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Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Eahrlie Kyelir the Mistress of Changelings, Magistrate of Galadon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=132115
132115, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Eahrlie Kyelir the Mistress of Changelings, Magistrate of Galadon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Aug 30 19:56:28 2017

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Eahrlie perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
132119, Sorry to disappoint.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Got giant wasp and it is the worst.

Easier to just reroll/rerank something later than try to get enough edgepoints to roll/spin. Could have heroed and had enough but then I wouldn't be rank 47.

132121, Why cant you roll the villager?
Posted by Beront on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wtf attitude, seriosly. Whats the point of rolling trib?

I dont get it.
132122, Need to con kill drill master first.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Trib let me know when he was online.

Wolverine would have worked but not wasp.

I didn't really see him online lately anyway so it may have been a moot point.
132123, Go Sultan style
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Roll a warrior and annoy him so that he kills you 50 times.
132126, You seem so angry
Posted by JustSomeone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you cuss in game, does that make you feel good? You did this a bit. You are quite the angry person. Why play the game if you are so angry? Why make a character just to kill one person? This is so you can go back to having a villager leader? You just sound like a horrible person to be around and should stop spending your time trying to grief others. Who knows. You may even start to have fun.
132130, Oh no worries, I had a great time.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do not fret. When I have negative interactions with you I usually just move on. This particular time though I felt like with my limited time I'd enjoy the game most trying to kill you. Sorry for calling your necro an ass, it was just annoying the way that situation played out and you were being an ass IC so I called you one. I think you'd have more fun if you stuck to one character and just deleted when you weren't having fun yourself. I don't think trying to con-kill someone that wasted 4 weeks of my limited mudding time is griefing, and its a fun goal to set. But thanks for the feedback!
132131, RE: Oh no worries, I had a great time.
Posted by Confused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who wasted your time for four weeks? How??
132137, Because the drillmaster is a reflection of what he's like
Posted by IdiotCFer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He rolls so many character to kill the fun for others, and this four week journey was to get rid of the drillmaster so he can roll another village assassin. Most of us don't have the time in the day he does to roll so many, but he rolls special characters just to piss on someone else. Such a fine, upstanding player we have with this one.

I still have the PM you sent me about nbm. How much time that had to take with all the searching and then pasting the links. You sent this to me in hopes of what? You'd think I'd be one of the mean girls and allow you in? I will wait again for your reply. I'm sure you can't decide which one to post to first about how wrong I am.
132141, I think you're confused.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The 4 week part was the time I had a level 15 warrior trying to get a mage kill before I got it then spoke to you once and realized you were keeping village numbers low intentionally.

I promise you I have less time in my life to play this game now than I have in the last 20 years.

The NbM meme wasn't made by me. I just wanted to share it with you because it was funny. Basically I was sharing with you something that showed he was banning/berating you for something he himself was guilty of doing frequently. Sorry that went over your head.

It's not a matter of me posting 'just to prove you wrong', it's a matter of me posting to attempt to show you why you're not right.
132143, All boils down to this
Posted by No longer confused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The 4 week part was the time I had a level 15 warrior trying
>to get a mage kill before I got it then spoke to you once and
>realized you were keeping village numbers low intentionally.

You "realized". You can "realize" an intention. That's impressive. You should buy lottery tickets.

You do this all the time. Last time was when you were so sure about something it created a huge thread, and in the end you were wrong.

Stop trying to say things as fact just because you want to believe something. You know nothing. By what you wrote below you didn't get in so you aren't even in the village, let alone the drillmaster. The only facts - actual facts - we now know is that you were an applicant, took you a long time to get in, and you got turned away.

Absolutely nothing else you've said is fact. You want to be pissed about your not getting in? Totally makes sense. Extrapolating this whole story about the village and leader as a whole? Nope.
132144, K.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank god for you I was wrong about something once or you'd just have to go back to the whole Jalim is better than me because IMMfriends argument.
132136, I love how you have excuses for everything you do
Posted by IdiotCFer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grown man and you play the game to grief someone else. Then you come on to both sites as act as if you're the all knowing with each one of those our posts. Someone else is wrong, but not jalim. Jalim wasn't a griefer, but did roll thieves continuously because they are the fastest way to grief. Now he rolls a shapeshifter just so he can fight the drillmaster because he isn't much outside of an assassin, and village assassin leader is his go to. What happened to madalyn? But, please, respond back on how someone else is wrong and your rp is top notch. I'm waiting. You're not one to let another get the last word in so I will wait.
132140, I mean..
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's not really a matter of getting the last word in, I just like to respond to posts, especially if they're about me.

I don't know who or what Madalyn was. I was the dark-elf warrior you claimed 'allowed a ranger to cast armor' in front of me that never happened and told me not to bother seeking out the village after our first conversation. It had taken me about 4 weeks to get a mage kill logging in about 30-60 minutes every day or so. Got a baby now who is almost 2 and I usually only play if she's napping.

I don't really get what you're saying about assassin/villager stuff. I rolled a shifter because its easy to rank, doesn't require gear or skill spamming, and can easily kill you when you're already being ganked or vis doing something else. Whole point is it can catch you with your pants down and kill you. I'd *like* to be playing a villager since you can log in and get right to action, but since you prevented that I'd just rather kill you IC.

Also I like thieves because they can steal.
132134, Reeroo Reeroo. Anonymity police.
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grow some balls. Talk #### under your real handle. That not what the anonymous function is about.

If you keep doing this #### we will lose it. Then I won't be able to complain about some mechanical issue as my character.
132139, As long as he uses "one" in his names
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We know who that is.