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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Lokrin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13424
13424, (DEL) Lokrin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Dec 23 17:37:06 2002

10 o''clock AM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Battle on the Theran calendar Lokrin perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:0% (closer to 100% is better)

13425, RE: (DEL) Lokrin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Talin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When there was noone out to kill I could always count on having a nice hidden congregation with you and some others at the guild. Yas flippant attitude 'n charm won us over. We'll miss havin' yas t' chat with. *wave*
13426, heh. You were a laugh
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did like hanging around with you even though you sometimes screwed up my hunting by sneaking in with a load of mirror images, or whispering when I was trying to stalk someone in the same room.

Happy travels to you and spirit frog.

Most assassins seemed to be pretty trustworthy, no matter how strange. You were one of the stranger ones but also the ones I trusted sooner than others.
13427, one more tinsy wincy thing
Posted by delata on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you gave me....Wherd yeh get it? 20 hours of haste my godddnesss youve gotta tell me the general vicinty, and if you were to roll a new asssassin what race would you choose? ive decided to forfiet my necromancer, and take over the company with a bit of force again, And i cant decide which race, i dislike arials im thinking of drow again even though you got 10g of exp by your like 15 i can deal, so I ask delatas mentor Human felar drow or arial? is there another assassin race, Bah either way Tell me what youd do and I'll do it, im getting kinda desperate for a nice char, hadent had one since delata BYBY again, and make a char were youd interact with a little ol, assassin and the company again. Again my little question turned into a rant SO BYBYBYB
13428, umm, I don't share prep locations around much
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Luckily my current character uses different ones.

Anyway, it really doesn't matter what race you go for assassin. They all work, just differently.

I personally am happy to play human and use flight potions, but it does make assassinating harder as using a potion is not lag free. Therefore arial might suit you better. Arial however, has nasty vulns and sucky hp.

Felar are perhaps the best if you go villager. Drow permasneak is good. For example, my death to Odonomus would not have happened if I was drow, because they can start sneaking before fearie fire wears off, and that would have let me double back safely. Likewise elf, who also have some nice daggers available that exploit duergar, orc, and mages.

Really it is up to you. Raw physical combat, felar. Assassination and non-mage combat, arial. All rounder, human. etc.

Incidentally, I don't think that many assassins could get that item, even at hero. Having nice healing gear helped a lot.
13429, Bleh
Posted by Anxor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
damnit man, Anxor really liked you. We thought more or less along the same lines. It was fun sharing 'prey' information and looking for people together. We did that a few times i think. I was really looking forward to hunting with you when i heroed. I think it would be nasty to have an assassin mark, and the other assassinate, since you cannot assassinate your own mark. Was hoping you wouldnt delete before i got back from vacation, after new year, but oh well.

You played an assassin as an assassin should be played, imho. Where face to face combat is a last resort, when there are no other options. I think we would have made a good team :) Well played, and best of luck with next, see you around.
13430, farewell Anxor
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah, I liked Anxor a lot. We did seem to get on pretty well. Again, you were one of the assassins I trusted sooner than others. The rager assassins were ok too (which says something about the current rager crop, because I can't think of the last time I thought all the current village assassins were ok).

I agree with that marking thing. It is something I had up my sleeve a long time, but never really teamed up with anyone long enough to do it with.

However, this had a lot to do with the reason I usually hunted groups.
13431, well, all good things come to an end
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lokrin is probably my favorite character to date. I hit on the idea of trying to control the bounty trade, because it was something that I didn't -need- immteraction to do, yet could have a real impact on Thera. I viewed Lokrin a little like Jarlaxle or whatever the leader of Bregan D'arthe is called in the Drizzt series. He walked a fine line with enemies on both sides, yet managed to prosper nonetheless.

Scions thought that I only hunted scions. Marans thought I hunted Marans all the time. I used a combination of genuine threats, bluster, bribery, butchery and befriendment to control my situation. Anyone who thought I was a scion might want to pay more attention to bounties. I stuck 100 gold on Anith's head. Scions who wanted scions dead put their bounties through me directly, not at a bounty office where you can see who placed them.

However, I still got bored with Lokrin and I have a non assassin character well underway. (Perhaps I am not as biased as you think between binders and assassins, Gaenlin.) To be honest, I would have deleted Lokrin some time ago if it wasn't for Intronan. I was also intending to train up Delata to run my Company after my death, but it seems he found life a little hard. Had he stuck around, I would have made the effort to age die, but as an old man it kind of took the wind from my sails. Perhaps one of the other worthies (and the person I was writing to recently could be a good candidate) would do it?

Intronan, I can't thank you enough for the immteraction. I wasn't one of your followers, I wasn't battle, I was just an assassin who happened to know you had a black feathered bird in your shrine. I enjoyed every moment I had with you. Would it be ok if I released the logs of it? I stopped pk'ing much at the end because I wanted to leave bounties for my employees and business was keeping me in the guild much of the time. I was hoping to become what I suppose would be "your Hand" where Farnsworth was your voice. Unfortunately, it was not in my character to suck up to Farnsworth so we clashed over his view of the law. On the subject of immteraction, did you even consider speaking to me Zulg? I think you do a great job so this isn't a complaint if the answer is "no", because I don't think you are obliged to. I would just like to know if you actually noticed my efforts.

Regarding the law, Tribs, you get my wholehearted congratulations yet again. I broke the law a lot, and never got flagged. I know that most of you would have seen logs of me breaking the law, and still you were always fair. I very nearly slipped up once and broke it in front of Farnsworth though. That was when I went to assassinate a paladin beneath the large junction and he stepped into town as the command went through. Luckily Farnsworth had just stepped into the Copeham inn, so I got away with it.

I'll address a few things while I'm at it:

PK ratio. It was better than 0%. Could imms please let me know what it is? If it wasn't over 90% I'd be very surprised. Even if it was under, I took on some quite nasty odds, so I'm not disappointed.

Generally, as with all my characters, I avoided killing people more than once. Almost invariably I returned most gear, often even when it was better than mine. Harokatsu was probably the only person I perceived as enough of a threat to kill more than once. Falathar nearly got the same treatment because I failed to grab the five-color dragonmail from his corpse when I killed him; luckily he traded it so I didn't have to. I was also in the process of besting him with an iron dagger from the ruined keep during a crash, about one hour before I assassinated him. Weapons were never something I worried much about. Weapon damage is secondary to tactics in my book.

People need to stop bitching every time an assassin kills them. Especially going ooc. Every time I assassinated people at lvl 35 (and I only carried out 5 at this level) I got called a level sitting powercharacter player who was afraid to rank to hero. Well, as I said to them at the time, I was not like other assassins who did this, and I would happily fight them at hero.

One of the claims I can make is that no one killed Lokrin with fewer than three people fighting him at the time, with the exception of Airael who I let kill me for RP reasons. Pairs that attacked me usually died, because if I let them attack me I was usually very prepared. If I didn't want to fight them, I was very quickly far far away.

If you are wondering Airael, Lokrin was sphere Reason and he had to understand everything he based his actions on. Killing you as instructed might well have achieved your death, but Lokrin had a better chance of understanding the situation by taking the approach that he did. Therefore I took the approach that resulted in my only solo death. Lokrin never broke his word to anyone ever. (Because he had to be trusted by everyone to conduct his business.) I gave my word to fight to the death so I did, where normally I'd have been out of that fight faster than you could say sunray. In fact, I was surprised to come even close to killing you. Had your armor of thorns not stopped that last doublespin kick, you'd have died and Lokrin wouldn't have gained the understanding he sought. Strange to think that winning a pk nearly caused me a problem. It was actually pretty important that I lost that one, without it being obvious that I needed to lose.

My other deaths were to:

a conjie, a shifter, and an invoker. I had agreed peace with the conjie, who was a servant of dawn. I had even warned said conjie when scions and ragers were in the underdark, as I didn't want conjie to die again so soon after dying to me. I decided to illustrate to conjie how dangerous the situation was by sneaking up and whispering something (as many characters can vouch I did without hurting them). Conjie's group gangs me because I am not hidden. Next time conjie, I'll claw your invoker. Had I done that I believe I could have killed your whole group. As it was, I was so astonished by a servant of dawn breaking his word that I just went brain dead. Anyway, thanks for leaving me some gear. And remember, assassins you can see can't stalk you. They have to hide to do it.

My second death was against a shifter and a sword spec, with Airael (I think) healing them from out of my pk. I screwed up trying to go for the quick kill instead of the maladictive one. Again, I got most of my gear back. But you bastards destroyed my hat from the academy. Shame on you. That's another way to spot my characters. I actually consider that hat a decent piece of gear, and I'll wear it all the way to hero in many cases.

Third death, I decided to even out the odds at the village when nexus raided them. So I attacked a group of four nexans at the giant. (I don't know what I was thinking. It was a moment of extreme madness and I paid the price.) Unfortunately, the villager I warned I was coming missed my tell and thirsted into me. That was a good reminder to prep before doing dumb things like that. Luckily, I managed to convince both sides to return bits of my gear. The nexans because I died to a villager, the villagers because I was fighting nexans at the time. Either way, Jelomar was always safe from me after that, because I didn't forget a debt either (at least, I tried to remember them all).

Fourth death, to Airael. That was for umm, religious reasons, I would say. I did start to form an inner cadre of Black Feathers to carry out my religious work.

Anyway, that was all my deaths.

Of my assassinations, I failed to log some. My favorite two cases were:
- assassinating a group killing drow warrior students.
- assassinating a shaman when he had an invoker and a mace spec in my pk with him. I had no potions at all, and it was at Aridhol's north gate, so being summoned back was almost a certainty if I failed. It was one of those moments when you realise after the event that:

a) Fortune favors the brave, and
b) that you are a very lucky idiot.

I'll also say that no feeling beats a successful assassination in cf. At least, not for me. I'd feel differently if I sat at lvl 35 because assassinating at level 35 is a lot easier than at hero for an uncaballed character.

Tarnyxil. Umm. Well, I was Persumal. I'm pretty sure you will get my point from that. Had fun anyway, again. Unfortunately assassins aren't cut out to be chatty and friendly in the manner than paladins can be. You were the only person to kill my AP Fazril by the way, besides Malur who got me when a bug caused me to drop my weapons and I had to rewield them instead of prep. You got me on the north road after I beat you to a pulp all over the surrounding areas. I was kind of glad it was you. All other bards just fiended and I teleported to kill the fiend. Bloody one trick ponies. You suckered me into making a mistake. Damn, I wish you had fiend at that stage.

Well, everyone else who made Lokrin a fun character, friends and enemies, thanks. There wasn't anyone who didn't add to his experience in some way. That includes all those who bitched at me. Most who got to know me apologised in time. Those that didn't -- well, I had fun killing you. ;)


Seriously, more people need to view every death as their own fault. Not to pick you out Sarunim, but you are the one that I recall most recently. You called me a fool for approaching you and the warrior when in fact I knew I was in no danger from you, as evidenced from our previous encounter. You died because you were too eager to get the kill and took camel form to blind me, allowing me to lag you and keep you in that form. Then you just called me an idiot a few more times. On reflection, you knew that I was able to vanish and handle you alone without difficulty, so the fact I was standing and fighting instead should have made you a little more wary. In fact, when I turned and ran in the first place, I was already prepped up the wazzoo in case you attacked.

As far as boneshatter etc went, I had enough +str and +dex gear that it really didn't bother me, particularly as I tended to haste before fighting mace specs. This wasn't true in my old age though, because my stats dropped without trains to restore them, and I choose to wear blademaster gloves instead of ogre gauntlets, simply because they are fun.

I think Lokrin's set on deletion was even better than Daurwyn's. Gear hunters out there, rejoice.
13451, RE: well, all good things come to an end
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An impressive character. I must have interacted with you with a half dozen characters and was always impressed. Especially with your services rendered. I even thought about rolling up someone to join your company. I look foward to seeing your next creation.
13448, Good job
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not exactly sure why I allowed you to become a pseudo-follower, I think I just liked your boldness. The fact that you'd come into my shrine, respectfully, and ask for a sign from me was pretty cool in my opinion. Interesting idea you had, and a good follow through with it. Feel free to post any logs, I always enjoy roleplay logs. Good luck with your next.
13449, immteractions
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only met Intronan three times, but I really enjoyed it. I think one difference to my previous immteractions was that they didn't just happen at 2am (since I live in England). Immteractions happening at 2am are not likely to see my good side, and Savraeth, Pico, and Eryndorial tended to be too mentally taxing at that hour.

A large domed cave

A blood-stained raven sits atop his golden perch.

<947hp 734m 502mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You gently stroke his arm.

** That was meant to be stroking him, not stroking his arm!

A blood-stained raven looks at you blankly.

<947hp 734m 502mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
This girdle appears rather small. It is made of leather and has four pouches on it,
none of which are very large. Upon inspecting the inside, you notice that your hand
seems to be able to go much further than the outer depth of the girdle. This was
obviously crafted or tampered with by magic.

The girdle of endless space is a container, made of leather, and weighs 93 pound
s 8 ounces.
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
The girdle of endless space contains:
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
(21) a berry pie
a potion of recall
(12) a potion of flight
some bent lockpicks
( 2) a small greenish leaf with pink edges
( 2) a small blue leaf
( 6) a potion of teleportation
a violet potion
some red grass
( 2) a red and white pill
( 2) some seaweed
a blue leaf
( 2) a potion of diminution
a shrunken illithid head charm
a small parchment
a STALK of seaweed
( 2) a thick, blood-red potion
( 2) (Glowing) a demon-faced talisman
( 3) some crimson steelroot

<947hp 734m 502mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You scratch your head with a confused look upon your face.

<947hp 734m 502mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You say 'no meat. But berries never did the raven any harm.'

<947hp 734m 553mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave

<947hp 734m 553mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You get a berry pie from the girdle of endless space.

<947hp 734m 553mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You give a berry pie to a blood-stained raven.

<947hp 734m 553mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
This raven is truly beautiful to behold. It's feathers
are the deepest black you have ever seen. It's beak is
stained red with blood, as well as it's claws. It's eyes
are a bright crimson, and look at you quizically.
A blood-stained raven is in perfect health.

<947hp 734m 604mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
What brings you here, assassin.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'In respect of your power, Lord, I come seeking the feathers of the
Raven, representing it, to mark the work of my Company.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Why would I consider such, when you have not worshipped me in the past?

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
The sky is getting cloudy.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'Thy pardon Lord, but it is not thy mark I seek, and I apologise if it seemed such. My respect for thee is not what most would term worship. Rather, it is simply the way in which I lead my life, and the way that I see death.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Elrys tells you 'I was told you hunted me in shadar not long ago, is this so?'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'As my Company deals with such life and death, the Black Feather, or the raven, seemed fitting.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan uncloaks his presence.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>

You slowly float to the ground.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor> Lokrin bows low, keeping his eyes upon you as he does so.

A blood-stained raven hops onto Intronan's shoulder.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'you honor me, greatest of our guild.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Your request still is cloudy to me.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'I know of how you deal death, and how you organize others to do so...'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Explain simply what your wishes are.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>


<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'I give you this time, for I have seen your skill as a hunter.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'I wished simply a few feather of the raven, to mark the work that my Company does.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'A bold request.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'But I appreciate such boldness.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Your sight dulls in the night.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'Whilst boldness can bring pain, it can also be necessary for greatn

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'That rings of truth.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'death comes to us all. To walk in terror of it is to fail to live'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
The clouds disappear.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Do me a service, and I shall reward you for it. And your company.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>

Intronan whispers 'You shall slay either a necromancer, or a follower of Ilraeth for me.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor> You whisper 'of course Lord. That is what we exist to do, and I myself would be honored by such service.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You smile happily.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
<49 Elf Inv> (PK) Giannovan the Talismanic
<51 Human Asn> (PK) Shaitarak the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
<51 Dwarf HRO> (PK) Noldruk the Hammer of Justice, Smith of the Nolda
rian Forge
<50 Svirf Thi> (PK) Faerk the Unspoken Name
<51 Felar War> (PK) Guenrayn the Mending Paw, Sapper-Trained BattleRager
<47 Arial Thi> (PK) Dakje the Secret
<51 W-Elf Bar> (PK) Rustanviel the Grand Master of Artistry
<44 D-Elf War> (PK) Drayhloch the Master of Steel
*51 Human Asn* (PK) Lokrin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
<51 Human Shf> (PK) Anith the Grand Master of Changelings
<51 Duerg War> (PK) Paschal the Weaponsmaster
<54 Arial DEM> (PK) Intronan the Shadow of Death
<51 Cloud War> (PK) (WANTED) Gorgoth the Weaponsmaster
<50 Human Con> (PK) Elrys Camarizio the Seneschal of the Gates, Servant of the D
<49 Svirf War> (PK) Aviendha the Field Marshall

Players found: 15

** Hmm. I'm trying to remember the last time I saw one of these.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'And when you have finished, come to me, and explain why I should wish either of them dead.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'I shall think upon it as I watch them from the shadows.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'though I certainly have some ideas.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Excellent.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'I look forward to your success.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan gives you a crooked smile.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'I look forward to reporting it'

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>

Intronan cloaks his presence and disappears.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>

Lokrin nods respectfully to where you stood, and spins into the shadows of the exit.


That was the first encounter. This is the second.

<947hp 734m 637mv 26141cp wilderness outdoor>
You attempt to move silently.


The Beaten Path

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
Bide a moment, Lokrin.

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
People near you:
(PK) Lokrin The Beaten Path

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'aye Lord'

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
You attempt to move silently.

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor> You attempt to hide.

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
The Beaten Path
You continue to work your way along a dirt path in the mountains. It is cold and windy, and the thinness of the air is beginning to get to you. Valleys and peaks surround you, each one looking similar to the rest. Occasionally, the trail bends around large rocks or the roots of huge gnarled trees that jut out from the mountainside.

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
People near you:
(PK) Lokrin The Beaten Path

<947hp 734m 268mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
You are hungry.

** normally I don't eat or drink or renew spells/skills
** when in the presence of a god, but I've died a few times
** because of this and I don't plan on doing it again.

** I was half expecting a ranger and druid to doubleteam
** me again.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>

You have earned part of your reward.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
You step out of the shadows.
You get a berry pie from the girdle of endless space.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
You eat a berry pie.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor> You attempt to move silently.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor> You attempt to hide.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin bows his head.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
The lightning has stopped.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
See Ghaltes for the second. You will find him by the Raven.

<947hp 734m 319mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'I will hasten to him at once'

<947hp 734m 370mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor> You attempt to move silently.

<947hp 734m 370mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>
You attempt to hide.

<947hp 734m 370mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Lokrin The Beaten Path

<947hp 734m 370mv 15483cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'I am honored, greatest of our guild'

** snip, hastening to the shrine.

<947hp 729m 444mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
A large domed cave

A blood-stained raven sits atop his golden perch.

<947hp 729m 440mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
An antechamber

Ghaltes the warrior stands guard here.

<947hp 729m 436mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You say 'Hail Ghaltes. You wished to see me?'

<947hp 734m 487mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>

People near you:
(PK) Lokrin An antechamber

<947hp 734m 487mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.

<947hp 734m 538mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes stands guard here, preventing any not of the Order
of the Blood-Stained Raven from passing to the east. He wields
no weapon, but the way he moves, and his utter lack of fear,
project the image of one who is utterly competent to repel
any intruder.
Ghaltes the warrior is in perfect health.

<947hp 734m 538mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'Not particularly. But my Lord wished me to speak to y

<947hp 734m 538mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
The rain ceases.

<947hp 734m 538mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'You have accomplished a goal he set. Whom did you

<947hp 734m 589mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You say 'I slew the Druid Priestess of Ilraeth'

<947hp 734m 589mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'Her name?'

<947hp 734m 589mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'at the gates of her shrine, using the tenets of her own religion'

** Ilraeth's beliefs on death presented me with the tool I needed.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You say 'Aerieal, I believe, though I have not heard her name spoken often
enough to pronounce it the way she does'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior nods.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>


<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'That was part of the task. Now, prove you understood my Lords question.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'Why would he wish a priestess of Ilraeth to find death?'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'I have thought on it, and sought insight from others who seemed wise'

** In fact, the priestess herself was instrumental in this, as was my intent.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>

Ghaltes the warrior nods.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor> You whisper 'I have concluded that he is irked by her claiming power over his dominion, that of death'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'Why would that bother him, do you believe?'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'her preachings are different to that of the priests of Lord Intronan. Those who follow her believe that death is the path to enlightenment'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'it seems to me that if enlightenment were to be gained on death'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'that it would be a beginning of sorts, and also make a mockery of time's laws'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior gives you a bloody feather.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
It starts to rain.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior nods.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'And why would he wish a necromancer destroyed?'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Lightning flashes in the sky.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'the necromancers' guild seek to deny his power altogether. They seek to bring back from the dead that which should be gone for good. They seek to deny Him themselves'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'they deny His power, and usurp it for themselves'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'they do not accept the finality of death'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'they, even more than the servants of Ilraeth believe it but the beginning'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior nods.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'but like the servants of Ilraeth, their own beliefs betray the lie of their actions'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor> Ghaltes the warrior says 'Excellent.'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Lokrin An antechamber

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior nods.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior gives you a bloody feather.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'for most give themselves over to him even through their efforts'

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior nods.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin chuckles at the irony.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Long, straight, and of the deepest black, this feather is
soft to the touch. The very tip of it continually drips a
tiny trickle of blood. The source of the blood cannot be discerned.

A bloody feather is a trash, made of cloth, and weighs 1 pounds 0 ounces.

<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>

Ghaltes the warrior says 'Use those to mark those who defile the teachings of my Lord.'
This trash, a bloody feather, can be referred to as 'raven feather'.
It is worth 0 copper, and is of 8th level of power.

<947hp 704m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
You bow deeply.

<947hp 704m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'Leave one at their decaying corpse.'

<947hp 704m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>

Ghaltes the warrior says 'And keep one... to let all know you have pleased my Lord.'

You whisper 'it shall be done, Ghaltes'

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior says 'Should you need more, I shall see to it.'

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior nods at you in agreement.

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin smiles to himself.

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>

Ghaltes the warrior says 'Another time, assassin.'

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor> You whisper 'I will seek to make use of all your Lord grants me'

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Ghaltes the warrior bows deeply.

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>


<947hp 734m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'farewell Ghaltes.'

<947hp 717m 637mv 14283cp wilderness outdoor>
Saving...Character saved. Remember, CF does autosaving.


final encounter


<997hp 714m 651mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin smoothes the feathers of the raven

<997hp 714m 651mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>

You tell Noldan 'I have no idea. You need only walk there to find out.'

<997hp 714m 651mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave

<997hp 714m 651mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>

A blood-stained raven pecks at your eyes.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A blood-stained raven screeches loudly.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Noldan tells you 'Aye gotta find the way there never ben der'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin covers his face with his arm.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'cursed bird. Don't you recognise me?'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Noldan tells you 'How bout a few razor rings ?'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A blood-stained raven begins to nibble on its feathers with its beak.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin draws a rag obviously used to polish blades and wipes the blood from his face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan slowly fades into existence.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin tosses the rag at the raven.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Lokrin.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A blood-stained raven hops from its perch onto Intronan's shoulder.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'Lord Intronan. It is an honor to see you once more.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave
(PK) Intronan A large domed cave

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'It seems your enemies who have not yet felt your power have fled the realms.'

** This is a reference to the disappearance of Blasdhemius, who I
** hunted last time I travelled until one of us quit.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Possibly.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
The rain ceases.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'I was wondering if there was aught else that you would like attended to'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave
(PK) Intronan A large domed cave

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'I could hardly begin to tell you where to start.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'There is much I would like attended to.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You ponder the question.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'Sometimes it does not matter where one begins, if one intends to attend to all in time'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Just so.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave
(PK) Intronan A large domed cave

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>


<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'I did have a question for thee though Lord'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan nods.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'a necromancer comes to worship here.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'he claims to be your follower.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave
(PK) Intronan A large domed cave

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Who is this?'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'It has been some time since I have seen him here. I believe it might have been XXXXXXXX, that he gave as his name'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'something like that'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave
(PK) Intronan A large domed cave

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan nods.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'He has been here, from time to time.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'What is your question.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'Does he speak truth, and show due respect?'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'or is he like the others of his guild, seeking to take a part of your power for his own?'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'He shows as much respect as he is able to. But ultimately, the greatest respect he could show would be to leave his chosen profession.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'He well knows my views on those of his guild.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You ponder the question.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Yet he strives to worship anyway. Admirable, in a sense... in another, very foolish.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You flash everyone a wry little smile.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'Even fools can sometimes achieve their goals, I believe.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'One day I may reward him for his study... the next I may stick a dagger in his gut. A dangerous game he plays.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>

You whisper 'perhaps he might turn his guild away from their current ways and towards you'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor> People near you:
(PK) Lokrin A large domed cave
(PK) Intronan A large domed cave

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'I have no great interest in attaining the worship of those who meddled once with death.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Fools all.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'Lord Intronan, I have thought much since you bestowed the feathers upon me'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Even XXXXXXX is foolish, ultimately. A glimmer of intelligence... but undone by the path he follows.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'I have begun to form a cadre within my Company, towards doing the task that you set me'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'What company is that?'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'which is partly why I sought to know whether this particular necromancer should be spare the fate of the others'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'The mercenary Company of the Black Feather.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'I cannot spare one, and ask that the rest be destroyed.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin nods slowly.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'To me, all must be destroyed.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Tarnyxil tells you 'Aye. Be careful.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Tarnyxil tells you 'Woops.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'I respect the studies of XXXXXXXX. But to let emotion be involved in the attaining of my goals is foolish. As is all emotion.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'indeed, it might confuse the message that we send to their guild'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan nods.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Precisely.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Tarnyxil tells you 'You might have guessed that that was not meant for your ears.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'might a mortal such as I learn more of your goals?'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
It starts to rain.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You feel less armored.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'for I have decided that the bounties of the rich no longer bring much satisfaction'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Doubtful.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'but my employees still appreciate them'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'My priests can perhaps give you some insight.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'My elder priests, at least.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'And those who wear the mark of the raven.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>

Intronan whispers 'They are my voice, in most mortal matters.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor> You whisper 'whom should I seek out? I have not seen any since my youth, and now my hair turns to grey'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>

You nod.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Farnsworth knows much.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You nod.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'Guenrayn as well... though Guenrayn is mainly concerned with combat, and little else.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You nod.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You whisper 'Aye then. If ye have no task for me, I will seek Farnsworth out'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'In time, perhaps I shall, Lokrin.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Intronan whispers 'We shall see.'

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Light fades into shadow, as Intronan disappears.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
You bow deeply.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor>
Lokrin tosses the rag with his blood on to the raven.

** Forgot I had already done this. Let's just say
** that I missed the first time.

<997hp 714m 655mv 36446cp wilderness outdoor> You say 'Let that feed your lust for blood, ye vicious bird.'
13450, Embarrassing..
Posted by Tarnyxil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I HATE keepreply ;-) !!!
13446, RE: well, all good things come to an end
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was impressed the one time we talked. Where you offered to fight beside me, and you never offered that to anyone. I was wondering why exactly?

13447, couple of reasons really
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Firstly, you were a follower of Intronan's, as was I, in a different sense. You were focused on combat, and Lokrin didn't like to pass up the opportunity to learn. Lokrin tried to use all tools at his disposal and the opportunity to learn from a master of an aspect of paprt of his life was good.

In addition, most people seeking others to hunt with are doing so from a lack of honor, or a lack of ability. I saw in you one person who would not take up my offer for either of those reasons, but only to achieve greater parity. I also like to fight beside people who rely on finesse over brute force. Bladjix is one of these that springs to mind.

The reason I didn't try an assassination on you was because I actually wanted to fight you in straight combat, as this was what you were recognised for. I liked to test myself against the experts.

On an ooc side, I thought you had it tough with your specs and I didn't really want to be one more problem for you to contend with.
13445, Of course ..
Posted by Tarnyxil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew who you were .. something already stirred in my mind when I saw you ranking on your own down in that sea area (not going to mention which one). And it all became clear when we met in that hideout near Tar Valon, you know which one I mean (and now you know who I am too, although you probably knew that already, too).. Anyways, it was cool to have a friend everyone else feared or didn't know .. and I thank you for not attacking my group mates when I was with them.. keep on trucking dude, see ya around in the fields..
13444, All good things do come to an end it seems...
Posted by Airael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well played on your part. I actually had no problem dying to you as she isnt afraid of death in general. I dont know how well I am doing so far but I am sure I'll find out in the end and alot of things will be made clear by then also. That time that you had to kill me was actually something I really enjoyed roleplaying with and trust me, there arent too many I like roleplaying with lately. I am however sad you deleted him, as I liked him as a character and from the beggining I knew there was a reason for me being attacked by him. Thanks for the fun times, you wont be forgotten at least by me. Have fun and hope to see you in the fields!
13441, RE: well, all good things come to an end
Posted by Faralion/Lardo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My oh my...

I thought I'd see you around forever as I thought you were running a very good business even if I got to see the harsher side of it at times :P

You were an interesting one to interact with as I as Lardo always had my owl to resort to and therefore didn't mind you prowling around very much.
As Faralion though... ugh, that's all I say. I hated assassins and you proved more than well the folly of actually walking out of a guild instead of using other means. You failed me on the axe though! Of course, I did never expect to see it delievered, but I was very interested to see if you'd put the effort into it. *shrug*

Congratulations on a char well played and may Sacer torment you in the seventh circle of Hell if you don't come back :P

13442, ahh, the axe
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't forget about that, believe it or not. Cragath just sat in a gap where I didn't actually have anyone who could hunt him amongst the Feathers. My other character could, but of course, he wasn't allowed to know Lokrin, so he didn't have a reason to kill Cragath.

Sorry to let you down. I'm sure someone will get him one day for you.

By the way, regarding those wands of yours...

did I show you the barrier wand when I was playing Daurwyn?
13443, RE: ahh, the axe
Posted by Lardovian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Don't worry about the axe. I can take care of that on my own now, even though I might not have very much use for it. ;)

And no, you never showed me the barrier, only a certain aura if that little gnome was who I thought it was.
If it in fact -was- the barrier I am thinking of, I know it now through the aid of another. *shrug*
Take heart, that aura helped me a lot through my 1183 years.


13437, RE: well, all good things come to an end
Posted by Elrys on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't interact too much, but what little there was, I enjoyed. I always wanted to talk to you more and find out what you were all about, but I never really got the chance. Too bad

>My other deaths were to:
>a conjie, a shifter, and an invoker. I had agreed peace
>with the conjie, who was a servant of dawn.
>As it was, I was so astonished by a servant of dawn breaking
>his word that I just went brain dead.

This wasn't Elrys, was it? You use the pronoun he, so I assume it must be someone else, and I don't remember the situation, which I really think I would. Did you hide immediately after dieing or anything? If it were Elrys you were talking about, I really think she would've been falling all over herself appologizing.

13438, I don't remember who is was but
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it wasn't Elrys, no. Elrys was one of those characters I did quite like, which you might (just about) have picked up from my willingness to be civil to you. Really, I didn't want to kill you, but you just kept going back to the same place to rank, so eventually I gave it a try.

If it was you who had betrayed me, I would have hunted you a lot more than I did.

Whoever it was either didn't rank or didn't log on again. Ultimately I just forgot the perpetrator. The invoker was Odonomus. I did intend to take revenge on him, but I could never find him without a group/gang, and then he deleted.
13439, RE: I don't remember who is was but
Posted by Odonomus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all I thought your character was very fishy. It didn't seem right when I saw a rank 20 assassin giving multiple barrier and shield locations to Lardovian and other warlocks for crummy pieces of gear in return.

>a conjie, a shifter, and an invoker. I had agreed peace with the conjie, who was a servant of dawn. I had even warned said conjie when scions and ragers were in the underdark, as I didn't want conjie to die again so soon after dying to me. I decided to illustrate to conjie how dangerous the situation was by sneaking up and whispering something (as many characters can vouch I did without hurting them). Conjie's group gangs me because I am not hidden.

This is not true. The conjurer was Thinfinion and he has said you assassinated him before and was pretty sure you were going to try again. The shifter had said he was 100% sure you had him marked so we decided to go down into the underdark and learn at the drow city since we knew you couldn't hide in the underdark. We saw you visible for a while and figured you were moving through the underdark and we spotted you entering the city a few times and started fogging. Sorry but we knew you were coming and we were ready for you. You paniced and ran back into the underdark which was exactly what i was hoping for.

>Next time conjie, I'll claw your invoker. Had I done that I believe I could have killed your whole group.

Not really, you did try to fight but once I started pebbling you kept vanishing and trying to run.

>As it was, I was so astonished by a servant of dawn breaking his word that I just went brain dead. Anyway, thanks for leaving me some gear.

Actually you went brain dead some time before that if you really thought you would have been able to pull of that assassination in the drow city. I made sure I chased you down and killed you to try to discourage you from level sitting and trying to perfect assassinate on a servant who wouldn't retaliate.

>And remember, assassins you can see can't stalk you. They have to hide to do it.

Which is exactly why we chased you into the underdark.

>Whoever it was either didn't rank or didn't log on again. Ultimately I just forgot the perpetrator.

Actually he did log on and play for quite a while. He heroed with me and we explored almost every inch of the mud. I figured he stopped logging on because he got bored once we had finished exploring. My guess is he had about 220 hours or so.

>The invoker was Odonomus. I did intend to take revenge on him, but I could never find him without a group/gang, and then he deleted.

Well its a shame about an hour after you died you gave me a tell saying you weren't looking for a fight and basically please don't kill me again. I played my character for 340 hours and for you to say you didn't have an opportunity to fight me is #####. Anytime I approached you, you quaffed a transportation potion like that time at kiana rah. When I asked your groupmates why you quaffed and left them they said that you said you were afraid I was going to kill you. To bad you didn't stick around, because I was coming to help them rank. I saw you plenty of times when I was by myself and stood there out in the open to see if you would try to attack me, but you never took the opportunity even when it was given to you. Based on the way you played your character I believe if you really want to fight me you would have seeked me out.
13440, hmm, ok, each point in turn
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>First of all I thought your character was very fishy. It
>didn't seem right when I saw a rank 20 assassin giving
>multiple barrier and shield locations to Lardovian and other
>warlocks for crummy pieces of gear in return.
Uh, I had wands I couldn't use. I know where plenty of wands are. I would trade a single wand for gear of any kind. So what. Some mage gets 3 charges of a/b/s, then it is gone. I however get something useful until I replace it.

I traded a wand LOCATION only for the best gear. Eg hammer pendant, etc. I traded with scions as well as warlocks. And guess how many wand locations I actually traded? One! I traded the same wand location to every single person I traded a location with. So I ended up with a full set of very nice gear and only gave away one wand location, which all sides would end up having to compete over.

My "fishy" character mainly traded with Lardovian in the warlocks. This was partly because Lokrin tried to curry favor with cabal leaders to get business. That includes scion leaders too. Funnily enough, I assassinated several of the warlocks under Lrdovian, and also people worshiping in the same shrine as Lardovian, and then I assassinated Faralion (his subsequent character) twice. You can f**k off if you are implying that my character was fishy and carried out out something underhand.

>>a conjie, a shifter, and an invoker. I had agreed peace with the conjie, who was a servant of dawn. I had even warned said conjie when scions and ragers were in the underdark, as I didn't want conjie to die again so soon after dying to me. I decided to illustrate to conjie how dangerous the situation was by sneaking up and whispering something (as many characters can vouch I did without hurting them). Conjie's group gangs me because I am not hidden.
>This is not true. The conjurer was Thinfinion and he has
>said you assassinated him before

Yes. I did assassinate him before. In the same place. Then we agreed to peace. I also said that I was watching out for him "because I didn't want him to die so soon after dying to me". Get that chip off your shoulder. I had also been in constant communication with the conjie, talking to him about who else was in the underdark. I had been telling him each time ragers headed down there, on and off, for about the past hour.

and was pretty sure you
>were going to try again. The shifter had said he was 100%
>sure you had him marked

No, I didn't have the shifter marked. Again, my log can show this, from when your group of three walked in on me.

so we decided to go down into the
>underdark and learn at the drow city since we knew you
>couldn't hide in the underdark.

A wise precaution, but I don't believe this because that is precisely where I assassinated the conjie an hour ealier.

> We saw you visible for a
>while and figured you were moving through the underdark and
>we spotted you entering the city a few times and started

Firstly, I had been visible plenty of times in the interim, as I was in and out of the underdark, wilds, and seas.

Secondly, you didn't fog me. I have the log if you are going to be a tit about this. The conjie faerie fired me to start the fight. Something he could only do if I was already visible. I didn't hide after entering the drow city. And you didn't exactly ambush me quicly. I had time to do several things in the meantime. The one thing I didn't do was hide, because it would have defeated my purpose.

> Sorry but we knew you were coming and we were
>ready for you.

I had been telling the conjie what was going on in the underdark since the point of assassinating him. Of course he f**king knew I was around there. And since I wasn't hiding even AFTER entering drow city, don't pat yourself on the back for being so "ready for me".

> You paniced and ran back into the underdark
>which was exactly what i was hoping for.

I panicked, yes. Because your servant of dawn groupmate promised peace and went back on his word. Well done. What a plan. What did you expect me to do? Run INTO the city with agro mobs and mob die? But that would imply that you weren't trying to discourage level sitting (which I didn't do anyway), and give me an exp hole instead.

>>Next time conjie, I'll claw your invoker. Had I done that I believe I could have killed your whole group.
>Not really, you did try to fight but once I started pebbling
>you kept vanishing and trying to run.
I didn't try to vanish once. I would think that one with the experience you seem to have would know that vanishing is not an option in that situation. I didn't try anything other than fleeing, and one quaffing from the room next to the room I was trying to quaf from. By that stage I was already faerie fired, because I hadn't been hiding to start with.

>>As it was, I was so astonished by a servant of dawn breaking his word that I just went brain dead. Anyway, thanks for leaving me some gear.
>Actually you went brain dead some time before that if you
>really thought you would have been able to pull of that
>assassination in the drow city.

I had already pulled one off on your conjie friend. Which part of "I wasn't trying to kill anyone" didn't you understand? I wasn't trying to assassinate you or anyone in your group. And many people can vouch for the fact that I sneaked up on them and said things without attacking. so this wasn't going to be a unique occasion.

>I made sure I chased you
>down and killed you to try to discourage you from level
>sitting and trying to perfect assassinate on a servant who
>wouldn't retaliate.
I made sure I chased you down...

Was it you leading the group? I wasn't convinced it was. Maybe it was. I won't contest the point, but if not, it wasn't you making sure you chased me down.

Level sitting? I didn't level sit. Perfecting assassinate? I didn't perfect my f**king defenses or weapons for god's sake. On a servant who wouldn't retaliate? I never even attempted to assassinate anyone I had already killed besides Harokatsu, and the servant actually opened the combat between us. Had I intended to level sit, this would not have been a deterrent. And it was the servatn of dawn who started that fight, not you. I'll post the log when I get back after the new year.

>>And remember, assassins you can see can't stalk you. They have to hide to do it.
>Which is exactly why we chased you into the underdark.
Crap. Had I hidden you wouldn't have been able to start the chase. Since you faerie fired me because I was NOT hidden, it wouldn't have mattered where I was.

It was in the drow city that I was standing not hidden for quite some time. Again, I have the log showing what I did during that time. Endure and eat for starters. Your conjie faerie fired me when I was lagged from endure, and standing visible already.

>>Whoever it was either didn't rank or didn't log on again. Ultimately I just forgot the perpetrator.
>Actually he did log on and play for quite a while. He
>heroed with me and we explored almost every inch of the mud.

Let me rephrase then. He didn't log on or rank during a period long enough for me to forget who it was, at least not during my playing hours. I didn't expect anyone to be quite so pedantic.

> I figured he stopped logging on because he got bored once
>we had finished exploring. My guess is he had about 220
>hours or so.
>>The invoker was Odonomus. I did intend to take revenge on him, but I could never find him without a group/gang, and then he deleted.
>Well its a shame about an hour after you died you gave me a
>tell saying you weren't looking for a fight and basically
>please don't kill me again.

Umm, which part of "I wasn't looking for a fight" didn't you understand again. But "please don't kill me again?". Why would I need to make a request of anyone when I could hide from them? The only reason I can think of is if we happen to cross paths while I was regearing, and I wanted you to be clear I had no hostile intentions at that point, since your groupmate clearly failed to tell you that we had peace before. (Personally, I think he had three and went for a cheap kill in full knowledge that I was not hostile.)

> I played my character for 340
>hours and for you to say you didn't have an opportunity to
>fight me is #####.

Umm, I said I didn't get a shot at you alone. This is true. Don't take offense at what I saw of you. You might not have been with people all the time. That goes without saying. But I never got a chance at you alone. I do have a couple of logs of me taking attempts where I'd only got a couple of stalks off first, because that was the biggest window I could get on you.

> Anytime I approached you, you quaffed a
>transportation potion like that time at kiana rah.

Right. Next time let me fight an invoker in the mountains. That sounds like the ideal opportunity.

In fact, this was the one occasion.

> When I
>asked your groupmates why you quaffed and left them they
>said that you said you were afraid I was going to kill you.

Quite right. Because I was in the mountains. And my groupmates were scions and you were their lackey. I didn't trust them any more than I trusted you.

>To bad you didn't stick around, because I was coming to help
>them rank.

Yeah. I had a terrible time getting to hero. Clearly. And considering you refused peace, am I supposed to trust you to help me in the mountains when you approach unannounced? Reverse our positions. Would you stand and face a potentially hostile invoker in the mountains? Of course you wouldn't, so don't draw silly conclusions from this example.

> I saw you plenty of times when I was by myself
>and stood there out in the open to see if you would try to
>attack me, but you never took the opportunity even when it
>was given to you.

I never noticed this. I only saw you with others, or with others just outside the area with you standing in Galadon. What I said wasn't a criticism of you, it was an observation based on Lokrin's experience. I actually admired you for not exposing yourself. Now that I have read your post you've gone way down in my estimation.

> Based on the way you played your
>character I believe if you really want to fight me you would
>have seeked me out.

I did seek you out, and every time I found you you were with a group, so eventually I gave it up as a waste of effort. Which is pretty much how to deal with every assassin. Make things difficult enough for them, and they'll go find easier prey.

You bested me by not exposing yourself. Nothing else. That in itself is the mark of competence. But you seem to think it an insult.
Your imagined victory over me in the underdark was nothing more than killing a VISIBLE assassin who your groupmate had promised peace to.

Lokrin never broke his word, and he didn't kill people more than once. This was evident throughout his life. Yet you seem to assume that on this one occasion I decided to make an exception and that your cunning caught me out and your skill killed me. And since I still have the log, I know it isn't my memory that is hazy on the details. Especially as it was my first death.

13434, RE: well, all good things come to an end
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
heh i always thought of you as a nice guy, even when you told me not to think that way. but i never had a problem with ya thought the character was pretty cool from what i saw. then again i don't think i ever managed to piss ya off either.

i have to say after reading your post about airael and the log of intronans interaction with you .. rock on. what a way to find out though. hehe.
(on a side note i thought fazril rocked. from a player standpoint)

13435, you must have been too nice
Posted by Lokrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I said that to you, it meant I wanted to kill you but you were being too nice to me for me to feel ok about it. I was determined not to let Lokrin go the way of Umble and run out of enemies. heh.

Yeah, Fazril was a lot fun to play. A sphere love AP is never going to be a stereotypical one. I just messed up by linking his rp to the specific souls in his axe in such a way that it became difficult to play him without them.
13436, RE: you must have been too nice
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ahh so that was it..(about fazril)

and as for me.. yup i sure was too nice.. my current char is so nice it makes ME sick. heh well okay, if you aren't obviously evil then i'm nice, until one gives me reason to not me nice.

not that i am very threatening hehe.
but i do try to kill people. i'm never very successful.

13433, Like many, not a character I got to watch much,
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I did see, though, was very cool. Well played.
13432, SORRY bro
Posted by delata on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im real sorry I quit out on you you gotta understand though with a 16 con, and a drow first everyone though I was a scion, second everyone who didnt just thought it was fun to beat a drow with jewled broadswords, though they never hit me, id still get like a demolish from a warrior double thrusting blowed. Sorry I quit on you I was all set to lead the company, Well what can I say ecept I tried my hardest to get new members and i think i kilt over 30 necromancer extincted like 10 youd be amazed how easy it is to kill naked necromancer when he first unghosts :) at least I had a rp reason to do it, tried to make you proud hope I did my best come back, Im going necro ive already herod anoder assassin, kinda bored of them so im going for the other side, lichdom intrigues me, well thank and you shoulda asked sucerian to be the leader or my other guy nyphenty or someting, both nice fellers, Well good luck old bro

PS) if yeh got time i got an aol, SN though its always got an away mess on cuss cf or i never turn my comp off User6546, on aim PEAZZYUM old hunter of necromancers

Basterd pipeweed smokin drow