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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13588
13588, (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Dec 27 15:29:18 2002

12 o''clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of Nature on the Theran calendar Tauser perished, never to return.

Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
PK Ratio:23% (closer to 100% is better)

13589, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Talin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why you die? I loveded you!!! Not really, myself and spirit-frog were kinda mad at you. You didn't even give us a chance before initiating your war on us just because of our little title so I don't really care that I played dirty. One thing you must realize is that I'm lazy, so I never mastered any kicks, I stopped trying at scissor and somehow gained mule. In other words, against other assassins I can't do crap, especially one beefed up on rager powers, which is why I came at you in groups. Secondly, yas were insulting, if yas were more polite when yas talked t' merather than a "I am gonna kill yas", I mighta been nicer. Finally,yas never had a chance, with spirit-frog guidin' my steps, I's pretty much unstoppable, so watch out 'n don't complain 'cause lil ol' me killed ya too often.
13590, A few I forgot, and a little more info on me
Posted by Tauser on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grogim, How could I forget my most recent Commander. The rites of war was one of the highlights of my village stay. You deserved the role of Commander, and keep up the good work.

Rodonar, I always liked you short little buddy, I know the pain of them blasted giants with bash legacies. You were a solid villager, and one i truely respected.

I rolled this character by hand, one drunken night to see what was goin on. Big Mistake, now it is gonna take me another therapy session to quit. When I logged on and couldnt find New Thalos, or Ofcol I didnt know what to think. I burned so much con before rank 35 it was pathetic, but I figured I got the bug and might as well play it out and find out as much as I can. Again to the Imms, Carrion is Great, keep it up so I can burn more countless numbing hours of my life.
13591, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Panir Azzamen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I Am yet sorry to see another enemy go, I had a really big disliking for you, after you desecrated "my offer" in Intronan's shrine, And so, beleive it or not, hunting you down was sort of a mini-goal for my character, I remember speaking with Intronan about the incident when my char was about 20th rank, and I said something along the lines of "He will pay". but ahh well, sorry you con-died, at least you stuck it out, I know how it sucks when all of you're comrades up and delete (happens quite often) have fun with the next.

Panir Azzamen
13592, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Tauser on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, well, I finally kicked the bucket. To fill everyone in this is my first character since New Thalos became Hamsah. Actually it was my first assassin hero now that I think of it. If I wouldnt have spent so many con points exploring the new areas I think I would have faired much better. I only had 560 base hit points when I heroed. Made those Invoker spells nasty, Two of em and I was hurtin. The changes to Thera are great, wish I wouldnt have even started playing again, gonna be really tought to quit this time. I loved playing a villager, even thought the village is strong, you need the village powers to hoard off the masses. As a hero I can only remeber a handful of fights one on one. The rest were Nexuns and Scions along with the Hunted in hoards. On to the goodbyes I am sure I will forget many.


Intronan, Thror, Kastellyn you guys are great, your interaction makes the village by far the best cabal I have been in, granted knights was the only other.

Intronan: I gather you saw I was quite green behind the ears, along with the other Imms, but the talks I had with you were very helpful. I got my usuall ass chewin, but you were definately more of a help to Tauser than you know.

Thror: I will create a dwarf just to out drink ya, your role as an Imm is great, I probably shouldnt have played so many hours when I had drank so much ale behind the keyboard! hehe.

Kastellyn: You seem to me to be the one that steps back and looks at everything from a phylisophical viewpoint. I agree with what Rustanviel said about, you love of the game showing through.

I hope I didnt dissapoint any of you, I truely gave it my all.


Bryvac, The one who inducted me, and the badest dude that walked thera at the Time. I would just laugh when I would see fully preped foes fall in four rounds. Ouch! you were the badest man I can recall ever seeing in the game since I have played!

Guenrayn, I loved ya man. You were my mentor, you tought me so much, you have no idea. I didnt agree with you losing your General status for attacking the Orc, he might as well have been a Scion seems that is all he hung around with. I will be on the Pillar before I quit and when I get there I will let ya know. I knew right away you knew what you were doing, so I latched on and learned all I could from ya.

Rustanviel, great character, great bard, great friend. I don't know who taught me more, you or Guenrayn. Sorry I couldnt age die for ya, couldnt sit back and watch, and I even got a bit sucidal in the end. Guess all my friends were gone, and just got a little crazy.

Nourn, I learned a good amount of stuff from you old pal. You were a great General and I agree with Guenrayn that you need to be on the Pillar, hell so does he and Rustanviel as far as I am concerned. Great job and you were the moral booster of the Village when times got low.

Paschal, The one I earned my recomendation from. You let go way to early man, wish you would have stuck around I think you would have made a good officer.

Valarath and Yror, I came in as you were goin out, I saw both of ya in chains. The short time I knew ya was grand. When you two, Bryvac, Rustanviel, Palesson,and Nourn were around man did I see mages fall. It was so fun to be a part of You all were great to fight beside.

Drayhloch, Dakje, Trekalsh another of the great supporting cast, good job fellas.

Darmok, You are one role playin fool, at times I didnt agree with ya but, I have to give ya credit you keep to it like stink on #####. Keep it up, I think the village needs more intulects like you at times and not just the massive blade slingers.

Dhrak, Sayangu, Namuzi, Kaoeb, the rangers, Sanimar keep pluggin away, those Scion heros will be dying soon, you need to make the village king of the hill again. Keep it up, there were many times when I thought of deleting, but trust me it feels alot better to play it through.

Scions, I truely hated all of you, not quite as much as I hated the Nexuns but damn close.

Trajeona, Anith, Silaseth you three were always a threat to me, maybe you didnt scare the big giants with axes but ya all scared me.

Bole, we had many fights, most when you didnt have the scepter I believe, but man you always slipped away from me, I cant count the times I had you writhing and convulsing and you got away in the middle of me attempting an owaza and such.

Vortigern, Panir, Aginal, your just a bunch of looters, didnt get to interact with ya much, mostly just died to ya all near the end, and man did that suck. I liked it much better when Scions didnt have the Duergar to see me *wink* Panir.

Warlocks, I respected all of you, and liked fighting you, I am sure I didnt full loot one of ya and you returned the favor, wish all heros would fight that way, that is one thing that would make Carrion by far the best mud.

Talfos, we had many battles not sure if either of us ever finished eachother off one on one but it was great fun. Good Job.

am drawin a blank so yell at me and I will respond.

Nexuns, The three K's, Kragnar Kierning and Keiyla (sp) You three seemed to be attached at the hip, I always enjoyed when you died. Kragnar when it was one on one, you never killed me I usually had your weapons dropped and you were running to the Rift. When the three of ya were together that was another story, and if you were with Bazhans the bashes usually did me in.


Tarsonis, I hope you read this cause in my younger days you helped me so much with the new areas, and the skills to play an assassin I thank ya a bunch, I hope all is well for ya in the Real World, I liked and respected you a bunch.

Talin: You ran around with the Nexuns cause you were weak, I had no respect for you.

my time is short so if I forgot ya yell at me I will respond.
13598, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Trajeona on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looked good to me. Nice seeing someone stick it out through hard times. And you go WAY back...I hate to see you go. I, as a player. I, as Trajeona, can't help but look at the little notches on the wall. (Yes, I know the Scion didn't 'make' you go, but, come on, give me my little fantasies.)

IN any case...nicely done. A non-whining, gutsy, villager...truly a rarity, and they'll be at a loss.

Now, come to the Darkness. We'll show you a fine time...
13597, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Paschal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words, though from rumors and such, I was pretty sure Paschal had screwed up too many times as a character to be an officer. I liked your character from the beginning and was always glad to see you around. You will be missed, you can be sure of that.

13596, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Rustanviel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played.... you grew so much during this character that I cannot even describe it. I hope the next generation of upcoming villagers is strong. I think they will need to be.. it could be ugly for a short while if Scion keeps turning out in the numbers they have been.
Good luck with your next character...
Your friend,
13595, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job Tauser. Long, eventful life, you lived through a lot, survived a lot, and surely learned a lot. You showed more guts, in showing up whatever the odds, than most villagers of recent memory. Good job.
13594, Attached at the hip?
Posted by Kierning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm, that doesn't seem quite right, but maybe here's why you saw it that way: Kyeila and I were probably around the most of anybody, with Kragnar and Mernon close behind. That kinda made it a default that we'd come and raid together.

As for hunting, I guess I'd hunt with whoever wanted to, which was usually other Nexans, Scions (remember when they were underdogs?), Behn, or anybody who was willing to give the ragers a thumping. So again, those who logged on the most are often seen together. It was nothing more than just that.

I never knew what to make of you, and I doubt we even said two sentences to each-other, but it seems you played well from what others have said. Keep on keepin on.
13593, The village was like an old folks home
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All you old bastards running around with weapons in hand. I really liked Tauser because of your never say die attitude and we ranked alot when I was a little younger and my main regret was landing this new job which ate into my playing time and I rarely saw you for long after that. I always tried to get you to wear more dam or svspell equipment to make your critical hits and evasion more potent and you always wanted more hp eq. It was not untill the rites that I realised quite how sickly in health you were. Hope you come back to the village with the new improved version that dies less when exploring :>

13599, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you were a cool fella even when i didn't agree with ya.. kick ass char by the way.
i'll be up here soon i think *wink*
13600, You did good son.....
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell, I was impressed that you kept on coming. 507 hours...sheesh. Kinda felt bad for you near the end, but you were the last of the Battle heros to come around and paid the price for it. Nice fights, and all that.....hope you had fun.
13601, RE: (CON) Tauser the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Talfos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really enjoyed fighting you all those times, and I wish you well, you were a good enemy and a fun person to fight. Good luck with the next.

13602, 507 hours?!?!?
Posted by Vortigern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just...wow. I rarely saw you on...perhaps you lived a while before I was even created...About Tauser, I liked him since he was someone who had guts but sometimes was foolish and went to risk his life for nothing (Not talking about raids here)Though I mostly one our fights, assassins can be tough.

See ya in the fields.
13603, I truly liked Tauser
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guenrayn and this guy who played him really liked Tauser. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm very sure you were really new to battle and other things. It was fun tofight with you, more fun to watch you grow and do well. Congrats on that.
