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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [None] Worthag TuskFury the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=129653
129653, (AGE DEATH) [None] Worthag TuskFury the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Nov 18 22:56:55 2016

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 19th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Worthag perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
129666, Goodbyes
Posted by Worthag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks to the Immortals for all you do to try and keep this game afloat. I have been alive for too long so I am sure I will miss people. Tried to get some old and newer characters in the thread.

I also never did understand what I was supposed to do for the orc quest, since I got a few orcs to the high levels but then never heard anything.

Worthag was definitely one of my more enjoyable orcs, despite not being as much as aggressive as other orcs I have played. I could have played an orc that beat down on villagers, but that just makes the villagers not want to play and drop numbers. Despite what some think, Wort and the Empire did war and did not depending on usually how many Destuvius followers they had and what position they were in, or they had a power hungry AP who didn't care
what the Emperor said.

So I eventually took the stance of, if your cabal had an elf or wood elf in power, then the gods were tempting Wort to destroy the cabal until a more suitable leader was appointed. So I did war with the village for a bit, and then there numbers seem to decrease, so I was happy that they eventually got rid of their wood elf leaders that seemed not to show when wort was on anyway.

Wort would destroy anyone stupid enough to attack his horde, so if you were not one that Wort actively hunted, but struck his "horde/group", he was not going to let it go.

I am also sure I could be labeled as being too nice as when I killed people, I often did not take a lot of things and/or make a war banner out of them to destroy them, as I just think there are already too few people that want to fight me that I didn't want to make it less, and lose any more players.

Rotswang: Thanks for the interaction, and for helping me with my sow problem. Wort wanted to get some recognition from the "Orc Gods", and I really appreciate it, even though Wort was actually timid of the gods when they showed themselves. Also, thanks for echo for what the tattoo did at the end, and now I realize what it was doing.

Adira: Wort hated you the most, but luckily you did teach me how to gear better for transmuters, so thanks for that. However, throughout most of Worthag's life, he still carried around things to help against transmuter since he was always scared of them.

Sodsob: You were second on the list. When we were together, we wrecked people. Actually probably tied with the Lich, and the reason Wort went to war with the Empire. OOC: I figured you would try and kill me and tell the Emperor, you couldn't read his decree or I attacked you first, so was not surprised when that did happen. It led Wort(IC) to believe that the Emperor could not be trusted to make standing decrees. You left Wort with a wariness of letting any Anti-paladins get too strong if he could prevent it.

Gaspare: At first, I was okay, this guy seems to be the only imperial about, maybe I should help him out, and not kill him after he fled from the outlanders. And then we made the deal that Imperials and Orcs would work together, but the first time "Sodsob" it was violated, you did nothing to him. So then Wort figured either you were not one to keep your word or just didn't care. Wort unfortunately did not stand much a chance against you, but was able to get some pleasure out of killing your other imperials. You seemed to be always able to sleep me with ease.

Caecilius: I loved your arrogant style. You were a damn good thief, and I literally had a key tied to bash Caec in case I ever saw you appear from the shadows. I knew you were not going to get me alone, but that you would easily bring the cavalry to me.

Valdifer: Was great fighting against you and even when we sort of joined sides, but not really to try and take sob down. You were great fun to fight against as another not afraid to mix it up.

Burwell: You probably were the one that took the brunt of the war with Wort versus the Elf led battle. But you still had the spunk to keep telling Wort that
you were going to bury him which made the fights all that more enjoyable.

Dundlin: One of my favorite fighting buddies, I loved that you were willing to go scrap at anyone practically anytime. Then you had to go and get me turned
into a sow. Hah!

Daphedee: Early on, Wort hated you and thought you favored the lightwalking thiefs as you allowed them to steal from Wort in the inn. So he tried and failed a few times to kill you in the inn. Damn duo, bouncers, missed bash. Eventually Wort gave up trying to kill you and decided that you weren't really an elf since you actually were nice to evils and you at least killed some time talking in the inn when there wasn't anyone to hunt.

Lithodora: Wort liked you as often you were one of the few thiefs that was not too afraid to fight Wort. Although I think most of your tactics would not have worked, as I think you focused too much on getting rid of the slave, but really all you had to do was strangle me and wait a couple of hours and the slave would have left on its own, so never understood that last fight.

Kowelu: My friend early on, and probably the most willing herald to fight with Wort, and help him learn which Wort appreciated.

Xoog: My ranking partner and the one early on that I thought we could combine forces, then you off and deleted so Wort was unhappy.

Khazhrim: My "lost ballox" friend. I enjoyed our banter as much as the actual fights. Good enemy.

Jeede: My oldest friend and always was a little wary around you, but figured that when we first became friends, that you hated "Shadow Wimp" and
the imperials as much as I did.

Nazarates: The one emperor that Wort trusted, and probably would have agreed with your plan, but as Wort expressed IC that he had already been "burnt"
before. Sadly, I was going to agree later that night since I figured it would be an interesting spin, but then you logged off and I age died.

Ikoxus: Wort loved running around with you since you always seemed to want to do what Wort did. Go get the stick and orb, and crush any in the way.

Undaraxyl: My mummy friend. Wort loved wrecking havoc with you and our hordes, as we would watch all the prey either fall to us or quickly log off.

Kycue: Damn we were quite a combination, and could pretty much gather anything together. Loved running around with you even though you didn't want
to kill all those lightwalkers with me.

Darvoderis: One of those Destuvius priests that Wort despised. Unlucky for you Wort had already fought a few shamans prior to your lifetime, so he
was already geared and prepared for fights against you. But I loved that you were always willing to fight.

Golth: Wort loved you as a tribunal, and even remember you giving the lich's shield since I figured you were the only one who could keep it away from him,
and then the next day I saw you as a WarMaster. However, I liked the fact that you didn't actively hunt Wort unless ordered. I saw how hard you hit and
imagined the fight would come down close.

Muuk: One of the first few to coerce Wort back to not warring with the imperials. Mainly because Wort loved summoners to bring his hiding prey to him.

Rodacir: Wort had you on his watch list, as he did not trust you to not kill him if a situation got bad enough where you thought you could succeed. But Wort
loved having summoners bring him his prey that would often sit at the watcher.

Azi: Man I kept thinking, maybe if I do this then I can handle you alone, but every time it seemed like I would win, you would manage to escape.

Grondarg: I loved having another orc around that wasn't afraid to rank and mix things up. I wasn't all that surprised that you challenged me, and actually was hoping you would do so. I didn't want to squelch you since I wanted you around just to keep things from getting so mundane with no one rolling orcs.

Orcs: Man some of you need to just bear on through the ranks and rank up. I got tired of equipping so many young orcs with midnight dragon stuff, orc stuff, and good weapons that I just quit until I saw you at least with an adaptation. Good luck to whoever gets chief.

I am sure I could go on and on, I will try and monitor the thread and respond.

129672, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Ulrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Ulrok LOVED when any orc logged in, but especially when you did. Ulrok whole thing is that he coveted the power of the orcs and ultimately wanted to be one. Thanks for all the fun and sorry I deleted before you died. GLWYN and great job with Wort!
129675, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by dolt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gobs! Another one that would log on a lot to keep the fun coming. I was actually quite disappointed that you deleted, and always hoped goblins could rank up a bit more to actually hunt with hero orcs.

It was great getting the goblin report from you whenever I would log in.
129684, Orcy Porcy
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah fave orc in some time.
Always fun to watch and interact with, always looking for elfies to smash. For a while the orc village was rocking with you at the helm, then when others fell away you kept doing your thang.
I think I first interacted with this char back in 2015 so great run!
129686, You annoyed me deeply by snaking the throne from me, because of a bug.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because I went neutral trying to do something to affect the orcs on a permanent basis, every time I logged out, I lost the throne and had to re-gather it when I logged back in. REALLY pissed me off because nobody ever bothered to fix it, even though I both prayed and bug boarded it, but you totally derailed what I had working at the time.

I considered issuing a Chieftain challenge but

A. I never saw you on at the same time when my allies were around to help.
B. Double wrath vuln REALLY sucked, and even though I was still neut and trying to change the clan, I was still being attacked nonstop by certain Fort/Refuge assbags looking for a cheap kill (looking your way Lilyth).
C. Certain asshole Refuge shifter who kept attacking me, then saying "You better not be plotting against Worthag", even though I had given up on it by this point already, and was just doing my own thing.
D. My problem was never fixed, the cycle would have repeated, me logging out, you retaking the throne without having to fight me.
E. B and C really REALLY sapped the fun for me, so I figured "#### it, let him have it" and autodeleted.

You were a super strong Chieftain, and I rolled another orc under you who went to 50 having a blast hanging with you and then sat there unable to get the edge points for hitting 51, but stopped seeing you on after I hit 50, so I had no chance to challenge you, which I had plans for. You lasted a LONG ####ing time, which goes to your credit.

Good times, Good luck with your next.
129687, I think you got the bug wrong
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the bug would be having a non evil Orc in the clan and able to challenge for chief at all. Seems like something trenblefist and the Orc gods would frown on.
129688, I was Chieftain when I was turned neut.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They had to tweak my pillaged weapons, so I could use them. I was told the issue with my Chieftainship would be done too, but it never was. Hence, every log out, I lost the throne, and had to kill Bolg on relog. This went on for a while before Worthag took the throne.
129699, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Adira/Muuksube on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I demolished you with Adira - that was fun.

I got to play alongside you and demolish outlanders and piss off Destuvius - that was fun too.

Best Orc since Krunk IMHO. Good job man!

129727, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, had no idea anyone from Lithodora's time was still alive!

As far as tactics go, I don't think I ever intentionally tried to get rid of a slave. If I spent time aiming at one it was probably because I spammed too many commands and lagged myself enough that I couldn't redirect onto you in a timely manner.

I was a giant wuss about fighting Worthag. Super-bash plus the fact that your orc skills could save you from cheap shot perma-lag made it not a great proposition for me. Even prepped, attacking you represented a significant risk of self-death paired with lower-than-usual odds of getting a kill.

One thing I regret: there was this one time where you took the time to beat on an assembled horde of "special" guards at the east gate of Galadon. I was there hiding, watching you fight them. You got down to...gushing? writhing? Instead of attacking you, I stepped away to quaff a prep or something and by the time I returned you'd blood-healed back up to nearly full health. Distinct lack of carpe diem on my part.
129748, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Kycue Thistletop on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved Worthag. Like a big, smelly, cuddly evil bear. I remember that time you had that run-in with Aava in the orc village after we were in High Lord's. Was a great time. Thanks.
129876, Sorry to reply so late....
Posted by Vonzamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but I got on today specifically just to see if Worthag had ever died. Valdifer, Darvoderis, and Grondarg were all mine. Worthag was consistently one of my favorite (probably my favorite overall) character during 2016 whether it was an enemy, friend, or frenemy. I think you did a very good job of playing an orc while balancing orcishness with recognizing CF is a game and you should try to conduct yourself in a way that makes it fun for everyone (or at least doesn't crush their soul) whether you are winning or losing.

Glad to hear you got Rotwang's tat, and a bit jealous you got clued in on what it did.
129879, Isn't it obvious?
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean when you get trampled by him.
129659, Oww..
Posted by Kleiran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were an awesome enemy. Real easy to hate for IC reasons, but you were classy as hell when you smashed me into the ground. I think that I just recently appreciated how dangerous you were. I'm actually really disappointed that I won't get to try my new spiffy "tactics" with our next encounter. Oh well. Maybe you can smash me into the ground with your next?
129676, RE: Oww..
Posted by dolt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, it always seemed like I was able to get your number, and that often your allies were quicker to leave than I thought they would, so it made it easier to kill you. I think I saw some of those new tactics when the mummy showed up in voralia, and I said oh maybe this could get a lot more interesting.
129656, A good character
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But not orc enough to my liking. The chaos and evil and cunning and covetousness and cowardice were not really there.

But then again, a noticeable presence and a good character otherwise.
129658, Too honorable and reliable?
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've helped so many orcs as Kowelu and it's awesome to see how far some of them prospered. Not that Worthag needed much of my help :)

Later when I played Laeden we were almost "friendly". He made a point not to break laws and in exchange I promised to leave him alone and let him kill my enemies. If you did the same you could have the same terms but you'd never do it of course; too hardcore.
129661, That's exactly the point
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I were the Chief, I'd betray you the second I felt like it. Then beg for forgiveness, then betray again. And try to eat your face in-between. Because that's orc.

Worthag was different. Fun nevertheless, but different.
129654, Probably my favorite orc of all time.
Posted by Nazarates on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job. It's a shame our plans never came together. Looking forward to your next.

Also 470 hours? Is that normal for an orc?
129655, pretty sure chief gets leader age/con
Posted by Jhyrbian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM