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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Qasit the Master of Weapons
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=139541
139541, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Qasit the Master of Weapons
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Aug 6 19:05:02 2020

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Qasit perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
139546, Somewhat Frustrating
Posted by A Tribunal member on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would like to start with its always great to see new players and I hope you are enjoying the game and keep playing and any comments I make are meant to be constructive.

I believe this is your 7th Tribunal in the space of about a month (Shifter, healer, warrior, warrior, shifter, something, warrior). Your typical pattern seems to be to delete in the 25-35 hour range because either you are frustrated you are not a hero yet, or you have hit hero range and are frustrated you are losing fights.

Your ranking experience with your gnome shifter was not typical and will probably never happen again, so don't have that as an expectation of how easy heroing can be. Also, 30-51 is typically a lot slower than 1-30 due to kills taking longer and more harassment from enemies.

If you have been playing under 2 years, you are going to die a lot more than you kill. If you are getting any kills at all at this point, you are doing well. Right now you should be focused on getting a feel for the game and for the classes you are playing. If all you ever do is rank and then delete, you won't get that.

Also, the only cabal which routinely has multiple heroes on at the same time is outlander. You might be better off playing something that does not have them as an enemy for now until you get the hang of things more if getting killed frustrates you.

A positive for you is that you come up with strong character concepts. You just need to give those characters some time to grow.

139549, Also
Posted by Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Warriors on 40 level are dead meat. They have no legacies, no edges to cover their weaknesses, no serious preps. Any mage on 40 lvl can have ABS easily and risky destroy warriors, if they are not RBW.

Learning the winning mechanics of the class/race also takes time and patience. It could be easily 200+ hours until you figure out how to play your cards.
139552, RE: Also
Posted by Shravthar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't necessarily agree with this, a lot of level 40 warriors can own face, and a lot of mages absolutely cannot get ABS at 40, much less easily. But the real issue is you're talking to a newbie and using acronyms.

RBW means Rager (battlerager) Berserker Warrior.
ABS means Aura/Barrier/Shield, which are dam reduction spells.

I do wholeheartedly agree that you, guy who deleted, are not spending enough time with a character to understand how it works and how to be successful. Not sure it's 200 hours, but certainly not 20something. Despite what some say, the game does not start at hero. Try to take time at every level or every couple levels and play around with the skills/spells/supps/abilities you are learning, beyond just while leveling. You need to use them in some pks (which you'll probably lose) to see how they work in practice, what they can do, how they lag you, how effective they are, etc.
139554, Hm.
Posted by Old Provost on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seem to be under the impression that this is a brand new player when the reality is it's a return player. That's all I'll say about that.