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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [TRIBUNAL] Sqierna Moriata the Apostle of Greed, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=136388
136388, (CON LOSS) [TRIBUNAL] Sqierna Moriata the Apostle of Greed, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Feb 26 20:44:55 2019

At 10 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 32nd of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Sqierna perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
136428, Some problems with powers
Posted by Sqierna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For Vindicator:

1) Confiscate and Safeguard couldn't be used except in the last city I was Magistrate of, which means Seantryn. I feel like Vindie should be able to use them anywhere.
2) Guards couldn't be tessed with. Even worse, the mana is taken off, but the guards stay. I bug-boarded that one a while back, but I suppose it won't get looked at for a bit.
3) Animals cannot be shackled, even ones that could be IRL, like bear or gorilla.
4) Blood trail would always track the wrong person and was very unreliable on top of that.
5) Vindicator guards are just plain old guards, not buffed in any way. That means they don't do much at hero. I can suppose a case can be made that vindie with lieutenants is too strong, but as it is some builds don't need to fear the vindicator, even a conjurer one.
6) Vigilance on a vindie doesn't include detect camo, which means that Provost is a better vindie than vindie. (Lieutenants and detect camo would be significantly more powerful than bloody shackles, which is about the only power vindie gets.)
7) Anyone can attack vindie in a protected city and get away with that easily unless a magistrate is on duty. I don't feel that's correct.

For conjurer:

1) Tess fail rate is atrocious.
2) Clair fail rate is horrendous. Compounded by sometimes getting killed by the lost soul/vampire that appears.
3) Murderous rep should be rolled into the class as it's currently a pre-requisite for playing a viable devil conjurer. Unless one is willing to sport no-mana no-power abishais they can dismiss, there's too much danger in calling anything with power without the rep. Even with it, devils rebel far too easily.
4) Banisher (or whichever bumps up the dismiss rate) should be rolled into the class as doing full-mana failed banishes (and subsequent death) gets old real fast. If I dump, say, over 500 mana into a dismissal, it should generally go through. Currently, it doesn't and it's a miracle if you get to dismiss a strong servitor. (Miracle is the thing that doesn't happen often.)
5) Even full-mana gaunts which are really difficult to bind are very weak and easily killed by anyone strong.

For imms:

There's been too much of a toning down of everything IMHO.

1) If you think someone deserves a reward, just give it to them, don't wait around forever for the "right" opportunity to present itself, which never does.
2) Please bump up the imm xp. Currently, if you do something amazing, you get like 50 imm xp in the very unlikely event you get noticed at all. For that xp to happen, chances are you probably did ten more amazing things that didn't get noticed, which effectively means you did 500immxp worth of amazing things.
3) Get an active coder already.
136430, Blood trail is funky.
Posted by Ishuli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Re: Vindicator
Blood trail, no matter the name you put in or otherwise, only tells you the direction of the last person who exited the room.

call 'blood trail'
Leaning down, you attempt to pick out the trail of Ishuli.
After close examination, you find a trail leading east.

I had never once exited that room. So it's kinda funky in how it presents itself. Makes its primary use viable only when you're chasing someone who maybe camo'ed or just moved at a fork in the road and you can figure out which way they went pretty quickly.
I didn’t realize you couldn’t tess with guards, doh.

Re: Conjurer
I totally felt for you sometimes, when I’d watch you prep up, bring a sweet devil, then it’d not do much in combat for you, but then be super eager to betray you afterwards. I hope that little chat we had IC helped a bit! Nightgaunt wise, I tended to watch each gaunt you sent out. Some went easily, some didn’t, it seemed to be a mix bag (from the ones I saw). I don’t think gaunts are supposed to be super strong, given what they do. I can’t speak to the rest of the conjie stuff since you likely know it better than me :).

Re: For Imms
1 – Only a few imms can give rewards, so it ends up being a process of communication/conversation/agreement/perspective and coordination. Most imms are limited to immxp and the like.
2 – I can’t speak from heavy data, but I think we’re okay on the immxp front? I could be totally wrong on that and would require Umi/Scar tier data input, but I at least tend to be pretty free-flowing on immxp. I admit I prefer to give it out regularly in smaller amounts (when I see neat stuff) rather than big clumps every so often. I can’t speak to how others do it.
3 – Fingers crossed.

Thanks for the feedback :).

This post isn't intended to spark a huge discussion/argument, just wanted to field your concerns, so don't expect a lot more response wise from me, thanks!

136418, Well done!
Posted by Njork on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well RP'ed, a bit aloof / eerie - appropriate for an evil conjuror. I enjoyed our times together.
136416, You are very good at tribbing.
Posted by JohnEveryMan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Over all I thought you were a really well put together character. Beyond being evil murder conji you were always involved in whatever
cabal discussion or general RP thing was going on and while after you
first got into trib you kind of skirted around a few things like with
the gaunts I'm completely willing to believe that wasn't intentional.

I never play mages but you're build seemed pretty powerful, at least
as far as you at level 40 had 1/10th as much trouble raiding outlander
as I did with two buki edges and lieutenants.

Trib as of then and I guess now has been pretty newbie friendly and
I'd say a lot of that has to do with it being the only cabal you don't
have to be technically skilled or thematically have any grand reason
for joining.

Anyway, really enjoyed our interactions and hope you play again soon.


Reeking of cat piss this post is signed,

136409, Looks like someone pinned this thread by mistake.nt
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
136395, Some advice
Posted by A magistrate on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A) You came off as rather abrasive against your fellow magistrates. In fact, you outright insulted them every chance you got. That made it so nobody wanted to help you or support you.

B) You blamed everybody else when you died, even directly blaming other magistrates that had little or nothing to do with you getting yourself killed.

I know some of this was supposed to be some kind of haughty RP, and some of it was frustration from dying when you really shouldn't have, but you really should have tried to rack up some goodwill with the people you were expecting to have your back. I'm pretty sure everybody hated you, and you didn't do much to endear yourself to your supposed allies.
136397, Completely disagree.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sqierna was clearly RPing an evil character and even helped out my goodie when she recognized she could do so within the bounds of Trib RP. Awesome character.
136392, I've seen you on many different sides! Thumbs up for sticking it out!
Posted by Blkdrgn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I feel like you were a good character for the game. Conjurers in Tribunal are difficult to play because the people who play this game typically try to be cheesy AF and get you in trouble with your servitors instead of playing their character. You were a vicious vindicator, though, one thing I might assert is using your guards in pk against non-criminals is just lame but I get it.

You seemed very consistent with your RP when I interacted with you and I hope you did enjoy your log ins for the most part, though Conjurer now seems rather difficult to entertain because you end up losing more con to servitors than actually getting to play, and evils tend to get the shaft on the explore unlike goodies. I enjoy conjurers a lot but they are just too volatile to have success in current climate of CF. Criminals no longer need to be scared and with that, GLWYN.
136391, A few notes
Posted by Sqierna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Evil devil conjie is very hard to do these days. So if you're thinking of one, be prepared to face your hooded devil that can't be dismissed.
I think the difficulty in keeping the devils under control is overly dialed up, even with the murderous rep they rebel far too often. Examples include things like calling up a fresh one, going to raid the tree, never fleeing once, finishing the raid by killing Huntress and Spirit and the devil rebels on the way back. If you flee/word even once, chances are it will rebel. Flee twice and even the happiest of devils will turn on you. Mainly due to that this was a very suicidal character, where I just stopped caring about death and went to die many times, especially at the end.

Morius: Had a good time, thanks for the tattoo. Tried to do a greedy "in general" char, but a non-griefer, so very rarely took anything from a corpse. Felt like I was missing something though, but don't know what it was. You tried to get me to bring people to you, and sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't, but that's usually a very hard task I have no control over, as they have their own RP constraints and maybe others to worship.

Ishuli: Thanks for Vindicator, I feel I've done a good job and I definitely kept my end of the bargain, stopped going after random people generally, which made getting murderous rep so much harder.

Tribunal: Full of newbish people, but that's fine. I broke the laws a couple of times, always not intentional, but I feel all of them more or less ok'sh.
Once, I fought someone, they recalled, immediately following that fight I get attacked by a rager, have to recall myself, and it turns out we share the recall spot and my demon remembers to kill the dude.
Another time, a rager attacks my devil and runs to the west gates of Hamsah to "catch" me since he can't deal with me otherwise. That's the incident Jizzhead was referring to. This was pure entrapment, with the intent clear and I think rather poor RP on the rager. For that I had to write a treatise as punishment.
Gaunted someone in town by accident, so generally had to avoid using gaunts on non-criminals. The way this happens is I use clair to look them up, they're outside town, but then go to bind the gaunt and they recall in the couple of seconds it takes between the clair and the gaunt.
Had the guards with me once when killing something very low that would've just died to magic missiles and I had devil and elemental with me at the time. So, just a brain freeze there, got warned, but it wasn't like I was trying to kill something tough and the guards pretty much did no help in that fight.
Had to call a demon to repel the raid on the Spire, did that successfully, but in the process a trib paladin logs on and gets attacked by the demon while I'm pursuing a criminal. This is a non-issue as the laws don't apply in that situation. In pursuit and not an innocent bystander, so trying to make a stink didn't get anywhere.

Some people:
The player of Fianthae: I hope you find another pastime as you're a pure griefer and the worst kind of person to play this game. I don't care how you try to justify it IC, but your actions strictly to grief others are garbage and I wish you'd move on.
The player of Ention: I don't know if you're trying to be an idiot on purpose, but it works splendidly.
Ilyana: Alright for a Provost, albeit non-aggressive, but I suppose that's paladinely. We probably had much less tension between us than we should have.
Llyion: You strike me as someone new, and thanks for the blood! Good luck in your new role, looks like you'll need it.
Outties: I wish you'd come of the tree at least some of the time. As it is, I log in, you're sitting on top of the scales at the tree three-four deep and never go anyplace. I don't know about you, but I'd be bored out of my mind doing that for hours. It was very hard to come across a fight aside from the tree and even there, some of you didn't fight me.

I probably forgot a ton of others, so if you have a question or comment, let me know.
136394, RE: A few notes
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The banisher edge (if that's the one that boosts dismissal) should mean that rebellious devils rarely if ever kill you again, provided you have a lot of mana to throw into the dismissal.

I also died a lot as evil Conjie until I took that edge and subsequently figured out that a big dismissal was way better than multiple small dismissals once you have the edge.

Think the only time I died to angry devil after that was when Quird had run me out of mana prior to making me flee repeatedly.
136401, Problem is edge points
Posted by Sqierna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was reasonably successful with edge points without being OCD and I was only able to take Infernal Adept, Murderous Rep and the scry edge. I feel like the first two are absolute must-haves and the build is unplayable without them, and I think the banisher wasn't available when I took the scry one because it was more expensive. Even if it wasn't, I was failing scry too often and had to fight scry mobs way too often not to take scry edge.
136398, I thoroughly enjoyed the conflict between you and Ention (nt)
Posted by Karchammadel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
136399, How I ended up killing you in the mausoleum is some kind of luck in the realm of a lottery win
Posted by Rastensol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since you're dead I'll tell you the story of my dumbassery and dumb luck there.

I went to the maus to clear those specters you viewed me fighting. Except I walked in like an idiot without grabbing a key.

So I was not only super hurt, but, super stuck when you came upon me. Of course, you didn't know that and probably wouldn't assume I'm that stupid, but, I was that time!

So your barrier falling was just super bad timing. Also... I realized after the fight that your ice devil left me famished and...

I ALSO went in with no food. Haha! I wonder if I have that log. But yeah, I had no business being the survivor there.

Enjoyed all our other fights. Pretty sure we fought each other coming up the ranks.

136400, Posted the log on qhcf
Posted by Sqierna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was REALLY careless of me not to watch the barrier timer, but in my defense, I was running there real fast from pretty far away and was so excited to see you were still there. Also, the three deathblows didn't really help out. :)
136403, RE: A few notes
Posted by Morius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this was a very successful character. As greedy as you were, you fit beautifully in the church. As to missing something, I think it was more that Morius is inclined to make entirely unreasonable demands. The demands are meant to be difficult, conflicting for your cabal dogma, and sometimes borderline impossible. It’s a particular habit when Morius sees someone properly full of themselves. After all, if you promise me the world, why not give it to me?

One of the reasons I was so unreasonable with you specifically was because I was hoping to reward your long-lived efforts and religious efforts alongside a conjurer benefit like a special familiar or something like that. It’s rare to see a long-lived conjurer, much less a long-lived evil conjurer who constantly deals with unruly devils, so I was a bit of a bully in hopes of leading to it.

But I still did as I could. When Morius sits in your shadow he does enjoy offering a bit of healing in times of desperation. All in all I was very glad to have you as my Apostle and had a great time with you, and watching you. Congratulations on being awesome and con-dying!

It seems that covetousness is the greatest of sins. For it is written (Sirach 10:9): "Nothing is more wicked than a covetous man," and the text continues: "There is not a more wicked thing than to love money: for such a one setteth even his own soul to sale." Tully also says (De Offic. i, under the heading, 'True magnanimity is based chiefly on two things'): "Nothing is so narrow or little minded as to love money." But this pertains to covetousness. Therefore covetousness is the most grievous of sins.
- Aquinas, Summa Theologica

““Apropos of the Templars, de Maistre said that the order of the Temple had been created by greed, and greed had destroyed it, and that was that.”
- Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum
“And the weapons in our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatreds and malice”
– Protocols of the Elders of Zion
136405, I am not quite sure how to take that.
Posted by Ention on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the one hand you calling me an idiot, but on the other complimenting me and stating what I am doing is working. So... thanks?

I struggled a lot with what to say here, or if I should say anything at all. So, instead of focusing on the negative, for what it is worth, I will echo Karch's comments. Even though we had a lot of conflict between us, for the most part I enjoyed it, and I never thought poorly of the player, rather only of Sqierna and her actions (I am sorry that is not reciprocated). The problems Sqierna caused for the Spire and breaking/pushing the boundaries of the law forced Ention to grow in ways I didn't expect. I genuinely have Sqierna to thank for giving me a reason to stick with a character for a lot longer than I usually do.

136519, Thought I replied earlier, but it was in my head, sorry
Posted by Sqierna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this belongs more on my thread than yours, because it has more to do with me as a char and as a player than you. Maybe it's just hubris, but it REALLY fits the char Sqierna more. :)

IC, Sqierna was all about pursuing her own importance, self-worth and self-power above all else. What's good for Sqierna is good, what's not good for Sqierna is not good. (One tattoo'd Apostle of Greed). In that regard, the Vindicator position simply aligned with what was good for Sqierna. Generally, the freedom to kill outside the cities (with guards), albeit somewhat artificially limited by Ishuli to "enemies of the cabal." That, according to Sqierna, included any Outlander, Entropist, or "usual criminals" like Bellin. While I didn't go out of my way to pursue anyone else, if someone like a maran or a villager happened nearby, well, fair game since they clearly tried to kill me while I was on duty (hint: Vindie is always on-duty).

Now then, Sqierna's antics aside, when a Vindicator reports an attack on her in a protected city, nothing in the laws or the library specifically covers that, but I would imagine that as a Vindicator is one person most focused on the pursuit of a criminal, at least some weight would be given to her words. More specifically, a Vindicator is not an off-duty Magistrate. This is not a Magistrate position at all. This is also not a leadership position. This is (in theory) a person who is focused on fighting the enemies of the Blood Tribunal most of all. I feel that the reports of a crime by a Vindicator should carry a LOT of weight regardless of a person.

Now, specifically to my problem to Ention as a character. He gave absolutely no regard to crime reports by Sqierna. Perhaps a cursory farce of an investigation followed by nothing. I feel like more attention would have been given by a random 15-level reporting a crime. Moreover, during either attack or defense, Ention would demonstrably do the least possible to help Sqierna. Of course Sqierna saw him as useless and called it out as such. In fact, I've tried to encourage discussion about the issue by being openly blatant about it.

Ention as a player: I called you trying to play an idiot (re:anything Sqierna-related) an succeeding at it, nothing more, nothing less. I get that people might RP something beyond my ability to comprehend it, but specifically in Tribunal, a Provincial should at least be interested in what a Vindicator is saying at least some of the time. To be completely dismissive is just breaking RP IMHO. Your position (in theory) is one of leadership and authority in a (theoretically) rigid-power structure and you dismiss and tolerate being called a Useless One in an open channel multiple times (or more like all the time by Sqierna). IMHO, that's just not good RP.

We could have discussed my "transgressions" IC, you could have threatened to uninduct me for my undermining, etc, whatever. But instead you just chose to ignore me completely.

At least, that's how I see things (as a char and as a player) and I admit that may not be the complete worldview.
136514, Some advice
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I spent a lot of time watching you from the sky as Tebor. I also managed to make devils work very well as a svirf conjurer. The key was to always feed the devil, and by always I mean like 20-50% of the time you have them you need to be feeding them(they are hungry!). I recognize a Druid overhead makes that a royal pain so you might have acted differently when I was not on. A couple of ways I found to do that we’re a follows.

1.) kill cabal guards-the devils prog vamp touch at a much higher rate when fighting a cabal inner or outer.
2.) let something else tank and knock down groups of mid 30 mobs. As a svirf I would find a group of ugruks, let my super elemental area attack and tank them to knock of a few. Some familiars can do this, being able to burn gold at a healer also really helps as they tend to chunk down your hp.

I would also even if I called a happy ice devil still feed it a bit. If I didn’t have a specific objective to achieve at any time I would get rid of the devil, either by dismissal or by killing it on a mob(easier now with targeting), note you can call weak angels and archons to attack it.

As for squirna the character I was a big fan. You had some major balls and composed yourself with dignity. Sorry I did not defend a few times, it was during my period that my imm asked me not to kill anyone and while most others I could just maldict until they went away I couldn’t poke at you that way without your devil turning
136518, Hey, was a fan of Tebor
Posted by Sqierna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the one time you got me was lulwhat? moment when I tessed to you after repelling you at the captain while having two guards in a group and the mana was taken out for the guards, but they didn't come and I didn't have enough for the bloody shackles, so I was kinda screwed after spores and hunt on no mana and having to flee, pissing off my devil with you on my tail, basically dying like a champ at Executioner when money ran out. At least that's the way I remember it. :) That's a hard way to find out that tess doesn't take the vindie guards with you. :)

Killing cabal guardians is not enough to feed the devil. The way I know is I log in, call a happy ice, bind it NP, immediately go reraid/raid the tree, never flee once, he rebels while I'm coming back with a fetish. My familiar couldn't tank anything, so there's that.

The way I usually fed the devil is by killing the healer guildmaster. And yes, it takes a long, long time. Sometimes I didn't bother with a strong devil, just called a no-mana abishai just to avoid feeding him as that thing can at least be dismissed. Dismissing a strong ice is not something that works even with full mana. At least not without the edge, which in this world is next to impossible to get after murderous rep and buffed devils edge.

Also, while Tebor was on, my patterns were extremely different than when you weren't. I don't know if it was obvious or not, but I knew that you'd be watching. Also, really blows that the gaunt doesn't hunt the birds. Worse yet, you find that out by blowing the timer.

Had zero idea your imm told you to stop killing when (re)raiding those times and really wandered what's going on. I fully expected to kill huntress/spirit only to die to your maledicts/my devil afterwards. Sqierna was kinda reckless as I was bleeding con to devils as is, so I didn't care normally.
136390, What's the standard for vindicator?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I get that trib Conjie is hard but three questionable acts (accidental murder in city, accidental attack on fellow magistrate, and use of guards Vs non criminal) and still vindy in under 200 hours?

Of these, is really the use of guards that seems bad to me, given past reaction to it.

This seems quite different to the standard that normally seem to be demanded for a vindicator role, and tesseract plus shackles is a pretty nasty combo.
136413, RE: What's the standard for vindicator?
Posted by TheBluestThumb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I second this. Sqierna was a cool character, but the sheer amount of second chances he got were mind-blowing.

I mean, if you make one mistake and get wanted you typically can't even get into Trib. Not to mention this, off of Odrirg's pbf:

Fri Mar 26 18:31:21 2004 by 'Drunsthol' at level 51 (253 hrs):
Attacked an unwanted person in town. Busted down from Vindicator to Magistrate of Seantryn Modan for stupidity.

Took that (exceptional) character 3 weeks to work his way just back to provincial, and then ~50 hours after that to get vindi again.

Now, I know that times have changed and things are different/easier now-a-days, but for the amount of safety that Trib typically entails, the tradeoff for that is that you have get punished when you misflag someone or, you know, break the ####ing law. Sqierna broke it numerous times and barely anything happened to her.

Conjies are a tough boat to row in Trib for a reason. The X-factor of pets being used by people to make conjies break the law is neither new nor a bad thing. Conjie trib is conjie + trib on hard mode.

I'm a big fan of Ishuli, but I'd really like to see a bit more discipline from them.
136414, A recent example of discipline
Posted by Dhaude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I used special guards to get a corpse to raise in the Spire when the Spire wasn't under attack.

2) I went into the paladin guild to judge a paladin, noticed gear on the ground, took the gear to the necromancer guild

1 - stopped me from becoming a provincial
2 - got me booted from the Spire

Does that satisfy your hunger for discipline?

Sat Jul 7 08:10:23 2018 by 'Ishuli' at level 47 (233 hrs):
You were using special guards to kill summoned dwarves in the Spire, while in no actual danger. Read the Magistrate Rules. Delaying Provincial accordingly.

Mon Jul 9 09:45:35 2018 by 'Ishuli' at level 47 (256 hrs):
You went into the Paladin's guild just to judge Jeunne, no other reason, and then also had your zombies take all the items in that guild to put them in the necromancer's guild. That's breaking the Magistrate's Rules. Discipline incoming.

136417, Out of the loop but
Posted by JohnEveryMan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There really wasn't anyone as competent as Sqierna in either law or PK in Trib. Not that I ever saw.