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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Ention the Champion of the Virtues, Provincial Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=136483
136483, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Ention the Champion of the Virtues, Provincial Magistrate
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 5 22:24:58 2019

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Ention perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
136506, Lots of mixed feelings on this one.
Posted by SPN on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It has taken me nearly a week to come down enough to post anything here. Ention definitely was up there in my top three character's I played, perhaps he might have eeked out Yllonis to get in my top two (but he certainly did not surpass Bilgritik).

I rolled Ention after I was tired of getting absolutely ROFLstomped as Kerubiel. Bard is not really my thing. And Ention was born out of a thought experiment if elf (higher dex, chr, swiftstrike) would be better than a halfie (higher str opens up things like thunderlance) as a champ. Not having played an elf or a champ before, I decided to give it a whirl.

Wow, champions. They are tough. I walked into and out of a lot of situations I shouldn't have, especially if I prepped just a bit (desensitize, stone skin, and accelerate). I also got wrecked by a number of builds. Many of you who are looking for the anti-champ builds, roll a svirf zerker axe spec or shaman. Both are super tough on champs.

When I rolled Ention, I thought I had character goals from the start, but I really learned to go with what ever came my way, and it was a blast. I tried my best to help everyone that was not evil. I gave a way a ton of gear, even to chaotic, or Wardens (more on that later), to try and show good will and build up some equity with them.

I am truly surprised this didn't register as a rage delete. Because, it really was. I deleted only moments after unghosting after a PK loss. While that gave me the spark to pull the trigger, the real reason is that life has really been piling up on me (starting a new job, wife is having our second kiddo in a few months, taking over more than 50% of the toddler handling (see wife is pregnant), satisfying my wife's nesting urge (see wife is pregnant), hitting the middle of my semesters in grad school and projects are coming in fast, not driving home for my lunch break CF session as our Montana roads deteriorated a ton since Feb 1, and more...), so CF is being put on the shelf, with my intention of it being for good.

On to what I hope will be my final good byes on CF:

Panmorne: I had rolled previous followers of yours, and never really grasped the religion. I thought I did, and thought I knew how to interpret it with Ention. Boy was I wrong. Delving into and living your religion really made Ention to life. I am not sure it was because I learned how to put it into practice better, or if you have just refined your interactions with PCs. Either way, it was amazing, and I suggest everyone follows the old man at least once! I appreciate your being open to me putting together an opus for your tent, and I hope the parts that were completed makes its way in there. My apologies on not wrapping up that last chapter, but maybe it can be added to the scrap heap with the rest of the works in progress.

Ishuli: Keep on rocking it! I appreciated the number of talks we had, and your expanding my understanding of the laws. Thanks for the chance at Provincial, and I am really (but not because of aforementioned obligations) not seizing Provost. Looks like there is going to be quite a period of mending for the Spire.

Gaspere: Oh Gaspere... I HATED you as Bilgritik... And when Rast came around asking me about stuff and dropping your name, it sent shivers down my spine. If you were the one controlling my Lieutenants as we talked about your history, and Madame Eva, I appreciate the opportunities to be pulled into another global story line, even if it didn't make any damn sense (rager + magic right = lich?!).

If there were others I am missing, I am sorry, but keep it up. CF is a great game because of the atmosphere you all foster.

Ilyana: The Provost that I felt never was. I enjoyed rolling with you the few times I had the opportunity to early on, before you became Provost. Thanks for all the opportunities you created such as the Envoy positions. I might never had been so close to the Gaspere unveiling had I not been in communications with Oliopterix and Rast through that role. I have played many tribs in the past, but never stuck with them (I don't think I had ever been promoted out of Seantryn before!), but gaining Provincial so early on really made me prize Ention and stick it out for a lot longer than I would have otherwise. Thanks for that opportunity. Also, your absence really made the rest of us step it up RP wise, in leading the Spire. Sorry for throwing the pseudo-coups, but you had already articulated that you wanted to step down, and a month later, I was just ready to move on with it.

Llyion: I am not sure where to start here. We had great talks and butted heads a number of times. Thanks for taking my words into consideration when appropriate. I was just striving for a legal basis for judgement in policy. Not to knock you too much, but a number of times when you had opportunities to articulate leadership, it often came as a thinly veiled "cause I said so." That said, our conversations on entrapment vs prevention were golden, and together we could be quite a force to reckon with. Thanks for entertaining my hair brained idea for how to resolve who would become Provost. Overall, I thought very highly of you. I hope you can see Trib out of the funk it is currently in.

Sqierna: Not even sure where to start here. You made Ention. I knew you saw me (and from your good bye post, the player) as useless. What you didn't know is that with how loose the interpretation of the laws was becoming, I was trying to stick to some semblance of order and due process to counterbalance that. I am currently in my Masters of Public Admin, and I was really trying to play up the concept of process/procedure, and authority. Trib's authority is a bit contrived, so I saw our authority as derived from the Laws and the Texts, and that was irrefutable. Since I could not take the word of the law as a strict interpretation (thanks to Ilyana's Companion to the Laws), I could take the Magistrates Library as a literal procedure. And in regards to our relationship, he number of times you broke, or may or may not have questionably broke the laws really eroded my trust in you. Thus, when you would get murdered in town, I would hide behind the process as a middle finger to you. I would still hold that process for other investigations, but for you in particular I could not trust you, so your word meant nothing to me. Again, I have nothing against you as the player, but between Ention and Sqierna, there was some bad blood. It definitely made things in the Spire interesting for awhile. Thanks for the conflict!

Noirra: I never could figure you out. It seemed when you were given the opportunity to do things, you always would shrug and walk away. Not even talking about the Provost trial, but even the offer to become a Provincial. I know it is not a requirement to hold the post before Justi/Vindi, but it sure boosts your power up to get there. Also, the straw that really broke the camels back was your unrelenting comments about the state of the Spire after I ate a really bad gang and then near full loot. Piss poor timing, and I would just remind you of the 6th point of the code.

To the rest of the Spire, I really enjoyed our interactions, and thanks for making this a rich game.

Father Girf: boy did you like eating elf feet! You were rough. 1 on 1, you were rough and I would have to play conservatively. You plus one other and it was a nightmare. I hate to say it but I was relieved when I saw you lose Nightreaver.

Ajak: Covered you in your good bye, but sorry I was such a tough match up for you. I think you got me once under the spirit with entwine, otherwise it was super lopsided in my favor. Thanks for being a good sport about it, and again I don't blame you for not showing up when you saw me online.

Torma: I don't even know what to say here. I gave you some nice giant only gear when you were in your 20s or 30s, to try and make a connection with a known Warden. I was just responded to with looting of my limited out goody only gear and looting of my prep bag. You were a tough patch up if I wasn't paying attention, and that was a lot of the time as I would have to play late into the night. Your 2nd path has made you a lot scarier too.

Ryrzual: Now on to the ####ty part, and the reason I deleted. I don't need to put up with immature assholes. I am doing enough of that already. I have a two year old we are potty training (and that is more pleasant than dealing with you). Your gloating over characters deleting or con dying is detrimental to this game. Your hiding in the woods, sending blatantly OOC tells, then logging off before you can be replied to is detrimental to this game. Your full loot/sacing after a 3v1 gank (because you suck too much to land a 1v1 or even 2v1 kill) is detrimental to this game. I hope you sincerely take a look in the mirror and go #### yourself. Either that or the Imms catch you in your ####ty behavior and drop the banhammer. Your behavior is making the already low player base minus one more. Thanks for showing me what is important in my life, and pointing out I need to move on from this game.

Zavuel: I had Gorilla/Eagle in the past and that is a power combo. Have fun wrecking face with it. And thanks for giving me back the few items you snagged from Ryrzual's attempt to full sac me.

Ischer, Muzz, and the other rangers: I had fun mixing it up with ya'll, and I would always be surprised how many of you would pop out of the wood works as soon as I would hit the huntress to retrieve. Thanks for the opposition.

Oliopteryx: I had a ton of fun getting to know you, even if it was at the end of your life. Sorry I could never bring myself to leave the spire to be inducted into Battle. I would have had other hurdles to jump over beyond being a paladin, like having used pots, and not having a mage kill at that point. Limiting myself to a criminal mage made for very few targets.

Rastensol: thanks for dragging me into the Gasp reveal. I had a ton of fun with that, and I am glad to have gotten to know you a bit better in the aftermath. We drifted apart after you got back into battle and started engaging in more criminal activity, but se la vie. I used the lesson of the Drillmaster who engaged in a magical rite to release a lich as a tale of warning for many a young tribunal.

Quinloc: I appreciated the silent/unspoken respect we had for each other. You never seemed to commit crimes at least in cities I was on duty in, even when you had plenty of opportunities to. I tried to use that as an example of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I also used your example of the conflict you had with the wight that we removed your flag for as a teaching moment for almost every subsequent inductee. Thanks for making the game great.

Bellin: As I said in your good by, you were a little beast. I really want to know your build, or what you did to make it seem far more sturdy than a lot of other svirf pincer specs. You often sent me packing far sooner than I would have expected, even without iron axes. You were super dangerous to engage, and I fled under 100 hp more times that I care to remember.

Fortress: I am glad I got to get to know many of you throughout time. I really appreciated not being a Kors follower and getting to go on some fun PVE trips I never did (like Ysekon). Particular stand outs to me were Aurew, Posatelis, Tia, Niekofet, and Yikaro.

Herald: I loved me some bards. Ention + a bard and we could do a TON. (minus the fire demon in Arin'Gird).

Empire: Ya'll were a non-factor until recently, so I didn't get much of a chance to interact with you all. Seems you all got some interesting stuff going on, so have fun with that.

Barons: So sparse, didn't really have much of an effect. I am just glad Gilver was a whole lot easier to deal with on Ention than as Kerubiel.

I am sure there are tons of others I am missing. I wish I would say leave a comment, and I will respond, but as part of my cutting the cord to CF, I am really trying not to even come to these sites. I will post a number of logs on Dios, but beyond that, I gotta kick the addiction that is CF.

To everyone, GLWYN.
Bilgritik Grummeltuff, Dwarven Defender of Thar Eris
Yllonise the Healing Touch of the Emerald Oak, Cardinal of the Golden Sun
Ention Dawn's Son (never did get a last name..), Provincial Magistrate
136484, Sorry, guess I should of voted!
Posted by Noirra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't vote for provost... I also didn't vote for the past presidential election and we got stuck with trump. Hrm weird how that kind of worked out...

Sorta feel like the same thing happened in the Tribunal...

I wanted nothing to do with Tribunal politics... Previous 2 characters held leader roles in the cabal and I didn't want to be a part of that process/role. Not because I hated it, it's actually very fun. I wanted other people to have a chance to experience it. Hopefully you had some fun doing it. You inducted me if you don't remember...

Sorry things worked out the way they did. The tribunal cabal was actually holding its ground reasonably well for a bit and I enjoyed the couple of fights we had together. Specially that one with a wanted Bellin and Qyn.

Unfortunately we got stuck with a poorly thinking provost and it is now what it is... A dead cabal. I wanted him to take the position because he had been a Tribunal forever, its too bad he derped it up pretty bad...
