wants to see them. I needed a hobby for Cedany once she started getting hit hard with imposter syndrome about the Fortress. She was depressed, moody, and not doing so great. I did want to explore what it would look like for someone to learn how to draw over a few hundred IC years. A lot of the sketches and paintings are amateur, silly, or completely mis-proportioned. This is by design as I didn’t want Cedany to be amazing until she really practiced. No ASCII paintings were included, and I left out a bunch because of active characters and such. I grouped them by type.

1. Metamorphosis Series - Where Cedany tries to depict herself and her struggles and ends up painting herself as a skeleton. Oops.

2. Character Paintings - Sketches and paintings of characters that Cedany liked, hated, or found interesting.

3. Religion Paintings - To various Immortals because they upset and/or inspired her. (Morius, Rahsael, Daphedee, & Einoh).

4. Halloween Painting Scavenger Hunt - Whiysdan wanted Cedany to paint something spooky. This is a series of paintings that were based on the Halloween Inn and reskinned NPCs within it (featuring the haunted groom/bride). The idea was, you’d start at one painting and get clues to the location of the next until you got to the end.
140228, Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, so my first character is dead, time to roll another, byeeee!

Just kidding. There's always time for one extra long writing project, right? I wanted to start by explaining who Cedany was.

I needed this character to have a bland background story. It really sucks to join a mud, read the lore, make a badass character and then get called out because you misunderstood or overlooked something. Worse still is when no one calls you out and you find out a few hundred hours later that your backstory makes no damn sense. So yeah, Cedany was a medic turned healer of Einoh from an undisclosed elf village in 'the forests'. *So* exciting!

Her personality was where I had a little more freedom. I envisioned her to be typically elven in terms of her arrogance and intelligence, but a bit atypical in how she displayed it. Given that she knew so little of the world, she wasn't comfortable debating someone verbally, so all of her elven pride came out in letters. Beyond that, she was naive, stubborn, overly trusting, and driven by emotion (sorry Einoh). Critically, Cedany didn't want to be seen as being like the other elves by non-elves - she feared that others wouldn't let her in to help them. Even with that self-imposed distance, she was never really confident in herself and that was emphasized when she met other elves from Darsylon that were so knowledgeable (thanks, Ariendil!) They were the true elves, she was an imposter.

In her attempt to live up to being a true goodie like all the other elves, she joined the Fortress before she could really think on it, even though she was strongly attracted to the Heralds too. This led to a lot of internal chaos as she tried to learn about others and manage the expectations of her faith. There were hundreds of years where she truly felt it was possible to find some common link between all mortals. But the issue with talking to people and being overly trusting is that the lines start to blur. Cedany ended up leaving the Fortress after a bizarre raid where she ended up healing Maere and as hard of a decision as it was to make OOC, I realized I wouldn’t be true to the character I envisioned if I stayed.

The stress led Cedany to take up painting and eventually join the Heralds and the story continued from there. There are a lot of characters and events that influenced the trajectory of Cedany’s life. I never had a 100% set in stone path planned for her given that she was such an imperfect character. As for who characters who left an impact on Cedany (both good and bad), thank you. To those of you who welcomed me as a new player in both the game and the Discord, thank you. It was rough at the start, but I’m glad I toughed it out because the larger story I got to play a part in was magical. Names for specific people (but not all) can be found below. Immortals are first, then mortals. I was going to alphabetize these but then I didn’t. Ctrl + F or scroll

Daphedee: When I read your religion I thought ‘Huh that’s a cool religion and she sounds cool for an Immortal’ and I was right. Your presence was what reminded Cedany to maybe not be so terribly worried all the time. Your stories were wonderful and really showed Cedany that she doesn’t need to be a perfect elf (not that she was anywhere close). Thanks for being there for Herald!

Jormyr: Do you know how many cool/cold/ice puns I had to purposefully not say around you? Your millstone story was absolutely delightful and really pushed the boundaries of what I thought storytelling could be IC. Had a moment of sheer OOC mortal terror as I typed: “No, you can’t” in relation to you killing the Inn Guard. I was in character, but I was going deep down the proud elf side of the character. Yikes.

Morius: Well, as one of the first Imms Ced interacted with other than Einoh, you really set the tone for what amazing Immteraction could be for me in CF. I didn’t really expect to meet any other imms IC other than Einoh (ever), and then there’s Morius, chilling in the bar, casually talking about ripping a limb off my poor character. I was anxious, making in the moment contingency plans for a one armed healer, and glued to my screen all at once. And then there were the dread books... Your faith (and Mebbar in particular) called to Cedany in a way that I didn’t really expect and there was a solid IRL week where Ced was one step away from walking down that path. You’re superb and I can’t wait to make a Morius follower at some point!

Nalasul: I had an image of what I thought Nalasul would be like and I was dead wrong! It was wonderful (and rather scary) to meet the goddess who had tried to kill Einoh. While our interaction was short, it had this slight edge to it where I was distinctly uncomfortable OOC and IC (in the good way).

Rahsael: Alright, first off, how dare you. Gristal ball. I gasped out loud because it was the wittiest and most painful thing that anyone could have imagined and I wasn’t expecting it all. IC Cedany talked a lot about sadism but every trip to the cathedral felt like Masochism and poor decisions 101. I absolutely loved all the facets of your religion that I saw even though my character was stubbornly ignorant and hated it. You balanced malice, understanding, and actual lessons wonderfully and I kind of wished Cedany wasn’t so upset and fixated on the one part she hated. Healers though, smh. I appreciate all the interactions and I cannot wait to make a follower of Rashael at some point!

Whiysdan: The anchor of Herald chat, and a name that inevitably made me smile whenever I saw you were visible. You also had some of the coolest followers, and I think that’s a testament to your religion and the types of RP it inspires in people. While a lot of Cedany’s life was spent with me reacting to various ic ‘annoyances’, you made me laugh more than any other Imm.

Einoh: Thank you for all the interactions, patience, and *very* careful explanations. When you had to explain the whole Becoming thing, I distinctly remember thinking “Man, if I wasn’t a complete newb at this game, we probably wouldn’t be dealing with good vs evil ABCs”. Alas. Much like Nalasul, I had an idea of what I expected Einoh to be. I was intimidated by the religion at the onset - especially after I decided to make an emotional character. I didn’t expect Einoh to be so relatable and even funny. You rolled with the punches in terms of Cedany’s bizarre life trajectory and always had a lesson or two to impart about goodness and morality that really shaped who she was.

Gaspare: Your religion entry was one of the helpfiles that really sold me on CF and I was super curious to see what Gaspare was like. (I panicked at how difficult it sounded for a first character, of course). While other immortals might have inspired hope or made me laugh, you won the unofficial contest for absolutely terrifying me. Having Gaspare show up at the Inn was the only time I considered wording out of an encounter. I didn’t really think you could be all that expressive with a skeleton, but your emotes were creepy and perfectly conveyed where you were on the ‘Is Gaspare about to throw a scalpel at you?’ scale. Absolutely masterful rp backed by a haunting story - thank you for the interactions.

Padwei: While we didn’t interact much while Cedany was in the Fortress, I really appreciated the chat at your shrine. It really shaped how she approached the last years of her life as well as how she coped with her perceived failures.

Ishuli: I'm rarely left at a loss for words or emotes when RPing. During our one IC encounter the scrutiny, (spot on) judgment, and whispered assessments just had me staring at my screen in a minor panic. As a result, Cedany had a great deal of respect for Ishuli followers (even if she wondered about their sanity).


Gristal: How could you delete?!? Okay, with that said, I wanted to emphasize that Ced's initial RP with you and Rarywey was what cemented me sticking it out in CF. Additionally, your suicide ended up being a huge point of character development for Cedany. Wonderfully played - I wish I could have seen more of you!

Rarywey: What is there to say about the character who influenced Cedany's life the most? Your characterization of Rary was so real that I couldn't help but to be drawn in. Cedany learned so much and truly found her place in the world because of all the time she spent with Rarywey. I cannot say enough about the quality of the rp and the sheer charisma Rarywey exuded. You kept me playing CF at the start and then made the near 800 hours I had on this character an absolute blast.

Ariendil: Cedany’s first Fortress friend, confidant, and eternal arguing buddy. I would have never thought two characters with the same faith could get into so many polite arguments where they disagreed so vehemently, but we sure did. Above and beyond the wonderful RP (which was ever present), I wanted to thank you for being patient with what was clearly a new player. You never gave me any funny looks (even when I didn’t know much Darslyon, oops), and the amount of CF lore/knowledge you have is astounding and inspiring. I always smiled when I saw you on the who list and I was so proud and happy when you finally got the tattoo and title. You so deserved it!

Birbmwn: Cedany’s most bizarre friend that managed to teach her a lot more than she thought was possible… an infuriate her to a degree I didn’t realize existed. Birbmwn was perfectly chaotic and by the point where I thought I was starting to understand the character, you gave Cedany those gender-changing grapes. :( Still, I wouldn’t trade the interactions for anything. Well done, you loss leech!

Maeneekoni: Cedany was perpetually worried about Mae… and Mae was… perpetually Mae. It was almost laughable how much Cedany tried to understand about Mae and how little she ended up understanding. While your RP was vague at times, you were so very consistent that I couldn’t help but to be drawn into it and always wanting more. Great job, High Priestess!

Primdella: Primdella was definitively THE super cool researcher and conjurer for Cedany. Oh, and provincial too, if that wasn't enough. I'm sad they didn't get to interact more, because the Battlerager Appreciation Day and talks in the library made me realize just how much personality Primdella had that I hadn't yet seen. Can’t wait to read your research eventually!

Kira: The most interesting anti-paladin, bar none. When I reached out for an interview, I was expecting some bland and vaguely evil answers. The replies I got showed me just how much I was missing, and you emphasized that in the spooky stories event as well. A wonderfully intriguing character all around. Please keep the seaweed pouch, it’s absolutely amazing.

Vondersita: Cedany's best adventuring buddy - Vondersita, the dragon-slayer, bestower of shields. I said it before, but I really did learn so much from you. Cedany took the loss of Vond exceptionally hard and ended up suffering through alcohol poisoning for around three days straight.

Gnimos: I’m sad Gnimos and Cedany ended up sort of falling out of their friendship. I actually remember the exact moment - when Gnimos started going off about Rarywey’s poem, Cedany just kind of distanced herself. While Gnimos’ chaos hating ways were infuriating for Cedany, I can say that you were perfectly consistent about your Orderly RP. I learned so much from you and you really helped me learn so much about the game and the world.

Narra: Narra sure is a spooky old bat. All of Cedany's interactions with Narra were tiring… in the good way. Trying to understand Narra or any of the vague statements she made was an exercise in futility, but one I enjoyed greatly. Kudos to you for such a long lived character that was so consistent with rp.

Zodslag: I still have nightmares about the first time I saw all those shawtabbies. I also have some regrets about chasing you in the Fortress and getting absolutely destroyed. While we didn't interact much, you were a classy foe that terrified the hell out of me.

Ollmurath: A fellow artist! I was always hoping I'd see more of your work. I wanted to positively be drowning in paintings about the crown and everything else your mind came up with. Still, you were the High Priest so I know you had a lot on your plate. Fun interactions and wonderful debates on the Empire.

Graevnik: I already added my thoughts to your death thread, but I wanted to highlight how intriguing of a character you created here. I remember logging off and thinking "Who the hell sets their role in the Pine Forest? Will he ever figure out why he's in Arkham? The people (read: me) need answers!"

Neajess: You were definitely Cedany's favorite villain for the longest time. Neajess was consistently witty, evil, and mysterious. I'm still upset you finally got me in my guild. This is why you don't eat lunch while CFing. Still, it was a great chimichanga and I have no regrets. Except for that second death to the medallion… that was shameful. Also, I have never been more terrified of a ‘Boo’ in my life. The Inn was Cedany’s safe space!

Itz: While some of your interactions have rubbed people the wrong way, I appreciated how consistently arrogant, infuriating, and evil you were. You never wavered in how proud you were and you were incredibly terrifying to fight.

Ydane: One of my favorite shifters even though we didn't interact much. Cedany was never safe with you around, and I enjoyed our brief back and forth.

Khelic: Imagine my shock when I found out that guilds aren't safe. I didn't even know what a cavefisher was. (I assumed it was like a mutated underdark crawdad… and I still do, I haven't read a desc for them). That was one of my funniest deaths on Cedany.

Tikkidy: You are the reason Cedany didn't have a goodie kill, and a huge reason I was able to hit hero so quickly. Thanks for being such an amazing ranking partner and for being endlessly patient with a new player. I would still think of Tikkidy whenever I gated to Pirpin.

Darreth: We didn't interact much but I really wanted to thank you for the help when I was like level 2. Having someone else reach out with items is what you hope for in a new mud, because it tells me that people aren't just focused on themselves and their own char.

Skjarl: Another one of my endlessly patient early companions. Thank you for all you taught me and for rolling with my super shaky early RP. The effort you put into helping me was another one of the reasons I stayed with CF. Playing the early game in a new MUD is always hard. Players like you who take the time to go above and beyond to help newbies are the heart of the game.

Minako: You were going to be Ced's greatest adversary! Where did you go?? Loved the insults and Minako's general vibes.

Jisko: I can’t say too much since Jisko is still active other than the fact that I wish he would have shown up many years earlier. I feel like Cedany could have learned so much and done so much more with him if it had been the case. I find Jisko’s personality and motives to be an intriguing mystery and I cannot wait to see how it all ends up for you. Thank you for your help and the fun (if somber) RP. Keep being valiant!

Aynwinria: When I wrote that initial letter to Aynwinria, I really wasn’t expecting such a great conversation. Your RP was superb and I always wish I was online at the same time as you more often so we could explore and chat more. Ayn was an inspirational leader, teacher, and follower of Einoh. I was happy when you got the tattoo because you really never wavered. Seeing your conversation with the mercenary healer at the lake was really a huge moment for Cedany. Thank you for all you did!

Frondiza: Thank you so much for ranking with me and being so patient. I was sad when you stopped logging in as much, but I am endlessly appreciative of your help early on.

Maere: I appreciated that you took the time to talk to Cedany when you were clearly far more interested in having her experience Loss (by way of painful murder). Fighting you early on was one of my silliest PK memories. I was at -1400 mana when the spores finally wore off. People kept telling me how to fix the spores… when I had no mana and you were still actively chasing me. Oh, I also had no idea where the Frigid Wastelands were.

Olethros: Thanks for not going absolutely ballistic when I blessed you the first time we met. I was just so excited to be able to help people, and you were an elf! Little did I know you were a *unique elf*! Cedany went to bat for Olethros a lot when other goodies really disliked him, and I credit all of that to your RP. Also, being there for Olethros’ death was one of the most touching moments in Cedany’s life. Amazing character that broke the typical elf stereotypes in a wonderful way!

Erinyal: I learned so much from you and I can’t say enough about how helpful it was to have someone willing to teach Cedany the ropes right as she joined the Fortress. In addition to the sheer amount of information you provided, you were mindful about showing me things that would help me as a newbie (good gold spots, etc). We need more players like you! I was so sad when you deleted. :(

Erinthet: A wonderful presence for Herald - and I’m sad to see you deleted. Thanks so much for showing Cedany the Lyceum early on and actually recommending (and scribing) books. I was very overwhelmed at the whole place and you helped me make sense of it all. Plus that story about the elf and the Emperor! Wonderful!

Iliomyndil: Man, that betrayer comment hurt a lot. Cedany didn’t really understand Iliomyndil and I’m glad you were there as Captain to really show the stark difference between Marans and Acolytes. Thanks for being patient with me. I could tell you were kind of tired of me being so new at the end when you just made me wait in the Fort, but I totally get that. My lack of knowledge annoyed/annoys me too!

Vodette: Shine on you crazy chaotic garbling diamond… lion. I remember being utterly terrified when you garbled me and chased me around the Inn. I also thought garble was the most infuriating nonsense spell since Spores. I can’t imagine how I’d feel if I was a class that actually needed to speak. I loved your take on freedom and really enjoyed our talks.

Risund: I’m still bummed we didn’t get to adventure more. I was really intrigued with your character because you were so active without really getting into the cabal nonsense like I expected.

Lyx: Why do all the cool RC winning chars delete so early? I wanted to get to know more about you but I think I sunk that ship when I healed the members of the Fort in that three versus one. Still, you were always classy and scary!

Vaeri: I was so looking forward to many more adventures together. You were the best drunk monk and made a certain area look like something you could navigate in your sleep. Maybe you can.

Sebenso: Why did you have to get so mean after you made Emperor? :( All of our interactions were great and I think you brought a lot to the Empire in terms of RP and atmosphere.

Ciso: Thanks for being brave enough to take a young healer to the Elven Vaults and being patient. It was a fun adventure that really sticks out in my mind because of how impressed I was at you. You were like Cedany’s first hero. There’s just this cool assassin dude and look how confident he is!

Terenthial: Sad that you auto’d but I kind of expected it after the switch up in Empire leadership and all that came with that. I really enjoyed our interactions and was really excited to learn more about how you felt about Cedany and your take on greed.

Ghideon: I was absolutely fascinated by the few tidbits of Ghideon I saw. Ghideon just screamed bard and Herald and I was so sad when you deleted.

Vharra: Elfs! Gah, I was so sad when you deleted. Vharra was my favorite shifter from the Shiftober and I was gutted that you didn't get the forms you wanted. There was so much personality in how Vharra communicated, I loved it.

Modasien: Another great RPer that benefits CF and the Empire. While our interactions were limited, Cedany was painfully aware of Modasien’s reputation and I loved the drow RP. You balanced ‘mysterious A’P with ‘relentless evil murderer’ super well!

Alendross: I still wish we got to interact more IC. Alendross was always Cedany’s favorite Outlander and really kept her believing in the cabal and always searching for more parts of the wilds to interact with. You were a fantastic leader and a good friend.

Ckhjorh: The quirkiest dwarf Cedany ever met (but in a good way)! While Cedany was a bit alarmed at your overly-friendly nature (“Oh no... is he blind? Can he not see that I’m literally one foot in the grave??”), I’m so happy we talked and got to adventure together a bit. I really enjoyed your portrayal of Chhjorh and his background. Plus who doesn’t like a drunk dwarven monk?

Inaj: Winner of the best insult award. I was so shocked about the notion that Cedany had to prove 'the value' of the Post that I just kind of sat back in my chair for a bit.

Derrideigh: The melodious maven of meter, Derrideigh! Your ballads, general presence, and attitude are a delight to be around. I was so happy when I heard that there was another scribe (the poor lonely Elder Prophet…) and doubly so when I found out it was you!

Semodo: One of my favorite Maran! Semodo is everything I dreamed of in a Maran when it comes to personality and beliefs. Still willing to kick evil’s ass but you’re doing it while staying true to yourself and not losing yourself. I wish we got to chat more but I know that evil isn’t going to wrap itself in wrapping paper to be kicked across Thera - that’s your job!

Garful: You were my favorite person to raid with. While it was clear that I was new, you were always looking after me in raids (which felt awful as the healer, but hey thanks shaman-bro, you’re the Acolyte now). I was so happy to see you get leader after all the time and effort you put in. I loved how much your stuck to your character - even when it annoyed Cedany. You really helped me learn a lot and I appreciate you not ever being exasperated as I was a bit… slow on parsing the combat spam.

Leuoa: One of the more intriguing characters I’ve ran into in terms of RP. I can’t say much till your death thread but I loved how gutsy and cool your aesthetic is. Leuoa was one of the few constants in Cedany’s life and I really appreciated having that.

Vathnar: Hands down the most interesting Villager I’ve met. The character is still new and very much alive, so I don’t want to get into it too much, but I absolutely loved your RP and hope you succeed in everything you do!

Alisani: Researcher extraordinaire! I’m so sad I didn’t get to see the results of your research but I’m sure I’ll see them somewhere down the line. You’re a delightfully bring presence for the Spire and bringing some real rigor into your research - it was inspiring!

Sylsainlyen: Okay sooo, the voodoo emote sucks. Secondly, I feel like you lost some of your pep once Goruns deleted, but I expected that. In any case, you were perfectly creepy (in the cool way, you shadowy Maran) and always down for adventure. Cedany was SO annoyed that you’d threaten to kill someone mid-event, but that’s peak Maran.

Easzlo: I won’t say too much since this character is still active, but I really liked all of our interactions and I can’t wait to see where this character ends up long term. Keep being strong!

140230, RE: Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Ariendil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done on the age death! It is something to be truly proud of as it is an achievement few of the players actually get to unlock. You also had an extraordinarily large impact on the game for a first character and that is to be pointed out too. Great job.

I could tell that Cedany would have been a better fit for the Heralds very early on and I was really happy to see her go that route. Shame Rary wasn't still a mortal, I think you would have enjoyed that far more.

I will leave Ariendil's good bye to Cedany for when the character done, but I can say that you will be missed. Thank you for all the time we spent together, I had inordinate amount of fun. I just guess the hobby will have to remain one more mystery that is lost to time.

Roll another one, you bring color to the game.
140241, RE: Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The hobby!!! Gah.

>I could tell that Cedany would have been a better fit for the Heralds very early on

This is honestly great to hear - it always feels a bit imposter-syndrome-y to hop allegiances in any RP world. I definitely have imagined a different Cedany that never joined the Fortress, but I think it made the character more complex to have had that experience.

>I had inordinate amount of fun.
So did I!

>Roll another one, you bring color to the game.
Okay, but now you get to roll a bard for more stories. Blood pact...
140231, RE: Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Rarywey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My dearest friend, confidante, protege, and one true love. Oh Cedany, what would I have done without you? You came in like a breath of fresh air at a time when I wasn't my best, and your capacity for goodness, understanding, and forgiveness changed me for the better. I recall our first meeting, and thinking to myself how much I liked this curious, chatty, young healer. If not for Gristal, I'm sure I would have treated you better from the very beginning, but I can be a naughty, chaotic woman sometimes, and I am so fortunate that you are you. Sometimes I wonder if it was love at first sight. Perhaps, perhaps not. After our mutual friend, the broken doll, gave me a precious understanding of how to see my losses, nothing became more apparent than what I had recently gained, and that was you. Thank you for the long talks, the long walks, the fretting and the beautiful, indomitable effort you put into everything. I am so glad that I get to hold your hand forever as we wander the cosmos.

140232, RE: Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Nalasul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For posterity, this is probably one of the most interesting and well-traveled "debut" characters I've ever seen in CF. You made a lot of friends, got to see a bunch of places most "first characters" never do and managed to experience two different cabals.
140234, I'd make a bet she saw places I've never been to
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I started playing 20+ years ago!
140233, Alas
Posted by Prim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was so much Prim wanted to do with Cedany. She really wanted to explore more of the world, and more of your excellent character. It was refreshing to stop by the Inn and have a drink and a chat. Having a spot of respite and intelligent conversation was a true highlight of Primdella's life and it will be missed.

From a player's perspective, it was just so refreshing to see someone take to the game with what I would describe as the 'right attitude'. I.E: focusing on building, cultivating, and growing a character while making a positive impact on those around you without the negativity or immaturity so often plaguing some of the player base. It sounds simple, and yet there are still many who miss the mark completely. (My humble opinion of course)

Few people truly 'win' CF, but I would argue you did with Cedany. Well done and GLWYN.

- Primdella Stormwind
140235, Well, damn...
Posted by Itz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Amazing job. Starting from your attempts to fight me and trying different strategies to saving everyone who would otherwise die to the diseases. How many times did you save them? 20? 30? You've been surely a pain in the ass there! But that's how a classy healer should be. I knew that you would gate to the dying people and sometimes I've been using them to catch you. But you've been learning fast! I can't believe it's your first character - just unbelievable work and a massive addendum to the whole game.

From IC persoective, I've tried to convert you and to seduce you into something shady (you know what). A bit sad you've been so binary, it could open so many ways to interact/evolve, but suppose you've been overocuppied with the inn stuff for this.

Roll something evil now, I'm sure you'll find the other side thrilling and maybe even richer for RP/character evolution and relations.

Good luck with your next, and thanks for the Great experience!

PS: I've got your PBF as the only reward I can give you as a player, the least I can do for you!
140238, RE: Well, damn...
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>How many times did you save them? 20? 30?
>You've been surely a pain in the ass there!

I'm not sure it was quite that many. Mummies are a pain in the ass and scourge is AWFUL. It got much easier when I got the edge that helped with curing diseases - I could cure your scourge in between one and three attempts once I had that. Still, it made me happy everytime I was able to. I might not be able to save my own character (because I pick dumb fights), but I can save others!

>I can't believe it's your first character - just unbelievable
>work and a massive addendum to the whole game.

Didn't the whole getting lost in the Grove and dying to you on foot clue you in? ;)

>From IC perspective, I've tried to convert you and to seduce
>you into something shady (you know what). A bit sad you've
>been so binary, it could open so many ways to interact/evolve,
>but suppose you've been over-occuppied with the inn stuff for

Well, I felt the personality shift was pretty clear. Cedany went from being almost eager to talk to Itz to shutting down completely. I know the latter choice isn't as fun to RP with, but she got called out by her Lord and a bunch of other people and had to make a choice.

>Roll something evil now, I'm sure you'll find the other side
>thrilling and maybe even richer for RP/character evolution and

I'll roll an evil character eventually. Believe it or not, they tend to be my go-to. I just wanted to try something new here.

>PS: I've got your PBF as the only reward I can give you as a
>player, the least I can do for you!

Thank you! This is incredibly thoughtful and kind, I really appreciate it and all of your kind comments. (You'll regret those 10 years from now when I learn how to PK!)
140236, GLWYN! (n/t)
Posted by Kith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
140237, A first character, now that's impressive
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I really only check the forums now, I have to say, just based on the goodbyes and comments so far, seeing someone play a first character to this degree of skill is pretty awesome, and age dying an elf of all things is no small feat. It seems like you had very strong RP and a well developed character, one that evolved over time, which is exactly what they should do.

Good to see CF can still attract players like you, if I ever do play again, which I hope to eventually, I hope to run into a character of yours.

140242, RE: A first character, now that's impressive
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Good to see CF can still attract players like you, if I ever do play again, which I hope to eventually, I hope to run into a character of yours.

Well I have no idea who you are, but it warms my heart that you're still checking in and thinking of CF (and the newbies). Hope you get to come back soon!
140239, Rest well friend
Posted by Alendross on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alendross is amenable to most people. He even likes the people he hunts. But he has very few actual friends. You were first among those. You were willing to learn when I wanted to teach you something of Thar-Eris and you always showed not only an interest in what it was outlanders were about, but also just in me as a person. I will cherish the painting as long as I am able to keep ahold of it! Very well done and good luck with your next.
140243, Goodbye
Posted by Neajess on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes! Age dying an elf as your first character-- very very well done. So glad to see some fresh new players.. especially some that add so much to the game. You were awesome and frustrating to have as an enemy. Can't even recall how many times you resisted spells or evaded a bash or trip that would've killed you. Saved many victims too. You also went your whole and I only collected 1 soul, and toward the end. I also got the reference to you calling me diaperdon.. in not those words. Loved all the chats. Great great job. Also thanks for the painting it was awesome.

See you around.
140245, RE: Goodbye
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Can't even recall how many times you resisted spells or evaded a bash or trip that would've killed you.

I might have set my edge list to the 'Screw you Neajess and Undead' track. I also got very very very lucky a lot of times (as you mentioned). That's the great thing about being brave. No one expects the healer to gate in without a sanctuary.

>I also got the reference to you calling me diaperdon.

I have no idea what you're referencing, but I definitely wasn't going for that. Cedany was just being upset and emotional. (Neapest was a triumph though).

>Loved all the chats. Also thanks for the painting it was awesome.

The painting is because you reached out and weren't just a boring adversary. Neajess is just so memorable. Without all of *your* awesome RP, there wouldn't have been any inspiration at all.
140252, RE: Goodbye
Posted by Neajess on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said something about me sitting at the little kids table at the same time the Trump tiny desk diaperdon thing was trending. I might've read too much into it but I laughed.

140246, RE: Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Derrideigh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh my gosh this was your first?!? You were amazing!!

Thank you so much for all of the high quality RP and I always knew I would have a good time when you were around. Plus you contributed more to my character's arc than I think you realized but I'll save that for another day. Take care and I hope we cross paths in the next one!
140247, RE: Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Maeneekoni on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well our fun is over, or is it? I always enjoyed our talks and wish they were more often but that was not the way. Know that you were part of something pretty cool and will be missed by the whole of Thera. I do hope you come back soon!
140249, RE: Goodbye, dear friends!
Posted by Leuoa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cedany was a great character. You really made the Inn a more fun place. Too bad things didn't get to play out longer. Nice job making it to age death.
140251, Still feel bad about those grapes.
Posted by Birbs on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You taught me to explain things BEFORE handing dangerous foods over. I'm glad you had fun and learned quite a bit. Hopefully you will come back with something soon. Maybe try a mage out next and join the chaos?
140254, Hey girl!
Posted by Alisani on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so incredibly grateful you. Alisani is a really complicated character with a lot of moving parts that direct what she does that people don't see. Cedany was able to look at Alisani as a whole, and it was like you helped shuffle her heart around and flush the character out for me with your incredibly top notch RP. You were a top three critical character in my life and those are always where the best memories start to form. I wish so much I would have just had a little more time with you.

I absolutely am blown away and astonished that this is your first character as well. Comparing my first to yours almost makes me feel like I'm a noob all over again. Nalasul said it best when she said this is probably the best "debut" character ever, and I think that it couldn't be more well put.

Fantastic job and I really hope you enjoyed your time enough in the fields that we see your next soon. Take care <3
140255, Your death echoes
Posted by Rarywey on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Cedany's aging body fails her, she enters the afterlife
surrounded by her friends. 

One by one, they rejoice her life, until her last bit of
mortality fades.

Cedany waits quietly under a moonlit sky, and eventually a
shimmering hand slips into her ghostly one.

Finally reunited with the one that stayed, the one true love
of each of their lives, Rarywey and Cedany stride off into the
night sky, to visit the cosmos forever.
140256, A good job.
Posted by Einoh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you much, Cedany. The evolution of our discussions and your character were something I greatly enjoyed. Cedany as a character was brilliant and kind, the many positive comments here say as much. That is also what caused your conflict with my religion. Conflict in characters is not a bad thing, and yours lead to discussions, debates, and intense interaction between you and others. So I am glad you strayed a bit from the strongest path, even if it meant you dealt with further struggles.
As Einoh saw it, you were always willing to do good, but struggled to condemn evil. You wanted to please others to such an extent that you would hesitate to do what is right as it might hurt them or their relationship with you. As you no doubt know, morality in Carrion Fields is very different from casual morality. Your straddling that line of pleasantry and righteousness though is what made me like Cedany so much. While it meant you were not likely to receive a tattoo, it made you a wonderful follower who stimulated roleplay from both myself and other followers. And that is a good thing.
While some tend to play cookie-cutter roles, yours felt more fluid. Like interactions with you could influence you, both for good and bad. And that made Cedany feel real. So despite what Einoh may say about your strengths and weaknesses, know that I have nothing but personal praise for what you achieved. There we even times where I noticed you, like with Gaspare or Morius, where I debated the path of unempowerment, yet you always pulled through. Some people struggle with my religion as the expectations for attempting to do what is good are very, very high. But you addressed it as someone who is trying, and evolved into someone who knows that they are a good person. I am glad to have had you as a follower, and whoever you follow next will no doubt feel as lucky. Good luck with whatever you play next.

The painting you gave me, which I saved looking at until you were gone. I hope you don’t mind it shared as I think it is lovely, sincere, and hits true on both my religion and our relationship:
This painting features a familiar lake that is surrounded by a copse. The
crystal clear water has been interrupted by an afternoon thunderstorm. Ripples
have been carefully painted in muted watercolor paint, varying in size and the
amount by which they overlap. Above the lake, puffy clouds have been stippled
onto the canvas and shaded with charcoal. Lightning dances between the clouds to
the left. Bright shafts of electrical energy zigzag between the clouds, depicted
in a blinding cerulean blue that is highlighted with smaller streaks of yellow
and white. To the right of the canvas is a radiant depiction of the sun. Beams
of light shine forth, piercing the clouds to rest upon the lake and treetops.
A note has been painted beneath the lake in a flowing script.
"Lord Einoh,
Ever since the first time you brought me to this lake, I have wondered about it.
Why a lake? And above all else, why is there so much rain? It is undoubtedly the
rainiest place I have seen on Thera. One day, when I brought Skjarl to the lake,
something occurred to me. The perfect surface of the lake is temporary. The
ripples of the rain lend an imperfection to what is otherwise a flawless
I do not know whether you meant it to be a divine metaphor for the struggles we
encounter when pursuing the path to virtue or whether you just like rain. I
rather hope it is the former, and I have adopted it as my mindset when I visit
this holy place. It reminds me that something can be wonderful and a benefit to
the Light without being perfect. It also reminds me that there is still evil
deep inside me just like the lake has storm clouds above it.
I know I am in no way the perfect adherent. My path is stormier than most, and I
know there are tenets that I have not succeeded in incorporating to the degree a
priestess should. I wished to thank you for not giving up on me and for all the
worry that you show for your followers and the world at large. I cannot imagine
it is easy for you. Maybe that's why you chose this place. In closing, I am most
grateful for your presence in Thera and all you have taught me.
- Cedany"
A magnificent painting is a parchment, made of canvas, and weighs 1 pounds 15 ounces.
140258, RE: A good job.
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> While some tend to play cookie-cutter roles, yours felt more fluid. Like interactions with you could influence you, both for good and bad.

I'm so glad you understood what I was going for with this character. I didn't want Cedany to come off good-lite, naive, or infuriatingly indecisive, and I think there was a real risk for that. You're completely right about CF morality, and it's been an interesting challenge for me to come up with a character that I enjoyed who also still had room to grow.

I hope people who read this thread see that there can be a place for characters that aren't exemplars of their faith. A religion can be guidepost that you keep coming back to in order to center your character, and I'm so glad that your faith (and the lessons within it) allowed for that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your reply. I had to read it three times over as it was that touching.
140257, Cheers!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed watching Cedany grow and evolve. Great job and I'm glad that you are enjoying CF; that really shines through. Team Herald is gunna miss you!

140259, How absolutely tragic.
Posted by Morius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was ever so delighted to see me mentioned, but only one paragraph? For shame, Cedany, this entire post should have been about me. With that important distinction made, I suppose I could speak to your delectable proficiency at being entertaining. How I enjoyed our time at the Inn and otherwise. I only wish you would have seen reason and joined my loving, friendly, eager church. I would have accepted everything about you, but no… You continued on that mistaken path to goodness.

A character well played… though following me would have made it better.

“But now, seeing he hath taken from my arms my prize, and hath deceived me, let him not tempt me that know him well; he shall not persuade me.” Homer, Iliad
140261, Parting is such sweet sorrow
Posted by Beroxxus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Parting is such sweet sorrow is how I felt when Cedany left the Fortress. Though I think Heralds was a good fit for you, just a shame there were few to none to interact with.

Cedany's drive to help others is something that help set her a part, but the struggle to understand that evil is evil, and almost all evil is beyond reproach. This opened up avenues of great RP, but with friends and enemies alike. I as Ayn did what I could to teach you to help those in need, but to also understand who and what evil was so that you wouldn't accidently or purposefully foster its growth.

I too once saved Maere's life, but it was right after slaying her. It was an IC and OOC moment (I really didn't want to see a player die from picking up their gear). I often felt Cedany at times was a neutral character with good tendencies more so then a beacon of good and light. While a lot of people will clap for not being a cookie cutter player, sometimes part of Amazing RP is being able to stand in that shape and make it shine with dazzling brilliance.

I enjoyed our RP and I am glad you stuck it out and got to experience so much. Age death is a pretty great feat, especially on an elf. Probably one of the best first time characters in CF, though I think Jacynth might have been a first time character who Immed. Or at least a second.

Anyhow, it was fun. I hoped you learned a ton, and I'm interested to see where you go from here. Good luck with your next and as always my ears are there to listen.

140267, RE: Parting is such sweet sorrow
Posted by Cerys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I often felt Cedany at times was a neutral character with good
>tendencies more so then a beacon of good and light. While a lot of
>people will clap for not being a cookie cutter player, sometimes
>part of Amazing RP is being able to stand in that shape and make it
>shine with dazzling brilliance.

Oof, owwie, ouch. That one hurt worse than eating a cleave without sanctuary.

I would have gladly taken the hit for Ced to be a neutral character with good intentions and actions over being a cookie cutter 'goodie'. I would have been fine with losing empowerment too, if it came to that.

I find many self righteous good characters to be as boring and irksome as the 'I eat babies for breakfast' evil players. I had no interest in playing that type of character because it just didn't fit the role (and there are so many other people who can do it better and enjoy that RP). I definitely think Cedany was still capital G 'goodie' (leaning heavily towards neutral), but I'm rather stubborn that way.
140294, For what it's worth, I couldn't disagree more.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a difference between being "good" and being "team good". Cedany was at best mediocre at being "team good". But she was definitely still "good" from what I saw with several characters, even if it would have been easier just to be "team good" and go with the flow..

I know IC some people (or at least me) were upset that you were chummy with evil types (or even neutrals that misbehaved). But I always got the impression that Cedany wanted to be liked by everyone, but also wanted to understand everyone. There's nothing "un-good" about getting to know people, even if those people aren't nice. From what I saw, Cedany never acted selfishly, never hurt anyone intentionally, and always tried to help and protect people (that were deserving). That's good, even if she also occasionally saved people who weren't very nice too.

People like to say that Maran are the epitome of "Good". I think the opposite. They're the closest to that "neutral" line, just because of how bloodthirsty they need to be. Cedany was the opposite end of that spectrum. It's unusual to see in CF because it doesnt' fit in with the capture-the-flag or ramdom-PK elements of the game, but I don't think it made you any less "good" than an Elf warrior that kills a few hundred people and refuses to even acknowledge a mummy.
140266, What a 1st Character!
Posted by Skjarl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had the pleasure of knowing Cedany via both Skjarl and another character who is still active. It was extremely gratifying to hear that I was among those who had a positive impact on a new player. I hope you stick around. It will be great to see what you come up with as you grow more familiar with CF lore. Good luck with your next!