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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [None] Dhaudeshia the Spectre
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=134668
134668, (AGE DEATH) [None] Dhaudeshia the Spectre
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jul 26 23:28:50 2018

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 34th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Dhaudeshia perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
134675, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Dhaudeshia the Spectre
Posted by JohnEveryMan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rederic here, thanks for the mention.

Have to admit as a character and as a player I really did hate you, sub-optimal build and haven't really played to the game to hero enough to know how to stand toe-to-toe, especially against a necro who can just completely #### my day up even prepped with a sleep, lol.

Given what you've said, I can understand all the hate you got and maybe would suggest a slightly different angle on making people hate you, feel loss, etc. The rage that comes with being fulled on the player side almost always throws out any sense of RP so that probably hurt people's perception of you a lot.

Maybe now would be a good time to do a complete 180 and be an acolyte conjurer who just sends emissaries to gear people constantly! It'd be a funny reversal.

I might pick up the PBF if no one else does, but GLWYN.
134697, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Dhaudeshia the Spectre
Posted by dhaudeshia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Maybe now would be a good time to do a complete 180 and be an
>acolyte conjurer who just sends emissaries to gear people
>constantly! It'd be a funny reversal.

I've genuinely considered something similar in the past:
- Paladin that just uses market square as his personal
equipment dumping ground
- Thief that plants gear on random people
- Like you say, a conjurer that sends items to random people

But then I realize that eventually I'd get denied for it because
someone I grouped with on a different character three years ago
would be a beneficiary and it would be classed as multicharring
or permaing. Such is the police state we live in these days!

It's safer to just go around PKing and full looting everyone!
134671, Farewells
Posted by Dhaude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow what a fun ride right up to and including the end!

This whole character was built around the concept of Loss.
Unfortunately my later role entries kept getting deleted which
I think is a bug? That would have made it difficult for the
immortals and namely Rahsael to really understand the nuances
of the character but I did my best IC to flesh it out. In
hindsight, my roleplaying needs to improve a lot to pull off
such a dangerous knife's edge approach because I felt a lot
of interactions were misinterpreted and for that I do have to
take responsibility and apologize. I learnt a lot though and
hope to do better with my next role. This one may have been
too hard for me!

In essence though, I wanted to try and accelerate various angles
of loss to Dhaudeshia, such as, but not including:
1) Loss of position and reputation in the spire
2) Loss of finances and valued possessions
3) Loss of morality
4) Loss of mortality without redemption

I wanted to become a damned soul, loathed by all, hated by many.

In the end I was unable to achieve this because my pathway to
wight was closed off to me. Wight was to be a gloriously fitting
end to this character but I was disbarred and again I take full
responsibility for this because my roleplaying was not up to
the challenge that I set myself. Which sucks(!!) because I was
really looking forward to applying for Rahsael's religion and
discussion all the nuances to the character.

300 hours is a lot to pick through as I was lucky enough to
interact with so many great characters. In fact I cannot remember
a single bad interaction from others. I just hope they were
able to get a glimpse of what I was angling for here (there were
definitely times were I let myself down!!).

Firstly to the Immortals - thanks for an amazing game! It will
take me another 10 Dhaudeshia's before I even begin to understand
how to play a necromancer because they are so nuanced (so, so
powerful and so, so powerless all wrapped in a neat little bow!).

Ishuli - I LOVED our discussions and the way you were not willing
to let a (100%) corrupt magistrate push the boundaries. I was
hoping to get provincial before my fall, because it is a greater fall!
But the fall itself was the hook I was after and a piece in the
Loss puzzle that was needed. Keep up the great work!

Rahsael - I feel like a massive disappoinment now that I was
unable to pull off this character. I put my heart and soul into
roleplaying it out but in the end I was defeated. Please accept
my apologies (I really think you would have liked my role
additions but I am not sure why they disappeared. They
certainly would have cleared up a lot of vagueities).

Mortals - WHERE DO I START? Apologies for those I miss out
because I am still tingling from the loss of this lasting character
that I loved.

Borlan - WHY DID YOU DELETE ON ME! I wanted to RP with you
more and see if I could bring you to the darkside!

Jeunne - Amazing paladin that stands up to the dark face of
corruption. You were unbreakable! Far too strong a player for
me, well done!

Ueradinl - We had a LOT of great fights when we were younger
and you would definitely be what I consider to be an arch-enemy
because we ranked up at basically the same time! Very skilled,
very slippery and very deserving of one of my final deaths!

Rederic - You were a real trooper and I thoroughly enjoyed all
our interactions. I just wish you stuck it out longer!

Tamhas - So, so powerful! I never would have thought an
azure monk would be so deadly. I had to watch my every move
and you brought out my most corrupt side (I believe I summoned
you several times in town!). You are a true paladin and my words
for Jeunne ring true for you as well.

Drissa - Every time I interact with you on various characters I
am never disappointed. Truly a generational character, well done!
I only hope bigger things are in store for you!

Broutgroic - We had some fun fights at the end there. Like I said
IC, you are one tough bastard! Seeing you beating up like four
people on the outskirts and then nearly one rounding me was
hilarious. All the best!

Ifriq - Super strong commander and well deserving of the position.
You were incorruptible, though I didn't stop trying! I always love
a rager who gives a big "FU" to the law and hunts a mage in town.

Drizzo - We had some amazing fights and some great dialogue.
You put the OW in drow.

Zorumef - To put it simply; you are WAY too strong for me! Well
played my little friend.

Zah - See Zorumef and add a little more! Best rager I've seen in
my times playing CF! Hope you made the pillar!

Ischer - Whenever I walked on the open sea I could always count
on you being there to ambush me down! I have no idea how you
can be so good at that, the open sea is a nightmare for me to
navigate! Really good sunwarden, all the best for what is in store
for you.

Rassel - Ahh Rassel. I can't even write your name without a smile
coming to my face. I thought you were hilarous (in a good way)!
I want my periapt back!! I am always impressed by someone
RPing a thief in outlander and forgoe-ing hide. It's a super tough
row to hoe.

Japhire - I missed you in the end, where did you go? You were
ALWAYS up for fun and I appreciated that! I got lonely in the
spire without you causing havoc.

Luciaquos - Really hard name to type out for me but thanks for
guiding me all the time whilst I was a magisrate. You are a great
provost and always inspiring.

Jeremiaca - You must type at 1000 words a mintue! Sometimes
I think you exceed the rate at which your keyboard can handle
for half of it sounded like Minotaur speak! But I loved our chats
and how passionate an Ishuli follower you are. I hope you make
Justiciar one day. Fingers crossed!!

Itham - I was really trying to work a RP angle on you and I think
I was almost there but then I see on twitter that you are trying to
con kill yourself, and then you con died, and that was that! Damn
it!! I had a whole chapter of my role dedicated to our little tussle
and I really appreciate your time and efforts.

Krizhul - I'll add you under the Spire because you're close. I have
to say that you have the most nuanced backstory I saw with my
character. Sorry we couldn't travel much in the end however I really
do love characters that roll with the punches and evolve over time.
When one door closes, another opens? You are the shining example
of that. I look forward to where you take your character!

That's about it for now, sorry if I missed anyone - I know I would

In summary though - I apologise if my roleplaying of this character
was poor but I tried my best and I knew it was going to be hard!

Have fun out there all xx
134673, RE: Farewells
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure how the Wight process works but are you sure the imms have significant input into it?

Reason I all is that with the mummy process they don't, although they may slightly adjust your chances of success. All my mummy attempts got the rng shaft though. My first had an 85 percent chance of success if I recall correctly and I still had to wait for a week of incubation to discover I'd died.

Regarding role issues:
- one option might be to write a note to immortal, with your role update, explaining that for some reason you can't use the role update functionality.
- I've lost all my role once (the one I got the most ever exp for me, 2000) and the mud crashed as I was making an update. Not sure if that happened with you but thought I'd mention it in case it is a common factor that the imms want to investigate.
134674, Sorry, i dont feel it was RP char, i will tell you why
Posted by Ueradinl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) You were abusing magistrate's badge and mechanics since first day.
Clearly for PK record.

2) Luci has covered your back, when you broke rule of Spire, clearly! written at halls, when killed tara'bal retriving codex,
without any fortress criminals around.
(I had tribunal char not so long ago and I know what i am talking about).
I dont think RP could be such OOC'ish.

3) This last note (about WARRANT ISSUED) was cleary OOC ####, like
telling someone in game:
<HUGE MOB> has summoned you!
<disarms you and send <you sword> flying!>

4) You were casting warrants left and right, no one judged you because of low playerbase and inactive immortals and you knew that.
Do you realise that this could brake someone's char?

5) Your qhcf post, revealing active char's abilities... was poor behavoir also, come on man, who you are trying to fool?

Poor you, sorry.
134676, Re: #2
Posted by JohnEveryMan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've played a few tribs too, and maybe I'm wrong but I'm not sure how this would conflict with Spire law. My understanding is that an off-duty magistrate can do pretty much whatever they want outside the Spire as long as it isn't aiding a criminal or enemy cabal. Empire isn't really anything in direct opposition to the Spire as far as doctrine goes, seeing as their the only cabal that doesn't actively break laws.

Not to mention Fort is full of maran who by the nature of their cabal are inevitably going to try to kill evils in PROTECTED areas.

134677, Not sure I agree
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My recollection is that maran are often encouraged not to kill in protected areas because of the potential to harm innocents while wanted.

Also, off duty magistrates do have some restrictions about what they do, normally. Otherwise they could bring the spire into war with all the other cabals. I seem to recall that I've been told not to take other cabals' items even if I don't down them in the spire.
134679, My View
Posted by Rogos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like this character whatsoever. I had a limited viewpoint but what I did say was pretty consistent ####ty behavior.

You blatantly broke spire rules and complained about being punished.

You were constantly ####ty to people and complained when it got served back to you.

There is an important separation from being a great villain and making everyone hate/fear you... and being a ####ty character. I witnessed you full new players, gravesight newer players who died teleporting, goto their corpses and get everything and drop it (when they had no idea where they teleported).

One thing i think we all need to take a degree of responsibility for is our treatment of new/newer players. It's pretty easy to tell a newer person from an experienced one. Even if your character is a hardcore asshole, (and i've played a few) be mindful that what you think would take 30-40 mins (regearing etc) could take a new person several hours.

I personally believe comments on death threads by immortals should be constructive and I hope you can find that line in the future to be the evil/hated character without being ####ty. You had solid play times and I think if you get it right you could be a great presence.
134681, RE: My View
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Obviously you didn't understand the character or didn't want to, one or the other.
134682, RE: My View
Posted by Taranis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This statement isn’t obvious to me, care to explain why it’s only possibly one of those two?
134683, RE: My View
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure I get that. Seems to me as if what he's observed means the player chose a role to allow them to be a giant douche, intentionally or otherwise.

I don't think saying your role meant subjecting other characters to experiencing loss changes that.
134685, Epic trolling, Jhyrb. n/t
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
134693, Who are you? nt
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
134694, The famed Italian opera singer who thwarted the assassination attempt of the Queen of England
Posted by Korsgaard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

134696, Thank you for your feedback! (nt)
Posted by dhaudeshia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
134680, RE: Farewells
Posted by Taranis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
RP angle was Rahsael = God of Full Loots?
134684, Not really sure what to say...
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no idea you had any intent to follow Rahsael or meditate on Loss.

Dhaudeshia was sphere Necromancy, and her role seemed very Emnon-y. She made twelve prays, and all but one of them were utterly OOC. The single IC prayer expressed a general desire for pestilence to spread by the will of the dark gods.

I did watch you quite often. Any necromancer looking at the Becoming is facing down the probability of Loss regardless of the outcome, so I like to drop in on them sometimes. While I watched for an opportunity to approach you IC, I saw a strange mix of stuff. You had some interesting emotes and spoke in tongues. Cool flavor, I thought.

But then there were thinly veiled OOC comments over the cabal channel and in tells.

And then there was the full looting. It isn't against the rules, and sometimes it isn't even a #### move. But in one case that I witnessed, you fought two Battleragers in a graveyard (one of whom you brought into the fight with area spells) and died. Then, after they left you with all of your gear, you complained to them and anyone who would listen for quite a long time and later killed one, fulled his mediocre warrior gear, and put it in the Tribunal pit before logging off.

I saw and heard about other cases, as well. It seemed like a spiteful thing that you did fairly often. At that point, I decided I didn't want to really deal with you. I may have tried to have a discussion with you if I had any inkling you considered yourself a Rahs follower, but I saw absolutely no indication that you were from your role, words or actions.

And then, you threw an absolute fit when the tables were turned and you were full-looted for the first time. You posted the log on Dio's, you sent up multiple angry prayers demanding IMMxp for handling it so well(???).

You are obviously an experienced player who knows his or her way around the MUD's areas and around PK.

My advice to you for future characters would be:

- Explicitly say what you are going for in your role. Corrupt Tribunal? Note that you plan to be one and hang on for as long as possible. You might even get a little bit of extra leniency from the immortals so this plays out. Following a god? Let that god know!

- Stop with the thinly veiled OOC comments and OOC prayers. Yes, immortals tend to reward their favorite characters. Those characters become their favorite by excelling in some aspect of the game, usually RP. You had the potential for a really fun and interesting character here, and you squandered it by allowing your anger to take the wheel.

Know why you weren't my favorite? It was because when I watched you, I saw you claiming there was an IMM conspiracy against you, that you never got enough rewards, and some occasional full-looting of quality characters that made me sad.

- Try to keep other peoples' fun in mind. This is a game, after all.

- Finally, I'd ask you to apply the positive and thoughtful personality that you used to write this goodbye note to your characters. From my vantage, the positive and hopeful Dhaudeshia goodbye-note-writer and the often ####ish, whiny Dhaudeshia player seem like polar opposites. I love one and can't stand the other.

I think you have the skills to bring a lot of fun to this game. Here's hoping your next character is utterly unrecognizable.
134687, I don't buy it..
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, this entire going away message feels fake. I interacted with you a bit, and never got anything along the lines of Rahsael's religion from you, or really anything at all. Everything you said was thinly veiled OOC complaining.

I really can't think of a single time that you did something that seemed based on your role, rather than just trying to game the system or make the game less fun for other people.

For instance, at least twice you walked into my guild hoping to get Eyes to fire. Once it did. You marked me as Wanted and didn't say anything else. That's a perfect chance to have an interesting interaction. Instead, it just felt like one angsty player trying to annoy another player.

Then there's the time you full looted me, after I gift-wrapped myself for you in the worst possible odds. But there was no roleplay there at all either, just one player ignoring role and trying to bribe another player for some shinies.

Every interaction with you was along the same lines.. an angry player trying to make the game less fun for others.

I'm glad you didn't Wight. I'm glad the character is gone for good. Every time you logged in, the game got a little bit less fun.

I honestly hope you do better in the future. The playerbase is already small, and you obviously had some skill. But if you can't get over your own personal anger, stop treating the game like it's something you can win (and everyone else has to lose), and instead just have fun.. I hope you don't ever come back.

134688, I don't buy it, either
Posted by Drissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I typed this up, deleted it, then typed it up again. I know I probably should not post it but had to get it off my chest!

Your character sucked and I am happy that you did not succeed at becoming undead. I was very frustrated with how you handled your last death - I will post my own logs, eventually, but for now it will have to do to say that you seem intent on trying to get as many people to believe as huge a package of lies as possible, both here and on qhcf. You are taking advantage of OOC means to try to disrupt other people's experience in character, and it is probably safe to say that we are all too old to be taking dumps in each other's pools like that. Good thing that Rahsael posted what he did, because there is a section of the playerbase that might have believed you otherwise. I hope somebody buys your PBF and it is chock full of immortal comments talking about what a terrible, terrible, character this was, and how admirable a job people did of interacting with it despite all that.

I have no doubt that you're lying about entering roles that magically disappeared, just like you are lying about what your intentions were with the character. It took a lot of effort to respond to your BS in game without stooping to your level.

I'm glad others were able to post more constructive feedback.
134691, PBF is bought, hope it lives up to the hype. (N/T)
Posted by JohnEveryMan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Except for this text
134692, I don't want to raise expectations, but...
Posted by Rahsael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've happily paid more for less.
134719, A little underwhelming actually.
Posted by JohnEveryMan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing much that wasn't already known or expected.

I guess neg comments are a little less spicy on a universally loathed
character though.
134721, RE: A little underwhelming actually.
Posted by Observer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Immortal comments were pretty funny.
They were not a fan of him.

Did you see the leveling, solo all the way.
Necro is just about the worse thing to level, especially in the 20s.
That guy is crazy.

Similarly OCD spell list.

134722, RE: A little underwhelming actually.
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wouldn't say the 20s is hard. I did wonder how he rushed those last levels to Spectre though. When I read it it felt like he either tagged along behind a group or broke the group for the ranking kill.

However, it is possible to rank fast even at those levels and solo. I ranked one of my necros super fast in thar acacia. Took ages to get the first zombie raised but once I had the army built I was taking down transmuters and necros without stopping, for about 1k a pop. Probably doable elsewhere too.
134689, Are you high?
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't "disbarred" (barred?) from becoming a Wight, you just didn't do the quest AFAICT. There is literally one requirement: be a level 47 necromancer.

In your post you praise at least half a dozen people that you've previously gone quasi-OOC against, prayed (very negatively) about, accused of cheating and/or us cheating on their behalf, etc.

You can't remember a single bad interaction which is weird because you prayed in anger about more than one of them, and whether it's a surprise to you or not, quite a few people prayed about how much of a wanker you were.

You apparently like us and our game, though? Again, contrary to the prays and the fact that you played your entire character from a proxy.

You might have failed a religion, a cabal and two necromancer quests but you definitely succeeded in writing the most eyebrow-raising goodbye post I have ever read, so five points to Slytherin, chief.
134695, RE: Are you high?
Posted by Dhaude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, sir, are a coward. Docking a level 40 character -1000 ImmXP for trying to find some dust in Mansion of Twilight (level 30 area) because I was repeating the same 'look trapdoor^look window^etc' key each room? Claiming I was scripting for exploration XP even though I was too high for the area? Way to go, chief. It's a shame Immortals are not held to account like they used to be. Ordasen was punished for constantly harassing a player he didn't like. I feel like you go unchecked way too much because you're so *needed* with your amateur-hour coding. Nepenthe would have put you in your place.
134699, Ah, there you are. (nt)
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
134727, Umm
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nep's area did nasty stuff to you if you spammed look everywhere.
134714, Amazing post/reply
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Love everything about this post. (I spat my coffee out reading.) Umi - I'm glad you are back, active and posting!
134723, RE: Amazing post/reply
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Love everything about this post. (I spat my coffee out
>reading.) Umi - I'm glad you are back, active and posting!

Too bad not back, active and coding.
134720, We refuse to claim this one as one of us. He can be a house elf n/t
Posted by Slytherin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
134698, What I am going to write below will come as a shocker to most
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I enjoyed this character until you hit 47 and took on the mummy quest. I was playing allied morts of yours at the time and you were doing all of the right things. You played an evil Tribunal nearly perfect imo and your RP was notable and very crisp. I may have not gotten even quirk of yours, but there was not a shortage of quality.

I'm not sure if it was the mummy quest items that you got or if it was the weird moves that happened in Trib or perhaps a combination of those things, but you def started to seem less interested. It was around this time that you also started to do some "coloring outside the lines" Trib moves. And to reiterate, I don't think the things you did were bad for an evil Trib to do, they were however wrong by the standards outlined in the cabal.

Regarding the full loot nonsense that everyone seems hung up about: yes, you did full loot some people. Yes some people full looted you. But seriously, people need to nut up in general about losing stuff when they die. Its no longer "your gear" when its in a corpse.

There are a few other interesting topics in this thread but they aren't relevant to your character specifically so I will leave it out of this.

See you in the fields if you do opt to make another char.
134700, RE: What I am going to write below will come as a shocker to most
Posted by Honestpaladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Its no longer "your gear" when its in a corpse" Why should I get flagged for looting in cities? Its not their gear, right? so anyone in the area should be able to have that gear without consequences =)
134701, *groan* nt
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
134703, heheh =)
Posted by Honestpaladin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great idea, eh.
134702, Because...
Posted by Blkdrgn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The corpse is evidence, and what in it is as well. The magistrates are suppose to handle the corpses with their confiscate and safeguard skills that they get at lvl 10 with 100% effectiveness right off the bat. If someone takes something from the corpse, they could have
taken something that was evidence, like a planted item per say.
134724, It belongs to the state
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hands off
134725, Player philosophy vs. cabal philosophy. nt
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
134705, For a hot second after reading this I felt sorry for you....
Posted by Rilear on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And the full you took in Galadon Graveyard. Then I read this:

"There is an important separation from being a great villain and making everyone hate/fear you... and being a ####ty character. I witnessed you full new players, gravesight newer players who died teleporting, goto their corpses and get everything and drop it (when they had no idea where they teleported)."

You deserved it and every time I chased you after. With all your whining I left you alone after that for a bit, but man, had I known this, I would have made it my point to call angels next to you EVERY login as soon as you unghosted and CON died you as quickly as I could.
134707, RE: For a hot second after reading this I felt sorry for you....
Posted by Dhaude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As discussed; Rilaer and Dhaud had never interacted before. You
played no role in the kill, yet you played an active role in full
looting me. Which is fine, but you need to own it man. You need
to own up to the fact that you fulled a person you have never
interacted with and the decision was an OOC one. So step down from
that lofty horse of yours and admit that you are also a full looting
piece of ####.

Every time *I* full looted someone, there was an IC reason, not an
OOC one. I believe there was roughly 5 times I full looted.

Irfiq and Tamhas were career criminals intent on making my life hell.
So they needed to be taken down a peg so that I could get some relief
from them as they were a horrible match up for my level 47 necro.
Drizzo got half looted because he ganked me outside of a raid situation,
I won't accept that. I think there were two cases of criminals dying
where I located their corpse and as an evil magistrate I took that
opportunity to punish them by getting to their corpse first and donating
their equipment to the Spire.

There were 60+ kills I didn't loot at all because I had no IC
reason to. I'm okay with how I treated others and I'm okay with
how others treated me. I'm not okay with how Immortals reward
and punish.

PS The thought of you ever landing a single kill on me, let alone
con killing me, is a complete joke. You're a bottom rung PKer.
134709, RE: For a hot second after reading this I felt sorry for you....
Posted by Taranis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was also the felar Ranger (not wanted) that you filled in Eil Shaeria, among others. Full looting doesn’t bug me quite as much as it does others, I think, but I do think it’s generally done on this game in hopes of making the other player delete, that you’re no exception to this rule, and that you’re vastly understating your exploits.
134710, RE: For a hot second after reading this I felt sorry for you....
Posted by Dhaude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes I killed the felar ranger behind the locked gates in Eil Sharia.
Torelath then locked the gate so that I was unable to walk them out.
As such I looted the corpse and said that I'd return everything if
he was to unlock the gate. He didn't. The ranger left. My zombies
were killed and the gear was left on the ground. The decision was
solely with Torelath on that one. So you are "vastly" overstating
my exploits.
134711, RE: For a hot second after reading this I felt sorry for you....
Posted by Taranis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If true that course on your part makes good sense to me. I heard it differently from the ranger.
134712, Didn't stop you from getting up in arms about it though did you?
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I often spread rumors IC that people full loot, just to see who takes the bait.
134713, BTW, I Didn't gank you.
Posted by Drizzo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All I did was take Zah to you, your shadow attacked me and I killed it, you continually corpse thralled actually nearly killing me while Zah fought you directly. After killing the shadow, you corpse thralled one more time, bringing me into combat for a round where I hit you twice at most and fled, waited outside and let Zah finish you off. So before you go exaggerating things about ganking you and parity, understand what really happened. You then came and killed me while I was 200 hp after fighting someone else and then only took everything you could because your minions didn't have enough space at the time to carry it all.
134670, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Dhaudeshia the Spectre
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
enjoyed the fights we had, classy all around.
134669, Awe man....
Posted by Broutgroic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was enjoying the fights we were having. Sucks your undeath process didn't go well, if that's what got you. Woulda been fun fighting you in your undead form.