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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Dark
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139124, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Dark
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jun 2 16:13:23 2020

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Admund perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
139141, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Dark
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Done Admund!

I couldn't agree more with Rahsael. Admund was a fun character to watch grow. Mistakes were made, but you rolled with the punishments and rose to the occasion. I enjoyed every time we got to interact and feel as though you deserved everything you got (Good and bad!).

139125, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Da...
Posted by Lathlaeril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was my first character after 2015 and wow, what a ride it was.

Admund was a part of Rah's character challenge, and I have to say: Rahs, you deserve a standing ovation. The twists and turns were amazing. Discovering what little part of the overarching story I could gave me endless hours of fun and joy. Thank you. I've been around CF since the late 90s and the world has never come alive like this before. I can only imagine how much more cool the end conflict would have been if all challenge characters had managed to stick it out to the end, but RL throws a wrench at all times I guess. Great job man, great job! To all players, I recommend to get involved in any similar quests when they pop up. You have no idea what you are missing, there are tons of RP and tons of PK to be had. They bring out the best of what CF has to offer.

This was my first ranger and I really did not figure animists out. I didn't avoid PK, but I didn't seek it out either as whenever I engaged I felt like I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. It was my first ever Outlander too and whatever misconceptions I had about the cabal before have all been cured. It is a very cool concept and everyone should try the cabal out. It is far more than being a tree hugging hippie. But it can be that too if you want.

Daphedee: The only regret I have with Admund is not exploring your religion fully. I tried praying when I could, but our times didn't seem to match easily. In hindsight, I should have written a note. I loved all the chats we had, especially when that staff started talking. I have never had a religious character and I really didn't know what I was doing. I hope I wasn't too much of a frustration.

Ergush: Thank you for everything, man! From the chance to lead to all the electricity jolts and tickles. You are a great presence and I am very curious about your religion. Admund saw immortals as spirits of immense power, and he talked to them as to a predator from which one can never hide and can only hope not to get eaten. Things always ebb and flow, but Outlander seems to be in a strong place now. This is mostly because of you.

Morius: You rock! I have never seen anyone be able to drop into the middle of ten people and carry ten different conversation at once without ever losing a beat. I loved the interactions we had, they will remain fond memories.

Gaspare: Giving Admund a phylactery of his own corpse was hilarious. Sorry for crashing your vacation that one time.

All Imms: Thank you for keeping this world alive and the game going. I think CF is in the best shape it has ever been, and you guys are doing a great job. Keep at it, and the most impactful thing you are doing is the direct interaction with the players. From the druid acolyte having a small chat, to your own shadow grinning back at you, keep doing things like that. Every small experience like this makes each character the more unique. Thank you.

Idmund: Brother, Living Oak! I always had a blast when you were around. A shame we couldn't align our times more. Thank you for dragging my ass to hero and for showing me all the things that you did. People really thought Admund was crazy for talking about a Brother they had never soon. I got a kick when they would eventually realize that you actually really were around.

Lorente: Fulgent Venin! I will miss our tea parties and endless agonizing. I had really hoped we would be able to kill Davius and Brordit together. You missed out on a great thing at the end, but when you are burned out there is just no forcing it.

Cexonza: Sunlit Grove, you have outlived us all! What a wonderful character, and as a player you put even my best effort at RP to shame. Whenever you would log on I knew it was going to be a fun session. Even when you were able to be around for just a few minutes. It was always good to see you.

All the others: What a great bunch you all are. Thank you for all the fun times we've had. Admund started off as a someone that would prefer to avoid conflict, he didn't end that way. There is great freedom in what you do as an Outlander, but sometimes, maybe there should be less. It is easy to get drawn into that secure feeling of being hard to be seen and hard for others to bring the fight to you. And it is my opinion, I may be very wrong, but the beauty of RP and this game is brought not so much by the natural friendships of characters with aligned goals, but from the hard conflicts that your character would rather avoid. Being more of a hardliner on cabal dogma in those situations brings so many great interactions. But that is me. I am aware other people might see the game differently, and there is nothing wrong with that, nor does it detract from my enjoyment of it. Love ya all.

Admund didn't want to go into war. But a series of interactions with you led him down that path. From Theorendus judging Admund for talking to Morius, to Deiramor being non-committal to a loose alliance when Lyrentia's lab was opened, and to all of the Shadow Gate affair. For Admund the Fortress started to seem like a dangerous enemy that sought to cut off a branch of the Tree completely, and sway another away from what was important. Devrena, Frahyel, Jaane.. you guys were making that conclusion very difficult for Admund. I had hoped you would have supported Theorendus' quest with a fanatical zeal and get challenged individually by the Wardens coming for the orb. I think a great opportunity was lost there, but I am sure there are some things going on with all of that of which I am not aware.

Theorendus: Admund didn't like you from the moment you revealed your past to Lorente. He tolerated you because Lorente asked him to. From there, the relationship deteriorated naturally with each conflict we came across, and I loved every second of it. Theorendus is a great character. Admund wanted to make life as complicated for you as possible, I as a player hope you discover as much as you can about that place. We had a lot of fun, good luck!

Lyrentia: Mother! We really had a lot of fun together. Lyrentia was just so well done. The moment I realized how our characters were connected is something I will remember forever. Admund could not give you the item you needed, but I was very happy when I learned that you had managed to get it off Nossos. It was such a shame you failed your Becoming. I really don't think anyone would have objected if you had your chances manually put to 100%. I certainly wouldn't. It was great to see you as Sephmylla. Quality characters are easy to spot early I think. You did very well on both! That treehouse in Emerald will always hold one very good and one very terrible memory now.

Imogrezio: Such a great character! Admund thought of you as a friend for most of his life. You really wounded him there in the end. But you wouldn't be a good bard if you didn't contribute to tragedy and drama. So well done! I can hardly wait to see how you retell the story. There is no one better equipped to do it.

Vindelph: I was sad when you were no longer there. We had a lot of talks, but the one about Honor still stands out in my mind. I hope to catch your next character as well.

Nossos: Unshaven ballsack, you had me choking laughing with your jibes, and almost crying at the end. More dwarven than Thror. Great job!

I know that I am missing a whole lot of you. I interacted with so many people and I really had no bad interaction in over 300 hours on this character. But this has become a gargantuan wall of text already and it is time to wrap up. Post and I will reply. Thank you all for the memorable fun. Because of you, CF is a thing that can never be replaced.
139127, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Da...
Posted by Angaph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact a ton, but I wanted to thank you for pointing me toward the source of that item I found that I thought was about you and Idmund. I explored it shortly afterward\; up until that point I didn't even know it existed. Always fun when you get an opportunity to make the Shadow Lord look like an uninformed dummy. :)
139133, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Da...
Posted by Lathlaeril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, Admund got an inordinate amount of joy from that exchange. I was trying to get as many people involved with the ongoing global quest as much as I could. Sometimes it is hard to outright tell everything to your enemies, but I think we managed to find a good way to share what information we could.

Angaph was a very interesting character. I remember your story at the Night of Heroism and thinking 'what a pompous ass', only to learn later that it was actually the story of your own father, which was touching. :) Great character, well done.

Oh, and also thank you for making me find that soften scroll you used on me. I had hoped to return the favor, but I just never got the chance.
139130, Good bye, Interloper.
Posted by Devrena on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well done with Admund, a classy act.

Liked a lot the way you roleplayed, giving nicknames to others and always willing to drag us towards the character challenge. I did appreciate your time and opportunity to join at least in a part of it. Thanks.

As to the war, bleh. If there were not a "good" branch in the tree, that would force the fortress at one time or another to engage a lightwalker in the process, things would be different. As it was, it was tree striking, fortress standing. But, the idea of conflict was very cool, sure gave us a lot to discuss.

Good luck with your next!
139136, RE: Good bye, Interloper.
Posted by Lathlaeril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I get it that things are different then way back when I had my last character in fortress. But I am sure that the intention of the new changes are not to make alignment one dimensional for Fort, and conflicts with other lightwalkers with opposing cabal dogma (like Outlander or especially Tribunal) should always provide for great opportunity for character growth and RP. The only way to explore the stance of the current fort imms on these issues is to push the envelope and engage even the lightwalkers that would dare strike the Watcher for any reason.

Of course, I am speaking by looking from the outside in. There must be many things I am not seeing or understanding from my vantage point.

At any rate, I love Devrena even if you are interlo.. paladin. ;) Keep it up, you make the game a better place.
139132, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Da...
Posted by Idmund on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brother. We are well, Brother, are we well?

It was great fun when we got to actually be together, and play out that whole arc. You brought a good depth to both your character and mine, and I really enjoyed that. Thank you for the role entry memorial there.

I'll second that - if you have a chance to participate in a character challenge, do! Kudos Rahsael!
139134, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Da...
Posted by Lathlaeril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, you also got a Rite of Passing just like Lyrentia. Lucky for you, your soul didn't get trapped in the process, so enjoy the good afterlife. Maybe I should have been the druid in the family! ;)

Love you, Big Brother.
139139, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Admund the Wanderer in the Da...
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really, really great job.

You brought the role to life and then grew beyond it, making Admund into a great character in his own right. Watching you, Lyrentia and Idmund interact was for me one of the high points of this whole IMM deal - just great quality and brilliant improvisation. You all are so witty and creative!

I'll post something on gameplay a little later about the whole story for those who didn't get a chance to see it all. I believe there's only one challenge character still left, and that character may (or may not) want to tell it first.

But to sum it all up, you absolutely murdered it. Well done!

And yeah, it would have been great to see what would have happened if everyone made it to the end. I did put a lot of thought into balance and tough choices for everyone - everyone going into the endgame should have felt conflicted about *something*. Unfortunately, most of the early flameouts were on one side, so that dialed down *some* of the drama a bit.

Anyway, it was amazing fun and I can't wait to do it again, probably toward the end of this year or early next.
139190, Missed opportunity on both sides.
Posted by Daphedee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM