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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Wabailla the Glacial Beast of the Underdark, Drillmistress of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=129859
129859, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Wabailla the Glacial Beast of the Underdark, Drillmistress of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Dec 18 19:11:18 2016

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Wabailla perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
129888, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Wabailla the Glacial Beast of the Underdark, Drillmistress of Battle
Posted by Wabailla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This thread, with just a few posts, is already a perfect example of most of why I deleted. Of the remaining reasons, the big one not yet (maybe never) here is something from ysaloerye. I'm sure he'll post and then I'll respond and talk about all the ways he's an ass and terrible individually and for the game.

But the posts so far. Kstadia, you obviously know nothing about me, or the character. And of course you know you know nothing. But you like to be a troll and you go post something untrue, knowing it to be untrue, just to cause trouble. Wabailla was my only character, and I haven't rolled a new character, and I don't have any plans to. But you just wanted attention and decided to post on my death thread with something you knew you had no idea about, just to be a ####. That's what makes you an asshole.

Naz####, you are even worse. You come here and post that I full looted Murghol. As Oxias has made clear that Murghol wasn't full looted and his things were returned. In fact he got everything back but for two items. Two. Maybe you could be forgiven for what you did, and what you wrote here, if you didn't know all that. But of course you did, because that next time you killed me was 10 minutes later - WITH MURGHOL, who was in your group, fighting me with you, fully equipped. Full looting me while you knew I did no such thing, and then coming to an ooc board and lying about it later, that's what makes you an asshole.

As I said above, the other big asshole is ysaloerye, but I know it won't matter what I say about it.

Izqi, you were always great. Grow and replace him.

Deormdel, you were great. Up until you went totally AWOL for months. Without changing your status on the imm helpfile list of imms available. I hope everything's alright with you in real life, and if it isn't of course that's more important. But if it was just ignoring us (other people looking for you kept asking me if I'd seen you), it made all of us feel pretty crappy. Either way though thank you for the talks and the tattoo, it really was great and I really had been looking forward to a lot more talking about the religion and Wabailla's place in it. For the game's sake I hope you get back to it.

Villagers, I pretty much liked all of you. Some more than others, often just a result of log in times coinciding so knowing you more and spending time with you more so getting to like you more. If anyone has anything they want to talk about or any of you villagers want to post, I'll gladly respond.

Everyone else, let me make a suggestion. And I'll single out Freun here. If you initiate fights and flee over and over and over, going and healing yourself and coming back, and doing it again, and again, and again, each time just barely getting away with your life, don't eventually come back when I'm finally sleeping to heal up from all those fights you lost and yell taunts as though somehow I'd been fleeing and running from you for the last half hour, and had been afraid to leave the cabal. Not only is it a waste of time as it's not going to get anyone to just get up and come fight you half-dead, but it makes you look like a total idiot and someone you want to avoid. In a game where interaction is the point, getting people wanting to avoid you - especially someone who already has no interest in you, as a battlerager would have no interest in some random non-enemy warrior - is just counterproductive.

I'll probably post on gameplay at some point about things that should be changed but I don't want to do that on the battlefield.

Unlikely to play again, or at least not for a long time. The last couple characters have really shown how in the big three areas (gameplay, players, imms) are more bad than good. Which is really unfortunate because when it's good, it's great.

Good luck to all.

129889, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Wabailla the Glacial Beast of the Underdark, Drillmistress of Battle
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a fort lowbie given how often I saw you on whe during raids and defenses. Then I saw you were duerg & thought wow.... This ####er is committed to looting heros. Then of course you stoped doing that, probably 50 hours after I heroed. Good work and good luck with your next
129890, We need a tampon star!
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You got full looted once? A non village ELF wouldn't fight you straight up? Omg the game is ruined what ever shall we do...

I know, let's forget RP and group with scarabs!
129891, Woe
Posted by Crastus Poole on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a spitfire who packed a punch. I could not justify traveling with you but for raids and defenses, but I could not help but respect you. You fought hard, against odds, and aside from you thinking the Rites were showing favoritism (Ysal: "XXX is 30 minutes late, let's reschedule the Rites") you never complained or break role from what I saw. Crastus respected you, and he doesn't give respect away.

I hope to play alongside you again in the near future.
129892, Wow.
Posted by Kleiran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's one hell of a goodbye post. I remember when I challenged you to a duel and actually showed up at the village. You came out, kicked my ass and (without killing me) basically patted me on my head and sent me on my silly way. I thought you were really cool and deliberate in any fight I was in with you. I for one hope you come back because everything that I saw was awesome. But that's just my opinion obviously.

ps Wah, yah did'nae like tha notes ah sent yeh, mah flower?
129893, Did you play Burwell?
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That angst against Ysal sounds similar from that character.
129894, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Wabailla the Glacial Beast of the Underdark, Drillmistress of Battle
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>This thread, with just a few posts, is already a perfect
>example of most of why I deleted. Of the remaining reasons,
>the big one not yet (maybe never) here is something from
>ysaloerye. I'm sure he'll post and then I'll respond and talk
>about all the ways he's an ass and terrible individually and
>for the game.

Well, to start off - I'm not sure whether to be glad, or insulted
I didn't get brought up for good or ill. I won't speak for
Ysaloerye, but personally I was waiting for you to post whatever
goodbyes you might before phrasing a response.

>Everyone else, let me make a suggestion. And I'll single out
>Freun here. If you initiate fights and flee over and over and
>over, going and healing yourself and coming back, and doing it
>again, and again, and again, each time just barely getting
>away with your life, don't eventually come back when I'm
>finally sleeping to heal up from all those fights you lost and
>yell taunts as though somehow I'd been fleeing and running
>from you for the last half hour, and had been afraid to leave
>the cabal. Not only is it a waste of time as it's not going
>to get anyone to just get up and come fight you half-dead, but
>it makes you look like a total idiot and someone you want to
>avoid. In a game where interaction is the point, getting
>people wanting to avoid you - especially someone who already
>has no interest in you, as a battlerager would have no
>interest in some random non-enemy warrior - is just

Honestly, I think while it clearly could be said with a bit more tact, I feel some of those who've responded to you do allude to some valid points. Throughout the character, you came across as someone who was skilled, played a reasonable character, but you also appeared to lean towards being slightly powergamey given the option. You want to win, they want to win. Everyone's the bad guy to everyone else.

>I'll probably post on gameplay at some point about things that
>should be changed but I don't want to do that on the

There's probably some things that involve Battle, probably some that involve Imms in general. I'll mention ones that I've been involved with, or have some info towards.

1) Battle/Scarab/Nightwalkers. When Scarab arrived and Scion vanished, the entire cabal more or less replaced with in all ways. I wanted to get a little more thought on this from the cabal. My intent was to leave some room for debate, but that's difficult to do sometimes as an Immortal. Your word tends to get taken for law, and I'll admit Destuvius did bring up something I missed in my first conversations.

2) Last name. In some ways, from my viewpoint you just ended up a slightly bad rap from me. For various reasons, I've become significantly more stingy about last names. That's part of why I never rewarded you with yours. The other, more significant part was that whenever I came around to a moment I felt you were deserving of a reward, I decided on a different reward.

3) Commander - Unfortunately, I'd fully intended to be at the latest Rites (and perhaps Ysal was waiting for me), but a family issue came up and I wasn't able to make it. Sorry about that.

>Unlikely to play again, or at least not for a long time. The
>last couple characters have really shown how in the big three
>areas (gameplay, players, imms) are more bad than good. Which
>is really unfortunate because when it's good, it's great.

Ultimately, you were one of the most rewarded characters during the time of Wabailla, and I'm sorry that you felt otherwise. To be perfectly honest, a tattoo'd, RC win, leader character with more Immxp than all but two current characters is more than I've gotten from any of my characters. Yes, it sucks if your Imm either goes missing or is ignoring you, but you were a non-priest with a tattoo. You certainly weren't missing anything from him.

I think you (and a good amount of the playerbase) would be a lot happier if they could get over "winning" at CF and just played to enjoy a character, win or lose.

>Good luck to all.

Good luck to you as well, with luck we'll see you again sometime.
129896, I think you're missing something important...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Everyone else, let me make a suggestion. And I'll single out Freun here. If you initiate fights and flee over and over and over, going and healing yourself and coming back, and doing it again, and again, and again, each time just barely getting away with your life, don't eventually come back when I'm finally sleeping to heal up from all those fights you lost and yell taunts as though somehow I'd been fleeing and running from you for the last half hour, and had been afraid to leave the cabal. Not only is it a waste of time as it's not going to get anyone to just get up and come fight you half-dead, but it makes you look like a total idiot and someone you want to avoid. In a game where interaction is the point, getting people wanting to avoid you - especially someone who already has no interest in you, as a battlerager would have no interest in some random non-enemy warrior - is just counterproductive. <

This is somewhat of a Graatch-ian logic fail. You are projecting your own ideas on how people should RP, at the same time not realizing that their RP may be perfectly valid, YOUR CHARACTER (or you in general) JUST DON'T LIKE IT.

Which is how I felt about Wabailla towards the end.

I think this was a really strong character. I fought you a bunch with my failed NEXUS character like 3-4 months ago, and you were a ####ing monster in the low levels (duergar rager sword spec is usually nigh unstoppable at low levels, especially geared up). Then you finally got into hero range and Bron had a lot of good scraps with you. I enjoyed our trash talk until I felt like it started to turn OOC because you were getting annoyed I kept attacking you.

Kind of like Leata, or Muuksube, I didn't like your RP, but I appreciated and respected that you put the effort in to RP. In a lot of ways you were Bron's favorite foe, in a lot of ways you were his least favorite foe.

That being said, that log of you raiding with Venara was gross and if I was a BATTLE IMM you would have been booted.

Hope you play again, and Ysal is dope, I don't know what the #### you're talking about.
129897, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Wabailla the Glacial Beast of the Underdark, Drillmistress of Battle
Posted by Umiron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Everyone else, let me make a suggestion. And I'll single out
>Freun here. If you initiate fights and flee over and over and
>over, going and healing yourself and coming back, and doing it
>again, and again, and again, each time just barely getting
>away with your life, don't eventually come back when I'm
>finally sleeping to heal up from all those fights you lost and
>yell taunts as though somehow I'd been fleeing and running
>from you for the last half hour, and had been afraid to leave
>the cabal. Not only is it a waste of time as it's not going
>to get anyone to just get up and come fight you half-dead, but
>it makes you look like a total idiot and someone you want to
>avoid. In a game where interaction is the point, getting
>people wanting to avoid you - especially someone who already
>has no interest in you, as a battlerager would have no
>interest in some random non-enemy warrior - is just

Team Battle can correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds like exactly the kind of tactics a BattleRager should appreciate in his or her opponents.

Hit and run, taunting, trying to get your opponent off their game or overextend themselves. These sounds like some of the better strategies a genuinely outmatched opponent can employ to fight you.

It really does seem like you're whining because people won't do it Your Wayâ„¢, which is especially problematic when your way isn't necessarily bad RP or poor sportsmanship on their part.

If you are the same player who has written basically this same rant multiple times before, it's possible the common denominator is you.

You can get angry and blame the game, the immortals, the other players, etc., but that won't make your future experiences in CF more fun for you or anyone else and that's too bad. So consider retrospecting on all of this and seeing if you can't come up with some way, given the factors you are in control of, to set yourself up for a better time the next go around.

129898, I can't speak for anything else you've said...
Posted by Sephira on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But you were a monster, I could never make a dent in you, even with full ABS/stoneskin/shields. You just put out ALOT of hurt and took almost none. I wish our fights could've been more interesting, but it was always oneside with you. The closest I came was that time in the Sea when you actually got me.

I'd say GLWYN, but you seem intent on not rolling. So good luck on life?
129899, =) n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
129900, He also has no sense of humour
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
129905, I think the fact that Kstatida was joking went way over your head....
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just so you know. Just never take him seriously, he's married.
129874, Deleted Reply - Raja
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looks like the anonymous handle you picked has an account, so
deleted the post just in case. Feel free to try again, just don't use "Raja" as the name you're aiming for!
129871, Damn
Posted by Kleiran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked this character from the few interactions we had. Good luck with your next. Hope to see you soon.
129863, You were my first full loot in CF.
Posted by Nazarates on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was eavesdropping you after you fulled Murghol and heard you order your lowbies to do the same to me. I don't really know why, kind of a bitch move tbh. But as it worked out you died first so I figured I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. Beyond that raiding with Venara (with a nightwalker) was lame for a Villager imo. I don't care what the current dogma is. All of that just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Only good thing I can say is that you had your moments in combat. Very tough But impale;call bloodthirst;warcry;flurry;!;! is only going to get you so far when people figure out your MO.

129866, RE: You were my first full loot in CF.
Posted by Oxias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I witnessed this and remember thinking damn... is there a full on loot war happening between the Empire and Village right now?

Wabailla told me to take Murghols things. As an applicant I of course obeyed. She ended up returning them in the end. It wasn't long after that you killed her.
129860, Whoa, sad.
Posted by Oxias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is surprising. You were a damn beast and from my POV a pretty great villager and DM. I dug your RP a lot. Very tough duergery RP. I hope you'll let us know why you deleted. It's unexpected and disappointing. Thanks for the induct.
129865, Nothing personal
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was inducted to Entropy.
129867, RE: Nothing personal
Posted by Oxias on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure I follow what you mean. Who was inducted into entropy?
129869, he's being an ass and saying they deleted to roll a mage and join entropy
Posted by Uerlante on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ha ha Made you look.
129870, Exactly
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I object the ass part though