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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Kragnar the Weaponsmaster
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13865
13865, (DEL) Kragnar the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jan 5 17:06:45 2003

3 o''clock AM, Day of the Sun, 20th of the Month of the Dark Shades on the Theran calendar Kragnar perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:51% (closer to 100% is better)

13866, RE: (DEL) Kragnar the Weaponsmaster
Posted by Talin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you gone, we had fun times luring Ragers back to the cabal and then bashing them to death. You were always up for a good rampage and were never that set back by death, which happened quite a few times we did our luring thing, sorry about those. You were a fun person to have around and I'd have to agree with you on that powers thing, I had recently let my cloud giant hero nexite autodelete, I haven't played him in more than a month and haven't seen him up here yet, I wonder if he's still around... Anyways, gonna miss your luring and mad damage. *wave*
13867, Farewell for now....
Posted by Kragnar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh wow 324 hours down the drain...but oh how did I love this character. I had just deleted Koogar the svirf in village, and was disgusted with all the villagers because they have absolutley no skill at all. All I had to do was thirst and flurry, and I would kill endless amounts of people, so I decided to make something that would make it so that they couldnt thirst. The reason I made Kragnar was to try and gank as may villagers as possible, and make Nexus a big power. In the early stages of being a hero I had suceeded in both, there were so many Seekers about that were bonding and raiding that I really thought that we had become something big. The truth of the matter is that nexus powers suck balls...and will always be a newbie cabal. I pretty much got sick of the cabal quickly, and lost all hope of becoming the leader once Divox deleted. I left hoping that I would get a title of some sort, but had no sucess. Nothing at all from the immortals, except Divox....dissapointed.
I had a crazy role of me being an old general of cloud giants and getting backstabbed by the people I used to live with..I moved to the rift to get a army of my own and overun the lands but had no sucess.
Kragnar had many friends and many many enemies..

Kierning-Sorry i took my anger out on you that one night...You were one of the better invokers i walked around with.

Kyliea-Yeeeouch...you and I tore up some hole rather quickly. Ram and me with my shoulder...thats was deadly and fun.

Cusip-You were a good friend of Kragnars, always helping him get gear, but not traveling or hunting too much.

Bazhans-I dont know exactly where you have been, but you were my bashing brother, we could tear down pretty much anything without a problem when we both took the time to get clothes weapons and preps.

Graelnik-The jag...owie, you were there when things were hoppin and going in the right direction....then i didnt see you for a long ass time and things went downhill.

Mernon-My favorite shifter, always around, always fun to talk to. Said my goodbyes to you in the end which was nice. Keep on fighting!

Zherukin-My other big bash brother, didnt see you much...but man when you were around...watch out!

Jelomar-You were always around when i needed you to be, which was kind of odd. I would be getting my ass beat then randomly you would show up in the nick of time with a gate and heal me up. Gracias.

Tobeldest- I had the most respect for you, out of anyone in this game. I had three characters rank up to hero while you were still around.

Gholrhun-I knew you hated to be ganged..and i was going to stop on you, but you kept crying all the time and would get all boo-hoo on me, so i had no sympathy.

Rodonar- Always fun to fight, damn the whips. Maces hurt svirf good. Nice character

Nourn-Another one I respected, and enjoyed fighting. I was actually dissapointed when you left for good.

Bryvac-I hated you and adored you, just because you were my old character in village. I hated your flurries.

Palesson-Yeowchie you were a beast, and fun to fight. Didnt get to talk to you all that much.

Birota-Axes=pain, especially since they changed thirst...i couldnt make you drop them. Great fights.

Rustanviel-I loved your character, and hated him at the same time. As i said before i feared you, and knew you hated me because all I did was bash you. It was the only thing i could do to you to keep myself from dying. You have my respect.

Tauser- I always had fun fighting you, it either consisted of me hitting my impale and staying to fight, or me missing you hitting your kote and me taking off running. Damn the kicks..

Sayangu-You were something to deal with. You and your claws...maim maim....unspeak. Something like that. Oh how glad i am they got rid of deathblow on backfists....

Kulmortuk-Just got to know you, and started to fight you...wish i had some more life left. Your a good fighter, keep kickin ass.

Drahk-When you had that set of equipent/ two vainglories and decked out gear I couldnt do ##### to fight you. I remember a fight where it went something like....Cranial hits, wrath unspeak, wrath unspeak you have been killed..it was close.

Darmok-Damn quick elves....you were always a pain in the ass to fight, and when i died to you in the end i knew it was time to leave.

Im missing someone....hmm...*grin*
GUENRAYN-You bastard....and i say that in a loving way. I loved your character, hardcore till the end. I know i got you in a few gangs but when we fought it was definatley bloody, and intense. I had to go get hell spears just to fight you just because of choke and strip. Great character.

SCIONS-(My Home)

Trajeona-My friend who was always around and always wanted to raid with me. Whenever you were around there were like 8 others around as well...crazy times

Anith-The massive raven...*shiver* didnt know you for long, but you will be a great leader/chancellor.

Vortigern-A scary shaman, seemed really friendly to my character. Always felt safe with you around.

Aginal-A damn good invoker. I dont think I ever saw you die which was strange. Stay strong.

Damn i cant remember any others, write me back i will know..mind is slipping

Alnallander-You hit like a beast, demoing through shields and protections. I got you a few times, and you got me. Fun to fight against.

Sassmi-Didnt get to fight you too much, just missed an impale and ran.

Nunchyk-Fought you quite a bit, a beefy ranger. Hope your still around.

Abthalok-It was strange when I fought you...sometimes I would be able to lag you out...then others nothing affected you. But you were always tough and usually beat my ass in.

Ulthur-Same as Abthalok, you were a thorn in my ass, but a great fighter.

Nysya-A great invoker to have around, always willing to come hunting with me or go gather gear.

Zarukian-Didnt think I would leave you out now did you...We always went hunting together even though the odds were against us. One of the better shamans I have seen in my time.

LEGS-Greeting the Avalanche, and Crashing of the waves
SPECS-Staff/spear, Mace

I really enjoyed this character, but didnt get any imm interaction which kinda annoyed me, I at least would have liked my last name to be shown....but oh well. I'll be back *fistshake* Keep it fun like always. C ya in the fields.

13879, I feared you... and I think you feared me...
Posted by Mirdulad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically we just stayed the hell away from each other, one song and you were dead, one (starting) bash and I was dead. I knew I had the advantage, I could simply reduce and sing, but there was always that thought of being perma-bashed that always put me off. Never really knew you other than our few fights, we spoke (and sang) at the Inn that one time, but that's about it.

Good luck with your next.
13880, Damn! Forgot about you...yes i did fear you..
Posted by Kragnar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though I wouldnt admit it in game. heh Fiend=trouble
Fun little fights we had.
13878, Nice man..
Posted by Uncle Vinny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Good work, nice oppnonent.. clashing ideology = fun game.
13877, RE: Farewell for now....
Posted by Aginal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And why is that strange? Invokers are rather hard people to kill or defend from. Anyway, nice fighting by your side, could always count on you to smack someone's head while I wet them down. And removing those flags should boost my ratio a percent too *chuckle*
13876, Hated fighting you in groups, loved it solo.
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had many many good ones, It was always fun. Yeah, you finally wisned up with the spears. That is when things turned on me a bit, and you started getting me more than I got you. Lots of fun though.

13875, RE: Farewell for now....
Posted by Kierning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, as I said in my goodbye, I actually thanked you for giving me hell. Most of my problems came from my affinities (no shield of waves, etc), but I did take it as a kick in the ass, and went and read proficient invoker logs. That definately helped.

We had an idealogical difference also, which I wanted to hash-out with you. Unfortunately, you left before we could deal with it.

Thanks for the fun we had together.
13874, Well
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
** Abthalok-It was strange when I fought you...sometimes I would be ** able to lag you out...then others nothing affected you. But you ** were always tough and usually beat my ass in.

Yeah, towards the end, I was able to do some things to make your uber-bashes a non-factor. Otherwise, I absolutly hated fighting you. If it was 1v1, I would usually be able to handle you because I could tank pretty well and outdamage you, but those times were few if I recall, and I could never lag you enough to actually kill you alone. (I did manage to get you with Astaria that one time) When I die, I'll post a log of you and Bhanz bashing the ##### out of me for upwards of 30 rounds without me getting off a command, its ugly. As a shield spec paladin, I can't tell you how fustrating it is to be utterly denyed a single command by one dude bash spaming, escially since I'm a gaint, who ran around usually close to max weight, and had the shield spec thingie which is rummored to reduce lag on bash. As far as your rp and whatnot, I remeber trying to talk to you about the nexus once and getting something of a "duuuhhhh" reply but what can you expect, the whole nexus thing has too many holes in it I think. Anyhow this is getting long, over all, good job you bastard, makes me want to roll a giant with the same legacy..

13873, Gah.
Posted by Sinlauk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know EXACTLY how you feel,for I felt that way for an awful long time after sabkabaz.I was disgusted because they never announced a lordelder.I did apply.They did not even reject me like.
Fucking how many months without one?
Then the villagers would come in droves.Eight hero ragers sure are required to slay a lone nexus defender.And oh wow,they left lots of gear behind too.
Call blood,flurry.
I dont want village changed.The village is in good hands.What needs to be changed is the Nexus powers.Each dumbell out there said the same thing.Changes are coming to Nexus.And I was dumb enough to believe it.I waited.And waited.And waited.And I was so disgusted,I let Sabkabaz autodelete.
Now you know why Sinlauk came and feinded you.I wanted to pk for a change.
You fought well.Sorry if this turned into a rant here.Hated you ic,liked your legacy choice a lot.Well done.
13872, RE: Farewell for now....
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I heroed just shortly before you left nexus, never really got a chance to bond and meet you properly. Not even sure if you ever met Pushwance. I still called upon you when we were in need though, seemed you were always ready for a good fight. Thanks for being there, and bringing the scion pack with you! Unfortunately half the time, I couldn't call to the scions because of my increasingly nasty bitch-feeling inside. Left me with fewer allies but i can't stand calling those scions in unless its to finish some villager thats been sent packing... if its something I can't do its chase, if only I had a warrior to bond with!

You seemed to have fun and you were definetly a compitent warrior. We need more of you!

13871, Good old days
Posted by Uncle Bob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I remember those times well. Pretty unstoppable with your set shifters/invokers, your spears, etc. It took guts to deal with Nexus the way you did, and still keep on truckin'. I liked the character a lot...good luck in the future!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Groin-grabbingly transcendent."
13870, You were kick ass Kragnar
Posted by bazhans on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell yea Kragnar we were kick ass in carrionfields, and we kicked ass on the log board. man hunting with you was like none other seriously i cant keep track of how many villagers we killed not to mention all the suicide ventures to the village to try and lore out some villagers to kill, or trying to solo take the head or kill some villagers at the shrine, which didn't always go as planned, but two cloud giants with greeting the avalanche DAMN. with preps and pretty much in general we were unstoppible. I killed alot with you and died alot with you. shame to see you leave and wish you woulda stuck around nexus. anyways man well played char. hope to see another one of yours in the future that beats as much ass as Kragnar did......Bloodthirst is overpowered. hehe, and Ragers SUCK!
13869, RE: Farewell for now....
Posted by Paschal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done. I remember fighting Kragnar a few times and that bash was always scary. I find it funny that we went from Koogar/Thalongrim rivalry to a small Paschal/Kragnar thing. I wish you luck on your next.

13868, RE: Farewell for now....
Posted by epep on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew this day was coming, Feel my pain nexus needs some seroius revamping villageneeds devamping and I want a million dollars