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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Rastensol Sunstone the Unremitting Bigot, Mageslayer
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136454, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Rastensol Sunstone the Unremitting Bigot, Mageslayer
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Mar 4 10:57:09 2019

At 10 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 2nd of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Rastensol perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
136475, Good times
Posted by Elithranduil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So one of my first memories with Elithranduil is tagging along with Naevar and seeing you unleash Gaspare. From that point on, I had good deal of IC animosity towards you.

That faded somewhat as I got to know you a little better IC, but never went away completely. We teamed up a few times, and I think we fought a few times too. It was all good fun, both as an enemy and as a (tentative) friend.

You were a huge presence, impossible to ignore, for all of Elithranduil's life. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
136480, Yeah, I for sure picked up on that
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And rightfully so as you should have thought he was a fool for getting played by Gaspare.

Rastensol was a bit leery of other races, especially the magical high elves. So he outwardly chalked it up to that distrust and the arrogance of the high elves but it sure made for some good fun. Pretty sure I talked to Daph about your animosity towards him a time or two.

Otherwise, great character and we did do well when we teamed up, tentative as it was. Good luck and keep on trucking!
136468, Awesome job
Posted by Jarmel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I certainly laid out a few beatings with Varric, I never managed to get you. You on the other hand got me a few times, definitely someone to be wary of. Just all round a solid job.
136472, Thanks, man
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, there were some fights that lasted just the blink of an eye. One flurry and ouch.

Pretty sure if you had 2 iron swords it would have been insta death with sigil & flurry.

Great job though. Tough as ####. Love your logs.

136464, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Rastensol Sunstone the Unremitting Bigot, Mageslayer
Posted by Aylosi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I genuinely enjoyed watching you. One of the rare ones who nails RP/PK/Story. Outstanding all around! GLWYN!
136457, Goodbyes
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow this guy was fun. Daphedee, especially, made this character great, but, more on that in a bit!

I saw a thread on qhcf theorcrafting about what build would maximize deathblow and I immediately began thinking that it would be some kind of whirlwind build and came up with this one. I wasn’t looking to play another villager but couldn’t help myself from trying it out. So, I rolled him up without a role idea. He was supposed to be a casual character to test out the build but when you’ve played as many ragers as I have it gets tough coming up with role ideas.

That’s when I read Ergush’s (I think it was Ergush) death thread talking about his attempt at a Daphedee follower. I hadn’t yet picked a sphere and so I read Daph’s helpfile a bit closer than I had before and decided to give it a try. That’s why I didn’t have any flaws picked out when I first approached you, Daphedee, so I’m glad you decided to give me a try and saddle me up with a flaw. I figured the note on your wizlist was initially directed at me!

Anyhow, once the character got going and I had a few chats with Daph it just got really, really fun. I never intended to put as much effort into the character as I did but I just couldn’t help it. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

Even as much fun as the character was I still get to a point where I have other ideas I want to try. I am not the biggest into playing multiple characters at once and I’ve never managed to age-die someone. I did promise myself I wasn’t going to delete this guy. I got a little reckless at times (around Christmas and at the end) but I wasn’t trying to throw con away. I appreciate the con quest and even though the few additional con went quick I sure had fun spending them!!

On to some goodbyes and as usual, if I missed you, I apologize. I am trying to keep this brief but meaningful as well. Please post and I’ll reply.

Daphedee! Thank you so much for everything. I’m glad you were there at the end. Like I said above, you really made the difference in this being just an average character to something I thought was really fun and special. Rastensol will definitely go down as one of my top CF character experiences. I don’t know what your opinion was on how well I got the religion but it seemed to make good sense to me. I know my major flaw was simple and essentially what every villager is but I was hoping to make it more about the execution than the reason. I’m glad you got at least one more follower because I can’t recommend it enough. Thanks for all the fun chats and just the general support of everything I tried to do with this character, including the con quest so I could get those last two MPKs. As I said, I hope I didn’t seem like I was burning through it. I was just having fun with it. Also thanks for being there the night I uninducted myself! You really made that a fun time and could have chose to spend more time on the Gaspare end but you hung out with me sulking in the Inn. It was great!

Gaspare. How can I have a death thread and not mention you! Your reveal was a pretty pivotal point for Rastensol and I was up for about anything. I get the feeling everyone in immland didn’t expect me to uninduct myself but from my standpoint Rast didn’t have much of a choice. I was totally OK with that as a character because it was fun and I thought it really made for a flawed character that fit well with Daphedee. My biggest challenge with you was trying to figure out how to interact without after. I explained some of it IC and at the end glad I got to have that talk with you and take that tour of the collegio. There were quite a few times I saw you visible and wanted to tell you something but I wasn’t sure how to go about it. Rast was supposed to be really pissed at you but it was conflicting for him to hold you to the standard of a wizard since you were now divine and it would have been slightly hypocritical of him as a Daph follower. Anyhow, thanks to you too for all the fun.

Panmorne: Thank you for all the chats, especially the final one from yesterday. And also, thank you for the chance to get back in the Village. I wondered how easy you’d make it on me considering the circumstances and was really up for anything. Glad it worked out the way it went!

Ishuli: Thanks for the last minute invite to help with the gift exchange! That was awesome! Apologies that I didn’t sign up for it in the first place.

Whildur: Thanks for the RC win! And especially thank you for the reward. I know those are rare! I'm flattered and honored.

Quinloc: You were the perfect character to have around in the position you were in when Rast fell. There was enough conflict between the two to make it interesting but still enough understanding to know they were both on the same side. Your one-liners cracked me up quite a bit especially the one about the broken mirror. I can’t believe that I missed that pincer on you in the massacre! You really worked Rast over both times in the rites. I had a lot of trouble with backfist and riposte due to whirlwind, that’s one draw back to the legacy I never considered. I actually used our talk after the massacre as motivation to ask Daph for a con quest. I was going to show you! Ironic, because I didn’t want to be DM at that point but I still felt the need to play up the angle of showing you for not wanting to pick me. Heh.

Bendegoh: Congratz on DM! I liked running around with you but you probably hated running with me. Felt like everytime I got us into something we died. Good luck!

Zaralv: Love your character. Have fun following Daph! Think Rast and Zaralv would have been big time buddies had they not sorta been at war.

Gilversplitz: Never managed to kill you. You were one I hoped to get but we didn’t fight all that much and I always ended up dying when I came for you at the tower. I have no idea what special project you were talking about but it seemed intriguing!

Ryrzual: Great fights. Thanks for giving me a fun one to go out on. I sure survived a lot more malices than I would have thought possible for a villager! I knew that once I saw Aylosi’s help file there’d be a venoms priest giving us Villagers hell. IT was fun though. Your tells crack me up.

Zavuel: As with Ryrzual thanks for the good fight at the end! I was really considering attacking the tree for you in a bloodthirst for the last death but you two came to me!

Eioda: Damn those traps are nasty. Pretty much a death sentence to get trapped in the Village without a defender. Good fights and interesting character!

I know I'm missing folks but damn I got to get some food and try to get something productive done today!
136459, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Ergush on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will note that Rastensol was a strong character, and fun to watch, however it was not I who attempted a Dapheedee character (yet, Bwahaha).

136460, Sorry, my bad! Pretty sure it was an Imm
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or I’m just going crazy.
136462, It was Emnon I think, that druid right?
Posted by Mcbeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the topic of Rastensol I'll repost what I said on qhcf: I don't think you were alive when Drissa was so that must mean I only caught you on a bunch of throwaway characters, and you were great to/with/against all of them. I was the particularly short lived Ruan and particularly enjoyed a couple of our chats. I think you play the best neutral Battlerager of everyone left on CF. You and Murphy are super high up there as far as classy players who add much to the game every time they roll up, hope you're around the next time I am!
136463, I think you’re right!
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It must be something subconscious now about after playing Rast about speaking his name. Haha.

Thanks a lot! I did come right after Drissa. Ruan was great. It definitely wondered where you were when you stopped showing. Your back and forth with Bellin was lots of fun.
136479, I'm glad this mummy could inspire you..
Posted by Emnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job with Rast..I watched you a good bit and interacted with
you on several occasions and you were a good sport with the
ramifications of calling out my name. I might add that there was
some hidden gratification with each plague or smite, as Rahsael
can attest that each little quest we ran. It seemed your ass ended
up murdering my mob that I was in charge of. But it became funny.
So you gave me some good laughs. Daph's religion is really cool
and fun for us nut jobs and I recommend trying a go at the religion
and not be scared of flaws.


Awesome character all around..

136481, If it's the mob I'm thinking of
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a total accident! Haha. Sure was funny though...

If I'm right that is where the liberator of entrails title came from. I always chuckled at that title because I was certain that people who didn't know the story assumed it was because I was a dexy axe spec with the entrail anatomy edge and disemboweled a lot of people. Only thing is, and why I chuckled, is that I never took the edge and only disemboweled like 2 people overall. I probably should have taken the edge but wanted to try other things (which reminds me I totally forgot to talk about my edge choices in goodbyes as I meant to, oh well).

The first time Rast ran into Emnon was also pretty memorable and a lot of fun. Here I thought I had found Daphedee's shrine/place but something seemed off. Sure enough when you popped out I knew why! Made for a real creepy experience and it was fun writing about it in my role update.
136461, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looooved having you around as thirisg & loved everything except disembowel as enemies lol. Great character glwyn
136465, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Daphedee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I kinda alluded to in game, I really wasn't sure how your brand of "flaw" was going to work out, and you're right, I absolutely added that blurb to the wizlist with you in mind. :p

In the end, I was genuinely (and happily) surprised at the strides and character evolution throughout Rast's lifetime that turned average into awesome. I was especially proud (and again, surprised) at your 'induct self none' moment - I don't think a lot of people would've pulled the trigger for the sake of roleplay but you did and it was fantastic, even if your life vs mages got infinitely harder for a while.

Your song:
Brave by Sara Bareilles

But more importantly, what I imagined you thinking when Gaspare appeared:

Good luck with your next!
136466, I've made a huge mistake...
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Perfect :)
Posted by Korsgaard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I saw a thread on qhcf theorycrafting about what build would
>maximize deathblow

I've gone down that road too many times to count, but it's always a blast!

Glad you had fun and good job taking up the MageSlayer mantle!


136456, Great character.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great to watch in more ways than one.

136455, Well Fing done!
Posted by Blkdrgn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, your character had an eventful life, that is for sure. You were scary to deal with on Ziryn, and Vul seemed to just have the hardest time with you and villagers specifically. I thought Improbability tunnel would help against villagers but you guys all just baned like 70% of my spells anyways.

You were tough, and always willing to throw down and I appreciate your approach in pvp when fighting, seeing you didn't call blood always :D. You were fun to see from many perspectives, though I didn't ally with you I don't think, which would have been fun!

GLWYN and job well done for sure!
136458, Thanks!!
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just noticed that Vul deleted and was meaning to say something as I liked that character. I'm sure he was cool to be on the same side with. Lots of fun fighting both your characters. Ziryn was especially tough for Rast. Ripostes ate me up!

Thanks for the words!